A short commentary from a local Correspondent. The bubble world is becoming more fundamentalist:
There I was minding my own business, driving up a street in Clearwater today when I noticed a sticker on a van window two cars ahead.
At first, I thought “uh?”, then it hit me – WTF?!?!?!
I have never liked the stickers of a little s%^&head micturating on some other symbol (i.e., a Ford pick up will have a sticker of this character voiding on the Chevy symbol, etc.); I find it offensive actually. It remains me of high school punks who compulsively tried to create effects – very pubescent. More like idiots parading around saying “Oh, I special because you noticed me!”
Or “pooh! I am soooo overt!” WTFE!!!
In HCO PL 2 Sept 1970 II, LRH wrote that the first policy on Scientology Organizations was:
This sticker does anything, but that. Further, it serves to create a wider gap in the HUGE chasm that is the church’s PR within the Clearwater community. Not last month the mayor of Clearwater was on TV saying he thinks the CofS needed to come forth and explain to the public and the government what it is doing and what its intentions for residing in Clearwater are.
But I digress: Take the First Policy along with the LRH lecture “R-factor and Letter Registers” and it gives one a basic point from which to view. Couple these two LRH sources together and one needs to take into account that MU’s and Study Tech must be applied to dissemination – particularly raw public dissemination. In fact, the attached photos, are a demonstration of the abuse of the following:
‘Any repeated or continued violation of the five points of out study tech listed below, after two Courts of Ethics for violation of these points, subjects the person to a Committee of Evidence on the charge of committing an act or omission undertaken to knowingly suppress, reduce or impede Scientology or Scientologists, and if found guilty beyond reasonable doubt, the person may be declared suppressive and expelled with full penalties:
5. Any Public Division person, staff member or Scientologist found using terms, circumstances or data on raw public in public lectures or promotion or in PR beyond the public ability to grasp without stressing study tech or at once taking effective measures to clarify, or releasing materials broadly to a wrong public may be summoned to a Court of Ethics if any flap or upset results. The charge is failure to apply study tech in dissemination.’ HCO PL 23 Dec 65RB SUPPRESSIVE ACTS SUPPRESSION OF SCIENTOLOGY AND SCIENTOLOGISTS.
One must ask – well at least I did – what is the purpose of this communication? What is the effect this “scientologist” is trying to create?
I cannot see a valid or effective or useful one. I mean, really? What is the comm? “We are so cool, we pee on the generality of psychiatry? “
Like the damn thing is effective at creating a reach to do something about the nose dive this world is in. I bet, if the owner’s name was cross checked against the IAS Pixy Dust List(c) that the owner is a “Platinum 5X Humongous Whale” (who drives a late model van, ’cause he/she gleefully donated his/her inheritance to the Scuba Trip War Chest(c) ).
Now, certainly, this individual has yet to be called to a Court of Ethics nor remotely close to a Comm Ev.
So what does that say?
It queues the observant and trained to the fact that the Tone Level of the “scientologist” who owns this vehicle is below 2.0 – at a minimum. From there, SOS tells one the rest of the story.
One could extrapolate, by applying the Data Series, that this window sticker’s source was CCHR (are there any West Coast Correspondents that can confirm a sighting of such a window sticker?) And then the penny would drop: What is the Tone Level of the source point…..?
To say the least, I was appalled by this. Like, I want to be part of a group of immature s#%&heads. Personally, this is a minor epiphany on a chain of hundreds before. More and more I am coming to understand and to see that “my group” was not as it appeared.
I guess, deep down all thetans are not equal; and these photos demonstrate that this f@#! is living proof of that maxim.
Chief Gulf Coast Photo Correspondent
While the stickers are offensive to some people, I am offended by the use of a $4.00 word instead of ‘urinate.’ Which is a $3.50 word for piss.
Just because you can doesn’t mean you should. Just sayin.
I lived in LA and was around PAC for years. All I heard was how the Psychs were taking over the world and it was full of SP’s. I did the PTS SP course to make sure I could handle and confront this Evil. Of course since I moved to the east coast I have never actually met a real SP and most of the Psych based therapists you run into just want to help people. Maybe knowing the tech made me able to confront it but in reality there isn’t 2.5% of society suppressing the rest of us. I don’t doubt there are real SPs but the numbers just don’t add up.
Oh yeah…that bumper sticker was the latest “Release” from last weeks graduation! They are selling them for $1500, or they have a special where you can buy 2 for $3000! This is from some lost tech that our Dear Leader found hidden in a box that some SP tried to prevent the masses from being, doing and having. I got 2 and it put me in Doubt…..should I put both on my car, and give one to someone else?
“Fanaticism is the only way to put an end to the doubts that constantly trouble the human soul.”
-Paulo Coehlo
As a Nascar fan, I am outraged. For the COS to squirrel our sacred symbol of Calvin peeing on our least favorite driver, usually Jeff Gordon or Kyle Busch, is an attack on all followers of Nascar. When I get back to my trailer, Im going to get in my pickup, and drive down to Clearwater and protest in my Richard Petty mask. So take that, COS,
Fundamentalist indeed.
I doubt a single psychiatrist would look at that sticker and do anything other than shake their heads in dismay.
But a micturating on scientology sticker seen by a “fully on board” OTVIII ambassador…?
I shudder at the thought.
Talk about foot-bullets.
Psychiatry as a practice is and has for years been in need of having its abusive practices exposed to the light of day. As a subject it does have a a great deal of inhumanity, betrayal and brutality in its history. There is no argument with that. Decades ago the COS was lauded for educating the public about many of these horrible practices: electro shock “therapy”, insulin shock “therapy”, psycho-surgery, psychotrophic “medications”, deep sleep “therapy”, various questionable “sex therapies”, forcible commitments……. list goes on and on, ad nauseum.
However, this stupid little bad-boy cartoon doesn’t educate anybody about anything.
It is just third partying because it has not data, no time, place, form or event. It just tries to blurt out that _____ is “bad” and, like the childish decals that adorn bubba’s pickup pissing on Chevys or Fords or whatever, it says more about the slack-jawed, knuckle dragging, butt cleavage displaying owner of the pickup than it says about any particular automotive manufacturer.
Nobody listens seriously to anything “Bubba” says except his drinking buddies….. maybe …if he is lucky.
If the COS really wanted to educate the public about psychiatry as a quite real public menace, they might have picked a better spokesperson to position themselves with.
As it is they are actually promoting psychiatric abuses with ads of this type. What bone heads.
Yeah, that decal will help lots of people change their minds.
In the battle of wits, I think this guy lost.
When I first got into Scientology my course sup told my that psychiatrists were suppressives. I recall being rather shocked to hear her say that so unequivocally. Years later I had more reality on ECT, pre-frontal lobotomies, etc and grew into agreement with it. But at the time such was beyond my reality. Now, as to this vulgar decal, I’m taking the viewpoint of a raw public in a comm cycle with the owner of this thing; boy would that turn me off if he identified himself as a Scientologist to me. I mean, it would just completely turn me off about Scientology because with no other data, I would link it up mentally that this guy/this decal = Scientology. Its really quite out-PR.
The over the top hatred of everyone in the mental health field who is not a Scientologist never set well with me. When you get away from the church for a while it seems to stand out even more. From my reading It appears that the lion’s share of mental health comes in the form of meds that can be prescribed by any doctor (big Pharma loves that.) The public loves quick and easy and pills seem to give people what they want (stupid as that may be.) I think the better target is to inform people of the damage to brain chemistry that happens from prolonged use of serotonin reuptake inhibitors. There’s a lot of toxic shit that people take in our society because they are oblivious to either the bad effects or they just aren’t aware enough to care to look for healthier choices. With the church (if it was less radical and not run by someone who thrives on hatred) I don’t think it had to be a message of hate, it could have just been “tampering with brain chemistry is not a great solution, take a look at this instead.” Heck, if you disseminated the data correctly you could have a number of mental health professionals recommending that people don’t go on mood pills. It’s an education thing. There is a difference between ignorance and evil.
To me it only shows a general attack of an uninformed person. I think it is ok to fight against specific abuses in psychiatry. A general attack is stupid.
And let’s be honest to ourselves here. If the cult would not fair game people, then we would wear T-shirts saying: “The cult of Scientology kills” or “pee on Scientology”.
Now the same applies here. A general attack is incorrect. Attacking specific abuses is ok. And put the tonescale aside! There is nothing wrong with being 2.0 on some aspects of life. Who brainwashed you that it would be bad? I love eating steak and I know I am killing cows for that. It is impossible to be tone 40 on everything. Otherwise there was no life, just Buddhas flying in the air, not breathing in bacteria (which kills them).
We are in a game, right? You must suppress others to win. That is life!
Do you want to be tone 40, then die!
You definitely bring up some good points Mike. I volunteered with the Industry of Death exhibit a few of times and while it certainly had some important points to make I was always a bit embarrassed that they seemed to be buried by the overall stridency of the exhibit. It’s as if the volume was turned up to 11 for everything to “create an effect”. I always had a fear that it cheapened the message and made us look silly – similar to the government’s ridiculously exaggerated “Reefer Madness” style claims about marijuana.
I think that is the intent. Much of what goes on in the name of Scientology in recent years is cringe-inducing for any reasonable person. That and the continual squirrelling of the tech, it seems to me, can only indicate that either the C of S is run by an idiot or idiots or it is being deliberately run into the ground. My money is on the latter. Nobody could be that stupid.
Great analogy and so true, Hexa.
The “piss” decals have been in Phoenix since 2007 or so. I never did like them or the Psychiatry Kills stuff. I think that came from CCHR- shirts, bumper stickers and stuff.
I have posted versions of this elsewhere. Thus, I should probably submit it here.
First, with all due respect, the above concerning psychiatry is most assuredly not evidence that the “bubble world is becoming more fundamentalist.” In the area of psychiatry, Scientology has always (at least within my lifetime) been absurdly, pathetically, and indeed grotesquely, fundamentalist.
Secondly, read carefully the reasoning of Mike’s correspondent. Is the Church of Scientology and Scientologists denigrating, and indeed pissing on, psychiatrists and psychiatry objectionable because it is morally wrong and reprehensible? No. Of course not.
No, the Church of Scientology and Scientologists denigrating, and pissing on, psychiatrists and psychiatry is objectionable because it is bad PR. Because by doing so one fails to “maintain friendly relations with the environment.” Thus, if the environment found such behavior acceptable, or at least tolerable — if the PR cost was not too high — then piss away.
The other reason why the Church of Scientology and Scientologists denigrating, and pissing on, psychiatrists and psychiatry is objectionable, as described above, is because the “Church” has failed to adequately explain WHY psychiatrists and psychiatry DESERVE to be pissed on. That is, to be more precise, the corporate Scientologists have been:
“found using terms, circumstances or data on raw public in public lectures or promotion or in PR BEYOND THE PUBLIC ABILITY TO GRASP WITHOUT STRESSING STUDY TECH OR AT ONCE TAKING EFFECTIVE MEASURES TO CLARIFY”
It is not that publicly pissing on psychiatrists and psychiatry is wrong. It is that there has been a failure to “clarify” why it is right.
I largely agree with Mike’s correspondent — the communication at issue is stupid because it is “out PR” — but I”m concerned he doesn’t go far enough, doesn’t take the next step. Yes, the communication is “out PR,” but more importantly (in my view) it is morally wrong and reprehensible.
Possibly more reprehensible than you know. CO$ declines to accept people
for services even for such trite matters as when a teen being a week on “Psyche” drugs
and subsequently going clear. This when discovered by FES or whatever resulted in
denial of further auditing. [actual case] Another example of insanity in this area is a friend
who is periodically taken by police and put in a locked secure mental ward was visited
on these occasions by a scientologist friend. He was advised at Flag to visit no further as
our friend was doing “other practices”. One might extrapolate from that one would be warned to
disconnect from someone doing meditation!
Then we have the example of Lisa McPherson. The incompetance at flag resulted in her death,
despite all their resources. Yet they would piss on those who could help her.
“One must ask – well at least I did – what is the purpose of this communication? What is the effect this “scientologist” is trying to create?”
More and more I’m beginning to believe Scientologists have evolved an internal sort of gold star system, about 4th or 5th grade action to please think. Actually piss on a psychiatrist would probably get 5 Stars right off. I wonder how many he has on his frig…. or glued to his lapel for all, especially the King Monkey to notice.
Back to battery, the generalized condemnation of all psychiatry landed Hubbard and the Church and “us” in it in a whole lot of arguments explaining away the reactive irrational, and created a terrible amount of unnecessary extra-curricular activity. Talk about NOT maintaining friendly relations… quite the dichotomy.
There was broad public outcry against psychiatry at the time Hubbard counter-attacked practices in the field of psychiatry – ice-baths, electric shock, removing portions of the brain – basically mindless experiments on unwilling and defenseless subjects. Scientology can restore damaged beings to sanity within a few months of auditing. The contrast between pyschiatry’s ineffectiveness, and the startling success of auditing, especially back then, was very much worth noting.
With the genuine expansion of the Co$, back then, and in the face of attacks by established special interest groups such as the AMA, the side-line “best defense is a good offense” attention to the wild abuses of psychiatry made sense, and did not detract from the central business of training.and auditing. And in those times, it was a public service with a positive goal. There was clear focus. Psychiatrists’ mindless experimentations and gross human rights abuses were stopped.
Today, this sticker is just one more example of the utter degredation of the Co$, it’s inability to evaluate relative importances, and some would say it is evidence of the Co$ dedication to the destruction of everything Hubbard worked for, by every means possible.
Hubbard’s principal goal was not to eradicate psychiatry – it was to train and audit. Maybe some will think I’m some version of a koolaid drinker, but if you want to learn a subject worth learning, you have to put some serious attention on it, not just slap at it. In bitter irony, due to loss of focus in the past, begun when Hubbard left the building ca. 1976, and the slide downhill began, Scientologists today have a significant sideline, which is stopping the Co$ destruction, mindless experiments, and gross human rights abuses.
Once the Co$ is defunct, I doubt much attention will be paid to silly stickers – or to blogs such as this one exposing the lies and savagery of the Co$ today. But Miscavige remains “in control” of the degredation, still. One must be sure to accomplish one’s goals of stopping, and until that is accomplished, this blog is important.
As they say in chess, “The hardest thing to win, is a won game.”
This guy probably donated $100,000 to CCHR and got this groovy sticker! You are right Mike – it is very trailer trash-ish!
What’s that reference…”disseminates ineffectively and rails when any effective dissem is done”?
Let the Church of Scientology and its illusive “front groups” like CCHR keep it up.
They don’t need any SP’s to take them down – they do all right all by themselves!!
If it looks like this in Florida I suggest to have always a couple of custom fit self adhesive labels with “David Miscavige” on me and get creative.
If the guys are not watching, they would be up for a $100k sec check in no time.
Who knows even a movie of such a decorated Van rolling into the FLAG parking structure might actually draw money for public showings. I would pay to see it. 🙂
I like that Gerhard…. head shot of a serious miscavige and bunch of fading ideal morgues, or Golden Age of Squirrel II to the rght… !
I’ll buy 100 of em. Where do I sigh up? !!!!!!!!!!!!!
As I was reading down the text I thought “tone level” (as being the factor here) and then what level – at first glance I thought 1.1. or maybe 1.5 and further down you mention this as being below 2.0. It’s probably around 2.0 with a closer look. Now who could have any affinity for psychiatry but as you imply that is not the point here. The point you rightly make is what are current (“official”) “Scientologists” outflowing? And what image does that present? Not a very “cool” one – at least. But it is actually childish and shows an intellectual level somewhere around the audiences of Reality TV shows and a tone level not quite as bad as Tommy Davis’s 1.5 rants but about the same sort of effect. But anyone with a high tone level and even just a fair modicum of intelligence has long since left or been routed out of DM’s North Korea-type 30 minute happy clapper church so it is probably no wonder now. When I hear of who are the so-called current opinion leaders in the church field in the area where I worked I can only shake my head and confirm your opinion that, yes, all thetans are not indeed, equal, especially when their main activity is in conning the rest of what’s left of the parishioners out of their money on behalf of DM and his gang of running dog registrar hyena thieves (deliberately straying into North Korea speak there myself – ha!), and probably in some way taking a commission for it or some form of kudos from DM’s “Ruling Class” at least. But they are now somewhat all equal in DM’s remnant and communistic Church of Scientology, but of course in the same way as George Orwell’s Animal Farm book – “All animals are [now] equal, but some animals are more equal than others, [especially when they fill my coffers]”. But without further digression – your point is true – the image and tone level presented is not what LRH would have wished for and it does not portray what Scientologists are really about. Makes one want to have stickers on the back of the car saying “Current gang of Scientologists” with the appropriate image as above. Ha! (Not being 1.1. here – just a bit of good old joking and degrading!) Ah! Well! We’ll sort it all out one day.
I am with you 100% on this one. I have hated these stickers and this one doesn’t really look like Calvin but I think these stickers and their use in this fashion are partially what prompted Bill Watterson to stop drawing Calvin and Hobbs. Frankly I am not sure they are anywhere close to 2.0. That is being far too generous.
Hey Chief,
I get what you’re saying. This pisses me off too. When I look at this image I hear Bevis and Butthead laughing. That’s the kind of “humor” that doesn’t reach me. The only people this “pr” appeals to I believe are other Scn’ists who can drive by and wave frantically with a thumbs unless of course they need to look the other way in case the driver sees them and chases them down to find out why they aren’t answering the OT committee phone calls to attend the “big expansion briefings” and events…a more likely scenario in the CW area indeed.
Been thinking about something intelligent to say and all I can come up with is I have to go micturate.
Funny Betsy 🙂
I have always found the “Psychiatry Kills” bumper sticker to be offensive, partly because it is so far outside the reality of most of the public that it just causes an ARC break and creates the general impression that Scientologists are fringe lunatics.
Back in the day I used to do some ghostwriting for CCHR and Freedom Magazine, and more than once I was crammed on the “Viewpoint” HCOPL for not coming down hard enough on the psychs. The “Viewpoint” policy basically says you should address any communication to the reality of your intended audience. About the time I was starting to extricate myself from the RCS web, it dawned on me that the intended audience for what I was writing was Miscavige and his worshipers, not the general public that I thought we had been aiming for.
I believe that little decal may be available at the local CCHR FL.
Mike you may not want to post this reply but you know what I find most offensive is that this Independent Scientologists has to quote LRH on a policy that LRH long ago abandoned “maintain friendly relations with the environment”. Read all his insane ethics and SP crap. Than blame study tech and go into courts of ethics total crap. Jesus, I was a 40 yr Scientologist and have been out for four yrs. and dont need to use Hubbard anymore. This guy is still using LRH to think! Learn to write and think for yourself. His first paragraph said it all you didnt need the rest. Come on guys you don’t need to quote a Psycopath anymore your out of the Church. Hubbard created ethics to control you not help you.
Regardless of one’s opinion of Hubbard, and regardless of any facts about Hubbard as well, I think that the point is that the C of S claims that they follow the policies of Hubbard but they don’t follow it.
The “maintain friendly relations…” policy is one of the many policies that the C of S claims to follow. They don’t follow it. This is one of the many policies of Hubbard that they profess to follow and they don’t follow it.
This is a good point to be made to someone reading this blog who is sitting on the fence, and who needs to have it pointed out to him that his church doesn’t follow the policies that it professes to follow.
I would agree that an argument against an immature car sticker designed out of ignorance, manufactured out of greed and displayed without conscience should not need to quote such a variety of Hubbard’s references.
But who else is reading this blog?
Was there not a time when we both needed a reference to argue against something?
Photo correspondent has, possibly unintentionally, made two very good points.
Let’s hope some readers get both of them.
Murray, I take offense at the part of your post where you call LRH “a psychopath.” He is not. And you are spewing hate and false data.
To continue. Murray, I agree that stickers on cars with someone peeing on someone or something are offensive. And I also cringe when our church gets to militant and in your face about psychs. Some psychs are bad and some are good. End of story. But I still don’t put Ron in the category of psychopath.