Scientology loves to tell itself it is “Clearing the Planet” and “Making Planetary Clearing a Reality.”
Yet, the reality is something completely different. The cognitive dissonance within the scientology bubble sometimes seems just too incredible to be believable.
In any and every org, they know they are not making any Clears.
But this is not something they ever discuss or announce — “We have made x Clears this year.” Because in most orgs it is 0.
Every now and then, actual NUMBERS slip out of the bubble. The last time was in November when I included a story on the blog about a scientologist who was given a Clear number of 75,906 —
Making Planetary Clearing an Unreality.
As most people know, there are blocks of numbers assigned to each org, Perth might have 75,500 – 75,550 and Sydney 75,551 to 76,000. So these numbers are not necessarily the exact number of people who have attested to Clear between November and now. But they are a ballpark.
The numbers indicate that a grand total of 382 people have attested to the state of Clear in 3 1/2 months. Or about 100 people per month. For the ENTIRE PLANET. It is estimated that there 250 births per MINUTE on earth. So every month, about 900,000 new births.
So, scientology, far from Clearing the planet, is going BACKWARDS. The planet is “UNCLEARING” by 899,900 people every month.
Yet, they are still telling themselves “we are Clearing the planet.” OMG.
Going Opaque
Great comment!
However, I’d say: ” GOING BLIND.”
I personally know of a Still Ins who back in the 90s went Clear, attested to Clear, and then in 2011 or 2012 was told he/she was NOT Clear and would have to get auditing again.
I’m wondering, out of the 100 figure, how many of these Clears are also redos?
Hell, they can’t even clear the Sea Org.
So if I get the “Clear” designation and then forget where I laid down my keys (glasses, pen, whatever) for some period of time –
Do I have to give back my certificate?
Does my brain begin to question the veracity of the state of clear?
Do I need to redo the Clear class?
Does this incident cause a crisis of faith?
Do I think I’m the only “Clear” this has ever happened to?
Is there ANY recognition that I didn’t get what I was promised/paid for?
To rephrase – How long after going “Clear” does it take to realize it ain’t what they said it was?
And why does the room look like it’s some museum giftshop?
It does, doesn’t it 🙂
“Do you think this bracelet makes my elbow look fat?”
The lie is all Scientology has, in fact it’s all they have ever had.
It was once considered, “if it’s not fun it’s not Scientology,” but like the ‘Mad Men’ of the 50s & 60s that came to pass; especially as Hubbard’s prejudices, paranoia, punitive and insane polices coupled with his Clear & OT story telling started to bite in the fact it doesn’t work. A temporary high at best. Make believe however, does has its comfort potential, particularly for those that cannot see, nor do. They can’t make clears, they don’t know what one is as it’s a figment of their imagination. A incredibly expensive piece of paper with your name on it and the word Clear printed on it is all you get. OT, well that’s where the game gets really out of hand! Brooklyn Bridge gets thrown in with that one.
So, the lie has become the only thing that ‘works’ for them and keeps their dream alive, ha, the truth’s a static, a big fat zero! Splurge on it you silly Scientology people, it is easily observable, the obvious doesn’t work for you.
The clear numbers seem to be going up by around a thousand per year. So you’d think that even if they had ten or twenty thousand active members, almost all would have gone clear in past decades, and they’d be down to a sort of maintenance level where those going clear every year were mostly those born in to Scientology, the very few new members they get, and some of the old timers who were just never able to afford the cost.
So I have my doubts that they’re really making that many new clears, and I wonder if the numbers haven’t been inflated by some sort of internal accounting tricks. But it seems to be yet another of the things that we don’t have any good insider information about.
I attested to the State of clear in 1986 after getting a CCRD at Flag. My Clear Number was around 25000. That was 37 years ago.
Clearly, ( no pun intended) they aren’t doing dick.
Looking back, did it do anything for you? Being Clear?
The cult never states exactly which planet they are clearing, Mike. Perhaps they mean Jupiter?
David Niven wrote a book once, ‘The Moon’s a Balloon,’ perhaps it’s there.
Because they always speak out of it.
Reminds of a Star Trek joke about “Klingons” around Uranus.
Must be because it sure isn’t Teegeeack.
Scientology. Clearing its members of rational thought and of deductive reasoning one member at a time. More than 76,286 (WAY more) have experienced it and most of them are out. And if they are still alive, they are learning how to UNCLEAR themselves of its brainwashing, its abusive tech and of it abusive crimes.
Planetary UNclearing!
Make it happen!
Join Staff!
42 years ago I was Clear number 27 thousand something (I have my Clearbracelet somewhere…).
So since then only about 50K in over 40 years!?
How many of these Clears have left the cult?
How many has been declared?
How many in the cult would be able to confront this fact today?
How many stopped at ‘Clear’ because they ran out of money? And how many have “dropped the body”? (possibly because they waited too long to go to a real doctor for medical help – I mean Clears don’t need medical help, they can get rid of cancer by sheer force of will) Oh, by the by, there have NEVER BEEN ANY TRUE CLEARS. The ‘state’ of Clear doesn’t exist.
Scientology is clearing the planet of what?
Not of crime as they are one of the most viscous cults allowed to victimize its parishioners still in the 21st Century.
Human trafficking, financial ruin, shattering families, money laundering, extortion, fraud and torture are just some of the crimes.
LRH started his cult 73 years ago.
Today, The criminal organization has about 4,000 Scientologists including staff worldwide.
There are 7 billion people on the planet.
Ouch OSA- that stings, eh?
Scientology’s days are numbered.
The internet exposed its crimes.
Scientology, L Ron Hubbard and David Miscavige all have utterly failed.
I don’t believe the end of Scientology will be nice.
In Berlin, 1943, a saying developed and was very, very carefully whispered. “Enjoy the war, peace is going to hurt.”
The eventual demise of Scientology when the truth finally sinks in. Miscavige is in jail or vanishes with the loot, & that it’s all been a scam, the whole time. It’s going to devastate a lot of people!
(Even the Freezone evaporated, or truly dived deep into the underground).
DM should have disappeared with the money in the previous two decades. The broadcast of the South Park episode Trapped In The Closet essentially gave away the secrets of Scientology.
Yeah, it’s difficult to even come close to fathoming the criminally insane. He has a ship, and that’s a worry for the crew’s sake.