This is a new Clear proudly displaying his “Clear Bracelet” numbered 73,357.
Let us assume for arguments sake that there have in fact been 75,000 Clears made. The number is significantly lower, most of the lower numbers are for people who were subsequently declared “Not Clear” and also every org is allocated a certain block of numbers — there are probably 5,000 numbers out there waiting to be claimed, Salt Lake City gets 71,401 to 71,500 and Atlanta has 71,901 to 72,000 etc etc. But 75,000 is a nice round number that is pretty easy to do the math with.
Since 1950 that is a little over 1,000 Clears per year.
Scientology claims it is Clearing the Planet. You see this on posters, hear it at events and scientologists are always talking about how “Planetary Clearing is being made a reality.”
In fact, they are going backwards FAST.
In 1950 there were 2.5 billion people on earth. Today there are 7.8 billion. That is 5.3 billion (minus 75,000) new NOT-CLEARS on earth in that time. That is three times as many NOT-CLEARS as when they started…
Earth’s population is increasing by 80 million per year.
So every day they fall another 220,000 people further behind.
If you claimed you were bailing out a sinking ship, and it was filling with 220,000 gallons of water a day and you were bailing 3 gallons out, that is hardly saving the ship from sinking.
And it’s even worse when you get to the top of the bridge. Not even 1 in 10 Clears makes it onto OT VII (let alone through) as they still have not made it to 7500 STARTED on OT VII anytime ever.
Scientology is insignificant and becoming more so by the second.
So much for “saving the planet.”
Half a Million dollars-plus to get up there is why they have less than 8,000 OT VIIs, sec checking eating up approx. half of it. Add IAS, Ideal Org and other donation harassment, very few make it. Hubbard considered it so urgent to move up the bridge NOW, but their pricing charts & required donation fees/costs tell a different story.
Lots of people in Independent SCN because they have no way to make it with the CO$.
Where have all the clears gone? They may number 70k, but there are only 10-20k total members and staff left in the church, many of those not even clear.
I wonder if they’ve reached the point where more than half the clears ever made have passed on – and, apparently aren’t showing back up at the orgs “in better shape.” There are probably also more outside the CofS than in, perhaps depending exactly on how those who bought lifetime IAS membership but who are either UTR or have blown completely are counted.
I checked, and clear numbers were reported to have reached around 38,000 by 1984, or 36 years ago, after a big leap of several thousand during what must have been one of the years of “quickie clears” – so half the clears were made before that, and were either part of the big exodus of that era or are definitely getting old. Since then the rate seems to have averaged about a thousand a year, though I question even that, since that’s 10k a decade, and I’m not sure Scientology has enough members and staff left to sustain such a rate; though it’s possible that between laggard old-timers being pushed to go clear, and second-generation members, they might attain that but it would also be unsustainable for much longer.
It appears that Mike Rinder never got the COB PL “PLANETARY CLEARING REDEFINED: POSTULATE CLEARS.”
The new Scientology measure of global clearing is Ideal Orgs made. In this calculus, each Ideal Org = One Billion Postulate Clears made. On this basis, we in Scientology have 72 billion Postulate Clears and are 300 years ahead of the population of Earth.
“Clears made” is an old LRH thing. The Founder just didn’t get the importance of Ideal Orgs and had M/U’s on what is truly important.
Yeah, that Hubbard guy, back in the day…Ron?… he called himself, I think. Ron this, Ron that. Always inserting himself into Scientology. Made so many damned errors! Called himself “The Founder”, would you believe? That guy sure banged out a lot of squirrel stuff! Thank Xenu for COB! Where would the Church be if not for ever-vigilant COB tirelessly spotting and correcting these errors? Thank you, Sir!
Watching Mr. Prescott on Tony Ortega today, I suddenly had the idea that if scientology hates someone, they label a person “Xenu”, and should attack that person.They call their enemies everything that they are themselves…..Anywhoo…I finished my study of Aleister Crowley. Everything he did, all knowledge he had about anything, was due to his continuous need for sex, nothing else. He wanted to manipulate the universe so he could have an eternal presence here on earth thru reincarnation, then more and more sex. Wonder what the Lord’s of Karma had to say about that? My study of Hubbard showed that he wanted more than Crowley, and took it to a new level. Crowley was simple minded, Hubbard seemed to have a knowledge than no one but him knew, and it was not for the benefit of any one else but HIM. The Sunday ceremony in Scientology was actually something that Crowley spoke of. Do you have a arm, a head. This was part of Crowley sex magic training, but then again, for him only………..
Crowley in 1920… from YouTube…..“My fingernails grow on my fingers…And, my fingers are fixed sewn at my hands…it is my hand that terminates my arm, and that sticks to my shoulder like a charm”…. L Ron put his on spin on this and came up with Sunday Mass…
What a weirdo. Drugs, maybe?
Quite likely drugs WERE ingested. That would be part of the bad boy schtick, of course. Drugs opened up spiritual advancement, of course, JUST like it was claimed in the trippy hippy days.
Nibs stated he was fed uppers then his hallucinations transcribed to create “What to Audit” aka “History of Man”, and the resulting booklet proves the clam … err .. claim.
I think its disgusting and self-polluting. “Drugs opened up spiritual advancement…” I never believed that, even when it was fashionable. Of course, I didn’t have the courage to say so out loud back in the day because drugs were so IN back then and I didn’t want to appear “uncool”. I dressed the part and talked the talk but stayed away from all of it. I had to have friends! The peer pressure to smoke dope and drop acid was very high but I didn’t. I figured I was in enough trouble straight, and spaced out enough naturally; God help me if added drugs into the mix that I was then! I would have been a goner for sure.
Great summary of Crowley and Hubbard. Congrats on a super analysis.
I am surprised the little leader hasn’t ordered them to stop using numbers in relation to clears just because of the math. He could easily make an announcement at the next big event to the effect of “thanks to our Org push we are generating so many clears on an hourly basis world-wide we can not keep up with numbering them so from now on your bracelet and awards will say the date you achieved clear” people would buy it and think they were actually accomplishing something and it would muddy the water enough to make it difficult to get an accurate count.
Susie, don’t give them such good ideas!
And … there might have BEEN 75k people who ATTESTED “clear”, but never ONE who is anywhere near the Book 1 definition, fewer yet who were demonstrably improved by that or the “OT” levels. Recently, I saw a comment that Tubby acknowledged in OT II that “clear” was unstable…. I’LL SAY!: I attested to “clear”#5875 back in ’78 or so, soon after the release of NED, then crashed harder than I did before or since. Only a hair’s breath from type III, I suspected, so I tried to get some help, ANY help, from ANYONE. Weren’t none to be had at Flog. I only started resurfacing from under the morass after being RPFed, offloaded, and reconnecting with family and long-standing friends. Then followed 35 years of demonstrating & improving my technical & interpersonal skills, relearning what it’s like to be UP to a Homo Sapiens level instead of the degraded sub-human demanded by Tubby & scientology. It’s been a fun, entertaining, educational trip, one I’m still enjoying as I share with you guys.
And I’m still running headlong into scientology-induced twisted thinking and techniques which reduce my ability to think and act “clearly”. DAMN, Tubby was expert at his brainwashing tech!
I got some good abillities from the grades as any young person would.
Something like doing a Dale Carnegy course and reading How to have friends and influencng people except 100 times more expensive.Auditor training was usefull too.
From OT III onwards after chasing hundreds of thousands of BT’s and clusters I “gained” increasing levels of unawareness of unawareness.Possibly I lost more in lost income from the unawareness than I even paid for the levels.By the way I do not consider myself a Clear and especially not an OT.
It took me a lot of time to get rid of my assumed “superiority”and start functioning within my talents and limitations
“unawareness of unawareness” – great description.
I’ve read many comments from ex-Scientologists commending the lower bridge as having been beneficial to them and their OT levels not beneficial or actually harmful to them. So far, I’ve not read one glowing comment from an OT out of the cult praising his or her OT levels as having been of benefit. The only positive comments on the OT levels I’ve ever read have been from Scientologists who are still in. So that’s interesting because those who have left have had no back off on admitting that the lower bridge helped them. What I’m sharing is purely anecdotal on my part. I never did the OT levels and I’m not Clear. I did a part of the lower bridge and found it beneficial.
AS long as Lron was alive, making 1k Clears a year was good money. Throw in all other sales that kept the Clampire expanding until around 1983 and the Mission Massacre, and Lron was happy with his suitcases of cash and all of the Orgs and Missions were kept afloat. Killing the Missions was Lron’s last business mistake. No new meat = slow death.
In Lron’s day, turnover of clientele was built into the business plan. As $cientology is about as popular as coronavirus today, the pyramid is now upside down. And the former base is now the bills for all of the Ideal mOrgs. An overhead that is really draining the remaining locals.
With Flag and LA stealing many of the mOrgs customers, that pyramid has to fall over. I like gravity.
That’s an insult to the corona virus.
Please. Stop.
I was clear #5544 back in 1975. After OT VIII in 1988, I was clear enough to see that Hubbard was totally wrong in his basic assumptions.
“Scientology is insignificant and becoming more so by the second.” Mike Rinder
That hit me like a truck! Scientology is just spinning their wheels and not going ANYWHERE.
Oh, no…’s coming! I can’t hold back!!! Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!
OK. I feel better now.
Hip hip….hooray!!
I know that the cult members “think” they are accomplishing something for the planet, or for themselves, but in a way isn’t it a way to clear themselves of being responsible for what ever their situation in life is?
Sort of like “the devil made me do it”. Oh, ok.
Nailed it, Peggy. In Scientology, the “devil” that makes a person do bad things is his or her reactive mind. EVERYTHING a person does “bad” (a term opened to wide interpretation) is caused by the reactive mind.
In fact, by way of example, “Its his/her reactive mind” is how Scientologists rationalize and explain away the Anti-Semitism of NOI’s Tony Mohammed and Louis Farrakhan!
(Earth to Scientologists re the NOI and Anti-Semitism excused as “case”:
NO NO NO NO NO. The anti-semitism pouring from the mouths of these NOI leaders is NOT their reactive mind. It is their TRAINING. They have been TRAINED to believe this and they in turn are TRAINING others to believe it. That Jews are evil, etc. is NOI SCRIPTURE that is LEARNED. Get that, and get it good. Training, not case.
I went clear 48 years ago. It did not change anything except I got to wear a clear bracelet. A half million dollars and decades later I was still not on OTVII. I was fully brainwashed and delusional. Just like those fake diploma mills, you pay your money and you get your fake diploma to hang on the wall. One of the biggest scams in the world.
But, it was a nice bracelet, right? Ummmm…..right?
Yes, it was an extra big silver medallion on a stainless steel chains. It was a big deal to be clear.
I never attested! Why? Because there was no change in ME! Immediately, I told them that this nothing but bunk!!
Stupidly, I never asked for my money back. Now that’s STUPID!!!
BKmole, besides the expected gains which are also statet in the EPs (= “End Phenomena”) of each level, how was it about the achieved status from your viewpoint?
I received a 14K yellow gold link bracelet 4 years ago. I really liked it, took for granted that it was 14K gold – I mean, it said it was on there so what the hell – and had no curiosity about its cost. Fast forward to 8 months ago when I received a flier in the mail from the company that made my bracelet. I went on line and browsed their catalogue. There it was – $500 retail. I don’t follow gold prices – have no idea when they’re up or down. Don’t know what he paid for it 4 years ago and don’t care. Because sometimes on this blog the subject of cult jewelry comes up I browsed the catalogue further to find an 18K gold bracelet but couldn’t find any 18K gold bling in this catalogue, only 14K. This concludes my research findings 🙂
Aquamarine, I wouldn’t take ANYTHING from the cult. Especially someone who is pitching gold.
BK Mole – you could have not said it better. “I was fully brainwashed and delusional just like those fake diploma’s”.
Scientology is a scam of epic proportions and needs to be shut down
Will 2020 be our year?
Before I finally left I was certifiable. So I had to go somewhere. Tony O and Mike R helped show me the light.
Hey all you OT VIII’s out there. I have a question for you. I always wondered if the OT VIII bracelet that they force you to buy on the Ship, if it’s real gold and if it is, what carat gold it is? As in can you melt it down for its monetary value? Have any of you gotten an estimate from a gold shop as to what you could get for the gold if you just sold it for its gold value? OF is it “gold plated”?
I wouldn’t be surprised if you learn in the fine print that “gold” is just the color in its description. Why use gold or silver when you can just paint steel?
I was offered $300 for the gold in my OT VIII bracelet for which I paid $3,000.
If gold is $1600 per ounce , that is less than 1/5 of an ounce.
That’s actually a relief to hear, i was expecting none.
BTW the actual gold content is probably higher than 1/5oz since the people who offer cash for gold jewelery typically offer substantially less than it’s actual value. They have to melt it down and recover the gold and make a profit after all.
The ‘value’ of Jewelry is largely in the artistic merit of the work or what it represents or both. The materials in its makeup are only part of its value. A diamond set in a gold ring will be worth more than the sum of the parts. I estimate that in your case, you paid at least $2000 for the ‘value’ of having a genuine Scientology OTVIII bracelet! Sorry! 😛
I know that it’s 14k gold. Special order could be a number of custom designs.
The Medals of Freedom weren’t worth diddly squat (as some gentleman from S. Africa discovered when he tried to sell his IIRC). And I think they had to buy the bracelet once they were qualified, kind of like MagicQuest, at a huge markup, because it’s COS..
In 2017 I had mine melted down to make our wedding bands. At the time the bracelet was worth $850.00 in gold. Paid 3K for it in 2004.
Poor Pier Luigi Contini – he is the 73,357 to be duped out of hundreds of thousands of dollars if not millions to obtain a level of unawareness only achieved by Scientologists who have reached the state of “clear”. A Scientology “CLEAR” does not exist. All that happens is it puts the being at total effect of Scientology registrars to fleece them dry of every penny they will earn from here to eternity. Attesting to the State of Scientology CLEAR will open up the doorways to hell for Scientology registrars to use chaos and fear to get that Scientology CLEAR on to his OT levels of delusion so he can believe he is covered in Body Thetans and Clusters of Body Thetans and then be under the thumb of Big Brother Scientology for eternity doing interrogations and costing him hundreds of thousands if not millions for the experience. Welcome to Clear – Welcome to HELL.