Malmo is an “ideal org.” Being “ideal” brings with it guaranteed 10X expansion according to the hype peddled by Miscavige.
Yet this org is announcing that they do not even have 100 people on service in their “ideal” org in a week. It’s their goal to achieve this tiny target!
According to Hubbard, these orgs are all supposed to be the “size of Old St Hill.” One of the measurements of “St Hill size” is 200 student in the Academy. And 1000 WDAH per week. If every preclear was receiving an intensive a week, that would mean 80 preclears. That is a total of 280 people on service in DIV 4 each week to be St Hill size.
You need at least 4 people on service in Division 6 (introductory services) to get 1 person “onto the Bridge” in Div 4. That’s another 1,100 people on Div 6 services. Or a total of about 1400 people on service each week to achieve the size of Old St Hill.
Not a single ideal org has achieved this modest level of success. Hubbard describes it as “above the make-break point” — meaning if they are not operating at that level they are failing, and only above that level will they succeed.
So Malmo is desperately trying to reach 1/14th St Hill size!
Yet even in a small city like Malmo (pop. 350,000) a St Hill size ideal org servicing would produce 10 clears a week — if all 80 preclears went Clear in just 8 intensives or 100 hours each. This is not even realistic but illustrates the point (no org has ever produced 500 Clears in a year). But let’s use that number as a baseline: 500 Clears per year for a St Hill size org.
So what would it take to “Clear” Malmo? Let’s say they would consider it “cleared” if they got half the population to the st waste of Clear. Just a simple majority. More “theta” than “entheta.” And let’s give 10 years to achieve this goal. After all Scientologist believe it when Ron says “we don’t have much time” before the madmen blow up the planet.
175,000 need to be Cleared in 10 years. That’s 17,500 every year. At 500 per year per St Hill size org, they would need 35 St Hill size ideal orgs in Malmo.
This illustrates how absurd it is for scientologists to believe they are “clearing the planet” with a single org even in small cities; what about Tokyo?
They are not opening NEW orgs anywhere and haven’t for decades. They are closing orgs (most recently combining Paris and CC Paris).
Let’s take Paris as another example. The population of greater Paris is 11.2 million people. Though Miscavige crowed about the enormous size of the new “ideal org” building in Paris, if it reaches DOUBLE St Hill size and produces 1000 Clears each year — there would need to be 560 more Paris ideal orgs to achieve half of the population of Paris being Clear in 10 years.
At least Paris has one org. There are other huge cities that have no org at all — Seoul, Sao Paolo, Moscow, Jakarta, Cairo, Mumbai, Shanghai and on and on.
The two most populous nations in the world, India and China do not have a single org between them. That’s 2.8 billion who need Clearing just in those two countries. That’s 1.4 billion Clears in 10 years or 140,000,000 per year. If they were all the size of the Paris building and double St Hill size, it would require 140,000 of those orgs just in India and China. There isn’t even one.
When you actually confront the numbers, it is absurd that anyone in scientology thinks they are “making planetary clearing a reality.” It is SO unreal they cannot confront it at all.
I paid for the SHSBC at ASHO in 1976. I am availible to route on and ………wait,. what???? no BC?
who floofed-the-goof?????????
The big stumbling blocks, “management” was supposed to “handle” these blocks to humans being informed of the Scientology choice everyone has in their lives.
It’s a horrendously difficult sales job selling Scientology today.
From 1975 til now, my 27 years in Scientology were 75 to 2003, and then being on the chat sites, listening to all the holes in history others have lived and told, the whole Scientology experience only really expanded in my mind, after leaving and learning all the travails others were living.
It’s an immense amount of history, all tumbling all over the place, due to who lived what, and what they say about it.
Scientology means such an immense amount of details to everyone caught up with it all the variety of ways they have been.
Biggest stumbling blocks, to me, my latest hindsights:
a) Hubbard didn’t and long term failed, to provide a short concise descriptive/explanative definition of Scientology, and ensure the followers referred constantly to that short concise descriptive/explanative definition of the core of what Scientology practices are.
(ANSWER to me, the first Hubbard negligent flaw he caused and which persists to this day, is to say simply Scientology is training and practicing the Hubbard “auditing” to alleviate our soul memories “case(s)” which when we alleviate our “cases” we improve in life.)
Scientology simply is “auditing” which one has to rise up to being able to “audit” oneself (and “audit” or exorcise/soul-free one’s body-thetans which infest each of us).
b) Every other detail of Scientology is a stumbling block: 1) the whole paper-pushing administrative multi-echelon role playing jobs “keeping the show on the road” are just massive dodges off “What Is Scientology” and have become to the public’s mind the false idea answer of the question What Is Scientology?” (But Scientology still really is the Hubbard “auditing” and the exorcism/soul-freeing, which is forever to this day, not emphasized.).
c) Jeff Hawkins’ book lists out methodically the Scientology staff member series of stumbling blocks, but none are the obvious stumbling block of Scientologists not becoming “auditors” who really can do the Hubbard “auditing” and exorcism/soul-freeing (becoming a Class 9 “auditor” to do the exorcism/soul-freeing on another person).
d) I concluded this is Hubbard’s fault, he was supposed to emphasize the “what is Scientology” core of Scientology, and not have everyone caught up in the secondary Hubbardisms administrative and “life” teachings which are all like “introductory” teachings (which have been forever proven to been other people’s ideas Hubbard repackaged and issued as Scientology teachings).
e) Hubbard made Scientology the mess it is, and all problems and stumbling blocks trace to him. He’s source of his own subject’s deepest flaws, period.
If Hubbard wished to alleviate people’s “cases” then he’d not have built official Scientology into the empire it is.
He’d have simplified things. “Auditors Day” ought to be the biggest event in the movement’s calendar of events.
How else can a subject which professes to alleviate humanity’s travails using “auditing” and the Hubbard exorcism/soul-freeing, how can this subject fix earth unless by the core practice?
That’s the biggest ‘why’ (reason to address and fix this reason for the problems of the movement).
Hubbard’s own failures are the albatross on any Scientology “managers” shoulders, which can never be overcome.
The only option is to become a “squirrel” and become a solitary “field auditor” who just studies and practices on their own, and maybe interacts with other “field auditors” doing the same.
Because past lives, and because bodiless invisible souls, both aren’t common beliefs taken scientifically seriously, much of the Hubbard “auditing” cannot be taken seriously scientifically.
Ultimately, to me, the biggest stumbling block to Scientology are the beliefs in past lives and the beliefs in the existence of the invisible souls which supposedly infest our human bodies unbeknownst to us which using the Hubbard exorcism procedures of OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, we are supposedly to discover and free these invisible souls to our betterment.
The soul theories and beliefs of Scientology undermine the core practice of Scientology, the “auditing” practices are squarely based on us supposedly having past lives trauma to dig into and find and alleviate; plus then on upper Scientology we are to discover our own personal infestations of invisible souls and use the Hubbard exorcism procedures to free these souls off our human body, to our betterment.
That’s the biggest final stumbling block of Scientology, the Hubbard soul beliefs and theories.
I read the poster “Play the 100 game” and thought to myself
“No thank you. I like games but I don’t like the sound of this one. I don’t want to be involved in a cult game”
If you truly have the technology to make people happier and more free, that will change the world and put an end to aberration and war, etc. etc. Then why make it available only to the super rich? Over 99% of the population can’t afford these fees to get “up the bridge”. You’re not going to clear a planet this way.
Maybe the powers that be don’t really want to.
COS Kool Aid folk are so out of touch.
New drill for you…. How to obnose when someone is LYING TO YOU!
I think there’s no plan any longer to go for planetary clearing. ’cause if that would be the case Malmo would never have been given a posh new building but Stockholm instead. Stockholm having always been the largest of the three orgs in Sweden, Gothenborg the 2nd. Malmo has always been, is and will continue to be a small failing org.
Same scene in Germany: The largest org has always been Munich. Yet Berlin, Hamburg and Stuttgart were given new buildings. Berlin always has been, is and will remain the smallest org in Germany.
Same scene in Switzerland: Zürich was and is the largest of the orgs but it was Basel that got a new building,
Public and staff alike are shaking their heads in utter disbelief about these “wrong priorities”. It may well account for them quietly turning around and remain under the radar. (A very well known Munich public quietly quit already eight years ago: Kurt Fliegerbauer, millionaire architect and good friend of Gottfried Helnwein.)
If I would not have left already I’d do it now because whatever motivation is behind all of this, it don’t align with mine.
This is an interesting point and it’s spot on. What you’re saying was true as I was there at the CLO EU. It’s like they were “rewarding low statistics.” Malmo, if it currently has maybe almost 30 staff (but I don’t think so), it’s a miracle. Basel was a media org. While Zurich and Munich are larger and much more productive. Just think of the nonsense of combining DKDay and Foundation and Cop org and making an “ideal org” before other European orgs with more staff and production. The purpose is therefore another one, certainly not expansion.
Expansion by now is an old fairy tale.
Just today “International Management” (Carol Nolan) put on a fundraiser in Sunderland, UK. That “org” has 3 part time staffmembers and a field of perhaps 30 of which 7 actually showed up for the event. (Alex and Daniele covered this with a live stream). It’s crazy!
What I can’t get into my head is how these posh buildings are being maintained? It costs money to pay just the basics like electricity, water etc. Malmo never had a flourishing field. Even if they still have 30 staff now these people need to live, eat and sleep somewhere which costs money. So they will have to take another paying job as the org simply does not make enough income. And as soon as their staff contract is up they will quit for good. And perhaps there is one or the other mini-whale amongst their public who they can turn to when it comes to having to pay the monthly electricity bill.
Let’s take the Sea Org in Copenhagen. There is the AOSHEU building and I believe they recently renovated the berthing place for their staff which is within walking distance.
Then there is the CLOEU. They are now outside of Copenhagen and they too have a new berthing also outside the city – and they have their own bus to and from work. Then there’s New Era also outside the city. Probably they share the berthing with CLO staff. Looking at the pictures of New Era shows a huge manufacturing site. But who finances that operation? Yes, books, CDs, EMeters and videos are being sold but certainly not in any way shape or form of a volume necessary to make enough income to cover building maintenance, uniforms, staff food, staff pay. So what is paying for all this each month?
Add to that also the fact that Hubbard’s admin technology has proven to never have worked.
I guess what I am trying to say is that if one or the other reader of this blog is currently in and has access to this kind of information, please consider becoming a whistleblower. Download the Tor browser. Then go to and create an anonymous email account.
I think this is also a great point. These are things I’ve wondered about myself. During the COVID lockdown, organizations and the field almost stopped sending fees and supporting the various levels of the Sea Organization.
Through a cousin (Clocstaff) of a friend, I had heard that pay had even increased and they had no problems. How strange. Now, if it were true (I repeate: were), then it means they have drastically changed the financial system.
And that would also make sense. The financial system, at least up until less than 20 years ago, was based on flows from the bottom up as established by hubbard in his concept of expansion.
DM with the IAS and Ideal Orgs has transformed the field of all orgs into devastating open-pit mines whose sole function was to collect money for the Sea Org reserves, letting 4 peanuts to the orgs.
The concept of expansion as we understood it has been eliminated. So it’s possible to assume that the CLO and mid-level management supporting this new strategy receive commissions or bonuses from the money collected or something similar like being part of a whole a FP (financial planning) supported by above. Twenty years ago, it was already a miracle to have a weekly pay of 50 dkr and pay basics, imagine now.
Yes a whisterblower with some update about it, it’s needed.
Thanks. I agree that there must have been a big change in the financial system.
If Mike doesn’t mind I’ll post a call for whistleblowers now and then – perhaps add some detailed requests for numbers of public/staff, Financial Planning, photos, etc.
Good idea, indeed.
The fact that it’s called a “game” is sick.
That situation is not a game. In any way shape or form.
In the bubble, they are convinced that things are still moving forward and that miscavige has the ace up his sleeve as dictated by hubbard. But these numbers say it all.
Furthermore, as Mike points out, the global situation is constantly changing (example: now here in Italy it seems we have a volcano ready to explode, the Campi Flegrei). If it happens, we’re screwed up to tgt 2.
The collective consciousness worldwide is changing. While scn is stuck in time. It has no real solutions, and moreover, the useless ones it proposes are also to be paid.
It took 30 years to give a unique definition of what a clear was, which didn’t correspond at all to what was asserted in DMSMH. And they were still reactive, irrational, and unstable. I really wonder what they truly think they’re ‘clearing’.
Half the planet lives below the poverty line. The majority of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. As automation, robotics and AI replaces the workforce, more and more people will be unemployed and on welfare. Even if scientology can overcome its terrible PR, there will be less people who can afford a quarter of a million bucks worth of therapy, let alone half the million needed (at least) to go all the way and “escape the trap.” They may be able to snag a kooky big tech sociopath further down the line…maybe. But when the majority of earthlings can’t even afford the Purif without extreme sacrifice, then the big utopian dream is over.
Persistence requires change, per Hubbard. In other words, adapt or die. While Miscavige focuses on buildings and semicolons, the rest of the world is dealing with life’s increasing socioeconomic challenges.
A rise in anti-war and anti-establishment sentiment, the popularisation of simulation theory, UAP phenomena and notions of a “deep state” – all could be exploited to facilitate a scientology renaissance. There has never been a larger audience of people who already believe Hubbard’s basic tenets. Instead of appealing to these people, the CoS plods along – marketing itself as shiny, marble-floored spirituality for middle class liberals (the audience who arguably despises scientology the most).
Oh well. I won’t lose sleep over it. But it’s a shame that those remaining don’t care to confront this sort of thing. If they’re okay being bootlicking simps for a multi-billion-dollar therapy club for wealthy elites, so be it. Though I bet that wasn’t their intention when they signed up. The number of homeless people has reached record figures, perhaps not even in India is there such degradation. If you look at California and Los Angeles County which are among the richest regions and provinces on the globe… you have to wonder a lot.Not to mention the rest, public debt, or inflation, consider that for example at the stadium in New York a hamburger costs 30 dollars.The homeland of Scientology… what example can it give to the world?
Of all the linguistic crimes Scn commits I think the worst is changing the meaning of the word ‘game’ from something you do to have fun and relax to something that involves emptying your wallet and/or working yourself to death for no meaningful impact on the universe.
True. Scn Is the biggest game. If you then consider the elite, which is the SO, as you move up the chain of command, the game becomes even more entertaining. Just think DM or the founder who even left his body while playing hide-and-seek with the feds.
It’s a bit like when they used to tell me that I wasn’t flat enough on being controlled and that I had to ‘handle’ myself, otherwise, I wasn’t ‘playing’ but had CIs – counter intentions.