More from the scam files.
The latest “meter con.” I wonder what people are doing with all those “special edition” Mark VI and VII’s they bought? Not only are they not “collector’s items” you cannot even use them as meters….
“…the vibrant magnificence of this[sic] limited edition meters makes a prestigious statement in three breathtaking colors.”
“…this very limited edition meter is an iconic awe inspiring beauty like no other.”
“Still others have built themselves into the very fabric of Scientology history by acquiring the full set.”
The bullshit is literally nose deep in this particular piece.
And it’s really quite amusing that this is all being done on the basis of the vital necessity of disseminating on the internet. They spout a lot of dubious “stats” to prove they know what they are talking about, convincing themselves that the internet is the true communication medium of the planet (could have been said in a single declarative statement — it’s like saying planes fly over the ocean and are faster than ships). And laughable is their utter incompetence at doing ANYTHING effective in cyberspace. They spend millions and do fundraising and devote numerous staff and hire outside professionals and with all that are resoundingly smashed by Tony Ortega and my blog on volume of hits. Give me the proceeds from ONE of these silly iconic awe-inspiring beauties and I will double the readership of this blog by devoting more time to this and doubling the number of postings.
And the REAL laugher is that they so prominently feature the infamous Upper Class Twit of the Year winner and all around douche, John Mappin who misses the point entirely, blathering on about getting books into libraries, completely opposite to the purple prose of the opening salvo.
But it does go to show you that there truly is a sucker born every minute — one guy has bought 3 sets. That is 3 blue, 3 red and 3 green Warehouse 8s.
It is always relevant to talk about Scientology’s Emeter device.
It is really so much ado about nothing.
The hype that Hubbard gave the meter, and the swing even he had thinking that Clearing could be more fruitfully accomplished without using an Emeter, is an even bigger relevant issue overall in Scientology history.
There was that period when Emeters were not part of the practice.
Then, today, Emeters have become completely necessary.
Gilded Emeters for the rich Scientologists, with the surplus profits going to irreligious actitivies or lying in bank accounts and ultimately used for irreligious reasons, is always immoral, and I so wish some top finance people with access to where the profits are being banked would come forward and spill the bank accounts beans history!
Scientology’s irreligious activities includes gilded Emeter sales with the profits going places that do not in turn help.
If the profits truly go back to advertising Scientology so that this untolerable status quo continues of Scientology surviving with all its unrealized and unreformed thorns and irreligious behavior, then that is bad.
But it seems Scientology’s numbers are declining all on their own, unconnected to Scientology’s long in house patterns of funding their advertising in various gilded editions of Hubbard’s “properties” (books, Emeters, lectures, licence agreements to use his various copyrighted and trademarked “tech”).
How to even sell Scientology is always still a bigger problem, especially with all the leaked insider history available on the internet to the type of smarter people that Scientology ought to attract if Scientology were to even be able to dislodge Miscavige and reform itself of the deeper Hubbard problems/policies.
Anybody ever watch the shows about hoarders and extreme couponing? This reminds me of that. Some of these people have 50 containers of laundry soap, 100 rolls of paper towels, etc etc in their basements. I think these people are closet hoarders of Scn materials. Just can’t have enough mest. And of course the status they must feel is feeding their egos about how dedicated they are.
The dirty little secret that these suckers have probably forgotten is that no-one can actually “purchase” one of these meters because the “sales” are never final.
From what I read, if the seller (the “church” ) becomes unhappy with the conduct of the buyer at any point in the future and declares them to be not-in-good-standing, the COS will refuse to “update” the meter as is necessary annually. And if the meter is not “updated”, it’s programming with automatically shut it down turning it into a large expensive plastic paper weight.
Yeah but these are “collector’s items” and if taken out of the packaging they instantly lose value. They are to be reverently stored in basements and garages, slowly growing in value like the Basics sets. 😉
Inquiring minds want to know if the David Gentile on the list is any relation to the Gerald who married David Miscavige’s twin sister Denise.
Exactly. I remember seeing Craig Jensen’s super-limited time-capsule edition or whatever it was (the one that was specially-designed to last 1,000 years or some such) of the Mission Earth Dekology. 10 big-ass books in their hermetic cases, it was pretty ridiculous. I imagine his Scientology Stuff Storage Area is larger than my house. I suppose because it will last so long, he can come back for it when he “returns.” As for the meters, they’ll be obsolete in a few years, like those craptastic Gold, Silver, and Bronze editions.
Speaking of Upper Class Twit John Mapping… I note his wife’s name, Irina. Did he marry one of his Russian Housekeepers? Inquiring Minds Want to Know!
All I can do is to refer to the “Camelot Castle Hotel Tintagel and Scientologists John & Irina Mappin and Ted Stourton” thread on Why We Protest (all 144 pages of it!). Recommended, if a bit long. Don’t miss the links to the BBC documentary which shows the reality behind the photoshopped images on the “hotel’s” website. And stay for at least long enough to read about the lightbox…
I’m confused. Why would anyone but auditors buy a tool to help them counsel people and with that in mind why buy more than the one to audit with and the backup meter. An emeter is not supposed to be a piece of jewelry. It really drives home how little value Davod Miscavige places on the usefulness of an emeter when it becomes a status symbol rather than a tool.
Point two. If the Internet us such angreat tool, why aren’t Scientologists allowed to use It?
Scuze me gotta go rinse out my eyes. The cognitive dissonance is deafening.
Oh Jeez, displaying gawdy e-meters in the living room in a swanky manner. “Look what we can afford” and “Oh no, we absolutely DON’T use them for auditing, theyre brand new, never used”! Great way to MISUSE a
tool and devaluate auditing.
Makes a prestigious statement ….. know how one made a prestigious statement when I got into Scientology almost 45 years ago? You became a freaking AUDITOR!!! Of course now that most of the good auditors made during the past four decades have turned into “SPs” …… Getting money from these yokels is like shooting fish in a barrel. Honestly, I find this really funny. Miscavige is an absolute genius at working these folks. It is probably true that some people have so much moolah, they don’t know what to do with it. REALLY the world’s oldest profession? Con man salesman.
The second that Scientology hits bottom of it’s death slide to being completely unfashionable
these attention grabbing whales will drop Scientology like a busted transmission.
Those red ultra meters will get the self destruct button in the COB’s office pushed just as fast.
“I personally picked up a book from a bookshelf in 1990.” Damn I hope he didn’t sprain anything with such heavy exercise.
Radio is nearly dead as a medium for communication. As long ago as 1975 surveys found that people in the US only listen to the radio when they are in their car. ‘Drive time’ is the big ratings and money maker for any radio station these days. Few stations are independent anymore. Most are owned by conglomerates that can sell ad time across a whole region and deliver a very well defined demographic to advertisers. Subscription radio is on the rise, but only because general broadcast radio is so homogenized that no one keeps the same station on for more then the news and traffic reports.
I suspect that DM made a lot of money off of the ‘colors of Lroon’ emeters. That means that we can look forward to ‘busts of Lroon’ and ‘hairpieces of Lroon’ and when cult death is near, ‘belly button lint of Lroon’. The only question is how many will be left with the where with all to buy such trappings. The Bradford Exchange will come out with a commemorative plate collection of ’emeters through the ages’. I’ll wait out the ‘Lroon on Black Velvet’ posters. They wouldn’t go with my ‘dogs playing poker’ collection anyway.
I’m holding out for the forthcoming limited edition leatherbound meters, fashioned from the finest, richest Corinthian leather sourced from Kobe beef cattle.
Whale foreskins (a la Aristotle Onassis’ barstools) would be appropriate.
So, has gold plated (or indeed, gold look-a-like paint) been used yet?
What does Scientology do again?
Same as ever. No good, just harm. But is Ideal harm and it is expensive, so you can feel good about it.
Maybe we can sell our earlier PDO meters as vintage/rare antiques. We have an HCOB red one that’s yours at a steal for only $75,000.
I haven’t seen Thomas Paradiso pictured lately with his sister and parents. Anyone know if he’s still in or not.
Thomas joined the SO. Went into the CMO last I heard. I’m sure he’s very happy.
Oy! I suppose it was inevitable, at least for now.
+1 yes indeed …… happy as a clam! Being in the SO is just like peas and carrots except that it is really rice and beans.
Once again compare Apple to Scientology. Well it’s really hard because soooooooo many new products have come out since the last emeter was released, but each release is basically:
Tech specs
Comparing apples to prior apples chart
Decide for yourself.
When you’re trying to sell a dead horse purple prose is all you have because by now the horse has begun to stink up the room.
The green color looks like the vomit of a sociopath who, after some rip off, abuses and fraud, got sick of his stomach and threw up green bile.
The red is the color of Miscaivige’s face every time he reads, sees or hears his crimes keep being exposed and the followers keep shrinking.
The blue looks like under the eye’s color of some staff, such as Jenny De Vocht, after having been deprived of sleep for nights on end because nobody cared about Mike and Marty. Hum… a rainbow of disasters.
“I wonder what people are doing with all those “special edition” Mark VI and VII’s they bought?”
Maybe they use it like sculptures, putting them in a special place, to get admired what they had acquired.
The next step would be to integrate it in a shrine, if possible with one of the rare pictures of themselves with Miscavige and other trinkets.
The certificates from multiple redone steps on the Bridge and the commendations for donations could be set up like in an art gallery to be admired by others; and there are round tables with champagne glasses on them which are filled with bubbling kool-aid for the visitors who are strolling around.
There was a little shop in Dunedin, FL that was selling a Mark VII. For $35.
Said she found it in the trash.
I’m serious.
I threw my vintage one away over 20 years ago. I would much rather have it be landfill than return it to the “church”.
I have a pornogropher friend in Tampa that bought one on eBay to use as a prop in one of his movies
What a bunch of raving idiots.
“We felt it important to increase our status”. WANKERS!
“”The suppressive elements that control mass media”
This would be the CHURCH CD that blocks the entire Internet from its followers?
If this idiots were announcing they were taking the Class VIII course or the SHSBC was being sold in volume or even the WDAH was in power it would be good.
None of this is happening.
Little Napoleon is running a vast Ponzi scheme and like all such schemes it must collapse at some point.
It will only carry on as long as idiots fool themselves into believing this nonsense about Planetary Dissemination that simply is untrue.
As for the biggest tosser in the Org buying 9 MK 8 e-meters I don’t believe it.
It has to be a wind up, no one is that crazy or deluded and not under sedation by a Dr.
It was nice to open up my Own Quantum VII to discover it appears to be a MK VIII inside.
Actually the only difference between it and the MK VI is about $5 worth or capacitors and resistors, and a Tone arm counter circuit on a chip costing $1.
Amazing how the cash cows are milked for so much and get so little in exchange.
Shame on you Dwarf, perhaps if you were not so vertically challenged things might have been better for you.
I bet he never got girls and the 2d is his ruination.
Sad little sod.
Nancy Cartwright only bought one.
Good point….why is Nancy being humiliated by showing how cheap she is, only buying one meter….what about the rest of the celebs? Howany did TC buy? And Krusty? And Laura Prepon? Why aren’t they humiliated??
And the Jensens only bought one between the two of them. I thought they each needed one plus a back up?
They do, Coop! All are expected to purchase two, AND, turn in any other meter (s) they might have. However, I doubt Nancy and Jensen’s are in for any sec checking. Money handed over can take care of anything in this organization.
I noticed that. Could it be that she is getting disillusioned with the nasty cult?
Scientology – having to have before you can do… Of course they can already, right now, buy and/or disseminate their BS right now on the communication lines the rest of the world uses. They hardly need a media building to do so.
Re John Mappin’s Jacket: (sing along with me)
“Pardon me Boy
Is this the Chatanooga Choo-Choo?”
Interesting that more people have purchased all three meters than just two. There’s a completionist trait that’s being exploited here. An “oh you bought two? You almost got them all! Just one more…” itch that the CoS is expertly creating in these people. Sadly, I have no difficulty in my mind believing that many of the people on this honor roll have also bought leather-bound basics, scientology-themed jewelry, ideal org statuses, and any other useless, ego-stroking trinket David Miscavige puts out.
What they need to introduce next is sealed packs. You’ll buy one in a blind bag and pray you don’t get a duplicate! Never fear thou you can trade them with other scientologists, just a small fee to transfer the ownership… Oh and a sec check 😉
The wacky world of Scientology has descended even further down the rabbit hole
of marketing worthless symbols of meaningless significance to deluded souls.
The magic decoder ring that came inside my cereal box is more useful and fun to use.
And it was FREE!
“Purple prose”, a great term Mike: *In literary criticism, purple prose is written prose that is so extravagant, ornate, or flowery as to break the flow and draw excessive attention to itself.
Any new public that reads this drivel will look to Google and the internet for answers to why is the Church of Scientology saying all this obvious, over-hyped bullshit.
For instance, if you see an XYZ company advertisement that claims to sell a new Mercedes that runs on water and only costs $10,000, do you run down and test drive it? Or, do you simply Google XYZ Company to find out if it is a scam? In 20 seconds you are done with the scam. No need to go to the fake dealership or send them any money. Too easy.
Google and your blog are the ultimate scam protection for new public. Thank god.
They have obviously given up on new public and are only milking the ever shrinking existing public because they wouldn’t produce this bullshit IF they gave a rats ass about attracting new public with an IQ above a grapefruit.
Calendar note: In the next few weeks, the first Mark 8 EasyBrick meters should start happening as those new $5k toys fail their yearly Scientologist-in-good-standing sec-check “upgrade” from the mothership and shut themselves down.
Hopefully all of the tech support people weren’t sent to staff the LA Org…
“tech support people” – that made me laugh.
In the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology if your meter fails the yearly approve-over-the-Internet cycle, it’s YOUR FAULT and you need to get your backside into “ethics” NOW!!!
Oh right, they don’t have anyone left to support the Tech.
I love this, so very awesome. If these idiot E-Meter things really do report back to a Scientology Internet server as seems possible, the machine is basically spying on the dimwitted customers who use it.
I would *love* to crack one open and reverse engineer it, WireShark the TCP/IP data and create software to emulate the thing and have >9000 of us running it on line and flooding the crooks with BS data claiming to be from the machines. 🙂
Over on WWP they have tried to do just that:
This one still can’t do much spying. The only time it can relay information is when it’s connected to a PC for its yearly “upgrade”, and it doesn’t have much memory capacity for holding data until then. (The update program on the PC might be another story.)
So there’s this gadget, the E-Meter used to counsel people and help them go free from the harmful effects of the reactive mind. I get it. So, all of these people buy 1-3 of these things so they can use them to audit others or give them to other auditors to use to audit others? No? Well then what do they do with them? Stack them up in their garage? Build a Broadcast Station with them? I’m dizzy, feel kind of foggy; I feel like leaving.
No, McCarran. They put them on pedestals like works of art. Expensive, crappy works of art. These folks who buy these warehouse 8 meters, released their common sense years ago. COB told them all that he would think for them.
And so He does……………………..with His little head!
More ways to get status, Mary. I’d rather buy one of your paintings. 🙂
McCarran: Your remark “I feel like leaving” was pure comedy. Well done. I’m still laughing.
I counted up the number of entries on the “honor roll.” Looks like there are about 275 meters that were sold through this campaign (unless, of course, the cult is lying and putting people on the list who nobody has ever heard of along with some actual customers).
If we assume that these puppies cost $15,000 apiece, about double the cost for the standard non-commemorative model, then Miscavige has raked in $4 million for this relatively minor scam.
This is causing me to wonder if the effects of the multiple minor scams he’s running is now almost as important as the financial contributions of either of the two major scams — the IAS and the overall Flag experience at Super Power, the Running Program and the delivery of other services. Those two are clearly declining but this may be enough to offset those declines to some extent.
David went through a number of years of R&D on this, he may have had his customers pay a couple of million dollars before he was satisfied with the version that he finally started to sell.
It’s a great con: Get the rubes, marks, and suckers to pay to develop the next worthless products that the very same rubes, marks, and suckers will be forced to purchase.
Godda love the audacity of these crooks. 🙂
“(unless, of course, the cult is lying and putting people on the list who nobody has ever heard of along with some actual customers)”
No! Of course they don’t do that! They are the most ethical group in the world. Right? 😛
It must be very spiritually rewarding to belong to a religion where their number one priority is trying to squeeze every goddamn last penny out of you and making you feel like crap if you don’t do it.
So true Kevin. I was in an HGC waiting room once and a beautiful woman had come out of session and was smiling and bright. A man walked up to her and starting talking to her. I could only see the back of the man’s head. But I could see her bright face. Her face grew red and worried and very dark. She had gone from bright and beautiful to total agony during the conversation. When the man turned and walked away from her I saw his face. He was an IAS reg.
Are you serious? That is really sad.
I didn’t read all this promo. But I noticed it says Americans watch TV 35 hours per week and nearly double that for China. That’s nearly 70 hours per week in China. And the promo says adults on the planet listen to radio 2.5 hours per day, which includes China, so that is 17.5 hours per week in China with radio and 70 hours with TV= 87.5 hours per week in China. Add to that 8 hours sleep per night (x) 7 days= 56 hours sleep weekly (+) 87.5 hours on their radio and TV = 143.5 hours weekly for radio, TV and sleeping. And since there is 168 total hours in a week (168 (-) 143.5 = 24.5 hours left in the week for things like working, holding a job, feeding the cat, etc for people in China. And it says American young adults are 10 hours a day on their smart phone or computer. That’s 70 hours per week. But don’t people in China get to do internet and smart phone? I guess not as they only have 24.5 hours per week for working and stuff. So no internet for Chinese. And no time for reading any books or studying Scientology.
The crime syndicate’s numbers are all BS, many of my colleagues done myself don’t wants a minute of television, and we’re not on our phones all the time, either. Not even the syndicate’s claimed averages are anywhere close to reality.
China holds the world record in the number of text messages exchanged among its citizens, text for them is inexpensive, it’s a massive phenomena. 🙂
Yep. It’s fuzzy math.
Earning money by offering services has been abandoned in favour of directly demanding out-exchange donations. Now the e-meter is being abandoned as a ‘religious’ tool and being offered as a fashion accessory and collector’s item. Scientology’s fond of appropriating terminology from the established religions- perhaps they might like to word-clear ‘sacrilege’?
So the CofS has over a billion $$ and they are pushing these meters that cost them under a $100 to manufacture? Scam central.
I expect His Excellence will come out with a black meter around New Years. It will be the “Get your fucking ethics in” commemorative edition. A special label will be affixed to the front cover with your name etched into it with the note: ‘Limited edition- use for sec checks only’.
The isp address will point straight to Hemet and report directly to Him so ethics can be implemented immediately.
Pricing will be determined on an individual basis and have a sliding scale depending upon ones success in exposing actionable offenses and collecting donations from OECICSMF to make up the damages.
I always enjoy the vapid gaze of the ” poster Scientologist”. Thanks for starting my Saturday with a chuckle.
Strong is the Kool-ade in these people, Obiwan Paul. However, their intelligence has completely bottomed out.
May the farce be with them
Nice, GTBO! Warp speed ahead…
Gawd some of these whales must have rooms full of this stuff, every commemorative edition of every generation of e-meters, of all the LRH fiction books, commemorative volumes of DMSMH (mulitples created for various events and orgs), etc, etc, etc. But on the other hand, there is plenty more in the way of commemoratives that could be whipped up for them. How about framed commemorative editions of SP declares? Commemorative edition DVDs of all TV ads for Scientology ever created? Commemorative framed editions of all event posters ever made? Commemorative editions of promo pieces? Could be virtually endless….
But now they get to build themselves into the fabric of Scientology history. I bet no one on the block has that yet.
Ex-customers have often talked about their garage being filled with this crap, and because they paid a whole lot of money for the worthless dung, they’re reluctant to just dump it in the trash. 🙂 They try to unload it on eBay but of course nobody wants the crap.
Often it takes a move, a relocation to another hours or apartment to motivate ex-customers to finally haul all the crap out to the trash dumpsters. 🙂
Amway crap and Shacklee crap and the rest is much the same, boxes of shit that nobody wants, nobody will buy, all the suckers and rubes have been swindled and wised up already so off it all goes in to the trash.
I needed space in my garage and attic so the whole lot went into the dumpster – whole sets of books, lectures, etc, etc, all untouched. I’m embarrassed that I was ever talked into buying this crud.
SSA – let’s not forget that these are whales and therefore used to high end personal products. I think they would lean more towards the 18 carat gold pendant with an embossed image of their favorite defrocked SP, in the traditional “circle and slash look,” favored by many squirrel busters.
OMG! As if literally thousands of churches and religions haven’t had their own radio stations from decades, and television stations as well. And these folks with blinders on have managed to fool themselves that the lame messages now being used by the chult are going – somehow – to alter the reality of much of the planet in their favour? How dreadfully sad.
So true. Scientology could have had its own television station long before the internet, and I am pretty sure it would have helped to expand Scientology at least up until the internet came along to hijack its communication bridge to raw public.
Beryl, I’d like to jump in here and say that what hijacked the expansion of Scientology was the cult’s abusive behavior of which the internet was a huge facilitator in disseminating. If the Church of Scientology had actually been living up to its own PR the internet would have facilitated in disseminating wins and good experiences instead of horror stories and losses.
It’s a bad sign for the church that so many people on their honor role have been featured on either this blog or Tony’s. Truly, they must be down to only a few hundred people in the US who can be counted on for the nonstop fund raising goals.
Is John Mappin a Bellman at the Fort Homicide? Even a determined search of the Goodwill in Las Vegas couldn’t turn up a jacket like that.
Is this campaign to get the last 2500 of the 5000 meters out of the warehouse and into people’s garages with ‘the basics’?
Individually and collectively, these people are idiots.
I donated my Basics and Congresses to the Independent Field. At least they can use them, and put them to good use.
LOL!! Wonderful commentary on what is actually happening. Bystander, I actually did see a jacket like that at Circus Circus, in Vegas. The man was crafting balloon animals for children!
Has anyone figured out no one watches broadcast TV anymore? Do they think Dish is going drop some of the NFL channels to pick up (nonexistent) programming designed by COB? The closest thing I can think of is Trinity Broadcast Network, which has been around for decades. I have no idea who carries them these days, but I bet they pay the carriers in some markets, since they are fundamentally a fund raising scam to keep the owners in private jets and wigs.
ROFL! True words, Science Doc. 🙂 The Internet is also the death of this criminal enterprise, and thanks to the Internet, even traditional cults in the United States are in slow decline.
I second that, Fredric! The internet WILL be their downfall. Before the internet, public and staff just had to take their word regarding Scientology. Now, if you go to YouTube & type in scientology, 98% of the videos are anti scientology. AND…it’s getting worse!
Beyond the scam SD, what kind of a show would they have short of a continuous promo such as todays post? Maybe they could create a reality show and use the recent LAX and squirrel buster productions.
Or they could put up a webcam in a courseroom (pretty boring with an empty space) or maybe in an IAS regges office during a face ripping shakedown of a couple of sheeple. That might actually get some views!
I suppose it would end up being a continuous loop of COB and His events describing how the cult is going to save never-never land.
One can take solace in knowing 47x expansion results in a run of 1500 meters falling far short of a sell out. Good grief everyone who purchased is easily able to be named on page in a readable sized font…huge fail…in fact epic sized.
The collapse continues…hip hip hooray!!