Apparently this is what passes for “dissemination” these days.
You know, if Planetary Clearing was really a thing, you would think they would spend some of their money to open some missions and orgs in India. Scientology is not banned there like it is in China. It’s a MASSIVE population and there has never been a single org in the entire country.
Instead, they ask people for money to buy books to hand to “opinion leaders” and call this “planetary Dissemination at the correct order of magnitude.”
And just as a note, the crazy stats about India you include only prove your complete ineffectiveness. 4700 newspapers and not a single one covering the miracles of scientology — even though LRH PR tech is THE answer to all things. 462 million internet users and scientology TV and are “massively popular” according to Dear Leader Miscavige.
Unreal. The fact is that this is extraordinary delusion on a massive scale.
Scientology – the cult of Evident Stupidity (TM) – is dying a slow and agonizing death. All OTs (Obviously Troubled) are advised to visit their nearest Org for a Mind Rehabilitation Course (MRC) – and to bring their credit cards. Persons who have only attained the status of ‘Clear’ need not attend, as that status is actually meaningless.
Did you ask Michael Chan if he like Potsticker?
Hey Ed Rosenstein if Mike was such a horrible person all those years he spent at the top echelon of Scientology then Scientology must not work. Right? So either the tech is bullshit or you’re a liar. How can you claim Scientologists as the most ethical people on the planet if top management are unethical? Everyone who leaves Scientology is labeled a crook, or a liar or some other horrible condition. So then it’s clear for everyone to see that Scientology DOES NOT WORK and you’re all a bunch of LIARS. When you wake up & realize you’ve been conned The Aftermath Foundation can help. REAL help. Not the bogus Scientology kind
Mike Rinder – The True Story of a Hate Monger
I used to work with Mike back in the day when he was with OSA and still sort of in-valence. But even then he was riddled with hate (and never saw his kids). I used to dread the days he’d ask me to go get a sandwich with him at he Jewish deli around the corner. I remember one time he approached an elderly Jewish couple and would put a black comb above his upper lip to look like Hitler mustache and talk to them with a German accent. “Where are your papers?!” he used to shout at them. I would cringe and would be embarrassed to be seen out in Public with Mike. I remember one time Mike told me how to spot a Jew in public – “big nose, small penis, and stingy tipper”. Ultimately, Mike had to be fired from OSA for dereliction of duties. He’s not missed.
It’s sad that I am apparently losing my memory and in desperate need of OT 8.
It’s not just this that has slipped my mind, but a letter writer to the production company of the Aftermath recently said they overheard me calling for the genocide of all children in the Sea Org and that I had lamented that if only it wasn’t illegal I would have carried it out.
Don’t have any recollection of that either.
Or the rapes or shaking babies or wife-beating.
I am worried I won’t be able to remember my own name soon…
The problem with people accusing others of atrocities they didn’t commit is that they have to remember what they said. When you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember. It’s interesting how your story keeps growing and growing now that you’re gone. Pretty soon, I expect you will have 27 feet tall when you were there and have left everyone cowering in your wake. The deal is that the people making up these stories don’t realize that they are so outrageous only lying liars who lie would believe them.
Keep up the good work, Mike. You’re obviously creating an effect.
OSA paying us a visit!
Yo Bitter Defrocked Types and Never Innies, a-readin’ and a postin’ and a-natterin’ here:
Would y’all kindly cease yer evil doin’ for a sec?
We got company!
Y”all need to help Mike give a right friendly welcome to Mr. OSA here, come a fur piece to the Fringes just to pay Little Us a visit.
Let’s show our OSA guest some real, down home SP Hospitality,shall we? In the Correct Order of Magnitude as befittin’ such an honor.
Welcome to the Fringes of the Internet, Mr. Rosenstein!
Y’all set a spell!
….Mike can sleep in on Sunday… snuggle with his children,… he can have hot cocoa whenever he wants….
He gets to look up at sky for as long as he wants to… he’ll never hold another liability condition in his hand, never have his battle plan ripped to shreds while being screamed at….
Mike can do whatever he wants to. He’s FREE.
I LOVE that Mike is out, and this asshat above is IN.
It’s so funny…because is really DOES make me feel happy to think about it. Any of the attackers… they’ve already lost .. they’re already in daily hell and punishment…
Our lives are a thousand times better just because we’re out. Duress and degradation are not part of our lives. The pressure and worry of going up the bridge and “going free” and “making it” … GONE.
we get to keep our money toooooo!
Let’s DANCE!!!!
Amen to that, RVW. I too am very happy for Mike Rinder. He began a new life for himself at rather an advanced age! Well, that’s because he has a brain and knows how to use it.
The Still Ins trapped, but all they have to do to get out of their trap is take a chance and LOOK.
The smart ones will do that. The courage to LOOK, the ability to LOOK despite being afraid, will stand them in good stead outside the cult.
The stupid, stubborn determinedly blind ones who have axes to grind and want to keep grinding them, those desperate to be right, will not have the courage to look, and they’ll live out the rest of their lives miserably in the cult, making their families and friends wrong, making themselves last ditch right, their determined blindness serving as their own trap, grovelling for whatever crumbs of approval from Head Criminal David Miscavige may come their way, making his approval the be all and end all of their existence. And that’s fine, because the determined blindness that keeps them in the cult would hinder them severely from succeeding outside the cult..
Hopefully the former group already is MUCH larger than the latter group, and continues to grow, until only a tiny handful are left when the Dwarf steps down in disgrace.
Mike Rinder, SHAME on you for aspiring to SP status by calling for the genocide of ONLY all Sea Org children! Sorry, Mike,,you know I like you but this is PATHETIC.
The very LEAST prerequisite for acceptance in the Suppressive Elites would be a Tone 40 Postulate for the annihilation of ALL Scientology children under the age of 14.
I mean, THAT, at the very least, would be BASIC, Mike!
Basic stuff, without which all the wife beating, baby shaking and Jew Hating in the world will not help you gain entry to THIS upper echelon SP Group.
Sorry, Mike, but, well, you just don’t cut it. Sure, you’re a Garden Variety Suppressive, but we’re the ELITES, the upper 2 of the 2 percenters, OK?
That said, don’t give up. WORK on those Suppressive Postulates! Keep your eye on the mountain! We NEVER close the door on anyone, The Board will meet next year and I’ll arrange for a review of your application.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, my Hemlock Brownies need to come out of the oven. I’ve got some extremely noisy neighbors coming for tea.. Afterwards a group of us Elites will be meeting to drill the flawless insertion of razor blades into candy apples so as to properly welcome the adorable little tykes who’ll be trick-or-treating in the area this Halloween. . TTFN!
@aqua, now you’ve made me need to go listen to Alice’s Restaurant again…
🙂 @ Valerie.
Enforced disconnection is an abuse, Ed. And silence is complicity. You will never be accepted by the mainstream as long as you continue to condone this despicable practice.
+ 1000.
Well said, mwestern.
Youuu just stay in scientology.
Yep! Happy to have you there.
Stay in FOREVER!
Yayyyyyy. I grin from ear to ear thinking of your life.
Why, Mike Rinder! How dare you!
Imitating Hitler in front of Jewish people!
Shame! Shame!
Tsk, tsk!
( by the way, this is just me showing off my smartass side. I know you would never do anything like that.)
Notice to all non-scientologists who come here.
The signing of the Church of Scientology Religious Services Contract is required prior to receiving any service. This just a small piece of it but should be enough to sway anyone from getting involved with scientology.
Scientology is granted by the parishioner to allow the kidnapping any of its members and lock them up for an indefinite duration of time — and this without the kidnapped member having the benefit of any legal representation, legal hearing, medical evaluation, or medical intervention. All a Scientology Inc. “case supervisor” has to say is that a member has gone Type III. After this pronouncement, the member is bodily seized, locked up, and held against their will. This happened to Lisa McPherson. Lisa became the victim of negligent homicide while being held captive in Scientology Inc.’s dangerous and quasi-felonious exercise in complete quackery known as the Introspection Rundown. The Scientologist agrees to not sue the Church for any injuries or damage — and this release contemplates death — that might or could occur when one is being held as a religious prisoner in the Introspection Rundown.
Caveat Emptor
Dear Peabody registrar:
You can take your Religious Services Contract and shove it up your ass!
Sincerely yours:
A Dedicated SP.
Excuse me, it’s not my religious contract. You must be a still-in and you should read the actual document you signed before you signed up for any services, or not. I don’t give a shit.
Peabody, it’s a joke! I’m just being a smartass!
Well, you got me :o)
And that “beauty queen” looks about angry enough to clobber someone if only she weren’t so well brought up.
Hmm . . . “Planetary Dissemination” . . . Is that some kind of new Scientology “Birth Control” tech ?
Dave F.
It seems to me that this embodies the two things we are seeing in Scientology propaganda these days: the use of “stats” about whatever area is involved, implying opportunities to “reach” and disseminate, thus conveniently glossing over Scientology’s actual dismal and declining “stats,” and saving them the trouble of trying to twist something sounding like a “win” out of their ongoing failure; and a focus on far away places, where it’s conveniently difficulty for anyone to fact-check what is actually going on, and sometimes easier for them to set up photo ops, such as when they invited a large number of locals for food and entertainment dockside in Barbados.
As far as their distribution of books, in Colombia they have claimed to have “stocked” all the more than 2,000 libraries in the country with the “basics” – and I don’t doubt that members paid Scientology’s high profit margin full prices to have sets shipped to every one. However, to try to gauge the success of that effort, I checked the Bogotá district library online catalog, which might only index 18 of the 24 locations, but only 2 seemed to have enough Scientology books to possibly make up a full set of basics, and only 2 others even had copies of Dianetics (in Spanish).
Scientology – a slick PR machine. Lying Liars that Lie.
Yep! The big triple three!
Yup!”Lying Liars that Lie.” THEN they lie about lying
A total TangledWebBurger.
In ScientologyWorld™, India is part of the UK. Along with Pakistan and Bangladesh. Oh…and Ireland. There used to be a “bustling” Dianetics group in Assam at the beginning of the decade (with some 48…ahem… “study groups”) but I have no idea if it still exists. Their tithe stats were very low in comparison to other field groups so I assume they were delivering to randoms for free. There was also a “Pioneer Project” in 2012 led by “Lord” Duncan McNair to try and get something going in Delhi (which tells you everything you need to know about the “mission” that has supposedly been there since 2002).
Speaking of Delhi, Scientology proudly claims “growth of exponential proportions” and yet, in a territory of some 29 million people, in a country that has more facebook users than any other, this megalopolitan mission struggles to get more than 20 “likes” for each posted “win”.
Isn’t this all just more of Captain Dave’s pattern though? Get some pretty pictures to show the big donors at some event. Feed them a line of crap about the great things they are doing there. (he knows no one is going to question it) Soak up the adoration. All that’s left is to sit back and collect as much of their money as he can squeeze out of them. Call it a day.
The book sales guys see stats are too low. Gotta sell some books. I know! Let’s get the still-in’s to buy some books. How, he said? Package them up in a great purpose, play on their inner goodness and willingness to help, and let’s get them sold. That should work! No?
It’s just good ole booksales. Nothing more.
On the other hand, 53% of them are still sh*tting in the streets (, so who’s going to notice the lack of TP in orgs?
How the hell do they get these high profile people to pose with them?????? such smart manipulators they are….a well oiled PR machine.
If an org were to open in India, would Shudras(untouchables) be allowed to register for services? Or would Miscavige allow the caste system to determine who could come in and who couldn’t?
I don’t want to give anyone ideas here (you OSA net nannies go away) but I think the solution and sure fire money maker for the cult would be to advertise an Indian version of the Purification Rundown to clean up any of those nasty unwanted caste issues some folks are burdened with. It would be about as effective as the current Putrefaction Rundown the cult offers to handle drugs, radiation and toxins that have somehow accumulated in the body. But, who cares about effectiveness when the cash is flowing?
Since I expect the shudras/untouchable would generally be excluded; not so much by caste as lack of money. I also expect that ‘wog’ might not be a words bandied about as much as it is in the US. In India as well as other parts of the old Empire, they KNOW what the word means and some locals might get pretty PO’d about being called such. That Ron, SUCH a joker…. NOT
I just wanted to be sure so i looked it up and i brlieve it was the Chinese who developed the decimal system. But hey, they are close to each other ethnic wise right? NOT! Also my other comments were answered, should have read it sooner. Scientology could have disseminated the country much faster if they had put a book of Dianetics in the hands of ” Slumdog Millionaire” movie stars instead of “The Three Musketeers”. Movie was seen by millions of people, millions more than scientology TV.
What are the average CSN stats? ZERO 18-80 age brackets ZERO % of households ZERO market share? Also ZERO new people into the idle mOrgs, to go with the ZERO WDAH, ZERO auditor completions, ZERO bodies in the shop….. AND the beat goes on.
I’ll bet there ain’t nobody watching that drek that ain’t already IAS suckers.
Actually, India is generally given credit for using the decimal system without recognizing it as a “breakthrough” around 600 AD. It probably started by observing that humans have 10 fingers. Unfortunately, the highest number which could be represented is 10. For all we know, the apes may have discovered the decimal system much earlier.
Another mockery in action concerning the delusions used to elicit money from the well intentioned.
Scientology is a dismal failure in countries like the US, England, Australia, Ireland, Canada, Scotland, Sth Africa, Israel et al. If it doesn’t work in any of those societies, what’s the odds it’s going to work somewhere like India? Oh I just remembered, Colombia is the shinning jewel of Scientology’s global accomplishments! Maybe they should get a couple of cartels involved to help spread the good word of Hubbard in India. They have their own tried and true methods of going about business. Bit messy, but boy, the monies great! Oh! There’s always the NOI to fall back on too for examples of the wonders of Scientology.
Indeed Mike, massive delusion and only ONE message: Give me your money!
Scientology distributes books bound in cowhide leather to Hindus in India.
What Bozos.
Well spotted Fred! Cultural sensitivity [indeed any kind of sensitivity] was never Slappy Dave’s strong point.
That’s brilliant Fred! Had a good chuckle on that. Kind of like having roast pork on the menu for NOI events.
Muslims are forbidden pork. NOIs are not Muslims. The NOI is an African American religion and they may give lip service to the Islamic food laws but they do not adhere to them and there’s no penalty for NOIs who eat pork in all its forms – bacon, sausages, ribs – they eat it ALL.
OK, I can be corrected on such matters. However, if you’re in bed with Scientology and listen to Miscavige… well I’ll change my mind and will think worse of them than I did before. Their agenda is what exactly (reference to Islam aside)?
Yawn, I’m no expert on the NOI’s agenda but in its pure philosophy I believe it was founded on the principles of uplifting the African American, of creating a mindset in African Americans of the kind of pride in their heritage that would enable them to flourish and prosper with – and in spite of white people. A good reference to start with would be Alex Haley’s “The Biography of Malcolm X”” an ex-criminal and ne’er do well who taught himself to write by reading the entire dictionary while he was in prison. His real name was Malcolm Little. Raised in the Jim Crow South with crosses burned on his lawn, he started out as a bitter hater of all white people and,rose to became the NOI’s leader. At some point afterwards he had an epiphany about hating being not the way to achieve what he wanted for himself, his family and his flock, etc. His whole world view changed. His realization was that all men were truly brothers. He then ceased preaching hatred of whites or anyone. totally reversed himself and instead preached brotherly love among all the races to the NOI. Shortly afterwards he was assassinated. A tremendously interesting man and the book is a great read.
Quick correction, Yawn: Malcolm X didn’t teach himself to WRITE, per se, in prison. He could already read and write. I don’t recall if he graduated or dropped out of high school. In any event in the book he recounts to author Alex Haley how taught himself superior literacy by reading every word from A thru Z in a thick dictionary in the library of a prison in which he was incarcerated for a period of time.. Starting with, he said “aardvark”, each day he’s spend time in the library reading the dictionary until he got thru all the “Z” words. Quite an accomplishment, IMO and certainly a testament to anyone’s self discipline and persistence on a given course..
Aqua, it sounds like the NOI need to go and reread Elijah Muhammad because in his two book series called “How To Eat To Live”, he emphatically tells the NOI that they are NOT to eat any pork whatsoever. I mean, he also tells them that they are only to eat one meal a day as well as to abstain from what most people would call soul food but he is very adamant with regards to pig meat. Maybe Louis Farrakhan altered the rules after he took over but Elijah Poole Muhammad was very firm about his teachings.
Alcoboy, thanks. I should NOT have been unequivocal about what I stated. My evidence for it was anecdotal.. I saw NOI members in their turbans and long skirts (women) pigging out (in every sense of the word) on huge plates of barbecued ribs, mac and cheese, collard greens, etc.. This was one instance and I just assumed that the Muslim food laws didn’t apply to American NOI. My bad. Also I’ve never read what Elijah Muhammad the Founder wrote. Maybe as you say Calypso Louie doesn’t enforce the no pork rule but then I really don’t know and shouldn’t have sounded off about it just because a friend and I happened to observe 4 NOI ladies enjoying pork at a popular soul food place in my area. In any event, thanks for setting me straight on this point!
Well, that’s my point entirely. These good ladies need to go read the aforementioned books by Mr.
Poole(aka Elijah Muhammad) and then get their NOI ethics in. But then again, every religion has its share of hypocrites.
Ha ha ha!
Well, Alcoboy, my friends and I do like us some soul food occasionally – me, I can get CRAZY for collard greens and just gotta have ’em sometimes, so I will be back at that place, and heaven help NOI ladies if I see them again together enjoying a huge platter of barbecued ribs!
I promise if I do that, armed with appropriate Elijah Mohammed No Pork Ever Reference I’ll march right over to their table and slam their ethics in RUTHLESSLY.
I promise, Alcoboy.
It’ll be worth making a scene and getting thrown out of one of my favorite restaurants to know that once more I’ve done my little bit to Get Ethics In On The Planet.
As a Bitter Defrocked Apostate now, an Undeclared SP relegated as I am to the Fringes of the Internet, my opportunities to get ethics in on others have been so few. My Ethics Presence is no more, and frankly, I kind of miss being a total asshole, you know?
‘Bound in cowhide leather to Hindus!’ I’d run and hide because of the outcry. Way to go, Cult members.
FRED: don’t give them any ideas. they’ll start marketing them as bound in leather from an alternative, more expensive, source.
All of those people look less than thrilled with the photo ops. They seem to be thinking “where is the closest garbage can?” At least the one guy in India who is foisting the stuff on people has more than one suit.
When I was in India I was amazed at the efficiency of the “trash & recycling” efforts. As fas as I could see there was very little official garbage service and I never saw a recycling bin but this was happening naturally because of the various levels of poverty. If something was discarded, it was found and used by someone else. If that person found the item worthless, it was discarded and acquired by someone of lesser means and they found a use for it. This happened until there was virtually very little left and at that point animals in the streets would have at it if it was some sort of food item.
I’m not sure what would happen if scientology printed material ended up in the bins. My first thought was toilet paper (like Sears catalogs were used in the US & Canada back in the outhouse era) but Indians use squat toilets and no toilet paper. They are a very ingenious people driven by the necessities of poverty so I’m sure that the cult materials will be put to some use other than causing more suffering by being read.
Wallpaper or paper mache comes to mind.
I put all the cult materials I’d accumulated over the years to the best use possible. All were used as fuel for fires that kept the house warm.
I read somewhere that they carry a small jug of water to clean their private area after using the squat toilet, on some instances a street side trench that runs downhill more or less.
“Less than thrilled” is understatement. Lol. I’m falling on the floor from laugh. Gosh… They need the Trash Cans ASAP like yesterday. Like getting an emergency paramedic ASAP to resolve their embarrassed of pretended agreemennt. Get help over here PRONTO!!! Lol.
The recipients’ expressions are priceless. They look like they just got a whiff of a fart but aren’t quite sure yet.
Oh, crap! Sorry! That was me.
That made my day! Incredibly funny. I had to go back up, and stare, and laugh again!
Only 3 ‘Opinion Leaders’ in all of the millions in India? And one is a ‘beauty queen’? Oh goodness!
There are at least 360 million people living in poverty in India. It will not be easy for Miscavige to squeeze much money out of them.
Miscavige probably saw “Slumdog Millionaire” movie and figures millions are just out there for the taking.
Scientology TV just managed to hit 4 perfect zeros Worldwide in the last 3 weeks.Hip!Hip!Now that’s what I call exponential monumental expansion to the ultimate static.0
I clicked on this and got a message from Google: “There was a problem with this website, blah, blah.” – which makes me thing scientology has gotten to Google one or another: threats, intimidation, or indirect bribes.
Sorry my mistake.
This link hopefully works
I think there’s a reason Miscavige stays out of India: other cults are way bigger than Scientology and quite a few of them have a lot more money.
Scientology has something like 25,000 members (and staff) worldwide. One group in India called Dera Sacha Sauda has several million members in India. They have dozens of “orgs” throughout the country, and their land holdings put Scientology’s empire to shame. It’s estimated that they have up to $10 billion in cash, an amount that dwarfs the Int Reserves, which I estimate are no more than $1.5 billion.
Another group, headed by Guru Ramdev, is the leading vendor of natural products in India, with several billion dollars in annual sales. That operation is bigger in India than the global consumer product empires like Unilever or Procter & Gamble. And they’re successful at selling to “wogs” in a way that Miscavige can’t hope to repeat.
Most of the Indian cults are extremely well dialed in to the government, which shields them from excessive interference. Some have been advisers to various Indian prime ministers over the years. However, with some ridiculous blasphemy laws on the books, anyone whose religious fee-fees are hurt by Scientology’s teachings can tie them up in knots in court for years and the courts will likely side with them. They’ll never be able to “safepoint” the Indian government at the level these other groups have done for decades and they’re liable to be tossed out on their ears. It’ll be a major embarrassment and very expensive.
My gosh, your comments are so rich in understanding, thankyou again, for all your years of observations, very much appreciated!
What Scientology’s done and still doing is just what’s been human patterns for long time by other similar groups, and whether Hubbard learned from them, or Hubbard just stumbled into the same “logical” “handlings” for Hubbard’s Scientology organizations, it seems to me in hindsight, that Hubbard could have just been following others’ logical patterns similarly all through history.
Which is why I’d have hoped, my ex members delusional wish always was, to finally get out and read some blistering excellent historical sociological take-down of all such groups in human history, and what’s already been society’s response.
Such dismal long drawn out patterns which as a dupe once thoroughly caught up in Scientology’s full mess (organizationally is where I dupe-hopefully wished “we” Scientology were doing good despite all the glaring Hubbard paranoid megalomania).
It sadly takes so long to realize how much shat Hubbard’s shat is.
Thankyou again J.P.C. for all your observations sharing.
I just can’t see Scientology in India.
I disagree OSD, you are forgetting that Ron was Budha. Once the masses are reminded of that, it is inevitable that Scientology will be the official coolest religion in India.
Once again… I stand corrected.
A born again flaming red headed Indian deity that smoked Kools and rode motorbikes just doesn’t seem right. But who am I to judge some God by the color of their hair? But we got the fatso bit right hey? mmmm… the “Hymn of Asia”, that doesn’t seem a right set of words either… like trying to fathom a book called ‘The Sympathies of the KKK.’ Confusing all these squirrelisms isn’t it?
Aw come on OSD, India is where a lot of the click farms are. As long as scientology pays the click farmers for the “privilege” of clicking on their sites, scientology will pretend to have a presence in India.
Chick farms? OMG! How do I hookup with them. I mean…..what? Really? Damn. I was hoping to get…..
Ummm… I recommend you get your wife to take you to an optometrist. Ah, never mind. Bliss.
And scammers. May be a fit for scientology.
It would be a clash of the established religions. Don’t think they would be happy about that.
Thst makes sense. With 3/4 of the population not having any money, who’s going to fill Miscavige’s coffers?
Oh I don’t know… They might get a kick out of Thursday funnies! Out of all those Indian newspapers and internet users, surely one or two of them will eventually work out an angle their readers might appreciate if Scientology invades. True story this, but once I was involved with trying to source some art work duplication opportunities and the Chinese guy we used as an interpreter informed us of a simple philosophy that we must either accept or overcome in dealing with that culture. And that was the term, “silly white man.” I’m sure the Indian business people are similar & will probably get a chuckle or two (or the horrors) about Scientology being pitched to them as a religion. The fact Scientology has a despicable history and no Orgs anywhere in the world are prospering will not go unnoticed by the Indian people that really matter.
Another aspect of inter-cultural business per my meager experience is that going through official channels, embassies, trade commissions, opinion leaders etc sure costs if you proceed though them and it exposes you to all sorts of rules & lawyer based stuff you didn’t even know existed. It takes nothing for them to have your business (or civil) history, dealings etc investigated and understood in an instant. They are not silly people, very polite but they are all business, often completely self serving like most politicians. Being a player at that level… sheesh, you gotta know your stuff and be prepared to experience “the real world.” No wonder Scientology has never set up shop there. This is just a ploy to squeeze a few more dollars out of their gullible but exhausted followers. After all, the magical properties of the only tek of life needs to be reassured at every opportunity. Words and books are all they have, results using Hubbard’s puke speaks for itself.
“the Chinese guy we used as an interpreter”
That wouldn’t have been the Chan Man, would it?
Oops! Sorry! I forgot! We’re not supposed to say that!
OSD. Just what Mike said. You can’t see them ‘cause they’re not there…..ha.
Scientology in India. Two words that are not Compatible. No sir! There would be zippo money spending there. Not a go. They are ain’t stupor,,, lol. Elementary Watson… Elementary. Ha ha ha……
I can’t see $$cientologia in India either. You got that right my lady. Ha ha ha.
If you belong to this church (and eventually you’ll either belong to them or you will be done with them), you will and must defend this church of hype and bullshit.
“…(and eventually you’ll either belong to them or you will be done with them)…”
Right on the nose.
Apparently, there is only one lone scientologist doing ALL the disseminating in India. What a busy boy! And I guess no one in India has a name; “a 2018 beauty queen”, “a member of parliament”, “a religious leader”.
Amazing how the demented crooks never have the courage to ever name these people.
I’d say Dave put out a casting call and some nice folks out on I-10 responded during a lull in their mini mart/gas station activities to pick up a couple extra bucks.
After the filming, Eff Pee returned the leatherbounds back to the H-Gee-Bee where they remain on display to this day!
Yo Dave,
Ya didn’t even have to get dust on yer leather good buddy!
You’re being a cultural bigot here Newcomer. You should be a bit more cautious when mentioning a ‘casting call’ in reference to Indians. We all saw the butt hurt that Michael Chan has endured because of this blog. I think it’s high time we all sign up for some sensitivity training.
LOL, Ms. B!
I’m sure the local idle morge has such a class. I’ll sign up fer it.
Looks like one guy doing all the “dissemination”.
I wouldn’t generally include beauty queens among opinion leaders. They are entertaining, and say a lot of dumb things under pressure, but I don’t follow their opinions.
(No offense meant to any beauty queens. Generally they can be pretty smart, they just get a lot of publicity when they say something dumb under pressure. If I got that much attention for every dumb thing I said, I’d be queen of YouTube.)
There will always be NEW people who slip through the cracks, due to self ignorance and due to their high needs propelling them to give Dianetics/Scientology (Xenu’s-Body-Thetans-Exorcism) a try.
New dupes are self created, that’s a human continual problem and a given, about the only thing cult quack groups can bank on.
New Dupes! Try L. Ron Hubbard’s quackery past-lives pseudo-therapy and dead alien souls exorcism today!
You’re a man of the world Chuck. When I see hysterical crowds, especially in 3rd world countries, burning effigies and getting all worked into a lather about something I cringe. That’s when arms dealers, corrupt politicians, military opportunists & religious zealots start salivating. When it’s closer to home we seem to invade countries our political system deem are in need of our way of life. Part of human nature it seems could be thought about percentage wise that a certain amount of gullible idiots will always walk amongst us. We all have our own personal idiosyncrasies, foibles etc. Scientology uses & relies on them and no lie is too outrageous if it can be defended constitutionally or in court by immoral lawyers or simply overwhelmed with the arrogance that comes with the power of vast amounts of untouchable religious money. Scientology and cults like it could be likened to as the acne of the human condition.
“Scientology could be likened to as the acne of the human condition” <– Good one.
Spot on, I Yawnalot, unfortunately so. The human condition will always be seeking out some fix. The beat goes on.
The tactics scn uses have given me ghastly, body-shuddering visions of dm and any number of the save-our- ass attorney team brainstorming on how to fix the latest situation. Our hopes lie in reducing the viral count. Like HIV, it can be managed now, to keep the count down.
Yes, rabies comes to mind. Isolate and do the kind thing. I don’t need to say what kindness Scientology deserves, we all know what that is!