Join us tonight at 6:45 to hear from our very own beautiful Academy Chief Supervisor, Shauntel Braun! Shauntel our latest Clear in Vancouver and our first one since pre pandemic times.
Shauntel is a Veteran Staff Member of over 11 years, a Flag Trained Academy Chief Supervisor & Auditor. If you’re reading this, she is likely the one who got you up your Training. She has gotten people through 1000’s of Training Steps over her time as a Supervisor.
Please join us for LIVE music, beautiful wins and more tonight at 6:45! — with Shauntel Braun.
Well, things are really not happening in Vancouver, despite their hype.
They are actually announcing, with some pride that they have made a Clear — the first in 2 YEARS!!!
Of course, there has been a pandemic — but that has not restricted auditing from taking place for the most part. The most remarkable thing about this is that they are so excited to have made a single staff member Clear.
This is the real state of scientology. Lots of hype about fundraising. Lots of “we are doing it”.
But nothing really happening anywhere, though they keep telling themselves that they are “Clearing the Planet.”
It’s an organization that is circling the drain at a faster and faster rate. It is the only thing that IS increasing — the speed at which they are circling the drain.
Shauntelbr Instagram for more poses from this second genner, raised eating staff floor crumbs.
And on a completely non-$camology note: a funny message from the Danish Road Safety Council –
The reasons vary for SO members or staff not going up the Bridge. Reasons such as privilege, constant missions, flaps, being in ethics trouble, intense work schedules, outright spitefulness from the “powers that be,” and yes at times because they can’t pay for their own Bridge.
I can break it down for you.
1. Privilege: believe it or not, there are privileged and entitled people in the Sea Org and staff; some of them are given very cushy posts where they don’t have to do Call Centre duty, Event Call-In or Sales. And at times they are undeservedly rewarded full-time study. Most often it’s a youngster who has influential Scientology family members that donate huge some’s of money.
When I was in the Sea Org. I recall people who were actively routing out of the Sea Org or had committed inexcusable crimes being put onto full-time study. In Scientology, study is supposed to a reward and not a punishment.
I literally saw people who committed forgivable misdemeanours being forced into physical labour and intense ethics programs… no wonder why people blow and criticize the church.
2. Missions: SO Members are frequently sent out on random missions to fix, improve or handle issues in orgs or zones. Most missions are a complete failure and a two-week mission turns into months or even years long. Most ‘missionaires’ get absolutely no study time or Bridge time in.
3. Flaps: when an org is not making enough money, getting enough event confirms or books sold it’s a flap. Everyone on board (except for the privileged) are forced to ‘make it go right’ until the flap is handled. That means no study and no bridge progress. If the flap is not met, it was physical labour for those involved, and yes the privileged don’t get to do physical labour even though the produce absolutely nothing.
4. Ethics trouble: people commit minor misdemeanours all the time, we’re human after all. The people who are most often in ethics trouble are those that the “powers that be” don’t like. If the said persons sneezes they’re on an ethics program and assigned a Lowered Condition. If the said person accidentally said something private to a family relative or Scientology public, they’re on an ethics program or on a Lowered Condition, if you accidentally misplaced a door key you’re in ethics trouble or a Lowered Condition. You can’t move up the Bridge if you’re constantly in Ethics.
5. Intense work schedules: often staff are posted as the head of a division, and they’re the only ones in their assigned division, that means they have double or even triple the work. They have so much work to do that they don’t have the time to go on study, because if their work quotas aren’t met, then there’s hell to pay.
6. Spitefulness of the “Powers that Be”: simply that, spitefulness. I’ve watched Commanding Officers give staff a hard time for being “to busy with Bridge and not handling their posts” and thus future steps are halted and quelled. I’ve even seen Commanding Officers deny people study or Bridge for the most asinine reasons. Often I wonder who the real the SPs are…
7. Money: some staff and Sea Org members have some savings or inheritance. Some of them use their savings to get their Bridge and they’re lucky enough to get the time they need to get moving on the Bridge. But because they gave money, people will find a way to help them. Quite sad that you’re given help if you give money even if you’re earning pennies and hour.
A while ago the Jovies sent two girls just like Shaundra to try and get me in. I suppose they thought if they could import a couple of beauties for a bit of Proselytising it would more likely persuade me to join their cult. Fail!
Beautiful is a understatement, this lady has to be the most attractive I have ever seen in the organisation. Why am i mentioning this, i suppose the point is to illustrate that the cult doesn’t discriminate, it sucks all in from what you would imagine would be those longing for company and friends – the ones who are lonely to the ones who you would imagine have no problem with popularity (like this genetically gifted lady).
To: Alcoboy
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: defending Aquamarine
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: recent comm particle.
First, little piece of shit? I am five foot five and you,sir,are only five foot even. So that’s irony calling me ‘little’. Second, your comment about coming down on me sounds a little out-ethics on the 2d. Isn’t that something you normally do with a certain failed actor friend of yours?
No love at all,
Hi Mike , I like to register my protest over ” 5 feet five inch ” height mentioned 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I by myself, like majority of South Asian share same height.😫😫😫
You white folks start from 5 feet 10 inches to 6 feet , cannot feel the emotional loss and despair being short height 😢😔
This led to inferiority complex ,being in company with tall guys constantly. 🤯
Every one has it own way of coping stress , please give him space for dealing this chronic stress.🤓
Mark, let me explain. First, I do stand five and a half feet tall and I am white. Not all white people are six foot tall giants. Second, on this blog one of the things we like to tease David Miscavige about is his diminutive height as he has dealt with this issue by physically abusing people around him. I am not trying to demean those of us who are vertically challenged. I am simply trying to bring down a small man who seeks to make himself bigger than others through threats and intimidation.
I purposely used emoji to bring humor and bit sarcasm.
What you mentioned is a phenomenon which happens at the final stages of Cults.
Frustration ,confusion, chaos, physical and mental abuse are common amongst Cults be it James Jones stone or David Kuresh.
That’s why it is said Age of Paranoia , followed by Age of Extinction, 2025.
Okay. Got it. Thanks.
A short of stature guy who used to post here mentioned that his kickstand was average to above average size so no problem with that.
Was he the ecclesiastical leader of a worldwide religion?
During these unceasing, vicious attacks by COB I feel secure knowing that you are my protector. You may only stand 5’5″ but in my mind you are that brave, handsome David to a very ugly Goliath :).
And a Goliath who’s shorter than I am. Always glad to be of service.
LOL! I forgot that point for a minute. Well, then “Goliath” not in the sense of physical size but of gargantuan evil.
11 years to make it to Clear. Wow, she’s just flying up the bridge to total disaster. At that rate she should make it OT1 in roughly 12 years and longer because as we know Demento likes to constantly rehash and fiddle in new ways to keep emptying the wallets and bank accounts of the sheepbots. So Shauntel will be revisiting, at her own cost of course, crap that she had done prior to going Clear.
How old will Shauntel be by the time she gets to OT8 if she can’t make a few massive donations to jump the queue? Most likely outcome: “Here’s $100, and there’s the front door.” Unless she has an epiphany one morning and runs like hell. Unlikely, but it’s a pleasant thought.
What a shame. Here’s a lovely young woman who is, albeit innocently and cluelessly and with the best of intentions is wasting her first youth, her smashing good looks, her skills and talents and most of all, most seriously and sadly of all, her strong desire to help mankind, in this avaricious Cult, which is disintegrating, and helping no one.
“If you’re reading this, she is likely the one who got you up your Training.”
Nope. Your “very own beautiful Academy Chief Supervisor, Shauntel Braun,” did not get me up the training side of the Bridge. Although I did only Level Zero of the Levels, I also did an assortment of other training courses (Pro TRs, Hubbard Dianetics Course, etc). My ASHO Day supervisors at the Academy were: Dick Orchuid (Theory), Bob Azevedo (Practical), and Bill Skrivers (Practical). If Dick, Bob or Bill are reading this: Hello!
One of the tenants of scn I’ve gotta sweep away finally is lack of ANY sympathy for the poor people who are still taken in by the scam.
Their rallying cry isn’t so much “We’re DOING it.” as “We WILL be doing it.”
That girl IS cute, of course. I wonder if she’s going to suffer the big CRASH most “clears” experience soon after, once they realize that ‘clear’ ain’t what LRH hyped it up to be.. If so, maybe she’ll be as lucky as me and get kicked out soon after. THAT was the second-best thing to happen to me this lifetime. First, of course, was meeting my lovely lady.
Nah, the crash is because now that she is clear she is ‘at risk’ until through OT 3.
Remember she is only clear on her 1st dynamic.
BTs are part of what dynamic?
A question I never thought to ask my CS.
“BTs are part of what dynamic/”
That’s another 800 lb gorilla’s worth of cognitive dissonance. First – you’ve got these 8 dynamics, and you should have all of them aligned toward optimum survival. But all these spriritual beings? Meh! Just waste ’em! Not your responsibility.
To: Jere Lull
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: going clear(no, not that damn movie!)
Listen, Jere! Nobody crashes when they go clear and I mean nobody! I INSIST that you retract those remarks immediately!
Again, in Scientology, no one crashes!
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: crashing.
That’s not really true. You completely crashed during that Ted Koppel interview some years back. That’s why OSA is doing its utmost to keep you off the witness stand.
No love at all,
I just look at Shauntel’s eyes. Right eye empty, left eye crazy. Ignore the smile and immaculately manicured photo. The eyes speak the truth.
Why hasn’t every staff member and sea borg reached at least clear in the last two years? They have had little to do since Covid, why not get them up the draw bridge of minionhood? Because they didn’t pay for it, of course. Money is the only thing that really moves $cientology.
Clear of what?
Cleaning the planet? It’s still polluted.
Steer Clear of tiny Capt. Dave’s toilet. Better yet clean his clock.
Clearly delusional.
Clear of the abusive wrath’s of tiny Capt.Dave. Yeah right.
Clearly broke.
Clearly you will go off your rocker financially if not psychologically
Clearing the planet of what?
Clearly realized you’ve been duped. But not to them yet.
Windex helps you see more Clearly.
Clearly being brainwashed by the CULT.
Cleaning the drain seems more like it. Whoops circling the drain. -MR
How about Cleaning the bridge for once since you Clearly go up and off it.
Clearly little Capt. Dave doesn’t give a crap about you. Just the money and stats.
Clearing their tiny in the Bubbie planet.
LRH obviously Cleared the planet in a nick of time. Good riddance.
Maybe they should be Clearing out Capt. Dave’s desk since he’s going to jail.
How does clearing the planet and having empty buildings works? Clearwater??
Did Capt. Dave Clear the planet of LRHs dead never coming back body personally?
Scientology needs to Clear the planet immediately for Planet 2. You’re not welcomed here anymore.
You’ve been Clearly conditioned into thinking you are doing good but in reality your still in an abusive mind controlling CULT called Scientology.
In the real world it CLEARLY means nothing.
It you really want to help Clear the planet speak out, get out and steer Clear of this abusive, mind controlling/conditioning and controversial CULT of Scientology that is masquerading as a tax exempt CHURCH.
“just the money & stats”? I’d say he watches only the money stat, as the other numbers he spouts have nothing to do with stats leading up to the expansion of scientology. They only add up to more money in Davey’s coffers, not that he could sanely spend the fortunes he already controls. If he even paid every staff member minimum wage, they could live at above the level of poverty, excepting costs of being part of the organization, of course. there USED to be delivery stats: WDAH, student points, and the like. They are GONE; not reported by the Dwarfenführer®, because his primary personal stat is how much of LRH’s creation he’s destroyed, replaced by Potemkin villages to make the marks believe scientology still is a vital concern. It may still be twitching in spots like the OSA agents keeping watch on the scn-watching sites and the poor clapping clams forced into the events to appear to be enthusiastic throngs enthusiastically applauding the tiny tyrant’s every utterance. That (dis)organization sure ain’t what I experienced while I was “in”, nor what Davey and his Dad saw back when he signed up for a billion years.
Wakes up in the morning and wants to know two stats over coffee, per Claire:
1. Who blew?
2. How much do I have?
To: Mick
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: above comment.
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: recent rant.
I’m still not seeing an LRH birthday cake either made or purchased by you personally. So until you cough up the goods Mick is free to say anything he wants about you.
You have been owned.
No love at all,
The big lie in “clearing the planet ” is that Scientology cannot even clear the personnel in one org! In it’s OWN ORG!!! I’m not talking about clearing a country, a state/province , a city , a small town, even clearing one city block … I’m just talking about clearing ONE measly building which is RUN by SCIENTOLOGY!!!!
Dwarfenführer® don’t care about the staff who deliver what little service he allows orgs to offer. More important are the super-duper super secret tasks he assigns them to do in a rush-rush, gotta-be-done-NOW basis.
IT’s even worse than it sounds because the ONE Clear they made in Two Years is not even a public paying person. The one clear they made was a staf member who brought in no money for it. (I think staff members are for the most part good people who deserve to get any perks they can, including auditing). So the fact that it was a staff member means there was no money coming in the door, no GI, no nada.
To Cindy: You never know regarding a staff member paying for professional HGC Auditing. As of four or five years ago, org staff were frequently reged to pay for auditing and be an HGC pc for the org in which they did not work. For instance, if Foundation (eves and weekends) org staff, they would get hard-sold and helped to take out credit cards to pay for grade chart auditing up to Clear with the Day Org. Conversely, Day Org staff would be hard sold to become paying pcs for the Foundation Org operating out of the same building. For many, compounding their already precarious financial situation.
Peridot, thank you for the information. But even if they helped out other orgs by being paying pcs, how do they manage to get enough sleep to actually be sessionable? And if their org stats are down, they’re eating only beans and rice, so how do they get the required food and sleep to make them able to be a pc once the auditing is paid for?
Precisely. How do these staff members make all this happen? One I know just avoids creditors. Another – her health spiraled, as well as her finances. She left staff and moved in with non-Scientologist friends in a different state where there is no org. Personally, I don’t have any anecdotal success stories on this.
I do know that there is specific LRH written about do NOT ask SO members for donations or money because they are giving of their time instead. Yet I have seen and experienced SO being woken up at night, being kept awake for long reg cycles to get money donated just to get someone’s stats up. If a SO gets an inheritance, they all pile on to get that inheritance money, and usually it is not even in exchange for auditing. It is just straight donation to the IAS or some other group.
Another big lie is that clearing exists. 🙂
It can’t happen fast enough.
However, I would love to watch david miscavige circle that drain one time before he goes into the sewer system.
That would be fun to watch!
There is a great likelihood that the sewer system might REJECT Davey. THAT might be interesting to watch in a creepy kinda way.
I’d love to watch him do the perp walk. And just think, the G-man wouldn’t even have to hold Davey’s head down when putting him in the back seat.