I recommend everyone watch The Vow — both seasons — on HBO. It documents the horrors of Keith Raniere and his NXIVM cult. Mark, and his wife Bonnie Piesse, play a significant role in bringing down Raniere, who is now serving 120 years in Federal prison. Christie and I have become friends with Mark and Bonnie (and also with the other most prominent whistleblowers who exposed Raniere’s cult — Sarah Edmondson and Nippy Ames). These friendships are based on a foundation of deep understanding forged by shared similar experiences. They are good, strong, brave people who put their personal comfort aside to expose terrible abuses to the world.
I was honored to be the first guest on Mark’s podcast and like so many of our private conversations, it was stimulating, revealing and cathartic. I hope you take the time to listen to this one, I think it is one of the best I have done.
Not sure if I can post links, but I’ll just say the episode can be found on other podcast platforms, on Mark Vicente’s Website, as well as YouTube. If you avoid iTunes at all costs, as I do, you don’t have to give in to hear this great episode. 🙂
Is there no limit that you will go to to upstage david mismcavige?
You wrote of your past, the good and the bad, and are on hand to sign your book.
You walk freely on the streets without layers of hired guards.
You go on air and video without scripted symbiotes pandering to you.
You even publicly announce when and where you can be found.
Whereas, where is the big being in the little body?
We all know who has the better life. Enjoy.
Nobody is making you listen or read these things. If it bothers you “clearly it does” don’t seek the articles or podcast.
Sorry. I did not make specific note that I was being sarcastic, and poking fun at david miscavige.
I apologize also, I reread it any realized I was wrong.
Everyone should listen to this podcast. I watched it on Youtube. Moving, informative interview with two
“good, strong, brave people who put their personal comfort aside to expose terrible abuses to the world.”
This is an early Christmas gift to us all. And now Sarah has moved from Vancouver to the Southern U.S. – good for them … and you 🙂 Cheers Mike.