A recent escapee from Celebrity Center in Los Angeles filed the report below with the Hollywood PD.
They will likely do nothing about it, but the cumulative effect of filing police reports cannot be underestimated.
What happened to this woman is SO normal inside the scientology bubble. Nobody there gives it a second thought. This is “normal” and “appropriate” behavior when you are convinced that what you are doing is saving every man, woman and child on this earth and in the universe. What are the human rights of a single individual in the face of saving the universe?
It’s why scientology is so dangerous, because this IS how they think. “Wog” concepts of justice are to be laughed off as “aberrated”…
And what makes it even worse, to cover their tracks they pretend to be a great humanitarian organization — even selling “humanitarian” statuses to anyone willing to fork over the cash. Such astonishing hypocrisy.
You should also know that this woman was assisted by the Aftermath Foundation with a place to stay, help with a car, legal representation, and money for food and gas. She has now gotten a job and is getting back on her feet…
Does Dohring family utilize Sea .Org members to run their household and perform menial jobs for them, the way Tom Cruise does?
I LOVED reading this story about how she escaped! And how the Aftermath Foundation helped her get back on her feet. Wow!
Wynski, and what little education they get is from the interpretations of the Constitution by judges and lawyers who can’t read, including SCOTUS. The Constitution is not that difficult to understand by anyone who is literate. I have friends who came here from Cuba who know more about our history and form of government than 90% of the population. It’s really sad and it will be even worse when it’s all gone.
Democracies are doomed from the start and usually die within 200 years. We’re overdue, not that the knuckleheads in Congress aren’t trying.
Correct. I have only met a couple of lawyers who understand our Constitution. Most people think that the Constitution gives judges the power to interpret and change the Constitution or that it is living document. Talk about almost complete illiteracy.
Wow, that’s wild. Very happy she GTFO.
I’m also surprised the cult put anyone who has been an “ethics particle” (jezus I still remember Scientologese) on staff at CCI. I thought that CCI was a plum sweet gig reserved only for the thoroughly brainwashed. Maybe they’re really getting low on staff or something.
I don’t know, but if CCI is like my former org then they are utterly desperate for staff. Any living, breathing person. Also word has it that this year’s Maiden Voyage Event on the Freewinds was all about signing up C;lass V org staff.
Cindy, If she was promised any “pay” from CC, it’s likely they were knowingly lying through their teeth. Just being one of the elite SO members hobnobbing with all those(?) celebrities should be recompense enough. I hope that the abused, maltreated ex-SO gets quite the financial settlement. She deserves it. As do all ex-staff.
Bingo jere. It is 100% likely that they were lying. There is specifically NO pay in the SO.
The obstructionist criminals over @LAPD are fighting hard on behalf of their favorite billionaire, Dave, but more and more mainstream pressure is having it’s intended effect. Now is the time for all to remain united in this fight as the seeds we have planted so long ago are finally bearing fruit.
BRAVO! I seem to recognize you as one of the few, one of the proud, one of the many HATERS of this F’ing cult/scam.
IMHO, you are certainly correct. The time is now for we HATERS to come out of the woodwork in droves. I sense a very strong feeling in the air the time to speak out is NOW!
I do not believe I have ever before seen any of your posts. But I could easily be mistaken. I have only been here for a relatively short time (compared to most people here). So please forgive me if I say it’s nice to meet you even though you may well have been here for a long time now. I may well have never seen any of your posts before.
It’s just that your attitude screams out to me as, “OLD TIME HATER” and as such, it’s my great pleasure to read your thoughts. I certainly agree with you to the MAX.
Thank you. While never a Scientologist myself I’ve been an active human rights activist for many years. I co founded a protest group in 2008 of some note focusing on just this issue. All the best.
To this day, if I talk about my experience with the C of S much, it puts me into a whole different state of mind. High anxiety and difficulty sleeping. I had to stop talking about it with people just so I could be safe as a Heavy Equipment Mechanic at work and have a relatively normal family life.
Do you think you will feel better once The Rat is locked up in the penetentiary for the rest of his miserable F’ing life (or maybe only approximately 50 years)? I certainly hope and pray that you will.
Darn! I really dislike it when I make a spelling mistake when I know how to spell the word.
I have very good subjective reality on this as I was held prisoner for several weeks. I was in the EPF, then was put in the RPF for basically no reason at all. (Long story). But then I wanted to route out of the RPF so they put me in the RPF’s RPF; which I refused to do so they then put me in the RPF’s RPF’s RPF. Really! I was held prisoner in the attic at the old Charlie Chaplin house, (Lake st?) then I was moved to the basement in the complex. My car keys were stolen from me, (I told Diane Marple not to drive it as my insurance would not cover her; she did anyway) I was guarded 24 hours a day, barely fed. Mostly leftovers form the EPF and RPF breakfast. Cold eggs thrown on a paper plate once a day. I finally got out by threatening legal action. I told them I was going to call the cops. That got me out pretty quick. My mistake was that I decided to route out standardly. Yea, big mistake. Just sneak out and get the hell out of there when, and as quick as you can. Just know, that if you’re a Sea ORg member and you want out, you will be treated worse than a piece of shit. “How dare you want out!” And of course you will be the lowest priority, so you’ll basically be forgotten. Except for the guards who watch you.
The cult has been imprisoning and holding against will for DECADES.
The infamous Michael Meisner was imprisoned back in the 1970s when he fled and went to the FBI revealing infiltrations into the Government precipitating the 1977 FBI raids.
From the 1970s to 2019 literally 100s upon 100s into the thousands of people have been kidnapped (while escaping) held against will, imprisoned, this is something that is in the nature of the cult who believe they have the POWER of Federal Marshalls.
Probably the worst ever story of enforced incarceration and drugging with a combo of chloral hydrate and valium was Scott Campbell’s story. Imprisoned for MONTHS. This story gives huge insights into what the cult will do to cover up and protect itself.
Chloral hydrate in combination with valium can be lethal as Scott found out after final escape, at the very least it gives memory loss.
Acting seminars at the Scientology Celebrity Centre are a bait and switch type of scam. The Church promises aspiring young actors it can help them be like Tom Cruise given of its “comm lines” in the industry. This is the bait.
The switch is that expensive Scientology courses are needed to help young actors get over their fears, insecurities, or whatever their ruin is. If the victim has no money and is living on the edge, then an offer of “employment” is made which includes room and board.
As we have seen here, the Celebrity Centre is the Hotel California with a wicked twist: You can check anytime you want, but not until you route out, i.e. you can never leave.
The Celebrity Centre: Just another cynical self-serving Scientology con game worthy of a Quentin Tarantino film about Hollywood and a pack of sleazy cult grifters running a financial con and a human trafficking ring disguised as a religion. The script practically writes itself.
J SWIFT, EVERYTHING about scn is bait-and-switch, not just the scams they use to get victims in the door, available for their mind games. Even after 10 years, and training up to about mid-way through the SHSBC, I BELIEVED the PR about ‘clear’. Of course, soon after I attested to ‘clear’, reality set in and I crashed harder than I had before or have since, and I had reasons to at various times, there.
Unless I misread this report, it seems to me that from the time she first entered this building to attend some seminar, she was kept prisoner for about five months. Five months? If that is true, I hope she gets a huge financial settlement. People who behave this way may think they are behaving this way purely in her best interest. But IMO, the truth is they are no better than TERRORISTS and should be charged with Terroristic crimes.
It sounds like in the recruiting cycle the church promised her much more money than she actually made there.
It was almost 3 months from the first time she had packed her vehicle but was prevented by a security guard from leaving, to when she finally figured out how to leave undetected and succeeded in escaping.
It’s interesting to see how they use something like the false authority of a security guard – presumably in a somewhat police-like uniform – to make people think that they have to surrender control of their lives.
That’s kind of funny, I call his the American, Australian British accent, and I’m grateful for it. I have a hard time understanding British English speaking at times. I have to REALLY listen to Jon Atack and then I still miss some of the fascinating things he says.
I think the sad part of this is that someone could get fed up with their requirements to be held against their will “counseled” or “sign docs” and end up losing their temper. They could be the ones in trouble, just trying to leave.
The brainwashed liars would all state they rolled out a red carpet for the departure and someone JUST TRYING TO LEAVE could end up with an assault charge, or even feeling like they were in the wrong for trying to leave. They’re so sick and abusive, I can’t imagine being complicit. I guess I am though, through my tax dollars.
I was on Class V org staff. My contract had expired and I wanted to leave staff because I was on the dole and wanted to make money to go up the Bridge. Scn forces you to replace yourself, so I couldn’t leave. In a tiny, failing org like that, it would be tough, but when you’re trained, it’s even more difficult. It just wasn’t going to happen. Thankfully they declared me, so that solved it for me!
Congrats on the SP! Sorry I don’t have a bowling trophy or plaque to give you, but CONGRATULATIONS on the honor!
First, this shows that the acting seminars and other subterfuges do succeed in recruiting a few people into Scientology – copies of this report, ought to be distributed to aspiring actors.
It’s also shows how extraordinarily hypocritical it is for Scientology to use “human rights” as one of its angles for “safepointing” PR efforts – this report is another piece of evidence that can also be used when trying to warn the targets of such pacification efforts, about Scientology’s true nature and motives, including the human trafficking that it engages in.
I agree that it’s important to file reports like this, even when there is not necessarily any expectation of action. If they accumulate, they will contribute to officers being more wary of Scientology and perhaps eventually catching them out on something more serious, and ultimately might have an impact on the police departments’ attitude toward Scientology if the complaints about Scientology locations really start to accumulate to the point where they start to look more like crime hotspots.
Now she should request her ethics files and pc files. The questions they asked her are quite telling. What did she do while visiting her mother?? Is she married and lied about it? Like so what if she did? That’s private. I hope something happens with this! Well done Aftermath foundation!!
Someone COULD join SO there who knows how to use some miniaturized A/V equipment and if they were physically imprisoned and or kidnapped when they tried to leave they WOULD have an open and shut case. MINIMALLY many millions of dollars in a civil case. Maximum many SO members in jail.
I walked by the CC a few months ago. There was a young man, (appeared to be eastern European), cleaning the outside grounds. Oh man, he looked miserable. I said “hi” to him and wanted to offer to take him out to lunch, but I knew I’d be wasting my time.
This shit makes me furious. Hey LAPD, get off your sorry asses and do your goddamn job for once. What if this had happened to your daughter, son, wife, friend, etc..?? Would you make a move then? Cowards.
They suck and they will not do anything about this either. The “religion” BS really makes it hard for these people to get justice. The really sad part is that even if Miscavige croaks or gets thrown in jail the clams aren’t just all of a sudden going to re-connect and get back their friends and families. There is no magic spell that will be broken and anything that happens will further embolden the sheep to dig in even more.
I just want you to know…i read this in your voice.
No one has to sign anything.
If any staff member restrains, lies or stops you from simply walking out, then they are committing a crime.
So very glad this person got away….but I am beyond amazed that in 2019 people are still buying into their bs! 😳. Wonder how she found out about the Aftermath Foundation. Good job everyone!
Human trafficking was fairly routine in the 80s. While on the Int RPF in 1985 I had no access to my passport, phone or even my mail. A letter my Mother wrote from the UK was confiscated as “entheta” since it referenced an article in a British newspaper that ironically was all about the human rights deficiencies at Int base!!! Meantime I didn’t know where I was except somewhere in California. I got I think from memory $20 a week for toiletries etc while working 60-100 hours a week in the desert heat. Occasionally we’d get inspirational talks from people like Andre Tabayoyon about how the RPF should have no character or flavour and how we should be so grateful for the opportunity to be there.
Being held against one’s WILL is illegal….isn’t it Police Departments. Well, apparently it is NOT against the law because COS continually gets away with it.
Scenario: “Now look here…IF you leave you are in danger of losing your 2nd 3rd, 4th etc Meat Body after you die”….”If you leave we can’t clear the Planet without YOU”…..”If you leave blah blah blah…”
They DARE NOT mention the word “disconnection” to someone who wants to leave…WHY NOT? That’s kept under the wraps because they damned well know that too shouldn’t be happening.
The current member wanting to leave may or may not know about it…but it HAPPENS as witnessed by nearly everyone on this blog….especially MIKE RINDER…..Mary Kahn whose SON SAMMY should be there surrounded by the love & support of his parents & siblings.
So many “young and now mid age adults” who CANNOT see or talk to their parents because of some bullshit crap a church spews out. NOT the only church who does this & gets away with it….FLDS, the Amish…etc….
I will do my best to try to find people who CAN find a way to “get to some of these younger ones”….the ones who NEED to be WITH their families & out of this CULT….they’re so brain washed & indoctrinated….they fear leaving….somehow someway, someday.
Balletlady, it IS illegal. As are many things. However, one MUST present PROSECUTABLE levels of evidence to the authorities. THAT is hard to come by and is NOT in this report. Or, the police must have a viable ability to investigate and obtain More evidence. I don’t see that happening with CoS staff not testifying for the victim. I can pretty much guarantee that Security has erased all footage they may have of any of this.
Sometimes, Erased footage is presented as circumstantial evidence of a crime cover up.
If the footage is erased (no longer exists), how can it be presented as evidence of anything?
That CAN only happen if ONLY that particular footage was erased while ALL other footage has been kept. NOT GONNA HAPPEN in this case.
Wynski, I do not understand why so many people blame the police for not acting on scio abuse.
The police can do nothing if the victim won’t help with any investigation or prosecution, no matter how much they complain about it to others in public.
Peabody, most people don’t bother to get educated on the system of gov’t under which they live. 99 out of 100 Americans under the age of 55 probably cannot tell you exactly why our Constitution is written as it was. Most think the US was formed as a democracy when it was SPECIFICALLY not because it was known since the time of Socrates that a democracy always leads to a tyrannical state.
It is highly illegal and we are fighting it.
This happened to me. It’s like being in Alice In Wonderland when you just WANT TO LEAVE. They won’t let you.
SHARING this on my own blog, podcast and Patreon site.
I am so happy The Aftermath Foundation could help.
Good on you, Sarita! I just hope the Statute of Limitations does not preclude you from hiring a good lawyer to sue them. Even if it does, it may still be worthy your time to contact a good lawyer and ask them if there may be anything you can do at this time. You never can tell.
How do you find a good lawyer? I suggest you contact The Aftermath Foundation. Alternatively, you may always make a post right here and ask people for advice. The people here are really great when it comes to helping others. You just never know. There may well be some kind of help for you. It’s worth the price of a phone call or an email (both of which should be free). Good luck, Sarita.
P.S. For some reason, I feel like today’s blog may well mark a “Red Letter Day” in the history of this blog. I may be wrong, of course. But I just get the feeling that it may well be high time that someone finally takes some serious action to stop these terrifying crimes. And if not today, they soon. You bet ‘cha! (from Fargo).
When an organization holds an insane view of the world around them, they can do all kinds of criminal acts to serve their own interests.
In this case, their attitude seems to be, “This lady cannot possibly want to leave because by staying here, she will achieve her greatest happiness and immortal life.
Therefore, when she expresses the desire to leave, it is clearly because she either does not understand what is at stake or else someone is deceiving her somehow and we are responsible for finding out just what her problem may be and adjusting her attitude so that she will want to stay.
The upshot of this attitude is that anyone who ever enters one of this cult’s facility will never be allowed to go. IMO, there can be no question this is false imprisonment and unlawful confinement. I hope she gets a huge financial settlement for having been put through the terror of not knowing if she would ever get out of there again.
P.S. Mike makes a critical point about the importance of her filing this Police report. After all, one day the police will likely decide it’s time to arrest these criminals to stop them from committing these crimes. So, it’s terribly important to keep filing these reports because you just never know when the next report will be the one that triggers the arrests and the shutdown of this center of crime and also this private prison. Private citizens should never be licensed to run their own prisons and their own private justice systems.
P.P.S. It is also so important for all of us to keep posting our opinions of these criminal outrages here because you just never know when some sympathetic member of a US Justice agency may read these posts and decide that it’s time to act. So important to keep up the pressure by posting our opinions.
Good she got out. But any efforts to get the LAPD or legal system to do anything will be useless because of the multitude of releases, waivers and obligatory contractual documents she signed on both entry and departure. IF (a very big if) authorities approach the cult they will simply show the officer that shit and miraculously it will all go away. Wow! For once something truly effective the cult can actually do. Time for a success story?
IMO, a good lawyer who knows the history of the criminal cult can slice through all their bullshit like a hot knife cuts through butter. It won’t be easy. But whenever you read about all the times this cult had to settle for “an undisclosed amount”, that means that a good lawyer held their feet to the fire and they were forced to pay the victim. The more often that happens, the easier it becomes and the more often people will then hire a good lawyer to get them the compensation they deserve.
If there is a motivated prosecutor, it could happen. There have been other criminal-disguised-as-something-else organizations who’ve tried to keep things looking on the up-and-up with similar contracts, releases, etc. but contractual law (I don’t know other states, but in CA for sure…) states a contract must include the term (beginning and end), details and what secures the contract ($). There are also stipulations that a contract isn’t valid if signed under duress and also that both parties must have “reasonable” opportunity to review, consider and involve their own legal representation. As co$ uses theirs but deprives people of their right to consider and further tells people they can’t leave, see their loved ones, etc. if they do NOT sign, that definitely constitutes duress and unreasonable circumstances not to mention deprives them of their own right to representation. Because that involves legal analysis though, like you mentioned, police are going to tend to dismiss many claims as they need concrete proof a law was broken in order for them to do something. So it’ll likely require a motivated prosecutor or agency such as FBI or IRS to look into respective violations apropos to that agencies responsibilities.
Yep, I’m also a bit skeptical that it’ll ever happen, but I’ve been more hopeful of late due to increased scrutiny, awareness and PR pressure thanks to so many going public, increased filings and of course efforts by the Aftermath crew!
Jenyfurr, no prosecutor worth its sheepskin would take that before a jury and expect any better than a hung jury. If there is no more evidence than in this report most judges would not allow it to got trial due to insufficient evidence to charge in the first place.
It would take a TON of investigative work to MAYBE make something of it. That would require CoS employees to testify against the CoS
‘She drove off and never returned’. That is a real $cieno success story. Yeah, it was false imprisonment. Get a lawyer lady. All this is the $cieno standard operating procedure. Aftermath Foundation to the rescue. Good job people.
The police actually wrote up a very good report. This should prove to the IRS and US Government that Scientology is using coercion, manipulation and extortion to get people to work for free and give up their lives for a cult.
This is excellent work. Aftermath Foundation – you are true humanitarians. Thank you for helping her.
I’m thinking about the cop, Office Shaldjian, who took this report. He is one of three things:
1. An honest cop who feels for the victim (what rational person wouldn’t?) and would like to do something about it.
2. A straight ahead bad apple who only cares about what he can out of the cherch (mainly, some easy overtime, maybe a few safe-pointing photo ops, etc.)
3. A play-it-safe bureaucrat who might have some sympathy for the victim but whose “hands are tied” by the higher-ups, whom he can’t antagonize if he’s going to get promoted to sargeant or Lt. some day.
Actually not much difference between possibilites 2 and 3. Still, the report is on file which is obviously a step in the right direction. If the LAPD persists in mothballing reports like this, someday their corruption will be exposed.
This is why I first got deeply upset by Scientology — all the accounts of Scientology running its own prison system and making false imprisonment a standard procedure that Scientologists don’t even question. That and its running its own secret police. The claims to be champions of human rights, “humanitarians,” and “the most ethical people on the planet” just add infuriating insult to injury. False imprisonment should simply not be tolerated by anyone ever, never even mind people who make such claims about themselves.
Yes, probably nothing will happen. There is no detail of actual physical restraint or being physically removed from vehicle (required to fulfill charges) in the report. She agreed to to their demands it appears per what is written here.
But, civil action may be appropriate.
“Civil action.” I was thinking the same. She could contact jane doe’s legal team. There is a website to submit a claim of abuse and they will review the facts.
Also, she could submit her police report to the irs. There’s a website that explains how to.
Yes, this is “business as usual” for the cult. I wish I had a dollar for every time I was falsely imprisoned while in this “cherch.” Thanks so much for exposing this.
Disgraceful, but sadly yet another report for LAPD to do nothing about. If they’ve still not moved against alleged serial violent anal rapist, drugger and self-described ‘donkey punch’ Danny Masterson then they certainly aren’t going to bother with this.
So true (thinking about the Donkey Masterson comparison)! Still beyond infuriating that nothing’s been done about that. Even more disgusting that in the age of MeToo a female prosecutor is the only sitting on it to play nice for campaign donations, etc.!!!
CO$ has to be lending its full financial weight to protect Masterson. Of course, if enough prosecutable evidence comes to light, the cult will dump him without not so quietly and without sorrow. Unfortunately our legal system, based as it is on evidence, while safeguarding the innocent, can also let the guilty go unpunished.
Thank goodness she got out! I found myself holding my breath while reading her report, even though I knew the outcome. Whew! I’m so happy she somehow got in touch with and help from the Aftermath Foundation. Keep up the great work! We’ll be sending in another donation. We’ve also been using Aftermath cards in strategic ways…
Thank you Aftermath Foundation!
I think it’s insane that nothing is done about it. Come on! Holding the Condition of Doubt over her head as a reason to not let her go! This is the church of scientology owning people. OWNING! and using “Ethics Conditions” against her. If you are in Doubt about the church of scientology, you SHOULD BE!!! But the only “safe” way to get out of Doubt as far as the church is concerned is to realize that you have overts or that you are connected to some SP – and you have overts. If you are not in DOUBT about the church of scientology and realize it is NOT for you, then according to the church, there is something wrong with you! And they still won’t let you go – not without some form of punishment, like an SP declare or some other crappy label or one of their little stupid rituals like a Committee of Evidence or a sec check. It’s maddening.
Yes, Mary, it’s a Catch-22 and a total trap. It pains me to think of people caught in this web and held against their will!
That’s Scientology for you!
This is why what “religions” do that are against the law should be stopped.
Aftermath is now a powerful entity. You don’t to want mess with them. They’ll kick your ass.
This is the church of scientology owning people.
Yes, Mary, as a member of the CoS you are more or less OWNED.
The doubt condition is not about your doubts, but to get you back in line. Annie is very right with the “catch-22”.
Scientology’s dangling carrot is ironical “The Bridge to Total Freedom”. Orwell’s “Freedom is Slavery” comes to mind. And Hubbard’s own definition of slavery is “being positioned in another’s time and space”.
Scientology Freedom: http://www.skeptictank.org/rpf.gif
I don’t know who it was that first made the connection between these cases of “false imprisonment” and “unlawful confinement” with being owned. But that is just a terrific – even brilliant – connection. It certainly is accurate. But in this country that has outlawed slavery so many years ago (154 years ago to be exact) and continues to oppose slavery and the ownership of human beings, it is wonderful to draw that connection between being owned and false imprisonment.
Several other people here today have asked the question (albeit perhaps in different words), “Is this the land of freedom and liberty? Or is it not?” Does American truly care about freedom and democracy? Or is that only for the wealthy? The time is overdue for the wheels of American justice to get to moving and to shut down this criminal conspiracy that uses Terror methods to enrich itself at the expense of freedom and liberty in America.
Besides the mind control and the self-policing (in an Orwellian manner), also the “false imprisonment” and “unlawful confinement” are difficult to prove retrospectively and in court. Missing/no witnesses and statute of limitations are also an issue.
The most effective momentarily is to expose and to inform and warn the public at large about what is going on behind the PR facade of the CoS, and Mike’s site and the Aftermath series are very, very effective.
E.g.also per policy everyone who is assigned to the RPF has to sign a waiver, that he is there on his own free will to ‘rehabilitate’ himself; the name says it already: Rehabilitation Project Force. How would you prove that it is not so and the emotional and physical duress which takes place?
(See also: RPFhttps://scientologymoneyproject.com/2016/12/14/dox-how-scientology-ensnares-the-unsuspecting-in-a-series-of-binding-contracts/ and Chuck Beatty’s comment.)
The LAPD has shown a marked disinterest in helping anyone leave scientology. They continue to publicity align themselves with the cult, and refuse to follow the law where the cult is concerned. I recently did something on this front which may have an impact (hopefully) on how this case is handled. Hollywood division, and Cory Palka in particular are a disgrace to law enforcement in how they have disregarded or bungled cases involving the church. The reckoning day for the corruption may be coming sooner than they think. At this time, it remains confidential, but I am hopefully optimistic..
Good on you Kat!
The prepotent attitude that they are the only ones that know, that have the answers and what not has turned them into criminals.
There is NO listening whatsoever, it is just a bundle of fixed ideas due to the covert indoctrination the staff and public received and, eventually, accepted as their own way of acting and thinking.
If every one of us that departed the cult would have gone to the police to report the abuses, the police offices would be full with the reports not only in USA, but in various countries.
These assholes need to be stopped. Tom Cruise, Travolta, and all known celebrity members of this cult should be blackballed. People have to stop going to their films, they will no longer be relevant to the make believe church. 21st Century and this occurs? Shameful.
Agree. I will not give one cent of my money. I encourage others around me to not go.
Tom Cruise…John Travolta. Hmmm. Only care about themselves…
Otherwise they would man up. And find out the truth!!
There is someone at CC named NIMROD??
Was Jackass Johnson too busy, so Nimrod Roth had to handle it?
In any event, this is good news! She got out without wasting too much time.
Nimrod has a brother called Wankshaft.
Hey! Wankshaft is my next door neighbor! He seems ok, but, I wouldn’t trust him.
Nimrod is described in Genesis as “the first on earth to be a mighty man” and “a mighty hunter before the Lord.” It’s easy to see how people made the leap from one mighty hunter in the Bible to calling any hunter a nimrod. A lesser-known fact is that nimrod has seen some use in English as a noun meaning “tyrant” (apparently, the mighty Nimrod was not reputed to be an especially benevolent king), although that sense is now essentially obsolete. The legendary Nimrod is also sometimes associated with the attempt to build the Tower of Babel. Because the tower resulted in the wrath of the Lord and proved a disastrous idea, nimrod is sometimes used with yet another meaning: “a stupid person.”
Nimrod had to “handle it” because his brothers NITWIT & Numbnut was busy….
BL, you made me laugh.
And a cousin named Dillweed