It is happening in Port Elizabeth everyone!
After 200 days of renovations they are putting in the drop ceilings. That is “racing”….
And this is of course moving Africa ever closer to an “ideal” “continent.”
The other “coastal orgs” (Durban and Capetown) purchased buildings many, many years ago and have done nothing with them.
Harare and Bulawayo remain hopeless and the chance of either of them becomingbideal is slim to none.
But that’s not even the biggest joke. Their “continent” will be “ideal” without a single org in 52 of the 54 countries that make up the continent. With a population of 1.2 billion. The population of SA is 60 million. Zimbabwe 15 million. And scientology is inaccessible to the vast majority of the on-white population of these two nations due to cost.
These people are SO delusional.
> One of the main differences between a non-Ideal Org and an Ideal Org is a building that is large enough to facilitate delivery of ALL the services an org should be delivering, designed to follow the exact flow lines for an organization as laid out by LRH.
That’s some twisty-tangly tricksy-speaky. By ending with “as laid out by LRH” it deceptively suggests the entire definition of an Ideal Org came from LRH, rather than the very last item about the flow lines.
DM’s Ideal Orgs are all about buildings rather than people. My experience in an org that got its fancy building was a spifffy new building with 20 very standardized but also very empty auditing rooms. Maybe, if they hadn’t been bled dry paying for the building and renovations, there’d have been 20+ people who wanted auditing. Even if there had been 20 paying recipients, there were only 2 trained auditors.
Be part of a new civilization built through Greed, Corruption, and Coercion? I mean, isn’t that why Sea Org have wheat on their badges? Building a new civilization by tithe, and we’ll take your food if you don’t have money. Really, I am surprised that they don’t have a mandated tithe in Scientology, but then again, you pay double what other religions pay in tithe through your time sink into the materials and indoctrination rundowns.
Again, Port Elizabeth is no longer called Port Elizabeth!
“You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean.”
Am I wrong? Look wonderful on the outside but are terrible on the inside?
Vancouver Chapter? I pass by the building all the time and it seems dead. Does anyone know if there is a chapter here or does the church just own the property?
Absolutely 100 percent certified bat shit crazy
Every single ideal org is the perfect physical representation of the saying “take the step longer than the leg”.
And after all these years of glaring failures and footsteps echoing in empty rooms, they still haven’t learned. This is what I call being consciuosly in the present time.
They think that just because they have an expensive, fancy building that alone makes it “ideal”.
Never mind the fact it’s empty! No staff, no public.
Scientology’s reputation is trash. They’re never going to grow or actually open any real new buildings, meaning in new countries.
It’s so sad to see these people being duped. But they are allowing it. They must know it’s all a scam.
They go around saying how they have the most workable “tech” in the universe, yet all they focus on is status, money and buildings!
This cult is crumbling fast. It started with seemingly spiritual goals of helping people through auditing, though that’s a scam too and never worked. Now it’s going to take over the world one fancy building at a time! No one cares what your buildings look like! They had more members in the 1990s when the buildings were trash. We had rats running around at the Sydney Org! They’re solution was to get a cat! 😆
Miscavaige is clever, but this isn’t working. People are waking up. It’s really becoming so obvious that it’s all a waste of time and a scam.
Once upon a time Australia was going to be “the first Ideal Continent.” If they couldn’t make that happen, how the hell are they going to make much larger, heavily populated and diverse Africa the first Ideal continent? But of course, at this point THEY don’t really believe that; it’s just hot air to keep the rands and other currencies coming in.
Another ideal org with absolutely ZERO concern of value engineering (getting the most for the Rand), as it were.
Since they really don’t know what they are doing when it comes to building commercial properties, their own public pays for it, and pays for it dearly. The choich is like a government in regards to spending. Like a really bad, non-caring government. Like a government that is truly stealing the money, but the participants aren’t aware (cue intergalactic irony gong).
In other words, they could build these useless buildings smartly and efficiently, for less, but they do not. Actually the opposite. Who cares how much it costs or how long it takes.
And years later, these ideal orgs are empty and in disrepair. Like Atlanta orgs bathrooms, HVAC system, elevator (one of two working occasionally), lighting (failing in the stairwells), carpet (peeling up), etc., etc., etc.
I’m sure all other orgs are the same. This one I hear the sad news, and saw quite a bit with my own eyes.
I see them foaming at the mouth salivating about an “ideal” Africa, and remember Tubby’s immoral words,”A cleared cannibal is a cleared cannibal.”(Sorry if I misduplicated it after 45 years. the idea’s the same.)
Walked by Toronto org last week, dead as doornails. Makes me happy. Abondoned. Ideal Morgue
Obviously, picking quotes from today’s “best of” of false advertisements is like shooting fish in a barrel.
My personal favorites: “LRH left us precise tech on how an org is built.” No doubt, when it comes to verbal diarrhea and micro-management elron was the man to see (obviously, not literally “see” as he had to keep on the lam). However, for all of his greed and delusions of grandeur, even elron never conceived of a building program as the end-game.
“Uniformly, every new Ideal Org has grown very large as a result.” Sure, Pinocchio! Just take one look at their parking lot–when it’s not rented out to a neighboring sports event to raise a few bucks to keep the lights on. Behold the foot traffic at the door. Either there’s a bunch of exteriorized thetans briskly coming and going–or the place is dead as a door nail. With some orgs you may even be able to sneak a peek into the lobby. Tumbleweeds… And why is it again that all the blinds are drawn? Certainly NOT to share all the excitement of a thriving org with those happening by!
They hired an acoustic engineer to make sure the soundproofing material was installed correctly?
Of course, not so outside people will be unable to hear the PC (victim) in session but to create a ‘distraction-free and noise-free environment’ … so the PC will feel comfortable divulging all of their withholds, overts and counter-intentions and and so CoB can hear those confessions clearly (especially the out-2D stuff) without that annoying background noise.
On this blog and elsewhere we like to criticise and mock scn and none more than me. But reading this article (and I live in South Africa) I simply cannot forget how much fun it was to be at Jhb org on the KTL and LOC courses in the 1990s. At that time scn really was a lot of fun even though my first doubts materialised then when I was required to give a success story for sections of the LOC course which were actually completely irrelevant to my life.
At that time I used to consciously be aware that I would rather be in that space and time than anywhere else. While we all mock scn I try to retain a reality on the fact that for me, it really did change my life. You might think the Indie movement is for me. I checked it out and found it even worse than current scn. So its just a history lesson, I guess.
One could not ask for a more ideal Scientology in New York City when I started in 1972-73. They could take your money and at least provide some idea that they were helping you. Hubbard was a simple minded demonic fool hiding from reality with his greed. Scientology was created for his insane desire to control.
dr mac,
Don’t be embarrassed. Scientology changed my life for the better also.
The auditing I had and the courses I did were beneficial to me at the least and life changing at best. I left because I was horrified at what I saw as out-tech, out-ethics and out-admin by STAFF and Sea Org, coupled by unquestioning complacency about these from much of my fellow public.
And I did KTL and LOC and had a great time on both and loved, and I do mean loved, those courses.
Again, after reading this one may well wonder; then why the hell did she leave?
And I can only respond the same way; things were wrong, with the organization. There were things that I at first was shocked to observe and then, after writing them up, was shocked again to find out that, incredibly, staff, long term staff who had trained ME, were FINE with these outnesses and indeed were informing me that the problem was ME.
What they said was wrong were MY misunderstood words, my out-ethics!
At first it blew my mind but after a while I started applying my Data Series data and knew that I was not the problem – out-tech was the problem; out-ethics and out-admin were the problems. And staff were – well, I didn’t know what was wrong with them back then but I knew that SOMETHING was wrong with them. And so I made my plans to quietly and with no fanfare, simply withdraw on a gradient.
I went UTR, pretended to go along with the programs but in truth I was gradiently withdrawing my support. Eventually, after 2 years, I was out for good.
Insofar as I was concerned, the organization had gone crazy.
But I make no apologies when I say that what I learned in Scientology helped me and without a doubt overall helped me to live a happier and more productive life.
Keep in mind that I was never staff or Sea Org. No doubt if I ever had been my experiences would be quite different, and not at all in a good way. Also keep in mind that I did not do the OT Levels. My highest Grade was Communications Release in the mid 90’s. I never went to Flag, not even once. A lot of the horrors experienced by exes on this blog did not touch me.
But it is true enough that when as a public I spotted flagrant out tech/admin/ethics at my org I was shocked and horrified, and then when the staff refused to take it seriously and effectively told me it was not the org’s problem but MY problem and that what needed to get handled was ME – well that was shocking to me, quite so.
My experience was my experience, and it doesn’t invalidate anyone else’s experiences which may have been quite different.
@Aquamarine: These remarks of yours resonate with me as well: “I make no apologies when I say that what I learned in Scientology helped me and without a doubt overall helped me to live a happier and more productive life. Keep in mind that I was never staff or Sea Org. No doubt if I ever had been my experiences would be quite different, and not at all in a good way. Also keep in mind that I did not do the OT Levels.”
I’ll go a step further, if one has mostly only experienced Scientology as a preclear (pc), they may be principally experiencing a posh life in this group. If a person has unlimited funds, the ride being a pc entails a lot of pampering.
I guess the old saying applies here: “You probably don’t want to see how the sausage is being made.” By that I mean, most public never have any true idea of life for a staff or Sea Org member.
So sad, cause many of the offerings constitute some very fine sausages (metaphorically).
Peridot, thanks, for this feedback. I can tell you well know of which you speak.
And what you say is all true except that as a PC I did not have “unlimited funds” – quite a distance from that operating state, I assure you!
But then, non-rich and non-celeb that I was, I DID get love-bombed – oh, boy, did I ever! Pretty much continually. And the staff were good at it, or else I was just dumb and naive, or a combination of both.
In any event, whether due to my own ignorance (and vanity), or via the staff’s skill at making me believe that I was a remarkable and unique being, in practically every way and that they really cared about me, I ate this up like ice cream!
No question that I was in a cocoon, a bubble and very happy within it!
Now, I did see that the Class V staff had huge workloads and were frequently struggling to stay in ethics and producing on their posts. One could not be a public for decades without observing this.
However, as incredible as it sounds, it is also true that I had NO clue about the vicissitudes of Sea Org life, and what THEY were going through.
On the contrary, in my ignorance and because I didn’t like them for what I considered their awful attitude with the Class V staff (ALL my sympathy was with the
Class V org staff) and from the sole viewpoint of my observations of them yelling at the staff, etc. I thought they had it EASY, and that they had joined the Sea Org because they 1) Didn’t want to work hard and 2) Wanted to be boss over the Class V staff purely by virtue of their having signed a “billion year contract”.
Again, I know this sounds totally incredible but for all my time in as a public I believed this “dub in” and operated on this huge misunderstanding about the Sea Org!
I even left believing this and it wasn’t until I started reading the blogs that I finally got the truth about what they endured – I could never have imagined this, never. What Sea Org members suffered – it was beyond my imagination that such could be possible!
But I’m digressing – my point in these illustrations is that for all my time in I was in a bubble, and when I left it was because of what I observed to be out-tech! I still knew nothing about the abuses.
Today I know that if I had known about the abuses of Fair Game and Disconnection sooner I would have left much sooner.
But, no, I was “loved” and “admired” and “totally cared for” by the staff of my little org and when I left it was out of horror that they were “off line” and “out-ethics” as regards the Ideal Org Program.
This is what I have to say, Aquamarine: Wow, Wow, and Wow. The dark underbelly of this group is so very sad and dark indeed, and hidden well.
You are very, very kind to me, Peridot. And beyond tactful. I still judge myself for not knowing.
I cringe today at having had this huge, long-term CRASHING MU on the Sea Org, and many unkind thoughts of its members. That Sea Org members were being crushed under the heel of a heartless, ruthless tyrant, that they were in large part some of the most giving, hard-working, unselfish, dedicated people walking the earth – I’m being such a bore but I have to keep saying that I didn’t know!
Let me put it this way so that we can both laugh a little:
As terrific as the Class V staff were at “love bombing”, JUST as terrific if not more so were the Sea Org members at projecting that “cold chrome steel” persona.
The staff I knew well; some of them even shared apts with me. I saw their vulnerabilities.
But I never saw any vulnerability EVER from ANY Sea Org member!
At least when I was around, they – together and as individuals were simply MAGNIFICENT at projecting Cold Chrome Steel. The mask never lowered or if it did I didn’t see it. That artificial personality they were MANDATED to project! Like the love bombing, I bought the SO members cold chrome steel hook, line and sinker. This was THEM, I believed.
Never mind how hard anyone was trying. All that mattered were Stats, Dones. Being totally unreasonable. No excuses. No compassion, no understanding of the staff who I KNEW were trying so hard. CCS, all the way, 365/24/7!
And the young SO kids were the worst at this. Man, I couldn’t stand them – for what I THOUGHT they were.
Well, I hated that. And I hated THEM. And I was SOOOO wrong!
I keep saying this: “I didn’t know”. I’m sure I sound like the non-Jews in Germany when questioned about the concentration camps.
To you, Peridot, and to all ex-Sea Org members everywhere – I’m so sorry. I judged you unfairly. I was wrong.
And to current Sea Org members although its doubtful you’re reading this blog – but anyway, to you; here’s hoping you realize that you are good people, and that there could be nothing better for you to do for yourself and for your fellow man than to leave the Church of Scientology.
Peridot, please don’t feel obliged to respond to this last post of mine. Perhaps I’ve been testing Mike’s patience, as well as yours, in continuing to beat this guilt-drum of mine. I have the sense of you as a person ready willing and able to look from viewpoints other than your own, and that as such you fully understand what I shared and do not judge me and therefore do not require any further vein-opening by me on this topic 🙂
“When I need my head you hit it.”
First thing that came to mind when I saw the hard hats in the photo.
It’s just so awesome that they have an Ideal Org in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Port Elizabeth is the sixth-largest metro area in South Africa, with the 1.2 million people coming in 1/4 as large as Johannesburg and Cape Town, and 1/3 the size of the Durban metro area. So assuming that they are able to sign people up at the same rate as the larger areas, their membership will cap out at 1/4 the larger cities.
If we go back to 2013-2015, when the “indie” movement was alive and well in South Africa and trying to build something after the Sea Org came in and declared half of the membership, I think there were probably 200-250 active South African members before the purge, so there are perhaps 100 people left in Scientology in South Africa today. So the membership of the Port Elizabeth org area is probably less than 10 people. That’s about the same as the field for the Battle Creek or New Haven org, plus or minus.
After the big ribbon cutting ceremony, I wonder how long it takes before the staff level in this org goes to a single person, whose job is to open up, dust the surfaces, make excuses to bill collectors, and wait for something to happen, before turning out the lights, going home and spending what’s left of their day before bedtime trying to come with some explanation for why Scientology isn’t booming in Port Elizabeth, even though it’s seeing “straight up and vertical” expansion everywhere else in the world.
They’l be LUCKY to get at far as 1/4 the size of the other established orgs. Tubby’s techniques were self-limiting, you know, negative feedback being at their core
It’s not truly an “Ideal Continent” until Dave has built up the S.O.(Slave Operation/Slave Org) there, bankrupted the current crop of whales, and found new marks to extract millions from…
Failing that, he can do his musical-chairs-game-of-thrones schtick with the remaining cult drones, until either he or they “drop the body”…
“These seminars not only served to recover several veteran Scientologists…”
Who are now in the hold of the Freewinds where they can’t leave again…
Or…are running down L. Ron Hubbard Way in L.A. as part of the Ideal PAC base RPF…