I included an item in last week’s Thursday Funnies about a new “hang out” coming to Clearwater.
I am not sure who had put this on Facebook as the posting was forwarded to me and I have no way of tracing it back…
It certainly made it sound as if the Prelude Coffee and Tea bar was a happening thing. The excitement was barely contained in the posting. This is the thing everyone has been wiating for in downtown Cleqarwater, finally being made a reality…
Not so fast.
Here is what this property actually looks like — photos taken Friday:
Apparently the idea of hyping the future with imaginary buildings is not limited to Miscavige — how many renderings has he presented of the redevelopment and upgrade of downtown Clearwater? (How many renderings of “ideal orgs” have been shown that have STILL not materialized. I think New Haven Ideal org was presented when I was still in the Sea Org… Battle Creek too).
Here is a bit of back story about this property.
Tracey McManus wrote in March 2020 that the City of Clearwater had agreed to give scientologists Ray Cassano and Shahab Emrani $500k to improve their property at 708 Chestnut Street:
This building…well, it may not be the ugliest building in the United States of America – it may not deserve this title. Still, it certainly merits high marks for drabness and dreariness. Its definitely a boring structure – utterly graceless, charmless and characterless. Quite an achievement I’d say. A stunning lack of imagination and aesthetics went into this building. Again, if not “Most Ugly”, it should get some kind of reverse architectural award.
It’s everything we say it is and more. 😂🤣😂🤣😂
Illiterate. “Discerning ‘palette’”, as in “artist’s paint-mixing board”.
Do the KTL.
Maybe they’ll hire Davy to do the interior decorating. Wow
It could also be the place where Demento lets his tribble…I mean hair, run free for a few hours each week while he sneaks off to an undisclosed location to soak in a cask of The Macallan’s 1988 distillation.
Emrani was doing AMEX card banging as an FSM way back in the 80’s. Once a criminal…
I keep hearing about this place called Starbucks.
Hybrid children, Watch the Sea.
Pray for Father, Roaming Free!
Golly, these people don’t seem on the up and up! Is Eddie Haskel involved?
What a title !
Imagine there’s no Hubbard
It’s easy if you try
No phoney ethics
Conditions or high crimes
Imagine all the people
Living with no OSA goons
You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you join us
And you sing a different tune
Everytime I see an OSA Goon, I am going to have to remember this song!
Thank you Mike for getting this info out there.
Now that I know there will not be this “coffee DESTINATION venue” opening soon, I have cancelled my July Clearwater holiday and have just booked two weeks in Kabul instead.
Yo Dave,
Glad to see you an yer good buddies are maintaining a proper distance between hype and reality.
Some things just never change in the myopic cult of greed. Say one thing .. do the opposite.
The way to Happiness by the way, is not having a run down pile of shit on yer real estate ledger. Its also a beni if yer staff doesn’t feel like a run down pile too …. just sayin.
Isn’t that an old Russian vehicle from the Ukraine Idle Morgue? Ya outta load it up with some of those $10.00 booklets and ship it back to git some of yer calmness going in that sector buddy. Make it a birthday present to yerself.
So how were those Twosday at Too stats this week ………… just thinkin of that pile of ^&* again ya know!
Someone with business skills needs only fund a tiny T Shirt shop, that sells Ts and umbrellas, with the XENU word on them.
People with XENU T’s and umbrellas with XENU on them, would empty the businesses of non OT Scientologists.
XENU word is Hubbard’s fault, and Ts and umbrellas are all that are needed to shoo Scientologists around.
At the shop, have a tiny cutout board with a standing Xenu you can take photos of you and Xenu, and having visited Clearwater.
Scientology’s biggest longest problem is Hubbard left them Xenu.
This is actually a clever idea. I remember the late Arnie Lerma and other early protesters would sometimes have specific quotes from Scientology materials on Xenu and they had Scientologists avoid them like the plague.
I don’t remember the quote verbatim, apologies for never gaining the eidetic memory Scientology promised, but it was a juicy one about Xenu and his intergalactic adventures.
I think a line of T shirts and bumper stickers and signs to put up in businesses and on lawns could be a cottage industry for the residents of Clearwater and people near Los Angeles and the PAC (Pacific Area Crew) bases as well as possibly the residents of Saint Hill in England.
It would create instant Scientologist free areas as the executives would almost certainly order Scientologists to disconnect from anyone displaying these quotes and to consider them suppressive persons.
It’s really an intriguing tactic to pursue.
Works for me! Xenu Ts, it is. I kinda liked the one I saw, perhaps on Chris Shelton, IIRC, with a portrait of the great Xenu, as well. “Let me tell you about our lord and master Xenu.”
good idea
I was thinking more along the lines of a gnu dressed in the prototypical French mime garb of black trousers, striped top and beret, calling it “Zegnu” (or possibly Zeegnu) then working out how many t-shirt variations could be done with it.
So can someone there’s a Scientologist born every minute?
In Zeta reticuli galaxy ? 👀
There’s a SUCKER born every minute, not all of whom are taken in by scientology, obviously. There ARE other scams, most of them more effective in trapping the unwary.