Here are the latest news and accomplishments from the scientology outpost in Pretoria South Africa.
Their number one priority is to protect their BUILDING! And then protect their staff. And then protect their public.
That tells you everything there is to know about the state of scientology…
The most important thing is not the people, it’s the bricks and mortar. MEST.
This single promotional item sums up scientology with that one statement.
But they go on with a list of graduates — I highlighted 3 recurring names. Didn’t pay much attention to any other recurring names.
This is indicative of how few staff AND public they have. These are the “course completions” for BOTH staff and public over the last two months or so…
And a final update of “Breaking News”:
At least 10 completions they know of.
The youngest just turned 11.
And they have six staff full time on “fogging”… A useless activity, but I guess it sounds good.
Wow, this is an “ideal org” bringing about a “new civilization.” That is what they say and that is what they believe.
The guy that is running the org allows him self to be photographed badly looking like a sweaty mess!
What is “fogging”? Anyone know?
Part of being Objective is mentally stepping back and looking at yourself, you may not like what you see.
The Objectives night have some value if they allowwed that “step back & looking at Yourself. Their proper name should be Hypnotics. And Hubbard used them as punishment, not that they weren’t punishing for “PC” and auditor alike; I’m not certain which position I hated worse.
WOW! … With all those auditors they’re training, they should be able to clear South Africa in … Oh! Wait a minute … No auditors, you say, among the comps? … Uhm … Never mind …
Good catch, Joe. No auditors being made, no auditing delivered.
As businesses adapt to handle the lockdown, the CoS plods along as usual. It could be auditing via skype or zoom; if nothing else it could be offering/delivering book one to the masses. Even with an iffy connection, “it is better to start therapy if it is to be interrupted…than not start therapy at all.”
It’s a reminder that the CoS is not interested in clearing the planet.
Millions of people have already lost their jobs, with millions more likely to follow. There are increasing reports of a mental health crisis. Economies are tanking. Cities are burning. People are scared. Who better to assist than those skilled in the most effective technology of the mind the world has ever known.
But where are these so-called experts? They’re over there, in hazmat suits, cooing over $20 extension courses and leaflets on personal hygiene. Blink and you’ll miss ’em.
Very well written post. Very well done!
I would have upvoted you if I could!
co$ is entirely useless and is just play-acting at this point. How long until the players realize this?
“As businesses adapt to handle the lockdown, the CoS plods along as usual. It could be auditing via skype or zoom;
Didn’t I see sometime back, a meter that worked over the InterWebZ? That would at least allow them to deliver metered auditing, though not the in-your-face sec checks Dwarfenführer® favors. That would first require them wanting to deliver anything to anyone — other than loads of cash to DM’s vaults. Naaah! it’s simpler just to shake the rubes down for their cash.
Dear Mike,
As regards your comment: “And they have six staff full time on “fogging”… A useless activity, but I guess it sounds good.” I think the cult was once gain inadvertently writing more truth than they ever imagined.
Consider a Google definition of fogging in communication:
What is the meaning of fogging?
verb (used with object), fogged, fog·ging. to cover or envelop with or as if with fog: The steam in the room fogged his glasses. to confuse or obscure: The debate did little else but fog the issue. to bewilder or perplex: to fog the mind.
Sorta says what their entire staff do, all of the time.
I notice that “136 people” is not actually that many individuals, since it refers to the group out of which those 66 completions came – and as Mike has pointed out, many names are repeated, so that represents fewer than 60 actual people as normally understood. The Scientology weasel-wording has advanced to the point where it has diverged entirely from normal English usage or representation of the facts, and it’s hardly even possible to guess at what the underlying truth actually is without a sort of forensic analysis. What they really mean is that some unstated number of people signed up for a total of 136 courses between them – and the fewer than 60 individuals who accounted for those completed, probably represent all the active members of the org that they can round up these days, plus likely some people who rarely do more than extension courses just to keep up a token connection to their old org, the ugly reality that they are trying to put a spin on.
It’s interesting that they claim to be getting non-scientologists to enroll in online courses. But if there were 56 course starts among them (once again, an unknown smaller number of individual people) and only 10 completions, that’s less than 20%, an unsurprising drop-off. It’s also telling that they have to sort of pass those people off to headquarters in Los Angeles, and don’t even get back accurate statistics about what their local effort produced.
And if they have 6 staff that they can put on fogging, how many do they have in total? However many it is, it’s a lot to serve just those approximately 60 actual active members, but it seems that their staff to public member ratios are ridiculously high, and we can get a sense in all this of the sort of desperate make-work which results in that.
Yeah and let’s look at HOW they would get non-Scientologists to enroll in online courses. There is the link on the backs of the pamphlets they’re handing out to everyone in the known world telling how to wash hands. There is word of mouth and body routing. There is ScilonTV. There is people just scanning the internet. There is advertising like billboards, commercials and magazines. That’s a huge amount of people that see and hear about Scientology and their online courses…but only 50 people (probably in the damn world but I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and say 50 in all of South Africa…I doubt Pretoria can get 50 nons in for anything online or not) signed up and only 10 completed a course and only “some” signed up for another dose. Not good. In fact that’s a big FAIL. Just the traffic on the net alone should get more people than that. Look at the Alexa rating for Mikes blog. It’s ranks thousands of places ahead of Scientology dot com (and their 24/7 streaming TV channel).
My personal favorite is how Scientology stretches those stats. Look at that list of graduates. If you put the names in a correct list such as: Bob Snob – WTH, Dianetics, 1st American ACC…you would have a much shorter list. Instead, they repeat the name over for every course they completed. That’s padded stats right there. Then look at the extension courses being taken. The majority are the “Way to Happiness” course which is a ridiculous course to begin with. It’s easy to get through and fast…I can’t believe they charge for that. Only a few people are on what I would call serious Scientology courses.
AND, speaking of getting people to take online courses, I found out tonite, when one Googles “Something Can Be Done About It” at the very top is an invitation by an attractive woman calling herself “Eliza” to do a FREE SURVEY and that survey is copywrighted by Total Whacko Ex-Sea Org member Charles Prenner. He is using “Something Can Be Done About It” as a name in order to CATCH AND DIVERT those Googling Mike’s Blog into taking a Scientology Survey and possibly an online course (I’m assuming but don’t know because naturally I did NOT click onto this “free” survey! Sneaky sneaky sneaky Chuckie! Sneaky, sneaky sneaky, Cult. But then, desperate is as desperate does.
Peacemaker, my guess is that those six are ALL of the staff. As another noticed, there may be more inadvertent truth in that item than they wanted.
Basically a Mini Courses Org in spite of the millions invested in it. Indeed, contrary facts!
Are mini courses made for vert tiny people? Just wondering.
No, they’re particularly short so one doesn’t have time to fall asleep while it drolls on, and on, and on.
Glenn, I like the typo “drolls on”
Because it could be:
“rolls on”
“drools on” (which I personally think is probably most accurate!)
Most people on the list already did the “basics” so no need to do any of these extension course. Stick a pitchfork into Scamology. It’s DONE
How many participating members here? Bet it’s more than than most ideal orgs. Count in the other blogs that expose the cult and it’s probably more than the combined cult members.
Seems the blogs have more people who are clear and free, best of all free.
Peggy: I’m not FREE, but I am reasonable. I attested to “clear” before they kicked me to the curb, not that thatever did me any good; being beached was probably the best thing to come of it.
Atta boy jere!
“The most important thing is not the people, it’s the bricks and mortar. MEST.
This single promotional item sums up scientology with that one statement.”
Mike this made me really laugh. It should belong to Thursday Funnies.
The 6th dynamic first, then the 3rd. I makes sense also under this perspective.
I guess fogging gives them something to do besides dusting all the unsold books and cleaning all the kiosk screens that are shouting into the void for no one all day 🙂
Need a little background music to get through this “Graduation”:
Ballet Lady. Just perfect.
How about the Ballet Perfect. You can’t beat the Ballet Lady! She’s perfect.
OSD. Huh?! Already back from tgt 2?
AAAww thanks my buddies OSD & LMR…you are the best there is!
Nothing makes me smile MORE than to KNOW you both are OUT & have happy fulfilled lives, wonderful families & friends & that & FREEDOM!
Just to KNOW you “stuck it to COS”….OMG sweet revenge!
My never ending gratitude goes to Mike Rinder & Lean Remini who gave us what we need….THE AFTERMATH…which shed a glaring light onto the world of COS. So many people are now aware of what goes on behind the iron gates & shuttered windows…..
My Greatest Hope is that all the families can somehow someway someday reconnect.
Ballet Lady. We thank you. OSD has a particular and special sense of humor I really like.
I was on a bender myself, LMR. I got started slowly, but, I’m kickin’ ass as I go. “Damn right you will”. Now go out and kick some ass. Mail
OSD. Damn, you inspired me. This morning I go out and start kicking!
As Admiral Farragut would say:
“Damn the torpedoes….full speed ahead”…
LMR,,,Agree 100%…..I have a “dry sense of humor”…so called “tongue in cheek”….Must have something to do with both of us being surfers.
Use to take my long board out to Fire Island & Gilgo, the Hamptons, Montauk Point…even surfed in Diamond Head where I had a huge wipeout when another surfer clipped my board while shooting the curl….. When to shore, the three friends I had come with said “Wow, we thought you were dead”…… I won’t ever live that one down…thank goodness!
OSD is a very fine man & has a good wit! Like yourself, sharp as a tack!
Ballet Lady. Yes sure. My personal idea isn’t that communication is the universal solvent (because in the cult all their communication has worked more as an acid than a solvent). No seriousness is the real solvent. Do great.
I second that. Balletlady certainly does know what she is talking about.
My thank you to everyone!
H A P P Y……F A T H E R ‘S…..D A Y …….!!!!!!!!
Anyone care to guess how many of those names are either:
1. Staff
2. Family of staff
Prizes awarded for any verification of staff names on the list.
Staff: few. Family of staff: fewer.
THEM COS; “Hello Actor’s Guild Manager………..
“We need a few people for a photo opportunity”…..
“Well, special needs would be marching to a song”..
“What’s that you say…so they can practice…”
‘”Oh sure…the song is “Marching to Pretoria”…..
ACTOR’S GUILD: click….
I checked and counted a total of 39 different names out of the 62 given, in other Words 30% is pure repeat…. and then: anyone reacted to the fact that the courses are check in Los Angeles? Do they not have enough “ideal orgs” to do that? Wow.
and the 6 foggers – dying. Do they need full time People to “fogg” when it’s empty? The “virus” (which anyway is a bullbait, right?) dies on its own if in no contact.
How ridiculous…
Leila, thanks for doing that detailed count. 40 is more like what I would expect as the number of remaining really active members at an average or struggling org.
Pretoria went “ideal” and got put in a fancy new facility, but despite the claims that doesn’t really seem to mean much for orgs’ operations, and they settle back to their previous level of operations once the initial fanfare subsides. Except for a few of the orgs that have long been the largest anyway, the rest seem to be reduced to operating more like missions used to, regardless of whether they’ve been put in a big renovated building or are still somewhere like a shabby storefront.
And, yeah, the fogging is a mostly pointless excercise the way they’re doing it – but Scientology is basically all about illusions like placebo effect, anyway.
Oh My! Please allow me to take a shot with my version of their “Breaking News”?
1) Vincent Schnozzella broke his promise to his pregnant girlfriend and he moved somewhere in Oceana so that she could not skip trace him and he could not be forced to give her any of his money which the scam desperately needs far more than any infant does.
2) Tommy and Sneezy Fiorella got into a scuffle with a dozen wogs and called on their inner thetans to help them kick asses. Sadly, Tommy broke his patella when one of the wogs kicked him when he wasn’t looking. Damn wogs just have no sense of fair play. Don’t ‘cha know! Oh well. It is truly breaking news cuz he broke his patella.
3) Maizie and Hazie Snitcharlino caused all Hell to break loose when some wog news reporters began to harass them for info about something stupid. They told the reporters they had no comment and in an extraordinary act of selflessness and kindness they offered each one a free personality test. But the wogs refused. We all know it would have been a complete waste of time anyway since all wog personalities are perpetually in a “fucked up” state. All their personalities are fucked, but Maizie and Hazie offered some of their precious time for the benefit of those wogs with some of the precious wisdom from our great leader. One funny outcome was that when Maizie said “Leader”, the wogs thought she said “meter” – as in “parking meter” and for some crazy reason, she then just started barking at Maizie. You know, like, “Woof! Woof! Woof!”. Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of wogs.
4) In another related breaking story, a shrivelled and shrunken wog psychiatrist tried to expose his sex organs to two of our newest members – sisters Allison and Jallison Wannamaker – but to everyone’s horror and amusement too, his sex organs were just too shrivelled and shrunken to get out of his pants. So he couldn’t make her even if he tried. Stupid wog!
O/T. Mike has written about Molly McMullen’s video channel. I want to recommend one recent video in particular:
Why I’m not attacking the Church of Scientology.
This will certainly help in clearing the planet.
Rolling on the floor laughing
No, you got that wrong. They’re not going to “clear” the planet, they’re going to “fog” the planet.