The Smiths are at it again — throwing out more confusion and hidden data to try to drum up some business.
Not only is Miscavige planning the super extravaganzapalooza of amazingness to blow the minds of the sheeple with Super Power, Cause Resurgence, GAG II, the meter, dictionary and a whole new building in a circus tent with fireworks, dancing elephants and clowns, he also plans to make a shitload more money with price “changes” (increases) as it just wouldn’t be fair to let people “rocket up the Bridge faster than ever, ever, ever” without making them pay more for the privilege of getting less so much quickier.
You can read all about it here.
From: MIKE SMITH <[email protected]>
Date: August 17, 2013
To:[email protected]
Subject:Heads up on Probably Price ChangesHi everyone,This communication is for you only from your FSMs. Please do not relay it without my OK and in particular, please do not broadcast this.
The entire pricing structure for services is apparently under revision, from bottom of the Bridge services at Cl V Orgs thru the top of the Bridge. New prices will almost certainly be announced at the big grand opening/new releases event in mid-September. There are 3 aspects of this which are most likely to affect you:
TRs & Objectives Co-audit, especially at Flag
Academy training at all Orgs
Lots of HGC auditing happening in all Orgs.
TRs & Objectives is definitely going up in price, in part at least because it is an entirely new course with a greatly expanded theory plus the co-audit hours have gone from 15-25 hours in the past to 130-150 hours for the new course.At Flag, the old price was $960. The current price is $2500 as this is the special price given to the Cornerstone members in the confidential project being run in the FH ballroom to prepare Cornerstone members for early Superpower delivery (about 250 on or through that service). Once released to public, I am told that the price will go to $5000 at Flag. OTs at this point can only do this service at Flag.
So if you are an OT, just set aside your considerations about difficulty of logistics and confront the fact that this is in your future sometime, and if you want to save $2500, you should pay for it now and have it secured. You can pay your FSC reg or your Flag Div 2 reg.
Academy training at any Org. The word we get on this as FSMs is that many of the academy courses, such as student hat, method one co-audit, purif, (and TRs & Objectives as per above) will go up in price. Also there will be fewer “packages” offering big discounts.
The current discount packages for Academy training make training absurdly cheap. Once something is paid for, it shows on statements as “paid in full” and that will be honored when the new and higher prices go into effect.
So if you have any postulates, plans or dim thoughts about doing future training, now is the time to secure your training packages at current rates and current package discounts.
HGC auditing happening in all Orgs. With Cl V Orgs about to receive the grades and NED processes checklists and other grades and NED tech of GAT II (which Flag has been delivering as pilots for the past couple of years), the speed of getting Grades and NED will increase dramatically, and HGCs are expected to fill up with waiting lists. (We saw this at Flag when we were there last month – there was a 2-3 day waiting list to get into session in the Ls HGC.)
Also, with the expectation that all local Orgs will delivery standard GAT II auditing on grades and NED, there are hints that Flag may no longer deliver these services as it will be concentrating on Clear thru OT VII and Flag Only services (Flag Only Rundowns, Superpower, Cause Resurgence Rundown, Ls).
Public are prioritized based on how early they donated for auditing and the number of intensives. So if you have any plans for HGC auditing, now is the time to get these paid for.
LIMITED WINDOW FOR EXISTING PRICES: Assuming the grand opening/big GAT II release event is mid-Sept, that gives you 2-3 weeks to arrange to secure whatever is appropriate for you.
Money donated for any service can always be used later at cash value for any other services so there is really no downside to donating now.
REVITALIZATION OF PURPOSE: Please realize that you can expect to have your training and auditing purposes revitalized by GAT II. This is certainly happening at Flag and will happen big time in local Orgs when the tech staff return from Flag. Hint – you can expect to become a successful auditor!!
If you would like to discuss your plans with Val or I, please contact us directly.
These are very exciting times, with the technical accomplishments which LRH envisioned and which we all hoped for coming to fruition right now.
Mike & Val Smith, FSMs, WISE Consultants, OT Ambassadors
PO Box 24216
San Jose, CA 95124
(408) 499 – 1153 (Mike cell)
(408) 234 – 0510 (Val cell)
[email protected]
“Expect Miracles”
Just a couple of points of note:
At Flag, the old price was $960. The current price is $2500 as this is the special price given to the Cornerstone members in the confidential project being run in the FH ballroom to prepare Cornerstone members for early Superpower delivery (about 250 on or through that service). Once released to public, I am told that the price will go to $5000 at Flag. OTs at this point can only do this service at Flag.
Wow, the “special price” offered to those Cornerstone members suckered into “re-doing” their Objectives is 2.5X the USUAL price!
And isn’t it astonishing that “OT’s” can only do Objectives at Flag. And this is because….????? Well, er, because we say so! Ask any more questions and you will be paying for the privilege of being sec checked — at Flag rates.
…Flag has been delivering as pilots for the past couple of years), the speed of getting Grades and NED will increase dramatically, and HGCs are expected to fill up with waiting lists. (We saw this at Flag when we were there last month – there was a 2-3 day waiting list to get into session in the Ls HGC.)
So the L’s HGC filled up because of speed of delivery of Grades and NED — which Flag have already been delivering for a “few years” (like 9)… Makes perfect sense. Pay for your Grades and NED now as you don’t want to be waiting in the L’s HGC… And by the way, the reason the L’s HGC filled up is because the pricing of the L’s was changed recently in order to get more public in and on while Miscavige is at Flag. Nobody would want to have downstats when “He is still in town.”
The desperation to have everything straight up and vertical to “prove” Miscavige is leading them to promised land and not down the garden path is palpable.
This really does seem to be Custard’s Last Stand — at least he is throwing everything at it.
Perhaps a better analogy would be the Charge of the Light Brigade.
Or Napoleon at Waterloo…
What this really boils down to is desperate times=desperate measures.
Good tactic in asking for the cash in advance too, but it’s time to find out where DM is actually hiding it. Comments elsewhere suggesting that DM’s leadership is questionable and opinions stating that he be removed from leadership are all very well. However, until tangible evidence is produced showing DM is lining his own personal pockets nothing much can be done. His is just one man, topple him and the rest will follow.
I agree Evaine. What is needed is forensic accounting. That is where some agency like the FBI or something comes in and they can get the computers and reconstruct stuff and find stuff on it to get the paper trail going. I’m hoping that the recept arrest of Devon, the head of PR at CC Las Vegas and the child molester cohort in crime will bring attention to DM and the church so that maybe the FBI or CIA investigate Davie and then order forensic accounting to be done. Once the proof of lining his pockets is there, BAM! The house of cards comes down.
“The current discount packages for Academy training make training absurdly cheap…”
The only person who truly things training is “aburdly cheap” is COB, who just sees $cientology is one, big money-making racket. I think I remember LRH saying somewhere that he thought services should be free (What your donations buy?). But COB’s version of $cientology is just so much more spiritual than what LRH could envision. Strap me on to one of those spinning machines Scotty, I need to get in the mood to donate more money! After all, the only thing worse than not donating $$$$$, is to “backflash COB” – that is truly a “high crime”.
Okay, I’m gonna predict one more leak, and this one containing a footbullet from Little Cob.
As the nebulous date of Super-Size-Me draws closer, and the number of people pledging to attend remains stubbornly small, Dave will utter some foolish fulmination along the lines of, “If you ever hope to set foot in thus building, you better get your sorry ass up in here for the Opening.”
He won’t have thought this through, because he’s not thinking clearly right now, what with one disaster tumbling on the heels of another. But he’ll say it anyway, in some form or other. And it might have some marginal impact on attendance — but mainly it will only serve to demonstrate how few people in or around the Church are still in the mood to accept his leadership.
In the end, the whole affair will be a fizzle. I’d say an “epic fizzle” but that’s probably an oxymoron. Just a pathetic Dave-sized fizzle, like Portland, only this time with a big-assed half-empty tent.
Yes, Richard!
THIS is how you will be able to let your voice be heard without tipping your hand. Just do not show up.
Organize your other UTR friends to not show up. Put on a function in your area for that day that is gonna be WAY more fun than any old elephantitis tent revival and get even the Kool Aid drinkers to stay away for their own good.
If you HAVE to be there, stay for the least amount of time possible and only politely participate in the clapping without adding to the false exuberance.
At the “end of event survey”, try to express your disfavor with the new prices without getting yourself in hot water. Remember, slight, gentle cause. Have the survey taker write down your complaints so that they can’t pin it on you because it’s in your handwriting.
This may sound ridiculous or PTS to some of you who are already out but this is a fine line of war and those of us on the inside, most of us, are looking for ways that we can help while we’re still in. Please don’t judge 🙂
I like your ideas Indie 8 Million. Yes, make a fun event at your house that will be way more fun so that people will want to go to yours. An Indie friend of mine years ago was going to a special concert that they got tickets for months in advance when the phone rang. She answered it and it was someone at the org trying to get her to Maiden Voyage events. She honestly said she had a concert that night and explained it. The person got so mad and started berating her and saying how she should call the events unit first to see what the events schedule is before she plans her life. The now Indie replied that they never give more than 2 weeks’ notice on any church events and even that many times changes once or twice from the original date. The lady on the phone sputtered that she’d better route herself to ethics for going against command intention. The now Indie replied that she should route herself to ethics for violating the LRH on “too little too late” which is what the event advertising was. We have some kick ass, stand up people out here and I’m proud to know each one of you!
Thanks Jane! 🙂
Thanks so much, Jane Doe!
Yes, the way to win is insouciance! Out-spirit-of-play them.
I LOVED your friend’s response to the sputtering, more than likely 16 year old. “Dis an SO member with LRH policy?? GO TO ETHICS NOW!!”
Ha. I remember when a negative report was written on me when I reported to the RTC that there was a change in the wording of SOS. When the MAA told me about the report, in a way that made me feel that this was a suspicious action by me, I said, “Well, that’s what we’re supposed to do, right? Report out-tech?” haha. she got a little bit of a deer in the headlights look and put the report down.
On the contrary Indie8. Good on devising clever ways to stay at cause amidst the madness. If your integrity is in, then I’m proud of you. Select your own decisions, be true to your own goals and take whatever gradient seems right to you. No one can walk in your shoes. We have all walked fine lines in our lives and to have your family at stake, takes some smart consideration. The best of luck to you!
Thanks to you too, Hallie!
Some people might think it’s too whimpy or too low of a gradient but I remember well how Ron told that boy on the ship that his mother had gone to hospital and died. He DIDN’T tell him but gave him enough clues and information that the young man figured it out on his own, therefore preventing the shock of his mom’s death.
If Ron had walked in and said, “Sorry son, you’re mom’s dead,” the young man wouldn’t have been ready to receive that comm but, giving it to him in little pieces he COULD have, by the time he figured it out, he could have that too.
In talking to people who are still in, I’m finding that that is the way to do it. Then, when THEY have the cognition, it’s THEIR idea so you’re not the big, bad enturbulator and they appreciate that you showed them what they should have known.
I would welcome any other suggestions or successful actions.
Well it seems there is little monetary value in the vaults. It was a money extracting scam, I should have known. Acording to an Ex who is out.!&p=837691&viewfull=1#post837691
“When I was given a tour of the “LRH Preservation Project” display, they had a little mock-up of what it would be like when finished. We were ushered into a “vault” where they had one LRH lecture on a “gold disk”. It was on, essentially, an LP disk – you know, physical, not digital. The player was just a phonograph player, but powered by solar and hand-cranked and “oh, so special”. I’m sure you could have put any old vinyl LP record on it, and it would have played just fine. Primitive technology — but I guess that was the point. Civilization has collapsed and there are no more computers, you could still “listen to LRH’s wisdom” with nothing more than your own hand-cranking.
Yeah, it was and is a complete scam.
The awareness characteristic of Department 10 (Department of Tech Services) is Prediction. It occurs to me that Prediction is a sanity factor. If a person can predict his environment, he is less likely to do something insane in order to deal with it. So an aspect of “clearing” the parishioners of the church of scientology would be to make their progress up the Bridge Predictable. Arbitrary Re-dos, arbitrary price changes, capricious management, widespread declares, savage ethics, losing your clear status or auditor certs. These things do not comprise Prediction. We will no doubt see more rumor-mongering occur, because the only Prediction in the church of scientology these days is that Miscavige will do something else to degrade the subject, degrade LRH, alienate parishioners, frighten off newcomers, demonstrate that Miscavology is the path to spiritual and financial ruin. Sure there’s prediction in the church, but it’s just not desirable prediction. It’s not prediction that results in a cleared planet.
The current obsession with unnecessary change in the church is just another example of the church’s grades being out. Instead of manifesting insanity, the church needs its grades. And not the shortcut get-his-grades-done-so-we-can-start-charging-him-Flag-OT-levels-prices-for-simple-services-type grades.
The church needs real grades put in on itself. But honest ethics need to be put in on the church for tech to go in on the church. (Where’s TC and all the putting in of ethics when and where it’s needed?) (
“When an individual fails to apply ethics to himself and fails to follow the morals of the group, justice enters in”. (new ISE p.25) Miscavige just can’t see and won’t admit that his actions are immoral and out-ethics; he certainly will never see that the group and the world are busy putting his ethics in and applying justice to him and is unholy creation. In order to preserve and protect mankind, by the way.
COB isn’t really intrested in body’s in the shop just bleeding everybody still in dry and than trying to rope the stars in or people with money. If that’s going to happen pffft, Anyway it reveals that David can’t be helped with auditing or cramming or L’s or what have you. He KNOWS exactly what he is trying to do.
New video of Tory talking to Nancy to eachother reveals as much
Devolution into non-existence. It is here already, now the reality just needs to sink in.
By their fruits ye shall know them. Look around.
What do you see?
The end is nigh for $oS. They just can’t accept it just yet.
I just can’t understand that nonsense anymore !
Pure insanity !!!!!!!!!!!!
This so stupid. The compulsive change, that Scn has been through, for so long is ridiculous. I really can’t comprehend why anyone would consider dm to be capable of conducting research or pilots. LRH said clearly, not to alter his tech and here is dm, alter, alter, alter. Not to mention the gross out tech of mass CSing and bypassing valid objective EP’s. He’s a SQUIRREL. I think dm has been riding on the goodwill that LRH created for a long time, especially with the boomer generation, who are some of the most generous people on the planet. But dm squirreled, unmocked, and degraded the tech and people. Well the boomers are tapped and dm’s 15 minutes of fame are up!
More Miscavige Mismanagement By Rumor.
This was almost too painful to read. How can these still “ins” go on with this incredibly disgusting criminal hustle. The pimp speaks again! I am referring to the only being on planet earth that is always right…the anointed one: he who cannot be named.
Mike Rinder, as Napolean Hill would say, You are going the extra mile! The Gods are smiling on you.
Hey, all you top FSM’s. Your condition is treason. You should apply it.
Hey, all you cornerstone members. You are being hustled.
Hey, all you guys that are having doubts. Your doubts are only voices of your perceptions. Listen to them. Inside, somehow, we always KNOW.
As they used to say in the ghetto, “They are playing you out of the pocket!”
If you’re reading this blog, you might as well genuinely CONFRONT the actuality of the current scene.
You never would have embarked on this journey if you were not looking for truth on a spiritual level and personally, the truth of your goodness and genuine care for others. You can find that in the Independent field and you can find happiness without the stress, compromise, fear, enforced can’t haves, enforced must haves, wrong indications and all the upset that goes along with being influenced by a very insane negative force. It is out here for you. If I may speak for others…you are welcome to join us.
” How can these still “ins” go on with this incredibly disgusting criminal hustle.”
They are used to it.
Dollar M. I would say that they don’t know that they can do anything about it. They are being extorted with “Their eternity”. “Play nice so we don’t take your eternity away.”
I wonder who started this hidden data line/enemy line and fed it to the people? I doubt that this was directly from Ron – maybe an alteration of what he said. Anyway, does anyone know where this whole line of BS got started?
It might have gotten started with an LRH reference where he says, “you are either on the Bridge or you’re in the abyss.” (meaning the area below the Bridge.)
+1 JD
Great post Penny! And I might add that the Kool Aid Drinkers who are still IN are in a Treason condition. “Find out that you are”. They need to find out that they are in charge of their own cases. They are in charge of their own spiritual route to freedom. They are in charge of making sure they get standard tech and don’t accept shoddy substitutes for standard tech in its place. They are in charge, each one of them, for having “constant alertness and a willingness to fight back” which is the price of freedom. I am very thankful that I somehow found myself on the right side this time around and that I’m out and creating in the Indie World.
+1 Ditto that.
But then again, I am in good company now.
I am so embarrased that was ever a part of this organization.
I will never forget the moment in the Autumn of 1976 when the Scn prices were loudly announced by an LRH ED for a 5 percent increase each month. Mike Silverman Reg at AOLA was making a killing on Commissions, Deja view?
Silverman got a Kha Khan from Ron. But he was declared by AOLA later anyway. Does anyone know what Mike Silverman is up to now? Is he in the Indie movement? Is he alive? If he passed on, what did he do after he was Declared?
I would like to know what happened to him as well and what he was declared for. I know there was a lot of illegal reg stuff going on back then, like Scientologist loaning money to others at super loan shark prices etc. I know he was at my Org in SFO for awhile, and then I worked with him for a day at AOLA while waiting for my auditing. I personally liked what I knew of him because he was very OT in terms of ability. He was one of the few people I could ‘talk’ with all day telepathically. The Ots I knew then seemed to have more wattage by the way. Makes me wonder.
Is he Ruthie’s ex husband?
Yes, the OTs seemed more OT to me too.
Yes Mike Silverman was Ruthie Silverman’s husband. When he got declared they had to divorce. He got declared for “financial irregularities.” A generality. But back then you could actually read the specifics on the goldenrod which was posted. Nowadays, there is nothing posted and it’s all generalities and lies. Back in the day he cooked up a scheme where we were told to go to our grand parents or parents and ask them to put a second mortgage on the house to get money out of it and to loan us that money or give it to us, and we would buy Bridge with it. He piled a ton of us into the Lebanon Hall next to ASHO for this gem. I guess management found out and squashed that one. But what a PR disaster for the church if one of those refi’s had gone south and the angry family might have gone to the press and flapped. Anyone know what happened to Michael Silvrman?
Also what happened to Ivan Obalensky? Was the stuff we heard about him at AO true? What was the truth? And what is Ivan doing these days?
How about a pause folks? ….A pause long enough to take in a breath of fresh air? …. Do it…….ahhhh… that’s
it ! …Feel the calmness returning,….the SANITY! ….there…. better now?? LOL!
As regards, clearing the planet, which means training lots of auditors, the price increase coupled with the loooong runway of basics completion makes no sense. But if you look at it from a true Suppressive’s viewpoint of not actually wanting any auditors made, the long runway makes total sense, as does the price increase because HE knows that new people won’t be coming in, therefore the remaining people need to be milked until they are dry.
“Pseudo-Ethical activities hiding perversion of ethics”…. Exact phrasing escapes me at present but its part of LRH’s description of Covert Hostility, 1.1 on the Tone Scale.
Even though I know, its still hard to confront – to really get that someone could be , is. this degree of evil.
I get what you’re saying, Aquamarine. Confronting evil is part & parcel of “as – ising” it.
One just accepts that for what it is. Same goes for Insanity. One LRH dfn. in the Tech
dictionary: —“The overt or covert but always complex and continuous determination to harm or destroy.” — As a matter of personal experience, I once had an ongoing problem
in dealing with an extremely articulate and threatening insane psychopath. This had become such an all consuming situation, that it was a simple realization akin to the
above “pause .. take a deep breath ” analogy mentioned above — that led to a complete
handling of this individual! ( for me – at any rate )This came from the extroverting cog
that I was in a games condition with this character! Similar to what you see in our host,
Mike Rinder. The moment one gets this, one CAN choose to be cause – and literally
turn the tables on the offender. In my case, I set out to aggressively introvert the guy
by overt selection of his insanity “buttons” and pushing them hard, with added
humiliation for maximum effect. The end result was quite dramatic– stopped him dead
in his tracks!! I had found his actual Achilles heel — and it worked! By all means,
confront and as-is insanity for the evil it is, then reject any notion that it may rent any
space in your head! Remembering NOT to take it “seriously ” — gives one the edge.
Right, Calvin. And forgetting is the best revenge.
Man. You know that case phenomena? Sad effect = An ARC break of long duration?
Oh yeah.
When I read that email – bang. I was hit with that deep feeling of sadness. Not just at the idea of the money, but because of the injustice of the whole thing.
Sort of like a sadistic son of a bitch walking into a mental ward of mentally incapacitated people and making them do sick and morbid things to themselves and others. The people don’t know they are being messed with and shown to be the fools that they are so they giggle and very sincerely try to do what that charming man is asking them to do because he convinced them it would help them.
Little do they know that the charming sociopath should be locked up with them – but kept away from them so he doesn’t hurt anyone else.
Deep sadness at this.
If this doesn’t make them leave, God help them.
“If you would lke to discuss your plans with Val or I, please contact us directly”.
Mr. Smith, that would be, “Val or me, Imbecile.
Add bad grammar to the laundry list of outpoints.
Peter Sellers.
“Being There?” That’s right. Someone mistook the gardener (or the camera man) for a world leader. Ooops.
YIKES, my head is spinning from that email. OT’s redoing TR’s and Objectives??? What? thanks for the inval. I feel like I have stepped into a parallel universe where all is in reverse.
Oh, and thanks for raising prices so we can all redo the redo of the redo that you do so well.
All part of making the bridge an unattainable goal. All part of one more big “Can’t Have”. Waiting three days for a session? Per Hubbard, anyone who puts a customer on “wait” is an enemy of the business. That’s policy. Look at how long customers have been waiting for Super Power. They have all been put on wait. David Miscavige, per policy is an enemy of the Church. Hubbard said it. Anyone have the exact quote?
“To prosper, service must be as close to instant as possible.
Anything which stops or delays the flows of a business or delays or puts a
customer or product on WAIT is an enemy of that business.”
Thank you Sugar man!
+1 He saw it all coming.
I am soooo done with this stuff. I have no idea how I tolerated it for as long as I did.
Can you imagine going back to the Church and re-doing MIscaviges squirrely new TR’s & Objectives for hundreds of hours? As if that is the problem. Yeah, thats why you feel like shit and arent moving- you need to pay $5,000 to re-do your objectives until you are walking zombie. Auditor: “Yeah, the PC had some big wins and also, the process is flat per LRH”. C/S “Thank you. Continue to run process for three hundred more hours or something, I’m not sure, but definitely keep running it for atleast a couple hundred because this is the Golden Age Part II and thats straight from RTC…”. PC: “AAAaaaaaaarrrg…..”.
And here we go again: “Public are prioritized based on how early they donated for auditing and the number of intensives.” — you will be accommodated in a seat in the auditorium, in the waiting list at the HGC and in the dinning room based only on how much you have donated. Thanks God there are not waiting lists if you need to go to the bathroom!!!!!!
Although your comment was tongue in cheek, it wasn’t far off the mark either. I remember back in the day at Flag when there were too many OT public crowding in to get auditing and too few auditors and MAA’s and you’d route in and then wait a week to get seen by the first person on the routing form, the MAA. So they came up with this scheme. If you bought 3 or 4 more intensives, you got a gold sticker they put on your MAA folder, which meant you got bumped to the top of the line to see the MAA and got seen earlier. So like a Kool Aid drinking idiot, I bit for it and bought the extra intensives so as to get seen faster. Yet when I got to Flag and told one of the SO there that I should have been seen already because of my gold patch etc, he just laughed in my face, and the flow was, “what a sucker you are!” So again Flag did not deliver what they promised.
I can say that Clearwater is already rolling with anticipation. This might just be the moment when the little guy’s head exploding. I have been waiting so long.
All the excitement, the money, the inflow and lies have to lead to little boys Head Explosion. Is it even possible the poor unperceptive blind sheeple can, after having so many exploded attention units after all those events really do anything for 150 hours. I fear not. Present Time for many has already left the building. Confront of evil takes perception.
There is surely enough mass here in Clearwater that the mind fuck of an explosion will lift the tent thru the air into the Meccas golden cross and the neighbors will at least be cleared. Then a clear downtown will bring peace.
Yes, let’s not forget ” You sheeple will be prioritized” for these activities.
After you get through all that “You can finally become a successful auditor!
WHEW! What were you auditors out there thinking after all., I will let you know when I see Brain Matter.
Off topic, but this story in Las Vegas about the woman arrested as a potential domestic terrorist is blowing up all over the place here that she was in charge of PR at the Las Vegas Idle Org most recently. She is talking like a jaybird behind bars to the media. If I am DM, I am very worried about her telling about her time in the Sea Org and why she is no longer in Scientology. She is crazy. Funny there were 5 cars in the parking lot this afternoon when the reporter when to get a comment from the local Idle Org.
Here it is at the New York Post:
Seems like this is the only type that Scientology can attract these days.
“LAS VEGAS — A couple [David Allen Brutsche and Devon Campbell Newman] spent hundreds of hours over four months plotting to abduct, torture and kill Las Vegas police officers as a way to attract attention to their anti-authority ‘sovereign citizens’ movement, police said.
“Newman, 67, of Las Vegas, who reportedly works as a public relations director for the Church of Scientology, was a bit nervous, according to a police report. She asked at one meeting to unplug the television because she thought authorities could use it to listen to their conversations.”
Heeeeeeeeeeeey, isn’t this “P.R.” woman under Karen Pouw? This is one of Karen’s underlings isn’t it? When it rains it pours. Geeeze, Someone is on one hell of a motivator flow! The P.R. department for the church has sucked the in Las Vegas police department ! Karen, what have you got to say for yourself? Let me guess, “The Church denies”. The P.R. department for the Church has it’s own hit man! Guess who is on top of the hit man for Scientology? Lt. Jim Seebock, who heads the counter-terrorism unit for the Las Vegas Police Department. COUNTER TERRORISM!
That story is strange. I think she is Type III. She probably read stuff on the internet, saw that Miscavige was an SP but couldnt confront it. Now that she’s away from the Church hopefully she will destimulate and be ok.
Yes but I think that is the lie on the line Chris. I think she IS a Scn and that the church higher ups have told her to deny that she is a Scn so that it won’t blow back on them, and being the Kool Aid drinker she is, she would want to save Davie and the church embarrassment, so she then tells the lie that she is not a Scientologist. Tony Ortega’s article on it yesterday made it clear that she is a Scn and even her Linked In account lists her not only as a Scn but as the DSA at Las Vegas CC Center. We have seen already that when bad stuff happens, the church distances itself from them and throws them under the bus. (Narconon)
Absolutely under the bus – after years of service.
But it’s an interesting twist about the media. I’ve seen that they are trying to make all people in the sovereign movement into wackos. Any chance they get, the media runs something that makes them all look like terrorists.
So they hit the jackpot on this gal. Two birds with one stone – a Sovereign AND a Scientologist. Kathy Griffin must be going crazy with this stuff.
My briefing pack has gone out to the Mayor and everyone in the police department. Spent five hours handing out briefing packs to the police. Explaining to them that they CAUSE the crime. It’s time for them to get real and start thinking with Scientology.
Spare me the commendation Karen Pouw. I know you have your hands full harming attacking and suppressing people right now. I am just spreading the word in Vegas on my own time.
Wow Oracle! You did that???!!!! My hat is off to you. Instead of just writing on blogs, you actually DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Wow! What a wonderful example to all of us Indies you are setting. Thank you for your hard work with the police dept. Very Well Done to you! You rock!
Interesting – her and a nut-case-looking convicted kiddie-diddler. None of the stories mention Scn – is there more info on that aspect of it?
Now, as for He Who Must Not Be Named, Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center Mr. David Miscavige: What a blithering idiot. No, I am wrong: He is a sociopath.
I just listened to the resignation speech by soon-to-be former San Diego Mayor Bob Filner. In the first part, he apes an apologetic tone, cracking voice and all, and doesn’t quite apologize for being a sick pervert. Then, he totally changes his tone (as in manner of speaking, not Scn tone level) and proceeds to blame everyone else and proclaim his innocence. What a scumbag. He totally reminded me of HWMNBN.
Who / What is HWMNBN? I think David is sending out hit squads on police since he was issued a restraining order. At least, I am explaining in my area to the police, how OSA operates and the fair game policy. I was able to show the squirrel busters video at their morning staff meeting this morning. Several mutters than John Allender would have been arrested in Vegas for what he did in Texas the first day he showed up there.
Per Church policy, all involved with signing off on the restraining order against DM, have been declared suppressive people and are now open to be fair gamed.
HWMNBN: He Who Must Not Be Named; Voldemort; Miscabbage.
Let me make sure I have this right. We should sign up in advance for TRs and Objectives because the co-audit will take 6 times longer than before, and as an OT I have to do it at Flag. And we should sign up in advance for NED and Grades because they are so much quicker than before, and soon they may not be delivered at Flag at all?
I think the theme song for the Runt in a Tux must be Razzle Dazzle.
I was trying to spot and count the outpoints in this email but my analytical mind had given up and shut down about halfway through the email from illogic overload.
Originally I thought I would comment on some of the points, but why bother? This is complete insanity, and that’s the most obvious thing about it.
I’m so glad that the Smith’s confidential secret R-factor won’t get out to anyone unauthorized by him… LMAO.
It never gets old it seems
I sort of like that one.
Me too! 😀
It has some bite VVWD Mr. Mann
I was thinking of this one too:
I noticed that some paragraphs in the e-mail are in Comic Sans font. How appropriate!
Any new “stat” about how the circus tent itinerary is advancing? I’m so excited about the circus tent travel stories! 🙂
I wonder if the Comic Sans font were in the original e-mail or reformatted by Mike (Rinder) or the special correspondent …
Mike you did good in not adding sarcastic comments this time… No need to. This message is so outlandish that it speaks for itself; this is the most immoral money making scheme Ive known in this lifetime (or maybe more)
Didn’t Mosey get the TRO on August 16th? Is Davey trying to raise money for yet more legal bills?
“HGC auditing happening in all Orgs. With Cl V Orgs about to receive the grades and NED processes checklists and other grades and NED tech of GAT II (which Flag has been delivering as pilots for the past couple of years), the speed of getting Grades and NED will increase dramatically, and HGCs are expected to fill up with waiting lists. (We saw this at Flag when we were there last month – there was a 2-3 day waiting list to get into session in the Ls HGC.)”
9 years has become “a couple” and GREAT on promoting that Flag public were subjects of PILOT auditing programs! 😉
Promoting the fact that people will have to wait for auditing because of how fast the “new dm bridge is being delivered” = Technical Degrades and hiding the fact that the lack of auditors is due to the runway he made mandatory to train as an auditor and to prevent pre-GAT auditors from auditing.
I think these emails are starting to stink a lot more like a ruse…
I got a DVD, I think from my org a while back promoting these Flag Grades. Most of the successes were people talking about how fast it was. “I thought maybe I would do Grade 0 and come back, but we did all the way through Grade 3 in one week- wow!”
The “Win” being that they had a big problem on “getting up the bridge” costing too much and being out of reach and, wow, now they can do it for like half the price or less! I guess that was a big survey button or something. Maybe Miscavige is altering the tech based on event survey buttons??
A condition of TREASON or cancellation of certificates or dismissal and a full investigation of the background of any person found guilty, will be activated in the case of anyone committing the following HIGH CRIMES:
8. Boasting as to speed of delivery in a session, such as “I put in Grade Zero in 3 minutes.” Etc.
Chris, this all sounds kind of familiar to me. Remember the “quickie grades” that Ron had to wade in and put a period to in the late 60’s? Well………here we go again.
However, this time Miscavige is so publicly at the epicenter of this out tech that when the shit hits the fan he won’t later be able to convince very many people that someone else did it. But he will probably try.
Btw. Flag’s auditing is/was NOT faster! This is a myth and indeed I have not heard from any PC that it was faster. They all think that they are exceptions … and then repeat the propaganda that it is faster for others.
When I was there I was 90% running rudiments and red tags, 5% overruns (I guess because of the Miscavige floating needle redefinition) and 5% on grades.
I was highly pissed after my auditing, but knew I had to attest a lie in order to not lose more money. So I lied like many and disappeared.
An all too familiar story for many who leave exactly the same way. So bad the way he has squirrelled the tech and instituted Black Dianetics and Black Scn to ruin cases and people.
My God, I cannot find the words to describe what has become
of Flag Services. This is chaos.
One can only dream of dancing elephants
because elephant poop is great fertilizer for Rose bushes.
“if you ever “had any dim thoughts.” –about EVER getting up The Bridge, “just put those considerations aside.”
“These are very exciting times” YOU ARE SO RIGHT ON THAT COUNT MIKE SMITH.
+1 – lol
tsk, tsk, tsk…. 😉
Yeah Mike, why did you forward without his ok. You bad boy you.
More like Burnside at Fredericksburg.
I’m so confused … is there anyone left in Scientology????
PS – Love the “don’t forward without my OK!”
Your confusion is completely understood. You’re doing just fine. Very well. Your perception is OK, very discerning. Now then, let me give you the next question:
“Is there any Scientology left in the church?”
And the answer is, “No.”
Did that help clarify things for you?
A man once said, “I don’t know what they’re doing there, but it isn’t Scientology!” He was right. Still is right.
People in the church suffer from Acute Intelligence Deficiency Syndrome.
The reason OTs can only do their objectives at Flag is because they will ALL need repair lists to correct all the bypassed charge of overrun and other upset with being made to do an objectives co-audit for 150 hours…that they don’t even need! Those repair sessions require an upper level auditor trained in handling them as OTs…usually Class 9…at what is the price for an OT intensive these days?… About $6-9K, somewhere in there? Convenient, eh?
Good point, but I think you will find that the standard handling for ta going high in session now at Flag is for the auditor to put in a break and babysit the pc to the cafeteria where the auditor is instructed to put his muzzle on with the pc. Weird stuff!! I really dont think the tech staff want the pc getting a whiff that he may be being overrun, that might cause the pc to question the auditing pgm he has been given.
$9K per intensive if no package price for buying lots of intensives at once.
wow! Thanks for that info, Jane…unfreakinbelievable!
Yes, Napoleon met his match at Waterloo and then the Brits, fully enamored with their wonderfulness decided to further kick some butt over across the Atlantic where they had been sent home some 40 years earlier by the independent movement in America.
Enter the world’s greatest fighting force on the planet in 1814. Having burned the Capital in Washinton DC, some 10’000 plus Redcoats decided to win it all with a flanking move down the mighty mississip via New Orleans. Enter a bunch of independents farmers led by one Andrew Jackson who told his rag tag band …….don’t fire till you see the whites of their eyes.
How did that end Davey? I think they ended up runnin thru the brambles and the bushes all the way to the Gulf of Mexico……………..where they hoped to board the worlds finest ship of the line The HMS Prisonwinds or something like that. Run Davey, Run…………………
Yeah. This is a very good analogy.
And our guns fire special bullets of TRUTH which actually seek out lies and liars.
The song you quoted from could be easily adapted for our purposes. I just found a video of this song…..
If we change the words “The British” to “Miscavige”, it seems to work pretty well. It’s kind of funny.
For instance there is sort of an allusion to keeping one’s TRs in when confronting evil in the following lyric:
“Old Hickory said we could take ’em by surprise if we didn’t fire our guns until we looked ’em in the eye.”
And there is even a squirrel with a machine gun in the accompanying slide show! 🙂
Incredible on so many levels.
First off, the objectives delivered IN THE HGC might have only been being run for 25 to 30 hours in Class 5 orgs for the last many years, but there is NO WAY IN HELL that the TRs and Objectives Co-Audit objectives have been being completed in 25 – 30 hours each way. In my org, it has been ROUTINE since TIME IMMEMEORIAL for the TRs and Objectives Co-Audit to take at least 100 hours EACH WAY.
Can you imagine being an HGC auditor, knowing your PC is paying HUNDREDS of dollars per hour, running your PC “touch that wall” processes for 150 hours?? It’d be criminal! So it’s no wonder HGC objectives have been being quickied.
But the TRs & Ojbectives co-audits have been just fine. There’s no incentive to quckie a co-audit student through Ojbectives. After all, the co-audits make beau ceau student point, and as a sup, you can’t get in trouble when they fall asleep…so everyone wins!!!
So if my Class 5 org has been getting it right on the Co-Audit this whole time, tell me again why FLAG has been fucking it up so badly ? Under the watch of how many RTC Reps “trained” personally by COB? I haven’t heard of any secret LRH advices being discovered in any attics recently about Objectives…so I can’t wait to hear the briefing explaining how every auditor and Tech C/S and Snr C/S in the history of the world has been getting it WRONG on Objectives until COB recovered the tech (Thank you SIR!)
Second, they have already bragged that these courses are about 1/2 as long as they used to be. And the price is going up???? Holy shit. At least with GAT 1 there was a crap load of drills being added to the checksheets (yes, I get it, that’s bad) to justify the price going up. This is crazy!
Third…COB has spent the last 15 years saying at every event how fucking awesome GAT1 has been and how it has created a never ending flood of new auditors the world over…and now he’s saying GAT 2 will “revitalize your purpose to be an auditor and you can expect to be successful”!?!?
What the hell were we supposed to expect to be before?
FOURTH…relating to the fear of having one’s stat down while the Almighty COB is on base…the new thing COB started saying around 2003 (and therefore everyone else started saying as well) was to call a down-statistic “make wrong” .
So if he issued a program, and it resulted in stats going down in the area, there would of course be no REVIEW done of the program, it was simply that the staff in the area were just trying to make COB wrong by crashing the stats. (Funny, I don’t recall LRH complaining about people trying to make him wrong…).
Yes, the exact tired phrase was “These stats are down and most definitely make-wrong”.
Yup…once everyone started using this phrase and logic, there didn’t need to be a WHY for anything. You didn’t even have to LOOK for whys. Because all you had to say was “your running a make-wrong”. And of course COB had issued so many orders into every single area of every single org via the IGNW Bulletins (and RTC Reps), that there wasn’t a single staff member in any org anywhere who couldn’t be accused of “making COB wrong” simply by virtue of having a down-statistic.
Yo Mama – thanks for the facts and insight.
You are spot on about the “making COB wrong” line. It’s not just downstats. EVERYTHING that doesnt turn out to his liking is “making him wrong.” It’s right out of PAB 13.
Mike – what’s the title of PAB 13, please? Thanks.
On Human Behavior. See this posting On David Miscavige’s Behavior
OH! YES! One of my fav’s for spotting SPs. Didn’t know it was a PAB.
Thanks, Mike.
Mike, thank you for reprinting “On Human Behavior” reference along with your comments. That link and article are very important and very telling. This is the article that the Kool Aid drinkers need to read. Here is another excerpt from an LRH article that came my way.
“You only start breaking down when right is no longer on your side; when you are no longer a companion of truth. And that is when your light starts to dim. And alter-is sets in and there goes the GPM, and it gets bigger and it gets bigger, and it gets bigger, and there you are… so I’ll give you a little piece of advice for the future: Live with truth and thy light will always shine bright.”
— L. Ron Hubbard
GPM (Goals Problem Mass): the problem created by two or more opposing ideas which being opposed, balanced, and unresolved, make a mass. It’s a mental energy mass.
Excerpted from the lecture Making a Goal Fire delivered on 4 October 1962. This can be found in Saint Hill Special Briefing Course lectures.
Or mebbe right out of “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest ” –except that had a more intelligent performance in it’s participants (morons) greater than a magnitude of 20 x expanded!
….and thus you have every staff member lying about their stats. So stats are up and He can promote that! Whoo-hooooo!
Since He’s been at Flag so long and seems to be wanting to stay there, I wonder if there is or will be a Remote Hole started up at Flag. I mean….ya gotta put those criminal non-compliants somewhere so they can be tortured too, right? No Hole? Where’s the fun in that! Let’s get one going here too!
Interesting about the new NED that’s been being delivered as a Pilot at Flag (for the last two years?) and now will be available at the Orgs. I look forward to driving by the Org and seeing a line around the building with people demanding to get this new amazing GAT II tech. (I’m laughing out loud as I type this… because it’s so damned absurd.) The Outpoints of this whole thing are beyond description. An analogy would be the local IOOF Lodge (International Order of Odd Fellows) doing a why finding on the fact the average member is roughly 72 years old and they want to solve this problem so new members come in and get active. So, as a solution they decide to change the wording on their secret initiation ceremony. The Church is not attracting new members because they have terrible PR have destroyed the Missions. Without a real influx of new members the Church is on a death spiral. This is the number ONE problem of the Church for any long term survival. I hope they do go back to the practice of raising prices every month. It’s such a successful thing to do.
The suppressiveness of that email is sickening. You know you’ll be forced to do it anyway, so pay up. I’m so happy to be out of that nightmare.
Ugh. I can’t think of a single person in my area who will be able to afford even higher prices. For stuff they’ve already done. And continue to donate to the IAS, Ideal Orgs, etc. etc.
This is vomit-worthy.
And the prices are going up because…they were so incredibly low before?
And the prices are going up – why? Oh yes, the market is shrinking, and the sales are slumped. Volume is out, push cost up.
Miscavigeonomics 101 Wendy….
And they need some new uniforms …………….. they ought to come with handcuffs too these days!
Set aside your considerations about difficulty or logistics and BEND OVER!
Prices 2.5x any price before. Expansion vertical through the roof. WOW !!!
At least not square meters this time.
Did you realise that this email is all about money?
Is this the new Golden Age of Money?
Btw. where do the publics get all the money from?
Are they still having any?
I cannot believe that anyone is really falling for this stuff! Come on, $5000 for objectives??? Plus accomos??? OT’s redoing Objectives??? Well, this should spring some people out! Just wait until all the regging starts for GAT II. After the Basics came out and the intense regging started, many SO and Public left. Actually an entire wave of people left. Between this, the lawsuits, terror plots, etc, I am going to stock up on popcorn! Geez.
“3. Merchandising by advertising that prices are going up soon is forbidden.”
Fantastic policy quote!! The Machiavellian midget flaunts his disregard for Ron’s admin policy beyond what anyone could’ve imagined.
True Savage… but then again, how would DM even know he is flaunting his disregard for Ron’s admin policy? Dm doesn’t even know policy so he has no way of knowing when he flaunts it. He is not an auditor (having been thrown off the internship at St Hill when he hit his pc in session), and he is not OEC-FEBC trained, and he doesn’t receive auditing of his own case. How then would he know anything?
Thanks for saving me the trouble of looking up that issue and posting it, Les. I remembered it and was just about to go looking for it.
Of course this doesn’t apply to the COS any more because, after all, … was written by LRH !
Really, LDW, shame on you! The Smiths are not advertising! All they’re doing is sending out a hush-hush-don’t-tell-anyone-without-my-permission-this-is not- to-be-broadcasted-price-increase-data on auditing and training – to ALL of their selectees.
Oh, you mean like in the early 80’s? That was off policy too? Go figure.
Thanks for quoting the exact policy.
This is the one I thought of when I was reading Mr.Smith’s email.
That and the PL on Tech Degrades when he was bragging about how much faster the new as in squirrel grades are.
Not to mention the fact that there are so many other outpoints in this email that they are almost hard to keep track of.
Like the one about buy your grades now so you don’t have to wait in line to do your Ls which goes beyond merely being illogical.
More like bat shit crazy.
I’m sure the reanimation of the stinking dead corpse of GAT should be a boon to all us field auditors as it was the last time management pulled this stunt.
Reminding me of Einstein’s definition of insanity which is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.
Since when has policy meant anything to the midget? If it agrees with his aims, fine. If it doesn’t, you’re “CI” for disagreeing with his order.
All hail Chairman Maoscavige!
Sadly LRH (once again) violated his own policy in the 70’s when prices went up 10% a month.
It should be called the religion of continuous contradictions all bound to drive you mad, sooner or later.
Yes. However I was on staff when the “solution to inflation” was being implemented. The “solution” was to increase the prices by, I think, 5% a month INDEFINITELY. I remember reading this and thinking THAT is a “solution” to anything?
It is the worst kind of tacky selling to pressure the customer with imminent price increases. Double glazing salesmen/women got the whole sales industry a very bad name with this “Buy Now before the prices go up” type of selling in the UK throughout the 80s and 90s. It’s now actually illegal – but has always been rampant in Scientology as far back as I have been involved.
I was remembering the same thing.” Buy now before the increase” was used when I was on staff and it was used by LRH, but once again, DM takes it to a ‘whole new level’ as he is known for saying…or something close to that. LRH’s method was at least a gradient approach and everyone was informed. I can at least give him that much. But DM always has to be so ‘straight up’ and “over the top” with his perversions of everything! And for Smith is being extremely ethical by giving his inner circle fsms the hidden yet to be released info.
“These are very exciting times, with the technical accomplishments which LRH envisioned and which we all hoped for coming to fruition right now.”
Funny, I had ALL of that by 1985. What have these retards actually been doing for nearly 30 years?
Yeah, and when did LRH finalize the way Objectives be delivered? In the 60s?
Prices go up as the auditing session time goes down (efficiency of GAG II is tremendous)
And because of the “Basics” there is no auditor in training. The new courses are faster,
just nobody is doing them. Everybody is on the “Basics”.
The new squirrel edition GAG II auditing is faster.
Supply and demand. No supply here 😉
As a never-in, my knowledge of the subtleties of Scientology-speak is a bit limited. But I think the meaning of this:
“So if you are an OT, just set aside your considerations about difficulty of logistics and confront the fact that this is in your future sometime, and if you want to save $2500, you should pay for it now and have it secured.”
shines through pretty clear: “Shut up, bend over and grab your ankles. If you don’t sign up now, we have ways of making you wish you had later on.”
In a real business, when you increase prices, you want to make sure you are at least “revenue neutral.” In other words, you lose fewer customers who are pissed off that prices increase than you gain from the extra price per unit. If you sell a million widgets at $10 every year, and then you boost the price on widgets to $25, you lose money if your sales plunge to only 300,000 units. You win if you sell 500,000 units — only half as many as before, but at a price more than double. But that’s a bad idea, even if you can pull it off, because it is way more expensive to replace the number of customers you pissed off than to keep existing ones happy — a rule of thumb is that it is at least 10x more expensive to get a first order from a new customer than a repeat order from a happy existing customer. Given the utter failure of the RCS lately at attracting new customers, one would think that a price rise of this sort is a really, really bad idea.
So if Miscavige thinks he can raise prices from $960 to $5,000 then make it seem like people are getting a bargain by an introductory offer of “only” $2,500, then he is pretty sure that people will pay anything to get the benefits of the amazing “New and Improved” Objectives. I rather doubt all the “under the radar” and “sideliner” crowd out there will agree with him, and I am sure he will lose even more people. But let’s pretend for a second that he’s actually figured out that he will keep 100% of hist customers because they’re afraid of keeping “their eternity.” He must be losing a lot of money elsewhere in the organization to need this much money from a program that he wants everyone to complete.
So this move screams of either a) a total misread of the willingness of the customer base to cough up more bucks; b) a huge mistake that will drive people right out of the RCS, or c) a desperation play to cover revenue shortfalls in other areas that are hemorrhaging cash (IAS donations, perhaps?). Or maybe d) all of the above. I have a bad feeling about this one…
Thanks John P. Insightful as ever.
I have the same bad feeling.
The perfect storm is brewing. The frantic, random flailings are definite indicators of desperation and a recognition that it’s beyond the point of “business as usual.”
Doesn’t seem to be “bad news” to me at all. The fallout should be considerable which can only decrease the coming incident of the COB’s own “disappearance”!
OR, in a word – LAWSUITS
in another word or two – grab as much as you can before you blow.
d.) All of the above
In the short-term, the prices increases will help him. The clubbed seals still left are not going anywhere, and as they have shown their willingness and desire To Be Clubbed, DM is only satisfying their implied desires.
The upcomming international extravaganza will be a club-fest. Anyone attending must know what they are walking into, so by going are declaring their willingness and desire to be clubbed. Many of them will have been holding back on their donations all year in anticipation of this event, so they have some bucks to give up when the clubbing begins in earnest. So, the event will raise ALOT of revenue and all kinds of success can be announced.
Of course, in the long term, raising prices will be disasterous. But so what? DM has never cared about that before, so why start now?
Yes. to all the above. However, I am most afraid that people WILL comply without complaint. Maybe those on the fringes will leave, but so far there are still people moving right along with the program. I mean, I didn’t get how people didn’t see the craziness of the whole ‘get your basics’ stuff, and yet the public ate it up, and they are still eating it up. I think DM knows his public quite well because I hear from the grape vine that people think he is doing a fantastic job. They still haven’t applied “look don’t listen’ and they don’t know that all that glitters isn’t gold. I really do hope that this latest scheme shakes the rafters and a bunch of people give DM the finger and leave. I would love to see an actual revolt, but my guess is that the flock will do the usual: figure out how to pay for whatever is being asked.
Only in Sciendollargy does one have to buy now for 2.5X or buy later for 5X! A redo which ought to be for free as it wasn’t done right in the first place?
Sinar, exactly! There is nothing by LRH which states one HAS to do x amount of trs and objectives, first of all. Secondly, you can’t just make a general c/s that x amount of hours have to be done, even if there was a time scenario. Third, an “OT” who needs to do TRs? isn’t what I would call freakin OT to begin with. One or two people slip through with unattested lower bridge items or wrongly attested items and then EVERYBODY has to redo them. Such utter nonsense!!!
…and I have a friend who is clamoring to re-do his objectives as an OT instead of just moving up to their next OT level. “People are having incredible wins!” head shaking.
WOW! Desperate measures has NO BOUNDS!
GREAT! more Head-Deep-in-the kool-aid tank sheeples will awaken.
It’s like this is a re-enactment of the Time Machine and it’s the Morlocks at Flag who are gathering the sheeple for a food source. The voice of DM will put everyone in a trance and lead them to slaughter. Sooooo sad.
You are joking, right? This is indeed fantasy land. Oh, I get it, because it’s Florida and soooo close to Orlando, The Midget has relegated Flag with Theme Park status. When the SP building opens there will be special rides the public can go on. Rides and experiences that one can’t get anywhere else…. and all for the4 special price of…well let’s see…you can trade your Belleair home for a special set of rides or your entire 401K accounts for rides for the whole family or your entire stock portfolio for all your services at the Fiendliest (did I forget an ‘r’ there somewhere/) Place on Earth.
speaking of Napoleon at Waterloo; this song expresses my view:
Poor Mike Smith!
“Into the valley of death, rode the 300.” That’s about right
correction 600. Same fate. Time to jump ship.
So not only are the objectives completely squirreled now but they cost more to deliver. Another revolution in the downward spiral I suppose.
“This communication is for you only from your FSMs. Please do not relay it without my OK and in particular, please do not broadcast this”. LOL, already leaked Mike Smith!
Anyone forwarding this to public (I am talking to you Mike and Val, but then you won’t see this because you have “Net Nanny”) is sick. This has to be the last hooooorah!!! I can see DM now, hey price increases worked before at 5% per month lets put that winning bs back in!!! LOL
And the OT’s who already did TR’s and Objectives and now have to “re-do” them, are being charged 2.5 times the cost they previously paid…. wow! I would think that if someone already bought something, didn’t get the product because the tech was out, that they would be recalled and “fixed” for FREE. Not so in our church… they get fixed for over twice as much as they paid for the “overt product” years ago. Only in the Church of Miscavology.