Tony Ortega asked the question yesterday why scientology is not promoting the vaccine like they do masks and hand-washing?
There is no definitive statement from scientology, but there are some clues in the statements of scientologists and from knowing Hubbard’s worldview and thus how scientologists think.
This FB post is from a very prominent scientologist and big IAS donor in Clearwater. He and his wife, Terri, were Sea Org members at ASHO before departing and becoming public whales. He is one of the owners of Nationwide Title Company (NTC) which is just a couple of minutes from where I live. NTC employs a lot of scientologists.
The first thing Norm says is he “pulled in the Chinese virus.”
Pulled in is scientologyspeak for “caused myself to have” — it is based on the theory of the “Overt-Motivator Sequence” where Hubbard says that if you do something bad you will crave (pull in) harm to yourself to explain or justify having done the bad thing. Norm is saying he “committed overts” and this caused him to get the “Chinese virus.” Scientologists believe that one must be “PTS” (Potential Trouble Source) by being connected to a Suppressive Person in order to get sick. To be PTS means you have committed overts that makes you “effect.” This is all very complicated and not very logical — the bottom line is that scientologists have their own explanations for sickness based on what Hubbard said.
Hubbard had a very low opinion of the medical profession. In his view, medicos don’t understand the mind and spirit so they are only good for setting broken bones and performing surgery. Not much use other than that because they don’t really understand what causes illness.
Thus, scientologists think that auditing and “assists” will cure them better than the medical profession. Norm’s family flew in to give him assists.
Scientologists also hate “Big Pharma.” Drug companies (very much including Pfizer et al) are wiling partners of the psychs in seeking to enslave mankind. Certainly Big Pharma is far from perfect (watch Alex Gibney’s very disturbing “Crime of the Century” if you have any doubt), but that does not mean every drug is bad. Like fundamentalists of all stripes, scientologists see black and white. Big Pharma is bad = all drugs are bad. Except those that are apparently exempted from this categorization — Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin (why someone would take a drug designed to kill stomach parasites or head lice for Covid is very strange). Scientologists love vitamins and vitamin drips because Hubbard was in favor of vitamins.
Scientologists also distrust and dislike government.
Finally, scientologists tend to be conservative leaning. A single issue tends to put them into this category: they vehemently oppose any political support for government health care because it provides funding for mental health programs. Add to this the dislike of government and Hubbard’s views on abortion in Dianetics (though didn’t have a problem with it when it came to possibly interfering with his personal well-being — such as when one of his Messengers got pregnant), and it becomes clear why the great majority of scientologists tend to vote Republican and follow right-leaning media (hence the “Chinese virus” rather than COVID-19 and being in favor of Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin).
With all this in mind, it can be pretty safely assumed that the majority of scientologists are not pro-vaccination.
A final comment — it is ironic that he praises Morton Plant hospital (though not a word about the doctors and nurses — just about the “food and service”). This is the same hospital Lisa McPherson was taken to. And scientologists went to great lengths to extract her from their clutches. You can bet the food and service she would have gotten there would have been a lot better than what she got at the Ft. Harrison. Not to mention the medical care.
Well mate
I guess one should simply accept EVERYTHING we are being told by the Gevernments and big Pharma.
Get the untested vaccines(All safety protocols were waived during production) that do not actually work (data from the pharma companies themselves) as they do not immunise you from anything.
Facemasks actually cut down blood oxygination and force you to rebreath your own bacteria which can cause an infection.
Perfect, as the RT-PCR test only detcts infection not a virus you will test positive.
ISOLATE ISOLATE Bye bye your job, your life and any future plans you have.
The facts are simple, big Pharma got congress to pass a bill in 1986 that relieves them of any financial responsibilty to anyone who is dmaged or killled by their products.
The USA has the special court for victims of big Pharma products.
In 2018 the court paid out over 4 billion $’ss in compensation.
These are verifiable facts not fiction.
Pfizer was TOP of the list in fuck ups and deaths.
Anyone who wants there products in their blood is welcome to them.
Sure Big Pharma do make some excellent products but vaccines that bypass ALL safety standards is simply dangerous.
But they do not care.
The big shit Bill Gates (NWO Familier)has admitted he invested $2 Billon in vaccines and has recouped $20 billion so far.
So please do not tell me he is a humanatarian, and after his EVENT 201 scam is let loose for real on the world and here we all are.
Well I think you are ALL going to get what you deserve for your lack of vison, lack of investigative ability and most certainely, your lack of attention to the Totalitarian Tiptoe that is coming in faster every day on the world.
If you thought NAZI Germany was bad, watch this space.
Bye bye humanity, and about time too!!!!
Wow — are you a scientologist?
Methinks Course Admin is a follower of T.
That’s three whole letters beyond Q.
Not all conservatives are crazy anti vaxxers or conspiracy theorists. Most just want to be left alone and want the govt to mind their own business. I myself am a militant centrist. So i can definitely understand some of points in that direction. And at the same time there are some leftists that can be down right insane. For every q anon there’s a corresponding antifa. The stark polarization of the American political system does severe disservice to the average citizen. And scientology is trying to have a foot in both camps. Rambling on and on about hate speech and tolerance like a “good leftist” but at the same time fighting against health care and tax reform like a “good conservative “. However both of these terms, leftist and conservative, are incredibly reductive. There is far more to a person’s belief system than single issues. However, the American political system is structured in such a way that you have to pick the issue you care about most and vote that way. You have to select who you hate least instead of who you actually believe in. And Scientology definitely knows how to take advantage of chaos and stir up controversy.
IV trips? Uh oh. A killer (almost) M/U underlying his motivator chain.
The Pfizer vaccine received full FDA approval today. I am happy to have participated in the trials for this drug.
I’ve worked with Norm Novitzky as a composer on a film project he produced several years ago. And I don’t mind “biting the hand that fed me.” He has the money to get the best covid treatment and so he survived and now brags about it. Such hubris. He is another prime example of a scientology product.
He is a “Homo Novo Psychopathus” that Hubbard was so proud of making. In Scientology being rich is their primary gage of success. Being sane is irrelevant. People like Norm are a scourge and toxic. Leave it to scientologists to sow the seeds of disinformation wherever they go.
Love “Homo Novo Psychopathus”
Thank you. Sometimes I can turn a cool phrase. We have to be able to laugh at Lafayette R. Hubbards version of Alice In Wonderland.(Thetan In Cuckooland) I can easily see DM as the Red Queen.
DM as the Red Queen (thinking circa Helena Bonham Carter) is a visual I will not be able to erase anytime soon! You’re on a roll today, Geoff!
The black-and-white, either-or, homo wankus thinking of scienbollockists typically doesn’t allow room for nuance, doubt, or even a humble admission of “ignorance” on certain subjects, especially when El Wrong Flubtard has made the definitive, twerking thetan, whole-track-expert pronouncements on and discoveries about said subjects.
Who needs to learn a little bit about basic biochemistry or something about molecular biology, or go to the CDC website to actually READ THE FUCKING INGREDIENTS LISTS FOR ALL OF THE CURRENTLY AVAILABLE COVID VACCINES,or do a little refresher course on vaccines ( ), when you can, instead, consult the Fat Fraudulent Fabulist’s “dreck” that is senior to life itself???🤤
“You might OF noticed?”
Excuse me, its “You might HAVE noticed”, semi-literate one.
And then, “the CHINESE virus”?
That alone says a great deal about this person.
Yo Dimwitsky –
Maybe if you’d gotten 2 little nothing jabs of the free vaccine you wouldn’t have “pulled” anything in, Chinese or otherwise – duh. Not to mention having been able to avoid stressing your hospital system’s services unnecessarily.
These anti-vaxxers are the first to clamor for medical attention when they fall ill with covid.
And as for anti vaxxer cult clown – back again and bragging about his rapid recovery after he got excellent medical help when he could have avoided the disease very easily in the first place – as for him, its hard to believe how impressed with himself this pathetic POS is.
What a waste, and that phrase can be taken definitively.
but… scientology stops you from getting these things doesn’t it? Are you trying to say that it doesn’t work?!
I have given Norm a few cheerios on his fb page. Wonder how long before he blocks me ? He is one deluded individual.
Since Norm Novitsky is still on the Kool Aid, it follows that he subscribes to the Hubbard dogma which says, “All illness = PTS”. Now he’s ripe for a “PTS Rundown”. Norm has been drinking the Kool Aid for at least 46 years. So sad…
Wow he hits on so many dog whistles in one post. You get a very clear picture who this guy is.
Hey you shouldn’t be on these kind of message boards, you’ll get written up
You might of notice, poor Norm needs an editor, and also to knock off the IV trips… 😎 (Sorry but can’t fix stupid!)
Not real clear why he had to take trips to get an IV, when he’s already in a hospital …
Yes, perhaps Norm Novitsky was unaware of the nuances and deeply covered up hostility
between Morton Plant Hospital, their staff and the cult of Scientology.
Morton Plant is a 5 block walk from the Fort Harrison.
It is a state of the art hospital, ranked as #6 Top Hospitals in all of Florida.
Nevertheless the dying Lisa Mcpherson was not rushed to Morton Plant, but driven 28 miles or so to
a hospital in New Port Richey — past four closer hospitals — so she can be seen by Dr. David Minkoff, a Scientologist.
Let no one think this went un-noticed by Morton Plant who originally had Lisa Mcpherson in a safe space in the hospital before SCN CULT members came and extricated her to lock her up, drug her with chloral hydrate til she died.
Karen, not surprising. right before I came out of the cult I worked for Norm as a composer on one of his films.
He truly is a pompous asshole. And he of course thought he could be a film maker. No way.
His films went nowhere.
I’m not trying to be catty here, but I went to Norm’s Facebook page, very public, btw except for his friends list. The comments there are very anti-vax.
I also see that his wife, like Trish Duggan, has had quite a bit of plastic surgery.
This is a serious question. How do scientologists reconcile going under the knife for plastic surgery and the drugs involved in those surgeries with their all natural, no drug stance? Has anyone who was in encountered this situation? It really has me scratching my head.
Well also, how come she’s body shaming herself when she’s got scientology counseling to “cure” low self esteem issues.
To answer your question, any scio can get the surgery and drugs for it they need. They’ll just need another Purif and Drug Rndwn
Yes, that Duggan woman has more skin on the back of her head than on the front of her face and she still manages to look dreadful. She’s a billionaire and when she gets dressed up to receive one of Miscavige’s tin cups she still looks like she hurriedly stitched up what she thinks is an evening gown out of material in someone’s attic. Grandma’s 1940s dining room curtains, maybe.
Plastic surgery… something as simple as that can be a portal to a cognitive abyss in the crazy world of hypocrisy and conflicting principles of Scientology:
1. Plastic surgery is bad, because you should spend on audition and donations instead.
2. But Hubbard said that being rich means you are one of the “able” and can do whatever you want. What would Ron do? Ron would spend his money.
3. But plastic surgery is just an obsession with MEST. We are thetans, wasting money on your body is just that – a waste.
4. Yeah, but you can’t say that to a whale. That would be counter-intention, right?
… and round and round the carousel of cognitive dissonance goes.
VIDEO: Scientologist attorney and Scientology Clear Leigh Dundas on Covid-19 “Vaccine Police” and “the new face of the SS and what Nazi Germany looks like.”
August 21, 2021.
None are so blind as those who will not see. Norm Norvisky is one arrogant sob. Let the hunt for those PTS to him commence now. Put me on the list of the usual suspects.
I heard that if you’re “on lines,” you quarantine first (if you came from out of town.). Locals route in and have to wear gloves and a mask, even when they are out and about. But here the real effer: If you get Covid after you attest to wearing gloves and mask as prescribed, THEN YOU GET COMM-EVed!
Norm and his wife probably are not on lines. So I don’t know what will happen to them. I imagine they will HAVE to do that horrible PTS/SP Course again and get a PTS rundown.
This could be a real cash cow for the orgs and Flag!
Heh OSA! Have you ever had anybody inquire as to why the Hillmans and Kuglers (also owners of NTC) are never on the donors lists for IAS or LRH Hall or whatever. They are multimillionaires, did OT 8 and just kinda disappeared. I wonder why. More under the radars or just quietly trying to disappear (and succeed) like I was trying to do (but failed).
‘I pulled in the Chinese virus’
He does not realize how utterly stupid that statement is. Norm is sheepishly, ‘aw shucks, I did it to myself’ saying his own ethical transgressions caused him to get Covid-19. Well, Norm, what about the hundreds of thousands across the county, and millions around the world, that have died from the pandemic – including front line medial staff and others who heroically gave their lives to help the sick. Fuck you and your bullshit, simplistict cult speak.
I was a first gen Scientologist, and the “pulled it in” sounded to me like an Americanism by Hubbard parallel to the karma theory.
If one’s past lives or current overts were powerful enough, then they were your “case” tail kind of coming into your current life like a tail that whips back and hits you.
Your karma tail, really. Pulling it in, is your own past lifemisdeeds or current misdeeds backlash.
You need to do some more Scientology as-is-ing of your misdeeds, or do some theory exorcism of your “body-thetans” who’s “case” karma comes hitting you.
Scientology’s just a big supposedly “case” alleviating quackery operation.
The fundamental problem is the quackery theory of Scientology isn’t the way it is, it’s quackery bogus.
All the horrible truisms and policies of Hubbard trying to make his unworkable quackery “work”, just pile up on the followers getting them entangled in the regulations of Hubbard’s for enforcing their allegiance to the quackery and the quackery’s working.
It’s a massive entangling long losing proposition.
Feel sorry for them , as they do not know how to explain their illness.
In the end they resort to some thing like, ” Father forgive me ,I have sinned” twisted from their previous religious belief.
It shows crisis of confidence amongst them. The one they are following ,its success were limited to showbiz ,which now got faded.
Like other main stream religion ( Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism).they failed to do some thing for humanity : building Universities, Medical colleges, hospitals libraries ,shelters, basic necessities to needy etc
Every Saturday & Sunday, down town Toronto, Dudas Square ( our Times Square ) half a dozen groups of different faith durtribute booklets , answering questions of public.
Do they courage to face the common man ?
They know that , they are banking on expired product, a.k.a ” tech ”
It’s time to move on and join the mainstream faith, most appeal to them.
Or if they still believe in themselves ,then move to agrarian community and get isolated for next 50 years.
Otherwise, it’s a final count down.
It’s not me,it’s written on the wall.
From what I’m reading, circa 85% of Americans who “pull in” the “Chinese virus” are UNvaccinated.
The cost of this, the cost to individuals, families, communities and the country – it just blows my mind.
But then, as they say, stupid cannot be fixed.
Consider it a tax on stupidity. A tax paid in blood and tears no less.
In some sense, Hubbard would be glad. The “dumb and weak” are getting weeded out to make room for “the able”. Reminds me of his leprosy rant.
LOL! Yes, Hubbard would love it! Nature culling the human herd!
A friend who’s in touch with a high class Flag auditor asked her if he’d been vaccinated yet. His reply was something like I am too busy now. But this was during the height of the last virus surge so surely Flag wasn’t all that busy. And this was a few months after becoming eligible for the jab. WTF? If he got the virus, best case scenario, he’d be off post and the org’s income would dwindle. So why not get it??? Takes an hour or two and is highly effective.
*Facepalm to the max!*
Ohhh! The certainty of the hopelessly ignorant.
I assume Norm’s wife Terri who you mentioned is the lady who is on the Downtown Development Board in Clearwater alongside Paris Morfopoulos, Ray Cassano, Shahab Emrani etc? Interesting to get some background on her. Is she the only board member with Sea Org experience? I imagine that puts a different view on things to those who have only ever been publics.
Yes that’s her. None of the others are ex-SO as far as I know…
Yep, I don’t recall any of the others ever joining the ‘Glorious order of holy knights who are on a quest to save this sector of the galaxy’. Or was that the gullibxy?