Another in the series of ongoing articles by Terra cognita
PTS to the Middle Class
In HCOB, 16 April 1982, More on PTS Handling, LRH famously wrote, “The bulk of your PTSness may very well be PTS to a class, the middle class, of which their particular SP is simply a member.”
SP stands for Suppressive Person. I mentioned their characteristics several weeks ago here at Mike’s. Basically, SPs are extremely bad people whose whole purpose is to do others harm. PTS stands for Potential Trouble Source and is someone connected to an SP. This connection can be with a present time SP—a boss, friend or parent, anyone—or this connection can be with someone in the past who’s been restimulated by someone with similar characteristics to the actual SP. According to LRH, all sick people are PTS. All accidents are the result of PTSness. Pretty much all bad conditions in life are caused by a connection to an SP.
Always a Person
In earlier writings, LRH wrote that one is always PTS to a person. It’s never a thing, condition, situation, or the family pet, Rex shitting on the carpet. PTSness is always caused by a suppressive person. At least until Ron changed his mind.
He wrote, “PTS is a connection to an SP. That is true. But what may be overlooked is that persons of the middle class (which is a culture, not an income bracket, to which belong all the puritan hypocritical mores of the cop and the get-a-job-be-a-moderate-plugging-success) frown very terribly on anything that the least bit tries to make a better world.” And, “nearly every PTS you have will be found one way or another to be PTS to the middle class.”
Unfortunately for you readers, this describes most of the world of which you’re a participant.
Which means you’re PTS.
Which means you’re at the effect of your environment.
Which means you need handling by your nearest Scientology Organization. Fast!
Only the Able
Since Scientology only accepts the “able,” all of its members are part of this middle class. LRH wrote that, “The middle class wants the world of a job and order and even hypocrisy and cops because they are AFRAID.”
And since all Scientologists are part of this middle class, they are all afraid per LRH.
We all know LRH was afraid. He was afraid of the IRS, the FBI, the AMA, psychiatry, a secret cabal of world bankers, his juniors, a “dangerous environment,” space aliens, and finally, The Middle Class. Projecting his own fears onto to everyone else was standard operating procedure for the man.
According to him, then, everyone in Scientology is PTS and AFRAID. I’m not sure about the PTS part, but Scientologists are definitely a fearful lot. Its current leader, David Miscavige may be the most terrified of them all. He behaves typically like people with profound fears. No doubt a scan of the man’s brain would show vast regions glowing bright red.
Off to See the Wizard
Since all Scientologists are PTS all the time by their connection to the middle class, they need systematic attention from Ethics. Even those on OT 7 are required to fly back to Flag every six months to get cleaned up.
It’s understood in Scientology that if one is PTS, one also has overts and withholds. For it is these O/W’s that make him susceptible to the effects of suppression. And therefore, all Scientologists need sec checking. Followed by a lengthy program of Conditions, Amends, redoing particular courses (oh, hell, probably all of em), and last but not least, a healthy contribution to the IAS.
Was LRH Wrong?
LRH wasn’t completely wrong about the middle class. Much of what he observed is true. There is no shortage of fear and hypocrisy within this “culture.” For many, “the dull middle-class world is a sort of slavery and suicide.” Inequality is real. Injustices occur daily. America just elected… Okay, let’s not go there.
But does this “class” really “frown terribly on anything that the least bit tries to make a better world?” I think not. I hope not. I see tremendous goodness everywhere I look. Great numbers of people in all different fields are working to make a better world. For all our “slavery” to this middle class, I could argue that we have more freedoms than at any other time in the history of this planet.
Since I’ve been operating in my present body, I’ve witnessed great advances in medicine; driven cleaner cars; eaten more organic foods; plugged into more renewable energy; and despite a few bigots, observed a greater tolerance of others. The list goes on and on.
Ideal Orgs and the Middle Class
I can’t help but think how this concept relates to Ideal Orgs and how creating these sparkling new edifices are efforts to relate to this middle class and blend in with its accepted culture. I’m sure the person who came up with this program is PTS to this class himself. Then again, he’s probably the SP.
Handle or Disconnect
How does one “handle or disconnect” from one’s whole culture? Other than educating oneself on LRH’s PTS technology, he doesn’t say.
Unless one becomes a hermit and disconnects from all his friends, his options for disconnection are slim. I’ll pass.
Interestingly, Scientology disavows any kind of policy on disconnection. And yet, LRH mentions the word five times in More on PTS Handling. Maybe he expected us all to disconnect from society and join the Sea Org.
Still not Declared,
Terra Cognita
Some of the most devoted CELEBS came from the middle class….guess those “Celebs” forgot about that????
Hubbard was a fucking moron. Not to put too fine a point on it. I bet a lot of people came to but didn’t stick with Scientology because they didn’t have the background of deep distrust, paranoia, narcissism and pathological greed that seems to be the dyed in the wool ( if not bred in the sheep) aspect of the overall religion. One theme, one tech, one tale, one talk, one tenet, one writing right after another is us/them. ME and everybody else.
I am wondering, the greater the paranoia and selfishness the better one did in Scientology? (Leave out the people who really believed they were gonna save the world for altruistic purposes and those who just used the courses to improve themselves generally.)
If my cat scratched me. A I PTS or is my cat PTS?
Is your cat a member of the middle class?
I remember thinking (long time ago, about right after this policy came out) that I must be PTS because I wanted a new car. I thought about it for a few minutes and said F* that and bought one anyway.
“…that we have more freedoms than at any other time in the history of this planet.”
I was a helluva lot freer before scn and since scn than I ever was IN scn. That was true slavery in just about every form there is. And I was never more PTS than then.
I never gave the whole PTS theory much credence, I must say. Couldn’t relate to it.
Bout half way through I had to put on some music ….
I always liked this bulletin on PTS of the middle class. Hubbard has a rebel attitude. And it is terribly true. I am having to deal with medical world. They are absolutely middle class PTS : conformist. Just doing the protocol, attacking alternative medicine like they used to attack scientology.
Just de middle class conformist SP’s took over the church in 1983. And now they are complete middle class PTS with their building as a why for expansion. Scientology is into the hands of SPs, starting with David Miscavige. If Hubbard could see it, he would go beserk !
FG, wrong. Hubbard LOVED David Miscavige and trusted him due to his extreme competence in carrying out his wishes. Like the busting up and pillaging of the Mission network, etc. Ya, know to get Hubbard his middle class wishes of more money in his vaults.
The hallmark of the middle class is unquestioning obedience and conformity. Those attributes were instilled in scientologists by Hubbard from the beginning. That is how it was possible for a thug like David Miscavige to ‘squirrel the tech’ right in front and under the noses of the knuckleheads in BROAD DAYLIGHT without a huge revolt. Hubbard may have hated the middle class but he merely created his own scientology bourgeoisie. A bunch of obedience-worshipping followers who never had what it takes to make a splash in the world they are supposed to be saving!
And let’s not forget that best-loved middle class trait: obsession with getting more money. Miscavige didn’t introduce that into scientology, did he?
Roger, you are absolutely right. Scientologists are now all middle class obedients morons.
My point, FG, is scientologists were conditioned by Mr. Hubbard to be so obedient and conformist as well as conditioned to the juxtaposition of money and spirituality that they unhesitatingly allowed an upstart to squirrel their sacred ‘tech’ right under their noses. Thus Hubbard created his own scientology bourgeoisie. Hubbard set them up and Miscavige knocked them down.
Er. No.
The medical profession attacks alternative medicine because these Quacks cannot submit peer reviews or independent testing which demonstrates their products effectiveness.
Much like Hubbard was critized and laughed off when he presented DMSMH, complete without peer review or case history or a cleared person.
Yes. But Hubbard was a berserk. A insane Idiot. A satanistic Ego. Keep this in mind. Miscavige is also a sort of an Idiot. A degraded being like Hubbard. Humanity is the opposite of their intentions.
The core problem is that Scientology is a single-source system of belief.
And they use every trick in the book, invented clever new ways, too, to get you first interested. The ARC Triangle is offered up as proof that Scientology, the belief, is the only answer. You will be naturally critical, there at the onset of smiling, enthusiastic faces, every single one dedicated to demonstrating to you, the uninitiated, how wonderfully it all works. Yes, they will say or do anything to make you believe that this “mission” can do anything, anything we say it can, and everything you really, really want. It will make you smarter [ I remember the line, from the lips of Authority himself, saying “roughly one IQ point gained for each hour of auditing, and what a remarkable achievement!”. What you may not know is that their dedication is backed by the threat of criminalization and rather sever punishment should they actually walk up to you and voice some, any, complaint about the workload here or whatever. Smile now. Enthusiasm, please. [crack! Goes the whip] Everybody includes you, mister, that’s more like it!
Now, 30 years gone, I realize….every word is dedicated to selling …IT. The almighty Hubbard way of thinking. Every damn word is dedicated to making you believe it works… Just exactly like what they were selling you at the front door ]
Then, they isolate you,
Again, every trick in the book. Keep that big bubble fortified, from the inside and impenetrable from the outside as well. No media, you may not come in. Meanwhile, you are quite thoroughly taught to believe that “Psychs” are the enemy. And they are not alone, not by a long shot. Every single member of your family that you may be willing to mention in auditing becomes a potential target for this label, Potential Trouble Source, another word for future enemy. Some friends, huh? They hit you with these unfortunate facts of life when the timing is right, that is, when you are ready to accept it, which is after you are heavily invested. Now it will be thousands of dollars, and that’s only counting the money….you can only allow yourself to believe, now, that it all must be…real. Yes, this church works. It has to…. It may be difficult for you to voice the words, as what comes out, eventually, it all sounds like batshit. Then,
They take the years, yours, remorselessly, and it does not ever get any better.
You only get in deeper.
Your only true escape is opening your mind, despite Scientology, and accepting other sources as authority and valid information, anything but LRH and his infamous if not catchy “applied religious philosophy”. You’re in, right? No, of course not, good for you. You just saved yourself some $300 K…if you were lucky enough to have access (beg, self-enslave, or by embezzlement) to that much money. Presto, you’re free. One bullet dodged, congratulations on your new shot at living free and happy. Best-
“We all know LRH was afraid…Projecting his own fears onto to everyone else was standard operating procedure for the man.”
Let’s not forget about all those whole track SPs either! If we’ve all lived “trillions of trillions of years,” then the PTS possibilities are close to infinite!
But Elron not only sewed fear, paranoia and anxiety into the very fabric of the cloth that $cn was cut from; he also took his own serious mental illness case to be universal and came up with quack mental health “cures” that not only failed to make him well, but plunged more than a few of his BT-possessed followers into the same kind of madness that haunted him until his death.
as a result, $cn is PTS to Elron – down to its very foundation – and all current $cilons in good standing with the cherch are PTS to the Super SP lil davey, the cult’s sadistic and tyrannical supreme rullah.
So, what’s the cure for this cult-wide state of PTSness? I’d say that nothing less than exiting the cult and renouncing Hubbardism completely will cure you, but I’m sure our Indie friends here will disagree at least partially with that prescription of radical abstinence (NO MORE KOOL-aID!), but it sure worked for me 😉
The math doesn’t work out. Never did. If 2% of the population were SP’s and all illness is caused by association with SP’s, how come so many people are sick at any given time?
Millions are sick with one thing or another. Do they all know the same SP? There are only 140 million SP’S for 7 billion people. They must be very busy.
This topic truly became the make break point in Scientology and it proved over Scientology’s/Hubbard’s life span it didn’t work & smashed the people in it! The “technology it spawned” came home to roost and ate away at the organisation like a cancer. On the one hand PTS/SP tech became the weapon of choice to handle/understand dissent and it gives ready answers and solutions to the ‘not quite bright’. On the other hand and worst of all it guaranteed criminality at the highest level of the organisation because you can always make anyone wrong with it, scare the crap out of the multitudes and demand lots of money to fix the problem for them (Ideal Orgs indeed!). It’s a despot’s greatest and most profitable marketing tool. The fact the PTS/SP course is enforced study and is ordered to be done multiple times is despicable. It was especially influenced by the trust one generally develops with your case supervisor and PCs faithfully saw it as a technical solution. Everyone at the beginning stages of their Scientology experience was introduced to PTS/SP tech. PTS CS1s often gave wins and cemented in the application of it for future reference and use. It was also used as an easy tool to cover up all manner of unworkabilities and failures of the tech in almost all other matters that didn’t go according to plan. It added high octane fuel to the fire on just how dangerous the environment is we all live in. It knew no bounds and zeroed in on family members and ripped them apart!
As a solution for ALL bad conditions SP/PTS technology is a wicked generality! The fact it singled out that it must always come down to a bad/evil person as the cause of and hence that becomes the solution and answer for ALL your woes in life, even having an aging body??? – my God! Think about that! I remember well scratching my head while doing FES’s (PC folder error summaries) and could track the “tech” zeroing in on “it MUST be a person you are in contact with or is someone buried in your past but it is like/similar to someone you are connected to NOW!” Listing tech is a powerful influence and procedure to run on a human mind (even if you don’t believe Scientology works, that tech has influence) and requires a sane approach with it’s use. Instead, it festered well beyond any potential auditing room controls and was run with wild abandonment throughout the organisations of Scientology and their public alike. It was employed broadly, especially by mean spirited ethics officer and execs. It turned everyone into a policeman! Knowledge Reports and the damage they cause basically owe their existence to this crap being dramatized!
There is much that can be said on this subject and its roots it has in earlier Hubbard writings/lectures/ramblings. It does has some merit to be aware there are assholes out in life and it’s potentially handy to have a set of tools to find and handle them but the solution Hubbard came up – the PTS/SP tech, grew and grew, enormously out of proportion to any good in it and shattered the very sanity it required to understand it. The is nothing that breeds distrust so thoroughly and completely as the indoctrination of the PTS/SP tech within a Scientology environment!
This exposure Terra is an important one.
Scientologists, wake up!
Your founder was a narcissist and a conman. Your current leader is a paranoid sociopath. Your celebrity members have been sheltered and coddled. Your fellow members have been abused and financially milked.
Your fellow members who are high up on the bridge still catch colds, get headaches, and suffer throgh normal human frailties just like everyone else.
As soon as your money is gone, or leadership feels slightly threatened by you daring to think for yourself or, heaven forbid, by you researching the dark side of scientology, you will be cast out and sometimes threatened.
There is no forgiveness in this “church”. There is no unconditional love in this “church”. This organization has a net effect of making the world a more dismal place, not at all what they have claim.
Scientology lies, and the sooner you are aware of it, the better off you will be. Be brave. Oh and all those PTS’s, WOG’s, SP’s, and squirrels that you fear? Guess what, if you reach out to them, they will sincerely try to help you. You are not alone.
Spell check.. meant “through” not “throg”. and “claimed” not “claim”. I know MR is a stickler for spelling.
A scientologist is, first and foremost, a believer.
He believes he is smarter,
Knows better
Thinks he thinking for himself
Thinks he is free because of Scientology
That he is saved
That Scientology spells salvation for himself
And humanity
That the technology is, every word, indisputable
That he, himself, is living proof, that Scientology WORKS.
A believer has had his mind manipulated.
Fat chance, that yelling at him to “wake up” is going to register.
For every one of us is equipped with a brain dedicated to having something to feel safe in believing in, filtering information that fits into a pre-determined “reality”, unconsciously rejecting the rest.
I’ll spare you examples. Every thought in your head could be held up as an example, every being as well.
Once the mind accepts a belief, he or she will grab on to that belief and fight to hold on, “think” anything,.. To make it work.
But, your advice is sound. If only the message could get through and pierce that bubble that Hubbard has so diligently installed, the bubble of belief. The man certainly took his training seriously.
Believe in yourself.
Believing in anyone else – is to give yourself away.
Everybody else should be constantly questioned, with vigilance., including god if you ask me. Do you have an inside line to Higher Knowledge?
Keep your wits.
To Yourself be true. Happiness is at hand…
You are correct, yelling “wake up” to them might at first seem pointless.
But if they hear it more often, by more and more people, then I hope such little diatribes thrown out into the ether might just hopefully take root somewhere, in some person, and hopefully save them a lifetime of misery. The more we shout out, the better the odds they’ll hear us.
Great posts here on Mike’s Blog.
But for those lurkers still in doubt –
Nothing cures PTSness like a huge bankrtuptive donation to the IAS…and a warm cup of Cal Mag.
Presumably if everything isn’t going according to your druthers you are PTS! PTS is caused by SP’s and also by non-person things like the ‘middle class’, for instance. SP’s and things restimulate your ‘case’ and that’s what causes you to be PTS! I’m not sure if the BT’s restimulate your case or if they work in tandem with it. Maybe both which is a double whammy!
‘Case’ exists as hidden memories on chains of earlier-similars and if you recollect one of those hidden memories it will release all the stored ‘charge’ and counter-survival commands of all subsequent case on that chain.
Of course, since case doesn’t get restimulated when you’re in PRESENT TIME you should try to always stay in the present moment. But apparently that is impossible because case always prevails. That’s okay though because scientology allows you to go back in time and erase those earlier-similar chains!
Then you can’t be restimulated anymore and everything goes as you want it to. PROBLEM SOLVED! Unless of course, you’re PTS. Doh!
All of the Ideal Orgs I’ve been in seemed to be targeting above the middle class. Even though, on paper, I was on the upper side of the middle class, I never felt comfortable in an Ideal Org. I think Ideal Orgs are targeting upper class professionals; people with a lot of disposable income.
As much as LRH liked to gush about helping the “working man”, organization fees always exceeded real working-man wages. This tended to push the working man to join staff to get up the Bridge.
From my experience, reges were always on the lookout for that one guy could write them a check for 50Gs. Others were often too time consuming for little return.
I profound moment for me, was when I realized that I was PTS to the church. If you want to know why Scnists may get sick or have accidents, look no further than your local org, the foremost source of enturbulation and suppression in their lives.
Great post Statpush….so true.
I double dare any lurking OSA Bot or Lurker in doubt to USE the PTS TECH on Scientology…..
Or is that a High Crime…(whistling in the air)….
As a critic of Scientology I have tried to maintain a separation between belief and practice. After all, even though I am no longer under the sway of its beliefs, I am yet affected by its practices as they are still practiced upon me, especially the practice of disconnection. (There is one other Scientological practice which is still levied upon my weary soul by the two Scientologists who still talk to me on Facebook. That practice is called “good roads and good weather”, which, when you’ve been subjected to it long enough, is enough to make you wish they would just get to the disconnection part already.) Even though I have not personally experienced much of the more nefarious practices of the church beyond disconnection, I know that these must be the focus of our demands for change.
But as a child born, raised and steeped in the sensibilities of L. Ron Hubbard’s toxic worldview, the line between belief and practice sometimes gets too thin to remember which side I’m standing on. Other Scientology kids know what I’m talking about. Yes, the world is presented as a scary place full of SPs and DBs who do terrible things, blah blah, etc. etc. But to fall for such extremism in the first place, one must rely on a more subtle foundation of belief established separately, if not earlier.
Hubbard’s 1982 policy letter crystallizing his disdain for the middle class is a key component of Scientology’s worldview, and one that deeply affects children. Hubbard denigrated the substance of the American dream and put it out of reach for his acolytes. Some Scientology kids have expressed the difficulty of growing up in both worlds, the tension between the lives they lived in the world and their other lives in the Scientology orgs.
As someone who grew up at the Delphian School on top of a secluded hill cloistered away from the rest of the world, this disdain of the middle class was imbued in every aspect of my being. The headmaster, Alan Larson, gave a commencement speech in 1983, perhaps inspired by Hubbard’s recent policy letter, which denounced “houses, boats and cars”. Interpreted by wog parents as merely anti-materialistic, Larson’s message actually went far deeper. The middle class was a social construct that the school intended to dismantle as its students changed the world with ideas (that should be extremely remunerative, a lofty goal achieved by only a few students who invariably had a step up from their wealthy parents).
Since my parents were on staff and decidedly un-wealthy, and a mere existence within the middle class would be a stain on the school’s honor, I took the only logical route: joining staff. And this is why staff members and especially Sea Org members hold public Scientologists in such contempt: by living in the real world, they have all gone into agreement with the degraded mores of the middle class. They only reason staff puts up with public Scientologists is, of course, the money.
With his focus on celebrity and money, and his scathing commentary on degraded beings (of whom the poor are certainly a part), L. Ron Hubbard created an environment in which the only success is measured by extreme success, with nothing in between. If you can’t be extremely rich in the wog world (and thus have escaped the “middle class”), the only other option is becoming a staff member, or, better yet, a Sea Org member.
Great insights into growing up a poor, but worthy $cilon kid!
The $cn cult trifecta (or Exploitation Triangle) is achieved when the mark is first regged for every last cent, then recruited to staff to be milked some more, and finally coerced into allowing his/her children to be lead away into indentured servitude by silver-throated $ea Org recruiters.
Getting out can be mighty tough, but staying in is only going to get harder as the cult continues to dwindle. Ironically, it’s regular society that’s doing the shunning these days and, after season two of Leah’s series airs, I wouldn’t be surprised to see normal folks cross the street to avoid having their children walk past these miserable, but dangerous Xenu worshipers.
This ^^^^ is very good. Thanks for your opinion as a “kid raised in Scientology”
Hubbard did use every excuse in the galaxy to get people’s money.
One of the mind control tricks he used is to make people “covertly” feel guilty and bad for having MEST.
So he could have it all.
Funny how it backfired on him and it will backfire on Slappy too,
Thank you, IMT, this was a very illuminating comment. Thanks, as well, to TC. Putting both these concepts together has helped me understand a little better the antagonism that seems so inherent in some members.
I’m so sorry for what you were put through and are still experiencing. I’m very glad you’re now out and free to build your life and self as you choose. Best wishes to you!
“Good roads, good weather”. Yes, I know what that feels like. I go along with it and say nothing and laugh to myself about it. Its important to the people doing this on you to believe that they’re controlling you. I’d hate to burst their pathetic bubbles.
Oh, the hypocrisy!
Great article!
Yes, he expected the public to disconnect from the middle class and join the SO but only after emptying their bank accounts…. for many, that is what happened and is happening today…. I think that in the early 80’s, when he wrote this PL, he realized that the whole world was not going to bow down and become his slave, so he extended his blame and wrath for his failure to more and more people. So, not only did the middle class get blamed, but so did the franchise holders, C/S’es, Int management and so on…this was a time of the 1st big exodus from Scientology and the rise of David Miscavige as a source of money and power.
Yes, briefly stated but nevertheless a very accurate assessment Robert. Doesn’t feel every nice to be played and be the recipient of such megalomania does it?
There may have been an earlier big exodus. I’m not sure of the exact dates. In the early 1980’s I was in Los Angeles when the monthly price increases resumed and hundreds if not over a thousand scn-ists , myself included, realized that scn was just a money grab and blew. Many “support groups” sprung up. I joined one and we shared opinions and investigated other practices, including listening to a bunch of channeling tapes. It was an interesting life experience.
I’ve posted this before and some people found it humorous. On one of the channeling tapes a group of OT’s had recruited a channeler, and with specifics edited out, was grilling the channeling entity on whether OTIII was real or not.
Regarding the topic, until recently reexamining my scn experience, I continued giving some credence to the idea that accidents were related to pts “ness”. I guess it was an example of something that “seemed logical” and I didn’t or had no reason to question it. That wasn’t the only one – scn put a couple of Strange Thoughts in my mind – laughter
Yah, I know what you mean Richard 🙂
Cece – A lot of half-truths slipped by. I guess no significant damage occurred since I’m still here and nobody hates me!
Richard, I’m curious as to what the verdict was on OT3?
Hi T-Marie – The entity hedged and replied “That is one of several possibilities and . . .”. He then went on to expound about the many possibilities and opportunities in spiritual seeking and the spiritual world.
When you think about, if he had said it was all BS, it might have been quite unsettling to those OT’s present who had been so heavily invested in scn. No chance to decompress, so to speak.
The entity’s name was “Dr. Peebles”. He was my favorite. His purpose was to reassure people that blowing scn was not the end of their spiritual path.
He spun a few good yarns such as how various entities would gather together at times to debate how best to impart their knowledge to us earthlings. 🙂
🙂 Thanks Richard
Yeah, let’s go there. The stuck pigs are well known territory. Gullible, easily amuse themselves, and even more easily ‘scared’ off. Doing the same thing over and over again, over the centuries, desperate to get it done ‘the correct way’. Ultimately, tens of millions of lives get decimated to solve the self created problem. This is what made them vulnerable to the cult in the first place, but never ‘graduated’. Starbuck-n-laptop philosophers; deflecting attention for ideologies that crumble when the rubber meets the road.
Ups and Downs? The human condition. Simple.
Take LRH’s PTS/SP Tech and throw it away – no – burn it, then throw that away – no – scatter the ashes at sea never to be resurrected.
If one needs to figure out if there is a toxic personality in their lives and who, read The Sociopath Next Door.
I agree. It seems a robotic approach to life, either clearly black or clearly white. Where is the fun in playing the game of life if not wrestling with the authenticity of perceptions, even one’s own vs another’s?
It’s my opinion that Ron’s PTS/SP tech is one of his doctrines birthed directly out of his paranoid persecution complex.
His egoic narcissism assumes that he, Ron, is sooooo important, that vast powerful forces are rallied against him to suppress him from saving the universe.
He sees himself as Johnny Good Boy Taylor, a character from his books. He sees himself and promoted himself as the goodest good guy that ever was; pure egoic narcissism.
Are there bad people who do bad things to others and affect their lives in a negative way? Of course. But Ron’s doctrines are far more destorted than this dynamic between negative people and good people.
The enemies in Ron’s self absorbed, self important and self delusional imagination has become the SP/PTS courses.
The PTS/SP tech could be defined as the ideological material for the Scientology bubble. The cement used to corral the Scientologist mind within the delusional world of hate the critic. Which IS the divide between society and Scientology.
In this sick and twisted doctrine Ron creates definitive boundaries around the Scientology cult. The SP/PTS doctrine …………………..IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!……………… the source doctrine from Ron that solidifies the US vs. THEM attitude that all believers assume as a religious responsibility.
Stamping out the SPs is really stamping out anyone who sees Ron and Scientology as they are.
The biggest danger to Scientology is the truth about Scientology. Therefore, in Scientology truth is the enemy.
Think about that for a moment.
A more sensible attitude towards “PTSness” and “suppression” would be the recognition of how stress, anxiety, fear, etc. has an impact on physical health and the immune system (as in psychoneuroimmunology). Hubbard’s stressors were clearly people: the IRS, psychiatrists, journalists, critics, former staff, whistleblowers, etc. Instead of looking inward or taking a more holistic approach to stress, he simply blamed it on others. And so it is always someone else’s fault. Hence the “suppressive person” and the “body thetan”. This neverending search for cartoon baddies is arguably the most farcical, ego-stroking undertaking into blame, delusion and abject irresponsibility.
Hey MWestern,
“Hubbard’s stressors were clearly people: IRS……..etc etc etc.”
I’d even break it down to a singularity. Hubbard’s stress was criticism.
His writing about critics, of which Mike has compiled the best to date of anyone; Ron shows us his fear of being seen as a fraud and therefore criticized. The whole creating enemy bit se up a fire wall between society and his paying customers.
You could not even have science come in a do real research on Scientology. Scientology would brand scientists as suppressive. Because science, real science, is self critical and honors outside criticism as potential new knowledge.
It’s possible Ron knew what he was doing. It’s possible he set the whole thing up as a protection against competition or scrutiny; knowing that seeing him for who he was would blow his cover. Thus the GO/OSA goon factory.
Who did GO and OSA goons fight? They call them SPs. But they were people who looked at Ron with scrutiny. People like Paulette Cooper who were just looking for a story.
Her story got too close to the real Hubbard and this poor women was then targeted by black ops intell willing hounds. Straight from the black heart of L Ron Hubbard.
Criticism and Truth. These were Hubbard’s demons.
For his scam to work, critics must be destroyed so that the truth of Hubbard never see the light of day.
I hope you all have had a great weekend. I have?❤
It really is the set of doctrines and beliefs that are at the core of $cn and what makes it so dangerous – and not only dangerous to those who are stuck in it, but to the world at large if it were ever to become the guiding belief system of a nation state or, Xenu forbid, the entire planet.
Interestingly, the world got a very direct glimpse into the mind of a true believer $cilon regarding all this SP/PTS nonsense when the infamous Tom Cruise vid of him cackling maniacally at the thought of a world spiritually cleansed of all SPs went viral on the internet.
To tom tom, these horrible evil beings are everywhere, affecting everything good that $cn is trying to accomplish all the time. It’s an epic, but completely invisible struggle between the powers of Light and those of Darkness, and BIG being tom knows exactly where he stands in that battle!
Really fucking nuts to be sure, but right at the core of every $cilon’s view of the world nonetheless.
I like to keep coming back to the three faces of LRH. The new age guru, the business executive, and the paranoid in the bunker. The PTS/SP tech is pure paranoid delusion of a guy who saw psychs under the bed. The Paranoia is by far the most destructive aspect of SCN. If Indies want to do SCN, they need to get rid of that ASAP or it will just be Devious Miscarriage 2: Suppressive Boogaloo.
I agree omega. Dump the paranoid dangerous looney tunes.
I remember, Harpoona, in the late 70s. I was just at a Lebanon Hall GO hip hip hooray briefing. There, Heber proceeded to get us whipped up in a frenzy about hating SPs.
I wish we had footage of those times. The only vibe that came close to defining the emotions would be Nazi footage of rallies.
Having this hatred imprinted willingly into my mind, one day I was in a car. I thought to myself,” I have the power of postulates, these evil SPs may destroy the world. I must do something.”
The next moment had me postulating that a rope noose was around this British Parliamentarian neck and I was postulating that he die.
I justified it because I had the ‘Scientology is the only way” hypno-mind set.
What an embarrassing memory! Jeezuz!!
I know, little cringeworthy moments like that pop to mind for me as well.
When you’re in it’s definitely an extended dissociative trance state that can wax and wane, but is always with you to one degree or another until you summon the courage to “just put the scientology down, son, and no one is going to get hurt”. Even just a week or ten days of complete isolation from all things cult-related and most people automatically begin to decompress and the trance begins to break up.
All Scientology strange and weird behavior can be placed at the doorstep of study.
The words and concepts that get learned on course and solidified by group bonding IS the blueprint for the Scientologist behavior.
The more we reveal those words, courses and auditing actions, the more we will understand the behavior of Scientologists.
When onlookers say,”how can they behave like this?”
That is evidence that they have not read that HCOB or other of Hubbard’s words that instruct them to be like that.
There is not one Scientology weird assed behavior that cannot find its source in Ron’s words.
That is why scrutinizing Hubbard and his words are key to undermining Scientology influence in society.
Just reveal the truth of Ron and Scientology.
What got me to this deplorable state of mind to wish harm on other human beings was educated into my brain on course.
Mocking the simple desires of those who simply want the material security of a regular job and denigrate it as “slavery” is a trope often used in the MLM / life coach milieu too.
That’s because it works on their intended targets : those that were born and raised with that security, and have no idea of what the world looks like without it.
I like this one. I didn’t hear this term, ‘PTS to the middle class’, much during my first 2 decades with the church.
After Status became senior to Bridge, it didn’t take much mind twisting to figure out that if you had purchased an exalted Status such as Ideal Org Humanitarian or IAS Patron it was ok for you to buy a fancy automobile or even a boat or motorcycle or some other expensive toy and still be considered an Up-stat.
Those Up-stats who were able to do all of this and keep themselves out of bankruptcy were also tagged as Opinion-Leaders.
If you had no or low 3rd or 4th Dynamic Status and traded your broken down old clunker in for a brand new Ford Fiesta, you’d be PTS to the middle class. God forbid that it be found out that you had taken your family on a Disney vacation or enjoyed a week with your 2D on a cruise ship that was not the Freewinds.
PTS to the middle class became, being, doing or having anything that did not announce the fact that Scientology was at the center of your universe.
Yes. I’m reminded of a long time Scientologist who bragged that she hadn’t taken a vacation in seventeen years.
The logic in the article is exemplary of flaws.
Flawed logic:
— Some people read books
— You are a person
— Therefore, you read books.
Correct logic:
— Some people read books
— You are reading this
— Therefore you may be a person who also reads books.
I would hold that the faculty for logic is an innate capacity to associate causes with effects. It is worth noting that some associations, however consistent, are more difficult for people to make than others. That is, we as people have difficulty associating causes and effects. We tend to perceive an effect as either good or bad, first and foremost, then assign blame to convenient causes. We also try to pass these off onto others.
— I do not have my homework, teacher
— I have a dog
— [etc.].
I have a feeling there is a point in those words you wrote wanting to come out.
Bring it full circle for us, if you would, and give us a few examples of where you see TC’s logic going off the rails. Without that, your comments have no traction on the topic under discussion.
“Maybe he expected us all to disconnect from society and join the Sea Org”.
BINGO!!! But, the glaring truth here is no one joins the Sea Org except by being coerced by extreme fear. Fear of some planetary catastrophe or of ‘losing one’s eternity’. With choices like that, I’m content to live with my ordinary, run of the mill, boring, middle class fears. It’s called the human condition. Everybody suffers from it. We are not alone or special in this regard. And we’re sure as hell not ‘PTS’. ‘PTS’ is just more made up shit to justify the unworkable ‘tech’ and a way to keep the sheeple corralled so that more money can be extracted.
Has anyone commenting here actually benefited from a ‘PTS handling’? I certainly haven’t. It was always a wild goose chase looking for red herrings. Complete waste of time, energy, integrity and total bullshit.
I actually benefited three different times.
Once blew a bad intention energy approx four feet in front of my body. Evil intention came from OT 5 Tampa ethics officer. Linecharged with laughter and relief for many days. Was pivotal experience in deciding to leave the church. To date still feeling that relief. During my 20 Years experience of church ethics I would leave the organization upset, crying, shakened or enturbulated. Most of the good help was in the field.
“Has anyone commenting here actually benefited from a ‘PTS handling’? I certainly haven’t. It was always a wild goose chase looking for red herrings. Complete waste of time, energy, integrity and total bullshit”.
I definitely agree with you on this one.
Life is the same for all of us. We love, laugh, struggle, surrender, submit… we do our best and live our lives just like anyone else does in this world.
Hubbard uses his clever, manipulation tech – to get everyone afraid of the WOG WORLD and to join the Sea Org – where you work for free making sure RON get’s his “this lifetime” goal accomplished..
Hubbard did it for two reasons only:
“Start a religion to get rich….make money and to get others to make money”
Power and fame –
“Smashes his name into the History books”
There is no other purpose for Scientology.
Miscavige is too damaged and deranged to ever leave Scientology so he propagates and promotes the scam.
Miscavige could not work or function in the real world.
He is a total psychopathic sociopathic evil SP if there ever was one.
Then again – so was Hubbard.
I don’t think that was the whole deal. It was a big part of it, absolutely. but I think the evidence says the Hubbard believed his own BS. Think of it like a pharmaceutical executive – he wants to make as much money as possible selling Moolamycin (Dianetics), but he himself would take the drug if he got sick, and feels that he is performing a service to humanity by selling this drug.
I don’t think Hubbard was as bad as Davey, but his greed and especially his paranoia left a track of ruined lives. It doesn’t help that he lacked the education to really understand most philosophy, and most of his understanding of the human mind was based on his own insanity.
Terra, Thank you for this piece. You are one incredible wave of Truth Revealed and Still Not Declared. That makes you one of my Heroes and you describe dm and his ruthless destruction of anyone Sea Org, Org staff, public who are led to the IAS money pit and as asleep throw more cash in the pile, so perfectly. Scientology wants to keep projecting the cult as a raging angry roaring lion, when in actual fact, a shrinking list of beaten down, beaten up and broken apart thetans, their description, wandering in circles up and down the bridge.seeking love, seeking status, seeking eternity only to be ground beneath the criminal pile of actions the cult now lives by and will ultimately bring the fortress bubble walls down. Drip drip David we will not be silent. Admiration and love to you Terra.?
Ann B Watson: Thank you.
The “PTS to the Middle Class” reference, when it came out, if came straight from a long “advice” from Hubbard, didn’t it?
Which is thus one of those situations where the “advice” had specific context, that the compiler of this HCOB in the end may have omitted the exact context of LRH’s original “PTS to the middle class” despatch/talk.
When I, at that moment in history, first read it, I took it to be the context for when the Sea Org Recruiter or Staff Recruiter (HR recruiting of new staff that is) was trying to reason that joining staff and having joined staff, allowed the new staff member to buffer themselves from their “middle class” family and former friends.
“PTS to the Middle Class” HCOB context was I believe to ward off the outside world’s “middle class” pleadings to Scientology staffers (who were now dedicated to delivering Scientology as staffers and thus had given up lives in the “middle class”).
Even though today it’s all bogus to me, but when I was on the RPF and got the PTS Rundown, for the “SP group” listing question, I came up with the “intellectual class” being my “SP group”, and what I didn’t tell the auditor was my feeling that I would rather support the “intellectual class” rather than believe them “SP.” Unintended consequence of “listing for one’s SP group(s)”. It helped me peel myself mentally out of Scientology, at that moment.
Today, I think most Scientologists are now supportive and accept being part of the “middle class”. Due to only “middle class” Scientologists being wealthy enough to afford Scientology’s pay as you go courses and auditing levels.
One of Hubbard’s ingrained problems.
There is just constant cognitive dissonance and illogic in Hubbard’s theoretical ideas. Contagion of cognitive dissonance is par for Hubbard’s ideas.
We are ALL PTS to Ron!
We are all PTS but some of us are more PTS than others… (Orwell)
outandabout. L. Con had a ready answer for that one too. Anyone listing Ron or other high Church executives as suppressive were to be labeled PTS Type 2 and denied auditing and training.
This was of course done to silence anyone who objected to his criminal activity or those of his cohorts.
According to L Con’s writings a person who sees HUGE numbers of people as evil out to get him was PTS Type 3 (batshit crazy & belonging in an institution). He declaring that the majority of the people in the USA were SP types qualifies L. Con for his own PTS Type 3 label. Batshit Crazy.
Well, I now admit that L. Con got ONE thing right. LOL
One of the most fun things to do with SCN is to use LRH writings against current church policy or even other LRH writings. The guy contradicted himself regularly.
Brian is right, In CoS the truth is the enemy. No wonder celbs are a goal. It is The Appearance of Success regardless of the dirt behind it that is emphasized.