Here is an interesting document sent to me by an old friend. It concerns the handling of “PTS Type 3’s” or “the insane.” These are people that according to the scientology definition are being negatively effected by “apparent SP’s” all over the world, or even ghosts and demons. In scientology someone “going Type 3” means having a psychotic break.
I am sure this issue is otherwise available on the internet and I am not “revealing” it for the first time. Though it is certainly the first time it has appeared on this blog. And I havent seen it for 20 years or more.
I recall reading it when I was in the church — I do not doubt its authenticity. And not just because I remember it, but more importantly because what it says is exactly how things are done in scientology. And it clearly expresses the attitude Sea Org members have towards those who are “Type 3.”
Interestingly, I arrived on the Apollo in late 1973 was when the Introspection Rundown was being developed. This is the scientology “technology for handling PTS Type 3’s.”
As the new guy on the ship, I was low man on the totem pole so I was assigned to the “night watch” to sit outside the cabin in which Bruce Welch was being confined to ensure a) he didn’t somehow escape and b) to make sure nobody spoke within hearing distance of Bruce. There is no doubt that Bruce Welch was in a very disturbed state. He was violent and incoherent. After about 10 days he came out of it and returned to “normal.”
This is all described in the HCO Bulletins that Hubbard wrote as a result, announcing he had found the cure for psychosis. At the time, I thought it brilliant, and the auditor (Ron Shaffran) who went into the cabin to audit Bruce Welch to have the greatest TR’s in history. I had no intention of going anywhere near the guy. But my understanding of things has changed, and I know a lot more today about how one “researches” than I did then.
To base a “handling” on the “results” of a SINGLE case is absurd. You cannot conclude a generality of how to treat all cases of psychosis based on a single individual. Unless of course you are L. Ron Hubbard because he had the ability to “know” things like that. And no scientologist ever doubted it. There are actually MANY examples throughout the “research track” of scientology. Some things worked, others didn’t. It is why, despite the repeated claims of “research” that resulted in “breakthroughs” things changed so much in scientology. What was today’s breakthrough, presented with supreme certainty that it IS the answer, soon became tomorrow’s old news. Go back through the history of scientology and you will see it littered with GPM Running, 3GXX, Creative Processing, Black and White etc etc This is ascribed to “the research track” as if this was a natural progression of trial and error. But if you go back to the announcements of each they were not presented as “experimental” or “testing out as part of ongoing research”, each of them was presented as a scientific certainty “proven by research.” Just as the Introspection Rundown is. Or the Purification Program. Or OT III. Or the strange stories in History of Man.
The Introspection Rundown is not merely presented as a FACT. It’s full on hype.
This is the first sentence of the HCOB of 23 January 1974 The Introspection Rundown. “I have made a technical breakthrough which possibly ranks with the major discoveries of the Twentieth Century.” He goes on to proclaim, in all caps: “THIS MEANS THE LAST REASON TO HAVE PSYCHIATRY AROUND IS GONE.”
One case resulted in a “breakthrough” that became “standard tech.” Just like Goals Processing back in the day. Until it wasn’t.
It is my personal view that having someone in a quiet space without outside interference probably helps calm them down. I guess it is the same theory as the much derided “rubber room” or padded cell where people are locked up in psychiatric institutions. I think a rubber room would have been a safer environment that the steel cabin Bruce Welch was confined to.
But the point of this is not so much the Introspection Rundown itself. You can read all about that in the “HCOB’s” on the subject and draw your own conclusions.
This write up details how scientology approaches dealing with “problems” like someone who has “gone Type III.”
What is obvious throughout this write up — particularly in the section toward the end “Mistakes that have been made” is the fear that the person will “flap” with “wogs.” And the attitude towards the person suffering the breakdown is that they are evil and intent on doing evil things. Compassion isn’t a scientology strength.
The pervasive fear of “wogs” in scientology is really quite odd. Scientologist generally consider themselves superior to “wogs” (and certainly superior to Suppressive Persons like me — “SP’s”) but somehow “wogs” have enormous power to disrupt and mess with scientology, only exceeded by SPs whose mere presence in the environment of even the highest level OT can wipe out decades and hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of “case gain” without even lifting a finger.
Of course the most famous “Introspection Rundown” in the history of scientology is Lisa McPherson. Driven by fear of “creating a flap with the wogs” she was NOT given proper medical care – hell, she was not even given a “standard” “Introspection Rundown” and even the advice of Philip Jepsen was not followed. But it illustrates the attitude towards her and the “wog world” that explains a lot of why the tragedy unfolded as it did.
Read this write up and draw your own conclusions about the attitude and treatment of people in scientology.
Hi Mr. Rinder and others,
I am really curious about the Bruce Welch story and I think I found a website with his obituary on it:
He was born on September 2, 1945 and his full name is Norman Bruce Welch. His obit has details that appear to confirm this is him:
“He dabbled in Scientology with his dad and sister throughout the 70s and served on L. Ron Hubbard’s ship.”
There are a lot of other interesting tidbits in the very short obit. I’m wondering if anyone has written a good article about this fellow. It seems like he would be a great subject for a profile on one of LRH’s most important ‘case studies’ as it were.
I also really enjoyed listening to Mr. Rinder talk about his experiences in the Sea Org on Jon Atack’s youtube channel. I just wish there was more and if I am not mistaken, Mr. Rinder has not written a book which seems like it would be an amazing read.
Thank you,
He has a book now that just came out called A Billion Years. I’m listening to the audiobook now. So good, but so sad!
“Compassion isn’t a scientology strength.”
That’s quite an understatement!
Compassion isn’t a scientology trait.
It’s specifically excluded by Hubbard’s decrees. It’s DOWNTONE, and succumbing to bullbait
Hey Mike, had the guy on the ship you witnessed as “type III” suffered chronic sleep deprivation?
I’m asking because chronic sleep deprivation can cause psychosis; this effect has been well known and documented in peer-reviewed scientific literature since at least the early 1960’s. In can also trigger a manic episode in people with bipolar disorder or are genetically vulnerable.
For proof, anyone can go to (make sure “scholar” is there or you’re just doing a regular google search) and type “sleep deprivation psychosis” in the search box. Or which is the National Library of Medicine’s database.
If the guy was sleep deprived prior to the episode, this leads me to believe that he got some much needed rest (and possibly better nutrition), and *this* is why he got better, not because of any LRH “tech.” LRH’s hubris reached stratospheric levels by thinking this would cure *everyone* with psychosis, because it won’t, unless it’s triggered by sleep deprivation.
Considering how little sleep people reportedly get in the Sea Org for periods of time stretching months and years, I’m actually quite surpirsed that “type III” doesn’t happen more often.
Not that I am aware of. Though often people who are very troubled have difficulty sleeping…
Thanks for taking the time to respond, Mike.
Just to note:
It was self-imposed sleep deprivation as a dedicated (Sea-Org type) org staff member that triggered a (genetically identifiable) psychotic episode for me, which then paradoxically got me kicked out of the church of Total Freedom, aka scientology.
Thank you Mike. That explains why David Miscavige is the Neanderthal ass that he is. He never gets a good night sleep, just one look at his body tells you this. SO ALL Sea Org must be deprived of sleep and have O/W write up competitions in the Hole to help DM get his bearings again. You know what? By doing that, David Miscavige is not doing the Introspection Rundown, which LRH says is the real handling for PTS Type III’s. Why doesn’t somebody fill David in? “Hey Dave. Go get your GAT II Phase III Introspection Rundown. You get a 50% discount if you work at Int. Base!” 🙂
I’d also hazard that in addition to lack of sleep, the guy hasn’t gotten properly LAID for years. He sentenced his wife to a virtual Siberia, Lou, his “communicator”, is forbidden fruit, ethically, and taking matters into his own hands similarly verboten. Little guy can’t get a break. It’s no wonder he self-medicates himself regularly with organization-purchased tax-free booze.
I addition, drinking oneself into insensibility is NOT a substitute for natural, deep REM sleep. Unconsciousness ≠ sleep.
I had a major situation that I actually approached the Church (meaning a class 5 org) about, to see if they could act like a religious entity and actually minster to a parishioner. There was no interest in helping. I had to go out and get a field auditor to assist. My overall experience was that if there wasn’t any money involved, the “Church” wasn’t interested.
The last thing that happened was about 4 years later, I received one of my reports back from some justice terminal at CLO asking, “Is this handled?” Yea, its handled. Thanks.
I had a friend whose daughter went crazy. The friend was a long time scientologist and the daughter of about 20 did few courses, bit of auditing. But she was somehow going easly into heavy upset. And one day, she triggered a psycho break. While she could get the girl staying home, she went to the org for help. (to see a psychiatrist was not an option. But aside giving the girl psychotropic drugs what would have they done?)
In the org she was routed immediately to OSA. She was becoming a “security risk” and was taken of solo not’s, so she went off the org, even more upset.
She read the HCOB introspection RD and thought she had to find an auditor who could do Intospectio RD. Her own bidge was ended.
She ask Flag for an auditor. It was absolutely impossible that she sent her daughter to Flag. Where to find an auditor ? She tried AO, there was high level auditor who could technically do an introspection RD, but were not allowed and anyway wouldnot have risked it due to the McPherson experience.
Finally she found a field auditor, class VIII old style, not sure he was not a freezoner, nobody wanted to know. He said no problem I’ll do it.
And he did. And the girl went out of the psychotic break… One morning she was sane again. (after few short sessions)
The Introspection RD undo wrong indications. And this can make people extremely upset. And it’s true that this RD is incredible. But the auditor must have a lot of empathy for the PC. And to do it on a paranoid environnement as the church is a wrong indication in itself.
As an Auditor there have been two times in my life I have handled Tipe III related cases.
I have to.
I have no other choice. The other choice was letting this people die literally.
One case was a very dear friend that was busted out from FSO because he was a “security risk” for the base.
I will not say his name for respect to him and his case. Of course they don´t bother to see that he was a security risk after he got a lot of HGC paid Grade IV sessions by an Auditor teenager girl doing his internship.
He was put in a plane back to México and was told: “Thanks for your visit to the Mecca of technical perfection; now you are an Illegal PC… go to México and solve your condition”.
He arrives to México… his family and a couple of friends go to recieve him… (Scientologist and No scientologist)… as soon as he cames down of the plane (scorted by a FSO security guard in civil clothes) he told us… “Im not doing fine… I feel very bad… I will need your help”.
He go to his house and we have to take all the risk objects so he doesn´t try to suicide.
I would like that you can magine how is to live with a situation like this.
We take out of the house a gun, a blade and a bat because he want to use it to harm himself. This was done 3 hours after he arrives from FSO.
His family come with me and told me: “You are Auditor; you can help him. Help him. We don´t have another choice because he prefers to die before he goes to a Psichyatrist. He don´t want to be declared”.
You can imagine mi position. I was a Grad V Auditor by that time finishing my last internship. I don´t give a rat´s ass about what Introspection RD says… I have no time to do that course or ask permission to do something. I have literally a live on my hands. I spend all the night giving him assists… listening to him… giving ARC to him… Aplying simple SCN basics and common sense to the situation. I take a shower and go to the org to ask permission (CSW) to be with him full time and help him. They told me I have pc´s there too and that they don´t care about my “problem”
He is an illegal pc and downstat… if you want to help him… do it in your own time… that was the answer to my petititon. So I use the next two weeks of my life Auditing my pc´s in the org in the day and handling a Tipe III person in his house. Almost no sleep for me in that period. One or two hours maximum. It has been some of the most difficult things to handle in my life. I can not tell what I have lived during this nights because is a secret protected under auditor´s code but it was very very hard to swallow.
After two weeks I get permission to be with him full time (I use my “vacations” to do it) and I take him to a big hotel in a ranch outside any city… a calm place… good food… walks… company… comunication… assists… compassion… love… and he went out of it.
And now he has a normal and happy life. He is inside the church. He disconnected from me when I was declared for my sepparation announcement from the church.
I maybe contibute a little to save his life.
I do not consider people as inferior.
i do not consider a Psychiatrist an enemy and I do not think that one should not prescribe a tranquilizer for a person in an emergency situation.
Im not into following line by line what LRH says… He has done many things right… And some big ones very wrong… Scientology does not give immortality and super human powers… but the subject can help when used right by a natural Auditor… I consider myself an Auditor and a helping person and labels as Scientologists and stuff like that I do not care. But I see that many of the people in this kind of blogs labelling as wrong everything about scientology… Almost all of them Sea Org members… executives and professional PC´s… highly trained auditors do not criticize that much… because we have first hand helped people.
Nothing can invalidate that.
Thank you so much for this story.
And congratulations for getting out. Really, that alone tells me a lot about your strength of mind, which I would categorize as “admirable”.
I wanted to comment my feelings about “tech”.
To my way of thinking,
this church is not a church.
To tell the public that it is a church is a crime of deception, before one even gets started with
“services”. That gives you a hint as to what it really is all about. Other hints you have already mentioned, such as the false promise of salvation, super-powers, immortality, and all the list of false promises goes on and on, for millions of words, on and on again.
And the punishment, the remorseless abandonment of the practitioner who fails to conform to the harsh demands and sacrifices demanded by policy.
Policy being another word for “tech”.
All of it is crap. Worse than zero, it is innately dangerous. As soon as you believe anything in the book of Dianetics to be real or valuable or some kind of priviledged information?… you’re sunk. You are already caught in the web, the trap, the aptly named “prison of belief”. I hope to create no doubt in your mind about this, Scientology is a very dangerous, predatory, profit-oriented cult that cares NOTHING about the people it sells its bag of tricks to and EVERYTHING about the money in your pocket, period. You got lots of cash? Trust me, this cult is very interested…
That your friend was helped was thanks to you, not the tech.
In fact, the credit for any benefit that came out of your efforts makes you eligible for special recognition for achievement, because you helped your friend DESPITE the toxic element of Scientology influences being present.
Simple attention and some personal care will lend plenty towards a person getting through psychotic episode. No harassment, a few days of decent meals and perhaps some rest, some well-prescribed medicine to cool down the brain receptors? Perhaps. But, I’ll tell you in one word what it was that really saved your friend, and that word is compassion.
And, paradoxically, that is one element you cannot find in or near the heart (and I use that word way too loosely, in the metaphorical sense) of this god-forsaken cult. Let me say that again:
The essential element that Scientology uniformly lacks throughout is compassion.
Good work, my man. I would be most proud to call you a friend.
Vaya con Dios
Thanks Mark Marco. Many people even inside C of S are very aware of the fact of: “No money? No services!” No compassion. C of S is doomed and already falling. It need no more external intervention to keep on collapsing.
I would love to take a vacation and visit your country.
It is an admirable quality of the Latin-American cultures, I notice, the way they can be kind and demonstrate kindness in everyday life.
Y que tesoro eres Usted.
No doubt, I am a better person for having met you. And the world is a better place, indeed.
You can come here anytime. We can hang out in San Miguel de Allende or Guanajuato city. Thanks for your words.
Ojala, que bueno.
I’ll brush up on my Spanish. (just realized I haven’t been using it for a couple years gone by already, another good reason for me to visit…)
Your words, the story and the responses, made a lasting impression for me, certainly.
Roberto, I would like to offer you my eMail address.
Ask Mike for it.
I’ve been around for some time, here at this blog. Mike probably couldn’t say that he knows me, but I’ve written enough on the subject of dangerous cults for everyone, especially the last few months of last year, when I was logging on nearly every day, prolifically, if I may (be so large-headed to) judge myself,… sure.
I have no connection to the church. Not in mind, body nor spirit, and we do not correspond nor would I accept correspondence. It freaks me out to get the fliers, send them back with big, red, REFUSED, Return to Sender.
It took some 38 years, but I have no apprehensions about the bullies at the cult anymore. I’m retired now, and
they can’t touch me and would look pretty silly if they tried. I do have cameras hanging around, for taping. In fact, I have spoken openly here about the offensiveness of the church and offered to interview or be interviewed by them, before and again, all in one sentence. All I ask for,
is a stage and a microphone,
both of which I’d be happy to provide.
[did you notice that moment, beat, bear skipped, at the jolt? Yep. That’s fear. That is how to scare ’em, see. Just promise that.
A stage and a microphone and me.
My dream come true.
Still waiting, one could only hope.
We were talking about the pursuit of happiness
They owe me a couple hundred thousand dollars in real life, and would eventually figure that out, stupid as they are. I got a guy for that, almost pro bono, real reason number one I don’t worry, and guess what, 37 others, if not 100. Harry Reid is finally retired but I know people, actual first time I’ve bragged about that here. No politics, please.
My friends in politics don’t give a rats ass about this measly sickness of a church, please don’t shoot me. They also have bigger fish to fry. They is not a “they” on the other side, it’s a “he”. [heads up, Dave, Dad’s got a book coming out and you can’t touch him, either. Too bad you missed your date with Pricilla, huh? Not the girl to piss off. Why are you so slow, anyway? Speak. Save yourself.] Good news, all the bad news is for the bad guys, who cares what you wanted first.
The way I see it?… if they want to drain their resources going after, what, my tattered life? Ha, it would show how smart they are, spending $20 to get my ten, probably the ratio would be much worse. Poor, sad scn-gists. Happy me.
Let it be my contribution to the Universe; raise another toast as the mast of the church sinks forever into the deep blue sea. I’d feel fine stealing credit for that, but everyone plays their part.
Can’t deny the truth. Nobody, I don’t care, not even if you’re lucky enough to have a name like O.J. Simpson or …mark marco. I’m rambling, huh?
I do need a vacation.
Generally, I don’t like talking about scun-gy. I guess that would be obvious.
Right now, I’m in a show, it wraps up in the middle of March…
and I’m definitely going to google those cities, let’s just see what the weather is like….
Thanks Marco. You are not rambling… There´s much good behind those words. I will ask Mr. Rinder for your email adress. Wish you the very best.
Hi Roberto,
I wanted to validate you for your obvious power of choice over data, and for being your OWN authority at whatever you do. That takes courage and real strength. Being balanced about knowledge, w/out just invalidating it all just because of past errors in workability here and there, is the mark of a true researcher.
I am Peter Torres from Puerto Rico, and I would like to have a few words with you if you don’t mind.
[email protected]
Vaya con Dios, amigo!!!
Peter Torres
Thanks Peter. Sure… mi mail starts with impulso and has an .mx at the end. I will write you.
Mark, I cannot emphasize enough how right you are. I was an auditor and CS for many years. I helped many people. In hindsight, it was my compassion, and not the “tech”. In fact, the conversations outside the session contributed more than the auditing.
The SO especially at FSO, are a bunch of over worked slaves. You cannot expect slaves to have compassion. In fact, when I mentioned compassion to an OSA person, she just stared at me with blank eyes (supposedly keeping her TRs). My parting words to her where: “You will never go free, unless you feel and show compassion.”
thanks for that, (oh, I would put your name here!)
My, but it is good to be hooking up with real souls.
Look what we learned, after all. You got my day rolling.
It is raining and still my heart beams
You left giving some tried and true wisdom. 😉
Roberto, I am sorry that a person such as yourself got tangled up with the criminal organization founded by Hubbard. As an American I say this to you.
Thanks for this words Mike. But this happening to me is a blessing. I´m aware of the quantity of people I can help to be deprogramed once they decide to go out. Many don´t come out because they feel they don´t have a choice outside or someone who can understand them.I have enough tech, ethics and admin training plus staff experience to understant them all. I can be that choice. I can be that bridge from the hell inside the Church and the real normal life again.
Roberto I so much agree with you. I’m also an auditor. Those who obey stupid orders are robot and they are a majority in every activity in this world. But tech of auditing applied with a loving spirit help people.
That´s right! Amen to that.
Roberto, Thank you for saving that man’s life. It is sad that he later disconnected from you and stayed in the church. I hope he sees the light and makes it out.
Thanks Cindy… All of this was hard but it´s fine now. If he gets out or stays in… is what he needs in any case.
some thoughts upon reading this drek:
0. why the fuck do so many of LRH’s lists start with zero??
1. these instructions sound as if they are intended for performing an exorcism
2. be careful, lest the person is “simply pretending to be sane again” – yeah, bcs that’s how those insane people roll
3. “terminatedly” – i kind of like this word
In addition .. ARC Straigtwire “You will not get any worse” .. show me a person who did get this endphenomen .. I have never met one .. this alone opens the door for PTS and other searches in your mind and feelings ..
PTS handlings have some value .. sure .. but completely overestimated by staff and a lot of inside people .. the definition of a suppressor is mostly not workable .. because it is often all about ARC breaks .. not real suppression ..
I will mention that a real PTS goes himself suppressive .. he will use the valence of the suppressor .. it is mentioned by Hubbard, but seldom somebody knows that really ..
I don’t think it is lack of understanding Friend, It is just that 99% of Ex’es are intelligent enough to realize that the “tech” is B.S. and thus don’t care to parse it out as it doesn’t matter.
It’s like arguing about Milton Bradley’s Game of Life rules as if the game was REAL life.
admire the wit there, Mr Wynski
The word strikes me very much like cursing,
except now that the cat is out of the proverbial bag.
Tech is a con.
The truth of that being known …
I calm down fairly readily.
You AND me, Herman. As far as I’m concerned, the PTS “tech” is one of the biggest cons of Hubbard’s.
Agreed, Tidalwave. Introspection Rundown, Survival Rundown…
these cycles are certain to cause anxiety at the least, emotional damage very likely.
It is as if the idea were to attack the weak because they make easier targets.
The plan:
make them worse, then bring them back to where they started and use it as justification to say the tech works.
I recall the recent death of the lady-actress going into Celebrity Center for depression, it was a broken romance, I believe… This stuff proves more dangerous the closer you look.
.My early comment is eraticated by Mike. I do not think that most commenters here have understood PTS really in full. It is surely not the same as psychotic break .. and it is not related to the introspection rundown. PTS is a later part of this rundown, and only one step .. basically asking for a wrong item about ..
PTS = Potential Trouble Source .. ofthen mixed with Sources of Trouble .. but it is not the same .. it crosses only on PTS Type A .. PTS Type 1 has a suppressor in present time environment .. Type 2 has a restumulated one .. and Type 3 has the restimulator everywhere .. includeing imagined beings or environments .. it is a state of feeling stopped and suppressed .. and you are unable to do anything about .. therefore feels the being suppressed .. it is rollercoaster .. and you can get it only indicated by the church when you have wins and lost them again ..
Thank you for the illumination “Friend”. Since as mentioned before since the so called “tech” is mostly deception, there is no point in delving into it. LRH did what he did in order to help himself. If it has some truth in it, it is irrelevant and immaterial.
Good topic enough, Mike. The fact that LRH did never cease to add to his own glorification was his “best” sales method. “Now I’ve the biggest discovery ever done blah bloah blah…” and almost whetever followed was just the same old techs disguised with some few new querstions, to be repeated to create the hypnosis needed to obtain any answer to any “process”.
The last psychology-psychiatry-neurology studies demonstrate that one cannot even distinguish a TRUE memory of an induced one – not even speaking of memories falsified by some drugs, something that can be another proof that NO as-is of anything shall ever be done. Nobody shall ever have a perfect memory, whether one belived or not in past lives and whole track ineptitudes.
Another was LRH gave to humans was the R2-45, yes – and HE gunned the scene where he was giving that lecture.
Did you read what this yo-yo said were the follow-up items after the person is “cured”? Fitness Board. Releases and waivers. RPF. So you’re going to take a person who desperately needs help, put him in a situation that more than smacks of solitary confinement, “cure” that person, and then your follow-up care consists of throwing the person out of the Sea Org, throwing the person out of Scientology, or sending the person to the RPF? What the fuck? What. The. Fucking. Fuck.
How in the name of heaven are any of these options going to do that person any good? This person has been through an incredibly traumatic experience. He needs support from people he trusts (and it’s sad to say that his fellow Scientologists are the people he trusts). Instead, you’re going to remove him from his support system or, even worse, force him to undergo what we all know are years of punishment at hard labor, in an environment reminiscent of a gulag. I can’t pick my jaw off the floor right now. This is just totally emblematic of Scientology. And this isn’t Dave’s Scientology. This is Ron’s Scientology.
I want an Indie, who believes every little wet fart that came out of Hubbard’s ass, to justify this behavior. You can’t. Yet it’s the vaunted Tech and therefore infallible, right?
Espi, I have tried that approach with Indie’s. Face to face. I have had one of two things happen, everytime. 1) The Indie went Injun (a psychotic episode) when one false excuse after another was shot down. One “Clear/OT” even threatened death. 2) The person just refused further communication.
I´m an Indy Espi and Wynski… That Hubbard handling is wrong. That´s part of what I´m out. Some things work. And others do not. This way or more clear my statement??? I´m here if you need further communication. I have audited someone who was with Lisa McPerson handling her when she dies… the whole cycle was full of mistakes… I know the specifics… and the whole introspection RD is a wrong handling for the condition.
I’m at war with certain Indies, Roberto, because they still believe certain things of Hubbard’s. You say that Hubbard was wrong about the Introspection Rundown, and that’s good. Now if you can tell me that he was wrong about radiation, the Putrif, and LGBTs, I’ll have no issue with you.
It´s true Espiando… Wrong about radiation… wrong about OT III, Purif tech good but incomplete by actual standards and discoverys… very-very -very wrong about not only LGBT´s but all the sex subject… wrong about Psychologists and Psychiantrists. And even saying this… I still have witnessed as an Auditor with 25 years of experience that many of his other applications do work.
I think if you read Mike’s article from late last year on niacin and the medical studies surrounding it, you’ll change your mind about the Putrif being “good but incomplete”. Either that, or you’ll never post here again. Some die-hard Indies quit this blog after that article.
I have not readed that one. I have readed now. I´m a purification RD C/S with hundreds of purifs delivered. Good but incomplete means this kind of things:
5000 mg of niacin is way too much for any human.
5 hours a day in sauna way too much.
Laboratory tests of blood and toxicology assays are needed to determinate a tailor made professional program for each person.
We need many other natural substances that help to get out drugs; not only niacin and not only the mentioned ones in Purif Series HCOB´s.
This is from the University of Wisconsin Integrative Medicine: “Detoxification includes the ways our bodies identify, neutralize, and eliminate things that are unhealthy for us. These include physical substances such as toxins
(poisons) from our environment or by-products from the chemical processes that keep us alive. It also includes emotions or behaviors that are unhealthy.
The five basic components of any detoxification program should include:
Exercise: every day such as yoga and walking (especially in nature)
Regular sweating: a sauna, steam room, or hot room yoga class
Healthy nutrition: rich in organic fruits and vegetables and filtered water
Self-reflection: such as meditation and breathing-focused relaxation
Body-work: such as massage and acupuncture.”
Got it?
The detoxification programs I now deliver outside the church MAKING TEAM WITH MEDICAL DOCTORS, NUTRITIONIST AND DOCTORS EXPERTS ON DRUGS have this kind of approach.
Hubbard was not an expert chemical.
Read some ordinary world suggestions about detoxing our own body and you will understand what I mean with good but incomplete. Exercise, vitamins, sweating, change of diet… all of this are common sense and accepted methods of detoxing our own body.
Anything else?
You are not going to find in me some hard core blind defendor of the standard tech my friend.
Yes, yes I remember that one, the post with Niacin…
How does one go about finding a specific post like that?
I’ll try googling key words…
I have issues with most Indies, too, but certainly not Roberto.
We all went through stages, getting out. We all got heavily invested getting in and naturally would be reluctant to say everything we believed in so deeply, was so thoroughly wrong. While we were in, we thought we were becoming better people, that we were destined to become spiritual leaders at astonishing rates… we really could save not only ourselves but the world?…
Nobody checked out of Life Repair saying LRH was an insidious hypnotist.
Now we know it is quite true.
But Roberto can accept or reject whatever he chooses, no matter to me whatsoever. The thing is, he is obviously helping people make the transition into the otherwise barren real world, just when those individuals are at real risk of finding themselves just as isolated outside as when they were “in”.
Too many have come out only to break down or be swept away only for the lack of support and a bit of encouragement.
So, I support the man. I don’t know how he became so wise and so marvelously compassionate, but I certainly want to be his friend and I hope he feels welcome to post here often and, if the possibility exists, for eternity.
It is not the tech that saves people in the end. It is all about compassion.
Now then, it is time to do the right thing, and so I’m going to the beach.
You guys at OSA should know where to find me, if you feel like catching up.
You’ll have to bring your own boards.
Google Mike Rinder Blog Niacin and it appears.
Thanks for your loving and compassionate words Mr. Newell.
Let me just say amen to your words… I agree 100%
“While we were in, we thought we were becoming better people, we really could save not only ourselves but the world?…
Nobody checked out of Life Repair saying LRH was an insidious hypnotist.
Individuals are at real risk of finding themselves just as isolated outside as when they were “in”.
Too many have come out only to break down or be swept away only for the lack of support and a bit of encouragement.
It is not the tech that saves people in the end. It is all about compassion.
Now then, it is time to do the right thing.”
Thanks Roberto. Yes, I know that Hubbard was wrong. If one wants to bring me peer reviewed studies of where Hubbard was right, I’d be happy to read them. Just as I am happy to read any such work.
You´re welcome Mike W… Peer reviewed studies… I do not know if someone would want to do that… I can assume that you have not audited many hours. That´s my way to know that some (many; not all) things in scientology work and do work very well. Because I have achieved results with hundreds of people. Improved lives. How can anybody deny that if I saw it with my own eyes?
No, I’ve audited MANY hours. (I was trained when Hubbard was still active and DM NOT) I NEVER saw any verifiable indication of the EPs El Con wrote about on the grade chart. I wrote what I did above as because most people are not trained in scientific method and thus are still conned by El Con.
Got it and you have a point here Mike. I have to admit. I´m here 100% with simplethethan about our attitude and compassion does much of the work. Hubbard proceedings do not work in everybodys hands. It neds to have a Natural Auditor. A certain kind or type of person… therefore it´s not scientific because it con not achieve the result each time it is applied. Thanks a lot.
The “attitude and compassion” and its impact on helping people of which you speak is well known in the psychotherapy community. They’re a part of the concept of rapport between therapist and client, which does indeed have a positive impact on whether someone gets better in conventional psychotherapy. This effect is well known and has been studied since the early 1960’s. It’s been in many research articles published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
LRH didn’t invent the concept. Again, he just ripped off ideas from conventional psychology/psychiatric treatment methods. In some cases, such as the engram, he ripped off ideas that had already been studied and discredited by the time he got around to incorporating them into his con.
I’m with you, Espi. The whole thing stinks. Kindness, compassion, genuine care and concern – these words were not part of Hubbard’s vocabulary. Denying me companionship would be the cruelest act of all. If it were me, my recovery would have been a recovery from Hubbard’s influence and theend of scientology for me.
touche’, Espiando
It’s as if the Scientology cure for insanity is to first trash psychology as dead as possible, then line up the patients and bounce bricks off their heads until they are quiet.
I shouldn’t be giving them ideas.
Unfortunately I have been intimately involved with two “Type III” individuals during the years 80’s-90’s. Both ended up dead. One by shotgun to her mouth, one by escaping the 24hr watch confinement and getting shredded by a snowplow walking alongside the road in an Alaskan snowstorm. Both under constant near hourly supervision by OSA, specifically Ann Rubles, DSA Seattle.
The write up includes finding a secluded home, preferably miles from others. What a fucking joke. In Alaska we took a couple out of their cabin and brought them to live with us while all of us, a handful of staff, including the couple and myself and wife were put on 24hour watch. These people are trained at best minimally, usually merely verbally, no medical staff, no doctor, no medications, no monitoring vitals, no facility.
If you are a gambler, you should bet a lot of money that is standard procedure across the Scio culture.
Scientology has nothing to help the insane except that pulls others out of their normal lives and subjects them to something they have no idea how to deal with. No facility, and no medical help. If you manage to get them to an MD [friend] who prescribes a sedative, it is shut down by OSA.
Scientologists rail on psychiatry as a whole across the boards. Yet they alone have the facilities, medical staff, medical monitoring, food, water, exercise, group involvement. Educated family and friends can and of course should monitor and curb any medication abuse. They are more likely to come out alive than any “Type III” treatment in my bonafide opine.
I guess I had what one would call a psychotic episode after being in the org just over two years.
And that it occurred somewhere in 1975.
And that what they did was probably the early version of the Introspection Rundown.
I say “I guess” because I don’t recall the label, Type III, being pinned to me specifically.
Probably it was, but they never really got up to telling me.
In our little org, we all saw for the first time just months before, the first case of a Staff member being assigned the dreadful condition of Liability. That was scary enough, for all of us, really. You do not want to be thrown into Ethics, for any reason, ever. At least Scientology made that much clear.
I was put into isolation, and all that. It was horrible. But, as luck was, they just asked me to leave, after about 10 days in the pen, if you will. (not using the word ‘hole’, that being something else that came later) I did leave, though thoroughly confused. Jesus Christ had as much heart as I for Scientology, and although I eventually became loathe to say it, [how could I be so wrong?] out it the real world I simply would not speak to it. If I did, the dreams would come, of being back in and being…(word)…driven. So I did not go to LA. I did not join Sea Org. There was a time in which I was dangerously close.
The thing is, this post today, Mike… well, it offers for me a sort of closure. It represents for me, personally, the end of a certain kind of enduring nightmare. And that’s because by reading here today -what was happening to me- to see, even after all this time so many things they never told me… It’s not just me.
My feelings were, true.
My, but the trickery can stick to you for so long! The fight to make Scientology right!
What sinister crud. It is your most personal mind he messes with, no two ways about it. Heartlessly.
Just thanks for being real, everybody. It’s just good to be here, not thinking it was all just the flawed imagination of a poorly developed soul, me. Yes, I am grateful. Once again, I believe I am becoming the (relatively) happy young runaway I was before ever stepping through that mission door, (also now forsaken), way back when Mom and Dad were both still alive. You make it all good. I don’t have kids but I have the beach and that’s where I gotta go now…Works for me.
That is such a heartfelt comment blue moon. Just keep coming back and reading.. The real world will become clearer each day. So glad that you are out. I am so sorry for all the abuse you suffered. You are being sent only positive strength .. love baby
i feel it, Baby B
Good.. I will send it to you every day. I hope that you will watch every Chris Shelton Video… Come visit the Underground Bunker..
and absolutely relax at the beach.
I will be thinking of you.. xo It’s a brand new chapter in your life. love Baby
say… being blue moon ain’t so bad at all…
You got a friend in me, baby b. xo times three,
because that’s another day made for love in me.
PTS Type IV – those who work directly under COB. These are people who are being negatively effected by Mini-Me and see all others outside the cocoon as DBs, out-ethics and fryers of other fish. Someone “going Type 4” means having fully succumbed to the hypnotic influence of Li’l Davey.
I like that one. Type V would be the delusion that Hubbard was a god and infallible.
I’d sooner be hypnotized by the chirping of a doe-doe bird.
Guess that bumps me back down to Type Two.
Jeffrey Augustine covered the “Kidnapping Contract” on Tony’s blog last year.
“d. The Scientology religion teaches that the spirit can be saved and that the spirit alone may save or heal the body, and the Introspection Rundown is intended to save the spirit. I understand that the Introspection Rundown is an intensive, rigorous Religious Service that includes being isolated from all sources of potential spiritual upset, including but not limited to family members, friends or others with whom I might normally interact. As part of the Introspection Rundown. I specifically consent to Church members being with me 24 hours a day at the direction of my Case Supervisor. In accordance with the tenets and custom of the Scientology religion. The Case Supervisor will determine the time period in which I will remain isolated, according to the beliefs and practices of the Scientology religion. I further specifically acknowledge that the duration of any such isolation is uncertain, determined only by my spiritual condition, but that such duration will be completely at the discretion of the Case Supervisor. I also specifically consent to the presence of Church members around the clock for whatever length of time Is necessary to perform the Introspection Rundown’s processes and to achieve the spiritual results of the Introspection Rundown. I understand, acknowledge and agree that the Introspection Rundown addresses only the individual’s spiritual needs and I freely consent, without reservation, and without condition or limitation, to Church members conducting the Introspection Rundown, and that I accept and assume all known and unknown risks of injury, loss, or damage resulting from my decision to participate in the Introspection Rundown and specifically absolve all persons and entities from all liabilities of any kind, without limitation, associated with my participation or their participation In my Introspection Rundown.
Not only the introspective rundown
Rex Fowler on OT 7 was programmed to draw out all the money of his business
and fork it over to the Church. Driven to murder then botched suicide. Rex is doing life in prison in Colorado.
Biggi Reichert had a complaint as an OT 8 and 16 million in debt ,went to Flag to sort it out. Was given Chloral Hydrate and stabbed 7 times in the head with a handheld
stun gun. Dopped up to the gills she was escorted on a flight back to Germany
where she committed suicide couple days later.
Neither were type 3 just ended up dead or doing life in prison.
Money is the common thread here which ended up in David Miscaviges coffer.
“I promise to do whatever the church says, as they know what’s best for me, and to bend over, spread my cheeks and take it like a man, or a woman as the case may be.”
It blows me away that people will sign this contract…esp because when they agree to be treated by scientology “according to the beliefs and practices of scientology” most, if not all of them, do not even know what those things are yet!!!
Well, of course there is plenty of coercion going on at the desk there.
Add that to the list of things that scn-gists are actually good at.
And the big carrot they keep dangling, the end of problems, et all…
What you will lose and miss out on if you DON’T sign.
Distractions. Bigger hammers.
(Yes, a billion years sounds like a long time, but come on, time is just time)
We do happen to have an army.
Promises gets a long list of its own right about here…
Sure, just sign this thing, I’ll be right back…
Let’s see, you’re getting a person who is type III crazy to sign a legal contract… Yeah, that makes perfect sense.
Thanks for posting this Mike.
A couple of things stand out for me:
Given the author’s repeated mentioning of all the bad things that can happen dealing with PTS Type III people, there must have been MANY MANY attempts to handle people who went psychotic while in Scientology. Far more than the general Scientology public know of or even that Staff know of. It’s like “We’ve had YEARS of trying this and getting it wrong with people hurt and investigations by law enforcement so this is what we are going to do now.” Yet it still goes south, people get hurt.
The second thing, which you mention, is that they didn’t follow this advice when dealing with Lisa McPherson.
Although, the point about ‘getting it off public and delivery lines’, if it was actually somewhat adhered to gives some credence to the theory that Lisa was actually held at the Hacienda Gardens staff housing after the first couple of days. This also explains why the room the Flag OSA people showed the investigating officers was so pristine. What would be easier (and safer) than showing a completely different room to the police. Because cleaning it to the degree necessary would have been nearly impossible. It would probably have been necessary to patch and repaint walls. The lack of the odor of paint and lack of observation of damage being noted in the police reports, is way out of character with the existing babywatch reports.
Very Important essay today. “Eligible” and “Not eligible” is an eternal on going branding of who does or does not “qualify” to do Scientology.
On the subject of Type 3…..Scott Campbell, shared with me his most amazing story of going into a full blown mental breakdown on Freewinds after extensive SLEEP DEPRIVATION.
It is an amazing heartwarming story of how Scott beat all the odds to come out a winner.
Excellent post Mike. That’s just the way it is.
Love the way he begins the whole thing off by letting everyone know what “Dev-T” this all is. It truly shows the compassion level of a man when he considers that caring and helping someone, who is in an emotional crisis and mental trouble, is likened to “Dev-T.” (Hubbard’s word for developed traffic, meaning something along the lines of unnecessary traffic that is generated and is generally looked upon as bothersome and wasteful in cutting across real production time.)
And these are the people who will “clear” man of all his troubles?
I’m glad this site and others have recently been focusing on the phenomenon of how “wogs”, “sp’s” and “pts individuals” have infinitely more personal power than scientologists – even OT’s – and are able to derail the spiritual progress – months and years of hard work – of scientologists just by being in their proximity.
I think there is ample evidence of this phenomenon in the example seen with Tom Cruise himself. Apparently his SP wife, Katie Holmes, had such power over him that he had to give up legal custody of his only biological daughter to her, thereby losing the right to raise Suri in the church of scientology, which would have safeguarded her spiritual eternity.
And many published reports since the divorce claim he has settled into a life of rarely visiting his daughter – a complete bafflement to divorced parents everywhere who steal every moment they can grab with their kids.
Even a Big Being like Cruise is in jeopardy of losing his eternity, just by spending time with his pts daughter – innocent little Suri Cruise whose only crime has been missing her daddy.
Alice, my view is the reason Ron gave critics/SPs the power to take away “wins/gains” is because Scientology, to a great degree, is based on imagination and wishful thinking.
Being questioned, doubted, being criticized, invalidated etc. can only cause lack of certainty to be doubted.
Direct knowledge, true knowing, cannot the invalidated because direct knowing is totally certain of what it is perceiving; confidence
When Ron’s imaginary cosmology is thought through with reason it invalidates the imagination of Ron and the Scientologist who agrees with the imagination. Thus loosing wins.
Actually the idea of “loosing wins” is really the truth seeing clearly but the Scientologist sees it as taking away “wins.
In truth, it’s unmasking lies. So people are thrown into a confusion for unmasking the imagination. And they call that PTS.
Debunking lies is what Ron calls “suppressive.”
The only belief can be threatened by reason and criticism.
Ron, being manic with paranoid tendencies, needed a philosophy to guard him from being seen for who he was. So he created the doctrine of demon SPs to blame for the falsehoods in his imagination being questioned.
Seeing Ron or Scientology “as it is” is a suppressive act, because the foundation for this “knowing” is imagination, belief and faith masquerading as truth-fact-certainty
Good point! Both Alice and Brian. I think Ron and Sigmund (Freud) were a bit similar. They were dealing with their own nightmares and made a general statement that everybody else had the same nightmares while it was actually their own. But I still believe there is a spiritual world opposed to a materialistic one and there are also real sociopaths and psychopaths. I lived with one in the past. Their main characteristic is : 1 – They want to control everything regarding others and 2 – they have no feelings and are remorseless (they could kill 10 millions people just with a finger snap and feel absolutely nothing, but they can act feelings)
Alice and Brian – great comments, both.
I don’t recall that a PTS Type III was also, definitely an SP. There’s the additional “flip” into an evil valence to become an SP. And I also think that through the years some people have been labelled Type III incorrectly. And obviously there have been many people mislabeled SP.
I always thought that the Type III needed care and attention and kindness while being isolated, and fed proper food and nutrition and kept comfortable. They needed to be away from restimulators. All I ever wanted to do “for” an SP was get them the heck out of my life.
But if you mistreat a Type III you could really anger them and cause them to do that flip into a violent and hateful state. Wouldn’t you feel that way if you were confined, isolated from any friends or relatives and mistreated? Wouldn’t you want to fight back eventually?
Hence, the presence of me.
Impressive post gato rojo.
“mistreat a Type III”
-doing that was actual policy, still in effect.
Confined and isolated.
Again, written policy proves the true nature of the org.
It is NOT about saving souls. It is, was, and always will be about the org,
or rather, making money for the org.
With the actual people – dedicating their lives …?
Hubbard was willing to toss the dice
wagering souls
hearts and minds on the hot Pass line,
in fact his favourite pastime.
If he lost the bet, no matter…
Throw them in the gutter, if they don’t come clean in the brig.
“I will have their money”, says he.
I have all they were worth,
anyways and look already
and they will never never catch me.
for poetic merit
Fascinating document to read, very insightful analysis, and interesting comments!
The insight from Mr. Rinder into LRH developing this “one size fits all” Type III process based on _one_ case is illuminating. What LRH called “research” was what an actual researcher would call anecdotal evidence — and weak anecdotal evidence at that, being based on one case.
Apparently, even the very weird, and completely unsupported by science, stories of History of Man were the yarns spun by LRH’s son “Nibs” when LRH audited his son with Nibs under the influence of amphetamines.
I suspect LRH’s “tech” has done more than we know to funnel people to solid psychological, medical, and psychiatric help. Maybe LRH was working for the “psychs” and their customer referral business.
Isn’t it interesting that there is a list of only 17 things you can do wrong when handling a Type III and some of them are sooooo wrong.
2. says you have to “handle the person terminatedly” (i.e. make him sane). 5. says you can’t let the person convince you “he is now sane?”
8. The person “must sleep as much as possible” – yeah, that’s wise when a person is depressed or has a possible mental illness. THAT will cure them.
Don’t let them listen to music or watch TV or tapes (because they WILL STAY UP LATE)? Huh? I calm down the most when listening to or playing music, I use it to put me to sleep.
What IS the definition of STAYING UP LATE when you are confined to a small dark room anyway. How do you know whether it is day or night?
The last but to me the most telling one, however is #17. It is worded in a way that tells the absolute positive truth as to why someone considered PTS III should even be “handled.”
17. Not keeping the person in an isolated place, and letting the Type III create PR flaps with wogs.
ALLLLLLRighty then.
“How on Earth can we get away with saying we are THE experts on mental health when I keep getting interrupted by the lunatics?”
I’ll admit I was too lazy to read the whole document but certain bits stood out for me: they are holding someone of unsound mind in a prison like environment. If the person is not well enough to give informed consent about this treatment doesn’t it constitute false imprisonment and possible kidnap?
Also the medical care is provided just so they don’t get sued later! Such a compassionate, caring organization, scn never ceases to amaze.
That’s what I was thinking, too — false imprisonment. I suspect Scientology’s argument would be that staff and Sea Org have agreed to abide by all the rules, regulations, policies, etc. of Scientology, and therefore the person in effect waived his or her rights. I noticed in the “hat” write up that there were a number of mentions about doing things in a way that would head off legal claims against Scientology.
Have you seen the waiver that all scientologists now sign that says they desire to be held against their will rather than put in the hands of psychiatrists? I think Jeff Augustine wrote about it on Tony Ortega’s site…
These waiver’s are almost unbelievable, from personal experience the usual circumstances of signing anything in scn are that you have just sat through a 3 hour reg cycle where three of them have worn you down to the point where you will agree to anything just to get out of there, signing under these conditions means you are usually just signing where ever you have been told to without even reading it. It should be a condition that none of this is legally binding unless you have legal counsel check it over first.
“desire to be held against their will…”
Holy crap. Here these guys are actually predicting their own evil deeds,
what? As a disclaimer for you, the victim, to sign?
Oh yeah, that’s rich. An enemy of the church is an enemy of mine. That mentality is older than Christ, come to think of it.
They may as well hold up signs and red flags, picket their own big blue building and say it equally plain:
until you give up and work for us for free,
or whatever else we say, forever.
Those Anonymous guys were so right, bless each and every one of their souls, ours too…
– It is always, as it turns out, worse than you think. It is a test of imagination, in fact.
I haven’t seen that yet, Mike. But, is certainly sounds like the cult.
Jeffrey Augustine: “2. Agreement and General Assistance Regarding Spiritual Assistance. Summary: This is Scientology Inc.’s infamous Kidnap Contract that allows the Cult to kidnap any of its members and lock them up for an indefinite duration of time — and this without the kidnapped member having the benefit of any legal representation, legal hearing, medical evaluation, or medical intervention. All a Scientology Inc. “case supervisor” has to say is that a member has gone Type III. After this pronouncement, the member is bodily seized, locked up, and held against their will. … “
ka, and I bet there are no C/Ses left that would hold their ground on who was or wasn’t Type III. It’s likely all C/Sed by Executives now (Executive C/Sing which was at one time a nono). The truly passionate auditors and C/Ses I’ve know have either died or otherwise left since then. I was C/Sed by executives in a very upsetting situation when I last had my 87hours of paid for ‘NOTS’. Never again … it was worse then the worse I’d imagined. I then knew I would never set foot in a church for services ever again nor return from my LOA from SO at AOLA. The auditing itself was causing me to heavily introvert and I was fully aware the cause of it thank goodness.
Has somebody ever tried that clause in court ?
I don’t think it would hold. You can’t sign away your rights, and no contract clause can protect someone against the consequences of their own negligent or criminal behavior. At least it is that way where I live.
Abusive clause is abusive, and nullified the moment a judge lays eyes on it, no matter how loud your cries of “but, but, we is a church !”
It would appear that the CoS by current policy as a whole is type III according to the scientology definition. Gee, I wonder who the SP they are connected to, is?
Valkov, that’s what I was thinking too. The entire organization is Type III. But, insanity is part and parcel of this group.
Exactly. It’s become what it preaches against. It’s become what it purports to clear you from (reactive). The only solution to this is to handle or to disconnect.
This document is evidence of the potential danger of Scientology. It is clear what their priorities are – the organization.
The first thing you do – isolate the person so as not to disrupt delivery.
This is remarkable.
“6. IF NEEDED per the laws of the land for this type of case, a registered nurse is also brought to this house…”
So, if the laws don’t demand it you can skip this? But, the real underlying reason…
“This way the person cannot later claim that he received insufficient medical attention…to protect the Church against false claims later.”
This shit makes me sick. There is no real responsibility here, only a pretense. Never do they say…”this condition may have been caused because the auditor asked him the same fucking question for four hours, driving the PC crazy” No, the PERSON is dramatizing evil intentions.
It’s all about damage control for Scientology, NOT the well-being and health of the patient.
And to think Scientologists, knowingly or unknowingly, sign agreement forms granting permission to be treated like this.
Bottom line: NOTHING is more important that Scientology. Your life is not more important; your sanity is not more important; your health is not more important.
It gives new meaning to: “we’d rather have you dead, than incapable”
I was trained in the Marine Corps, Navy,then US Army on programs
that all started out to find your breaking point. During the Vietnam war
we had a few who had psychotic breaks on mundane tasks like peeling
potatoes on Mess duty and so forth. After a decade of service my eval
stated I could not be brainwashed or broken. I was a Special Forces Trainer.
Every Scientology Org tried to bullshit me a failed , I would work the
org to get the blowback from their own foolishness but that didn’t work
out making things better only much worse.
I read the Lisa Mc Phearson story on Tony Ortega and was very surprised
that they were right up there with North Korean Mind Control straight out
of the “Manchurian Candidate” ( Frank Sinatra version) the later version
is good as well but over the top with chips implanted in brains.
Scientology is molded into Old School Brainwashing by David Miscavige
where Money equals Eternity, case gain, going to Heaven , and
more wealth. All lies of course.
I would rather have real enemies than Fake Friends.
“I would rather have real enemies than Fake Friends.”
Dad would jump in right here without skipping a heartbeat and say:
“Be careful what you ask for.”
Fake friends. That’s kinda touchy, as a phrase. How many of us are not guilty of putting on some kind of mask, before getting outta bed much less out the front door?
My request, advise if you will, is to offer kindness to whomever you chance to meet. To be kind, that’s it. Avoid assumption, although we do it all the time. We think we know what’s going on, that we are correctly assuming everything we have “aptly” pegged, pegged as being a perfect reflection of reality when in fact the idea is comprised by mostly delusion. We “think” we know what the other guy is thinking, without thinking about it, nearly ALL the time. So, that should be rule one. Stop assuming. Choose your words carefully in order to project kindness and see what you get and stop assuming that you know it already and you will soon project yourself into the realm of sage and mystics, depending on the pace of your journey… The church is evil but the people generally are not. You will discover a lot of friends obscured under the cloak of perceived enemies by erasing assumptions at the starting line, then watch while your projections of compassion return to you in kind. It is cause and effect, the world we live in.
And, Dad. Hope you’re having fun on the other side, man. Still loving you.
WoW, beautifully said!
Thank you very much, Ms.P.
Credit where it is due, I am inspired to write all that from the book,
The Four Agreements, by Ruiz.
As long as I have you as a friend, Valerie, I’m good to go!
Aw OSD now you made me blush.
o dude
you really are da man
I’m just waiting to hear the rave success stories from all the people who got the rundown and are now doing fine…….still waiting…..hummmm
John Duignan in the very excellent “The Complex” brushes off his PTS type 3 episode, saying it was quite common among ordinary public, in his experience, to go more or less psychotic. Nothing major about it.
I’m pretty sure he got the Introspection rundown (of course, maybe not whatever “special” of the week that Captain David “he is NOT insane!” Miscavige had inflicted on Lisa McPherson; while that one didn’t work, I don’t think any rundown used by the Co$ works, at least not for the reasons stated and not more reliably than, oh, doing nothing).
Wait…..what??? “…it was quite common among ordinary public….to go more or less psychotic.”
Whoa! It was really that common? How much more evil can they get!
ya pretty much gotta go star-wars…
Between 1977 and 1979, a couple of bulletins came out with various conclusions from the old man about people who had taken LSD. Ron’s verdict was that people who had taken LSD were brain damaged.
Now, there was a little bit of “so what?” in my response, due to my earlier reading of other material where the claim was made that the brain was not such a big deal, and thus damage to it not a big deal. In all honesty, I remembered reading that and thinking “what?!?!?” when I first read that stuff, but then resolved it somehow in my mind. (“Ron’s smarter than everybody.”)
But there was a bigger “hrrmph!” in that I had taken LSD many times and I had always thought my experiences to have been, overall, helpful. So, OK…If there had been brain damage, it’s not a big deal as the brain isn’t a big deal…
There’s lots of personal stories I could tell around this subject, many involving recruiting others into the SO. “I’ve take LSD, and yes, I am certain of it… I had visual hallucinations, the whole thing!” was the only really effective way to get an uninvited team of recruiters out of your living room with any speed. (But they’d be back an hour later to see your kids and spouse…)
But, before I trigger a flashback and go off on my own for several hours of bliss, let me get to the point of all this. In one of those HCOBs, LRH says that His Pronouncement was based on his “extensive research of two cases” (sic)
Also, if I remember correctly, throughout DMSMH there are plenty of statements that he had tested it on something like 259 cases, yet only very few of these research cases were buried again.
I think that Ron reached most of his conclusions on the success of any given technique, ever, based on one or two results, if that. I think there is a lot of things that he just figured “this ought to work” and off it went to mimeo for reissue.
Your post is great and reminds me of why I can’t stand that the indies still look up to lrh as some kind of genius. He had a lot of nerve calling himself a scientist, or doctor, etc. By his standards I’m just going to walk around calling myself a frickin doctor…and I have a lot more experience with the mentally ill than that asshat. Indies, wake up already…lrh is/was a fraud that only wanted your cash.
This was a RECENT experiment. And part of the conclusion was “In many ways, the brain in the LSD state resembles the state our brains were in when we were infants: free and unconstrained” …
“For the first time we can really see what’s happening in the brain during the psychedelic state, and can better understand why LSD had such a profound impact on self-awareness in users and on music and art.”
Also recent studies are showing that MDMA (ecstasy) (a form of methamphetamine) increases serotonin which effects mood …
NOT advocating taking LSD or ecstasy — just saying that yet again Hubbard has it wrong.
It’s due to science which includes scientific devices like MRI and ƒMRI that enable much of what was once UNKNOWN, to be known.
Yes! Yes, that is correct, Dan Locke, about LSD being justification for throwing you out,
when and if that was what they wanted to do… they would and THEY DID.
before that, you see, they threw me out the very same way:
Here we have the claim of world-plus-personal salvation at your fingertips.
– All well and good until somebody in Division 5 or wherever decides you aren’t worth the trouble, (basically, you are in REAL TROUBLE the moment after you have given them your last dollar) BOOM, they come up with a reason why you need to be tossed into the gutter. You think you’re in like Flint when, truth be known, your head is always on the chopping block, just waiting for the executioner.
And the justification set up for me – was that I had been administered “psych” drugs and so I was “damaged”,
specifically told me that was ineligible to be a staff member, their mistake. Shoved me out, said I was now on a “personal program” (although I think they just made that phrase up to get me to go along with being shoved out), and good luck. That was it.
Not exactly the description of a compassionate church, serving the community, deserving a tax-exempt status, o my… Let me stop before I lose my dignity, thank you.
It is possible that all of these overblown “scientific” “researched” findings and announcements by Ron was him applying Altitude Instruction on us for financial gain.
Once we agreed to and granted Ron the messiah status he marketed to us, we would then believe that the “next step” was the handle to major problems.
And once we agreed that all critics are criminals, thus outlawing, by threat of punishment, any non biased assessment; no one would ever question any of Ron’s “findings.
Thus L Ron Hubbard secured millions of dollars. He used our faith in him to make money.
He knew what he was doing. We did not.
Ron was not stupid. He was conscious of the fraud regarding claims.
If being critical in Scientology is sign of overts; L Ron Hubbrd was loaded with them.
He was critical of our whole civilization.
Heavy recreational drugs (LSD etc.) and some drugs prescribed by psychiatrists and other MD’s can induce a Type III phenomena in an individual. Not always by any means. I find it interesting that Narconon accepts people that are more likely to have a type III situation and some have “gone” type III during the Narconon program. A case in fact was a gifted lady (musician in a philharmonic orchestra) was on a drug prescribed by a psychiatrist that kept her on an even keel and able to operate in life.
But she did not like some of the side effects. She was talked into going to Narconon to help her come off the drug. After a few days being off the drug at a Narconon she had a type III incident (I won’t go into detail but it wasn’t pretty). Actually Narconon did the right thing and sent her home to be taken care of by family and medical professionals. And of course to get her off their lines. This lady survived the “incident” and carried on her life without Narconon or Scn. Now why was Lisa McPherson not sent home to be taken care of by her family and medical professionals? How were those two incidents different? They were different in that Lisa was not taking drugs and was driven to her situation by failed tech developed by LRH…and delivered by idiots. Who was going to suffer more from a PR stand point, Narconon or Scn? Narconon (in that particular situation) did the right thing no matter what their reason was. Because of the tech of the Introspection R/D and procedures written above as a result of the release of the R/D, Scn had to “handle” Lisa…..LRH said so. No real concern or empathy for the individual just a terrible idea the R/D would handle it. Robots one and all, all the way down the line. And I mean everyone involved with the Lisa situation from beginning to the end of the trial. All because of some R/D LRH said would handle such situations and a fantastic need to maintain Scn PR and cover Micavige’s and LRH’s asses.
Of course wogs are scary.
They aren’t properly indoctrinated and coached in the bizarre culture of Scientology, which means they are not aware of the mechanisms to be used to maintain belief.
They’re that little kid who innocently points at the naked OT going down the street and says:
“Look peeps, this dude is going around butt-naked !”
And then some scientologists realize, that, yes, the dude is indeed going around butt-naked, and they are not the only one who can see. Sometimes the dude himself realizes that he has spent all his money on nice clothes that don’t actually exist.
The SP is slightly worse : he/she’s the person who realizes they have wasted money on non-existent clothes, and is aware of the mechanisms used to maintain the group’s beliefs, except he/she aims to disrupt them.
You will always find fear and demonizing of outsiders and former members in groups of people who have nothing to base their conclusions on, besides an eminently fragile (so fragile that they have to rely on each other to reinforce it) belief that it is so.
My wife went PTS type 3 while on staff. She had handlings that went on non stop – I spent a fortune on OT3 repairs, Introspection RD and Christ knows what else at an AO – 13 intensives of it, before she returned home worse than before. She was like a zombie for 13 years, until I began to get an inkling that maybe scn doesn’t ALWAYS work, or at least not on psychos.
I got her off staff, thought about this situation for a few more months, and finally summoned the enormous courage (remember I was still a scio) to take her to a psychiatrist. It still took another 12-18 months for her to get fully handled on meds, but from the first visit I felt she was in the right hands. Remember again, to me this was the arch-enemy evil satanist incarnate I was visiting. Today she functions and is happy.
Of course, still having some of the scientology in her veins, the urge was strong in her to get off the medication asap and every time she felt ‘good’ she would stop taking it. But it has now been hammered into her with a mailed fist to never miss a day. I myself still wouldn’t take medication (it is TOO hard drummed into me), but that’s for another day!
If there were just one thing to ridicule scn about (I know, there’s actually two) it would its attitude to medication and psychiatry, and in my opinion and experience the Indies are possibly worse. My wife literally lost 14 years of her life, the entire childhoods of her two kids, and if I wasn’t such a hell of a guy she would certainly have lost her husband and home.
The EEE PEE of Scientology is PTS Type III –
That is if you stay in too long and don’t wognite on common sense and get the hell out!
The government owes the public a Black Box Warning:
Scientology is dangerous and damaging to your well being and those around you.
Scientology has ruined the lives of many people. Scientology may, but is not limited to, cause bankruptcy, divorce, foreclosure, suicide, homicide, money laundering, extortion, black mail, criminal acts, heart failure, liver failure, brain damage, asthma, families shattered, lives ruined, dreams smashed, suppression, oppression, and minds lost. Just look at David Miscavige’s family to see how SCIENTOLOGY helped them.
While Scientology hides behind the “Religious Cloak” – you will have nothing to protect you. They are clever at getting you to give up your rights covertly.
You will sign legal documents where Scientology always keeps your money and you give up all of your constitutional rights. Additionally, you will be gagged from talking about the crimes you witnessed or committed whilst in Scientology and you will lose everything if you tattle on Scientology.
Scientology, A Tax Exempt Non – Profit For Profit (billions) will hire private investigators to follow you and attorney’s to sue you if you “Know” and are able and willing to tell others about the crimes you witnessed whilst in the religion that claims to help the able become more able while disabling the able.
Conclusion: Type III’s are walking evil puporses and non-persons who will do anything to inflict maximum damage on the cult. Therefore, do as ‘we’ say the ‘psychs’ do and don’t believe them when they claim to be sane. Bring in staff who are in-ethics, i.e. have proven they will follow orders and not blab about this distasteful incident, thus causing the flap to flap even further.
I get the sense that they view the patient as a menacing non-human particle to be isolated and terminatedly (interesting choice of word) handled.
You are either a giver or a taker in scientology. Takers are dev-t particles unless they bring money in exchange.
Oh, and given what I now know about psychology, psychotherapy and psychiatry, I find the notion of ‘briefing’ a complete layperson on how to deal with somebody that scientology has driven to experience a psychotic break utterly appalling and horrific.
Of course, back when I was a true believer I ‘knew’ this was the very best approach. However, I had never encountered such a person and always wondered how physical labour and walks in silence could help anyone. I had physical labour in the cadet org and plenty of silence, which at times was depressing.
Not long ago, I spoke to a person who works at a psychiatric hospital. He said they talk to the people who are experiencing insanity. Surprised, I asked him why on earth? (Still indoctrinated.) He answered, ‘because how else would you find out what has made them that way?’ Quite a difference. In scientology, what made a person a particular way is already known, bought and paid for. The person has no say in the matter whatsoever.
Just ask Lisa McPhearson how well it works, oh wait, we can’t ?
Couple things that stood out for me here.
1. There is absolutely zero compassion or concern for the person having the breakdown. The entire “handling” is within the context of preventing them from causing problems (legal and PR) for the group. It’s only important to protect the image of the church and shield it from legal entanglements. The fact that there is a person there who has value in and of themselves and needs help and healing is not a consideration at all.
2. It states explicitly that this handling is a result of people having jumped from closed windows, started fires, hurt themselves/others and more. A few instances are known but I wonder how many have never and will never see the light of day? It’s a truly disturbing thing to ponder. This group has left so much human wreckage in its wake, it’s difficult to really fathom.
Mike, I was just over at Tony’s site and saw the wedding picture of you and Christi. I gotta tell ya, you two make a beautiful couple! And what a beautiful environment you got married in. Right on the beach no less!
Mike: Apologies for the wrong spelling of Christi’s name yesterday.
No problem — a lot of people get it wrong. It is Christie.
Having gotten into scientology in 1973, one thing I learned fairly quickly is that “standard tech” was always changing but when LRH changed it, it made sense to me and was clarified in his “revised” bulletin. Now david miscavige changes it to suit some new scam of his and claims that what LRH intended was “squirreled” by SPs that were “expelled” (escaped). But let’s face it “standard tech” has never been standard.
Mike comments how LRH would “research” these brilliant breakthroughs in technology and I thought I would relate a similar story of a breakthrough.
Around the time of the Bruce Welch type III incident, my mother was busted as LRH’s cook. LRH wanted to assign her to the EPF or some form of mest work. I wasn’t very happy with my mother being subjected to further mest work, so I wrote a DR, or Daily Report, to LRH saying how she had raised 7 kids, and even during WW II she worked in a factory, as a war effort handling large pieces of metal on a daily basis. She really has had a lot of mest work so offered that the LRH-assigned mest work was an overkill. Well, one of the messengers must have let him see my DR as the next day she was taken out of mest work and LRH was personally C/Sing her folders. All of a sudden, another breakthrough in technology was discovered – The Metal Rundown or some nonsense name. Another brilliant breakthrough. Because of her years of working with metal, it was affecting her to this day and this rundown was the solution. Yeah right….
I think the hype of the Metal R/D lasted a week or so and I don’t think ever went any further than the “breakthrough” discovered C/Sing my mother. But this is an example of his research. Getting one report about someone working with metal and presto – a breakthrough. I think it was really all imagined by LRH as most everything he did with his technology. Also, witnessing this “scientific research” first hand, the wheels started spinning for me about SCN tech. Too bad it took 7 years and doing OT III for a couple of weeks to really see the light.
My parents were offloaded by LRH shortly thereafter, along with about 30 others. A blessing in disguise actually.
clearlypo’ed, if you can find an old copy of the original Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology you can find the “Metalosis Rundown”. Sounds just like what you describe. There are original LRH Case Supervision instructions for Metalosis, Expanded Dianetics, Introspection Rundowns etc. in those old red volumes.
Amazing how one day’s exciting new breakthrough is the next day’s forgotten old trash. Almost like he was making it up as he went along. But all these old abandoned dead ends provide a great opportunity as well. They allow Dave M to dig them up and rebrand them as forgotten miracle technology.
Like the “Cause Resurgence Rundown”. Conceived as a punishment for David Mayo, used as a punishment for lots of folks when they called it the “running program”, now a punishment for the public that they actually pay for! In a special super expensive new building, also paid for by the long suffering public.
You can’t make this stuff up.
You have jogged my memory – and it was the Metalosis RD. I’m guessing it came out in ’73 or ’74 although they were on the rust-bucket from late ’71 until I think 73/74 so I could be wrong on the dates. I do have some dusty, old red volumes somewhere hidden away so maybe I’ll read about it one of these days although I do get the creeps just thinking of reading that BS.
Hi clearlypissedoff, How I hear you! I got the creeps with you reading about those dusty,old red volumes.Metalosis Rundown sounds like a bizarre nightclub in the city of Metropolis!Always,Ann.
A “Metallica” Rundown would be ok. The EP might be knowing how to rock out on an electric guitar!
I would guess that one would definitely need to know what metal(s) were involved. Lead, for instance, would have been very dangerous to handle in any amounts.
L. Ron Hubbard discovered that your body organs can become ill if their electric fields are distorted by nearby metal (or metal that was nearby in the past or on the whole track). This “metalosis” can be cured by auditing. The ill person is PTS to a metal object. Steps to find the metal are added to the PTS handling.
Appendicitis, for example, is caused by the studded metal belt you wore in a past life. For menstrual cramps or a uterine cyst, LRH says, “chastity belt is the obvious answer.”
In BTB 19 OCTOBER 1972, Expanded Dianetics Series 11: EXPANDED DIANETIC CASE D (Volume IX), the PC possibly has a uterine cyst. “MO REPORT — Pain in tummy on and off. Little bit of bleeding after the pain. Either she still has cyst in stomach or she’s mocking it up.”
1. 2wc ‘Tell me about your illness’ (for data). 2wc ‘What metal would one have in that area?’ Choose item R3R Triple. (Chastity belt is the obvious answer.)
2. 2wc to fish for electric fields in the area. R3R Triple.
3. Recheck all possible angles of field distortion of body in ill area.
4. When all angles of fields and metal exhausted in area: 4a. Ev Purps from L10. R3R Triple.”
“This pc better start looking good. We’ve cured 3 of these cysts in the last couple of years, a 100% record.”
In another BTB, EXPANDED DIANETIC CASE G, the PC has back pain…
“LRH COMMENT AND C/S 17.5.72 — I tole you and tole you and tole you — when they rollercoaster they’re PTS OR she has been wearing metal. (Shoes have steel in them, belts, garter belts.) (I just found ‘appendicitis’ was a party belt studded with metal!)
1. Have the pc stand, look her over for metal, question her about metal stays, girdles she wears or has worn. Find what it is that rests exactly in the somatic areas. FIND IT past or present. R-Factor: Metal worn on the person can cause your condition.”
Hi Mike once again you make a great point. “What was today’s breakthrough, presented with supreme certainty that it IS the answer, soon became tomorrow’s old news.” When I think about all this drivel and believing in all the ‘new discoveries’ just makes me CRINGE today. What the hell was I thinking?
Oh, you were thinking ok. The problem was you were using “Cult-think.”
Gotta love you OSD!
Yes, Ms.P, I stand on guard for you!
scientology has been this way as long as I’ve been involved in it, first thing I remember being pushed to everyone was Key to Life and LOC, later it was GAT, the volunteer minster programme, then the congresses, then the basics, and on and on. Nearly all costing a small fortune to fill your home with unused binders and books.
Gimpy – yup, every friggin new thing EVERYBODY had to do, whether you needed it or not. When GAT came out I walked away. Better late then never.
Very true. And having been on the production lines of much of that stuff, I constantly wondered why the packaging had to be so friggin’ over the top and fancy so that it made you not even want to touch it for fear of getting fingerprints on it. Especially since you had to pay so much money for it. Really self-defeating…LOL.
Atleast you didn’t do Student Hat, Class 4 Crs, OT IV, V, VI, VII, VIII twice. I win.
Go see the success officer on the way to the reg. Double cringe.
It is truly disturbing how this document dehumanizes the person who is off his rocker and in some of the worst trouble possible for a human.
At no time does Phil refer to the insane person as “he or she” or “the individual” or “the person”.
No, it just “the type III”. Like it’s an object.
Contradictory. One assumes a person went Type III due to sever introspection and closeness to an SP.
On the other hand it states this person is very evil and the state is the result of evil intentions.
Based on the sacred scriptures and dogmas of the tech, one who has evil intentions is committing continuos overt acts, actively doing harmful things thus, it does not fit with a fully introverted person such as Lisa Mc Person who could hardly talk and who had been severely misuadited, factor that led to her introversion.
The hypocrite aspect, disguised with ‘we are the only ones”, ‘this is the only tech’ is that about everything is done to avoid a flap, to prevent legal suits, to not allow the church to be criticized; in other word, Hubbard’s main concern was to protect himself by promoting a fabulous discovery.
And it sure did, and still does, backfire on him, the ‘religion’ and his sucesors.
And where is Phil now?
Aside from the intent of Mike’s post, which certainly is valid, it is so hard to read this crap. Written in the true hubbardian method, salted with mid-century slang and trying to sound important (“other fish to fry”??), this thing is painful, reeks of paranoia and no regard for the unfortunate victim.
Like everything else hubbard, its pathetic.
Mike, I was reminded, in reading your comments about the destructive potential of wogs and SPs on Scientologists’ most delicate spirituality, of something Scientology has in common with related thought systems. What I refer to is the panoply of magical thinking collectively referred to by detractors as “woo.” Merchants of these notions often assign blame for the failures under scrutiny (testing) to the presence and interference of non-believers, with their oh so destructive negativity. Time and again when dousing, ESP, remote sensing, etc are tested under controlled conditions, or are proposed for such testing, the purveyors and practitioners of this woo will make the excuse that their magic can’t operate in the presence of scoffers, who ruin everything.
Actually, current controlled conditions have found (repeatedly) that this “woo” (terrific scientific term) works in many instances. If, however, one goes into it already convinced that it’s “unreal”, none of it will ever register as being legitimate. It’s a form of mindblock no different than scio.
Critical thinking is never the same as Scientology. You may as well still be in if you think that’s true.
“Type 3’s are people that according to the scientology definition are being negatively effected by “apparent SP’s” all over the world, or even ghosts and demons.”
When one couples this data to the fact that Hubbard’s sole person used in research of OT III was HUBBARD (and the fact that the OT 3 “incident” and ALL such data has to spoon fed to any other person who does the level (because there is NO DOUBT that it would NEVER come out of their own heads otherwise, because it’s B.S.) It is clear that Hubbard was projecting and he was a “Type 3” who was tormented by demons (he named them B’T.’s) but a Rose by any other name…
….would still smell like shit.
The infallible Source and those who follow him are always in some respect stuck in the failure mode.
It’s funny you posted that, Leslie. I believe Scientology is in full Failure Mode now.