Leah Needs Your Votes
A number of people have emailed me about reminding everyone they can vote for Leah Remini on Dancing With The Stars until 8pm tonight.
Go to Dancing With The Stars home page and click on “Vote”. You can vote up to 7 times.
City of Clearwater v. Voldemort
Many have asked who to contact in the city regarding the efforts of the RCS to close down city streets and exact other concessions in order to conduct their Holiday Season Extravaganza.
Sheldon Goldberg kindly made this comment, and I am highlighting here to ensure everyone sees it.
As a member of Clearwater Citizen’s Academy, I have my weekly meeting with some city officials tonight. I will be expressing my concerns that the city does not cave to unreasonable Miscavige demands.
Here are some important email addresses if you have something to say:
Michael Delk, Planning and Development Director, [email protected]
Bill Horne, City Manager (Delk’s boss), [email protected]
George Cretekos, Mayor [email protected]
You can also go to his facebook page. The city monitors FB closely.
I think the city is likely mesmerized, and a bit spooked, by that number 10,000.
No matter one’s personal feelings about the church, the prospect of having 10,000 people show up in a congested place must seem a daunting problem to deal with. And here comes the church saying, “Look, don’t worry, we have a plan.”
So it might help clarify things for the mayor and the city if they could be shown that the 10,000 number is completely made-up and unrealistic. The true number is likely on the order of one-fifth of that, most of whom are already in town and being accommodated with no need for extraordinary arrangements. Comparison might be drawn to Portland, where MONTHS of hype and preparation could only muster some 400 attendees out of a predicted 2,000.
The RCS seems to excel at generating “flap” and urgency at the drop of a hat. Any effort to counteract this with sobering reality might help the city to a reasonable decision. I suspect there will be some compromise — the mayor is hinting in that direction — but giving David anything less than everything he wants will probably drive him even crazier. So every little nudge to the city, especially by local residents, can only help.
I agree. Let Mi$cavige shoot his wad.
Fine the crap out of him for arrogantly taking down those beautiful trees in the middle of the night.
Charge him up the ying yang for his precious short-term permits up front or no deal and no event.
Then let him throw his big stupid party and make his pitch for “improving” LRH’s Tech.
Then let the chips fall where they may.
I think that he really needs to do this and experience the results.
We really need him to do this.
Just approve the proposed aquarium! If they build it, tourists will come.
Aquariums are cool. People like them. Just ask the City of Monterey, CA about how their world class aquarium improved their tourism.
Thanks for posting Mike. While the rhetoric of DM marches on, giving “action items” to STOP this cult is always a plus.
Turning the Super Power Building into a World Class Casino is actually a great idea.
It would top Macau. Plenty of potential there with all facilities and access.
I say let the event proceed and let the future be a Full House( no pun intended)
That’s what the Mafia had in mind in the late ’70s for the Fort Harrison (and why they blighted the area) until the C of S slipped in and bought it under “suitable guise”. Now there’s a new Capo dei Capi in town with a more lucrative scam.
Or a combo with an amusement park with a gravitron for those who have too many roulette wheel pictures in their minds, and a scent wall to spray colognes on the sweaty, a taste wall for those on a diet, a running track for the serious gamblers, and the Scn whales could have an outlet for the extra cash they aren’t smart enough to figure out what to do with. You could even have a George Washington park where anyone can admit to cutting down the oak trees – punishment for those who miss the gains they got from RPF, you know?
As a FYI, if someone has the time in Cleareater to ask for a parade permit or a type of demonstration permit on the same days as the IAS events, etc. and they are denied but COS is not they will have standing on discrimination too. On the other hand If someone is denied because they did not file in a timely manner then the City too will be justified in denying the COS and they will have proof they need to say that permits were not only denied to the COS but also to this group because they failed to file within the 30 day period.
It shows they are not playing favoritism and that they deny permits equally regardless of religion or cause.
Get a copy of the denial and rule and post it here.
My other suggestion is to get a filming permit so protestors won’t be denied video footage like the were in Portland just in case COS muscles the city and wins.
Just a few cent opinion.
Public service thanks for this. The filming permit is news to me. Does Mark Bunker know this? It might have saved him some hassle in Portland.
There might still be time to put together a fund to pay a couple of off-duty CW policemen and policewomen as security for the film crew to do coverage of the [whatever]. How much could it possibly cost to do a few hours?
The idea of flying a camera drone overhead sounded good, but real-time Google might already have overheads.
Don’t use a full on big-a___ drone. Get one of those hi-tech mosquitos that are practically invisible to spot (especially in Florida where they are indigenous). It can be moved around to get all the action. What the hell, I really don’t want to see this anyhow. I just want to see people walking out in street clothes with piled up suitcases and duffle bags hung over each shoulder. Sunglasses and smiles would be a nice addition. Let’s mock it up now!
I like the idea of h iring some of our own off duty cops to help the outside camera people (Mark Bunker or Indies or whoever), but if their bosses are in DM’s pockets which I think they are, they’ll get in trouble for helping “the enemy.” Maybe Dave Labow will want to change sides if we wave more money in front of his nose? That would make Davie really mad.
Miscavige wants a tightly closed and utterly controlled event, and is applying for permits at the last minute.
In that the Mayor of CW is pleading with Scientology parishioners to speak up to their church (yeah, that’ll happen) it looks like he and the CW City Council are going to cave and grant the permits rather than risk a lawsuit. Possibly some of them are in the pockets of the church anyway and if this latter is the actual scene then its a no-brainer that they will roll-over, protect their hush money and at the same time protect the city from some specious and costly lawsuit.
Now, it sticks in my craw that the RCS can just snap its fingers and all must obey, and I’m sure many others resent this like hell and would like to see the Dwarf taken down a peg by being refused the permits.
But if that happens, if the permits are refused, in a back-door way, this will be seen as a win for the Dwarf.
Public and most staff won’t be told the back-story. They won’t be told anything except that the City of Clearwater refused permits necessary to hold the event. None of this will be blamed on COB.
“The SPs are against Super Power because they know that Super Power means Planetary Clearing Will Become A Reality, and so they are doing anything they can to stop it, squash it, delay it, etc. etc.”
This is the kind of shit the Sheeple will be told, and this is what they will believe
OK, back to the permits:
Let’s say the the Mayor whips one out and says, “No way, too late, sorry”. Well, OK, good for the Mayor and the City Council for having the backbone to stand up to the RCS. Well done. But its a minor battle.
More likely they will grant the permits But then, so what? The Dwarf will have his little, high security, leak-proof (he thinks) event, replete with huge lies and photo-shopping. The sheep will be sheered within an inch of their lives – if not at this event, then at the IAS thing 2 weeks later. It may be much tougher to find out what goes on in the events now and I’ll miss that because I live for Mike’s satire on these things, you know?
But what’s really important is what is going to happen afterwards. After all, what are the actual purpose of events? To get new people, and to revitalize the purpose to go up the Bridge for those already in? Will these events do these things?
I think not.
There is an unseen upside to all this. In 2007 DM managed to put so much insane pressure down the lines to sell his stupid revised “Basics” that there were a huge number of blows and resignations. From that insanity came many of the people who supported the Indy movement and made it a movement. Now we come again just 6 years later to a new mad desperate push stay up all night and screw the staff member next to you just to get a sale debit the account even if the guy is dead get the guys wife to debit his OT levels without him knowing stay up all the next night to make your quota go and sand asbestos you didn’t make your quota event of the century. The expected result of the new madness will be another huge slew of defections, blow and resignations. ESPECIALLY when people start doing the new super screwy DM version of super power which has been squirrelled beyond all recognition and start talking about what a fuck job it is. We who watch and wait for our friends and families can take heart in this new step down for DM and the Cof$. And we can thank Luis Garcia and Mike Rinder because it was only due to their courage and persistence in the face of adver$ity that DM is rushing to open the SP building and creating the greatest cluster-fuck in the history of Scientology. Thank you Luis! Thank you Mike! I am bringing in extra supplies of popcorn and soda. I think we are about to see a train wreck from hell. Go DM Go!
to All in; Reading your post made me think of WWII prison camps being taken by the Allied armies. Those few family members on the outside awaiting news of the fate of their loved ones, hoping beyond hope to be re-united finally. It’s exciting to think of everyone who will no longer be afraid to reach and communicate. Underneath all this are points of personal integrity, but that can be dealt with in once we are all out from the shadows of suppression.
I like the way Dollar Morgue put it “I’m tired of waiting for the damn balloon to deflate. Step on it already!”
THis was in response to Cat Daddy above
I’ve got some shocking news: 50,000 trees were cut down to build Clearwater. That you apparently have to beg some low-level city bureaucrat for permission (and probably pay a fee) to cut down a tree on your own property in Clearwater seems sort of nuts to me, but I live where there are trees everywhere you look and you just cut one down if you need some firewood, or if it’s in the way. I love wood and trees and “nature” by the way.
For someone who actually loves trees, there IS a difference between cutting trees for firewood, and cutting down huge trees who are older than your grandfather, just because one has decided that these patriarchs of the natural world are an “inconvenience”.
Clearwater is bringing back the “good” old days when the south was famous for having two sets of laws, one for whites and one for everyone else. If you were a white southerner, the world was your oyster, if you were African American, “not so much.” Is this the way Clearwater wants the world to regard it once again? Pandering to a deep pocketed church that thumbs its nose at every law it meets, while making everyone else obey the law? If the church doesn’t like the mighty oak trees, it destroys them. If it wants a sign big enough to read from space, it puts one up. What’s next? If the church doesn’t like the laws governing minimum wages, overtime, and child labor will it ignore them? Oops, it has been doing that for decades and no one has stopped them. No wonder they think obeying the law is optional not mandatory. Getting back to the two sets of laws. When a governmental body treats citizens unequally, forcing some to obey the law, while allowing others to ignore it, it is violating the civil rights of its citizens. Is this how the Clearwater government wants to be judged by the rest of the world?
Hey ‘Still’, what’s that saying? “preaching to the choir”. It’s probably not too late to make your point to the right terminals at city hall. Even the mayor’s face book page at least tells everyone that the tide may actually be changing, for good.
With Mark Bunker and Karen de La
Hey my only problem with Anonymous Vs the CoS is how they go on & on & on … ’bout “Snow White” actually GO 1361 (I mean enuf already) which was basically an Op to counter what the Church conceived was Religious persecution by the USG at the time.
Yet they wear the Mask of a guy Guy Fawkes to be exact who had a more drastic plan to handle Religious persecution by the British Government at the time.
Like blowing up parliament.
Seems a bit like a double standard to me.
What’s your opinion?
Watch the movie “V for Vendetta”
You mean the movie where the main character V blows up the Old Bailey, carries out a course of vengeance in other words a “Vendetta” against those who exposed him to a virulent biological weapon developed by some shadowy corporation who managed to turn Britain into a Fascist state and says “You can’t kill an idea” before he strangles the Secret Police Chief?
Then the girl Evie the girl he mentored eventually does blows up the Parliament buildings at exactly midnight of November 5th which as we all know is “Guy Fawkes” day in Merry Old England.
The catch phrase being:
“Remember, remember the 5th of November”
A bit more than the average log line but you could say I’ve seen it once or twice or maybe more and also I vaguely remember reading the original Graphic Novel it came from in “Heavy Metal”.
So what is your point Splog?
I mean the movie and the Graphic Novel is based on a Jesuit mercenary who was one of conspirators involved in the conspiracy known the Gun Powder Plot.
Which was the effort to blow up the British parliament because of the religious persecution that Catholics were facing at the time under Elizabethan rule.
As I wrote a more drastic solution to religious persecution than say an Intelligence operation erroneously called “Snow White” (Snow White’s purpose was to acquire this intel “by any *legal* (emphasis mine) means through various FOIAs enacted Internationaly) which was actually based on “Project Hunter” (which targeted the USG specifically by first expanding FOIA and again acquiring the information *legally* and then suing the Government if the Government was forthcoming with this information as many Journalists have done John Marks for example.) and actually known as “GO 1361” (an illegal covert operation conceived by Mike Meisner the USGO’s AGI and approved by the Guardian Jane Kember) directed against the USG who weren’t exactly friendly toward Scientology and had who the courts dismiss the lawsuit against them for “reasons of National Security”.
As I wrote it seems like a double standard that Anonymous goes on & on about “Operation Snow White” a covert operation that never actually harmed anyone to uncover information that should have been freely available if the USG had given more than lip service to the concept of “open government”.
Yet proudly wears the mask of an actual terrorist who had planned to kill all the members of Parliament so that they could bring down the current Government.
The mask is part of a meme. Guy Fawkes failed epicly so he is Epic Failguy. And masks were needed to protest a litigious church with an Intelligence branche
Well I wouldn’t exactly call it an “Intelligence” branch since it lacks any actual intelligence and doesn’t seem interested in actually acquiring any.
My name for it would be more like FBB as in “Foot Bullet Bureau”.
But anyhoo…
Well the fact is that most Churches and Religions have a intel branch of some kind even it is as rudimentary as keeping tabs on their members or as complex as the Jesuit network and Opus Dei.
Or more militant as in paramilitary what CIA calls “Special Ops” like say the Knights Templar or the Mormon’s Avenging Angels.
Corporations have ’em too. In fact Industrial Espionage is now more common than espionage between nations.
Also what whistle blowers like for instance Julian Assange and Investigative Journalist do is actually an intelligence operation. Only instead of turning this information over to some state they turn it over to the public.
For that matter when you are reading the Internet or reading a news paper you are acquiring intel and therefore involved in an Intelligence Operation even if its only on behalf of yourself.
According to a Former DCI “its the second oldest profession”.
I got nothing against gathering Intel as such but in the way it is used at times.
Regarding Guy Fawkes. You watch the movie “V for Vendetta” and he IMHO is presented more as a Martyr than a “fall guy” or patsy.
And I figure this is the way many of Anonymous view him as well.
I mean if you guys needed a Mask to protect you from OSA.
Why not one of Hubbard or even more sacrilegious these days Miscavige?
I mean that would have confused the hella outta those OSA bots 🙂
Million men March all over the world
Hey Cat Buddy,
Good on you guys in Anon!
Somebody’s got to take on the Leviathan the National Security State has become.
Hey I did my part in helping to get rid of SOPA and that enabling act which gave telecoms and ISPs (like the one Sky owns) total immunity for violating our 4th Amendment rights.
Thanx for posting this.
I never commented on your nickname. I am intrested in your expierience. You probably know I am not so keen on Hubbard but want to pay tribute ro Alan Walter, David Mayo, John Mc Master and many others
The nick came with my Gavatar for my blog so I decided to keep it.
Did a lot of research into RV,CIA, Scientology nexus and decided to write a novel about.
That’s the Cliff Notes version.
Oh and : thank you bro
I just voted for Leahi 7X as well sent my emails to the CW officials. Setting aside ones views regarding DM and all, I think it is wrong to penalize local businesses, especially those on the beach, with street closures just as high season is beginning in the area. I would stress in your emails the negative economic impact street closings have on local business while avoiding any tirades against DM, etc.
Go Kevin!
If you have a chance to do another PSA, Mike, please ask for crowd photos taken inside the circus tent during the event. The CofS will no doubt Photoshop photos of the crowd to make the seats look “full”. And like the Portland Idle Org opening, it was very telling to have one un-shopped photo standing next to a church-shopped photo.
Thanks Mike for the info on Leah. Helped me make it happen.
Helpful to have info on City members.
Leah units us all whatever viewpoint we have. Leah for the win !
I think it would more fun to hire a few circus dwarfs in black truosers and blazers and have them parade around outside the tent.
The gullible public will then asume COB (AKA SOB) has cloned himself on the latest OT level that he made up
Thanks for the e mails, the Officials should hear from all of us on not allowing the Church to act with impunity with further violations of their City Codes and demands that unmock the rights and usual procedures for CW. Their abuses most be stopped.
Leah will do well again, she is doing fantastic.
Regardless of the hoopla surrounding these upcoming events, the really big news will be revealed after they are over. I predict the silence and the emptiness in the new morgues will be deafening.
And most of those at the Kool Aide stand will still be trying to get through their basic books and lectures, their 200+ hours of objectives and another purif so they can somehow arrive at the most unfriendly place in the world to get a workout on Davey’s oiliness table. Maybe He will throw in a massage to sweeten the pot!
I’m with you on that.
Deafening silence and emptiness.
And it will be impossible to ignore that SoopahPowaz was released and the result? Absolutely. Fuck. All.
I agree with you guys.
Let the moron have his non-event if he wants.
Setting up this false dialectic is just going to have the Kool Aid drinkers up in arms and getting on the horn or computer for one of those stupid “call to arms” like the one in Portland with screams of how Clearwater is violating their First Amendment right to “peaceably assemble” etc, etc ad nauseam ….
Further up someone mentioned what’ll happen to that Super Power monstrosity when the CSI folds and I thought back to those crazy daze when Gabe was allegedly in tight with Meyer who wanted to turn the FH into a Casino Hotel for RI which was supposedly nixed by the whole “United Churches” op.
And I thought even back when we were briefed on Davy’s idea of St. Peter’s Cathedral AKA the Super Power building that the place really had no practical value for delivering Super Power and Cause Resurgence.
I mean according to all the intel I had working at NWC back in the ’80’s was that all you needed was an auditing room and access to a track and field to deliver both RDs.
But you know the place would make a great Casino!
Which sorta gives you an idea who the lil’ rodent may actually be working for.
The casino idea is feasible in that (at least where I live) most casinos are a little off the beaten track, not on the main shopping streets. Parking shouldn’t be too much of a problem, depending on the public catered to.
Florida is full of retirement communities so their public would probably consist of a lot of tour buses so parking wouldn’t be much of a problem.
The rest could probably park in the FH parking structure or take a shuttle from the airport or at any point in downtown Clearwater.
I think Meyer and the Mob wanted to set it up like Atlantic City south back in the days before Indian Casinos and such.
Now they’ve got some pretty tough competition from the Osceola Nation and less of a “amenable” as in probably not as corrupt as Gaby and the Gang.
Also you’ve got a lot of holly rolling bible thumpers in that neck of the woods which is probably why the “United Churches” Operation worked so well against the pull of big money from the mob..er …I mean Resort International’s corporate interests.
(Personally I’ve got nothing against RI. Worked for them when I was a kid setting up appointments for Time Sharing.
Never found out about their connection to Murder Inc. and such until years afterward.
Most of what they do these days is pretty legit.
Paid well 😉
Maybe the Casino idea wouldn’t fly these days Dollar.
Could work as a spa, maybe a skating rink( maybe the Town Fathers should see ’bout getting an NHL franchise) or a concert venue of some kind or a big parking structure.
To me the whole idea even when I was “in” was a monument to idiocy.
I would love to see you,Mike, join with the other demonstrators that I hope will show up.
It never was about the beliefs, but the abuses. I’m sure you would be welcomed with open arms in a common cause for great justice.
By the way, despite the frantic prep I’m still giving good odds that the events won’t take place. Call it wishful thinking, but I’m going with my gut on this.
If they do take place it will be pathetic, and although there are only die-hards left, there will probably still be some murmuring. .
See that light? It’s the end of the tunnel.
That light is a bloody train, but thank god it isn’t ours.
I WANT the event to happen. I WANT the building to open. I’m TIRED of waiting for the damn balloon to deflate. Step on it already!
Do you believe that Clearwater is equipped to handle the effluent from TWO sewers on the same day??? LOL
Surely the city of Clearwater will refuse the last-minute request from the Church of Scientology. After all, it has had 15 or 20 years to prepare for the greatest event ever in the history of the universe.
Can you imagine the scenes if the city says no to their request to close the streets, remove the lamp posts, etc, etc, ec.?
Would David Miscavige take advantage and cancel the event in its entirety, and then blame the SP local government for screwing things up?
And if so, surely the various OT committees involved will notice the glaring outpoint? That the world’s greatest leader can’t even organize a building opening ceremony?
I, for one, want the building to open. I want the events to take place. Because I want to see what the fuss is about. And I want to see just how many of the world’s fastest growing religion actually turn up for the snorefest that is any Sherman-penned Miscavige ramblathon.
Someone commented a few days ago that he might be setting this up and missing all these deadlines so that he can cancel the whole thing and blame it on the Wogs. It’s almost like he’s taunting the city. Take out the streetlights for a photo op? Good grief! For $100,000 for a day or so? It’s crazy. It cannot get any crazier than that. He’s begging for a fight with an intent to smash up the whole party.
This really is a bit of of a showdown about “government of the people, by the people, for the people,” isn’t it?
On one side of this game of chicken is Miscavige saying, “You better do what I want, when I want it, and how I want it, or I’ll cancel the whole affair — thereby losing revenue for the city’s tourism industry and the city itself (in the for of taxes).
On the other side is the city saying, “You are terrible citizens of our town. You’ve said, “Fuck you!” to us throughout your entire history in Clearwater. You’ve killed our downtown tax base and tarred our city’s brand with your bottom-of-the-heap Scientology brand. Finally, we’re mad as hell, and we’re not going to take it anymore!”
Of course, it would be wonderful if the city actually had a viable growth strategy that quarantined the Church of Scientology away from the rest of Clearwater. Perhaps it’s time that the City of Clearwater de-annexed downtown Clearwater and let the cultists have it. When Scientology goes bust, the city can re-annex the area and create a new development plan.
Not to be argumentative, but I don’t get why it matters if they get permits. I’m more interested in the events and aftermath. If he wants to have a ribbon cutting with paid extras and bus in all the staff within a 100,000 mile radius to fill in the fisheye lense I will grant him that right. Plus, I loathe these type if city employees and their permits and fines and fees.
…type of city employees
The fuckers cut down two mighty oaks.
It’s a symbol of their arrogance, stupidity and disregard for quality of life and life itself.
Yeah and where is the hurricane we were promised? I sacrificed a chipmunk to
Odin for that sucker. Shoulda gone the whole squirrel I guess.
Is there a way to make the sewers overflow as David Micavige gives his Super Power grand opening speech. All city workers gone on vacation, hummmmmmmmmm ?