Check Mate
Recovering from Scientology has been no easy task. However my husband and I did it, together.
What broke me from the church initially was this: I was on the ship to do OTVIII, I had cleared every hurdle placed infront of me. As most of you know they are many and extremely difficult — tailored to break you in every possible way. I was on the ship in Cartagena, Columbia. They had taken my passport and the staff had locked me in a room in a room for three days and had me read my husbands confidential confessionals detailing why he was a horrible human worthy of betrayal. This was an attempt to destroy his character with me. After another week of waiting I was asked to turn over his 401K. Somehow they knew the exact amount of money in his account.
Suddenly everything snapped into clear view. They set me up to betray my husband. To betray family would break me. I refused. I had two choices of retreat given the circumstances. I could throw my little pink suitcase overboard and swim for shore hoping port authorities would take me to the US embassy or I could lie my way off the ship. Which is what I did. I told them I would have to go home to get the money. After a week of convincing I was released on the promise I would bring back the money, my husband and all four of our daughters.
When I got home my husband was disappointed in me. He didn’t know what happened but he knew I didn’t complete OTVIII despite tens of thousands of dollars I spent trying. In my own mind I knew the treacherous truth. Scientology as a whole is a piece of shit, it is all a lie and I would never under any circumstances ever set foot in a ‘church’ again. I risked everything, since Scientology is clearly professional at turning EVERYONE against you. Over the years they have collected tombs full of your thoughts, experiences, and secrets. You are repeatedly put on a polygraph to divulge everything you know to “unburden your demons and attain spiritual freedom.” This common goal of scientology you share with everyone you know. All of your family, all of your friends and all of your business associates. There is no one you can turn to in crisis if that crisis concerns scientology itself. Everyone you know is obligated to turn you in if you show any signs of weakness.
I had one objective. To win back my husband and my kids. To free them all from the shackles of Scientology. I had to do this secretly and peacefully. Internally I had to attempt to debug my own mind.
The next several years we were stalked and hounded since obviously I didn’t return with the money. On many occasions church staff would be parked in front of our house day and night watching us. We were constantly ambushed by people the church sent to get us back. We were relentlessly pursued. My husband and I were a coordinated effort of defense. We tried to hide.
My sister was even sent to bring us back at least three times. My sister is a shining example of a dedicated Sea Org member working in the highest levels of the church management structure. Obviously she would be the last person I would turn to with my internal conflict.
Eventually the friendly stalking stopped. The church then turned to dirtier tactics. They went after our friends, business partners, and other family members. The church spread rumors about us through out the community of our ‘wrong doings’. How we were wayward and needed to be brought to justice for our own good. They got everyone we knew to write the most outlandish scandalous stories about us in the form of knowledge reports. This is designed to smear your character enough that they can threaten to bring you into their internal justice system. They need zero evidence or proof to do this. Only conjecture, and lies. Everyone we knew participated in this process. Reports were turned in by the people closest to us.
We were called down to Florida in front of their committee. My husband went in an effort to save our family relationships — meaning connection to my brother and sister. Losing them, like losing each other, was unthinkable. I couldn’t go back. I called into the CommEv when he was there. I told them I refused to ever go back and get mind fucked by them again. I knew at this point it was only a matter of time before they declared us suppressive and we would lose our family. My husband gracefully accepted our sentencing. We failed to complete any of it.
All this time he continued working every day to support me, my mom, and our four daughters. I am a house wife fiercely dedicated to our children. Saving them first and foremost was the common goal we shared that kept us together and helped us weather the storm.
When Going Clear by Lawrence Wright came out we were in Zurich, Switzerland. Paul was working and I was on my way home from a visit with our oldest daughter who was attending college in Paris. It was Valentines Day and snowing outside. We each had a copy of the book. We laid in bed and read through the night. It was our first exposure to the other side of scientology. We turned to each other in the wee hours of the morning and agreed we were completely out. Which means completely alone and willing to suffer the consequences of being expelled and shunned.
We both fought our own demons over the next few years. It was a very difficult time for us. The church had convinced us that therapy was the source of all evil mankind suffered from. We were lost, hurting, confused. The emotional pain was unimaginable. We struggled. Dozens of people figured out we were not going back. We helped give them the support and encouragement they needed to leave. It was a peaceful protest. We were too quiet.
The final blow from the church was about to be delivered. There was nothing we could do to save the relationship with my brother and sister. So I called my brother as the mail man was walking to the door with our declare order. I wanted to say goodbye. I said I was sorry I couldn’t save this from happening. He told me he was disappointed in me. My sister in law took the phone and started screaming at me for ruining her life. She hung up on me.
We hit bottom. My sister tried to organize a kidnapping of my mother who has given up her life to help me raise my four incredible daughters. The church started harassing her. Then they started threatening her using my sister as a manipulation tool. My brother had a beautiful baby she would be allowed to visit if she kept her mouth shut. She has struggled to be quiet all these years to keep the thread of relationship she has with her own children and grand children.
Since we had nowhere else to turn and the pain was too much to bear alone we went into therapy. There were so many triggers. So much pain to process. Over half the time our therapist can’t believe the level of abuse and dysfunction we have survived. We are still in therapy and benefiting from it. It saved us. In this process I needed to fight back. I needed to send a message to the ‘church’ – they don’t own me! They can no longer control me! So I spoke to Tony Ortega and he helped tell some of my more intriguing stories. I went on Leah Remini’s show Scientology The Aftermath. I wanted that message to be heard loud and clear. I am now unfuckwithable!
The final retaliation of the ‘church’ was weaponizing my brother and sister against me. The blow was felt since I have a loyalty to family down to the core of my soul. I will always feel they didn’t do this from their own free will. They are completely brainwashed. They are gone. I may never recover from this loss. But there is nothing else scientology can do to hurt us ever again.
We are creating new lives now. Our kids are the most incredible humans I know. I am inspired by them every single day. We are both successful in whatever we choose to do. My mother is still with me and every day gets better. Surviving this process has brought us closer than I could have imagined. Every single day we have love and support from the extended family and new friends. We are supported and loved. I cant thank everyone enough that rallied behind us. Best of all we have each other. We share an intimate bond that can not be broken by anyone.
We win! Check mate!
You are a warrior. Thank you for telling your story. I lost my two older brothers to the cult I left. Nobody really understands the emotions and feelings one has when a cult rips a family apart. Its the brainwashing that does it. Some just arent strong enough to hold up to it. To this day i dont quite understand why some fall into it permanently while members from the same family are able to keep their own mind intact. And when I was a kid i always felt this crazy lady was wrong. But I couldn’t tell anyone because it was my own mother who fell for her lies. I was deeply betrayed. I felt 100% abandoned. Yet somehow I survived and made it out at age 28. Left my entire existence behind. The only life I knew. The only people I knew. We sometimes feel weak and drained from the strain these cults put on us…especially the aftermath…but telling your story it helps people you have never met.
The simple fact that there are all kinds of false teachings, false religions, made-made Gods, false promises, that are specifically designed to entrap people’s hearts, minds and souls, leads me to believe the opposite, that there is a true God who truly cares for his people, his word =is truth and his promises are real.
I just wanted to let you know how impressed I was to read your story. It was your strength, smarts, bravery and dedication to your family that saved your marriage and children. Your experiences are fascinating and compelling to read. Your unflinching devotion and loyalty to your loved ones is what ultimately defeated this cult’s ability to control you, manipulate you, frighten you, abuse you and silence you.
I would love to read more of your experiences and I was wondering if you had ever thought of writing a book. Your proximity to celebrity gives you a unique position that allows you to offer a peek into the inner world of these scientology celebs which would possibly give your book a greater reach than other ex-scientologists. Also, in the current cultural climate of the #metoo movement, the voice of a strong woman who stood up to a cult run by a megalomaniacal man to protect her marriage and her children is a story that would resonate and appeal to a large audience. As a mother myself, I find it shocking, frightening, outrageous and inexcusable that a for-profit organization masquerading as a religion is able to abuse people, manipulate people, enslave people, “disappear” people, and fleece people of all their money under the protections of the First Amendment with no criminal repercussions whatsoever. People should be warned.
You said you wished you had made more noise leaving, but you still have a voice and a story that is compelling. Think of what reading “Going Clear” did for you and your husband – you could do that for others. Maybe your siblings would even read it and wake up. You could call it “Unfuckwithable.” Ha! I am not a scientologist, nor do I know anyone who is or ever has been. I have no agenda. I am just a wife and mother and I believe that by supporting each other, and helping each other and offering compassion to one another is actually the best way each of us can help the planet.
Regardless of what you choose to do, I am impressed by your strength and bravery. I am so glad you and Paul and your daughters found your way back to the real world and I wish the absolute best for you and your family in the future now that it belongs completely to you.
Hopefully therapy will make it evident that the relationships you have with anyone who could write a knowledge report on you were inauthentic by nature. Always being poised to betray someone for minor infractions pretty much disproves the existence of true emotional intimacy of any kind. They should not be able to use your family against you when it’s no deeper than DNA.
Why can’t the church be charged with black mail that is the reality of this behavior???
I can see at least three crimes, one that would bring the full weight of the FBI down on the Church. The false imprisonment and possibly kidnapping of an American citizen outside of the United States automatically falls in their jurisdiction…………
I get why your airing these stories, but do more. Get the authorities involved. You guys have aired several cases this year this could very well still be within the statute of limitations.
Withholding a passport is also a big no-no, as it is government property, not the property of the person whose name is on it.
Thats exactly what i said a few days ago (read my earlier post) i pointed out at least 7 state and i think some federal crimes as well..this story was full swing and yes very well falls under the statutes for most of the state level offences u can guess 3-7 years to act on a crime. Very general range. Mike is right. Shit can b done
It definitely needs checking into at some higher authorities, its just not acceptable it breaks a lot of rules in the code of honor and code of a true Scientologist, Le alone a dictator taking the law into his own hands .Has any law official got their hands on this case , and hopefully Matt is onto officials, if not already and asap.
Quailynn, I was the singer in 34 – the band Paul was the drummer for a short while. I really dig that you and he are speaking out here, on FB and on Leah’s show. Paul will always be ‘my bandmate’ although we haven’t talked in a decade. I wanted to thank you for making noise. I like noise. especially if it takes down that disgusting cult.
I am enraged by how you and your family were treated.
Your brother was my sup at Tampa bay org. Cool dude. I hope he will GTFO soon.
If yall are ever in Dallas, IM me on FB.
You are so sweet. Love to you and Mary. Happy Thanksgiving ?
Another crappy story about how cults destroy lives. Thank god (or, you know, whoever) you and your husband had each other. It’s a shitty thing to do when you’re alone.
Remarkable story of your survival & life after the CoS …
Wow. That.
Can we all join in taking a deep breath, and from the bottom of our collective core of shattered dreams, pull together a burst of EMPathy?
What, maybe bombs?
That $#@T sucks.
Something very rotten at the core will hopefully(?) disentangle itself from continuing to manifest.
A disease of unfeeling, power hungry, obsession to rule over others.
I love the idea of freeing one’s theta- so congratulations for freeing yourself from this theta trap as well as any and all efforts you have undergone in any way to making yourself, your family, and the world a better place to live in.
This story motivates. I’m not sure what to do exactly. I do share in common with you the triggers, processing the pain, and the wonderful feeling of unfuckwithability. But now I look to what I can do, further, to stop this type of manipulation from ever occurring again.
These people obviously believe in Something- to tell them they are wrong will only make them cling harder… ?
For now I’ll keep getting stronger, more sane, more able to do a better job at what I do (tile work as of late).
Thank you for sharing your story. I pray for this to end. I’ll meditate. And I’ll do my best to not hold back from shining so bright that this loony bin wakes up from their delusion.
And I’ll stand firm in tone 40ing my bro to get his head out of Satan’s remnant asshole.
May you achieve the levels that you have always striven for.
Good for you and your family ????? I am so happy your family has found your way out and are doing so good. ❤ I pray that your brother will some day also realize the devil’s that is Scientology
Quailynn and Paul:
I’m so glad that you got out, although I’m so very sorry about your family still in the cult and being used against you. I hope they, too, one day see the light and that you can all be together once again. I admire your strength after having gone through so much. Quailynn, so happy your mother is with you and doing better.
Would say I’m appalled by the 401K business, but, unfortunately, this doesn’t come as too much of a surprise considering the fact that the only thing the cult worships is money. So glad the account wasn’t turned over to them. You have to safeguard your own futures, since the cult certainly wouldn’t have!!
Take care.
Wow. What a tremendous story in so many ways. The degree of despicable treachery just to get your money is appalling and pathetic. You story of the deceit, lies and misconduct aboard the Freewinds is abhorrent. Here you are aboard the Freewinds (misnamed in fact) to do the “highest level” in the CoS and all they can think about is how to 3p your husband to get you to mad enough at him to take money from his retirement account and give it to them, attempting to play on the “overt/Motivator sequence” to get more money for DM. Sick doesn’t adequately describe this demented activity. This is nauseating even to say let alone actually do. Such misconduct is carried on by brainwashed zombies directed by a greedy sociopath and his sycophants. Unfortunately there is no way to leave this immoral group without scars but better to be out than remain in. You showed true character and steadfast integrity. Despite your scars, you are whole. You prevailed in a battle for your very soul. Be sure to tell your husband, he chose well when he choose you. :>)
Oh you are helping many Quialynn! Love you 🙂
Wow, and I thought I had it bad.
Quailynn and Paul, congratulations and thank you for speaking out. There is no such thing as love in Scientology. Only the selfish, narcissistic pipe dream of clearing the planet and the members ensuring their immortal eternities.
The cult is anti-love, anti-spirituality. I’m sorry for your loss. The good news is: the Cherch is imploding. Thanks to diligent people like Tony, Mike, Leah, Chris, Jon, TC and a host of others, there is support, truth, revelation and education. I feel we will get our loved ones back. Our intention is strong. Thanks again for speaking out.
L Ron Blubbard actually studied brainwashing which was very big during the Cold War. What do you think TR’s are? He actually calls them INDOCTRINATIONS!!
No wonder Charles Manson was attracted to Scientology. He incorporated their mind control techniques into his own sick cult recruitment technique. There are striking similarities between the Manson Cult and the Hubbard Cult aka Scientology
This is so well known now that this morning in it’s obituary of Charles Manson the New York Times said:: “espousing a philosophy that was an idiosyncratic mix of Scientology, hippie anti-authoritarianism, Beatles lyrics, the Book of Revelation and the writings of Hitler, he began to draw into his orbit the rootless young adherents who would become known as the Manson family.”
Manson. Ding dong the bitch is dead.
Every cult is run by soul sucking manipulating people. If you take the title of the cult away it comes down to the same ruthless person. They just tweak the format a little here and there to make it look special and unique. But its the same damn thing. Taking control over another human in order to draw the energy out of them. If they figure out a way to bleed them financially then its the cherry on the cake for them.
First off, love the word notfuckwithable, please allow me to use that one.
Secondly, I just wrote an essay on Scientology and used your story as one of the examples of abuse with families, marriages and money. I am sorry you all had to go through all that. Thank you for sharing it, so I could pass along and share too.
Please remember that not at any time, were you alone. There are a whole host of people out there to support you, even people you don’t know, like me? Although the church does teach you that everyone who is a WOG is evil, it was brave of you to leave.
Also, Scientology isn’t exclusive on dissconnection. That happens in lots of families, sad to say but true, so it isn’t all that weird. What is most important, is keeping your immediate family unit together, as best you can, and you have. You have protected your children and kept your marriage together, which is absolutely amazing with what Scientology can do.
Keep the hope alive that one day your other family will see the light and get he hell out of there. I don’t think it will be much longer. This can’t go on forever, and with Mike’s work and Leah’s they are blazing a path that so many paved before them.
Taking the responsibility for your actions, healing yourself and your family and then working towards helping others, is what you are doing. That is what Mike, Leah, Hana, Tony, Paulette, Aaron, Mike etc. etc. have done. It is and was messy work, but it is getting easier.
So be proud of yourself and stay strong!!! You are a great mother and wife and EX-SCIENTOLOGIST!!!!
Such a powerful story. Thank you for sharing it! Because of all of these stories, people like me know to write letters, donate money, sign petition s and even watch for people that might want help escaping! Today I happened to drive by our local org but didn’t seen anyone but now I know to help if I can. Knowing people are held captive is more important than exposing the Xenu story.
Let me take this opportunity to pick up the challenge to celebrities that Paul Haggis and Leah Remini threw down a few weeks ago.
To think that little asshole Tom Cruise was feted and stroked ON THIS VERY SAME SHIP for his childish little birthday party. Singing and dancing to a lame-ass and tiresome scene from Risky Business. (Anybody else sick as shit of seeing that floor sliding scene played again, and again, and again!?! It’s not so cute anymore you aging geezer.)
All the while this kind of shit was going down… people locked in a room within a room, coerced human betrayal. And in the upper deck, the king douchebag of them all, David Miscavige, donned a tight white T-shirt to SC of TC.
Hey Cruise, you can’t play dumb to this any longer. We all know you are thick, but how dumb are you, little brother?
YOU must be held accountable.
This is YOUR church.
This is YOUR legacy.
So say something, you coward.
I love this^
Loved your story, guys! My contacts are floating!
Well done on leaving with much of your family. I’m praying now for your brother and sister and their families.
Wow, I never knew this organization was so ruthless, cunning and cruel.
OMG, what you and your family went through. Thank you for sharing your story. Blessings and happiness always. Love and sanity win!
WOW, incredible! Prayers and hugs!
I actually got a response from this cult on facebook. They had no defense of any of the facts about hubbards lies. Or of the cults lies about crime in Pakistan and Colombia.
They tried to use Leah Remini’s missing person call to say she is a fraud.
But when I cited the missing person law, that I know as a cop, the admitted that she had the right to file that report.
Otherwise they had nothing to defend the stolen valor lies that hubbard used to make up a phony religion.
Unfortunately I believe every word of this story. Disgusting and repulsive. Glad you and your family are now thriving! 🙂
Well done for winning against such an abusive cult.
When I left, back in the early 80s, there were so many others leaving due to the Mission thefts and attacks on well known and well loved people (David Mayo, as an example), that I would have been considered a very small fish and never had to go through what so many have since then. This story from Quailynn is both crushing and magnificent at the same time. Trying to even imagine such pain and punishment is difficult, to say the least. But surely nothing remotely like Quaylynn has written here. What a fantastic pair these two are, how utterly courageous in their ethical stand. THIS is what I call “true family”. I honor you both!
+1 What Peter said!
Wow. These creatures (I cannot call.them people) are no better than Nazis and should receive the same fate. They should be depowered until they can After that they can rot in jail.
Please everyone! Let’s stop calling this thing a church. That is ludicrous! It is a cult and nothing more! Every story I see on TV or read here gets worse than the last one. The first step has to be to take away their tax exemption. Please write your elected officials. I am doing this! Thank you Quailynn for your story. Thank you Mike for putting it on your bog. Something can be done about this as Mike’s blog says.
Brace yourself Ed.
When you think you have seen the most outrageous acts of human degradation perpetrated by the “church” of scientology, well,
(Everybody together now…)
Scientology is dead, and it had it coming.
I like this lol! ~~we gotta put that end quote on a t-shirt hahaha nice
Quailynn thanks so much for sharing your and Paul’s story. My story is similar and I still find it hard to find words to talk about it. So, thanks for finding the words to explain what happens in Scientology and thanks for your fortitude to tell the story broadly.
I hope someday you can share it with us, Robert.
I second that thought!
On the same page.
Boy! I know this story intimately. It is quit a mind fuck and getting out of the church’s clutches can be impossible. Congratulations to you and your husband, your mother and your children for making it out.
I have often thought that the thing this church is best at, its “claim to fame,” is breaking apart families and friendships better than anything or anyone.
Best wishes to you and your family.
Mary, I (we) love you !
CO$ is in the same boat, so to speak, as the old communists: having to maintain high fences to keep their subjects IN, not keep invaders out.
ANND, like the commies, they’re not long for this world, much less this universe.
Remarkable story really I wish you and the family the very best and thanks for sharing
” Scientology is professional at turning everyone against you”
In my story , if I had known that , I would have taken some preemptive action with my sister . When I realized it , it was too late , my sister had that look on her face , closed off ,immovable, terrible.
I am writing this for anybody going through the first stages of ethics action.
Maybe I am deluded and nothing would have worked.
Thank you for your writing , there is nothing like experiencing the freedom from….
My children are free as well but I too miss my sister.
“…it was too late , my sister had that look on her face , closed off ,immovable, terrible.”
Christ, that is so well-written. Thanks Marieguerin.
The tears well up when I read that. The cruel anguish scientology has inflicted on humanity forces me to scream out into the universe. To see a loved one lost like that is so utterly horrific.
Well, we will have satisfaction.
Its so telling in my view why Scientology goes after ppl that relentlessly. .the money and energy it takes to do all this can be better used to benefit others that desperately need disgusting the “church ” does this
Shirley Hubbert, Exactly what I was thinking. What a waste of energy and money. But we know why they do it – to try to keep their dirty filthy secrets – to attempt to make us skulk away and keep silent forever – or to break us down and return for more mind fuckery – or lose your loved ones.
It’s such disgusting behavior!
The cult of degradation, dehumanization and zombie undead
Quailynn: Thank you so much for sharing!!! I am not ordinarily a man of few words (as some of my posts readily prove). But reading your story moved me deeply; I don’t think I have anything pertinent to add. Other than to say: Your family is fortunate to have you! As would any organization that truly cares for the human spirit and the dignity of human beings. So it’s a good thing you are out of one that hollows out persons at their deepest level and destroys their most intimate relationships for no reason other than wielding control and filling their coffers–even if it took all you had to break free. You are a heroine!
Quailynn, you really do have Super Powers! May the BEST day of your past……be the worst day of your future.
All the best!
It really blows my mind how many people like Leah Remini’s mom, Mary Khan and now Quailynn have basically a very clear and honest EP of OTVIII or at least the Freewinds experience. “I knew I was never going back.”
When someone is pushed beyond their endurance, they break and walk away. If the people who have come forward with their story are saying so clearly and concisely that the Freewinds experience was their breaking point, how many others are silently not saying that but know it to be true?
You won on so many levels! I’m a never in and I’m so blessed and happy that you were able to get away safely. Love and peace to your family. Your story made me cry tears of joy!
“In my own mind I knew the treacherous truth. Scientology as a whole is a piece of shit, it is all a lie and I would never under any circumstances ever set foot in a ‘church’ again.”
While this is indeed the real EP and the “Truth Revealed” of Oatee 8, you can achieve this state of “enlightenment” much early on your journey up the cult bridge to nowhere. Indeed, the end of the supreme mindfuckery and soul rape of $cn is available here and now to everyone who has seen and experienced the predatory regging methods of the cult for themselves.
What Qualynn, Mary Kahn and so many other bridge-topping Good Scientologists have described in excruciating detail once they were out of the cult and free from its control over them is exactly how $cn operates! The further up the bridge you go, and the more family members and friends that you have in the cult, the more evil its methods of extracting your wealth become.
If you’re a $cientologist and do not see what is horribly wrong with trying to break up marriages by using confidential auditing confessional information gleaned from one spouse on the other, then you’ll be doomed to learn that lesson first hand when it happens to you. The cult cares nothing for you, your family, or any other living creature for that matter. It only cares about money, power and control…nothing more!
As always, Harpoona, you strike deeply into the bullseye of scio’s Shittery. Very nicely done.
Well said!! I love reading your comments so much?
No words. This pales other stories. They are so desperate now they will go to any extend to hold this cooperation together. Power to you all! I’m so happy for you.
Amazing story. Thank God your husband, children and mother stayed by your side. It is truly a cruel organization that cuts at the heart by dividing families in order to control. We admire your strength and courage. Thank you for sharing your story (and don’t stop!) The more the world learns of the secrets and abuse, the better the chances of putting a stop to it.
With every personal account told by the incredibly brave men and women who escape this cult, I am more and more overcome with grief, sadness, and seething anger that this organization is allowed to continue to operate and hurt people. When will the madness end? Quailynn, you and your family are amazing and so very strong. My heart breaks for all you’ve been through and I pray that you will someday have peace.
Thank you for sharing. I’m too speechless to say much about anything really, except I’m stunned as I try to process this. I have two OT8s in my extended family that have shunned everyone they know from my side and most of theirs and behave like cowered nobodies as far I can tell. Now I have a better idea of their treatment in the hands of the ship gestapo, their cowardliness and mental conditioning speak loudly in their behavior. They protect their status of being in good standing at all costs, yet basically hide from the Church and anyone who questions them about it. What they must have endured, said & done to complete OT8… they are in such incredible debt and are now past retirement age with all sorts of body problems… my God! What really hurts is that they reject a lot of the family’s attempts to love them.
Well done on getting out and all the best to you and yours. Have a good life!
I am happy to hear about the whole family escaping the cult’s clutches intact. I’ll bet the brother and sister drinking the kool-aid are mad about who Mom sided with. And they can’t tell them, “If you just tried it, you’ll see how great it is!” That’s because they HAVE tried it, made it almost to the very pinnacle, and can now say, unequivocally, what a sham the whole thing is!
Amazing story. Congratulations on leaving Scientology.
I left Scientology in 1989 after OT VIII. You really have not missed anything. In the original OT VIII, Hubbard announced he formed Scientology in the role of Lucifer and that he saw himself in the role of anti-Christ. Miscavige trashed it all in 1989. You can find the current OT VIII E/P in Hindu literature.
Good luck to you and your family. These people in Scientology are now declared sick.
George M. White
So right George: “These people in Scientology are now declared sick”
Bravo Quailynn. Bravo!
My heart just breaks reading your story. Thank goodness you were able to get out with your money husband and children intact although your mental health probably wasn’t so much. I am so glad that therapy is helping please keep going and I hope it can provide some comfort and relief for you. God bless your mother for hanging in there as well and I will pray for your brother and sister that they wake up soon and realize that they are missing out on a wonderful family and that they are being duped. Please know that there are many people out here who are sending you cyber hugs, prayers and support and I hope you can feel it. Don’t give up and hopefully someday we will all see the Scientology signs taken down off of all of those buildings.
Much love to you Quailynn and family ❤️
How can people not see that keeping you from your family is wrong in so many ways. You can’t see your mother, father ,grandma ,grandpa and all other family members.
Right there is a big big warning sign. WTF
Thank you for helping people get out of that crazy cult. My god what will it take for the IRS or the FBI to see what’s really going on
I pray for the day when either COS loses their tax exempt status, and goes bankrupt, or Misgivage loses his mind and his brain explodes. To treat people this way is reprehensible. I pray that good things will continue to come to ALL who have left Scientology and that more will leave the cult.
Two things for me…
1. Tax exempt status lost forever.
2. David Miscavige chained in jail.
Then I will never say another word.
God bless you and your family. Hopefully one day the cult of Scientology will be a thing of the past, and your family will be whole again.
Good for you! Checkmate indeed.
Just wow. Another horrific example of the cult sinking it’s teeth into and trying to destroy another family for the “greatest good”. Congrats to you Quailynn for your success and determination to not let them win!!
Coming to terms with the reality of what the cult is really doing and then getting your family out is huge! Huge props! I had to work for years to resume relations with my family after I left the cult. It’s not a cake walk but we won in the end and Scientology failed big time! For those of you lurkers out there, I hope you will investigate further, you will see that stories like Quailynns are unfortunately very numerous and have been going on long before Miscavige came to power. It’s in the Scientology DNA to destroy itself and everyone around with it. Proof is everyone who tried to make Scientology successful were attacked and left. There are no “apostates” only survivors.
“There are no “apostates” only survivors”. Good line Doug, but unfortunately there are the fallen too.
So very happy you got out. I’m just sorry about the family you lost to the cult!
That truly is a tragedy. We all hope the kids will see the light sooner rather than later. This organization is truly evil, in every sense of the word.
I always get so upset when I hear or read these disconnection stories. I find them utterly heartbreaking.
These experiences I’m sure relate to many of us who are out of Scientology in one way or another, and they all interconnect. It’s a pattern, and below it all is Money. They are masters of deceit. Feeling free and totally out is the greatest happiness. I’m sure there are many who are still trap in the same web of lies and trickery, but like the many of us who have cut the tides they will follow. The truth comes out and it will prevails. Enjoy your freedom finally.
Off-topic comment: There should be some kind of a law prohibiting non-U.S. citizens from giving up their passports to anyone for whatever reason. I don’t see how any so-called church can seize and hold onto the passports of “volunteers” and justify it as “freedom of religion.” Resident aliens should not be permitted to hand over their passports to ANYONE – on pain of quick deportation.
I don’t see anything draconian about this. If such a law were in place, the orgs would be even emptier than they are now.
I believe it is illegal.
God. There are no words.
“Suddenly everything snapped into clear view” The moment of reality. I can only hope this happens to those damned souls still in the hell of scientology. Blessings to you and your family, Quailynn. Telling your harrowing story and appearing on Mike and Leah’s program will help others to have that wonderful – and scary – moment when “everything snapped into clear view.”
You achieved the real OT 8, Truth Revealed when you went to the Freewinds. Its a nasty truth but it did lead to you being more aware, grateful and free. Please file a report with your government, the FBI, etc. Get the word out to as many people as possible. Well done on keeping your integrity and finding your way out despite everything.
You absolutely win. No question. Love, light and peace to you and your family.
It strikes me that disconnection is used in many extremist religions as a form of threat to keep one in line with ideology. I recently watched a movie, One of Us, about the insular workings of the Hasidic Jewish community in Brooklyn where disconnection is used to keep women, especially, in line from wanting more than 10 kids and a husband. We know it’s used in the Amish community, as well. But, this tribal mentality is more ideologically driven than Scientology’s reasons for disconnection. In Scientology, there’s a protective measure to ensure that people don’t find out about the millions of dollars basically exhorted and extorted from its members. And, as the flock gets wiser, the flock shrinks and hence the coffers reduce. Meanwhile, people’s lives are destroyed in multiple ways. Keeping the ignorant ignorant is a key to keeping them in line. Therefore, if you allow people to get therapy with real psychologists and psychiatrists they may discover the truth about the fleecing of he congregants. So self-serving… glad you all woke up and got away even if the price to pay was losing people you can no more convince than you were convincable then…. hope you continue finding your lives filled with meaning and love…
Yes it definitely does happen in other religions. I was in a Christian fundamentalist group for 13 years and when I left I was considered “dead”, which means if you see people you grew up with on the street they walk by you as if you don’t exist. But Scn takes it to an extreme level that is mind-boggling with the stalking and relentless persecution. Effing creeps. My experience with the fundamentalists kept me from diving in deeply with Scn, thank god. These ideologies know that family is the core, and if they can break that up and hold it against a person, they own them. It takes courage to leave everyone you know and love. It’s lonely if there is no support. But it can be done. More and more I’m seeing people escape Scn and with Mike and Leah’s work there is a network of support.
There can be bad people in any religion. Abusers need to be exposed, plain and simple. This article does a nice job of summarizing a lot of years of anguish and pain due to official abuse of power. It does seem like what happened to them is policy, not individuals making bad choices.
Well yah that is the thing. I thought at first that it was isolated incidents that went against policy, since it seemed so contrary to the first things they had taught me about “ARC”. But I did an examination of policy and much of the disgusting abuse I saw was OK by policy.
“Ron” wasn’t concerned with making his juniors be good little boys and girls. By that he didn’t mean something like sucking cock on Hollywood Boulevard – that would be disgusting! He only meant abusing one’s juniors: SRAing then into emotional oblivion, slamming them into walls, flushing their heads in toilets, forcing them to kill their babies, that sort of stuff.
He seemed to really like the idea of putting people who he knew to be cruel into positions of power. He just asked that they temper the lightning with some sunshine every so often. Made sure those disgusting cock sucking faggots couldn’t be execs though. He abused and ran off McMaster, how was the most civilized person anyone had ever met. LOVED the vicious Roos’s and Miscaviges. At least Roos had the good grace to recant his vicious abusive ways at the end, unlike Miscavige or so many other CofSers who used their position of power to harm their juniors.
Hubbard made disconnection a Scripture-based issue, so it’s VERY idealogical.
In a October 27 1964 policy “Policies on physical healing, Insanity and Sources of Trouble” Hubbard details; “Persons intimately connected with persons (such as marital or familial ties) of known antagonism to mental or spiritual treatment or Scientology”. So thats law. Any person who speaks derogatorily of Scientology potentially loses their family. There are probably 10-15 policies that Hubbard wrote that are along the same lines. Scientology is dead serious about making absolute zero out of your family and they will show you all sorts of “technical” policy written by the infallible Hubbard, (who was a big family man-NOT) as to why losing your family is in your best interest. (Technically speaking of course, they always know better about you than you do)
They were fortunate enough to be able to leave together with their children.
Thank you for telling your story about how Scientology really works.
Scientology truly is a science of shattering families, financially ruining people and putting people into total confusion so they can get their money and have them work for free.
It is amazing how Scientology charges hundreds of thousands of dollars for their Total Bridge to Confusion…
and puts many obstacles in your way you have to overcome…
so you become invested heavily where you will have to BE RIGHT…about everything Scientology and COB tell you..
you become a robot and allow Scientology INC to do your thinking so they can control everything in your life – especially family and your bank accounts.
It is amazing you were able to break out of that trap.
Thank you Mike and Leah, Tony Ortega and all of the other brave souls who are paving a path to freedom from trapped and enslaved Scientologists.
Thank you – especially for providing a “SAFE PLACE” to land for Ex Cult members of Scientology.
Scientology is not science it is make believe and lies with abuses. Most science projects can be proven right or wrong. Scientology does not even educate the children. So when these wee lads and lassies come to live in real world they are scared and forsaken because the cherch told all not to care or loving them as family to loving the mighty $ sign. I would not hesitate to help those who need some education to be able to live with the sane ones. No child should be lost to this sick ass cult. We could picket on the sidewalk because that is public property. I have sinned in my life but now forgiven by God, so I have nothing to hide or be ashamed of bring on the harassment. Satan (DM) will not win and will be thrown into the pit of hell and you could say “What’s up LRH”.
wow. what an inspiring story.
Quailynn, thank you for telling your story. The show you appeared on was great, but this explained what you have been through so well. I’m amazed at your strength.
Thank you for sharing your incredible story, and congratulations for seeing through this predatory cult and escaping its clutches. Your heartfelt testimony will undoubtedly help others to do so, too.
I can’t help but wonder if there is any line of morality, family, loyalty, and honor that Scientology hasn’t already or would refuse to cross in pursuit of money!
Your story brings me to tears, Quailynn. I am so glad that you and Paul are out, and your children and your Mom are with you. I truly hope your sister and brother wake up to the evil of this organization and join you in freedom. I am sure they have doubts, but so deeply buried due to the abuse they have endured. You are in my heart.
Quailynn, Wow, I was speechless at your story. Leah show didn’t have enough time to give this the weight it deserved, so I am glad you told it here. The church has sunk to a new low in my estimation. To tell you to go get your husband’s 401K or divorce him, or be declared. These were your choices. That is how they split up families, by turning spouse against spouse and using the disconnection club. You did the right thing! I”m so glad you got out with your kids and mom and husband! And they did the same thing to me re going to all your friends and acquaintances to ask them to write KR’s on you, just looking for dirt to use in the Com Ev. And if none had any dirt, then make it up and lie. This is the way of the “church” of Scientology. Enjoy the free world now that you are out.
Sometimes I think about that demonic little weasel Tommy Davis, and the evil little Machiavellian stunts he has pulled over the years. I don’t know why your post in particular reminded me of that creep.
He is smart enough, but not brave enough, to fess up to his crimes. He has slithered off to enrich himself in other ways.
It all makes me so angry.
Hell. That’s the definition of Scientology. To go through something like this and be convinced you’ll come back again and again to repeat it. A hellish ground hog day for all of eternity. That should be enough to get those in, out. I hope your family that is still in will eventually wake up.
Oh Miss Quailynn!! Celebrating your unfuckwithableness with you and your family!! Thank you for sharing your experiences.
Mike, Christie, Leah, all friends, and commenters,
This is the most important question ever.
What do YOU think comes after death?
Jesus putting his arms around you and any sins are forgiven?
It is not for us to know? (Who came up with that rule?)
Please explain or provide thoughts.
Debbie —
With all due respect, how is that the most important question? This is a heartbreaking story of what the cult of $cientology does to families. Has absolutely nothing to do with god or what may or may not come after death.
Wow Quailynn, an amazing story and so heartbreaking. I understand completely what you have gone through as I have experienced it too. Losing one of my sons and all my siblings is heartbreaking. My husband and I are also unbreakable and stronger than ever. Despite the loss of family, we have freedom we never felt before. It is incredible that they put people through this hell, even paying public.
I really have noticed over the years the gap between SO, staff and public gradually entering a gray area of “sameness” in Scientology. Once there were easily recognized (but growing with resentment) demarcation lines from within looking out. Now it’s all blended into one big mess that has blinded all Scientologists still remaining in. They truly rally around the wrong flag. Being paying public doesn’t shield you from anything, it just means you’re more of a target. Being a Scio whale is another thing again, where stupidity, blackmail and self imposed threats of consequences if they don’t keep giving have melded together. Of course some of ’em are just assholes!
The best revenge is living well.
Very well done for the courage to confront the bullies! You earn ex-Scientologist uber meretricious honors with cherries on top.
A true success story of love and loyalty winning out over viciousness and vindictiveness. Quailyn, Paul, daughters and grandma … you are all lucky to have one another and are one truly inspirational family!
Just think of all the money you wasted on cos……your Daughters could have made better use of it!
No, Python, no escapee from Scientology need worry about money already spent on Scientology. That is a fruitless enterprise. It’s gone, it’s in the past, they sure aren’t going to give anyone a refund for services rendered, and will fight tooth and nail to keep the money on account for future services not yet rendered.
Everyone has money regrets and other life regrets and none of us can go back in time to reverse what we did – at best we can make amends for hurts, or learn and do better next time. ‘Don’t cry over spilled milk’ is one of grandma’s best life lessons.
Scientology develops such a firm grip on people over time – it becomes almost unbelievable. Almost. But in true brainwashing fashion, that grip they have is very very real – up to the point of enlightenment, and usually a bit beyond.
People were hounding this couple for more money not out a sense of right or wrong or need, but to get their 10% commission and placate their supervisors. CoS had already abused the couple, and intended to abuse them further. They are never satisfied with the current donation, the demand for another is just around the corner. The church certainly does not need more money; they’ve shown by building Ideal Morgs that they can not responsibly spend the money they already have.
I find the McDaniel’s experiences inspiring, but frightening. If that is how CoS treats people who have donated tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars, I have to believe they treat the church peons even worse – and now I know they do, thanks to a number of great books, reports, movies, and documentary programs. Learning that CoS abused a woman who had already paid so much money, and was paying through the nose to be on their ship, and who only wanted to pay them thousands more to get an OT 8 certificate, that to me is mind boggling – and just plain stupid on many levels.
I wish the McDaniels all the best as they continue their life outside of Scientology.
I hope all those who sent in bogus KR reports will reflect on their own integrity, learned from Scientology.
Ammo – EVERYthing you said up there & the way you said it was excellent! If you look backwards when you drive, ride a bike, run or walk, you FALL or at best, can’t proceed forward well at all!
It is this looking back or constant “what-ifs” that keep us all from healing in SO many arenas… the unhealthy relationship – “I’ve invested so much time & history,” the bad investment – “But I’ve already put so much money in it, it CAN’T be a losing proposition,” etc. and so on… that’s exactly what CO$ WANTS people to do and that’s why there are layers to peel and the heal.
Looking forward is what seems to have gotten every ex-Scientologist out, whose story I’ve heard. Knowing it will just happen again and again possibly worse next time, knowing what their children will be subject to, their marriage… Looking forward then moving towards it with resolve is what’s gotten Quailynn, Mike, Leah, Lois, Mary… and countless others out and FREE!
I recently had two dear friends, one of 50 years and the other 49 years contact me to say they had been told to disconnect from me. Knowing what their stress level would become, I wished them both well, told them I would never cease loving them…and let them go. I doubt I’ll ever hear from either again. But the hope will continue.
So sorry to hear about that Peter. It’s in the quieter moments such things resonate loudest. Best of luck with moving on minus 2 dear friends that would have never have left you if they understood what the truth is about Scientology. Tough gig buddy.
Scientology is such a fuck up of a religion!
That’s just sad, Peter.
I suggest that everyone KEEP all receipts or evidence of money paid to the Co$. There are continued attempts to get refunds and eventually one of them will be successful. It might only accrue to your heirs, but a few pieces of paper kept kept in a safety deposit box could reap benefits. I split scn in 1982 and the only piece of paper that miraculously survived in the bottom of a trunk is my Minister Certificate. I’m thinking about framing it.
Scientology and it’s founder are the exact opposite of what they pretend to be. The cult of greed is the creation of a malevolent satanic narcissist obsessed with power, domination and illimités wealth. It takes long to be able to lift the vail and see the truth.
Unreal, so glad you guys are out. Thanks for sharing your story.
It is heartbreaking to hear stories like yours I’ve heard so many since the aftermath show and some of the books I’ve read but it’s still shocking. Keep your head held high and keep smiling you deserve it.
Wow we r talking… 1.depriving a civilian of there free will and means of protection. 2.Kidnapping 3.extortion 4.terroristic threats 5.defamation of character 6.stalking 7.assault(no physical contact)(battery is physical contact of any kind ie. A poke in the chest/pat on the back) along with many other common crimes and even federal offences like however they went thru his 401k or mail or fraudulent acct Access . probably the most n depth clear cut case against COS ive seen showing there malicious callousness. although well mapped route w the intent 2 extort u both as well as your mother. U were denied of your God given AND most basic civil rights when u were kidnapped and incarcerated on that boat. You would have a HELL OF A CASE id would say with a high success rate civil rights cases are almost always airtight. If u could weather the storm and it SURELY looks like uve got the strength to last the 12 rounds it would surely take to topple an opponent such as COS . crystal clear pain n suffering theft and malicious intent showing a level reaching punitive awards. I know wen the smoke clears we just want big problems to go away but sometimes we need to dive right back into the frey and put a foot down and bring the fight back to them. Im extremely proud of u guys it’s Just amazing .i wish u guys the best!
(once more!!..into the trenches!!!!)
And when we point all these things out they will scream “religious persecution” from the mountaintops. What we need is a judge who will say “No, these are violations of the Criminal code.”
I’m a never-in and so many stories, like this one, I’m hearing in some detail for the first time. My mind goes utterly blank at how this can be called a religion by anyone. This might not have started out as my fight but it is now. Please make room in the trench for me.
Welcome to the war.
I’d love to declare that.
Oh, I think you’ve pretty well made your intentions known Dude. Maybe we should petition for “prisoners are optional,” just to underline it?
You just did.
Sign me.up.
I was somewhat lucky as I did not have to decide whether or not to take any more abuse. I merely had to decide whether or not to live or die. Then, having decided to live; I had to oppose a coordinated and persistent effort of the part of my former comrades to ensure my death. I realize that this is a serious allegation. I have spelled it out previously on the blog and will be happy to do so again if anyone is interested. I have actual evidence in the form of medical reports from a doctor the Freewinds sent me to.
A raised middle finger and a clenched fist on the other hand sometimes is far more effective than words – fuck them! I hope you get a chance to reverse the flow Bill.
Just Hummin’…
Damn right. I was never involved with this atrocity, but I do everything I can to inform people of what it’s really about. I’ve written letters to govt officials. I’ve donated to almost every ex-$ci who sincerely needed help for whatever reason. I’ve donated to Mike & Tony’s blogs as a show of my never ending support. This is everyone’s fight as far as I’m concerned.
Good points, Ron Bennett Jr. I would think that confiscating your passport and refusing to give it back until they deemed it was OK to do so, that must be breaking some law shouldn’t it? When I went to the Ship, I walked up the gangplank and the head honcho was at the top and he asked for my passport. I gave it to him and he looked at it and didn’t give it back. I asked for it back. He refused. I asked again. I TR3ed it several times and he said that no, they keep it in a safe on the ship so that the public “don’t lose it or get it stolen.” I said I would take that chance and to give it to me. He finally said no, this is the rule and if you don’t give me your passport for safe keeping, you can’t come on the Ship. I should have turned around and left right then.
I am so thankful to the real, One True God for saving you from the living hell you went thru and still deal with! What you all went thru in the (fake) religion called scientology is actually hurting my brain and my heart. I can’t fathom each new story of a persons life I hear, it’s all unbelievable yet I certainly believe. Before Leah’s show, I was unaware of what scientology was all about. I was unaware. I am ashamed I never heard before of the torture and beyond that go on. I knew RLH was a fake but did not realize to what extent. Thank you for sharing on national TV and opening our eyes to the horror. There is not much we outsiders can do to help those on the inside, but I have been praying for the swift take down of the whole big machine that thinks it is unbreakable. It will happen. No one longs for that day more than those of you who have suffered, still suffer. I live in a small area where there is no scientology. Is there anything that those of us who don’t have a clue what to do to help – can do to help? Thanks again for sharing your story and may God give you strength, healing and love to help you cope and be completely free of your encounters with sic!!!!
Susan, just use your words to tell others. The good news is, they are shrinking rapidly! Google Scientology and read what pops up. And thanks for being a caring person.
God Bless you Ms. McDaniel, you, your husband and family are as brave as Mike Rinder and Leah Remini and I wish all the blessings in the world and I pray for you and your family that you will continue to heal. And I also pray that that cult you once belonged to does implode and goes straight to hell where they belong!
Many hugs and blessings on you and your family. Your courage is awesome. So is your strength. You have won. Now recover and prosper. Thank you for speaking the truth.
Its nice to hear a Scientology story that ends well. Quailynn,your brother and Meghan live near me. About three years ago I had a garage sale,and Megahn stopped by with her newborn daughter . I have to tell you,and I’m not just saying this. Your niece is absolutely adorable. I hope that someday very soon, you will be able to reconnect with all three of them. Thanks for sharing your story. BTW, I remember you and Paul from the Bellaire Mission, years ago when Kathy was assisting you in opening your own mission. I had always wondered what happened to you two. Now I know.
Oh Quailynn thank you for sharing your story. I remember reading your story on Tony’s site and I wonder if I would be as strong under so much mental distress. I can’t imagine. And the disconnection email from Bodhi Elfman just because Paul liked a Facebook post. The religion that says Think for yourself, obviously doesn’t let anyone think for themselves. I’m glad you are out in the world and realized that we aren’t bad, that there are good people out here too. I’m glad you’ve found therapy and although it must have felt “sinful” for lack of a better word at first, that you have found yourself helped and that the trauma is starting to dissipate. Check mate indeed! Congratulations!
So glad you got yourselves & children out of the cult!
That’s a win for all of us!
An amazing story of survival and recovery! I am a recovering “fundamentalist” (Southern Baptist). I am formulating my own thoughts on paper of my experience in a screwed up “church”. The level of dysfunction and mind control are not the same in these two churches, however. It’s not that the brainwashing is not as complete in both churches. The biggest difference is that Scientology attempts (and many times succeeded’s) at a complete and utter take over of a members life, money, soul and relationships and that is their goal. Southern Baptist’s, on the other hand really do mean well (most of the time) as they attempt to do what they believe is the only “right” thing in the world. But both churches dogma has damaged and hurt many. As much as I regret falling prey to the steady, slow brainwashing in the Southern Baptist tradition, my experience was totally different from a Scientologists. Don’t ever stop your brave, daring and oh so necessary mission Mike, Leah and all of the other rebels with a huge cause. I hope you all DO succeed at clearing the planet of Scientology and it’s devastating after math.
Ah, the southern baptists: their death grip on the idea that they are the only people in the world that have it right. 🙂 No, they don’t have the evil intent and the disconnection of the COS but their condescending attitude and that look that says “you poor dumb fool” is enough to drive you crazy. I don’t begrudge anyone their beliefs (well, only the COS lol) but i just could never get behind any of it. Even as a child in vacation bible school, i remember thinking, none of this makes any sense. Best of luck to you!
I’m right there with you, Tierney. The Jehovah’s Witnesses think they’re the only ones that are going to some place called heaven. Ditto with the Seventh Day Adventist and the Mormons. Religion…Bah! Humbug!
ylfrith, I also come from a Southern Baptist tradition. SB’s have the best Statement of Faith of any Christian Church on the planet. Sounds to me you never had any faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Faith in Jesus the Christ of Nazareth and Him being the only way, the truth and the light is the ministry of the Holy Spirit since He leads us into Truth. You either believe or you don’t there isn’t any brainwashing to it.
I had nothing to do with it, I passed nothing. I wasn’t even there! I’m innocent I tell you, innocent!!!!
But…but, I saw you there!
No no no! That was a cardboard cut out! Truly it was, it came up in a sec check of Edward Scissorhands.
I Yawnalot:
In Scn if you were not there it is an overt of omission. If you were there it is an overt of comission. Either way you are guilty as charged.
LOL, there is no escape when you sip the kool-aide.
If that’s what you want to do fine and no SB is gonna come to your door calling you names and trying to debase you and ruin your life.
SB’s do not go to your door. My experience has been that SB’s on the West Coast of Florida try to meet people in public places. For example, we have an SB who runs patrol on the local hamburger shop trying to get people into discussions. I know this for a fact because he roped me in and I fell for it. The problem with him is that he starts preaching and that is not a good thing. If you belong to an organization, you might give out a warning on this. We have ordinances against it and I would not like to see him injured.
George I have never heard of SB’s doing that.
I wish I had his phone number. You could call him for me. He really is a well-intentioned person. We have had a great deal of trouble with SB’s. My son was pelted with water balloons. My daughter was shunned. Contractor laughed at our misfortune. I do not feel warm and fuzzy.
This gentleman also placed me in hell in the hamburger shop!
People avoided him after that.
I’m a devout Christian and my uncle (RIP) was a Southern Baptist Minister for much of his life. It’s not fair to say another must never have had “real” faith. Sadly there are MANY cults or cult-like situations within “our own yard” if you will.
The same Gospel you’re recommending also talks about not casting stones, the danger in judgement, and one of the best “where there’s much talking, there’s much sin.” The more important thing is to share the LOVE of that Gospel and live your life like a light on a lamp stand – one that speaks for itself.
That’s not accomplished through being exclusive, judging others etc. Yes, the standard response is to call out verses that talk about sin, confronting the sin, etc… those apply to those who CHOOSE to believe and ASK to be under His law, and even then, many Christians mis-use those to abuse one another.
One of Jesus’ loudest messages was directed NOT at those who didn’t believe (he generally ate meals, loved on and blessed those who didn’t know God and came to hear…) but for the highest of the high of those who believed… the Pharisees! He was calling them out for the SAME behavior so many of “us” exhibit today. THAT is why so many want nothing to do with God or the Bible… Christians! And that’s so sad to me that us believers who aren’t careful and kind with our words and actions are the greatest deterrent for someone wanting to know God or Christ!
jenny when I see someone say that Christianity is brainwashing and a person is a recovering fundamentalist then it’s time to call a spade a spade.
Bonnie, I am a recovering fundamentalist. You can’t and don’t know my story. It has been a gradual, yet complete unraveling from fundamentalism to spiritual freedom. I had a huge reason to step out side of the fundamentalist bubble. I have an amazing gay son who was spiritually and emotionally abused in our former fundamentalist church and school. If you don’t have any skin in the game, you will continue to only hear the hallelujah’s and amen’s in the vacuum of your pew.
It’s not “calling a spade a spade.” He/she wasn’t referring to ALL SB’s, but specifically identified being involved with a fundamentalist SB group. It’s akin to the average Christian vs Pat Robertson or Westboro Baptist. You’ve got the fundamentalists that are into legalism & control – that’s NOT what the Bible’s about.
Similarly, the vast majority of Muslims are devout, kind, “normal” people but then you get groups that start out as “trying to reign things in” that then become … fundamentalists, want to bring back Sharia law, they then morph into ISIS, Al Queda, etc… My brother served in special forces in Iraq over a 10-yr period. He saw it first-hand and said it really shows you how dangerous these extreme groups start and then morph into something terrible.
That’s what people here are against. The other issue is that many have been burnt by religion and are healing from that. When someone has escaped a cult that controlled family, mind, body, the LAST thing anyone will respond to is another religion or well-intentioned individual providing a new set of “rules” that, if they only follow this, believe that… then this amazing thing happens.
Besides, as we both know, God wants people to CHOOSE Him, to have a heart for him… actions aren’t where any of it starts. Jesus didn’t say, “Go to your local church, get a bible and check out all the rules, start following them & we’ll talk…” He, in fact, said, “Come to me, all who are weary…” That difference in perspective makes ALL the difference in the world!
It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven. This abomination of a church does not dispel demons from anyone. They add a million more, and then some. Thanks for being such a wonderful example an inspiration Quailynn.
What great people , scientologists are good people just lead in the wrong direction.
My question is
Why here in uk are we not effected and find the whole situation crazy
I’m a methodist and find the description that scientologist is a church abhorant
Yes it is Absolutely abhorrent. At least some governments and nations have criminalized L.Ron Hubbard and all of his works being considered organized crime .so bravo 2 the mighty few that refused 2 exposed their societies to this con artist.
Scientology sort of snuck up under the veil of religious protectionism. By the time anyone really noticed, lawyers were already making good money from it. Governments aren’t all that protective of their constituents when it come to legal, financial and vested interest dominance. They tend to turn a blind eye to those that know their rules as good as, or better than they do. Plus, being in the public eye is whole trip in itself, it’s dangerous to fall out of favor of that which protects you. Generally politicians in power are too busy working on maintaining their status quo rather than to seek tackling difficult wrongs, especially constitutionally or religiously linked issues like Scientology.
I feel the good news is, this is all changing with regard to Scientology. It’s already been defanged to a major degree than what it use to be. The trend downwards for its survival is accelerating.
The number of amazing escapes (even if it is your own mind) and tales of bravery are both heartbreaking and a testiment to the strength of the human spirit. Someday like war movies they will make films about these stories…so glad this one has a happy ending although all wins are bitter sweet.
I wonder if her sister will start to wake up as well. This could be the best thing for her as well as this all plays out.
Bryan – I agree! Hearing that their Mom (Grandma) stayed out with Q & Paul was very powerful! I hope that being stripped of their family by CO$ AND seeing that Quailynn (who reached the highest echelons and yet look what happened?!?!…) could leave at that point in her bridge will cause some questioning deep down. Scientology has ALWAYS underestimated the power of love and family!
A war story all right
In my experience it was like a shooting war in which you are shot at by both sides at once. It was only a matter of time before I was shot regardless of what I did.
Very well done! Stories like these will save lives and families. I am so sorry this has happened and cannot believe the strength you and your husband demonstrated in overcoming this suppressive group!
How amazing more power to you both the strength is in you keep on keeping on….thank you for sharing .