Things must be desperate at Flag.
They are GIVING AWAY “free” accommodations for your quarantine stay if you come to Flag now and complete a service before March 13.
You still have to pay for your food. They’re not going to give away something that costs them anything. Putting people in empty rooms only incurs the cost of the lights and some hot water for showers. The rooms would be there sitting empty otherwise. The slave labor Sea Org maids are there — if they don’t have any rooms to clean they have them writing letters.
What is most remarkable about this is they still have their quarantine rules in place at all… If you have tested positive for COVID they are not going to let you arrive at all. This is for those who DONT HAVE Covid.
Desperate times call for desperat measures. Giving something away for free is definitely a desperate measure.
A fabulous find! Kudos to the MM (Mike’s Mole) who leaked this. First time I’ve ever heard of Flag offering free hotel rooms. Oh, they’re desperate, alright.
To: Aquamarine
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: Lies about comped hotel rooms
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: the Scientology hotel network.
Don’t get all out of joint. Who wants to stay in your Fleabag Inn anyway?
No love at all
Talk about broom closet: Wasn’t Oak Cove a former crew berthing? Will the FCCIs (or whatever they’re called these days) be stuffed into their “rooms”/dorms in 3-high (or 4-high) bunk beds? What about married FCCIs or families? Back in the day, I recall outer-org-trainees were treated like crew — or worse, if possible.
To: Jere Lull
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: outer-org guests.
Listen, Jere, if that is your real name, we have never treated public from other orgs as crew! We only reserve that treatment for SPs like yourself. So start making case gain by stopping the spread of all this entheta like how we treat guests. Your eternity may very well depend on it.
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: Above comment.
No love at all,
In RETAIL this is called a loss-leader. You sell something at a loss to get people in the door where they’re enticed to spend on other items that you have a good profit margin on.
2 weeks of free quarantine – with strings attached. Only get the “freebie” if it is followed by staying in one of their other hotels for the duration and then only if you complete whatever “program” you are there for without leaving.
In scientology, NOTHING is for free; it’s gotta be pre-purchased at the greatest cost they can get away with. $50k for a “lear package” is their idea of a ‘loss leader’, from what I’ve seen.
Two weeks of “accommodations”; Does NOT include meals and any other extras. They don’t even bother mention the ‘quality’ of the accommodations, I notice. As I read it, they could be offering you a pop-up tent you can pitch in the courtyard area. As long as they’re “socially distanced”, they’re okay in Florida, I guess.
I just noticed: It’s ONLY for “Major services”. For what the scibots pay for services there, bottom-tier accommodations are a minor cost of doing business.
ANYTHING to get money in the door.
AND the clock for having to pay full freight for accommodations starts AFTER the “quarantine”.That will bring in MEGAbucks for each sheeple unwise enough to take the offer. They’re expert at stringing the marks along with reviews and repairs and sec-checks which can chew up many weeks, many intensives.
NOTHING that they went there to do will be done until after the “quarantine period”.
So-o-o, their stay at Flag will just start and end a couple of weeks after they’re scheduled to start & end = NO loss for Flag, MUCH more spent by the marks.
‘Free’ Quarantine Rooms. I see that ‘Free’ is not really free. If you look at the ‘Qualifications’ to receive these ‘free’ rooms you will notice that you have to ‘graduate’ or ‘attest’ to whichever course(s) you have signed up for at Flag AND (the big caveat) you have to spend the duration of your stay (after quarantine) in one of their flea bag hotels (Oak Cove, Fort Harrison, Sand Castle, or Osceola). So I would say that when you check in they grab that CC and put 2 weeks on it and when (and if) you meet qualifications you will receive a refund…or maybe they have a way to put it on hold. Either way I am betting that only a handful will meet these ‘qualifications’ and if they do when they get their CC bill they will see they’ve been charged for the stay anyway. I mean this IS the CO$. Every ex here has a story of being rooked for money on services, stays, etc.
I am positive that you could find cheaper accommodations in or near Flag than at one of their overpriced flea bag hotels. With VRBO and Airbnb you can find nice houses or apartments fairly cheap especially in the off season. Some of these poor people will end up spending months at Flag especially if they are Reg fodder. How many people have gone for one service to be regged for multiple services once they got there. If you stay anywhere else you don’t get that ‘free’ 2 weeks.
And what’s with the 2 week quarantine anyway. Restrictions have been lifted. It all boils down to Cap’n Dave’s paranoia of death. It comes straight from him that every SO is to be vaccinated (why not just make a blanket edict that every Sci has to be Vaxxed? Oh that’s right most Sci are anti-Vax and he might lose $). If you so much as cough or sniffle you’re quarantined. He’s that paranoid. Some SO have spent months in isolation. God forbid you have allergies. Then the SO are told to lie about vaccination to the public. It’s like watching dominoes. One falls after another and soon there won’t be any left. Tick Tock David. If Covid don’t get him the Decon 7 he’s breathing in (highly toxic I might add) will.
If you guys haven’t read the new UTR reports over at the Underground Bunker I highly recommend it. Several are coming out and spilling the beans on life inside the SO during the pandemic. It is truly hell.
PS…my comments seem to just vanish into the ether…if this one doubles Mike or Admin please remove one of them.
Linear13 – It’s possible that you need to let the edit feature run out on a comment before exiting the blog or possibly making an additional comment for the comment or comments to “transmit” but that’s a guess.
With Davey-boy’s earlier asthma problems,
I doubt that he could stand living in a place that had been Decon 7ed. His lungs would protest too much.
In the old days you’d be hauled into Ethics for promoting “Free service, free fall.”
Do people really go to Flag to do things like Student Hat and the PTS/SP course? Has that always been the case or is this an example of Flag cannibalizing the outer orgs as Scn shrinks?
Potomac. SCN has been in its cannibalization phase for a few years now and it is getting worse and worse.
Since the most important statistic is the SO reserves – which should show how scn and DM are doing – this autophagy will continue as long as the only thing left is a mouth still trying to bite (its true essence).
This looks to me like the acceleration of a longstanding trend of cannibalizing the local orgs’ business. And it fits with some other reports to similar effect.
According to at least one account the nearby Belleair mission, which apparently was one of the largest and busiest because they got a lot of the low level business from the community in the shadow of Flag, has been hollowed out during the pandemic. They currently list hours reduced by half or more to just weekdays and not even the weekend, so perhaps Flag has taken over their business as well.
yes to both; FLOG cannibalizes outer orgs’ publics AND some fools really do choose to do the basic courses at FLAG0. It’s always been the case. The thing is: Flag is closer to the top of the pyramid, so its income has a much more direct route into “Sea Org reserves”, which is where most of scn’S free cash is squirreled away (pun intended).
But, but, but that is a suppressive act. LOL!
It’s an SP act ONLY if Davey didn’t directly authorize/order it.
Does one HAVE to do quarantine in Florida? I thought you did not in this State? Well that two weeks will be hell!! Reg. Reg. Reg. Told you are suppressing the planet if you don’t pay! Ugh
correct. Florida has no quarantine or other rules like that.
Rosemarie, one doesn’t have to do the RPF, either. It’s just Scientology making its own rules, which in this case are based loosely on some of what was considered good practice very early in the pandemic, and before the introduction of vaccines, rapid tests, etc.
It does make a certain sense for dealing with a customer base that they can’t ask to get vaccinated, due to the prevalence of pseudo-scientific and anti-medical attitudes that Hubbard’s Scientology itself cultivates. They’re trying to cater to that while still avoiding outbreaks of disease that could become a ‘PR flap’, just like in the aftermath of Lisa McPherson’s unfortunate case they tightened up screening and banned anyone with even a hint of mental instability from setting foot on Flag.
Mike said, “Desperate times call for desperat measures. Giving something away for free is definitely a desperate measure”
We already told you, It’s a Final count down, 9 months back.
Age of Paranoia where you have confusion chaos and censorship.
Yesterday Tony mentioned, the permanent staff members now required to get vaccinated but same time maintain its denial in front of followers.
Soon entering the Age of decay, every product goes through that final state ,be it obsolete technology or a Cult.
Only way out , go to Midwest in an agrarian community, isolate for next 50 years ,atleast.
Start new chapter of friendship with WOGs by investing in poultry farming and dairy farming.
Try to win their heart through their taste buds.
Just for reminder, it’s not me , it’s written on the wall….😉
Its the Golden Age of Consolidation!
Watch Flog gobble up one M’Org after another!
Hubbard Schmubbard; HCOPLs be damned; Flog is Hungry, you dig?
Hey, Still Ins: the next M’Org that vanishes could be yours.
And once your M’Org’s public is plucked and coerced to get all its services at Flog instead of at their hometown Ideal M’Org, once this happens to you, you’ll learn the hard way the huge difference between an organization and a building. Big difference, you see. An organization is NOT a building, you see.
But then, possibly this is dawning on you now? Better late than never.
Too bad you didn’t word-clear these terms 10 years ago, though.
If you had you might have avoided getting that 2nd mortgage, ordeclaring bankruptcy, dressing up in chicken outfits for fundraisers and of course all those Pirate Parties where you had to pretend your were having a marvelous time while the cult squeezed out every last dime out of you!
And all for nothing because anyone in your pissant Ideal M’Org is going to Flog for their services now.
Its Command Intention! Its the Golden Age of Consolidation, and The Time Is Now!
^^^, Aqua. It’s always entertaining to hear your viewpoint.
Thanks, Jere 🙂
Aqua, I think we’ve barely started to see consolidation. It’s clear the focus is moving more towards “mecca” in Clearwater, and as I’ve seen suggested the CofS may ultimately have to get rid of some of their lesser known and under-utilized properties in Southern California, though I think they will keep the prominent flagship buildings. And it’s been pointed out that even in Clearwater, they may have to consolidate in the downtown, eliminating some of the almost unknown outlying berthing as the sea org shrinks, and going back to using lodging properties for housing as guest counts go down.
The cannibalizing and hollowing out of the local orgs is certain to go on, but I expect the buildings will be kept open like Christian Science Reading Rooms, as long as DM is around and staking his reputation on the myth of “unprecedented expansion”. Whatever regime comes next is almost certain to have a real reckoning, though.
Free room for two weeks. Wow! Maybe I’ll go, stay the two weeks and then walk out. Oh, wait. Much like all the other traps in this cult they’ll likely make me pay the first two weeks rent as a deposit which will only to be applied to any weeks after the first two are used. Much like their enrollment forms that demand one take disputes to “religious arbitration”, you gotta sign and accept this or you can’t get the “service” you’ve already paid for. Traps galore.
To: Glenn
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: traps
There are no traps in Scientology! We are not seeking to entrap anyone! We are only seeking to use our super-duper straight up and vertical awesome tech to rid the world of SPs like yourself and bring sanity to an enturbulated world! We are not seeking to lie, cheat, deceive or con anyone out of money! We are the most ethical group on the planet!
So stop being entheta!
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: ethics in Scientology.
Oh, Dave! You are a riot!
No love at all,
I totally agree that free accomos is a sign of the façade cracking.
We are watching the slow disintegration of the choich as it existed in 2018 – 2019.
Season with the developments surrounding the world-wide pandemic reaction/overreaction, giving sheeple (I’m formerly a sheeple) with time to think, look, realize.
Existing outer orgs have fallen to the ground and are rotting. Only the regging for yet to be built ideal orgs is alive. That is where most all remaining energy is being expended.
“We need BIS!!!!” It isn’t for the completions, it’s for creating reg-able public where there aren’t enough.
What sort of shifts will Mini-Me come up with to resolve that?
A box of Girl Scout cookies for a completion?
Only the S.O. run orgs have a heartbeat, faint as it is.
Sad as this all is, my friends are still racing each other up the bridge. Kids are still be signed to billion year contracts. PI’s are still being paid. Lawyers are being paid. Click farms are being paid. Staff aren’t being paid.
MANY of us are “former sheeple”. No need to explain, Dotey. being “former” is a sign of survival instincts.
To: Dotey OT
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: allegations of failing orgs.
OUR ORGS ARE NOT FAILING! You only believe that because that evil, rotten Rinder wants you to! I need you to visit one of our lovely orgs and see the buzz of activity that occurs!
Again, our orgs are not failing!
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: above comment.
Who are you kidding?
No love at all,
I thought Florida suspended lockdowns, mandates and quarantines. Is this something scn specific?
Richard, the 13th Amendment stopped indentured servitude – and yet the CofS continues to practice it internally. This is also Scientology specific. See my other response explaining what I think they’re doing.
PeaceMaker – Got it. From a practical point of view the quarantine makes sense. If the sea org live in cramped crowded quarters a single “infected” public making it into the HGC might cause the whole “team” to get infected and they’d need to hang out a sign “Temporarily Out Of Service”.
Richard, it’s probably more to try to protect customers, as the Sea Org have reportedly been forced to be vaccinated already. Scientology’s peddling of pseudo-science and anti-medical attitudes has cultivated a following of people now very resistant to conventional health advice and practices, including getting vaccinated, and that’s now come back to bite them regarding the ‘public’ members with whom they don’t have quite the same totalitarian control that they do over the Sea Org. (Also, they also seem to be losing a lot of key longtime members to earlier than normal deaths from more everyday conditions not properly addressed)
Plus they probably do still have a problem that with sea org members, who tending to be older as well as suffering from other risk factors like chronic sleep deprivation and smoking, that they are more likely to have severe cases of COVID or die if they do get a breakthrough infections.
Come to think of it, a fair number of the sea org are likely to end up suffering from long covid regardless, and that’s going to be hard for a merciless organization that expects people to work 90 to 120 hours a week, to deal with.
Richard— scientology has been “out of service”
ever since Dwarfenführer® ascended to power. He doesn’t even bother to promise unattainable powers he then has to seem to try to delivery. All the marks receive in exchange is, perhaps, a piece of paper or an UGLY bowling trophy.
Right now, if you want to go to Flag or the ship, you have to quarantine. For the ship, you have to spend 2 weeks on an island hotel and THEN go to the ship.
If you want to go on service at your local org, you have to wear a mask & gloves full time outside the org.
CommEv’d – Thanks. Well, it’s only two weeks in this “Brief Breath Of Eternity” or whatever the expression is. :-))
Of COURSE the “quarantine” is scn-specific! Look carefully enough and you can spot the con. In scientology, there’s always some lie which results in public paying more and more, often for nothing but a piece of paper and illusory status of some sort. I bet that during the “quarantine”, they’ll have mandatory sessions with in-your-face Registrars. OR worse, if the can get away with it.
Hmmm… A Mach 13 cut-off date. A date that sounds sorta familiar. Could it be that FLAO will be doing something special that day? (For once in a very long time).
March 11 is the birthday of LRH.
I believe it was March 13th, 1911, or 101 years ago. But scn hasn’t had any blow-out events celebrating the Flounder’s life of some time.
I wrote before consuming my coffee. The Flounder would be 111 if he hadn’t “done the bunk” in ’86.
And one still has to quarantine for TWO weeks I imagine. Just unbelievable. The only out-of-towners I know who can do this are those who can work from their computers while they stay in a hotel room.
Mary, also retired people. And the children of wealth members. Which maybe tells a lot about what their current target markets are.
They can work from hotel rooms ONLY if they have wifi, telephone, and computers. I would be surprised if the marks were allowed to have any access to the real world:”Put all phones and tablets in this box” sort of thing.
This was probably approved by Miscavige, and that’s a rule that’s not going to be changed til Miscavige loosens it.
I think it’s cautious but sensible, really.
The emptiness seems par for religions’ course, and their over cautiousness is something akin to China’s authoritarian cautiousness mentality, which is effective.
Use their authoritarianism to their healthy advantage, it’s one place it “helps.”
Authoritarian help at Flag, still working for your “progress” up the quackery stepladder. And the “free” my gosh, that might be too much to put that in writing, they ought have just made it free, and not put it in writing, is all, let it be word of mouth.
Plus, same wise, when someone test positive, let them similarly go stay free there, and just not print it in ads, just let it be word of mouth.
I wonder if they are giving free rooms away in March near the LRH Birthday date because DM will make a surprise visit to speak? If so they want as many warm bodies in the audience as possible, hence the free rooms. This is a desperate measure for the church because they are so outspoken on nothing is for free. It’s pay to play all the way. It’s “Free Service Free Fall” and it’s out exchange to get something for nothing. So for them to go against all this, it just shows how they are failing and how desperate they are.
Sounds like you hit a very reasonable motive. yea, the free service free fall policy isn’t to be quibbled with, it’s cramming and ethics and worse for violators.
You can bet that any sheepbot stupid enough to take up the offer of “free accommodation” will be heavily tortured, oops, regged, into handing over a hefty donation for some spurious reason that most certainly does not involve in any way shape form being able to stay for free in a broom closet…er, room.
So true. I remember all those “free seminar” and talks. Ha! You paid for it in donations. And then thet got smart by standing in front of the doors and not letting anyone go out before they had been regged for money. I finally told one of the door nazi’s that if they didn’t let me out I’d pee on them cuz I had to go to the bathroom. Fun times.
That comment about “broom closet” flashed me a closet with 4-high bunk beds, GL. Thanks for the chuckle😚.