This was a recent article in Canada about the Quebec City “ideal” org.
There are a few things of note.
- The sleaze that scientology staff are “volunteers” has worked in a lot of countries and states. Apparently, their luck ran out in Quebec. It is a farce to claim that people who often work 60, 70 or 80 hours a week on a “staff pay system” with contracts that have enforcement clauses if the full term is not served are “volunteers.” It strains all credibility when you see the recruitment pitches to join offering $500 to $1000 per week (see last Thursday Funnies).
- As the Quebec officials note, you are either a volunteer or an employee. You cannot be a volunteer employee under the law.
- The pitch Hubbard made for “St Hill Size Orgs” is that this is the size they are “beyond the make-break point.” Miscavige proclaimed the reason orgs were NOT attaining “SH Size” was because they were not able to “perform all the functions of an org” and thus he developed the “ideal orgs.” This was supposed to make attaining SH Size possible virtually over night. After all, they STILL promote that “going Ideal” means instant “10X Expansion.”
You can see what Hubbard told the staff yourself, right on the front page of LRH ED 339R-1 on 10 October 1982.
You may not also know that he goes on for pages talking about how this sort of expansion only takes a matter of WEEKS. That if you are on purpose and decide to do it, it gets done and the only reason orgs fail to accomplish this sort of expansion is their own lack of intention to do so.
In 1982.
It is more than 35 YEARS later. And it still hasn’t happened.
In fact, the “grand opening” occurred in January 2010 (it’s cold in Quebec in January, Miscavige gave it a miss, I think very cold weather freezes his botox and he cannot talk). That is 8 1/2 YEARS ago. Hubbard would be pissed. Weeks have turned into months and now years. $70 a week is not “good” staff pay. You could not live as a homeless person on $70 a week.
Yet further evidence that scientology orgs are failing all over the world.
I remember that on the Sea Org contract it stated “Contract for Employment”.
That means that the person signing the contract was the employee and Scientology was the employer which is a business arrangement.
The words may have been changed but it certainly is the intention.
I wonder if some group chopped off heads claiming it is a First Amendment Right that the government would leave that group alone.
When I think of my time on staff, I think about that creepy youtube video called “how to start a cult”. It’s the one with the wierd music and the people running around in blue t-shirts that say ‘CULT MEMBER ‘ on the front.
Staff are fair game. if they can’t provide services then they don’t make money, should leave, get fired etc.
Hey Dave and all scientologists. Thursday stats day is creeping up on you yet again. The weeks are really flying by now, aren’t they? How is the trajectory looking on them thar’ stats?
One day the world will look back at you and ask, “Were you there? What did you do?” – TC
I have lurked on these boards for months. Being originally from Quebec, this article in particular caught my attention. However, despite reading a few articles, I haven’t read (or do not recall doing so anyways) how the pay stub got out in the first place? Ex-volunteer themselves who made it public? Anyone know how it got out?
Also, to expand on my opening about lurking, I used “lurk” as I have wanted to comment so, so many times. Anyone who was in, on whatever level of participation, who has now ultimately escaped (and I use that word with its full intended meaning) has my admiration and full support. I realize my admiration and full support most likely won’t translate into a direct benefit for any of you who were affected by this horrible group, but just wanted to let you know.
Happy trails to you all.
Thanks for posting Quebecgirl. I imagine the leak was another, of the many, Scientology whistleblowers. Mike and Leah don’t have to try to find whistleblowers, they are climbing over the fences and walls to escape and tell their story. As a ‘once-in’ like yourself, we both know it is that bad.
An OT song for all those volunteers up in Canada.
If you knew Xenu, like I know Xenu
Oh! Oh! Oh! What a guy
No bigger SP
With all them BTs
Oh! Oh! Holy Moses, what a space fleet!
We went flying, too scared to talk
To Teegeeack
Did the volcano walk
If you knew Xenu, like I know Xenu
Oh! Oh! What a guy!
Actually…Xenu and I are very good friends. He’s a bit of an odd ball, but, boy can he destroy planets!
Yeah, unfortunately he didn’t realize he was mocking it all up, so he destroyed in an uncleared state and that’s how Incident 2 came about. This data is straight out of OT XIII.
I am sure OT XIV would have been that it was all an implant of an hitherto occluded Thetan. It had mastered the ability to create Universes by Be, Do, Having 8-8008, and could mock up a Universe so convincing it trapped other Thetans. It is called, drumroll please, The Holographic Universe.
Visitor, a Compilations Unit has been established.. Mike Rinder is looking into the possibility of titanium plates in the event of nuclear incident. Coffee table books will be on sale shortly. I’ll be in charge of the Leatherbounds. There is a tremendous body of work here which must not be lost.
Great Aqua. Don’t forget my FSM commission!
🙂 🙂
I worked the best part of 30 years as a class V ‘volunteer’ and I can tell you $70 (or £45 – £50) would have been a bloody good week for most of us.
Gezzz. And the dwarf sitting on a pile of money.
Ended up having quite a chuckle over this. It suddenly dawned on me just what Keeping Scientology Working actually means. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Scientology or the Ideal Org program if you’re the boss of it!
So what if having humanity as an enemy is a result, because it sure isn’t a consequence of the tech, that stuff doesn’t work anyway, it never does what it says it does. It all began on lies, the lies grew and grew, it even developed uniforms, a chain of command, ships and attorneys on the payroll. But in the final analysis huge amounts of money and real estate resulted = Scientology works very well indeed. Geezers, even former directors of the IRS contributed to its corporate structure. It’s as safe at the top of Scientology as humanly possible, it has US constitutional protection & tax free status.
yep, Hubbard was the creator of the game, and he created a PL known as KSW to keep the game alive, along with tons of others “words of wisdom”. Little did we know. Hubbard did it thru his written word, thru his speeches (taped LRH lectures), thru his advice’s, etc,
As he said, an idea is more powerful than a bullet.
How did he do it, thru his rhetoric, thru his marketing, thru his sublime ideas of Clear and OT. He created in our minds a ideal scene just like the DM is trying to create with ideal orgs.
Only one problem, no clears, no OT’s, no soul flying astronauts, no leaving the Apollo Ship with full perception,
and in the end, Hubbard even said he failed.
I think DM is even a more fraudster than LRH and I ain’t giving LRH a pass here either, he’s an asshole too.
Well, that’s my opinion.
A tax free status attained 20 years ago by agreeing with the IRS to do many things, like give refunds when requested. If the IRS can take Leona Helmsley and Martha Stewart to task for infractions that are about 1% the size of Miscavige’s infractions, then why is Miscavige immuned to their prosecution?? Answer: he is not immuned.
Slightly off topic, but I can’t help thinking that John Travolta’s recent portrayal of John Gotti was a paean to David Miscavige.
‘Ya gotta problem wid that?
No, no. I’m good, Miss Aquamarine. If you need anything, just let me know.
Thank you my friend. I may need a favor from you one day. In the meantime, watch out for Barzini.
So it WAS Barzine!
Bring in the lawyers. Bring in the clowns. Add one more line item of debt on the org’s account. Find the person in government to attack, find their crimes, send in the undercover operatives to befriend them and learn their habits to use against them. Make up lies, then more lies. Sue, sue, sue, and more sue. Hire more PIs, hire whole families of PIs, hire generations of PIs. Attack, attack, attack, but avoid Atac. Put up attack websites, whine about religious bigotry, but never, ever give anyone time off to attend the denominational church of their choice. Compare anything to Hitler, to the Holocaust. Drown in self-pity while viciously attacking innocents. Did I mention attacking?
When all else fails, go to plan G – the garbage thiefs, laboriously picking through coffee grounds, banana peels, and wilted lettuce to discover – hey! they don’t compost!
It’s all in a day’s work for DM, the Dope of Scientology.
The Dope of Scientology. Classic!
Like the song says, Ammo:
Send in the clowns?
Don’t worry, they’re here.
Another exposure of the abuses of a so called Church. Human abuse and, as usual, it backfires.
The only good thing about the Orgs being empty is that new people won’t be harmed.
Ah, it is botox that makes Miscabage look so bad…or could it be his crimes are catching up with him? Hope so.
TO: DM (Demented Midget)
FROM: TROU (The Rest of Us)
It has come to our attention that you have seriously floofed the goof up in Quebec, Canada. You have allowed excessive pay to the ‘volunteer staff slaves’ and that sets a bad precedent. Next, you allowed an un-donation document (pay stub) out of the org. Then you failed to prevent that security breach from getting to the media (For Xenmu’s sake!!!). Then you failed to safe point the local bureaucrats and politicians as to just who is important on this planet. Next, you have become the effect of suppressive woggy laws and words that are NOT a part of SOURCE writings. REALLY!!!!!! Do we have to call Ron back from Target 74 to pull your Lobb booties up to your chin???
DIRECTIVE: Get your tiny butt out of bed and fire off a mission to those Cannoukes by warp drive. Rewrite their counter-productive laws to conform to LRH Policy. But first, back charge our slaves 100% of that money for using our facility to work in. And word clear Trudeau and all the rest of those DBs on the exact definition of all words used in the Tech dictionary and make it a High Crime for them to use any word not found in the Tech dictionary, ever again. But first, rewrite the Tech dictionary to remove unnecessary blank spaces. Well???? Well???? You are asking for us to come out there and bitch slap some sense into you! Oh, henceforth you are denied Macallan’s until that project is completed and that “Ideal Org” goes St Hill size.
To: All of you on this damn blog
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: lies and innuendos.
You people dare to believe the wog press over my exalted pronouncements?!!! You would rather subscribe to the words of chaos merchants instead of my glorious statements that are always true because I say that they are?!!!! HOW DARE YOU INSIGNIFICANT BEINGS INSULT ME LIKE THAT! YOU PEOPLE ARE NOTHING BUT THE BIGGEST BUNCH OF SPs THAT HAVE GATHERED IN ONE PLACE!!!!!! AND THAT GOES FOR RINDER, TOO!!!!!!!!!!!! If these insults do not stop immediately, I will order both Donald Trump and Justin Trudeau to come down on all of you like a ton of bricks! In case you were not aware, all world leaders answer to me personally! Even that guy that calls himself ‘Pope Francis’!
Good one.
So, whatcha gonna do…… Send all of your refugee BTs from the Sea Org Failbucket to buzz around us like insects and invade our bodies?
MA (Much Affinity)
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: your last comment.
Oh, wait. Have you done your OT levels?
Maybe I shouldn’t have revealed that.
Been there, done that. FWIW the volcanos and islands and geography of earth 67,434, 661 years ago do not line up with the materials I was given at AOLA. Couldn’ find the incident he had mocked up. Guess Hubbard’s time track was not in synch with the mest universe. And, not for the first time. All we can tell you is:
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: your response.
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-dave
My, oh my, what a wonderful day
Plenty of lawsuits headin’ your way
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-dave
Mister Taxman on your shoulder
It’s the truth, it’s actual
Ev’rything is satisfactual
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-dave
Wonderful feeling, wonderful day, yes sir!
I bow to greatness.
Yes. We must.
Some pleasures are mandatory.
Mandatory pleasures. That’s something I can get behind. Can we start right now?
I would like to hear your take on this article.
He’s on an ethics program for not terminatedly (love that word!) shutting down this blog.
I think ole Eff Pee must be stuck in a hot dumpster in Hemet scrubbin er down with max e pads.
Yo Dave,
Save the day dudeamundo, send in the toothbrushes!
And Eff Pee, grow a pair and get the hell out of dodge for gawds sake!
FP goes blank after the truth. It’s the 3rd phenomena of Scientology.
What’s the fourth?
Yet to be lied about, opps… researched I mean.
Blowing for good.
Ah, yes. Blowing for good. Secretly, what all members think about.
Actually I think Miscavige’s whole strategy has been fabulously successful if you consider an ideal Org an empty one. It follows that a cleared planet would be one with no Orgs at all.
Visitor, FOR THE WIN!
No orgs at all. What a wonderful sentiment (big, BIG sigh).
Aww… but we gotta have a least one to throw rocks at.
You mean we don’t? How the Hell did that happen?
Can we break the windows?
I believe they are now bullet proof, but knock yourself out kiddo.
I’m gonna go really wide and opine that the Ideal Org Program is in fact Miscavige’s Exit Strategy..
In Canada – we have the Employment Standards Act – it defines what an “employee” is quite clearly. And, in turn – a volunteer. It isn’t hard to find online – one just has to do a basic search for volunteer vs employee in Canada.
I’ve been in Human Resources 25+ years now and have come across this on many occasions.
Here is just one of MANY articles you can find through a search and the COS should know the laws – you know – when in Rome – type of thing.
I think the most telling note below is near the end of this post where it starts…”avoid giving a volunteer too much responsibility for tasks that are important to the employer’s operations….”
“Volunteers are persons who choose to provide services for non-profit organizations or charities for which they do not expect compensation. In a profit-based organization, any person allowed, directly or indirectly, to perform work normally done by employees is considered to be an employee, not a volunteer.”
In order to reduce the likelihood that a volunteer could be deemed to be an employee, the terms of the volunteer arrangement should adhere, to the greatest extent possible, to the following guidelines:
at the time the individual is engaged to perform the volunteer work, ensure that they are aware of the nature of his/her role as an unpaid volunteer, with no expectation of payment for services rendered;
provide the individual with options relating to the type or nature of volunteer work he/she performs, rather than directing him or her to perform specific work tasks;
allow the individual flexibility in the hours during which he/she will provide services, including how many total hours of service will be provided on any given day or week (e.g. they may wish to schedule 8 hours of service over the course of two days);
permit the individual to leave the work site at any time (though setting a reasonable expectation that the individual will provide some warning of their pending departure is not generally problematic);
avoid giving a volunteer too much responsibility for tasks that are important to the employer’s operations or work that is too similar to work performed by paid employees (e.g. in one decision, the Tribunal found that leaving an individual in charge of a retail store was a significant indicator that the individual was an employee rather than a volunteer);
and avoid promising the individual that he/she may obtain employment in the future as a result of the volunteer position.
If the operational requirements of the business are such that these guidelines cannot be followed, it may be preferable to engage the individual as a temporary, part-time employee.
Unenforced laws might as well not exist.
I am sure that if the above article had been about a small wedding cake company, there would already be action by an agency to bring them into compliance.
Sue, Very informative post. Thanks. I would hope your government also looks into whether the COS has workers compensation insurance.
Many thanks for that info.
And on top of that, the supposed “volunteers” get commissions – not only on goods sold, but on the bizarre “fixed donations” for services, and almost even more strangely, on pure donations.
I wasn’t sure how to read the pay statement, but it appeared to me as if it might be the case that the $70 payment, which even seems high by Scientology pay standards, might actually have been a commission.
I can’t believe that Scientology has gotten away with this, as long as they have. But it appears that they may be about to get some overdue comeuppance – and it may not end up limited to just Quebec.
Yes, so bizarre, Commissions for receipt of fixed donations! What “church” does THAT?
Actually, I don’t think so. Other than for Field Staff Members, through the 30 plus years that I was on staff, there was only two commission systems ever put in place.
One commission system was for book sales. Staff members who sold books, recorded lectures, or meters got between 5% and 10%. I am not certain, but I think that is not happening any longer.
The other system was called Registrar Program #1 (or was it #2?). This was a commission system, authored by LRH, that required about 6 or 8 personnel fully posted in the Department of Registration, at which point, iirc (and I am pretty sure I do), 2% of the amount paid for training or auditing would be paid to the reg who “closed” the payment.
In all the time that I was on staff (and I travelled frequently to virtually all the orgs in Mexico, the US, and Canada) the only orgs I saw who managed to keep that complement posted were AOLA and Flag. And (occasionally) LA Day. I can’t attest to the orgs in Europe at that time.
I can attest to the fact that throughout the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s, that most Class IV/V org staff typically got paid anywhere from nothing at all, to, maybe, $20 on a very good week.
I keep in touch with a lot of people “under the radar”. I am not one hundred percent certain that there is not another commission system in place for staff, but I am 99% sure.
Dan, I hear you. Thanks for your response. You’re right. When I said, “fixed donations” I misspoke; What I meant to communicate were “straight” donations – Ideal Org and the IAS. The kind of donations where a person gets nothing back (except a pin or a placque). Not the fixed donations you make for auditing, training, books, etc.
What exactly is an “org?” I can’t understand where the stats came from and to be honest, the stats quoted in the memo, just don’t make sense. I wonder if LRH really understood what he was doing in milking people for money and selling tonic water to anyone willing to drink it. He really needed to be put on a physic hold somewhere and evaluated for common sense. I apologize, but with LRH, you can just sense crazy on him.
“Org” – short for “organization”.
Org – short for “CULT.”
An org would be like a ward in our church. A mission would be the equivalent of a branch.
I’m referring to the Mormon church, just for clarification.
Despite anything that scientology claims or promotes, it always about the money. Forget ‘clear’ & ‘OT’ states of being, forget a world without war, crime, insanity, etc., forget about making the able more able, forget the being part of the most ethical group on the planet, forget salvaging entire countries by passing out Way to Happiness pamphlets, forget hoards of VMs mopping up the latest disaster. With scientology it is always about the money and only about the money. No matter what they do or claim to do it is only about the money. You can trace this back to anything they do. I have never seen an exception to this.
“..very cold weather freezes his botox and he cannot talk”
Can it be permanent?
There needs to be a mission fired into the Org immediately to find the SP in Central Files.
That would be me. I gummed up the works pretty good. And I’m proud of my work! You’ll never take me alive! Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!
I sure hope the provincial government of Quebec has enough integrity to give it to the church after seeing this great CBC article. Would love to see them forced to give back pay of at least minimum wages and fine the org for violating labour laws.
The new set-up is not good for me; so, I’ll just respond this way.
The Boston Org example, does anyone know WHEN this expansion occured or is it possible he just made that up altogether? Anyone reading know of a person that was part of it?
I’ve gone from believing every single word written/uttered to not believing a single word from “Source”.
Sarita, the time period being talked about is ~’78-’79 I believe. AFTER FSO moved to CW but before ’82. Boston did NOT obtain St. Hill size (per all the stats ranges in the LRH ED). I looked up the stats at FB one time after 339R came out.
In fact it was 1972.
Hubbard brought the former “heros” of the “Clear America Crusade” to the Apollo once it became clear that their magnificent GI stats consisted of “postulate checks” that were no good. He was pissed.
He ordered them all Comm Eved to determine whether they should be confirmed as SP’s. Of course, the Comm Ev so found (who would second guess the Commodore on such a matter).
Hubbard mitigated the findings of offload and declare and gave them a second chance. Go to Boston and get 2% of the population into their CF and support Flag with their weekly payments. Off went Alex Sibersky, Kerry Gleeson, Bill Foster, David Light, David Foster and Bill Franks (I think this was who was sent, but my memory may not be totally accurate).
They bit Boston like a tornado and implemented Sea Org schedules and expectations.
Soon they were sending buckets of cash to the Apollo. Hubbard was thrilled.
Now that original “St Hill Size Org” was stat pushed like every other org in scientology’s history. As for being “above the make-break point” they quickly broke, never to recover to their former “glory.”
Thanks for the info Mike – an inconvenient truth for the diehards. That’s the problem when you base your business model on outmoded and unworkable policy such as found in the writings of L. Ron Hubbard.
But..but.. the Tech!
Ditto. ?
But…but…there is no “tech.”
Is Bill Franks still around? I think I saw him at the Honolulu mission once.
Ah yes, The Postulate Check fiasco.
In 1968-9, Hubbard had screamed that auditors were going past FNs during grade processing and wrote that the auditor was to call the FN, and end the process. Many of us argued that clearing the commands was supposed to get an FN, but that no process had yet been run: The God-like class VIIIs hammered us to submit. Well that resulted in ‘quickie grades’ with no case gains. So, Hubbard blew a gasket (1970) and implemented the ‘Complete your case’ packages, that became the expanded grades. $1500 for 100 hours! I signed on to AOLA to audit and we started booming. THEN, the wise arse executives got public to write checks with future dates in the box. Not a problem as long as the public came in on that future date to activate the check. BUT, treasurers started invoicing the postulate checks without running them through the Banks (when the public did not show up to run the check) without cash in hand. I walked out in Nov 1971, after no pay for weeks.
It’s a bitch when you find out you can’t cash Postulate Checks.
Mike, not to be a bore, but what a book you could write. Witty, informative, insightful, truthful and funny. Just saying.
On second thought, your activities are creating far more of an impact than any single book, great read that it would be.
1972 would have been about the peak of the baby boomers hitting their late teens and early 20s, not long after the Beatles hooked up with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, when the streets would have been so filled with young “seekers,” particularly in a college town like Boston, that a bit of recruiting could easily have created a temporary “boom.” People were getting involved in all sorts of other groups in droves, going to supposed weekend recreation and discussion retreats and only months later showing back up on the streets dressed in robes and selling flowers out of vans, and so on.
Scientology – and all the other groups of its ilk and era – then went from easy pickings, to the baby “bust” at the end of the decade, combined with emergence of a new generation with very different interests.
I don’t remember the details about the Boston org’s boom. But that would have been back in a time when Scientology didn’t have such a bad reputation, and the tail end of the large baby boomer generation had a lot of interest in such things. Boston is a town full of colleges, and young people, and would have prime ground for a Scientology recruiting campaign back then. It seems that typically, Scientology can go somewhere and make a big push and get their “stats” up temporarily, but they use up their pool of ready prospects and expend their goodwill, ending up with a characteristic bad reputation for having been too aggressive and manipulative, with accompanying horror stories, and a “stat” crash.
It’s an interesting sign of the times that Boston now seems to be one of the weak and failing orgs, unable to complete an “ideal” org project despite having bought a building (now abandoned) more than a decade ago – I suspect they’ve alienated a lot of their membership in the process of mis-managing the project and the money raised, including selling a beautiful historic building that had been their long-term home, and ending up for years in a supposedly temporary location inconveniently far away. Boston is a large and thriving metropolis; if anything it’s even more of a hub for young people, and Massachusetts was named the best state in the country last year – so if there’s anywhere Scientology should be able to make things work, it’s there.
I would agree, PM. Actually, any of the thriving American cities, towns, hubs, etc. which draw masses of young people to study or work, but especially Massachusetts. .
I have lived in Mass my whole life..I have neva, eva met a scn….Not. One. ?
You might have and not known it. I was all in for 25 years and kept my mouth mostly shut about Scientology when I met people. I had non-Scientologist friends business associates, business clients and customers, and even some family, who never knew. I was a Scientologist. I never talked about it with any of them.
Interesting…I wonder if I have…the Boston seen is pretty dead. I went to school in Boston and lived there during school and moved back when I was married for a few yrs…never saw a presence of them..ever.
Does anybody know what is going on at Sacramento’s “Ideal Org”? I live in Sacramento and just curious
Now that the Golden State Killer has been caught, they should be St. Hill size in no time.
My Lisa Cullen is a “hard core” Scientologist. So I know how messed up these people really are. Thanks for your reply
I even met Chris Shelton when he was working at the Santa Barbara mission. So happy is now telling people the truth and warning them of the dangers of Scientology
What’s going on at Sacramento Org, you ask? Well! Allow me to dish and I’ll cut to the chaise:
Sac Org’s stats were down so long that despairing staff contacted their Pope of Scientology Mr. David Miscavige to appear before them and perform the Scientology version of the Sacrament of Absolution.
The burden of their sins was great. They begged for Absolution from their beloved Pontiff.
But it was denied.
Mr. Miscavige, the merciful and just, in His careful, methodical lway, studied the issues as well the serious ramifications for souls departing this life with unforgiven sins but in the end, after much painstaking deliberation, He decreed that the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics would be to go for Him to go snorkeling.
Scientology’s Formal Ecclesiastic Edict to Sac Org arrived via text message from Mr. Miscavige’s Communicator: “Fuck you, all of you.. What do you want? Can’t you handle anything? What the fuck do you want from me now? You know you pulled it all in. stupid motherfuckers. SCOHB. Much love, Dave”.
.Alas, more souls consigned to Hole Everlasting.
Yo Dave,
Are you paying attention or just paying for more morgues? Have another absolutely crappy day in your even crappier life. Isn’t it time to join your dear leader at good ole target too?
No one will miss you.
I’d miss him…..(snort) Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Earth would be far better place without him.
Yes, if he could only manage to take a few of his ilk with him.
That would make for a celebration!
Yo Dave,
Pack it up asshole. Time for You to go.
I’m ready to celebrate life it’s 1999.
To: Newcomer
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: name calling
Asshole? ASSHOLE?!!!!! And just who do you think you’re calling an asshole? I will have you know that no one insults the Pope of Scientology without there being negative ramifications! So just watch yourself, ASSHOLE!
And I am NOT going anywhere! My position as Supreme Ruler of Teegeeack and the MEST Universe is secured! By whom, you ask? Why, by me, of course!
Yup, I’d miss Dwarfenführer as well. hearing about his latest footbullet makes many of my days Without him, the world would be an even drearier place. (Though not as dreary as it must be within the bubble these days.)
Seems the slant of the failure stat is changing.
Not just how snow fails in Quebec in April but more like May failing.
Excellent observations, that staff are either volunteers or employees, and the Hubbard concept in his head, they were staff, NOT employees.
All the policy from Hubbard across the orgs and Sea Org refer to staff, not volunteers.
The legalese “volunteers” seems parallel to the legalese use of the word “religion” to characterize Hubbard’s spiritual quackery (auditing and “body-thetan” exorcism).
It’s a “volunteer” staffed “religion”, is how they sell themselves.
Question will be will they go through some worldwide “staff contract” revision and make all staffs re-sign newly crafted “staff contracts” to more prominently make their claim of being “volunteer staff”, or do they think their worldwide “staff contracts” are adequate.
I remember all through the decades, “newly” crafted more legally gobbly-gook “staff contracts” and other contracts to sign came out, over the years.
All I guess due to legal losses here and there, and lawyers called in to do damage control.
They’re “volunteers” but then does CO$ require anyone who signs a staff contract to provide CO$ with his Social Security #?
Yes, you give them your Social Security number, and they deduct for Social Security, a tiny portion, on those weeks when your Sea Org pay is high enough, LOL. Sea Org pay needs a full in depth study, cont by cont, and echelon by echelon, and then within each echelon the differences due to one’s “condition” for periods of time, both as a group, and individually, your pay will be docked for various violations and lack of group income making, causing low periods when the record keeping is dispensed with.
It’d take a full 52 weeks a year breakdown, and then yearly breakdown, there will endless exceptions, for certain Sea Org staff, but the majority get screwed 98 percent of the time.
That’s the kind of data that Scientology will not cooperate to supply unless required, and they’d of course hide the data tooth and nail.
Thanks for your explanation, Chuck. Wow. So, so unfair.