Poor old Bob Anderson.
He has been being touted as “your C/S for new OT IX and X” since that great pie in the sky was first announced thirty years ago.
Now they don’t even call him that any more, he is just the “lead” C/S for OT VIII.
That is the most underworked position in scientology. He MAY have one person a week auditing away on OT VIII, but you can be sure there are many weeks where this is nobody at all. It’s not enough to keep anyone busy for 10 minutes a day, let alone a “lead” one of them. I wonder what his follower C/Ses do all day.
You k now he doesn’t have anything to do because he is always out trying to drum up business for the Freewinds.
After 30 years, everyone KNOWS what the “requirements” are for the non-existent New OT IX and X. They are the same requirements for anyone coming into scientology newly — Student Hat, Purif and Objectives. This is also the requirements for ANYONE who is IN scientology and HASN’T yet made it to OT VIII. Because you cannot make it to OT VIII unless you have these “basics” in place.
The only real mystery for the bubble-dwelling believers is whether Bob Anderson is going to embark on his 21 year leave of absence before OT IX and X are released. For the rest of us, we know the answer. He will not only embark on it, the 21 years will be up. The illusory OT IX and X are mythical creatures Dr. Seuss would have been proud to include in one of his books.
What does Phase II of GAT cover? I also heard they were going to redo the Green Vols. Is that happening too?
Phase II Golden Age of Tech…
Way to milk those those suckers, Miscavige. I’ve got to hand it to you, in the pantheon of villains, you have truly earned your spot. Keep it up, little tyrant.
You have to hand it to Miscavage.Hardly ever in history has a thug fleeced so much from so few for so long.On his gravestone it should read.”There is a sucker born every minute”and I’m the man who developed the GASS.Golden Age of Sucker Sucking.
To paraphrase a line from Adrian Edmondson/Rik Mayall’s Bottom Live 4, 2001: An Arse Odyssey when Richie sees his gravestone and reads the inscription now reads –
“The Dorkenfuhrer is Dead. Hooray. Piss here.”
Interestingly enough, Hubbard wrote and spoke extensively about not evaluating for the pre-clear, yet all of the OT levels are nothing but evaluation, as Hubbard is telling you every step of the way what to audit! How the hell can you think for yourself when you’ve got someone doing it for you? Simple answer: you can’t.
Poor old guy, devoted his life to the hellhole of scientology.
It got me thinking, it must be so, SO, difficult to be in the position of all these good decent people at heart, while their foundation of belief in the words of one shady Hubbard is utterly crumbling around them.
The hours, months, years toiling for…? Nothing.
It was all a shell game.
And the MONEY completely wasted to furnish the lifestyle of the thug Miscavige!
But there is hope for all these people. People outside the bubble of scientology want to help them. All lurkers, please Google how you can extricate yourself from this prison of the mind. You are free, you just don’t know it yet.
“You are free you just don’t know it yet” . Yes! This is a great post whatareyourcrimes!
“Why do you remain in prison when the door is so wide open?” — Rumi
Snake Thompson’s Ghost,
“‘Why do you stay in prison, when the door is so wide open”? – Rumi
Because they have been so indoctrinated about the “Wog World” that they are too terrified to leave the confines of their “prison”, because they are so familiar and “safe”, They have become “institutionalized”, seemingly unable to function in the “REAL WORLD”. They are trapped . . . body, mind, & soul . . .
Hey Bob, how about a briefing comparable to the original Anderson Report? I’m sure you’d attract a lot more people.
Mike, do you think David MsCavige might ever just make up some additional OT levels and claim they were done by LRH just before he died?
If he gets desperate enough. It’s risky. If he used something from old Hubbard “OT” stuff like Creation of Human Ability people will be passed that they had to wait 30 years for the same old shit. If he literally invents something and it doesn’t work as promised he will be in trouble too. His best play is to keep promising — the promise is better than any reality even if it’s getting harder and harder to keep the sheeple believing.
I might go to the Freewinds if I could bullbait Farrakhan until I had a major stable win.
Dave F.
Dave F.
And so, the LUNACY continues . . .
Dave F.
This ‘event’ is not being promoted to Solo NOTs auditors, New OT VII & VIII completions. The event poster is completely unnecessary except to show the lower level scientologists that they too can be included in this SPECIAL GROUP if they would only get their asses up the Bridge to Total Freedom.
Despite the cult’s claims of some eleventy billion members (and growing every day) the list of Solo Auditors, OT VII & VIII folks would easily fit in a small database. These ‘upper level’ hangers-on types are surely kept track of so it would be a simple matter to have someone call and confirm their attendance for this event. You just know this is happening anyway. So, the announcement for this event is just more bait n switch and carrot on a stick for the masses to continue forking over money so that they too can feel special and get invited to the latest and greatest and biggest ever and bestess most vitaless event to date. There will always be some Fool to buy into this stuff. Selfishly, I’m just glad it’s not me anymore.
You have completely nailed the motivation behind this ridiculous announcement Mrs. B. Haven.
And the lower echelon bridge climbers aren’t idiots, they know this too.
Another example of a “religious rodent’s” activities. And a lead rodent at that!
“…what it means to get ready for new OT IX and X.”
It means
1. Believing in unicorns;
2. Going even further in debt to buy the unicorn you believe in.
3. Understanding you will never actually see the unicorn you paid for.
Do I pass?
That’s a pass! VED – now write up your wins !
And go see the reg for your next level…………..
Not quite…
You’ve forgotten to add the revamped, plus the all new, recently discovered LRH advices with Cof$ endorsement of the Golden Age of Compliance Mk3. ie A new “make break point” for whatever of your family and friends you may have left. In a new unit of time, you’re either with the Cof$ or agin us – what’s it to be? We have the tek to handle any & all of you apostates and namby pamby bunch of pansy waisted dilettantes. And don’t think for a moment it won’t be used on you.
“Hand over all your valuables and your life now & get got by the greatest tek in the universe… come on, that’s an order – de-wog yourself or else! (whispered intently, “Being connected to you the way I am puts my eternity at risk, can’t you see that?!”).
The price of a Scientologist’s make believe freedom!
Don’t forget to have a rider in your will that a family member or relative is to visit your grave once a year and let you know how the race (snail race) to OT IX/X is progressing.
You have to wonder what Miscavige is thinking about OT9 & 10. “I can string them along for another decade and then flee the country with all the loot”? Or “I convinced them all of my Ideal Org scam, so I’ll be able to get them to go along with any OT9 and 10 stories I choose”? It seems pretty clear he’s not even attempting to delude himself that he’s in communication with Hubbard’s thetan and getting instructions.
He’ll have to write OT 9 & 10 himself. If, like releasing Super Power, he’s ever in some way forced to release 9 & 10,, what other choices will he have other than to write them himself?
* He’ll get whatever random LRH’s notes exist (if any) and cobble something together and release his BS to great fanfare.
* The Sheeple will oooh and aaahhh and there will be events and closed door briefings, and the OTC’s will go into overdrive.
* The Sheeple will be pressured to pay for them in advance and not only charged a great deal of money but made to do other things as prereqs or set ups. They’ll be sheered to skin and bone.
*And they’ll all say how wonderful it is, how exciting it all is, how planetary clearing is now a reality.
* They’ll write up their amazing wins.
* In fact, they’ll write up how amazing their wins were just buying 9 &10, with money they didn’t have.
* The entire experience of buying and doing 9 & 10 will be utterly life changing for them and with great fervor they’ll commit to ensuring that EVERYONE buy and complete these levels.
I think that covers it. Did I miss anything?
Yes, you did. What happens when the Midget releases the stuff, people route onto it, run the processes, and the promised results never materialize?
Oh, wait. That’s going on right now.
I feel sad and I don’t even know “Poor old Bob Anderson”
I am reading the books by Ron Miscavige Senior, Leah Remini, MARC Headley and Nancy Many
And all of the ex Scientology blogs
Also watching documentaries and A&E show by Leah and Mike
Thank you – all of you who helped me wake up !
I am DONE with Scientology
I hope to free others who are trapped in the cult
Poor old Bob Anderson
I have noticed that Scientologists look dead and are Grey
In color
Behind the fake and phony cult smiles
Is death
They look like the walking dead
Bob Anderson looks terrible
Congratulations on being out!! I am rooting for you ECOC! Way to go. ☺
Awesome Ex Cincinatti Org Cultie! So happy for you. I wish you peace and all good things 🙂
Welcome to the world of freedom and truth. There is no better warrior for what is right and good in the world than one who has been burned by scientology. I love that the ranks of ex-scientologists is growing exponentially. Straight up and vertical, am I right David Miscavige?
Welcome out!
Ever heard about the big list?
Gotta feel a bit sorry for Bob and his tired smile. 30 years of keeping people on the hamster wheel, getting them to cycle through,…and through,….and through. Oh! But always in a new unit of time, as in 1990, 1991, 1992,… I wonder if Bob has ever realized that he too is on that hamster wheel and that it spins and spins, but never goes any where?
When I looked at the stats that Scientology watchers have come up with based on cataloging and analyzing published completion lists, it appears that after a big initial surge of people doing OTVIII, it’s settled down to a range of only about one to three dozen per year – which at this point may not even be enough to replace older OTs dying off. When they claim that they’re making an OTVIII “every day,” I think that means just every day of the OTVIII cruise, not counting the other 300-something days a year.
Bob looks like he could be selling used cars. I don’t think the smile and tie will help him get any new people onto non-existent OT IX & X. He’s obviously a dedicated, card carrying kool-aid drinker who can’t see that the legacy of Elron is not much different than that of Enron.
Well that should be a real knuckle biter!
The Freewinds has always been a very expensive prop in the smoke and mirrors con job that is Scientology. It has never been able to generate enough income to even begin to financially support itself. It has gone through every imaginable, unusual, solution to get anyone on that ship for any reason. I was not surprised this week to hear that a bunch of Colombian police had been given a weeks stay on the ship. Scientology international reserves pays the bills as it would be out PR to do away with the Freewinds. Everything that gets delivered on that huge ship could be done in one empty corner, on one empty floor, of the Super Power building in Clearwater.
Yes getting a ship as a prerquisite to deliver OT VIII was management idiocy personified. An elementary school kid could have crunched the numbers and realized very quickly that it was a total losing proposition. The Bridge itself is an upside down funnell. On the way up people drop out after reaching a certain level, or are booted out, leaving less and less for the next level up. The whole system breaks down at least by Solo NOTS which is a choke point beyond all choke points with the six month checks and other stupidities drastically increasing the attrition rate. What is left to start OT VIII is way to little to be sustainable. Conning up some sort of OT IX and X won’t help at all as there will be so few to go on those levels anyways. Whatever else it is, it is managerial stupidity. Of course this is just one of numerous idiocies in the way the Church is administered and the projects it does. Conclusion: David Miscavige = Stupid Idiot.
Sadstateofaffairs: my guess is that after completing the original or modified OT VIII that there was a serious drop off of both money and slave-labor (participation) from these new OT VIII’s. So, so Miscavige created an endless sec checking OT VII level to keep up the income and the slave-labor.
Yes. Which in turn created the situation of Solo NOTs people getting fed up with the endless sec checking OT VII and leaving, again lessening the number that would ever make it to OT VIII,
From my understanding, the Freewinds was purchased as a means of delivering OTVIII in a place away from noise and distractions. Well, hell! Gold Base could have supplied that requirement! You didn’t need to buy a rustbucket and sail it all the way around the Caribbean to do that! I mean, what noise and distraction is in and around Gold Base? Hemet?
Miscavige! What a dumbass!
Scuttle your ship and your organization, Miscavige. It is a losing battle and you know it.
To: WhatAreYourCrimes
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: the Freewinds being a losing battle.
How dare you insult the all-holy Freewinds like that! How dare you say such a thing! The Freewind is the most theta vessel ever to sail the seas! Her very history…….
Uh, hold on a sec.
Anyway, as I was saying, nothing can sink the all-holy Freewinds! This is the most theta ship that………
Ah, screw it.
Ha Ha Ha Ha … Alcoboy, thanks for the genuine belly laugh!
The scientology mindset is so funny from the outside looking in. They must cringe and squirm being under the microscope, especially the vertically challenged scotch-soaked-sociopath.
Mat – Can’t Believe it – ‘ I was not surprised this week to hear that a bunch of Colombian police had been given a week’s stay on the ship.’ – With All that’s going on in Colombia, That is a testament to Both the Rabid Runt’s Colossal Arrogance and Boundless Stupidity! He hasn’t a clue. . . . He really Does think he’s Untouchable. Time will tell . . . . . tick, tock, tick, tock
Great post Matt!
His big briefing is an excuse to reg people for money, “AP Payments” toward the level, food, accomos, etc. Once you make an AP (Advanced Payment) toward anything, you won’t get it back if you leave. Better to keep your money in the bank earning interest. Oh, and leave, exit stage left.
ALL ‘briefings’ or events the cult puts on are really just regging or recruiting events. Or both. It’s always about the money. You are correct about not being able to get money back once you make an advance payment. It’s worse than that. You would have a VERY difficult time getting money back for anything once they get their filthily little candy grabbers on your cash, credit card, savings, pension, etc. The only exception I know to this would be for entry level stuff like the ‘comm course’. When someone wants out early and they can’t be dissuaded, they are usually refunded. After someone has been around for a while and wakes up and wants out it is a whole different story.
COS is definitely a broken record. They can only work to say the same old thing over and over hoping no one notices.
Mike do you know when season 3 will start?
No date is finalized but most likely November though there may be a special in October.
Awesome Mike! Excited to see you on national television. You and Leah are really good on the show !
Thank you
Thanks Mike.!
Both you and Leah deserve another Emmy for bring a voice to all the hero’s who spoke out in season 2!
Since the Basics came out and everyone was made to read books they’d read two and three times before on other courses, one of the prerequisites to getting onto OT VIII was having read ALL the Basic Books.
and one didn’t even know it was a prerequisite until he/she arrived on the ship to do 8.
I had a friend go for OT VIII and she had to finish reading all the Basics ON the SHIP as well as do OT VIII. They kept her for many months because of that. Cha Ching, of course they don’t tell yo before you arrive because then they can’t charge you for food and accommos while you cool your heels on the Ship reading the Basics day in and day out. Cheaper to stay home and read them. Again, by not telling people that is a pre req, they are criminal to that extent. But that is SOP for the church.
The only basic book needed is Bare-faced Messiah: The True Story of L. Ron Hubbard by Russell Miller.
Yes! MJ
The miller’s tale is not a basic book. When you know a bit about the basics of this “religion” as written by the church itself it’s the one you read next. It pulls it all together. It turns the “ahha!” light bulb on that tells you you really don’t need to know any more. It’s the book of revelation,
Tony B who is the author on “The Miller’s Tale?” I looked and Chaucer was one author but there were other authors closer to present time. Who’s the author on the one you’re recommending?
“He hopes to see everyone there!”
Sounds a bit tepid. Where is the Command 40 intention, the super duper postulate? Must have toned it down because he knows he’s dealing with an audience that has peeked behind the curtain of OT VII and VIII… a weary and wary audience.
…and because the church is dealing with a public that is sick and tired of hearing “I need you to….” or “I expect you to….” or “let me know how many you will bring with you…” or “call —_—_—- to confirm.” The “assumed close” doesn’t work any more. And I’m pretty sure most scientologists are sick and tired of hearing/reading the word “mandatory.”
I hope you are right Mary.
The “assumed close”. Thanks for putting a name to a stratagem that never failed to annoy me.
The assumed close is no match for the quick departure.
Ferr sherr 🙂
I hope you are right. If so that means they are taking the first step in thinking for themselves.
Or even worse (and more frequent): “You need to _______” You need to attend, you need to give more money, you need to show up at the OTC meeting, you need to become a humanitarian, you need to up your status… I swear, I’m surprised there’s anyone left at all.
I didn’t realize $cientology’s been bullshitting about releasing OT IX & X for 30 flippin’ years!
Unbelievable. The power of the dangling carrot…
I wouldn’t be surprised if david miscavige comes up with some OT IX and OT X to fill the vacant “boots in the sky” of the guy that took the smelly things off 32 years ago.
Quite right, Mary….
His shoes (“boots in the sky”) weren’t the only thing that smelled gross. His rotten teeth and subsequent foul breath come to mind. Eww!
It always kills me that he claimed to be cause over MEST and highly intelligent. We all know different.
AppleBox Boy coming up with some OT IX & X: Some bastardization of old OT 4, 5 and 6. I can only think of maybe four or five old tech guys still in (SHAME ON THEM!) that would even recognize those processes/levels. I hope Tiny Fists DOES try to get away with that – it will only end in failure as he’s already taken away the tools for an auditor to get a pre-OT INTO session and on top of that, has done away with the very essence of obtaining a full or any part of, EP. Well done, Idiot Moron!
Here’s a tip, you short psycho piece of shit: you know what is required to do an OT level? The standard completion of the earlier OT Level and an FN/VGI’s. Just that, you miserable vomitous mass.
There’s not enough red in the universe to circle me in when I think of you – just steal the billions you have stashed away, BLOW, and allow all the families that you have ripped apart to happily reconnect and give you not another thought — EVER again.
Someone hold you back while I look for my red pen. LOL
(When it comes to Tiny Fists, nothing is circled in red – except maybe him.)
Awesome post!!
I wonder if Miscavige has a clue how completely loathed he is. He should read your post a hundred times just to see the extent of the built-up rage coming his way.
Oh little Dave, I would not want to be in your little slippers for all the gold on Teegeack.
As Dave flies around to his ideal snore openings, it’s more likely booze in the sky.
With regards to OT IX they have been bullshitting their members for 33 years:
Also, they’ve been taking advance payments for it, for pretty much just as long. From time to time financially hard-up members show up trying to sell their pre-payment to someone else – talk about unbelievable!
I wish I didn’t, but I feel sorry for Bob Anderson. When I was on the ship he worked his ass off, barely a day off, etc., but then I think that was true for all the SO on the ship. He looked pale and tired and when I did see him, I thought his smile seemed feigned. As far as I’m concerned, poor Bob is in the same boat as most SO members – stuck in the prison of belief and on a prison ship – and some of them I TRULY believe want OUT – badly – but feel their only option is death but that’s just my perception.
I absolutely agree, Mary. I was never in $cientology (thank god) but I truly feel for most $cientologists who are so mind-controlled by Hubbard’s vile and dangerous bullshit; especially SO members.
I’m quite sure they long to get the hell out, but are terrified for various reasons. Makes me sad.
Mary – I duplicate your perception
Sea Org members are trapped slaves who believe what they are doing is good and helpful
They actually are aiding and abetting a criminal organization
Destroying lives
I think your perceptions are correct, Mary. It’s harder to leave the Ship than on land. And some stay cuz they have disconnected from all life lines decades ago and would have no money and no job and no car, no bank account, no place to sleep once they left. So sad really.
But they DO have a place to land on their feet… Google the Aftermath Foundation. People want to help them.
Yes you’re right, What Are Your Crimes. The Aftermath Foundation I was aware of and should have mentioned the good work they are doing. We just need to get word to the SO members on the Ship that they can get help from the Foundation. And to the slaves at Flag too.
It would be nice to see all those sad sea-org slaves that flit about Flag and Hollywood be given a view of the Aftermath Foundation lifeline… via billboards, protesters, or any other way to reach out to them.
I am sure I will see more and more videos on you tube showing this, it is a statistical certainty… the wog and SP tech is far more effective than any feeble scientology “tech” struggling in the world of awareness and social media.
Scientology TV, nice try dumbasses.
I think billboards near Flag and Big Blue are the way to go to get word out and a phone number out for SO members wanting to leave. In the SO they are not allowed to have computer, cell phone or computer access. The only ones I saw with computer access were execs who needed that for their post, such as recruiters, and even they had nanny things on their computer that blocked out anything anti Scn. So big billboards with the Aftermath Foundation’s phone number and message of there is help to leave is the ticket. If we started a Go Fund Me thing or some other way of ammassing the money for these billboards, I’d contribute and I know there are many others who would too. If they can get money for a “war chest” from members, we can do the same for billboards.
You hit the nail on the head for me.
I came on the Freewinds on the day the Church took posession, 15 Sept 1086 and was there until the day the Church pronounced me dead, Mother”s Day 2002. That was the day, unbeknownst to me that I tested positive for HIV that I received via blood products in 1989 in Curacao, the ships home port. Since my wife did not have HIV she was held against her will for 6 months until I was all but dead They only released her after my father talked about calling the FBI. I only lived in the end because she got me to an actual doctor instead of the chiro the ship sent me to.
As OT 8 can only be delivered on the Fleecewinds, Bob Anderson is the cruise director on the scuz boat. Like Gavin Potter, he has been beached in order to drum up business. The Scuz Boat can’t live on ‘Ebony’ conferences and ‘leadership training’. With those numbers of OT 8s, how can the boat stay afloat?
Should Anderson and Potter meet, would the multiverse explode? Or would every wallet and IRA disappear? That is the real OT experience.
Oh Gosh, what a memory! I had completely forgotten there was a Phase II Golden Age of Tech.
GAT Phase I did destroy most of the basic tech, Auditors, Qual, Senior C/Ss and the best of the Execs; many public and staff quit so, I assume Phase II will end destroying the little that is left.