Despite the Hubbard policy forbidding this, apparently the desperation for money overcomes all restraints.
Though, as CCHR delivers no “services” I supposed they have somewhat of an excuse.
But where is the IAS? The IAS repeatedly uses the fact they support CCHR, and announces their “wins” as a reason people should give money to the IAS to “eradicate psychiatry.” It is a mainstay of the IAS mantra. So, how come CCHR has to hold raffles to raise money?
Of course, the next question to ask about this — are they fighting for the kids IN SCIENTOLOGY who are being abused?
That is of course a rhetorical question. Scientology’s “fights” for human rights and against abuses and bigotry NEVER contemplate doing anything about the abuses they engage in.
As I said, CCHR has some sort of excuse for violating Hubbard’s mandate against other forms of fundraising other than selling and delivering services. But what about an org?
No such excuse.
And even worse, what about an “ideal org”? The “largest Class V org in the world” right there in the heart of scientology’s largest community? Shame.
What an admission of utter failure that they cannot make enough money by selling and delivering scientology in their massive “ideal org” that is so busy “Clearing the Planet.”
Here is what they say about the purpose:
Here are the items they are auctioning and the number of bids they have gotten — those “rare” LRH photos are sure to be snapped up in a hurry…
Frankly, when you look at this it is hard not to be thankful. Yet more evidence that scientology is failing miserably.
But it’s still a beat with billions of tax-free dollars that will take a long time to die and hurt a lot of people before it is dead and buried.
What I’ll always miss about the cult are all the fun ways they had to give them money…not.
Didn’t Hubbard rail against orgs holding bake sales? But maybe he didn’t mention raffles, so they can construct an “acceptable truth” that those are then okay.
The more I read about the history of Scientology, including things I’ve read before that I now look at a bit differently, I notice early on that Hubbard sometimes accepted donations of various sorts – especially if that category includes loans by followers that he reneged on, and perhaps also the various ways he ripped off business partners. Plus, as LmR pointed to, the CofS has since Hubbard’s era relied heavily on advanced payments, which represent a sort of backdoor donation when many of the funds left on account are inevitably abandoned in the turnover of members (which has always happened, though Scientology now makes it even harder to get refunds).
Peacemaker, LRH did rail against raffles and such. But then the orgs no longer deliver services; except for Flag, they don’t audit preclears, they don’t train auditors. So what else can they do except fundraise? Sad, actually. Sad and infuriating at the same time that staff accept this.
“Scientology’s “fights” for human rights and against abuses and bigotry NEVER contemplate doing anything about the abuses they engage in”……
Do as I say, NOT AS I DO………………………..
Wow! A Limited Rare LRH! Will you take a couple of bucks?
Hey Balletlady, you want to go out for drinks?
Thanks OSD………….
Maybe another time for that drink, I have a headache from all that election ballot counting……….
………………………one for them….one, two for me…….I think.
P.S. I just made rice pudding…..OMG….it’s soooo gooooddd…!
We’ll get together sometime…
Starting bid $200 for a photo of Hubbard?
Oh wait, “limited edition” … does that even mean anything?
And the biggest laugh is the $500 value stated. Oh scientology, so fun to ridicule, you make me smile.
I’d bid on lunch with Kirstie Alley … As long as she promised not to come on to me …
Why do I get the feeling this event has nothing to do with the stuff they are selling and is just an attempt to sniff out people who still have some money so that they can be “strong armed” into giving all their money to these criminals?
Someone should put these creeps out of business and the sooner the better!
Hm. Maybe that’s a reason why people are not bidding/will not bid even on the good things.
We need someone to write up a plan of attack, but not here in public where OSA maintains a watch. Just our mentioning the IDEA can get Mike in even worse trouble than he’s in, since he, or his agent, *moderates* these postings.
BTW: “Policy”? LRH? What are THEY??
ONLY DM’s merest whims matter any more.
Sort of O/T… does Miscaviage ever interact with Scientologists outside of the handful of executives he pushes around at the main office/compound? I mean, even the Pope meets with the faithful fairly regularly (pre-COVID of course). Wouldn’t an auction offering the chance to have an “audience” with the head of COS be the easiest way to raise a big chunk of money?
The Pope has no fear to be served by anyone, the same cannot be said for Miscavige who is in terror about it
Why would he WANT to, Hank? They’re only CICS who SCOHB or worse.
Oh give me a break, Women’s Auxillary of …..
22 years ago? Sure.
Must be an old successful Affluence action.
No OT Committee News these days?
22 years ago would be 1998. Did anything significant happen then? Probably not; the “Ladies’ Auxiliary” is fake, so its date of creation is, as well. Big MU on what a Ladies Auxiliary” is in the first place, scientology. LOL on the thought, though.
IS there an OTC, any more? Or were they abandoned by Dwarfenführer in his Infinite Wisdom? I never did figure out what they did, other than the odd circle-jerk, I guess.
O/T. Nation of Islam Sister Nayyirah Tivica Muhammad will deliver Scientology Group Auditing on 11/8/20, apparently online via Zoom.
Delivering Group Auditing online is out-tech. For example, the relevant policy requires that an Assistant Group Auditor be present in case anyone “dopes off” and to make sure that the preclears do the commands.
I also didn’t know that Sister Nayyirah had completed the Group Auditor’s Course (Yes, it is a separate course.)
The good “sister’s” efforts will likely be as effective as if she delivered it IRL., not at all. Same as the rest of El Con’s magic s**t show. Yet the “Sister” will be able to claim INCREDIBLE stats Thursday. But HOW can she better them NEXT week? Just record THIS and dump it onto the moribund scn.TV junk heap with it’s BILLIONS and BILLIONS of hits daily.
A bit off topic, but this is what Scientologists are contributing to.
Stats of David Miscavige:
1. Scotch consumed
2. Free money acquired
3. Time with Tom
4. Real estate holdings
5. Sea Org members in the Hole or RPF
6. Repairs to walls punched out
7. Repairs to knuckles broken when punching out walls & people
8. Repairs to carpets chewed up a la Hitler
I was just informed that the stats you mentioned have been assigned to Marty Rathbun.
9. repaired minions BLAMED for DM’s damaged body parts. (just kidding; THEY pulled it in! Right?)
10. Whiskey required to put DM back to sleep after NIGHTMARES of his breaking various body parts in his rages.
3. Time with Tom – should read “Dreaming of Tom taking him in his strong arms and whispering sweet nothings in his ears as he carries the Dorkenfuhrer to his bed.”
Kronomex, I just want to say I really liked “Dorkenfuhrer”. Well done!
A “celebrity-signed guitar.” Now hat’s a peculiar prize. Usually, a seller would expect something like a “guitar signed by Eric Clapton.” And the seller would say, “Oh wow, a celebrity.” When you have to be TOLD that this is a celebrity and the seller expects you to blindly take their word for it without telling you WHO, buyer beware!
It’s a lot like “genius.” A true genius NEVER has to tell you that they are a genius. The world at large will make that determination–without the genius’ help. And then you have the likes of hubbard who have to incessantly tell you how much smarter they are than anyone else, that they are the genius and mankind’s only hope. And yet, aside from a “cult following” no one seems to notice…
The “Celebrity” could, of course be someone like the good “sister” who is doing the on-line “auditing”, and no one can sign out of the group meeting without sending her a 5-page Success Story”, so her “stats” will be even MORE incredible, awe-inspiring, supercalifragilisticexpialidosis.
Most of these items look pretty worthless, but only one $75 bid for the $100 gift card over a whole week? Really?
OF COURSE! They KNOW that the gift card will ultimately be WORTHLESS, even if “valued” at $100.
I’d love to see the bids on Nov 6th or 7th. Hard to believe no one has bid on the rare discounted Painting of LRH.
Seems the only way you can find out is by signing up to 32 Auctions.
Eitan: spelled backwards is, ta da, Natie! Doesn’t sound as space-opery, but more chummy, I think. Call me Sherlock.
Of what possible use is a sterling silver yo yo cover? Or is it just a sterling silver yo yo? There’s a metaphor there some where.
More and more absurd. How sad. I’m curious to know if all that stuff comes from some basement they’re emptying or is stuff someone gave happily to get rid of it.
Among other things, I don’t remember any org that really managed to survive just by selling and delivering scn.
If it happened it lasted a fraction of time or they started regging full throttle prepayments while people were still on something else.
This is just killing them. It has become cannibalism.
They can’t keep asking donations this way because soon all public will be emptied out (or disgusted) and NO new public is coming in (or will do it) to give them future income.
The merchandise was probably ‘donated’ by some Clam, who will deduct the cost from their taxes and those who buy said merchandise will probably call it a ‘donation’. Total tax fraud going on here.
LmR, it’s an excellent point that orgs, and the CofS itself, have long relied in good part on advance payments for services that then never get delivered – often abandoned by individuals who leave, or even die. I think that aspect of the fraudulent pratices, and always shaky finances, of the orgs is often overlooked – along with the FSM commisions that drive a lot of regging by individuals who stand to profit personally.
At some point a while back, maybe as long as around the time of the IRS settlement, the CofS’ liability for advanced payments was in the ballpark of a billion dollars (maybe it was closer to half a billion in the 1990s). That’s around a third of their total assets, and a significant part of the smoke-and-mirrors games that allow the financially insolvent orgs to even remain functioning at all.
There will still be true believers in Scientology.
If Gold Base is taken out by the United States Army (“If you want something done right, call the Army”) some people will take their new freedom and walk away, but the believers in Scientology will remain. Even after it was taken down in 1945 there are still believers in National Socialism.
I’ve got to admit, it’s more appealing than a two hour speech by COB, but less appealing than three day old oatmeal. I’m gonna have to pass.
Scribe, do you mean to tell me you don’t want to buy the Pulp Fiction autographed photo? I’m shocked.
My apologies for the shock. The last thing I want to do is restimulate those posting here. Perhaps one hundred hours of ARC Straightwire will handle the upset. I know a freezoner in Montana who is willing to deliver the auditing if you give him a plug on this blog. He tells me he’s very standard. To your point, I told Lisa Balm that I would buy $1,000 worth of tchotchkes if she’d ask Dave to make OT IX & X available online when it’s released. So far, I haven’t heard back from her.
You don’t to hear a two hour a two hour speech by COB? For shame, Scribe, for shame. I thought you new better…
I’m sorry. I just got out of bed.
Sorry OSD, after three minutes of fawning applause and two minutes of his canned speech, I get an immediate reaction producing high blood pressure and lowered IQ. I find turning him off remedies the condition. Hope you understand.
Boy, do I understand!!!
What I really need is a clue! My other clue ran away.
Maybe to get “overrun” (on donation solicitations) parishioners revved up, they can be brought through a new service, specially crafted for year-end 2020: The End of Endless Fun(draising) Rundown.
Requirement is you have to, at the end, sign an already filled out Success Story form that states, “I am READY TO DONATE (again) (some more) (whatever is noted on my donation form)!”
Peridot. Laughing! By the way a such similar service already exists in the orgs. It delivered by the Ethics officer for Hco. A true rundown. After that one finally attest it then he stops complaining forever.
I received the rundown and felt rundown, so it’s aptly named. Although I attested, it turned out to be false as I’m more prone than ever to attack this moneygrubbing cult. Call it a latent win.
LmR: Copy that!
I can’t! I don’t know what it is!!!
Short title: The end of FUN! That’s right up Dwarfenführer’s® alley.