Some random thoughts from the Scientologists FaceBook page.
The tension is mounting. They are getting giddy with excitement.
I must credit Miscavige. This is a real PT Barnum effort. The gullible masses are drooling just waiting for Him to tell them how much money that have to turn over this weekend.
The comments alongside the photo are reproduced below for your reading pleasure….
History in the making!
Brown-nosing 101.
Gary Wattman is a master. I wonder if he would still be gushing if he heard what “COB” said about him….
1000 remaining local Scientologists without badges? It’s Tuesday night. I guess that is 1000 that won’t be showing up. Still, leaves another 11,000 who must already have their badges and confirmed their attendance (riiiiiight…..)
Amazing — $145 million dollar building, they have collected twice that much, it’s the biggest and most important weekend in the history of the universe and even then there is no free lunch.
Now that is cheap.
Nothing to do with the building, but just something of interest that was on the Scientologist page.
Wonder how this quote applies to Miscavige and the Rathbuns. Who is more afraid?
Funny that this is a quote about “who is bigger”. I guess Dear Leader comes up short on this one….
Holy cow the butters are out I full force. I see Rena and Michele are right there in the front cheering it all on. Both RPF failures. They were vilified to no end and treated like shit but there they both are Pom poms blazing away. So sad.
This is a superb example of participation within the Church, actually, as I wrote in another post.
Gary W has garnered 141 “likes” on that post. And about 8 commentors are “gung-ho”. Realize this was a post to a group of 4000 people. Several days later, and those numbers haven’t changed much.
As mentioned previously, I have more than a few friends – and only 5 are currently planning to attend the event at Flag who do not live there directly.
In fact, the number of people in CW that “have other things to attend to” during this event are staggering. I think it will look like a lot of people. But the number of actual attendees per 100 Scientologists are pretty low.
These are people who have less than a 20 minute drive to attend the event.
Hey sorry for the drive by posting on this one but your side comments pretty much said it all and had me ROFLMAO 🙂
Wow, the kool-aid drinkers are excited! Hope Davey doesn’t lock the doors and actually make them drink poisoned kool-aid. Oh wait-the cult is too cheap to provide food, so the parishioners would have to be told to bring their own poison kool-aid to the meeting.
Graham, I LMAO on this one. Just like they have to donate their own money to go be VM’s somewhere, or reg others to donate for this, despite the fact that the IAS has millions of dollars and could pay for it all and doesn’t, this one “paying for their own poison kool aid” is priceless. And if Davie is cornered and knows he is going to jail, don’t put it past him to rally the sheeple and say we all have to drink poison so that we can leave this corrupt and SP shit can and go on together to “Target Two.” Revenimus! We come back anyway, so what is one more body death along your long and infinite track of other deaths. Drink up!
Something HUGE is about to happen.
My Bear Cave got one particle of mail from the C of $ (CC INT)
One phone call from AOLA and an email to make flight reservations to Flag !
Stilt Walkers,young girls standing on white horses, Elephants in circus regalia !
Acrobats,and don’t forget one midget in an Admirals uniform !
The Circus really is in town. Thanks for the mental image picture, I laughed hard when I thought about him with a megaphone say “Ladies and Gentlemen… “
“…and don’t forget one midget in an Admirals uniform!”
Mike, you should post what COB said about Gary Wattman.
Truth is a good thing.
Honestly, I do not recall specifics. He is one of a long line of people that Miscavige denigrated. He is “NSO” (almost worse than “wog”) and acted as some sort of personal security for Miscavige at one time (I think in Portland?) and then kept telling everyone this (“I am DM’s bodyguard” or something of the sort) and when the great man hear that He really hit the roof with the choicest language to describe Gary Wattman.
“These are truly monumental times”
“I could write a novel on everything this weekend means for humanity”
“This will be in the future records as the event that changed the fate of man!”
The novel would be 3 years late. (Better late than never).
From a late 1960s Advance! Magazine:
When I first arrived in Los Angeles in the fall of ’76 my husband and I stayed at a friend’s apartment just a couple doors down from CC. While we were deciding whether to stay and look for work, I read the OT phenomena articles in a large stack of Advance mags. I kept noticing these “special abilities” that a lot of the authors attributed to something they had learned or trained on. I was hooked, and the rest is my history. I love the last part of that 1960’s article: on a mission …..RON’S Bridge to Freedom!
Miscavige should take down that Scientology cross on top of the Flag building and replace it with a big fat vulture. Build one about 20 feet tall should do it.
Not one word about how any of this will expand Scientology.
Instead we have hype-regurgitation 101:
Question is … are these merely PR FaceBook sockpuppet accounts or has the membership base actually become so deluded they are not even realizing that nothing has been said? Lots and lots of over-the-top “itsa”, but exactly how does all this ‘Positive-Postulate Intoxication’ fit into any sane course of on-source Scientology expansion? Expansion by donations and re-selling of altered & re-packaged products?
We need some RTC/DM O/Ws pulled.
“What’s the real story on the OT IX/X release?”
(Who has the rank to ask?)
All the above are just diversions from the real hard questions that need to be answered.
All joking aside, I get a weird, floaty, everything is surreal feeling from these comments. They’re strangely similar, vague and dramatizing some random ethereal outcome. I think its the combination of out tech (malpractice) and 3D engrams (compressed time situations), that’s put these people in the nether world. The road back is going to be a bitch.
Don’t too far into that weird, floaty, everything is surreal feeling ….
Roger that Carcha……good thing I hate koolaid! My sooper groovey internet apostate friends keep me very grounded and in excellent humor! 🙂
Geez an obscene amount of time and money stroking one dwarfs ego.
Looky, look, inhabitants of planet earth! THIS is NOT Scientology. This is Mind control of a caliber, that makes all previous cults pale by comparison. The amazing thing about this operation, is it is premised on the wisdom of 3 monkeys. See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, of an unwanted, stinking, rotten vegetable — a Depraved Mestcabbage!
Reading the messages of these deluded schmuck’s makes you want to puke. There is the Stockholm syndrome and then we have the Scientology Sheeple Syndrome: Getting ripped off, fucked over, enslaved and loving it. Oh boy.
Regarding Jose’s quote, that’s beautiful man. So I guess we should consider the US government, Monique Rathbun, Mike Rinder, Tony Ortega, Paulette Cooper, the Tampa Times and every SP to be bigger than the church, because at some point or another, the church has considered every one of these people dangerous to its existence and worthy of harassment, frivolous lawsuits or hate-filled innuendo and websites. But I’ll give you this: If web traffic is an indicator of anything, than many of these enemies ARE bigger than the church. Yay for click farms, eh Dave?
As for the other posts, I wish these people would get a clue. Do some quick mental math:
-It’s the greatest event in the history of mankind!!!
-But only if you’re invited.
-And only if you’re in good standing
-And only if you have an IAS ID card
-which you only get if you register with all your personal info
-And you’re only a member of the IAS if you’ve donated a lot of money
How many people does that leave you with? Far less than “mankind”. Even the orgs simulcasting the event won’t be any less empty than usual.
Hey I see Karry’s mom, Karen Downing commenting on Wattman’s post. I hope she like’s crow with her kool-aid.
“If they see danger in him, he must be bigger than they are.” Interesting, Miscavige sees you, Mike, and Marty Rathbun, as real dangers. In fact, his actions make clear he is terrified by the two of you. So what does that say about his stature? Is he a big being or did he really mean “big bean” when explaining hierarchy to Tom Cruise?
The idea that members of the CoS are gushing over the SP opening in order to protect themselves for future ethics interrogations is chilling. It is Stalinism/Maoism/Fascism all rolled into one, and people actually volunteer for this abuse. I am sure no one joined the CoS in order to live under tyranny, yet that is precisely where they are today. Very, very sad….
I am so happy for planet Earth!!
Now finally everything will be under control and I will be able to sleep at night.
Thanks to dm for making all this go right and I am sure everything will all be just swell.
I do so wish that I would be permitted to attend and watch all the grandeur, but alas I am but a poor SP. I wish that all the thousands of dollars I donated for auditing and for the Ideal Org handled all my overts and evil purposes so I could be one of the good ones. But I can still watch from the side lines all of the fun and impressive handlings. Thank you sir, thank you…
Tony – Applause!
This is the first time I noticed the “true bridge” statement. I guess this is how Davey is selling the changes that are being made… they were on a false bridge all these years and now they will be starting on the “true bridge” and that’s why they have to redo everything.
I guess it’s a good thing Davey caught this LRH mistake and fixed it.
Spot on. The whole scene is so absolutely ridiculous it’s hard to dope out where to start pointing it out – you’ve done a very nice job summing it up.
I’m such degraded being. I care more about friday night pizza than the flag fandango.
Lucky me.
it seems to me scientology works to strip you of all self respect. and that’s inherent in the tech.
you just are not good enough. you are degraded period and only the tech can un-degrade you.
if that is accepted as true, then you have given up respecting what you are and only respecting what you are told you are. whatever that may be.
I’m just a meatbody and that’s alright with me. and if i am trapped in some electronic incident then so be it, i literally have an eternity to figure it out. it doesn’t have to be in this lifetime or the next million. I’m just fine thank you very much.
Marie DiFlorio “loves to drive by 10 times a day!!!!”
Marie please, GET A LIFE!
If TC does stunt work, does dm do his own photoshop?
The thing that comes to mind when I read these posts and comments, is that these folks want to look good when it comes time for “OT eligibility”, i.e., your list of what you’ve contributed to “the expansion of Scientology.”
They are playing to a future ethics interview with an SO MAA, who might be a malevolent influence in their lives, if somehow these Scns weren’t seen as being “supportive enough” of GAT 2, etc. Propitiation to an imagined terminal.
They are afraid they might be denied their OT eligibility and thus, their “eternity”.
It reminds me an awful lot of those overacting North Koreans, who, when Kim Jung Il died, tried to outdo each other with wailing expressions of grief.
However, while the N. Koreans didn’t want to be seen being outdone in their grieving, these Scns don’t want to be seen being outdone in their over-the-top enthusiasm for the next great thing.
It must be such a miserable state of mind…
“Propitiation to an imagined terminal.”
Brilliant, Mr Doe. The perfect title for an existential epic.
I hope Poet13c will take this up after he finishes his tour-de-force, “The Passion of the COB”.
Yeah the North Korean’s boring and constant repetition of the same propaganda. It owns people and insists they show up and participate in their horrible pagents and events like these poor saps.
“The new releases of GAT 2 and Super Power are the most important essential components to the true bridge that LRH had envisioned for the only way out for every single being on this planet”.
How does one actually respond to this?
Aquamarine, I feel ya. my stomach is a bit queezy on these fb spews. the way I see it – “ignore comments handle originations” is you just have to ignore it as it’s just a comm coming straight from the group bank.
Gayle, great advice. And might I add: “ah, it’s coming back to me now,….the TR’s!”
Amen. 🙂
This email came in around 8:30 PM EST.
Dear Scientologists,
I wanted to give up a heads up. There will be a shift in the date for the upcoming SuperPower release and Building dedication.
Due to the huge number of confirms the Fort Harrison Avenue has to be closed to safely accommodate the tens of thousands expected for this history making event. You may have heard rumors about some issue with the City of Clearwater not being able to issue required permits for the road closure. Based on the newest information as of this morning the rumor is the event is being postponed to give the City of Clearwater 6 weeks lead time for the necessary permits.
Latest rumors place the events like this:
Superpower Building opening moves from weekend Nov. 17th to Dec. 29th
In any case, make sure to keep your email and phone lines open, so you can get the latest updates as more data is coming in and getting confirmed.
See you there, attendance is mandatory.
Honorary Event Coordinator I/C
Assistant Registrar
You received this email because your email address was on a list of Scientologists to receive information about current events in Scientology. If you have friends who are interested to receive information about current events in Scientology you can subscribe to our newsletters here.
Not sure if this email is the truth…
Jack — its a spoof…
No, it’s not! I received the same e-mail!
Ortega gives some details about the spoof this morning. See:
Your commentary is much more fun than the posts. Keep it coming!
By the way, your estimation of 6,000 coming to the event is disappointing. I was hoping for much less.
Personally, my spouse and I are planning two week-end trips for the next few weeks. I’d much rather see a show in Vegas than at the Shrine.
Well, given that there are 12,000 Scientologists in the Clearwater area ALONE – allegedly – ANYTHING less than 10,000 will be a massive fail.
But let’s put that aside for a moment and take a moment of reflection to coo and fawn with gratitude for what Dear Leader has accomplished. Let us pray…
Re the quote of stature of his enemies- well the Devil Moron is very, very, very small as his only real enemy is himself, even if he pretends otherwise.
Lets assume he manages to gather a multitude-that doesn’t mean anything, is just to boost his ego. The Church’s demise is a matter of a very short time. The amount of lies and cruelty won’t last much longer.
After all the event is another ‘grandiose charade’ to keep the sheep giving money, nothing else. Just a pretense, another lie…
Mike, interesting data, these pukeworthy posts. Well, let them gush and chatter, praise their precious COB and puff themselves way way up for being part of this fab group. Also, I read this kind of crap with many grains of salt, as habitualy, I myself used to gush about how wonderful everything was even though I didn’t think so particularly, and even when I was in truth antagonistic to, annoyed by or bored with whatever item it happened to be at the time. When I knew it was expected, I would say what was expected. If it was enthusiasm, I mocked up enthusiasm. So boring. Well, in my own defense, I never lied to myself, I always knew how full of shit I was, LOL. .
Yes – you learn to “mock up enthusiasm” much like you pay to “mock up your reactive mind”! I can’t wait for 4 months from today – when it is a total failure and enough Cornerstone members have been sold the ultimate bill of goods – Snake Oily Table Souper Powah
On a related note, I just got back from my weekly Clearwater Citizens Academy meeting. This week, with had a Q&A session with the Mayor, City Manager and City Council.
When the City Manager was asked about challenges of the job, he brought up this last week. He said that he had been in the newspaper a couple of times re: a local faith based group. He mentioning receiving many very sensible emails, not just “complaints.” He was commenting on the high quality of the communications.
I asked him if he was satisfied with the resolution of the situation and he indicated that he was.
What I found particularly interesting was that I was in a group of 30 local active citizens and I appeared to be the only one that knew what he was referring to, since he didn’t mention SCN by name. Several asked me, what group is he talking about.
Sometimes, you have to step back and realize, since we find this subject intriguing , that even in Clearwater – the church is no big deal.
I was recently in Cosco, Target, Perkins, the Mall and several nice restaurants here in CW and I never saw ONE church member.
Regarding not seeing any local scientologists, there is something you should know.
You have seven OSA-bots following your every move. When you are seen entering a building a warning goes out to all local miscavologists so they can be alerted to the imminent danger approaching. They leave the building via the back door before you even walk in the front.
Hope that solves the mystery for you.
You got a good laugh out of me. Thanks!
Try going to the Starbucks near the Coachman building and watch them put the whole base on lock down. I am being serious too. At least that happened when about 10 or so of us did it a couple of years ago after an Indie party.
Tony — it happens whenever I go there. I feel bad for the owners so I don’t go often usually only when some media is in town wanting to shoot the deserted streets. Same thing happens when I go to Nature’s Food Patch.
It is so amazing to have the incredible powers of an SP. I can control even the most powerful people on the planet who are OT VIII or Class XII or Humanitarian Humongousness or Patron PLatinumpus. I got them ALL beat.
Perhaps I should put out an ad for the sheeple: “If you want super powers, don’t do Super Power or pay to run around a pole to have your cause resurged — get declared. It’s a ONE SHOT CLEAR for real.”
@Sheldon Goldberg
Are you the same Sheldon that was in the Marines and started Scientology at SFO with Bill McCauley? If you are, I have a pic of you and Bill and Harold Tinsley on motorcycles.
Gary Wattman – I recognize that name, but can’t place his face or posts back in the day. He was at the Int base correct? What was his post. Anyone remember?
Gary Wattman was a “Cine Pro” who never really was in the SO on the same terms as the rest of the crew. He returned to being a grip in Hollywood sometime in 1980 or so. I think he’s retired now and is recovering from a serious illness.
He came to Int in the summer of ’79 as part of the crew (Lighting) when LRH came in at 7pm each evening for a couple months to shoot the KTL and LOC picture books and the clay table scenes with Dan Koon and Waldo to update the then unreleased Professional TR Course movie. I think he remained for a while drilling the lighting crew and also did some quiet security work that few knew about. He’s a great guy really, and yes, was a long time professional Hollywood gaffer who brought some Hollywood “wog” class to the lighting department. Whereas the standard op for the lighting crew was frantic, noisy and distracting, he introduced the innovative idea of being quiet, using hand signals and getting things done quickly, efficiently, professionally and with good manners. I don’t think he was really on lines much after that (just a guess) and never really got to see the inside after ’82 when the Miscavige Death March began, so his last memories are of the honor of working with LRH directly. Other than that, the PR looks really good from the outside, so while I’m saddened he hasn’t caught on yet, I’ll never think him anything but a good and decent Scientologist.
He was married to Abby Wattman former Snr CS ASHO F in the 70s. I think Gary was Country Western Musician. Seeing these posts tells me their all the same names. Debbie Lewis was formerly married to Allen Hubbert and Dave Rousow and both died while she was married to them. In 2008 she tried to get chummy withy wife and I, she was doing her amends for OSA so she could get onto OT V. She was ex OSA and GO.
This is incorrect. Pam Hubbard was married to Allen when he died (not sure how long, but at least 7 years). Debbie was married to David for several years before he passed. They both passed away within a few months of each other.
Correct on the death’s but Debbie Lewis was married to Allen Hubert before Pam was 70’s/early 80’s.
Mreppen, thanks for the confirmation. I found Scientology at CCLA in ’76 and some months soon after was introduced to Abby Wattman. Her musician husband was touring with Hoyt Axton and she was looking for a nanny for her new baby girl, Melissa I believe.
I was on my St. Hat at CC, and getting a pregnancy rundown from a student Tsvi Shipponey (please excuse spelling). I was just a few months into Sci and it was quite a wonderful time for me. CC had dozens of tv and movie stars on training and we were all making our way to enlightenment, during an age when “seeing your psych/shrink” was considered elitist and even fashionable. Back to Abby and baby. She showed me the barley formula recipe in this giant green book (volunteer ministers) and so it started. For a long time Abby was considered by her pcs to be the very best of standard tech. Many of us look forward to the day that she decides to leave the suppressive tech enforced upon field auditors, especially those operating in the shadows of Flag.