These random hushmails arrive down the chimney and I dont always have time to even read them. But eventually I publish them as a matter of record as they contain a useful history of the shrinking of the bubble.
The panic has really set in at Flag — he is at the OTC meeting handing out lists of local BUSINESSES and the OTC members are responsible for getting them to get their staff in and onto courses or auditing. This email needs to be preserved if only for this reason — as evidence in the next lawsuit filed by an employee of a business that is forced to do Scientology as a condition of employment.
How stupid can you get? But this is a manifestation of living in a bubble. Good old Captain FSO is probably oblivious to the fact that this could even be a problem. After all, he has stats to get up and the heat is getting really intense as he is being told now that he is “CI to COB” as he and his entire crew are blocking the success of Super Power/Running Pgm/GAG II. There is no question about this — the planning is perfect. These are the greatest innovations in history. COB worked so hard on them. If they are not going right it is because people are making them NOT go right….
Date: Thu, 03 Apr 2014
From: Flag OT Committee <[email protected]>
Subject: Message of the Week & 31 March 2014 Meeting MinutesFlag OT Committee Meeting Minutes
31 March 2014Call to Order
Kaye Champagne, Chairman welcomed attendees. She announced we would have a very quick meeting because the Captain FSO was coming to speak.Kaye welcomed new member Kim Payne.
Lyle Roland, OES announced that the “Keys to OT” event this week (April 1st) would feature Emmett and Ali Osborne. Ali said they would be speaking about LRH tools that can be used in aligning the 2nd Dynamic with going up the bridge.Debbie Sharp, PES announced that at next week’s meeting we would have special guest Chill E B who will show us a video and sing for us.
Pinning Ceremony
A PINNING CEREMONY was performed in which each new member who has shown production for the past year was presented with our Flag OT Committee Pin.Kaye announced that THIS SUNDAY, April 6 there will be a Captain’s Field Briefing. This event will start at 11:00 am with a complimentary brunch, and will conclude around 1:00 pm, after the Captain FSO gives us and our local field a briefing on the latest happenings at Flag and what’s in store for the future!
Kaye briefed us that we would not be presenting the monthly commendations at this meeting due to the Captain FSO coming to address us, and that we would reschedule presenting commendations to next week, April 7.
The Captain FSO gave us a briefing regarding his new project for us in getting local Scientologists enlightened about the new rundowns that are available for them now, and getting them to come to Flag to avail themselves of these. He said that the most successful actions in getting others to arrive for training or processing are (1) Getting local business to play the game of getting their staff who are Scientologists onto services, (2) Visiting people door-to-door, (3) Word of mouth. The Captain asked that we each take responsibilty for contacting someone we know and helping get that person into the org for one of the new rundowns. The Captain also announced he will give a Field Briefing this Sunday, and he wants to make sure that everybody comes! He said it will be in the Auditorium at 11:00 AM and there will be great food, and everybody will be BRIEFED! He asked that we all spread the word.
Mathilde, Public Sec FSO along with the Deputy Captain Flag Building, Jason Hemphill, presented lists of local names for the Captain’s project to invite to come to Flag. The first step of handing out folders for specific local businesses to play the game was accomplised first, with different OTC members taking each business folder to work on. Then the Deputy Captain read about half the names on a list of local people in the spirit of play, and different OTC members took names. The remainder of the list was left on the front table for members to check after the meeting and take down names of people they would like to take responsibility for contacting. Mathilde surveyed the group and worked out a time for a ‘Daily Meeting’ for people who took names which will be at 12:30 PM in the FSM area at the Flag Building.
Kaye announced that we would do our “Yearly Group Photo” next week due to time, and some members had left to go on course.
Kaye read an LRH quote and adjourned the meeting, leading the group in a round of applause for LRH.Minutes by Carol Gulasa, Meeting Secretary
Edited and Approved by Susan Moore, Deputy Chairman
BTW — love the bureaucracy of the “edited and approved”… They can’t even do minutes without someone inspecting and editing them? Susan Moore is really doing an excellent job of that. She should definitely be “pinned” at the next meeting for being the biggest donkey in the OTC as this appears to be her only job. Total fail.
And some news from the Valley Allstars. What is remarkable about this is the fact they have collected 17 MILLION dollars and its not close to being what is needed to renovate and open their Hearst Castle of the Valley. Just think about what $17 million dollars could have been used for that would actually be valuable to the world. Hell they could have built hundreds of running tracks and making this most OT of all rundowns easily available to everyone in LA (and BTW, this is the order of magnitude of what is needed — HUNDREDS JUST FOR LA if they really think everyone should get through this, and surely they do?)
But it seems they have tapped out their whales and others — only $1000 this week…. Not going to get far with that. It won’t even pay for the taxes on the empty building.
But the real gem for this morning is the new stable data the experienced Sea Org Flag Banking Officer has brought to the team: Policy number 1: Stay in PT. Policy number 2: Apply Policy number 1! AND we will attract pro-survival attention units. Wow, that is some sophisticated management skill.
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2014
From: Valley Org <[email protected]>
Subject: Valley OTC Minutes, March 25, 2014MINUTES
March 25, 2014
ATTENDEES Kathy Welch, Kathie Heard, Mary Lee Krackow, Mary Elizabeth Glosup, Diane Temps, Karen Brown, David Nunez, Dean Glosup, John Cumming, Alicia Kreisberg, Scott Kreisberg, Kathy Di Galbo, Ralph Temps, Bob Brooks, Linda Massey, Bob Welch, Ben Ghiora, Bo Ellison, Rochelle Goodrich, Nancy Parodi, Larry Marshall
Kathie Heard opened the meeting.
Mary Lee Krackow recited the purpose of the OT Central Committee.
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – Up from 42 to 48
Division 2 – Mary Elizabeth Glosup
Gross Income – Down from $1350 to $1010
Division 4 – Kathy Welch for Tamara Dahill
# of Volunteer Hours – Up from 203.5 to 232.25
# of all GAT2 starts – Up from 7 to 10
# of Events & Briefings Held – 0
# of Books Sold – Down from 5 to 2
# of Pre-OTs onto their next step – Even at 0
# of Clears onto their next step – Down from 1 to 0Division 5 – Mary Ann O’Donnell
# of Route to Knowledge starts – Down from 2 to 1
Division 6 – Charlene Thorburn
Meeting Attendance – Down from 15 to 13
FBO Valley, Davide De-Vita he will helping with all aspects of fundraising for our Ideal Org! He has been involved in the same activities at several Italy Ideal Orgs. He met with OTC execs to plan immediate actions. They all took note of the plus points of our Valley Ideal Org project: especially that we have raised over $17 million for the building and part of the renovations!!! Also, we sent out 3.5 million emails, and we have 3500 donors and 36 Humanitarians!!!
Our new theme is “Ride to the Finish!” Target is move up to 6,000 donors.
Policy number 1: Stay in PT. Policy number 2: Apply Policy number 1! AND we will attract pro-survival attention units.
Alexandra Potter announced the next Freewinds event here at Valley on Saturday April 5th. Dinner is at 6:00pm and Destination OT- Postulates, Prosperity and Policy starts with Gavin Potter speaking at 6:30pm.
Also, Valley Week at the Freewinds was announced for May 1st – 8th. Package price includes flight, accomos and a week of special events. Ports of call include Barbados, St. Kitts, Dominica, St. Lucia and Antigua.
Senior C/S West US will speak at an event planned for later in April. He will inspire us on application of the tech in order to get recoveries and new people in the door. Do your SRD here at Valley!!!
Jill Halverson started her SRD at Valley!
OTC members organized all activities: call-in, letter writing, commends, central files, fundraising in order to get more participation and new OTC members.
Jennifer Jacobson briefed us on the importance of New Public in the Door. This activity increases the stats for: OTC members, fundraising donations, and all Bridge actions! She has new Dianetics tickets and FSM slip booklets for you.
Reminder: Carroll Loweree announced the “Love It Forward” program: promoting random acts of kindness! She briefed us on the program and recent activities.
OTC members went into production with call-in to all OTC members.
The meeting was ended.
When I worked at David Singer Enterprises and Measurable Solutions, we were visited often by Flag people “briefing” us on the courses and wins. Now I know why this occurred. It always turned me off but I was grateful for the break. Luckily I was Tampa public. I felt pressure to do something nonetheless and was worried my co workers and seniors were looking at me like “well sign up dude!”
Scientology businesses contacted so that their Scientology employees can be regged for services. Knocking uninvited on peoples’ doors. so insane. I mentally shuddered, reading this. Thank you, God. I am so glad that I am no longer in a position to be subjected to this kind of discourtesy and abuse.
Me too Aquamarine.
Oh lord. 3.5mil e-mails. Isn’t that illegal somehow?
“Visiting people door-to-door” eh? Will they be using the squirrelbusters for this ill-conceived harrassment/regging campaign?
OP: “She should definitely be ‘pinned’ at the next meeting for being the biggest donkey in the OTC”
Here is a medal for their next “pinning” ceremony.
Inspired in Mike Rinder’s OP & War Horse’s comment.
Written & Edited by MaBű
Approved by Mike Rinder
When they says “Books Sold: 2”, is that literally 2 individual books or book *sets*?
Oh if it were set, they’d have said so…or counted all the individual titles as sales.
“What is remarkable about this is the fact they have collected 17 MILLION dollars and its not close to being what is needed to renovate and open their Hearst Castle of the Valley.”
What a sad joke on everyone involved and also on LRH.
If it ever opens it will be most certainly be an “Idle Morgue” like all the rest. …..Then they will have to rename it ‘Hearse’ Castle of the Valley.
And at the grand mythical opening I can visualize a chorus of Valley Girls all chanting in unison, “Well, Gag me, gag me gag me with a spoon! Yaaaaaay, GAG II !! ”
Good night.
How the hell did I put up with all that Scientology drivel for so long?
When I hear it now I cringe. Great to be awake… FINALLY! ~lol
Oi Vey! I remember in LA when the basics shit hit the fan around 2006-07. It was incredibly invasive with SO showing up at your home and work at any time. One girl had her face pressed to my window when I didn’t answer the door. I was told I was out ethics and disaffected because I didn’t want to buy the books I already owned. I think the SO went a little nuts and their attitude on visits and phone calls got very aggressive and militant. It’s hard to imagine this starting up again with their “visits”. It sounds so friendly but is just a disrespectful intrusion. I know of several businesses that were decimated by the IAS ravaging them without mercy. This tack will not be well received this time around, people know too much.
Yeah, every once in a while, the Asbestoswinds goes on a little island tour. It’s been to all those ports before, as well as Freeport, Jamaica (forgot the name of the port there), St. Lucia, and a few others out that way.
I have no idea if there is any rhyme or reason for it, but it’s nice when the ol’ bucket gets away from the usual routine.
I imagine that the locals cringe when brokenwinds shows up. It takes up cruise ship dock space that could be used by other ships with passengers – passengers who are actually allowed off to spend some money. Of course, it costs money to enter those ports, and I’d bet they’ve cut a long term discount in the ABCs. Her radius of operations is limited by other factors as well – she probably can’t go two days without some breakdown, so needs to be close to the barn. She also probably can’t venture into some countries. Imagine if she came into Ft Lauderdale? Either the USCG would shut her down or disaffected OT VIIIs would slap sheriff’s liens on her!
That bucket was built in 1968, discarded by legitimate operators in the 80s as too old, too many problems, too expensive. It was dumped on the market at $10M to some suckers. It has to be a money pit and all the money is spent on glitzy veneer when the physical plant is nursed along on baling wire and chewing gum applied by unskilled, unlicensed slave labor.
The SS Mesothelioma sails on!
Interesting that the Freewinds is venturing beyond the ABC ports.
Mike, to expand the point a bit. Random acts of kindness seems to be an incidental fact that manifests the basic operating basis.
I think these committees operate on simply random acts. Period. A bit of this and a bit of that. Some books. An event, a fundraiser, a briefing, a new call-In plan for staff of businesses, a tally of hours worked, but not, something like create auditors and clears.
The structure of an org, right or wrong, is there to create auditors and winning Pcs. No random acts required. Once you have left the policy reservation, so to speak, your are in the wilderness of hey-you style op basis.
Welcome to a strange and unfamiliar church.
LRH said something like ‘the public stays away in droves.’ How apt.
Sounds to me like the OT Committee is being wrangled into doing what is the job of the staff! So, what is the staff doing? Oh yeah, regging for $$. The ship is sinking.
Right Bert. They are killing the golden geese also. They have no idea how all these public OTs provided all this money to get where they are. The incredible amount of time and effort that it takes to run businesses, work jobs and wrangle everything to get bridge done. Then they are treated like indentured servants, doing the work that the staff should be doing. I say again, Scngsts are some of the most generous people on the planet.
When Jonas Salk invented the polio vaccine, he didn’t need lots of empty buildings. He didn’t need someone to approve his minutes. He didn’t need hyperbole. He didn’t send out flyers, award fancy trophies and titles, or need teenagers to do manual labor. He just needed a press release.
Why is that?
Hilarious, War Horse! Because it’s so accurate.
But I have to add, I worked for a pretty big corporation for over 15 years. Plenty of red tape and people shifting responsibility and all that. But I NEVER saw something as stupid as someone needing the minutes of a small meeting to be “edited” and “approved by”.
These church people LIVE IN FEAR. They won’t do ANYTHING without approval from the Church elders first.
Great point Mike.
If the running program is so vital to mankind why don’t they build these tracks all over the country?? In fact we have a nice running track near my house. Little do they know that they are sitting on a gold mine.
How hard can it be to c/s someone on a running program? No needle action or looking through worksheets. Just “keep running” until you have a cog or something…
True Tony.
“Just think about what $17 million dollars could have been used for that would actually be valuable to the world.”
I think the economists call this an opportunity cost. What the money could have been spent on, more productively, or at least as an alternative.
How many auditors can you train for 17 mill?
The intent of using this for buildings is rotten. The intent to help others, would result in a different outcome and a different use for the money.
He does not have the intent to help. Clear as daylight.
Very true!
The running program IS all over the country.
Something D.M.did not do.
pity please those that serve
they only get what they deserve
they all play the game but when they dare to tear
themselves away from there,
they’re hounded relentlessly,
called on the phone needlessly
told to confirm immediately,
followed by a string of obscenities……
hurled at counter intentioned beings like me
it isn’t all it seems……. being OT
we’ve all done the basics
but when we dare to say
hey i’ve been there!
they say Fuck You it wasn’t GAT two
then some brown eyed girl in hand me downs
whose name I never could pronounce
glares at me with eyes that hate
declares my guilt because i masturbate……
but says don’t fear
i need only step over to the cashier
then please proceed
to steps A through E…….
it isn’t all it seems……. being OT
now all i have left
is to join the RPF
and make amends………. seems it never ends
it isn’t all it’s cracked up to be my dear OT
🙂 nicely done WS!
Excellent post, Mike.
Thank you.
War Horse
Edited by Idle Morgue
Corrected by Cooper J Kessel
Spellcheck by plainoldthetan
Abbreviated by MJ
From a concept by Jose Chung
Based on an original e-mail by FOTF2012
In collaboration with LDW and statpush
Approved by Mike Rinder
For the Worldwide Web and all Member Nations and principalities, Inc.
Your comment indicates something that has the aneurysm in Miscavige’s head about to burst: it’s evidence that the disaffected declared apostates hammering away in their parents’ aluminum-foiled basements making posts at the fringes of the internet are allied and (gasp!) operating shoulder-to-shoulder…against a common foe toward a desirable goal: protection of the unguarded population of earth from the ravages of Miscaviges.
Random acts of kindness? okay, now that is just too hard to swallow! As for finding new whales to donate, I believe they have started going through the yellow pages of the phone book. They are grasping at straws. Their ship is going down.
COB is like Ahab chasing Moby Dick to the ultimate denouement.
The worse time for statistics/arrivals at Flag is after the summer ends. By then the “newness” of the SP building and its curiosity factor will be dying down. The psychosis at Flag will start hitting new Highest Evers and will predictably go straight up and vertical from there. Lots of staff will need to be “thrown under the bus” and sacrificed to keep the gods happy. The Captain FSO and the veteran staff are well aware of this.
I always thought that the urgency to release Super Power was related to the law suit and nothing more.
Technically as they did with KTL/LOC they released it in the the incorrect sequence. Staff were supposed to do it first, then the public.
Another thing was that like power it was supposed to exported to the staff of lower Orgs via New World Corp and delivered to the public at Saint Hills.
It was never intended as a “Flag Only” rundown and does not require a massive building to deliver it in.
“Cause Resurgence” like Mike says can be delivered at any High School’s Track and Field.
The only additional equipment you need is a pole to run around.
Not to mention the advantages of doing it in the open is getting fresh air (well reasonably fresh in LA) and all that space.
In my opinion doing this rundown indoors is total and complete *idiocy*. Aside from being squirrel.
Another thing was that the original prerecs for the Super Power RDs was KTL/LOC Course which was the reason that the Ron spent so much time getting the pilot for those actions completed.
I mean if it was just a simple matter of having everyone do or redo the purif and objectives (which is what the SRD basically is) then the rundowns could have been delivered long ago.
This was the reason *why* Super Power was put on the “back burner”.
The poor guys must have a very real feeling of impending doom…
So $17 mil raised by 3500 donors that averages out to $4857 each. Raising the target to 6,000 donors tells me they want to raise a total of $29,142,000
$29 Million dollars for a building, so called active OT committee members 48 only 2 books sold in the week reported. This is so delusional there is not a single financial planner on planet Earth that would even consider or promote this madness.
To me it’s evident that Kathie, David and the other committee members are in need of some emergency mental health counseling. Preferably housed at an in-house intensive care facility there is something very wrong with this group.
Taylor – 29 mil sounds about right when you’re spending other people’s money and couldn’t care less about those individual’s well-being.
I’m guessing Nancy Cartwright has donated between 2-8 million, possibly more. She has been matching donations on and off for the last 5-6 years and remains the top name on the donor list as “Nancy.”
re: Random acts of Kindness
Leave it to Kool Aid drinkers to NEED a program to do something nice.
In the REAL world people just do these types of things without even thinking about it or without reason.
+1 And they don’t run around bragging about it to pr themselves.
3500 donors? Probably more like 100 separate donations each from the 35 sheep still left. No way there are 3500 individuals in the Valley, when Flog and LA can’t muster that many for a guest appearance of you-know-who.
If we never believe any of the other stats, why should we believe the dollars??
Disbelieve, doubt, question. Quit putting cob on a pedestal and actually start helping people. Cheap advice but ultimately profitable.
Profitable in a real sense, which is really what counts.
i.e. the real profit is spiritual, not material.
When I was the Treasury Secretary Flag Service Org (FSO) in 2001, I was asked to get a computer print out of all public that had paid at least $1,000 to Flag over the last 3 years. There were only 5,000 names. This was checked and rechecked for accuracy. Realize the weekly FSO Income and Delivery is greater than all the rest of Scientology combined. This gives you a real datum to compare things to.
In 2001, as the Treas Sec FSO, I was asked to print out a list of public who had paid the FSO at least $1,000 over the prior 3 years. The list was only 5,000 people. It was checked and rechecked and verified as correct. There is no way some Valley org has 3,500 people donating to them. Just another imaginary number thrown out in an effort to impress. I bet their parking lot holds less than 50 cars and its empty.
Bystander – I agree. It’s 3500 donations in each unit of time, not 3500 individual donors, supposing its even true. People could easily have been donating weekly or monthly to the Ideal Org scam over the past 6 years. This adds up. The only other way 3500 different individuals donated to the Valley Org would be in a world wide scenario, or Sea Org staff were asked to donate some of their pay. I doubt that though because we would have heard something about it. I don’t think there’s 3500 public scns in LA who are currently active, much less donating to Valley Org.
It all sounds like people running around frantically to appear busy when they actually have to clue how to produce a product and no one wants the product anyway.
When I was on staff at GO WW in the summer of 1977, the Guardian WW ordered a bypass of St. Hill Estates. So for the next 4-6 months I (along with every other GO WW staff member) spent every Sunday afternoon, pulling brambles (loads of fun), trimming hundreds of rhododendron bushes and generally being a dog’s body for whatever was needed. At that time I thought it was interesting, even productive considering the amount of time I was “chained” to a desk during the week. But in retrospect, I see it as an early example of off -hat, off-purpose actions that were sanctioned for the “good of the group.” It wasn’t that spending a Sunday or two with Mother Nature was bad, it’s just that it set a precedent; one that has been repeated time and time again.
Staff are not people.
Staff do not have lives.
Staff do not need money.
Staff do not eat – well ,not that much.
Staff are cheerful, willing and ad lib playful ditties really well.
Staff do what they are told.
Staff do not question authority, it gives them headaches.
Staff don’t have feelings, nor do they bleed, need love or respond to compassionate and sane commands.
Staff love pulling up brambles, f**k the thorns, they make staff members bigger, better and stronger.
Staff members last forever and then quietly disappear.
This type of denigration and denial, made it okay for almost anything to be done to staff, including allowing them to spend years with the belief that their actions, their soul-wrenching attempts at success were never good enough. It also made it okay to play an endless shell game with hats and functions. The SCN org Board was not necessarily the best in the world, but it was functional.
The main problem with it, in my opinion, was that the wrong division was shown as being elevated to a senior position. Div One (HCO) and Div Five (Qual) were always shown as being higher than the other divisions, meaning they held greater importance or a seniority of purpose. In actual fact, Div Two was and has always been the senior division.Herein was a fatal flaw and an accepted dishonesty that ultimately undermined the church.
Money is the only “product” that has endured over the life of Scientology. Every other one has all but disappeared within the church.
It all started with a simple hat and purpose. Be a Scientologist, help others through auditing and training. When other actions and other purposes grew bigger and more important SCN began to die. It’s correction and “resurrection” is equally simple. Return to what worked.
Nothing odd about your post Odd.
A: That’s odd.
C: No it’s not, he’s Odd.
A: That’s what I said! It’s Odd.
C: Who’s odd?
A: He’s odd!
C: Pffft! He is NOT odd! He’s Odd!
A: You just said he’s odd! Now you’re saying he’s not odd! Which is it?!
C: It’s Odd, and he’s not odd! Can’t you get that?
A: This is odd.
C: You’re odd.
A: No, he’s Odd!
C:He is not odd!
(With apologies to Abbot & Costello and their skit “Who’s on first?”)
🙂 Thanks
I totally agree with you.
Me I found the policy “Orders; Query of” on SS II and made any exec who tried to order me to do anything that wasn’t my hat or post life miserable.
Then came “Orders, Illegal and Cross” 😉
Yet now I realize how much time I wasted fighting with senior execs just so I could do my job.
Personally I think the number of senior execs that actually followed org lines and patterns I could count on the fingers of one hand which got even worse after WW was dissolved and the SO totally moved in at which point in my opinion the Church of Scientology became a totally authoritarian regime where compliance was made senior to common sense.
That is the multiple viewpoint system was pretty much eliminated and replaced with a top down military like structure which continues today.
Anyone who says that Church of Scientology today is like it was back then just wasn’t there.
Sure we had our share of “know best” autocrats like Jane Kember and Bill Franks for example but their effect was ameliorated somewhat by various Ad Councils and the fact that you could query their orders.
Not to mention the “clash of titans” which was the constant turf battle between the GO and SO which kept most senior execs occupied enough to prevent them from meddling with the Orgs.
Much like here in America when you put one party in control of the Executive Branch and the other in Congress that you get enough infighting going that nothing is done and they pretty much leave the Hoi polloi alone 🙂
At least that is my view.
Spot on, my friend. When the GO was “merged with the SO in 1981, the Balance of Powers that existed at that time, went away. As dysfunctional as these two groups were in working together, they at least they kept the “3D Case” off SCN long enough to get things done. After that, case became the dominant factor in deciding how the group moved forward. And I think it safe to say, that the last 3 decades is more than adequate evidence that SCN has taken the most aberrated paths to present time.
I agree Odd.
By eliminating the autonomy of the GO they eliminated the check required to keep the fanatics and zealots in the SO at bay.
Personally as I’ve written earlier I thought this was Ron’s biggest mistake.
Maybe he thought that the Sea Org would actually carry out his intention of preserving the technology and operating within the law.
True he incorporated the Church of Spiritual Technology to counter RTC but he placed them both under the control of the Sea Org instead of turning one or the other over to civilian control.
At least that’s my view.
In my opinion the original WW and SO separation of power as contained in the original OEC volumes was the most workable system devised.
I wouldn’t have had a problem doing a little “all hands” for a group I cared about, provided I have the resources to keep my other dynamics in good condition. In non-profits, little and large volunteer projects are often needed that are not covered by employees, and those who care most about the purpose of the group step up and do the little extras as needed to keep things going. Just last week I was on a Board (of Directors) volunteer committee that worked at least 20 hours per person in the week before to make an event came off well. I got emails and calls from people sometimes late into the night! Each of us had our bit to do, worked hard, and we were happy with the outcome. Every year there are events and projects like this, and I probably serve hundred hours of unpaid work per year (and frankly, my staff hatting and tech training, have helped me substantially in this context). One arts service fraternity I belong to tallies hours reported by members as service to the community, and it is the group’s point of pride reporting such to a national office where volunteer hours are noted in a yearly publication.
I feel blessed that I have the time and resources to GIVE to my community and CREATE cool resources for the community in this way.
The difference is that NONE of these other groups I serve in REQUIRE me to give this time or threaten a position if I have to withdraw. There is some peer pressure amongst the volunteers – commitments are taken seriously, and one would lose respect if one didn’t see a promise through. However, others will pick up the slack if one has a problem.
By the way – these are all WOGS that I work with and co-create with, and believe me, they are ON THE BALL. Some hold down full time jobs/businesses yet come and volunteer for several organizations whose products they enjoy or value. These people have “stresses” and challenges sometimes meeting deadlines and schedules as both business people and volunteers, but good ones do get the job done! It’s impressive, and I always try to acknowledge how valuable these people are.
The problem that we (I and others who’ve told their stories here) have experienced with staff and public Scientology projects is that one is expected to sacrifice all other dynamics for Scientology itself, and the Scientology culture does not allow for individual selection. Scientologists acquiesce to ridicule and bullying for compliance to “command intention” at the risk of ex-communication or being denied services. The worst part it that most of the projects are just for the sociopath-in-charge’s own ego and psychotic goals – not for any real help to humanity.
Anyway, I just want to give a thumbs up to the value of volunteering with good will and freedom of choice.
By the way, the grounds projects at GOWW produced a lovely effect. I remember daffodils – they were delightful. I don’t know how it was run, and it is too bad if it was enforced and caused staff other losses on other dynamics. That kind of ruins the pleasure of the result.
The grounds were beautiful, as was all of St. Hill 🙂 It was a theta environment really, in and of itself. What went on within it, regrettably got a little out of hand. I have found Scientologists to be an incredibly giving bunch. Open, honest and so willing to sacrifice. And those fine characteristics have been targeted and taken advantage of for decades. That’s the real sin. There are good people out there who appreciate kindness in whatever form it takes. And they thank you for it. What a concept!
Here’s a short anecdote for you to highlight my point.
The AG San Francisco was walking through the downtown Market Street area, coming back from a meeting with an attorney. This is 1978. At an intersection he met a jovial guy, probably early 30s, neatly dressed in jeans and t-shirt, who asked him for some money. The AG, already stopped at the light, thought about it for a sec and replied, “sorry I don’t make enough money, to give any of it away.” They amiably exchanged a few more words and when asked, the AG honestly told him what he made each week. The panhandler replied, “seriously man, you should think about coming down here and do what I do. On a good week, I make $500.” The AG smiled weakly and walked off shaking his head. — True Story.
Thanks for your insight, Leonore 🙂
Odd Thomas, I remember well those Sunday’s of1977 in the gardens at 9 months pregnant, pruning rose bushes and pulling brambles.
I have had the same opinion as you stated above for a long time: …”at which point in my opinion the Church of Scientology became a totally authoritarian regime where compliance was made senior to common sense.That is the multiple viewpoint system was pretty much eliminated and replaced with a top down military like structure which continues today. Anyone who says that Church of Scientology today is like it was back then just wasn’t there. Sure we had our share of “know best” autocrats like Jane Kember and Bill Franks for example but their effect was ameliorated somewhat by various Ad Councils and the fact that you could query their orders. Not to mention the “clash of titans” which was the constant turf battle between the GO and SO which kept most senior execs occupied enough to prevent them from meddling with the Orgs. Much like here in America when you put one party in control of the Executive Branch and the other in Congress that you get enough infighting going that nothing is done and they pretty much leave the Hoi polloi alone.”
Thomas –
You wrote: “It all started with a simple hat and purpose. Be a Scientologist, help others through auditing and training. When other actions and other purposes grew bigger and more important SCN began to die. It’s correction and “resurrection” is equally simple. Return to what worked.”
Maybe a dumb post of mine, but yeah – I don’t see anything hard to grasp about that.
Lordie Lordie Lordie! I am so HAPPY 😀 to not be part of this crap any more!
They now have daily meetings to follow up to see who has contacted some poor guy who has successfully managed to stay under the radar for many years. Soon the captain FSO will be making hourly phone calls to “8C” them.
Who has time for this? Do OTC members not have jobs? Can they really all go to a meeting in the middle of the day every day?
I’m looking forward to the Public Dunkings of Non-Compliant Flag Public Done in the Spirit of Play.
More likely to see public hangings in the spirit of hate.
Yea but Der Midget has redefined it with Gag II.
One seriously wonders what are considered “random acts of kindness” in scio. Holding back filing a KR on a fellow staff member?
No the “random act of kindness” in the SO is wrinting a KR on a fellow staff member to direct attention away from yourself…….Precept 22 “be kind to yourself” yeah get the hell out of there.
Mike, loved your spot-on comment: “BTW — love the bureaucracy of the “edited and approved”… They can’t even do minutes without someone inspecting and editing them?”
For years, I edited the Flag OT Committee minutes, because not only did those writing the minutes have poor grammar and writing skills, but also they wrote things that were very out PR. An example of this is some unedited minutes that somehow got on Marty’s blog back in April 2011 in which the Captain is quoted as saying of OT’s: “It is unsuccessful to leave people out of control.”
Oy vey iz mir.
Great feedback Marti. Thanks for taking the trouble to post it here. Appreciated. Those minutes sound wild.
Yes, those naughty, petulant, immortal, spiritual beings need to be controlled dammit!!!!!!!
And I can’t believe the incompetence of those crappy OT Committees. They can’t even have a simple meeting without giving the secrets of the universe to the bitter defrocked apostate shitheads. Where in the hell is that god damned leak anyway?
This OTC… Is it not another of Dave’s creations destined to prove effective in riding Scientology of any redeemable elements?
OTC… Like IAS… Another cult within the cult?
I’m just wondering what goes on in the minds of those people who were on the receiving end of those 3.5 million emails.
Judging by the incredible number of no-responders, I don’t think they are really contemplating random acts of kindness.
Most likely the majority of them are just ducking for cover.
I was thinking along those lines too.
Frankly, when the Church collapses, a lot of good people are going to need help and orientation. (The sociopaths running the asylum can go to h*ll.)
Their first hurdle will be to unlearn some of the false data carved into their minds: no, the “wog” world is not a horrible place for the most part; no, persons in the psychotherapy fields are not evil whole track SPs; and no, those who have left the Church are not bitter, defrocked apostates nor SPs.
In contrast to their indoctrination, they would be cared about, cared for, and loved by many.
It will not be unlike the R-factors that will need to be given North Koreans if their similar regime falls some day.
The 3.5 million non-responders just have a good spam filter.
The People’s Congress decrees comrades cooperation of people’s businesses:
Wouldn’t you think this group of highly evolved beings in the Valley would have asked by now for an itemization of how their (gulp) $17 million is to be spent on a single building and a projection of how much money needs to be raised and how it would be spent? No wonder these people have been and are being robbed blind.
Yes, and the OT VIIIs, being at cause over MEST both objectively and subjectively, could have either just created the remodeled buildings and/or the cash to have the work done. But I guess those OT powers sort of come and go — come when a success story is to be written, disappear in real live.
Valley Org is Hot and Heavy selling Door knobs.
( They sell doors and door knobs to fund raise for the Valley Ideal Org)
Personally I would like to know the secret, 17 mil is a ton of door knobs
or sex included?..
The Girl Scouts discovered selling Girl Scout Cookies outside the front door of
POT Stores sells Cookies like wild fire.
( a no brainer if you were a teenager in the 1960’s)
Medical Marijuana.
This – “Reminder: Carroll Loweree announced the “Love It Forward” program: promoting random acts of kindness!” – will get killed rather quickly. It doesn’t promote LRH and doesn’t bring in any money. It does once again demonstrate that the are many with good hearts still caught in the cofs. Some tight ass will KR Carroll for a theetie-weetie project being a distraction, not on the project orders for OTC, blah, blah, blah..
Good news is, it just might give Carroll Loweree a wake-up call as to what the group intention really is.
“Love It Forward” – Maybe somebody is trying to pilot a new accidental / pre-planned ‘good will’ photo opp.
I would love to see details of these random acts of kindness. It won’t be something real like giving a homeless guy a home-cooked meal, because that is rewarding a degraded being. It won’t be donating time or money to a pediatric ward because they are PTS and pulled it in. It won’t be helping the elderly get around because they should just hurry up and end cycle. So what could they do? Oh! I know! Hand out copies of way to happiness at the local mall….
Yeah – would love to see what they consider random acts of kindness.
Roflmao…. Sad but very true
I see how far we’ve sunk when being kind is now a stat. What’s next, eating lunch? How about the act of auditing someone, on their own determinism, on something they’re interested in, to a result that THEY are happy with? That would be a true kindness.
Signing checks with random numbers on them ?
Carol Loweree does have a good heart, but don’t hold your breath waiting for her to wake up. She was diagnosed with cancer very shortly after completing OT VIII, and if that doesn’t wake you up, it’s not likely any KR is going to do the trick.
Yes, these are acts of desperation. Visiting people door to door and dragging them into the Org for services is a strong indication their services are not needed or wanted anymore. GAG II group C/Sing is the most ridiculous program in the history of Scientology. It will disaffect and ARC X all but the most dim OT VII’s and VIII’s.
Yes, I know someone who didn’t want to do SRD but because he/she just wanted to get through it, would pay for it in the HGC. “One of the most dim” – wasting tens of thousands to just get through it and not have to argue with anyone about his desire to not do it or be on someone’s list of ARCXen public.
Nice observation and it is quite correct. “Go with the flow” to “get through” is the current mantra of Church members. I have done this many, many times myself, I regret to say, as I am sure we have all done (at least those that were “in”, anyway)… Ha
We do not have to do that anymore, thank god. And, your friend is now just as ARC broken as we were when we swallowed crow or “went with the flow”…. so it’s just a matter of time before he she/he will be out.
GAG II is an abomination that even the folder page will recognize before the year is out.
Much Ado About Nothing.
After reading this all I can say is It is so good to be gone finally.
Just what I was thinking.
Policy No. 1 “WAKE UP”
Policy No .2 “count 5,4,3,2,1, and yell “WAKE THE FUCK UP”
Policy No. 3 If no response to the above, pick up 2×4 and deliver sharp crack to your own forehead.
Policy No. 4 Wash, rinse and repeat until free of cult influences.
Policy No. 5 Pass 2×4 to a friend in the cult.
Seriously funny. :o) No seriously. :o)
Sounds like the 2-by-4 rundown. You know: “A repetitive process that is continued until the pc is flat.”
Yes and if they are not flattenable then at least cave em in and steal their wallet.
Too funny!
“Coops wake up call”
“(1) Getting local business to play the game of getting their staff who are Scientologists onto services, (2) Visiting people door-to-door, (3) Word of mouth.”
Good gawd, the innovation! (cannot stop laughing)
One seriously wonders what are considered “random acts of kindness” in scio. Holding back filing a KR on a fellow staff member? Giving yourself such an act by walking out the door and never looking back? With everything so carefully plotted and approved, how is it possible to “random” anything? That would need individual thinking and consideration, hardly okay activities in themselves.
I note the continuing spread of exclamationpointitis, often for totally insignificant points or actions. Perhaps they’ve created a stat for that? A certain minimum number which must be used in communications to heighten their importance?
Random acts of kindness in Scientology are not driving you insane until you are completely broke.