Just some OT Committee Minutes for today as I am taking the weekend with my kids and don’t want to spend time putting together a posting.
I let these accumulate and then publish them sporadically. They may contain interesting information, in all honesty I haven’t even read them. Probably the usual “wow, look how great we are doing, we had three people on Student Hat this week” sort of stuff.
Happy reading. I am sure some of our sharp eyed commenters will pick out some of the highlights.
In case you wondered, the cartoon is a comment on the deluge of documents and information that pours in from all sides of scientology. It’s amazing.
Date: 07 Sep 2014 11:15:23
From: John Stout OT Ambassador <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: EAST US OT COMMITTEE EXPANSION NEWS 2014: Week-ending 4 September 2014
Week-Ending: 4 September 2014
East US OT Committee Expansion News 2014
Dear East US OT Ambassadors and OT Committee Members:
East US Service Starts were second highest of the OTC year, totaling 54. The stat is uptrending overall. Two of our Ideal Org OTCs were the big stars: New York OTC had 20 starts and DC had 11 – Very Well Done to both!
As has been the case recently, East US Ideal Org Fundraising was dominated by the same two OTCs, but this past week it was Detroit on top and Atlanta #2. Very Well Done for keeping it going!
Here’s where to put your attention: Active OTC Members. Every OTC can increase its participation by getting members onto Golden Age of Tech Phase II services. The wins from the Purification Rundown, Survival Rundown and Student Hat are beyond stellar! With those life-changing wins, it’s easy to get people on board and contributing to you OTC – and making Ideal Orgs across the entire continent!
Note the East US Ideal Org Alliance scheduled for the last weekend of September at Flag!
ML John Stout
OT Ambassador East US I/C
Date: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 22:46:23
From: Valley Org <[email protected]>
Subject: Valley OTC Minutes, Aug 26, 2014
August 26, 2014
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES, Kathy Welch, Kathie Heard, Mary Lee Krackow, Mary Elizabeth Glosup, Diane Temps, Karen Brown, Debbie Suplee, David Nunez, Charlene Thorburn, David Wilson, Dean Glosup, Teri Novitsky, Kathy Di Galbo, Bob Welch, Mark Anderson, Vered Ziv, Avner Golan, Ofrah Bahat, Dali Bahat, Vera Seidler, Larry Marshall, Rochelle Terrific, Heelah Cohen, Colleen Bigler, Megan Mitchell, John Massey, Linda Massey, Sue Kattoo, Donna Greisen, Patty Reimer, Jill Halverson, Chuck Jacobs, Jill Kirsch, Don Saito
Kathy Welch opened the meeting.
Mary Lee Krackow recited the purpose of the OTCC.
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – Up from 55 to 61
Division 2 – Mary Elizabeth Glosup
Gross Income – Up from $29,605 to $37,791
Division 4 – Kathy Welch for Tamara Dahill
# of Volunteer Hours – Down from 361.2 to 325.75
# of Events & Briefings Held – Down from 1 to 0
# of Service Starts – Even at 7
Division 6 – Charlene Thorburn
Meeting Attendance – Up from 27 to 32
Kathy Welch presented and read the Ideal Org Commendation and all the names of recipients. LRH quotes were from “True Group.”
Kathy Morrill, DSA Valley presented an article from the Daily News last Sunday, 4 pages speaking out against the drugging of children!!
Megan Mitchell acknowledged the helpers for the Time Is NOW Event last Saturday and continued recruiting volunteers for the upcoming Autumn Gala event. Needed are helpers for setup, food prep, flowers, registration, etc.
Quinn Taufer, Valley Ideal Org project I/C briefed us regarding the importance of the upcoming Autumn Gala Event on the 6th of September. So far there are 290 tickets sold and 210 more to confirm. Collecting the $400,000+ in outstanding pledges will really get the momentum going. To get these targets made we really need to increase our efforts. We need OTC member assistance on ticket sales.
We have 10 days to get everything in place to EP our fundraising at this Sept 6th Event.
Our postulates, considerations and CAUSE says “This Valley Ideal Org is DONE!”
Quinn recited lines from LRH’s Expansion Formula and Formula for Living. Let’s channel the basic purpose.
Let’s put in the extra time NOW and we can get this done. Valley is also key to getting CC Int Ideal and ALL of Los Angeles Ideal.
Quinn briefed us on the outstanding wins in Sacramento and Italy just from the presence of Ideal Orgs there and the comm lines that are generated.
He pointed out that the Humanitarians and above will have generated over $20 million for this project. We continue working on the middle and lower thirds of the fundraising donors as well.
Here’s what is working:
TR3 getting responses from our field.
Be willing to respond to comm sent to you.
Others will respond to you.
Be interesting. Valley is the most exciting thing going!
Everybody will want to be at the Autumn Gala Event, with 500 parishioners agreeing that this Valley Ideal Org is real!
Quinn cited LRH data re handling objections, TR9 Tone 40 on a person, Serenity, execution of an intention. “We are going to make this Ideal Org occur!”
“Own it. Own the cycle. Do it! Get the EP!”
Now get your parishioner lists and let’s make those calls.
At PAC Graduation this Friday, Nancy will be speaking about her wins AND the Valley Ideal Org. OTC members are requested to attend and confirm attendees for the Autumn Gala Event.
Then Flag World Tour is on Saturday at the Bonaventure Hotel downtown LA. OTC members will be there in force afterwards to continue getting confirms and selling tickets.
Mary Elizabeth Glosup is at CC tonight, promoting and selling tickets for the Gala event!
Kathy Welch obtained completed OTC event surveys.
Quinn concluded with “Let’s work together as a group of OTs and get this DONE!”
“This moment is the completion, the DONE.” This is our chance NOW NOW NOW!
Reminder: the Celebrities Dinner is on September 5th in preparation for the Fall Gala event.
Reminder: Our brand new Design Plans are stunningly beautiful, done in “Mid Century Modern” motif. Our beautiful new Valley Ideal Org Logo designs are present as well. The full set of these Design Plans will be ready for presentation to our entire field at our Autumn Gala Event on September 6th.
OTC members went into production getting confirms for The Sept 6th Autumn Gala event, and the Dinner on Sept 5th.
(C) 2014, CSVLY, All rights reserved. LRH and OT are trademarks and service marks owned by Religious Technology Center and are used with its permission.
Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 19:04:58
From: Valley Org <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
Subject: Valley Org OTC Minutes, Aug 12, 2014
August 11, 2014
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES, Kathy Welch, Mary Lee Krackow, Diane Temps, Debbie Suplee, Charlene Thorburn, David Wilson, Bonita Wilson, Teri Novitsky, Scott Kreisberg, Alicia Kreisberg, Kathy Di Galbo, Ralph Temp, Bob Welch, Vered Ziv, Marty Kassowitz, Bobbie Kassowitz, Lauren Perreau, Ben Ghiora, Ofrah Bahat, Dali Bahat, Hillah Cohen, Joan Roeschke, Betty Sutphin, Jill Kirsch, Rochelle Goodrich, Megan Groesbeck, Tracy Andruscavage,
Kathy Welch opened the meeting.
Mary Lee Krackow recited the purpose of the OTCC.
Division 1 – Kathy Welch for Karen Brown
Active Members – Down from 52 to 42
Division 2 – Mary Elizabeth Glosup
Gross Income – Down from $145,450
Division 4 – Kathy Welch for Tamara Dahill
# of Volunteer Hours – Down from 298.7 to 258.75
# of Events & Briefings Held – Even at 1
# of Service Starts – Down from 10 to 7
Division 6 – Charlene Thorburn
Meeting Attendance – Down from 32 to 27
Quinn Taufer, Valley Ideal Org project I/C announced the completion of Valley Ideal Org full design plans, approved by COB!!!!!!!!!
Quinn then briefed us on fundraising progress to date. There were 88 status increases that were key in raising the $3 million since late June.
One target is to get a large portion of our 4200 donors to go up to Alumni Status.
Main target: All funds invoiced for renovations and all staff recruited in order to have the Valley Ideal Org Grand Opening by LRH’s Birthday 2015!
CC Int Staff are helping us get this done by working on immediate fundraising targets.
Quinn commenced our brand new “Design Plans Presentation” for all OTC members. These plans were stunningly beautiful, done in “Mid Century Modern” motif. Our beautiful new Valley Ideal Org Logo designs were presented as well. The full set of these Design Plans will be ready for presentation to our entire field at our Autumn Gala Event on September 6th.
Entertainment plans for the event include David Campbell, Raven Kane, Geoff Levin, James Barber, AKNU and others!
Quinn continued: “Let’s stay ahead of the curve” and get the last $6.2 million by keeping the motion since MV1 and the momentum going.
Production will be for confirms and ticket sales.
Colleen Lindsey from Flag announced by singing the new Flag World Tour Event. There are several brand new videos for services at Flag and features at the new and newly completed buildings. The event is August 30th – 7:00pm at the Westin Bonaventure. This event brings people uptone with plenty of aesthetics.
Vered Ziv announced our next dinner at the Wilsons on Friday Aug 15th at 6:30pm. Vered is recruiting helpers for the Dinner Brigade.
Bring your friends for enlightenment and hatting on Valley’s progress.
There is also a dinner on Aug 22nd at Tom Schian and Allison’s Ranch home at 6:30pm.
Susan Jacobs and Kathy Welch had all the OTC members complete the Upcoming Events/Dinners survey.
“Increasing Lower third activity is key now.”
Please come into the org every day to help!!
OTC members went into production getting confirms for “The Time is Now” event, and Friday’s dinner.
Kathie Heard is Overall I/C
Kathy Welch is Humanitarians I/C
Carol Espinoza is CC OTC I/C
Mary Elizabeth and Dean Glosup are Premiere Benefactors I/C
Susan Jacobs and Nancy Parodi are the I/C’s for Alumni
I haven’t read the Minutes yet or any of the comments, but have scrolled down to the bottom to say that I hope you had a lovely weekend with your kids, and also that I am so grateful for the work you do for us by maintaining this blog. Thank you.
Ok, now I’m going to read the minutes, and give a shout out of thanks to the MMs (Mike’s Moles) who leak them to you. You go, Moles! Keep leaking those suckers, no matter how inane they are. In fact, the more vapid and empty-headed they are, the better, because that indicates the Cult is in fear – afraid of leaks, afraid to comm because they really have nothing, no good news, to communicate. Let them be afraid. I love reading their rubbish, no kidding.
ML = Many Losses.
Enjoy your weekend with your family Mike!
They are nothing more than a fundraising organization. Nothing else is mentioned in their meetings…. It’s like they are promoting buying your way to the top and don’t even pretend to be a “religion”.
Mid century modern….and a new logo. Oh my, how far we have drifted from the wins of pcs and preots and well trained auditors. The radical church is in treason to itself and horribly, horribly off purpose.
They give radical a bad name. I am hereby defining RCS as Reactionary Church of Scientology.
OTC (Overts Total Count) Minutes:
# of Declares – Up from 33 to 35
# of Families broken up – Even at 50
# inches of Bad Press – Up from 450 to 500!
# of Sec Checks resulting in major crimes found – Up from 45 to 78!
# of dollars to COB – $100,000 to $125,000!!!
# of scheduled reg cycles – Up from 35 to 40
# of Barbecues for Alumni – Down from 14 to 11
# of New people in – Even at 0
Overall condition: Affluence
Keep up the great work guys!!!!!!!!
“Active Members – Down from 52 to 42”
Almost 20% of the OTC not “active” now?
I would assign them Danger condition at the very least, oops they don’t do that anymore that’s Scientology Tech
I cannot stop laughing at the antics of these people who have the unmitigated gaul to call themselves OT’s,
They are so far down the awareness scale its untrue.
This seeking approval of the asthmatic dwarf is propitiation gone mad.
“Gross Income – Down from $145,450”
Down how far? Not fair to tease us like that.
I love the “Be interestING” – not interestED. Their grasp of LRH tech astounds me. No wonder the Valley Org is the very model of the little man’s success.
I noticed that too, WWAW. “Be interesting”. What ever happened to the intention to help the guy in front of you – being interestED in that. How far this church has sunk.
Brilliant and spot on!
54 service starts in EUS, of which 1 will stay on at the very most – scn has flatlined. If it weren’t so morbid, I’d say Mike is the coroner documenting the organisation’s death, cause of. And some of us here are perhaps onlookers who can’t stop staring at the grisly scene of the accident.
I really loved the comic, though. Brilliant!
Hope you had a great day out with your kids 🙂
I would guess that most of those starts are OTs beginning the bridge again at the bottom. So they will likely stay unless they wake the fuck up.
Oh. Did I fall for it again? I thought by service starts they meant new people, not services started on in total.
Valley Org OTC hours averages 5.20 per member a week, I am sure they are exhausted.
When I was on the OTC we were instructed to count the time it took to report our stats. In other words, even if you contributed no work hours that week to the OTC, just reporting your stats made you “active.” Also, attending the meeting counted as hours of “production.” Padded stats, anyone?
What is so damn important about these meetings or minutes that the OTC members are directed to “not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.” The biggest irony of all is that in these minutes, THAT notation is the one thing an SP like me will laugh at the most. They take themselves (pawns of David Miscavige) so seriously and have no idea that what they are doing has NO positive impact on society at large. They are a sad joke.
McCarran: Exactly ! When I think of COB or the OTC I look out into my backyard, see all the blades of grass, and imagine that they are on the ground looking up through the blades of grass from so far below and wondering where the F they are. So tiny and inconsequential in this world.
Get them out of your grass Steph! They will turn it brown SO fast!
I have visited NYD and Fdn Orgs. They are housedIdeal Org building which is right in the middle of a neighborhood known as Time Square, an area that each day for one reason or another has possibly millions of people passing thru it, and not only tourists, though there are plenty of those. But there are theatres, businesses, and all subways converge their. Time Square, as many of you already know, is called, “The Crossroads of the World”.
Now, in the middle of foot traffic that is out the roof, NYD and NYF have 20 new starts (in a week, a month – they don’t say) and this is considered terrific. Look, I don’t want to nag at a rise, and everything is relative, but UPSTAT? I can only shudder at what “normal” for them is.
About as effective as telling a 5-year old, “Don’t do that!”
“What’s so damn important these meetings or minutes…” McCarran, have you gone mad! These people are mankind’s ONLY HOPE! They dedicated themselves to helping us all go FREE! Can’t you see the importance in this?
Ok, ok, they’re a bunch of paranoid fucks that just can’t get ANYTHING done! Gosh but I hope they read this blog every day! The leaks just keep on coming. Why? Because there are so many disaffected staff and members in every Idle Morgue just bidding their time until they leave. In the meantime, they supply us with their eternal memos. Ya gotta love it!
I meant “internal memos.” Not eternal memos. Although the memos do seem never ending…
It does FEEL eternal OSD, trying to get through them. The overrun phenomena squashes my face almost immediately. Gone on too long or happened too often….YES!! Too many reg cycles, too many lies, too many irrational ideas, too many orders, too many altered tech points, too many off policy actions, too many overpriced buildings, too many empty bank accounts, too many broken families, etc, etc, etc. My favorite is too many SPs, I can actually take a win on that!
Nobody can figure out that they are in trouble big time.
To qoute Sahab Ernrani my former ARAB FSM of sorts
Im in the wrong business, I should be selling RADIOACTIVE BINDERS to Scientologist’s.
Typos: Sahab Emrani, Blinders
(Blinders that block the Internet will cost more)
“Megan Mitchell acknowledged the helpers for the Time Is NOW Event last Saturday and continued recruiting volunteers for the upcoming Autumn Gala event.”
This sentence struck me as funny, and I wonder if it’s a bit of a faux pas. Probably not a smooth move, Ex-lax, to remind people of “Time is NOW” events in the past when you no doubt have a “Time is NOW” event coming up in the near future. The key to cognitive dissonance is to let the memory hole swallow up contradictory evidence. STOP bringing it up!
“Colleen Lindsey from Flag announced by singing the new Flag World Tour Event.”
The mind boggles. What did she sing? What tune did she use? Did she pay royalties to the composer (I think this qualifies as a public performance for copyright purposes)?
What tune? Kander & Ebbs, “The Money Song” from “Cabaret” would have been appropriate. In fact, I’m waiting for it to be the Ideal Song for all Scientology fundraising.
You know, posters, as much as I love manic glee and dubious stats, I’m just not sure they’ll let be a member of the OTC which I REALLY want to do! So, any help you can give me will be greatly appreciated!
Ok OSD…..I, Hallie Jane do herewith decree, that OSD is anointed SOOPER DOOPER MERITONIOUS PLATONICUS, Chairman, of the OTC known as (extremely) special persons, of the “something can be done about it” clan. Moreover, 🙂 , he can run it as he damn well pleases whenever he pleases, with whomever he pleases. Hope this helps, celebrate with the adult beverage of your choice.
OSD, if you aspire to OTC membership you’ll need to expand considerably on your usage of exclam tech. One or two here and there is just not going to cut it. That said, if your exclam tech ever does make the grade for OTC membership you’ll then be banned from this blog. Life is full of difficult choices, OSD 🙂
Blah blah blah…highest ever, blah blah blah…incredible, blah blah blah…uptrending, blah blah blah…WOW, blah blah blah…targets, blah blah blah…COB, blah blah blah…donations, blah blah blah…event, blah blah blah.
Excellent comment statpush…..erudite and insightful.
Why thank you, Hallie.
I’ve recommended you for membership in Mensa society.