Register Now. Or Be Shot. Or Something….
The schizoid ballet being danced by Big Brother over attendance at the Single Most Important Event In The History Of The Universe(tm) is rather amusing to watch.
While many Special Persons have reported being contacted to attend (clearly ALL stops are off on the call-in for this — people who have heard nothing for years are suddenly being told to come on down), the other side of the coin is the paranoia that an “unacceptable person” may get in. Many reports that people trying to attend have been told to “report to your local HCO” when applying for a permit to get in. Most of these people have no idea why they have suddenly become lepers — way to go guys, making a whole pile of NEW enemies!
Push, pull. Everyone MUST attend. You are not ALLOWED to attend.
Here is the latest email from inside the bubble. Its really uncanny how the “newspeak” permeates everything. You probably would never have realized this, but it’s all being done to “facilitate us servicing YOU”.
Of course, it would not have ANYTHING to do with the fact that Dear Leader is terrified that an unacceptable person is going to get in the door and record the Single Most Important Event In The History Of The Universe(tm) and put it on the internet so the whole world can see (one wonders “Wouldn’t he WANT the world to see the Single Most Important Event In The History Of The Universe(tm)?”). Or even worse, OMG, they stand up and heckle him or hold a sign and embarrass him in public. Perish the thought….
Subject: Fill out this form to attend the Golden Age of Tech Phase II event!
Dear Scientologist,
To facilitate us servicing YOU with the release of Golden Age of
Tech Phase II, all Scientologists attending the event must fill out
an attendee registration form.The registration form takes only a minute and can be done in one of
3 ways:1) CLICK HERE and fill out the form online (preferred method)
2) Call us at (888) 841-7131
3) Visit your local LA area Org and see the receptionistAdditionally, you will need your IAS Membership card to sign-in at
the event. If you do not have a card, but have an active IAS
Membership, check the option on the registration form and your new
card will be mailed to you within 48 hours.If you will be attending the event with friends & family, ensure
every attendee fills out a registration form.Thank you, and we’ll see you at the event!
Scientology Events Unit
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: (888) 841-7131
This is like being asked to dig your own grave while being told “It’s for you, and you alone.”
The next step is fingerprinting and retina scans.
Don’t want any of those unacceptable types getting in. You know Scientology is for “big beings.”
Volunteer Ministers?
Not a single person has sent me anything about a call to arms for Volunteer Ministers to go to the Philippines. In spite of a lot of earlier hype videos about the massive expansion in the Philippines there is a single part-time (probably non-existant) Mission listed on the website that is closed on Thursdays? Of course, there is no org in the nation of nearly 100 million. So everyone would have to come from outside the country.
But isn’t it strange that the “largest private relief force on earth” is so silent in the face of such a massive disaster?
Could it possibly have anything to do with the fact that a far more important humanitarian endeavor is happening this week? The opening of the SP Building in Clearwater and release of GAG II. It’s the crowning moment of achievement for all Scientology “Humanitarians” and they wouldn’t want to miss it for the sake of a natural disaster. After all, this is a once-in-a-universe event. Video opportunity disasters happen all the time….
And the church wouldn’t want to detract from the attendance at the most significant humanitarian even ever.
Update: Sinar just noted that a PR Web Press Release came out from the RCS YESTERDAY announcing a “VM workshop” on Palau (a nation in the Western Pacific about 500 miles east of the Philippines). Today, it is front and center on the PR Web site with this headline:
“Scientology Volunteer Ministers Goodwill Tour Offers Workshops in Palau
Bringing tools for life to the South Pacific.”
Could these people be any less connected to the real world? Doing workshops in Palau instead of helping anyone in the Phillipines.
Vote For Leah
And to end on a more uplifting note.
Another amazing performance from Leah on Dancing With The Stars last night.
If you watched the show you will understand the importance of viewer votes. The person with the lowest judges score by far (Bill Engvall) did not get eliminated but the person with the second highest judges score did.
Go here and vote for her. Now. Or be shot. Or something….
You know, the little puke Miscavige (oh, excuse me, He Who Must Not Be Named, Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center) is forgetting something very important:
I mean, if He’s really senior to the President (“I didn’t meet Bill Clinton, he met *Me*) He should have them installed at every entry point into His little dog and pony show, just like at a Presidential town hall or any speaking event.
Then, He could staff it with those jack-booted, black-uniformed RTC or who-the-fuck-ever guys with the “cold chrome steel” valence, carrying metal detector wands so they could wave them all over anyone who set off the magnetometer alarm.
That would be great! He could really impinge on everyone just how important He really is!
Here is an excellent analysis by Plain Old Thetan of why IAS and other reges keep hitting on the same donors over and over and over again. And how to make them stop..
I think it was in the mid 70s or so that I finally decided to take my mother to a Scientology event (they were not regular occurances like now). It was an org sponsored concert by Amanda Ambrose. Very in-ARC and in-PR for newcomers. She enjoyed it very much. Built up support for what I was doing and NO registration forms or sign-in desk to enter. Imagine that! You just walked right in!
I remember those days too.
Back when you didn’t have to dress up like a penguin to go to a “Gala” at CCI and you could hang out in the lounge and not be chased out by the Cruise Missile’s Secret Service detail.
Yeah I remember a very cool event with Amanda was when she did a concert with Chick and Gail and Jeffery and all those guys doing a CCI anniversary event with Ray MCing.
I think the last event I went to that was any fun was the News Event at PAC when RJ 39 was released and Edgar Winter played till almost dawn while at midnight you could hear the sound of small arms fire through out LA.
Think there was a guy on Catalina firing an AK47 (fortunately it was in the air) to cap it off.
Magical 🙂
They don’t have events like that any more.
Now they’re as boring as hell and you have Miscavige or Sherman droning on and on and on and on with these boring exploding stat graphs and a Triumph of the Will stage set.
No wonder most of ’em are mandatory these days.
I mean who’d willingly subject themselves to something like that?
But! In the ’70s Miscavige wasn’t the ultra-paranoid out-PR sociopathic lying sack of manure he is today!
I remember those great events they had with Amanda Ambrose at NY Org back in the ’70s. They were actually fun. Imagine that!
If it has not already been mentioned, you can vote for Leah without a Facebook account by signing up for an ABC account here:
“Everyone MUST attend. You are not ALLOWED to attend”.
From the tech dictionary: INSANITY, 10. insanity itself is simply must reach -can’t reach, must withdraw-can’t withdraw. ( 6201C10)
True that!
Bravo on that. The Insanity Definition is whats going on.
There was a push to get people from my Org (Phoenix) to go to the Las Vegas Ideal Org opening which is driving distance. I think it’s like four hours drive, and hey, it’s Las Vegas. Who doesnt like to go to Las Vegas for the weekend? That was a big selling point for me. A group of us had a good time hanging out, gambling a bit, having some drinks, listening to some music etc. The point is there were only 8 or 9 people and I think some of them only went because it was in Las Vegas and we drove. Last minute round trip tickets are going to be approaching $1000 I think. I couldnt even find any on Travelocity. I think it would be a miracle to get more than 10-20 people from “Ideal Org” Phoenix at this event.
Yes I want to see this release in the comfort of my own home, then I feel free to check out how off source this new release is.
Let us not forget that the same, albeit scaled down, craziness filters down to the outer regions where the video of these events are to be shown on the 22nd and 23rd of November. We always know it’s getting desperate when people on the “asshole” lists are suddenly recycled and are being called to attend. These are the people that have gotten themselves, by some miracle, off call-in lists. Welcome back y’all.
The pressure and general unpleasantness must be at intolerable levels in call-in units around the world. If there’s one thing staff members hate it’s an event. If there is anything they Detest it a BIG event. But nothing, and I mean NOTHING beats the carnage that comes with the realisation on the night that attendance is going to be shit. Again.
I don’t miss it.
Yaay! I must be on the A-list (Asshole-list) – I never get calls anymore (big grin)
Makes me another A-lister too Wendy.
So far our phone hasn’t been ringing off its cradle to invite us to the big event under the big top.
ah, what a relief to be on the A list – my phone hardly rings these days, and when it does I know it’s NOT someone asking for MONEY!!!!
Maybe attendance won’t be “shit. again.” Remember there are those hundreds of paid extras being imported from CA to fill the tent. Gotta keep those actors and actresses in work.
Sentence completion alert: “The unspoken message is that the person receiving the very late invitation was not important enough to have been remembered when the other invitations were sent out, OR that there was some Q & A about inviting the person at all.
To Flag “Service Facilitators:
See if you can spot me as I attend the event. Better yet, see if you can spot my hidden video cam. Guess I could just use a smart phone to video the whole thing but I want to make it a little more interesting for you.Hint: It won’t be on my body or in my clothing.
I’m sure that many smart phones will capture the festivities so that they can be posted on YouTube, Vimeo, etc.
Pleeeze let it be so!
I estimate it’s going to be a $50 million+ shakedown.
Well, this IAS membership requirement puts me out of the running to attend these glorious and uplifting most important events in the history of this or any other universe or dimension. My lifetime membership was cancelled and then they offered to re-sell me a new one at a much higher price. I was not interested, since I had a Lifetime membership, and am still in the same life time that that membership supposedly covered.
Just like my wife’s Lifetime HASI membership was “canceled”.
Meaning probably that the Church of Scientology is now on some other time track and exists in a parallel universe of some kind.
You know like say the Twilight Zone.
Gee, I had the same! I still have the one that says “Lifetime Member” on it – so as far as I know it hasn’t expired yet, but when I went to buy a book they said I had to pay full price or pay for an IAS membership because per their records I didn’t have one…
Hey, look at the bright side! This is the only group in the entire universe where you can pay for more than one lifetime memberships in one lifetime! And that’s another highest ever! (rolling thunder)
And the weather forecast for Friday, Saturday AND Sunday is …
… rain.
I’d like to look from another viewpoint here with regard to attendance at this upcoming event. Now, don’t gag (pun intended) but, let’s suppose that someone actually, really for real WANTED to attend this thing, and of course, knew nothing of the cause of the delays.
Can you imagine how INSULTED this person would be to get such a late invitation, almost as if it were issued as an after-thought, i.e., “Oh, God, Mabel, we forgot Uncle Harry, send him the card and think up some really good excuse why its so late”.
Except, when its an invitation from the RCS, there isn’t even a token apology for the lateness of the invitation.
I was brought up to believe that a last minute invitation to a large, formal event was a discourtesy at best, and bordering on a downright insult. The unspoken message is that the person receiving the very late invitation was
Now, I’m sure that most Sheeple are breathing sighs of relief at having this perfect excuse of the invitation arriving to late so they can beg off not going to Flag, but, still, if you look at it from the viewpoint of someone who might have actually wanted to be there, then IMO the lack of courtesy and consideration would be felt keenly.
“Push, pull. Everyone MUST attend. You are not ALLOWED to attend”.
Add to this the extreme tardiness of the invitation itself so that any recipient paying even half-way attention has a nice problem.
A totally curiosity based question: what is the origin of the term ‘big being’?
(I keep getting flashes of Tom Hanks dancing on the piano keys in that movie, Big…)
I asked at the Bunker and no one knew and I can’t find it in the on-line ‘dictionaries’?
Here’s some refs that may help:
DEGRADED BEING COMPLEX, an org that goes mad on “process the whole staff’
continually regardless of duties has a degraded being complex (“us poor equal the168
tans”). In such an org the degraded beings outnumber the big being staff members.
Such an org is not at cause over the environment but is a sort of mutual aid society or
a self-treating mental ward where the inmates use Scn to treat each other but are but
dimly aware of the outer environment. (HCO PL 22 Mar 67)
A degraded being is not a suppressive as he can have case gain. But he is so PTS that he works for suppressives only. He is sort of a super-continual PTS beyond the reach really of a simple S & D and handled only at Section 3 OT Course.
Degraded beings, taking a cue from SP associates, instinctively resent, hate and seek to
obstruct any person in charge of anything or any Big Being.
Anyone issuing sensible orders is the first one resented by a degraded being.
A degraded being lies to his seniors, avoids orders covertly by alter-is, fails to comply,
supplies only complex ideas that can’t ever work (obstructive) and is a general area of enturbulence, often mild seeming or even “cooperative,” often even flattering, sometimes merely dull but consistently alter-ising or noncomplying.
Some thetans are bigger than others. None are truly equal. But the degraded being is not
necessarily a natively bad thetan. He is simply so PTS, and has been for so long, that it requires our highest level tech to finally undo it after he has scaled up all our grades.
Degraded beings are about 18 to I over Big Beings in the human race (minimum ratio). So
those who keep things going are few. And those who will make it without the steam of the few in our orgs behind them are zero. At the same time, we can’t have a world full of them and still make it. So we have no choice. (HCOB 22 March 1967 ALTER-IS AND DEGRADED BEINGS)
Hence we see Miscavige’s operational A=A=A=A. Anyone who isn’t complying with his orders is alter-ising and is therefore degraded and is therefore super-PTS and therefore has to be ejected from the church.
Of course, there’s no one to DECLARE Miscavige on the spot, because he’s reserved that right to himself.
So Hubbard used the term Big Being but did not define it?
leaving it to whomever to define Big Being their own way?
(seems dangerous to the long-term health of the organization…)
Thank you for laying it out so clearly! it is great when you all are so patient with never-ins.
I don’t think he didn’t define it. He says that “Some thetans are bigger than others. None are truly equal.” And goes on to describe its opposite, the degraded being as someone who is obviously “not up to being equal” to Big Beings.
I’m recalling a line from the HCOB 10 August 82 OT MAXIMS: THE POWER (defined as light-year kilotons per microsecond) OF A THETAN IS MEASURED BY NOTHING ELSE THAN THE DISTANCE (defined as spherical spatial length) AROUND HIM IN HIS ENVIRONMENT THAT HE CAN CONTROL.
Very fancy. But LRH never supplied a device to measure it. But you might be able to apply this definition to the difference between Big Beings and Degraded Beings.
A Big Being is the un-Degraded Being.
Tom Cruise and John Travolta might fall in this category as neither one can trip on the sidewalk without creating a world-wide sensation.
At this point, the head “Big Being” (Miscavige’s self-assigned label) could only have that kind of effect if he blew his brains out. And the effect would only last a microsecond.
Mike Rinder is a Big Being in my estimation. Look at his website stats. His communications reach a THOUSAND-fold more people on a daily basis than Miscavige’s communications.
Using that same metric, however, dog-trainer Michael Vick reaches a thousand-fold more people than Miscavige. Hitler reached a million-fold more people than miscavige.
So one has to be very careful to not automatically equate “Big Being” with “good being”. Per Scientology Axiom 31: Goodness and badness, beautifulness and ugliness are alike considerations and have no other basis than opinion.
There is also a story about Tom Cruise who was stating that he and David Miscavige are “Big Beings” and that they are surrounded by DB’s (degraded beings).
“Big Being”-Tom Cruise supposedly said to his then-girl-friend:
“Dave and me, we’re big beings. We are surrounded by DB’s (degraded beings). DBs can’t help but try to destroy big beings. That’s just the way it is in this universe. You have to understand this. This is LRH, man. It’s the plight of the big being getting jumped on by all the degraded beings. You gotta be unreasonable to survive around a big being like me. You can’t be weak. You gotta be strong to protect the big being from all the degraded beings.” Cruise slammed his fist on the table, veins popping out of his neck from the intensity of his tirade…”
There is more to this which shows the degree of arrogance and megalomania:
“Then there is me!” – Tom Cruise
You have been to the San Francisco Org also
What a show.
A very, VERY cold day in Hell whenever that might take place.
Plain Old Thetan, thank you for the great references. The conclusions you come to from those references are sound.
dm is sending COMMENDATIONS to all of the OTs who sent the storm to the Philippines, and away from his tent.
I am really wondering how many will actually go. I know that all of us in our present state of mind would never go…but what about way back when? Even in my mentality when “in”, I would never have gone to this event. So, add it up:
1) 500 Clearwater residents, and I think that is generous. Many will stay away.
2) SO staff will be required. How many are there in Clearwater? 1000 will attend
3) SO staff who are forced to drive in from elsewhere: 200
4) 130 org public and staff: maybe 3 from each org = 390 (some orgs may be at 0, especially those out of the US, and some will be up to 10)
Total: 2090
If there really are only 2000 (or even 3000), what a catastrophe.
I am curious what everyone else thinks….
You’ve missed 1100 out org students who have been held prisoner there until the event is done. Probably 1000 other public/trainees.
Maybe 1000 staff and public being bussed in from orgs around the US and even the Freewinds. Plus public who have given to Sooper Power and are hoping they can get started on the oiliness table and pole running right away so they are “first” (status is everything) so that may be another 10000.
My guess is there will be about 6000 in attendance.
Fair enough. I thought the outer org trainees already went home. But, you know, i still see your numbers as high, but i suppose that is from seeing two orgs recenttly with few to none staff or public.
It will be great to see the totals this weekend. And besides, if they can’t get Scientologists to arrive, they will simply hire stand-ins.
Is the Break Wind even operational?
Haven’t heard anything about that ship of fools for so long now I forgot it even existed.
Ya know sorta like the Flying Dutchman or something like that.
Figured the reason they were having the event at Frag was that they sold it for scrap at some ship yard.
What’s your latest intel on the asbestos sailer?
To answer your question.
I’ll go with Mike’s estimate since he has better intel on the current scene than I’ve got.
Me I’ve probably been “dead filed” and “black listed” and labeled “disaffected” again.
Last time it was for hanging out with undesirables like Arthur and for “black PRing” management by writing reports on their squirrelly activities.
Who knows maybe it was that petition to CST (which like the NSA is “No Such Agency” doesn’t exist and is never mentioned inside the corporate Scientology bubble.) that they were long overdue in taking over according to their articles that really pissed ’em off.
This time I think it was something as simple as me saying to a few SO Members that Miscavige should be comm eved and removed from post.
Or maybe it was me asking where’s Lyman these days?
Oh well.
At least I don’t get that glossy promo with all those inane and idiotic quotes by the moron who claims he’s the “finder of lost technology” because he and his crack team of idiots keep losing it every decade or so that I dutifully file in the recycle bin.
(Though I do get the occasional CF letter from the Glendale Mission now in Burbank asking me if I read the Dianetics book I bought for a friend waaaaay back when they were in Glendale.
Maybe they didn’t get the memo about me?)
But I digress.
Sorry Josty for being so vague but a lot of us here are pretty much outa touch with the Organization these days and all you’d get is a guesstimate.
A good way of estimating the crowd is grabbing a copy of the IAS rag (which it’s been so long that I’ve seen one that I’ve forgotten the name) and count up the big wale contributors and figure that about 75% will likely attend (while the other 25% are probably involved in covert ops abroad and therefore have prior commitments like helping GCHQ set up the same kinda splitter like the one they did for NSA or working on installing more Promis software or something.) and then add like Mike said the Flub Land Base staff and student population then add those poor luckless souls who couldn’t escape Clearwater in time to avoid the greatest event in the history of Scientology or whatever and some unemployed actors from LA and you’ve got it.
That is the actual number prior to the virtual ones added when the video of the event is sent to Gold to be photoshopped to add probably 5.4X more and photoshop out those who have been declared since for maybe asking too many questions.
Wish I could be more help Josty.
Don’t forget the 10,000 paid extras!
Knowing L’il Davey, this just has to be the biggest event ever!
This would be a workable process to screen out unwanted relatives on Thanksgiving Day. Of course, the real guests would not be subjected to it.
Must have, can’t have. Typical DM.
I wonder if the paranoid event style will make people feel special, make them feel that there’s a dangerous environment they need to pay money to pacify, or simply turn them off and wake them up for good?
So I guess the events are “IAS members only” now. I remember when people would confirm and ask who you were going to bring, meaning bring anyone you want. It wouldn’t matter if they were a Scientologist or not. This is an odd turn of events but blaringly obvious that trouble is brewing and the cult is paranoid.
No big surprise here that there is no major “call to arms” to sweep in and make the Philippine typhoon disaster go away with the touch of the IAS. It just doesn’t fit into DM’s schedule right now and would steal his thunder. I bet they will use it to wrange money from people face to face at the events though, it’s harder to say “no” to someone’s face when they are showing you pictures of dead bodies and crying children.
Better to give to a real charity, one that actually goes into the Philippines and helps people with what they really need; food, water, shelter, medical care…
THE BIG PUSH: purge dm and the gates to the HOLE will swing open.
I was sincerely hoping that opening the Great SP Building would keep the VMs away from the Philippines in droves. I am so glad that it is. They could use that kind of disaster “relief” at this point. The best Volunteer Minister effort ever – stay the hell away from the Philippines so they can actually recover without people like you hindering them.
Hear, hear
Hindering?? Thousands are dead, hundreds of thousands have been displaced. Sickness is spreading. What these people need are some TWTH booklets and a good fingering by a dude in a bright yellow jacket. That is real help!
The VM’s were never about Help. Too many people watching a camera crew set up for some
fake PR clips then pack up and leave. Opening the SP building is a big enough disaster
with paid actors flown in from California. I would not put it past D.M. that after the HUGEST event in the History of Mankind is done, a Golden Era Film crew goes down to the Florida Keys and stages a fake Philippines relief mission, someones backyard or local park, lots of talented makeup artists
and you have a disaster in a can. Dinner at the Ramada Inn for the wrap party.
Jose, what’s to say they don’t just save the trip and photo shop in some of those “yellow jackets” (like the ones in my hall closet). After you paint the scene from someone else’s AP photo, who is going to prove they weren’t there on the ground, as well??? Hey, they are the best at media hype.
Jose, to a lot of the VMs, it was about the help. The last disaster I did I spent almost 1/2 a year across the world, and the gold crew didn’t even show up until like 3 months AFTER the disaster had hit. They just got in our way for 2 weeks and complained a lot about the culture.
To DM it was about the shots. And to some VMs, it was too. But I know a lot of people that quit their jobs and risked their lives, off camera. Half my team came back with a form of radiation poisoning. (The church said “no” to awarding purif’s because it’s off policy).
Anon, thank you for helping those in need.
It is amazing all the needed requirements the Church needs to let you into the event: fill forms (three days prior to the event plus 48 hours to mail your IAS ‘proof’ of being ripped off), checking you in, and all your family and friends including kids, to verify if are allowed to even step into their property, far less into the tent; surrounded by security guys with dark glasses and walkie talkies and while seated, HCO personnel walking along the edges checking your indicators and reporting any that seem to be not VGIs so a sec check can be programmed for you.
There is something very wrong with this picture and is definitely lacking a nice, joyful “welcome.”
Add to it EVERYbody Regging you from before to after… an the Vultures waiting to pounce on you when you leave to sell you a lot of stuff you don’t need or just empty your wallet, or your investment portfolio…. Now, why would any intelligent person want to be THERE? Hmmmm…. what’s wrong with this picture?
Security. From the NOI.
MIke I think dear leader is just fucking crazy…not even to see our President of Ecuador need so must security,….this is guy is just fucking crazy. I dont think really people around the world care about that fucking show. When in Filipinas people died like crazy this fucker dear leader is making his new cloths for his biggests event ever for the all universe…I think more people are open their eyes Mike, from South Africa the Corbetts, from Venezuela two big OTs, from Colombia they also loss a big person who always donated money to them and they keep going.
“the schizoid ballet” – I so got that picture, Mike! Perfect.
Mike you must be telephonic! I was JUST thinking about the disaster in the Philippines and how the “call to arms” is conspicuous by its absence. It is SURELY to do with the lack of photo opportunity in time the Greatest Event In The Universe. VMs have a much more “humanitarian” endeavor to attend to: trying not to make Dear Leader look completely impotent – although that one’s a lost cause.