More weirdness from inside the bubble.
The language of scientology often reveals so much.
“Raw books”?
She means books sold to “raw” public. Hubbard called the “wogs” (non-scientologists), “raw meat.” Not being educated in scientology qualifies them as “raw,” like untouched, as in raw materials. And they are “meat” like “flesh” because they are not yet aware of being a thetan.
It is a derisive term, though less so than “wog” — but whether more or less derisive, the real point is what it reveals about how scientologists view the world. There are scientologists, and then there are the uninformed, unenlightened, pitiable rest who so desperately need scientology in order to accomplish any measure of happiness or success in life. Because only someone with “the tech” can achieve this. Everyone else is living a pretense of success or happiness. It’s a very warped view.
Looking at Julia’s Facebook page, she seems like a smart, attractive young woman. She seems to be very close to the Travolta family and appears at Drug Free/WTH/Human Rights events all over the country. She only knows scientology. And believes it is the greatest thing on earth.
She is another version of the OT 6 SO kid.
So sad to see lives wasted in this way.
Eleven books in a week is ridiculously small. As many of you know, when I was in Scientology, I ran the national Dianetics books campaign in the 1980s. At its peak, that campaign was selling over 30,000 books a week out of major bookstores. Now you cannot find a single copy in most bookstores, and they have ceased all advertising. The reason I have spent to much time and energy exposing Scientology is to make up for selling so many books for Scientology. Hopefully someday this woman will also wake up and regret selling these books. Scientology doesn’t help anyone – Clears and OTs have all the same problems that “raw public” have. And they do not have any “OT abilities” above what the “raw public” have.
This act of labeling others as wogs, humanoids or raw meat is enough to turn them (label them) as a cult.
To assume that in 2021 a book like dianetics written as it is written (stuff from 70 years ago) can still enlighten people is pure illusion.
Among other things, how much promised in that book has never been achieved by anyone. Strangely, they always maintain a certain ‘reactivity’.
Usually those who manage to finish it (very few) start applying something and then stop. It’s the end of that cycle.
On a side note: from the SMH this morning –
What a pleasant thought, but I doubt it will happen. As usual $camology rolls out the same tiresome and wearisome by the playbook bullshit –
“…Vicki Dunstan, said in a statement it was “proud” of its “human rights advocacy work” including that of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights. She accused The Sunday Age and The Sun-Herald of spreading “false propaganda” and “a false narrative” about its charitable and tax exempt status and said all its funds were used to “further our religious and humanitarian mission”.
“You are once again flat-out wrong in every aspect of your inquiry,” she wrote.”
I can totally understand why scientology indoctrination is so gradual. The cult’s language (with all its implications) is brutal, dehumanizing and fundamentally dishonest in its Orwellianism.
What other “religion” preys on “raw meat?” While every group–religious, political, philosophical. etc–may view their own consciousness as separate from that of the uninitiated, some actually temper this view with some humility or at least understanding and compassion. But “wog”, really? Why not come out and use the n-word explicitly? It’s not like it’s any different.
The path to “freedom” is one of surrendering entirely to the dictates of the group. A “humanitarian” is someone who pays their way to this title. “Ethics” means discarding everything that anyone may recognize as such and is nothing but group-interest. “Science” is anything but, as is “tech.”
A “university” is not a place where distinguished minds offer an introduction to diverse knowledge, higher learning, and the choice to come to one’s own conclusions. Instead, it’s the gulag-like submission to one person’s ideas (interestingly enough, a person who was unable to complete even the simplest of basics in a university environment).
A person is reduced to a “case.” A “religious leader” a “chairman.” “Religious services” are not participated in as part of a community of believers (“public”) but purchased (with all kinds of disclaimers, and surrendering all rights to an “arbitration” for life).
Instead of a community based on respect and trust, “sec” checks” are required, particularly of the most dedicated believers. And who would not want to be subjected to a “gang bang sec check?”
Tellingly, in an appropriation from a religion that Hubbard has shown nothing but contempt for, the cross has become the aptly-chosen double-cross.
Excellent. I like this one.
What are some of them, five bucks? I think there are some little things even less. I bet no one here has sold books to raw public more recently than me. 2016. Anyone here more recently? I hated it, ugh.
I think that she was selling books to young boys that couldn’t, wouldn’t or dare not say no. I just think that what we are seeing here misrepresents what actually happened, at least as far as that false stat goes.
Here is the thing to notice: Between Julia and OT6 Kid, this is the “future” of scamatology.
I thought that the choich opened up in Ireland specifically for the recruiting pool there. English speaking youngsters, high school or less, but trainable enough. They would jump at the chance to save the world in scamatology. Ireland hasn’t worked out that way, that I know of. If you want some past history, try Russia, Hungary, Mexico and S. America. S.O. is still full of these guys and gals.
But the kids and young scamatologist today is the future staff member of tomorrow. This is the recruiting pool. This thing has a life of it’s own, and the easiest way to staff it is with the kids. The aren’t fully matured and that’s what happens.
Oh!!! I am replying to my own post because I forgot the almost most important thing.
THEIR PARENTS CANNOT SAY NO. CANNOT. If they do say no, they better be very clever.
Think about this.
Their parents are taught and believe their children are their same age. Adults in small bodies, capable of adult decisions.
I would hate that someone could say anything worse than what I’ve said.
“I thought that the choich opened up in Ireland specifically for the recruiting pool there.”
Either that or to exploit Common Travel Area (CTA) and cross-border worker privileges shared by the UK and Ireland.
Probably most cults and religions have words or descriptions for nonbelievers or the unenlightened. In the history of cults and religion raw meat and wog as descriptors has gotta be unique! Only in scientology – lol
I’m proud to say I never once sold one of his books to ANYone. I refused to be a salesman of something I couldn’t wholeheartedly recommend without reservation. Just knowledge of my limitations: I can’t lie with a straight face. Never could, never wanted to.
So I’ve found a number of Scientology text books at second hand stores and on eBay. I guarantee that a number of those RAW ppl she sold books to just wanted them for the crazy value. Not to actually to “use”. The Scientology texts i own are on the same shelf with Going Clear and Troublemaker and all my other scientology exposed books.
Mike, You write accurately here about the viewpoint steadily pounded into Scientologists, that The Other constitutes “the uninformed, unenlightened, pitiable rest who so desperately need scientology in order to accomplish any measure of happiness or success in life. Because only someone with ‘the tech’ can achieve this.”
As a Now-Out, I can see the hammering in of that view as a “FACT” is a tremendous fortifier of one of the claws that (mentally) binds a person: As long as you are here and you remain here, you are so much better than EVERYone else.
The more I was in and the more life I led, the more I could not go along with that. I simply knew and observed too many non-Scientologists doing great and honorable things to “buy into” this snob notion that Scientologists and only Scientologists had all the keys to gosh-darn everything. It did not help, as we recount often here in this blog, to encounter the many instances over the years of out-and-out bizarre tremendously INSANE behaviors by people IN Scientology.
Regardless, I feel like a sock who was being squeezed through one of those old-fashioned metal “ringers” used in laundry. This is one “sock” who somehow fell out of the wet cluster, dropped to the ground, and NEVER REJOINED the rest of the socks routinely squeezed through the C of S ringer. No longer are my shape or constitution being addressed by any in that group. I might have to make a note on my calendar to celebrate each year “Sock Independence Day.”
I agree with that sentiment, so every year in August I update my number of years recovering. Upcoming is “41 tears recovering”…
I can only think those are REAL TEARS & not just a misspell of it…..tears shed for the abuse you suffered, years wasted, hopes & dreams taken away, money lost on paying for moving up the bridge lessons……you’ve probably shed an ocean full of tears.
At least you’ve been free……any tears shed from then til now & in the future are better spent on the life you’ve got away from the cult of sinful abuse.
Gotta love you Jere, YOU are remarkable o very special!
Wow Jere! 41 years. It’s hard to imagine anyone staying away for longer than that.
The last time I set foot on their premises was in 1978. So that was 43 years ago. But I can’t really say that I’ve been “out” for 43 years because I was hardly ever “in”. I only ever attended 3 or 4 sessions and …
Well, if you are interested, I posted my history on the Ex-Scientologist Message Board under the name Ali Shibaz. Here is the link:
You can read my history in post #13 on that board. If you choose to read it, I hope you will enjoy it. My history in this cult may very well be the shortest in history.
I had the same realizations as a devout Catholic. I kept meeting virtuous people who had different faith or no faith, and the claims I heard (and made) of us having a corner on that market didn’t hold up to reality.
“What an Homor”????
English not your native language?
Don’t have “spell check” on your device?
Didn’t proof read before posting?
And all of the friends who viewed it didn’t say anything?
Maybe they meant HUMOR? It IS pretty laughable to sell 11 considerably-overpriced books to unsuspecting rubes.
It’s humorous to pull the wool over their eyes, I would expect.
And THEN you’d have to buy more because there was an error on one or more pages…perhaps a misplaced ( ) ; , “” + or messpelled wurd?
Too funny!
I completely missed that but You NAILED it completely. I’ll send a commendation to your ethics file.
Me thinks she meant HORROR!
Oh, Balletlady.
I wish I could show you the beamingly wide smile you just brought to my face! Wonderful indeed. Thanks a bunch.
Glenn, you are so welcome! If I can bring a smile, a laugh, a small chuckle to anyone’s face, heart or soul….YOU’VE made MY day.
After carrying the remnants of the abuse & heavy burden of even guilt for “ever becoming involved with COS” YOU ALL deserve to free yourselves & think positively.
Always remember Glenn…..GOOD PEOPLE NEVER SEE THE BAD IN OTHERS…..we get taken advantage of because we have caring hearts. We always try our best to help others & to “save the world” & make it better for others.
We FAIL to see that others are MORE than willingly to harm us or others to meet their OWN needs. We can & DO get hurt & sometimes feel shame.
For ME, I’d rather be the NICE person…&NOT the DM or TC’s of the world. Keep smiling my friend, no one has control of you now! Take care!
Yes, you did. VWD to you and many, many thanks as well.
Even before I found scientology I’d learned I was a good person but also learned not to permit that or my urge to help others be shattered by anyone. Tough lesson but worth it.
On finding scientology my urge to help was “excited” as I felt I found something that actually worked and could be used to help others. But sadly in the subsequent years it became clear that no results would come from services taken. There seemed to be no real effort to produce them. And the primary effort of taking my money had become very clear. So, once again I had to wise up, take full responsibility for all the losses I’d allowed and cut the blood letting by walking away forever.
Difficult & costly lesson at time. I learned pretty quickly NOT to get involved with certain religions as something inside said “If it sounds too good to be true, it’s probably NOT true”…
I had high school friends join the Hare Krishna, Moonies, Children of God etc…they gave up their parents, siblings, life…all “too do good”….or so they thought. Sadly down the road their entire WORLD collapsed before they realized what was going on . They were used, abused, beaten, taken advantage of, went hungry, cold, poor.
One friend committed suicide as he just couldn’t deal with the TRUTH of what that religion was all about. For some, their family willingly took them back, there were a few whose parents, siblings, friends rejected them as THEY had done to those same people.
For me it was helping people whom I thought I could trust. I am a pretty good judge of character, but WOLVES in SHEEP’S clothing… you said….a lesson learned!
I’ve met so many NICE people here & I do wish everyone well & healthy & happy. My husband & family keep eyes opened for any COS stories & updates. Mike is a GEM for doing this.
He’s still hurting because of his “disassociation from his older now adult children”……nothing he can do about it…HIS heart & door remain open & loving & forgiving. Maybe ONE day, but I’m not holding my breathe…..You cannot change someone who refuses help or to see the truth behind it all.
Have a Great week Glenn! Our best wishes to you & your family!
Thank you for all that you just wrote. I truly hope your husband’s kids re-connect sometime soon. My mom kept her heart and door open and welcomed me back eventually.
Best wishes to you and family.
They must have to distinguish “raw” from all the books sold to members just to get “stats” up.
I knew someone who took their car into a shop for repair, and when they picked it up found a copy of Dianetics left on the front seat. That shows the sorts of things members do with the excess copies they get pressured to buy. The question that occurs to me is, since something like that involved a “sale” and ended up being given to “raw meat” (as versus just piled up in a back room or garage), in scientology twisted weasel-wording could it then be claimed that “raw books” were “sold”?
I also wonder if she is doing something like buying books and then selling them for just say a dollar. It would be easier to ply some people into turning over a minimal amount of money like that.
I have trouble imagining any circumstances under which anyone could really sell that many books to ‘raw public’ nowdays. It would be more typical for a scientologist to misrepresent what is really going on.
IIRC, Hubbard didn’t care WHO bought the books as long as he got the royalties — even on books written by others “based” on his scribblings.
That’s what I was thinking. Something smells funny about her story. We used to send out a 3-4 staff book-selling unit at lunch time. Getting 3 sold was a productive afternoon.Even in their heyday, the COS never produced stats like that. It’s hard enough selling anything on the street to total strangers. 11 Scn books in one day? Gimme a break.
Scientologists are also taught that raw meat (aka wogs, bodies in the shop) have no purpose in life. As if everyone but them is walking around aimless, just drifting with fate. They really are indoctrinated to believe they are superior beings, enlightened, far above the masses.
The demeaning names they have for mere ‘humans’ is part of the elitist conditioning and severing ties with outside influences, including caring family members who criticize the transformation of their loved ones into a zealous devotee.
When I was ” in” scn over 40 years ago I don’t recall identifying myself as a scientologist. It was something I was studying or doing. However, after watching Going Clear in 2015 and reading the scn blogs and after futher reflection I sheepishly had to admit that when I was in I thought that everyone should eventually get into scn so I was just as bad as some of the more fanatical. At least I didn’t proselytize and I think I just considered non scns as pre scns. Lame excuse.
Richard, if you are like most ex’s, you probably got into scientology with the best of intentions to help yourself and others. Sounds like you never bought into the degradation of non-scientologists. Happy to hear that.
There is also a third group: the informed and enlightened, the magnificent SPs that have been thru the mindfuk and lived to tell the story.
Being raw meat might be better than being a heathen, pagan or infidel. Raw meat can be processed into hot dogs and sausage. Scn might be considered brain processing. Yummy.
Right from the start it seemed odd to me that scn called its procedures “processes”. There is a King’s English definition which fits, that being “a systematic series of actions directed to some end.” I got processed – haha
The one thing raw meat had going for them was they weren’t well enough informed about scientology to simply laugh and laugh and …. That meant there was SOME hope for them in the scn’s mind. All scns started out as raw meat and slowly or quickly were burned.
Since we’re discussing terminology (sort of) on the scn “Classification and Gradation Chart” on one side is Training and on the the other side is Processing. Going into scn to get “processed” would be an unusual usage of the word. After exiting scn one might need to “deprocess” oneself but that’s not a real word. Deprogramming oneself, separating true from false and fact from fiction would be proper King’s English.
Whatever it’s called, recovery from scn is a long, sobering experience. After 40 years, I still get blindsided by something or the other, like lately I’m surprised how little empathy I’m feeling for anyone who suffers a setback. I used to be 180-degree reversed in that department; trained as a kid to be empathetic and understanding.
What a lode – I mean – load. I don’t believe this is in a million years, unless “Homor” means, “Without humor or joy in one’s life.”
Disseminating Scientology is like a dog looking for raw meat (or even raw books) in a mine field.
It DOES seem they hit the mother lode of gullible people to sell that many books. The commissions on that haul would seem enormous to the poor staff. No wonder they felt Homored to be so successful. Their haul must have surpassed their pay several times over. Maybe they’ll be able to eat more than Ramen noodles next week.