Panic in the bunker — Captain Miscavige is launching a new counter-attack!
We have been expanding SPTV on YouTube and I began promoting: “Welcome to SPTV. New, entertaining and truthful — unlike scientologyTV”
I guess this ruffled Mr. Mickiewicz’s feathers.
So, they are now announcing a “new season” — hah. They will add a couple of their staged propaganda videos and keep the same old crap on a loop for the other 23.5 hours a day.
But the sheeple will be convinced, without even tuning in, that there is an “all new season.” Simply because the powers that be say there is.
It is so funny to watch them react.
Here’s another one — I posted about the lack of news since Feb 2022 on the VM website.
Someone now updated it… with something from October 2022!!! That was the best they could do apparently…
SP’s literally control their every action and reaction.
As Mel Brooks liked to say, “It’s good to be the king.”
Off topic comment.
I recently found a blog post by the Stand League claiming Scientology is based on critical thinking!
Pure comedy gold!!!
“Critical thinking is the process of analyzing information to determine the amount of truth in any statement, assumption, opinion, conclusion, thought or situation. It is the skill at the core of L. Ron Hubbard’s discoveries and the effectiveness, usefulness and success of Scientology.”
Seriously? Scientology impairs and erodes critical thinking! It requires extreme obedience to group norms and submission to the authority of Scientology doctrine!
It discourages doubt which is the fundamental basis of critical thinking!!
It’s absurd that anyone would act like critical thinking is accepted, let alone actually encouraged, in Scientology!!!
Amazing! Might make a post and/or video out of this!
I took on the topic at length in a blog post.
When I started studying critical thinking seriously I ran into an hour long video by an expert on critical thinking in which he gave his take and it well frankly totally debunks Scientology as a serious subject and shows that Scientology simply is not compatible with critical thinking and further that Scientology is not a reality based subject.
Richard Paul pointed out many relevant issues regarding critical thinking in his lectures. One issue he dealt with is different degrees of understanding of issues.
One lecture in particular is worth serious examination.
It’s on YouTube with the Title Prove: Why Intellectual Standards ? Why Teach For Them ?
From CriticalThinkingOrg published on April 23, 2015 with a length of fifty five minutes and nineteen seconds. This post addresses the content of that lecture.
He described sophisticate believers and vulgar believers. He said vulgar believers really don’t understand the logic of the content, they don’t understand the ideology.
He pointed out that a person could be what he called a vulgar believer. He gave the example of a person who claims to be a Marxist who has a handful of slogans like “seize the means of production, power to the people, down with the bourgeois” and so on. The person never read Marx or any related authors or contemporaries of Marx. The person doesn’t understand ANY of the ideas of Marx besides these slogans in the barest manner possible. They don’t understand the terms in the subject or anything else. They may be willing to die for Marx or Marxism but don’t understand anything about it.
He described sophisticate believers and vulgar believers. He said vulgar believers really don’t understand the logic of the content, they don’t understand the ideology.
He said a step up from a vulgar believer regarding a subject is a sophisticate believer. The sophisticate believer understands the ideas in a subject far more than the vulgar believer. But they are predisposed to not understand how the subject they are aware of can be critiqued by other systems and interacts with subjects outside the one subject they defend. He gave the test that they don’t see the flaws and weaknesses in their system and the answers that other systems can give to incorporate them and improve their system. They are aware of no flaws in their system. They see no other system as necessary. He described them as being able to recite six volumes of very narrow minded reasoning that never entertains another system. Crucially they try to understand the system outside their own system to negate it and defend their own system. He defined this as apologetics and said you ought to apologize for it.
This is worth strong emphasis. He described it as trying to show everyone why you are right and everyone else is wrong all the time.
He described the challenge of critical thinking as trying to get students to not be vulgar believers or sophisticate believers.
MB, Hubbard’s Scientology also requires acceptance of outright lies and counter-factuals, doesn’t it? The obvious falsehoods in Hubbard’s biography and claimed qualifications have to be regarded as truth, just for starters. And the CofS has to be believed to have millions of members and undergoing unprecedented expansion, even when the few and far between orgs are small, shrinking and failing – particularly compared to other obvious examples like the Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Any idea how many hours of new production constitute a ‘new season’? I think their trailer showed about a dozen obviously new things, so I can only figure maybe 2 hours a day.
If it took you down the rabbit hole and included the animated story of Xenu — or the adventures of the galactic resistance who led the fight against Xenu and captured him — then the TV shows might at least be entertaining. But the new season will probably not even rise of level of shows like The Ideal Org Renovation Program, The Ron Hubbard Birthday Competition or Survival Scientology (with weekly elimination challenges like musical chairs or running around a pole).
Thankyou Mike for all this content, especially anything “new” on YouTube.
if gives me hope of they allow comments, and I add OT 3 theory every chance I get there.
At the HGB, before a new season on Scientology TV comes out, everyone has to watch the ENTIRE season within about one week. The shows are gotten from SMP and everyone spends about a week full time watching everything. This is ridiculous because it’s also played FULL TIME in the dining room so you end up seeing every single show multiple times.
We used to play the World Cup in the dining room for the staff to watch during their meal times. The 2018 World Cup somewhat coincided with the launch of Scientology TV and during the finals of the World Cup I was ordered to turn it off and turn on Scientology TV. SO MANY people were angry about this, including some of the execs. NO ONE wanted to watch Scientology TV when the WORLD CUP was on, obviously!
A few weeks later, David Feshbach (who was posted as a janitor, mostly in charge of cleaning bathrooms), found out that SMP was watching March Madness during THEIR mealtimes…
They removed TVs from the Sandcastle so when we went for six month check I had to buy or rent one to watch March Madness. The staff didn’t seem to understand.
It’s only fair. After all, they DID give you the idea for the Mike Rinder bobblehead (sitting proudly on top of my shelves). I’ve heard they no longer have the ‘hole’. I wonder where the schmuck who came up with the bobblehead is languishing these days?
OSA is now officially PTS.
They can not handle and they can not disconnect.
Lol – Excellent point Fredyr!
OSA is PTS T-3 and in an incident of long duration fighting L Ron Hubbards battles
swatting at imaginary and real
implanted SP Spies who have infiltrated into their cult
Good job SP’s
Please Do Continue.
SPTV is really getting under the evil leprechaun’s skin! That’s hilarious! The wheels are starting to come off and the more SPTV grows the faster scientology comes apart at the seams. One day soon the spell will be broken.
(hi, dave!
The last thing the remaining 20,000 Scientologist want to do is rewatch Miscavige propaganda events that they didn’t want to sit through the first time. Painful. Maybe Dave can present a new version of the “We Stand Tall” singing video just for a few laughs. Maybe Dave can give TC an even bigger medal so they can hug and stroke each other while TC claims that he has met all the leaders of the world and that Dave is the tallest.
I hope you have started outlining your book, and giving it some serious thought!
I have written the first few chapters. It is going to be a long book or maybe two.
Excellent, just excellent!
Most of those in the bubble seem sad.
There is not much enthusiasm on any front, except for the attacks they still manifest.
There seems to be enthusiasm for anything mean and hateful, and anything legal. Those departments are hard at work. Apostates = Bad.
There are four targeted orgs for this year, so many in the flock must rely on this for hope, as well as their own aspirations for the bridge, if not yet accomplished.
The aging rank and file soldier on. The young initiates still tone 40.
That is maybe 25k people, tops.
The rest of the planet, at least the ones that use the internet, know better.
That’s the weird world of scamatology.
David Miscavige surely must be an avid watcher of SPTV (…in company with his Macallan). Just can imagine his temper tantrums and curse-wave salvos and then screaming at his OSA-underlings “to do something against Rinder and these f-ing SPs…”.
To: pluvo
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Oh, yes, I have been watching your pathetic SPTV and all I can say is that your silly little show is nothing compared to our fabulous, awesome theta Scientology Network! It is only a matter of time before your putrid little show dies on YouTube due to lack of interest. And I will be rejoicing at its downfall!
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: Scientology Network
Since Mike Rinder’s book is a bigger bestseller than any of your silly Basics books, I don’t think that SPTV is going to be the first off the air.
Just sayin’.
No love at all,
New season of what?
Hay, processed through the bowels of a male bovine. That’s what.
Safety Guy,
,nonrecycleable, toxic shit. Pigs are intelligent, too, unlike Scientology TV programming…
Male Bovine Shit can be fertilizer.
Scientology TV is just your basic “holetrack”
I think it’s called “Mike Rinder at cause, David Miscavige at effect”.
Mike Rinder, applause
Macallan Dave, martinet
Gee, Mr. Mickiewicz, it looks like you’ve been plucked. Royally plucked!