One of our Special Correspondents sent in this very well constructed chart.
In keeping with recent posts, it highlights once again, USING THE CHURCH’S OWN BOOKS AND WEBSITE, how there is NO EXPANSION anywhere other that supposed Missions in Asia and Russia and former Soviet satellites.
There is no real expansion since the mid 90’s. Funny, the granting of tax exemption to the churches at the end of 1993 was supposed to have marked the beginning of the golden age of Scientology. At least that is what Miscavige said. He announced that because HE had personally brought the IRS to its knees, “The War Was Over” and an era of unprecedented expansion was upon us. He is STILL saying it today. He always HAS to be right, so he is going to keep saying this til his last breath.
Today the fudge factor is “I have opened 37 new orgs in the last few years” — when the true statement is “I have opened and re-opened X new premises for existing churches….” ‘
And these are THEIR figures.
I am trying mightily to catch up with all the information that has been sent to me over the past week and everything else that is backlogged in my life. And I have a busy week lined up, so things may not be as regular on the blog….
But I have glanced through the reports that have been sent in so far from around the world about the state of libraries/Missions and Orgs.
Here is a list of where information has come in from so far. If you don’t see your area on here, perhaps you can send in something.
US: Knoxville, Honolulu, Alabama, San Diego, Santa Clarita, San Antonio, Philly, Stevens Creek, Los Gatos, Mountain View, Prince William County Virginia, Houston, Albany
Non US: hong Kong, Ottawa, Montreal, Gothernburg, Amsterdam, Edinburgh
If you can gather some information in YOUR area that is not mentioned above, please see post from Friday that gives details on what to do.
Oops. Forgot to post:
I was just watching Leah’s performance from last night and saw that JLo was there too. So what’s gonna happen with this?
JLo isn’t a Scientologist and never has been but she’s Leah’s bestie (best friend). JLo’s pop IS a Scientologist. So now, if JLo stays connected to Leah and the dad stays connected to JLo, will Pop have to be declared too?
Just sayin’.
Stay tuned.
Another off-topic alert:
Mike as re inserted commentary per Tony O’s request into his Bunker article of today:
“Everything is going to be bigger, better, louder and make your clothes twice as white…” LOL! Just one of the verbal gems.
You have to write a book, MIke.. I decided 🙂
Just thinking: Tony’s book, Leah’s book, and, I’m guessing and hoping, another Marty & Monique book, and then, also guessing and hoping, a Mike Rinder book – things are really looking up!
What am I expecting from mi-SCAM-ige?
Dear Henery Jolicoeur,
Love the video. To answer your question, It’s all about the money.
But it never was like that under L. Ron Hubbard.
A case of a good thing getting out of control.
As for OT 5, you have to be CLEAR to get there.
I am Clear and OT, used to be a Staff Member at Saint Hill England
when Hubbard was in control. Never saw or heard of anyone beaten or abused.
I have a genius IQ and lived on my own yacht. Swam 2 hours a day after lunch and ran one mile each morning before breakfast. Own several companies 2 multi national high tech. I cannot be hypnotized or brainwashed, just does not work on me.
I agree with what you say about David Miscavige he is a rare bird but they are around.
Keep up the Good work Henery.
Clear and OT
Another source for current orgs and missions is the RTC send a KR form page. There’s a list of orgs and missions that seems to be up to date embedded in the source of the page. (They have the new Cambridge ON Idle org, but haven’t removed the Kitchener hole-in-the-wall yet.)
As you’ll see from the commented-out section, they used to break it down by “continent” but now mash it all together.
I think those Canadian stats missed a peak between 1978 and 1992. They closed several orgs (not missions) in the late 80s, and sometime in there, the Toronto Celebrity Centre.
When using an average people count of 40 per mission and 80 per org (which is probably too high, but lets give them this benefit), i get:
in 1978 there are 11440 total people
in 1991 there are 20520 total people
in 2013 there are 25800 total people
any comments? What average people count do you suggest?
This YouTube is about Mike Rinder from Henry Jolicoeur.
I cannot confirm his identity. Anyway, his words are in favour of Mike.
I was the second one to click his YouTube and I would like others to
see it as well. The number of clicks would give it a little higher ranking on YouTube.
That is a fascinanating video, BFM — thank you for the link.
Mike is so articulate in these interviews, or “testimonials” as Mr Jolicoeur says.
I can’t click onto it. I get a message that says “server invalid”.
It’s working now, Aquamarine.
That guy looks and sounds like he could be related to Alfred Hitchcock. 🙂
Nice words for Mike. Deserved.
Now you know why Sea-Org members have to sign a billion-years contract….. with such stats the planet will not be cleared before.
Sorry about the formatting for the 1st paragraph above – can it be corrected please?
What we will probably find when “it (Scientology that is) all comes out in the wash”, in other words
when Miscavige’s regime finally collapses or he kicks the bucket, is that he has justified this to his
surrounding management coterie (read: “accomplices in crime”) by stating to them, or to himself
if he doesn’t feel the need to justify it in true dictator mode, is that he has obtained maximum returns
for minimal outlay. You can almost get the picture by seeing him in some sort of board room scenario,
years ago, being “advised” by corporate-type accountants and financial experts i.e. in effect legalized
conmen, advocating this policy. Probably the same types as who advised Eon etc. I hope you get the picture.
This is essentially what we are all objecting to. He has moved Scientology over into a sort of global corporation type activity with however now a reputation worse than companies like Monsanto because he is, like many global corporations, cutting staff and services, offering shoddy products at high prices, exporting “jobs” to the 3rd world or the Internet, importing staff from the 3rd world or eastern Europe, hiring slave labour and paying them no wages for 100 hour+ working weeks, destroying competition by trying to or getting them closed down (Mayo and Santa Barbara for example) and milking the existing captive “customers” for all they are worth on pain of being denied the promise of future services, which is the one point that global corporations cannot necessarily rely on – captive public. These ideas started in the 1980s – one I can particularly remember is when the state run railway started calling passengers “customers”. This sort of thing. And of course the service became much worse for the “customers” at much higher prices. Same old thing. Miscavige has just jumped on the “money for nothing” bandwagon and thinks he has “done well”.
He has simply conned the whole Scientology world by obtaining money for nothing via the Donations Engrams and (apparently not – according to this report), building “upstat” video palace Orgs where no delivery of actual Dianetics and Scientology takes place and where actually no one is ”there”, either staff or public. And presenting this as his “stat” to his cowed and propitiative “customers”.
As to the remaining fools still circling his table within the Church and trying to pick up any crumb of case gain or ability that might drop off the table – and even paying to be “allowed” in the “banqueting hall”, another commentator on here summed it up nicely by stating that these remaining shills are all in treason to LRH and his legacy. I know many of these people that one sees in these “whipping up donations” videos or who are on “OT Committees” etc. and one for one they were, in my time in Orgs, considered by the staff then to be “3rd rate troops” and had no standing in Orgs whatsoever, in fact quite
the opposite. If one could go back in a time machine and say to staff in the 1980s, or even the 1990s, that such a such a person is now an Opinion Leader in the field they would look at you incredulously and say “you’re joking of course?” I don’t really like denigrating people in this manner but when I see these videos and see the people involved and them willingly being conned or conning others I can almost spit at their complicity in this whole crime of destroying Dianetics and Scientology. It is not an unserious issue after all.
Excellent post Wellsaid. I saw a promo piece of a fundraising where a couple I know were being honored for giving so much in donations etc. It was a hefty donation to get the spotlight on them at an expensive banquet etc. And the sad sad irony is that both of this couple are totally stalled on the Bridge. She has not moved up on the Bridge in decades and has had troubles when put back and made to “redo” some of the early steps (you know what I mean), and he ran into trouble when trying to get on an upper OT level and never made it and hasn’t made Bridge progress in years or decades too. So instead of spending their money on their own Bridges, they give it to IAS for some unknown reason. Since I know them, I think they just went into apathy on their own bridges and decided that if they can’t help themselves, maybe they can help others by clearing the planet through donations. Very sad.
Totally sad.
Very well articulated Foolproof. There are many more than dm that are perpetrating the daily technical degrades and altered tech. They too have caused a lot of suffering.
Remember how Ron mentioned Caligula in DMSMH? How he made his horse an officer? Listen to only the first minute or so of this documentary (or the whole thing). See if the words they say about Caligula fit DM too.
Also, his fixation on MEST and decadence is so similar. Could they be the same? Even if they aren’t the same person, isn’t this the same MO? Chilling. And see how Caligula was remembered in history.
Over to you.
Especially Caligula’s “Ideal Yachts” at 1:00 on the video –
MEST, MEST, MEST, just to prove that you are the “Emperor”. Possibly the one with no clothes.
I recall quite clearly in the late 70’s how the San Diego area had two Missions and the Org was always packed. Never seen anything close to it since then. Little did I know at the time it was on a down hill slide it would never recover from. It’s almost inconceivable that anyone would believe the cult is experiencing “unprecedented expansion” while not noticing the stark reality of the grave yards the Orgs have become?
+1 Doug.
Well, I can explain that “stark reality” point. No one is looking. They are only listening. Mass hypnotism is the closest thing I can figure. A point comes to mind, “Why are the events always so loud?” Well, if you want to fully impact your victim, sound is a force wave, isn’t it? Musicians know this.
I just realized this while typing, why many don’t look. They are forcefully hypnotized by the force of the event itself, the repeated message by the staffs after the event, the repeated messages in phone calls., etc.
Hmmm… I wonder how one could break that spell. And don’t think that Black Magic isn’t in use here. Copper rods going into the ground to “release your anger” is a Wiccan type of thing. Sitting OTs in a courtroom, intending the outcome or intending that the opponent get keyed in to some certain piece of their own case is also along that vein. It depends on the intention behind the act, as Ron says but we all know that that is a favorite strategy of OSA. Put OTs in the room to intend the outcome. Not bad unless you’re throwing OT III case at the opposition. Not so good.
Where is Austin Powers when you need him? How do we break the “bots” spell?
“How do we break the ‘bots’ ‘ spell?”
With uncompromising truth. Its the only way, and the good news is we ARE breaking their spell, right here on Mike’s blog, and on Tony O’s blog and other places.
The other side has all the money, much support from law inforcement via influence peddling, all the lawyers, PIs, OSA staff and volunteers, and the loyal, public and lucrative support of their rich, famous koolaid drinking whales. The other side has everything except the truth. They’re operating on lies and their foundation is actually very weak, and on some level they know this.
Our side on the other hand, has the truth. This alone makes us potentially much stronger and more powerful than they can ever be. Appearances perhaps to the contrary, the other side is extremely vulnerable in their own self-created operating state of having to lie, to defend lies, to protect lies, and of having to plan future lies in order to perpetuate their existance.. This is a gruesome and dreadfully insecure way to operate. David Miscavige will NEVER have enough money to feel secure, because one day, one of the little stones of truth from a little sling shot is going to hit this Goliath right between the eyes, and down he will go.
OSA, that last sentence from my post is NOT to be interpreted literally. This is not about sling shot tech. Its just a metaphor.
See, Miscavige is Goliath the Giant, and someone on the Fringe of the Internet could be a David, you know, telling the truth about HIM and how things really are in the RCS – the truth would be the little stone in the sling shot, see, and – uh- what’s that, OSA? You know what a metaphor is? You GET it, already? Oh,very good then! Just checking.:) )
Yes, yes, and yes, Aqua. Es Verdad.
Message from OSA: “After seeing SP, “Aquamarine’s” comment in the heinously suppressive blog by Mike Rinder, conducted on the fringe of the internet, all stones are hereby declared suppressive, rolling or otherwise. Anyone caught with any kind of stone on their person at any event where the chief God and Empirical leader, COB, King of the Universe, David Miscavige is in attendance, will be slow cooked like a frog in the Hole, along with the 100 other half declared SPs. This is a long lost policy by LRH that we found hidden in a wall while we were doing renos. What an amazing discovery!” ::crowd cheers::
You can search for books on Scientology or by L. Ron Hubbard in the Canberra, Australia region here:
It looks like it only crries 11 books written by Hubbard, but easy to check for yourself!
Best of luck with it!
The number of UK ‘outlets’ is the same today as it was in 1978. In those days we had missions and orgs; today we have haunted houses.
When I was “in” I was just constantly wondering why the church didn’t grew. Now that I’m “out” and on the net I understood it all!
I mean “understand it all”.
(Sorry too busy to save my country with one finger.)
88 missions in ANZO? Where the hell does that figure come from?
Mostly Taiwan and India I am sure…. (Most of the Indian ones may not be there any longer)
They’re not in South Australia, for sure. The ones at Five Dock (in Sydney) and Malvern (a Melbourne suburb) may still be there, although their phone numbers took me to voicemail boxes with nothing to identify them as scientology missions.
Dear Invisible Man, Like you, they’re invisible. “Mission” (in ANZO terms) = mostly Living Rooms.
It’s all about sales. They’re probably counting the number of mission starter kits sold rather than operating missions. The RTC ethics report page cira 2005 only listed 34 missions for ANZO. (I believe the Indian missions, 7, are administratively under UK for some reason?)
Wow. This list shows that in 1992 (before DM came to power) there were 154 Churches of Scientology. (These are listed as “orgs”, which means a full Scientology church.) Then, after 21 years of David Miscavige having full control of the Scientology religion, we now have 151 churches. What is missing from this picture is the catastrophic decline of those remaining 151 churches. But none the less – there are less churches now than when the Dark Lord took control. Sadly you can be sure that the remaining faithful Scientologists will either disbelieve this fact, despite it coming direct from official CofS publications, or explain it away. Scientologists in good standing have done so many despicable things based on disconnection policy that explaining away clear and visible CONTRACTION is no problem to them at all. After all when you have destroyed the lives of friends, deserted family members in their time of deepest need and thrown hard working employees out the door and into the financial despair, what’s the big deal with explaining away a few Scientology Churches getting closed down? Faithful Scientologists are some of the sleaziest and most morally bankrupt people in the civilized world. I am sure that at night, when they staring at the ceiling and trying to sleep, they think over and over that at least they are not murderers or rapists. And it’s true, they are a single step up from the lowest slime the world has to offer.
They do explain it away. As for closing down Copenhagen Org (merged with DK org) and probably also Eppendorf Org (merged with Hamburg Org), the reasoning is as follows: Those orgs were original opened due to some SPs in management (long since declared), who were trying to upset the public inflow lines by opening more than one org in those areas. The size of the cities in insufficient to support public inflow for 2 orgs.
Pretty cool, isn’t it? These days, you could be accused of suppressive acts, because you are opening orgs!
Possibly you’re reading 1992 and thinking 1982? By 1992, Miscavige’s knife-fight for control was over and done.
Good point Roy. I counted the # Orgs in ’92 and in ’13. They were up by only 7 according to the church’s own stats. This proves DM’s, “opened 37 new churches nationwide in the last few years” to be a lie. According to these number, he only opened 7 new orgs over the last 21 years. But even more important than the lie of opening 37 new churches when it is at best only 7 in 20 years’ time, is the shell game aspect of it. There are very few PEOPLE in these orgs. They are for the most part empty, Idle Morgues, morgues cuz they are so dead. Where are the people? Where are the new people? Where are the new starts? Where are the new names to CF? Where are the new Clears being made? Where are the new auditors being made? I think to further this excellent research by the correspondent of this article, we should have more Indies go out inside these orgs and take pictures with their cell phones or cameras of the course rooms and the pc waiting lounges. Let’s see how many people are actually sitting in a chair on course during the peak times. That would be a great figure to put side by side with the numbers. Excellent job correspondent.
“Where are the people?” A very good question, Jane. Quietly withdrawn and discreetly under the radar, for the most part, I would say. Broke, exhausted, stressed, just plain fed up, yet not ready, willing or able to comm about it, would be my opinion.
Yes, ladies. Helplessly hoping for a sign that’s ok to come out from under the radar. Day’s a comin’. Lurkers, you do have a group of people who understand you. Find a username that won’t give you up and start talking here. You’re sitting there dying to tell what you know/feel and jump into the conversation anyway. It’s a good gradient. Hand stretched out…c’mon out.
“We are one person/They are two alone/They are three together/We are for each other.”
Again they tried for tax deductable, but this time for the COS itself.
Scientology Church isn’t a Charative Institution (ANBI)
Wednessday septhember 4th 2013
The part of the Church of Scientology Amsterdam offering auditing and training aimed at spiritual growth, therefore ANBI status. The church could not justify in Haarlem District Court that the training was at least 50% for the public good.
The Church of Scientology Amsterdam asked an ANBI “certification” from the inspector. When this request was rejected, the church went in appeal . Haarlem court indicated that it was not in dispute that it was an institution that aims to serve any public interest and a religious or spiritual institution. Parties were also agree that auditing and training religious or ideological in nature. But there was disagreement about whether the auditing and training the public interest in at least equally served as the private interest, as required to obtain the ANBI status. The judge indicated that a religious or spiritual institution is not simply an ANBI. It was up to the institution to make this plausible, but the Church of Scientology failed herein, the court ruled.
private growth
The auditing and training were offered at substantial and fixed rates. They served primarily a private interest. This was in spite of it having the side effect that the participant after training would function better in society,not sufficient to establish that the training of at least 50% serve the public interest. The argument that the institution acted as the umbrella of any related ANBI foundations and therefore itself also had to be a ANBI institution was rejected by the court. Finally Haarlem District Court found that the inspector did not act contrary to the freedoms of religion and association (Article 9 and 11 of the ECHR). The institution had failed to show that the refusal of the ANBI status funding and thus the survival of the institution had actually threatened.
Law: Article 6:33 Act 2001 (text 2007), Article 41a Implementation income (text 2007)
More information: Court of Haarlem, July 23, 2013 (published on September 2, 2013)
What do you think: Are they doing an appeal on this? And if they do it , where can I find it?
COS always appeals and they have 3 weeks to appeal, if they do I will post it here and on the boards.
Right. Thanks!
Good data, Cat Daddy. Thanks for being on top of it.
Hi Hansje, the current reporting was in fact about a court case in june last year, a few weeks before they pulled the tax free ANBI status of a foundation called Nabesa. This was used to collect tax free Ideal Org donations, which lead to questions in parliament. Unless the tax office chickened out, they will now have to pay back-taxes in the order of 1-3 million euro’s for that fraud. Rest assured, if they did get fined, they’ll keep appealling all the way to the European Court of Justice. Court documents will continue to appear on in the next couple of years, but make sure to search on words like auditing or ANBI, not just Scientology since that will be removed from the documents.
Aha. Thanks SoS!
Great site you have (!
I saw, official publicartion ws second of septembet this year tough, nevertheless it their are intresting arguments to be found if you follow the link in the publication to the official court verdict. Alsoo I was suprised to see the words Auditing and Thetan appear in the official court document.
Dutch Tax Office is like the Terminator on Steroids, It will not chicken out. If wise they sit down and talk with it. If foolish they refuse to pay and get tax fine onto tax fine. Dutch tax office is ussually always in for a talk but it is never wise to cross them.
I suspect it took a long time because Scientology wanted to prevent us from finding out about the verdict and asked for identifying information to be removed. It’s certainly an interesting read, I was surprised at how ill prepared both sides were. Anyways, enough derail in this thread.
@ hansje: thanks! I don’t think you’ve published your story yet, have you? Looking forward to it!
Not yet. Sooner or later I will tell more.
(I may have sent this in before.)
Here is a list of all books in the Multnomah County Library system (Portland, Oregon) authored by L Ron Hubbard, sorted by publication date.
26 out of the 54 titles are science fiction books.
The bulk of the Scientology books were published in 2007. There are 3 or 4 copies of each, and none were checked out when I made the search. It is amusing to open the page for each title and observe some of the comments and ‘lists’ these CoS books have received: pseudoscience, nutbars, delusional, retarded, etc etc.
I’m beginning to sound like a broken record:
Hear hear!! Say it as many times as you like Jose and I’ll second every time.
We need a government ordered investigation to go in and do a forensics accounting of the books.
And I vote yes!
I don’t think the feds will act and I’ll tell you why. Wackovia (part of Wells Fargo, one of four fed banks) laundered 378 billion in 2004 (equal to Mexico’s GNP) in drug money. In 2010 it settled for a 100M fine and deferred criminal action.
Mike has the right idea about exposing the facade. I think there’s another financial entity (syndicate?) that Int people would not know about, which uses Miscavige as a frontman. We need whistleblowers to clear the air and explain the financial BS in terms that even the most inverted corporate Scientologists can’t deny.
In my opinion we have not delved beneath the surface irregularities. When these sleepy Scientologists discover the lengths they’ve been ripped off and their bridge stolen, they’ll turn their fair game machine where it belongs: on the dead souls who put them there.
Flexible Flyer and Jose Chung.
Two words.
Hell yeah.
Scientology is a faith. You MUST BELIEVE everything they tell you.
Scientology is a CULT! You must believe as you are told. You must do what is asked of you …………..RIGHT FUCKING NOW GOD DAMN IT YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF HAMMERED DOG POO!