A plea for recruits for Narconon.
And every position on the org board is vacant it seems….
This UK Narconon Model Center is becoming very reminiscent of the UK ideal orgs. Empty rooms.
Straight up and vertical, massive international expansion seems to have slipped by the UK too.
Date: Thu, 01 May 2014
From: ABLE UK <[email protected]>
Subject: Narconon is Recruiting
The new UK Narconon Model Centre is now recruiting people so that they can be trained by the time this centre opens.
It is due to open in the next few months in the beautiful Sussex countryside, a Training and Drug Rehabilitation Centre. This centre will educate and rehabilitate drug users and also train people to open other Narconon Centres around the United Kingdom.
These are the positions that are available:
Estates Manager
Chief Cook
Building Maintenance Director
Head of Division 1
Ethics Officer
Security Guard
Security Night Watch
Dissemination Secretary
Treasury Secretary
Rehab Services Secretary Head of Div 4
Course Supervisors
Objectives Supervisor
Word Clearers
Sauna In Charge
Withdrawal Specialists
Training Centre Director Head of Div 4A
Qualifications Secretary
Senior Case Supervisor
Case Supervisor
Public Contact Secretary
Public Registration Secretary
Heads for Div 6B & Div 6C
For more information contact the Narconon Consultant, ABLE UK, on 01342 301 902 or e-mail [email protected] for a full briefing.
Scooter says
FYI, this list of “positions vacant” is ALL of the posts in a medium-size NarCONon facility (20 – 70 staff.) Far, far more than most of the smaller ones have. They all correspond to the major “needed” posts of any org. It’s been a while since I looked over the NarCONon org board but this is pretty much what NN Melbourne had when it was at its peak several years back.
Makes me think they have no-one yet to staff the place, not even an ED. It’s a total wish-list if I’ve ever seen one.
It’s yet another of those “Bright Ideas” that pour out of the cult like … effluent from a busted sewer pipe.
outraged says
Why in the world is there a NEW Narconon Model Center. The lawsuits are coming from all sides. When was this ‘Model’ Center built, a decade ago? Who in the UK is supporting a brand new narconon. That just, just, makes no sense at all.
remoteviewed says
Today is May 9th and you’d expect the “official” website would acknowledge the significance of this date yet nada:
Outpoint noted.
End PSA.
Anyway back to our prescheduled programming featuring the Titanic’s own band playing Anchors Away.
Ignore the slight listing of the ships ballroom folks…..
jgg2012 says
At least no one will be hurt at this org.
The Oracle says
I am arranging for a full page ad in the local paper. The phone should be ringing off the hook shortly.
eleanorlebrecht says
I have been an independent business owner for over 30 years. It only makes sense to acquire a bigger facility when you run out of room in the old facility because you have more customers than the present facility can take care of. Building a newer bigger office will not bring in more customers by way of impressing people with an expensive facility. Also as far as Ideal Orgs are concerned: Churches only expand and buy a new building when they have more members than present facility can serve.
Paul Cocovinis says
Precisely. More commonly known as Supply On Demand – a concept duly understood and noted by LRH. But one that obviously doesn’t fit in with DM’s agenda.
This Narconon ‘facility’ seems to be nothing more than an excuse for another event video shoot. A bunch of unwitting ‘staff’ will probably be duped/press-ganged in for the pictures.
Cooper Kessel says
They also better put out a posting for an in-house attorney to defend them against the inevitable lawsuits.
Idle Morgue says
Narconon Tax Returns revealed here:
brought in $12,000,000 in 2012 and salaries paid were $5,500,000.
Perhaps they should advertise – make tons of money to get up your Bridge by joining staff at Narconon!
Jens TINGLEFF says
It looks like they have all the medical staff they think they’re ever going to need. That’s nice 🙂 … or not 🙁
Jose Chung says
UH OH,Left off the list is a CREDIT CARD TRANSACTION I/C
remoteviewed says
A yes.
The typical build it and they will come motif of the “Field of Dreams”. Totally altered sequence but as far as they’re concerned who cares?
The sequence we used to see when Scientology first started was someone had a house or an office. Sold a bunch of books, eventually got some PCs and Students then at some point the place was so crowded they had to move to bigger quarters and the cycle continued.
Now they purchase some big empty “cathedral” and spend thousands even millions renovating it taking practically every last cent of their potential clients.
Bring in their version of a “Pope” to bless the place while moving the small group of preselected shills as close to the stage as possible to give the perception that there is an “enthusiastic crowd” hanging on to each syllable of this moron’s idiotic teleprompted drivel written for him by a failed romance novelist then these images are shown somewhere like say in the Cedar’s Complex Parking lot NKA “Pacifica Amphitheater” and the faithful there are told that Scientology “has expanded more in the last five years than the previous fifty” or what ever and the few public there see that they are out numbered by a bunch of surly sleep deprived SO members and that they better believe, because if they don’t believe they’ll end up in ethics and will be declared “SP” thus losing contact with their family, friends and lose their job with the WISE company that is run like a virtual dictatorship which at least somewhat pays the bills and the cycle continues until somewhere along the line the Church of Scientology files chapter 11 and goes into trusteeship.
Sarah says
Drugs and sex included.
grathuln says
Where is this abomination? Do not want in UK.
Wendy M says
So they are building the building, and they have this list of who is needed to man the NN. This is a looong list – I wonder if they have anyone at all in place. They need executives (plural) and so on and so on. Surely the success of the place depends on the staff to a very large degree – yet they have built the place with no idea who is going to staff it. I would not go to a facility where the staff are an after thought and only trained in the months before the opening. They are going to train the “withdrawal specialists” in the few months before the opening? Sounds like there will be no-one who can insert an endotracheal tube, nasogastric tube, or establish an intravenous line. Wow… this is trouble waiting to happen.
cre8tivewmn says
Lack of qualified medical oversight is a regular complaint about narcanon. They hand out vitamins…
GTBO says
UK is unfortunately for them not the USA where Insurance Companies can be swindled… Oops I mean charged exhorbitant prices for a meaningless service. (Their recidivism rates are BS just like every other stat produced by anything connected to RCo$).
NN is just another money making scam only this one doesn’t go to the IAS.
I hope it stays empty and doesn’t hurt anyone or their bank account
DollarMorgue says
They expect to have rehab training done in a few months. Because they have the only workable solutions. Now if that isn’t a dilettante attitude…
Mike Leopold says
Is there any commingling of NN monies with Scn, do you know?
Do you suspect it’s being done?
Cooper Kessel says
What does your gut tell you? Go with it!
Mike Leopold says
My gut says they cook the books, but they’d laugh my gut out of court
hgc10 says
But of course! Every drug rehab facility needs word clearers.
threefeetback says
Ever since DM first shook down Hubbard, by refusing to go off post as Cine Cameraman, Dave has been creating his own delusional world based on empty ‘sets and props’.
Poet13c says
His parents refused him The SIMS.
eriat_lov says
PPS: Bring your own money.
chrismann says
They will train CS and Senior CS in a few months?
Oh, wait, I forgot about GATII. You can probably become a Class VIII in two weeks now.
Mark says
Why do I hear the beat of porcine wings overhead and the crackle of ice forming over the infernal regions?
My, but 30 Newchapel Road, Lingfield, Surrey is going to be crowded! Assuming – charitably – that it’ll take about thirty recruits to fill all those vacancies, I really can’t see how they’re all going to cram into the tiny flat that is their present officially-registered address “in the beautiful Sussex countryside” (not): https://www.flickr.com/photos/marksshoops/13931883916/
I suppose they could always draft in staff from Saint Hill, or Brighton, or Poole…
scientology411 says
“Why do I hear the beat of porcine wings overhead”
Nice turn of phrase. Now I’m going to be hearing Pink Floyd’s “Pigs on the Wing” in my head all day long. 🙂
Wispy says
Above Playstow Furnishing?
As empty as their own promises and claims.
Alanzo says
You can almost hear the echo in that picture.
Scamofscientology/Foodforthought says
There’s a former client and staff member of both the (former) English and Dutch Narconon facilities whom I only know under his nickname: Peco.
He (or she) has knowledge about a death that occured at the Dutch Narconon in 2006 that they have been able to keep under wraps. If this incident becomes public knowledge, it will likely signal the end for the Dutch Narconon. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to get in touch with Peco for quite some while now. Perhaps he or she doesn’t actually read the e-mail address he gave me. Or perhaps Peco signed a gag agreement with Narconon to avoid having to take them to court. Who knows.
Anyways, I hope you won’t mind Mike if I post a short message here to Peco, in the off change that he/she is reading this, or someone knows who Peco is.
Hey Peco,
Please consider stepping forward with the information you have.. Narconon is still out there hurting and scamming people. If you signed a non-disclosure agreement with them, please understand that it is legally unenforceable. Narconon is under a legal obligation to report serious incidents to the authorities, so having people sign gag agreements is a big no-no.
Old Surfer Dude says
Idle Rehab. It goes nicely with the Idle Morgues in the UK. Along with all the Idle Staff. The tiny dwarf can now proudly say, “ALL OF UK IS NOW IDLE!”
Cindy says
Maybe they’ll make their money selling Narconon franchises! lol
samphire53 says
There doesn’t seem to be a single medically qualified person required. It doesn’t claim to treat or cure drug uses but only “educate and rehabilitate” them.
strumpet says
Even though we can assume no medical personnel will be present, it is a list of those positions that are vacant – not all the positions at the centre. And they do list ‘Withdrawal Specialists’, whatever they might be. They could already have found other medical staff.
I wonder if this would be useful to the lawyer Ryan Hamilton, showing that at a supposed drug re-hab there are staff specifically linked to dissemination of Dianetics / Scientology. It’s not exactly normal.
scientology411 says
‘Withdrawal Specialists’ are likely large goons who stop blows with force.
Morris Adams says
Good point, Strumpet. I count four positions that could only be related to delivering Scientology auditing and training. Even though it’s in the UK, it is still Narconon. I think someone should make Ryan Hamilton aware of this.
Bystander says
I think the ‘withdrawal specialist’ is the one who knows how to get funds from any account you may have…
Black Panther says
When I saw “Withdrawal Specialists” I thought they meant people who were good at withdrawing money from your bank account. My bad.
Zonkos says
Don’t you know? “Withdrawal Specialist” is someone who specializes in withdrawing money from YOUR bank account.
Lurr Kurr says
I went through Narconon. The “Withdraw Specialists” are students who had graduated, some only days before they were on Staff. THE DAYI arrived at NN, my Withdraw Specialist, along with the Ethics Officer, were fired for smoking crack. This is true.
Poet13c says
Or simply pop into your local Scientology Center and pick up a leaflet.
Poet13c says
JobCenter clients need not apply.
Poet13c says
PS: Bring your own furniture.
2briancox says
P.S.S. Being your own income source. You will be dirt poor for the next 2.5-5 years. Consider welfare.
Friend says
will anybody come in ..