Mike, I am wondering what will happen to the few remaining true believers when the cult finally expires? I hope for the sake of my ex-wife and all the others like her who do not have lots of money that the cult does not enact a ‘People’s Temple’ tragedy. There does not seem to be any sort of function or group that could offer Scientologists a way to rebuild their lives after the cult that enmeshed them is not functioning anymore as a legal and financial entity. It would be nice (If completely unrealistic) if some of the monies and properties the cult retains could in some way be used to help the remaining faithful transition back to being normal members of human society. (Whatever that might mean). Down with Scientology! (I gave up long ago on receiving restitution of the monies I poured down the Scientology rathole over the decades I was involved, not looking for that)
Given his status and OT “accomplishments” it looks like Shawn May has been financially fairly successful. Of course, what he WON’T tell you is that this success owes nothing to his OT powers at all. It appears to derive from entrepreneurial activities that have ZERO to do with the cult. MEST activities that countless WOGs with nothing but disdain for the “tech” undertake equally well or better. That plus his prowess at deceiving and regging the hopeful and gullible.
Now, when I see a puffed promo of a purported successful OT, I think, “But let me see their financials.”
Too many times, as I got into deeper friendships with folks who did lots of “big league” donating and made it up to OT levels, I learned they had extremely complex and not-successful-at-all financial pictures. For instance, re-mortgaging their home five times, which means over their years in Scientology, they were paying off that initial home mortgage several more times, with interest, all to keep up the façade of being a person others should strive to be. Each also had one or more terrible past encounters, treasonous stuff, with fundraisers and registrars, which they always explained as: “But know that things are different now” and “Of course, that person who did those things was removed from post.”
Many times, smoke and mirrors. Not a sound, solid or enviable financial picture at all, when you peel away the veneer to see how the person REALLY was pulling off all this over-the-top donating. Precarious like an ancient rope bridge strung across a canyon with a raging river below. The ropes could come unstrung, easily, and whoever traversing plunged into the depths below (foreclosure, bankruptcy).
Many of us are familiar with the credit card savvy of Scientology org registrars and fundraisers. Any of these so-called big donators could be sitting in a few hundred thousand dollars of credit card debt. Another scenario I learned about from a person holding the purse strings: A wanna-be “whale” for Scientology who is affluent, but not multi-millionaire affluent, with a persuasive rege, hard sells a true “whale” to lend the whale wanna-be hundreds of thousands of dollars to donate so they can “achieve status” and also “inspire others to move up to their next level.”
It becomes the classic person-to-person loan in Scientology: The individual who lent the money gets modest or zero payments each month, the debt can only be addressed in Scientology ethics or Chaplain’s Court, the lender may never be 100 percent paid back.
As to the borrower: They either grow so cavalier they do not care and justify like mad that the rege made them do it and the super-rich fellow Scientologist “is not suffering (with their millions) owing to this $200,000 or $300,000 that I am not paying them back.”
Another outcome is, if the borrower has retained some sense of dignity and decency, they quietly turn away from the org and Scientology activities in abject shame. Like coming out of the fog of a hangover where the person recovers bits of what they have done the night before, and they SHUDDER with humiliation that they performed those acts, agreed with such over-the-top outrageousness. Somehow these Scientology registrars achieve, without the use of alcohol, crazy acts of self-plunder that make a drunken sailor seem rational by compare.
As some of us have seen (or experienced), this can be a humiliation that is not overcome and is only made worse by each subsequent org staff member visit to your home. And what do each one of these individuals say as you recount your tale of financial horror and the bad spot you are in: “But know that things are different now” and “Of course, that person who did those things was removed from post.”
Well dip me in menthol and call me a Kool. I just had a look at May’s company ExoTech and picked at random 12 people, starting with Lord Duncan McNair, who are part of the ExoTech Team (300 of them supposedly) and finishing with Didier Rodriguez (González) and every single one of them is , gasp, shock, horror, part of $camalotmoneyology.
The site reeks of $camalotmoneyology, so I don’t think I need to say any more except for ExoTech “Success Letters”, a whole one by, you guessed it a $camalotmoneyologist, Rick Melrose:
That is the most naked admission of guilt I have seen. Guilty of being a mind-control cult, that is. This is barely disguised cult-speak for “Don’t believe your lying eyes. We will tell you what’s true.”
OMG, RB – THIS. THIS must go in the eventual Coffee Table Book. I’m in my office sitting at my desk laughing while my colleagues give me the side eye and smiling tolerantly. Hilarious, and based on actual cult promo as well. Great stuff, RB!
When I FIRST read RB’s comic with “Harnessing Postulates”…”Crushing Mest Universe Wavelengths”…”Melting Energy Deposits”…”Mastering Admiration Particles”…I thought RB was making this stuff UP and I fell over laughing at how brilliant and snarky and funny it was.
THEN I read further down and saw that he’d in fact LIFTED this rubbish word for word from actual seminar promo – and fell over laughing again – this time in amazement.
I mean, even for the cult, this stuff is over the top, no?
Good Lord!
Ok, I’m off to melt some energy deposits. Happy Weekend everyone!
Oh, I thought first what Regraded Being let the Scientologist on the couch say to his wife is excellent satire — till I realized the expressions are for real from the flyer posted already on yesterday’s “Thursday Funnies”.
RB thanks for catching that promo piece. One of the most rediculous pieces of bulls—t I’ve seen in a long while. Truly the aluminum hats are now standard equipment for all Scientologists.
I love your podcast and tv programs! I have never been a scientologist, but remember as a child, hearing it being talked about. God bless you and everyone you help, to get out of the Cult. I so wish you and Leah could have another tv show!! I will support you and Leah, in whatever you can do to get TCS tax except status revoked!!
on a funny note, I SO WISH that the press would ask every celebrity scientologist if they can… 1. Move things with their mind…etc!!! All the things that Scientology professes..
Sure. What a waste of time. It was a trap!
He delivered a couple of cheap OT suckcesses and read a few quotes about particles flow that one has to somehow understand and then suddenly he started a three hour long stage regging on ideal orgs.
Luckily you weren’t there.
Looks like I wasn’t the only one who J&D’ed about missing it. Thank you for confirming why we joke and degrade about their barely disguised money squeezes as seminars.
Wow That piece of promo is something else. If a scientologist could actually DO those things (rather than just “GET DATA”), they would actually use those “skills” to manipulate/control people to their ways.
“Mastering Admiration Particles” I mean Wow.
“Come learn about what our great guru, L Ron Hubbard, said about this. You can learn how to take admiration “particles” and flow them into another being so that they will love you and LRH and become a scientologist and give you all their money.”
That’s the bottom line.
But the promo piece really is just a load of shit.
“Mastering Admiration Particles.” That’s an easy one! You just lie your ass off: Stolen valor, phony job qualifications, claims to have averted nuclear war, etc. Of course, that “technology” is way outdated. With the advent of the internet, facts emerge that you can only side-step by creating hate web sites. Media presentations of your lies and atrocities win all kinds of awards while your own reputation now forces you to offer your wares anonymously or under the guises of front groups. Not good for statistics when you’ve become the punchline of any late-night comedian looking for an easy laugh.
However one wants to look at it:
“mastering admiration particles”, it’s one of the biggest bullshit of the last 25 years, right after the golden age of tech and its why (the blind leading the blind, where you can keep asking ‘ok, but why it happened?’).
Mike, I am wondering what will happen to the few remaining true believers when the cult finally expires? I hope for the sake of my ex-wife and all the others like her who do not have lots of money that the cult does not enact a ‘People’s Temple’ tragedy. There does not seem to be any sort of function or group that could offer Scientologists a way to rebuild their lives after the cult that enmeshed them is not functioning anymore as a legal and financial entity. It would be nice (If completely unrealistic) if some of the monies and properties the cult retains could in some way be used to help the remaining faithful transition back to being normal members of human society. (Whatever that might mean). Down with Scientology! (I gave up long ago on receiving restitution of the monies I poured down the Scientology rathole over the decades I was involved, not looking for that)
Harnessing, Crushing, Melting, Reversing, Harnessing=
OT Masturbation
Furiously stroking, dribbling results…
Scientology, the Grift That Keeps On Grinding.
Given his status and OT “accomplishments” it looks like Shawn May has been financially fairly successful. Of course, what he WON’T tell you is that this success owes nothing to his OT powers at all. It appears to derive from entrepreneurial activities that have ZERO to do with the cult. MEST activities that countless WOGs with nothing but disdain for the “tech” undertake equally well or better. That plus his prowess at deceiving and regging the hopeful and gullible.
Now, when I see a puffed promo of a purported successful OT, I think, “But let me see their financials.”
Too many times, as I got into deeper friendships with folks who did lots of “big league” donating and made it up to OT levels, I learned they had extremely complex and not-successful-at-all financial pictures. For instance, re-mortgaging their home five times, which means over their years in Scientology, they were paying off that initial home mortgage several more times, with interest, all to keep up the façade of being a person others should strive to be. Each also had one or more terrible past encounters, treasonous stuff, with fundraisers and registrars, which they always explained as: “But know that things are different now” and “Of course, that person who did those things was removed from post.”
Many times, smoke and mirrors. Not a sound, solid or enviable financial picture at all, when you peel away the veneer to see how the person REALLY was pulling off all this over-the-top donating. Precarious like an ancient rope bridge strung across a canyon with a raging river below. The ropes could come unstrung, easily, and whoever traversing plunged into the depths below (foreclosure, bankruptcy).
Many of us are familiar with the credit card savvy of Scientology org registrars and fundraisers. Any of these so-called big donators could be sitting in a few hundred thousand dollars of credit card debt. Another scenario I learned about from a person holding the purse strings: A wanna-be “whale” for Scientology who is affluent, but not multi-millionaire affluent, with a persuasive rege, hard sells a true “whale” to lend the whale wanna-be hundreds of thousands of dollars to donate so they can “achieve status” and also “inspire others to move up to their next level.”
It becomes the classic person-to-person loan in Scientology: The individual who lent the money gets modest or zero payments each month, the debt can only be addressed in Scientology ethics or Chaplain’s Court, the lender may never be 100 percent paid back.
As to the borrower: They either grow so cavalier they do not care and justify like mad that the rege made them do it and the super-rich fellow Scientologist “is not suffering (with their millions) owing to this $200,000 or $300,000 that I am not paying them back.”
Another outcome is, if the borrower has retained some sense of dignity and decency, they quietly turn away from the org and Scientology activities in abject shame. Like coming out of the fog of a hangover where the person recovers bits of what they have done the night before, and they SHUDDER with humiliation that they performed those acts, agreed with such over-the-top outrageousness. Somehow these Scientology registrars achieve, without the use of alcohol, crazy acts of self-plunder that make a drunken sailor seem rational by compare.
As some of us have seen (or experienced), this can be a humiliation that is not overcome and is only made worse by each subsequent org staff member visit to your home. And what do each one of these individuals say as you recount your tale of financial horror and the bad spot you are in: “But know that things are different now” and “Of course, that person who did those things was removed from post.”
Well dip me in menthol and call me a Kool. I just had a look at May’s company ExoTech and picked at random 12 people, starting with Lord Duncan McNair, who are part of the ExoTech Team (300 of them supposedly) and finishing with Didier Rodriguez (González) and every single one of them is , gasp, shock, horror, part of $camalotmoneyology.
The site reeks of $camalotmoneyology, so I don’t think I need to say any more except for ExoTech “Success Letters”, a whole one by, you guessed it a $camalotmoneyologist, Rick Melrose:
A steaming pile of $camalotmoneyology word salad.
Oh yes, can’t find ANY mention outside the company itself about how terrific Microsoft thinks they are. Bullshit galore as usual.
“Reversing MEST Agreement Patterns”
That is the most naked admission of guilt I have seen. Guilty of being a mind-control cult, that is. This is barely disguised cult-speak for “Don’t believe your lying eyes. We will tell you what’s true.”
That’s some proper Scien-malarky!
To shovel that deep into the steaming pile must must denote a new level of desperation.
OMG, RB – THIS. THIS must go in the eventual Coffee Table Book. I’m in my office sitting at my desk laughing while my colleagues give me the side eye and smiling tolerantly. Hilarious, and based on actual cult promo as well. Great stuff, RB!
When I FIRST read RB’s comic with “Harnessing Postulates”…”Crushing Mest Universe Wavelengths”…”Melting Energy Deposits”…”Mastering Admiration Particles”…I thought RB was making this stuff UP and I fell over laughing at how brilliant and snarky and funny it was.
THEN I read further down and saw that he’d in fact LIFTED this rubbish word for word from actual seminar promo – and fell over laughing again – this time in amazement.
I mean, even for the cult, this stuff is over the top, no?
Good Lord!
Ok, I’m off to melt some energy deposits. Happy Weekend everyone!
Oh, I thought first what Regraded Being let the Scientologist on the couch say to his wife is excellent satire — till I realized the expressions are for real from the flyer posted already on yesterday’s “Thursday Funnies”.
They literally write their own satire.
RB thanks for catching that promo piece. One of the most rediculous pieces of bulls—t I’ve seen in a long while. Truly the aluminum hats are now standard equipment for all Scientologists.
I love your podcast and tv programs! I have never been a scientologist, but remember as a child, hearing it being talked about. God bless you and everyone you help, to get out of the Cult. I so wish you and Leah could have another tv show!! I will support you and Leah, in whatever you can do to get TCS tax except status revoked!!
on a funny note, I SO WISH that the press would ask every celebrity scientologist if they can… 1. Move things with their mind…etc!!! All the things that Scientology professes..
Damn, I missed it last Sunday. Did he spill the beans on OT Data and melting energy/snow?
Sure. What a waste of time. It was a trap!
He delivered a couple of cheap OT suckcesses and read a few quotes about particles flow that one has to somehow understand and then suddenly he started a three hour long stage regging on ideal orgs.
Luckily you weren’t there.
Looks like I wasn’t the only one who J&D’ed about missing it. Thank you for confirming why we joke and degrade about their barely disguised money squeezes as seminars.
Thanks for the inside info, it’s useful to know the cult hasn’t changed yet.
I LOVE Regraded Being strips!
damn, jan 9th – we missed it………..
Wow That piece of promo is something else. If a scientologist could actually DO those things (rather than just “GET DATA”), they would actually use those “skills” to manipulate/control people to their ways.
“Mastering Admiration Particles” I mean Wow.
“Come learn about what our great guru, L Ron Hubbard, said about this. You can learn how to take admiration “particles” and flow them into another being so that they will love you and LRH and become a scientologist and give you all their money.”
That’s the bottom line.
But the promo piece really is just a load of shit.
“Mastering Admiration Particles.” That’s an easy one! You just lie your ass off: Stolen valor, phony job qualifications, claims to have averted nuclear war, etc. Of course, that “technology” is way outdated. With the advent of the internet, facts emerge that you can only side-step by creating hate web sites. Media presentations of your lies and atrocities win all kinds of awards while your own reputation now forces you to offer your wares anonymously or under the guises of front groups. Not good for statistics when you’ve become the punchline of any late-night comedian looking for an easy laugh.
“Melting Admiration Particles” is more like it!
However one wants to look at it:
“mastering admiration particles”, it’s one of the biggest bullshit of the last 25 years, right after the golden age of tech and its why (the blind leading the blind, where you can keep asking ‘ok, but why it happened?’).
Bravo RB. Really really really finely snarky.
A satire for connoisseurs (but to enter the circle one must have left scn).
“I never even imagined that we could do stuff like that ”
BULLSHIT! Why did you become an OT in the first place.!