OMG, that dude in RB sure has drunk deep of the Idle Org Flavor-aide. They demonstrably have depressed the areas where they’ve been plopped down. Very far from booming whole sectors.
Well Jere, one does have to admit that even though DM is obnoxious and disgusting, a thief and liar and a cheat, physically repulsive, a drunk and a bully, a sniveling coward, he knows how to keep a con game going. (I tried to be kind and that’s the best I could come up with.)
It IS tough to be kind about the Punching Pontiff®, isn’t it? I’m further hampered by having met him at Flag soon after he dropped out of school and started his climb up the S.O hierarchy. His natter about school was transparently OW/motivator talk, compounded by my knowing the school intimately: I’d driven my tricycle up the hill to watch the building being built when I was about 5, and graduated from the place a few years before Dwarfenführer® blew from it to join the Messengers. He couldn’t complete even the normal, simple actions even then. High school COULD have been un for him, but no, HE needed to find hisself some poor slaves to terrorize.
I doubt Albert will have much use for that surfboard on his next trip to the Freewinds. I foresee a series of dates with the Regs instead of the waves in his future.
I must have some lack of confront. I’m still having a hard time believing that the stubborn fanatics who continue to hold on to the flimsy claims of their church totally believe that all it takes is a dedicated group of scios with nebulous magical powers and a palette or two of WTH booklets to save all that is wrong with the world. These naïve true believers might benefit from an old Jewish adage, “If not now, when?”
What gets me is the dude falling for the carrot of advanced status. So what if you’re a Humanitarian Humongous or whatever status they offer. But these silly people still cough up money they can’t afford to achieve a status.
I was happy to see a couple with which I am unfamiliar. I feel so sorry for the usual pair (the balding idiot and his wife who works three jobs because he can’t stop donating), so I’m glad to watch a new couple rocket toward financial destruction straight down and vertical.
It sounds like such a logical rational thing. Then it gets usurped by a single group (not even the entire 3rd dynamic, but one group of many groups) who claim without a shred of evidence that only they have the tech to help all the groups.
Not only is there not a shred of evidence, but asking for evidence is cause to be told we “don’t have the f—ing rank” or go directly to ethics. Can’t criticize Scientology at all, and asking for proof (that they don’t have to give) is criticism.
Not only is there not a shred of legitimate evidence, but there are deceptive graphics, inflated numbers, blatant PR grabs, and loads of evidence they’re causing considerable harm across multiple dynamics.
Scientology is the Greatest HARM to the Greatest Number of Dynamics hinged on an unprovable claim that the ends (eventually) will justify the means.
Around 1974 I was sloughing through OT3 at AOLA and doing like 6-7 hours auditing a week. The (Sea org) DofP ordered all solo auditors to do 12.5 hours or more per week. I kept at 6-7, so the C/S sent me to the Examiner to explain why i was not complying. i listed out that I had a first dynamic that included weekly motorcycling and surfing; a second dynamic with a wife and child that I cared for and spent time with; and three third dynamic activities—a 40 hour money job, side work at an auto repair shop, and- finally- scientology. AND, I was GIs (happy) with my life balance.
The DofP walked the folder into the C/Ss office– leaving the door open. A stream of female screaming and bad words ensued. The DofP quickly closed the door–red faced and with a chagrined look at me. I went home and skipped a few days before I came back for my folder. Surprisingly the C/S I got started with: 1)Fly any out ruds with the AOLA. 2) Continue running OT3.
Cant’t criticize, can’t even ask a reasonable question about where your money goes. At best, you’ll be sent to word clear some word-salad proclamation from the high school drop-out in charge. At worst, it’s digging yourself out of an arbitrarily-assigned lower condition which always ends up with having to get everyone to sign-off on your staying in the group. How demeaning can you get? [Emphasis on “mean”.]
To: Jere Lull
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: criticizing me
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: overts and withholds.
I’m not going to ask you for an o/w write-up as such an endeavor would completely deforest the planet.
Incidentally, you are a high school dropout.
Other than receiving glorified bowling ball trophies and being told that they are saving the planet, do these heavy donors receive any practical benefits from these different statuses? Do they pay less for auditing than someone who doesn’t donate?
7 or 8 years ago I walked by the Miami org when it was still in Coral gables and there was a sign indicating a reserved parking space for someone who was a new civilization builder next to the area where ashtrays filled with cigarette butts were on several tables right behind the org. Parking in Coral gables can be a hassle, but I wondered if that was the only benefit the person received? I think I read somewhere that it costs a million dollars to become a new civilization builder, if that’s the case I would prefer to pay for public parking even if it meant walking a couple of blocks.
That sign on the first panel says, “I fully endorse Aaron Smith Levin for Clearwater City Council. I supported him by sending some money to help pay for his campaign.
But when he lost the election, I made a post here yesterday asking if anyone had any theories as to why he lost.
That post never made it to be published. Apparently Mr. Rinder does not want to even discuss the reasons why he lost or what happened to the money we sent in.
Why is even the question deserving of being censored?
Is it because some people may want to know just how their money was spent and where it ended up?
I have some other related questions. But if they are all going to be censored, I’d appreciate if you’d say so to save me wasting my time trying to get an answer.
I would imagine Mr. Smith-Levin might have some questions too. Do you still believe you are part of the most ethical group on the planet?
When is the next possibility for AAron to run for the city council again? Let me know and I again will contribute for his next run!
I’m so sad he did not win, I’ve been looking for the results of the election as I don’t live in Florida so news was not readily available.
Ignoring the trolling points, if I recall correctly most or all of the sea org who signed up for Covid shots gave the Fort Harrison as their address. If all of them who were registered to vote voted against Aaron along with all of the local scientologists that might have swung the election against him.
It would be stupid for the CoS to NOT require every sea org member who is eligible to vote get registered and dutifully march to the polling site and vote in the interest of the CoS.
I don’t know the exact number of sea org members or the size of the Clearwater voting district but a unified bloc of possibly up to 2,000 sea org voters might be difficult to overcome.
Maybe the CoS learned a lesson from past elections and is now encouraging all its members to become patriotic and get out and vote. . . . . . . . . . . (facetious)
Scientology-speak is its own dialect and it contributes to keeping its members in the corral.
I’d often find it wearying to have conversations with certain Scientologists who over-used the dialect even when I still considered myself part of that group.
This week’s strip captures how it feels to have such conversations—brilliant RB!
John Doe,
I had a similar experience when I was in the cult. The final straw was a year and two months of staff life at the end of my cult membership;hearing that jargon spoken relentlessly and
arrogantly,daily,was exhausting and depressing.
Realizing that being a staff member amounted to being a Hubtard/McSavage junior pimp was demoralizing, to say the least. The smug scientological “certainty” of hard-core El Con Bots was(is)neither kind nor compassionate…and I ended up feeling like I was trapped in some kind ofdark,mad, dystopian horror story…
As soon as I was done with Flubbardism, I made a concerted effort to not only cease using the lingo, but to delete cult-programmed beliefs, concepts, and behaviors and re-educate myself. I have been out 11 years, and I am still rooting out emotional remnants of that toxic shite…
Today’s RB post is yet another humorous skewering of the delusion that binds together(imprisons/poisons) the remaining adherents of The Tilden Twat’s “religion”.
Here’s to your campaign to rid yourself of the mind-worms of Tubby’s indoctrination. I’m STILL finding tendrils of hubbard-thought after 41 years’ struggle to come entirely up to PT and present-society/civilization. What Hubbard peddled wasn’t any sort of civilization. It was more a Mad Max Thunder dome sort of continual warfare to weed out those who were weakest in dedication to Tubby; nothing civil about it.
Now, they’re weeding put those less tied to the Dwarfenführer®. Only those with the healthiest bank accounts survive.
OMG, that dude in RB sure has drunk deep of the Idle Org Flavor-aide. They demonstrably have depressed the areas where they’ve been plopped down. Very far from booming whole sectors.
Well Jere, one does have to admit that even though DM is obnoxious and disgusting, a thief and liar and a cheat, physically repulsive, a drunk and a bully, a sniveling coward, he knows how to keep a con game going. (I tried to be kind and that’s the best I could come up with.)
It IS tough to be kind about the Punching Pontiff®, isn’t it? I’m further hampered by having met him at Flag soon after he dropped out of school and started his climb up the S.O hierarchy. His natter about school was transparently OW/motivator talk, compounded by my knowing the school intimately: I’d driven my tricycle up the hill to watch the building being built when I was about 5, and graduated from the place a few years before Dwarfenführer® blew from it to join the Messengers. He couldn’t complete even the normal, simple actions even then. High school COULD have been un for him, but no, HE needed to find hisself some poor slaves to terrorize.
I doubt Albert will have much use for that surfboard on his next trip to the Freewinds. I foresee a series of dates with the Regs instead of the waves in his future.
I must have some lack of confront. I’m still having a hard time believing that the stubborn fanatics who continue to hold on to the flimsy claims of their church totally believe that all it takes is a dedicated group of scios with nebulous magical powers and a palette or two of WTH booklets to save all that is wrong with the world. These naïve true believers might benefit from an old Jewish adage, “If not now, when?”
What gets me is the dude falling for the carrot of advanced status. So what if you’re a Humanitarian Humongous or whatever status they offer. But these silly people still cough up money they can’t afford to achieve a status.
Ugh, more fundraising. (I really didn’t have anything else to say.)
I was happy to see a couple with which I am unfamiliar. I feel so sorry for the usual pair (the balding idiot and his wife who works three jobs because he can’t stop donating), so I’m glad to watch a new couple rocket toward financial destruction straight down and vertical.
Greatest Good for the Greatest Number of Dynamics
It sounds like such a logical rational thing. Then it gets usurped by a single group (not even the entire 3rd dynamic, but one group of many groups) who claim without a shred of evidence that only they have the tech to help all the groups.
Not only is there not a shred of evidence, but asking for evidence is cause to be told we “don’t have the f—ing rank” or go directly to ethics. Can’t criticize Scientology at all, and asking for proof (that they don’t have to give) is criticism.
Not only is there not a shred of legitimate evidence, but there are deceptive graphics, inflated numbers, blatant PR grabs, and loads of evidence they’re causing considerable harm across multiple dynamics.
Scientology is the Greatest HARM to the Greatest Number of Dynamics hinged on an unprovable claim that the ends (eventually) will justify the means.
I got a good chuckle from your post.
Around 1974 I was sloughing through OT3 at AOLA and doing like 6-7 hours auditing a week. The (Sea org) DofP ordered all solo auditors to do 12.5 hours or more per week. I kept at 6-7, so the C/S sent me to the Examiner to explain why i was not complying. i listed out that I had a first dynamic that included weekly motorcycling and surfing; a second dynamic with a wife and child that I cared for and spent time with; and three third dynamic activities—a 40 hour money job, side work at an auto repair shop, and- finally- scientology. AND, I was GIs (happy) with my life balance.
The DofP walked the folder into the C/Ss office– leaving the door open. A stream of female screaming and bad words ensued. The DofP quickly closed the door–red faced and with a chagrined look at me. I went home and skipped a few days before I came back for my folder. Surprisingly the C/S I got started with: 1)Fly any out ruds with the AOLA. 2) Continue running OT3.
Cant’t criticize, can’t even ask a reasonable question about where your money goes. At best, you’ll be sent to word clear some word-salad proclamation from the high school drop-out in charge. At worst, it’s digging yourself out of an arbitrarily-assigned lower condition which always ends up with having to get everyone to sign-off on your staying in the group. How demeaning can you get? [Emphasis on “mean”.]
To: Jere Lull
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: criticizing me
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: overts and withholds.
I’m not going to ask you for an o/w write-up as such an endeavor would completely deforest the planet.
Incidentally, you are a high school dropout.
No love at all,
As usual, “Show me the money!!!!!!”
Other than receiving glorified bowling ball trophies and being told that they are saving the planet, do these heavy donors receive any practical benefits from these different statuses? Do they pay less for auditing than someone who doesn’t donate?
7 or 8 years ago I walked by the Miami org when it was still in Coral gables and there was a sign indicating a reserved parking space for someone who was a new civilization builder next to the area where ashtrays filled with cigarette butts were on several tables right behind the org. Parking in Coral gables can be a hassle, but I wondered if that was the only benefit the person received? I think I read somewhere that it costs a million dollars to become a new civilization builder, if that’s the case I would prefer to pay for public parking even if it meant walking a couple of blocks.
That sign on the first panel says, “I fully endorse Aaron Smith Levin for Clearwater City Council. I supported him by sending some money to help pay for his campaign.
But when he lost the election, I made a post here yesterday asking if anyone had any theories as to why he lost.
That post never made it to be published. Apparently Mr. Rinder does not want to even discuss the reasons why he lost or what happened to the money we sent in.
Why is even the question deserving of being censored?
Is it because some people may want to know just how their money was spent and where it ended up?
I have some other related questions. But if they are all going to be censored, I’d appreciate if you’d say so to save me wasting my time trying to get an answer.
I would imagine Mr. Smith-Levin might have some questions too. Do you still believe you are part of the most ethical group on the planet?
Thank you.
Obviously a troll post. Does anyone sincerely wonder where money went donated to an election campaign because the candidate didn’t win?
Why did he lose? He got less votes than the establishment/Scientology candidate.
Why? Your guess is as good as mine. Apathy among citizenry of Clearwater?
Sounds like Cellar Dweller Cus the Gog must be getting low on beans and rice.
When is the next possibility for AAron to run for the city council again? Let me know and I again will contribute for his next run!
I’m so sad he did not win, I’ve been looking for the results of the election as I don’t live in Florida so news was not readily available.
Ignoring the trolling points, if I recall correctly most or all of the sea org who signed up for Covid shots gave the Fort Harrison as their address. If all of them who were registered to vote voted against Aaron along with all of the local scientologists that might have swung the election against him.
It would be stupid for the CoS to NOT require every sea org member who is eligible to vote get registered and dutifully march to the polling site and vote in the interest of the CoS.
I don’t know the exact number of sea org members or the size of the Clearwater voting district but a unified bloc of possibly up to 2,000 sea org voters might be difficult to overcome.
Maybe the CoS learned a lesson from past elections and is now encouraging all its members to become patriotic and get out and vote. . . . . . . . . . . (facetious)
Hilarious! Why not just sell some of your children to the circus? They’ll be treated much better by the clowns than in the Sea bOrg.
Scientology-speak is its own dialect and it contributes to keeping its members in the corral.
I’d often find it wearying to have conversations with certain Scientologists who over-used the dialect even when I still considered myself part of that group.
This week’s strip captures how it feels to have such conversations—brilliant RB!
And, ugh…
John Doe,
I had a similar experience when I was in the cult. The final straw was a year and two months of staff life at the end of my cult membership;hearing that jargon spoken relentlessly and
arrogantly,daily,was exhausting and depressing.
Realizing that being a staff member amounted to being a Hubtard/McSavage junior pimp was demoralizing, to say the least. The smug scientological “certainty” of hard-core El Con Bots was(is)neither kind nor compassionate…and I ended up feeling like I was trapped in some kind ofdark,mad, dystopian horror story…
As soon as I was done with Flubbardism, I made a concerted effort to not only cease using the lingo, but to delete cult-programmed beliefs, concepts, and behaviors and re-educate myself. I have been out 11 years, and I am still rooting out emotional remnants of that toxic shite…
Today’s RB post is yet another humorous skewering of the delusion that binds together(imprisons/poisons) the remaining adherents of The Tilden Twat’s “religion”.
Here’s to your campaign to rid yourself of the mind-worms of Tubby’s indoctrination. I’m STILL finding tendrils of hubbard-thought after 41 years’ struggle to come entirely up to PT and present-society/civilization. What Hubbard peddled wasn’t any sort of civilization. It was more a Mad Max Thunder dome sort of continual warfare to weed out those who were weakest in dedication to Tubby; nothing civil about it.
Now, they’re weeding put those less tied to the Dwarfenführer®. Only those with the healthiest bank accounts survive.
Yeah, Jere, keep going!
I appreciate your comments on this blog and at Ortega’s blog as well.
Cheers, and carpe diem🤗
I love your posts
You have a great way with word
Makes me smile
It’s heart-warming to know that.