This is SICK.
I doubt Heber — who the church still promotes as its “President” — will be in attendance for the opening of the “Ideal Org” in the “First Scientology City” (huh)?
The gall of these people to put a picture of Heber on their poster — when he is locked up and only allowed out for the funeral of his son (and only after Karen DelaCarriere shamed the church into it). He doesn’t have another son, so I guess he isn’t ever getting out again until its his funeral. Update: I did not inspect this poster closely enough and several have pointed out that the shot is in fact Leo Champion. I used something that had been sent to me without inspecting it closely enough. I look like an idiot — not for the first time in my life. Nevertheless, it is still true that Heber was a VERY prominent part of the “Portland Crusade” and the RCS is trying to capitalize on the memory of that, while pretending Heber, the PRESIDENT of the church, no longer exists.
Selective memory at its finest.
I am not a fan of picketers, but this is a time when I think some people carrying picket signs WOULD be appropriate. Maybe something like this:
WE Remember Heber —
Miscavige Locked Him Up
and Threw Away The Key
Get them right in Dear Leader’s face.
I recommend watching the “Heber and Phil” video as I did without the sound to get reality on the beingness of this man.
he got what he deserved. KARMA
As do we all, including you, OSAtroll.
I have no sound on my computer but I watched the Portland video with Heber anyway, and I also watched “Heber and Phil” (Donahue), a 20 minute talk on, I’m presuming, DMSMH. In this latter I just observed Heber’s body language as he was interviewed by Phil Donahue.
Serene, yet fully alert, TRs – expecially TRO, an amazing TRO – fully in with a very natural kind of ARC, no overwhelm, unruffled yet exuding strong interest and granting of beingness at the same time, he let Phil be there and communicate, he listened, and when he talked, wow, was that audience paying attention! The camera would pan the audience every so often and that audience soon began to listen intently to him. Flawless comm cycle, high confront, high ARC, high ability to grant beingness whilst still maintaining his own position in space – this man was exceptional. No wonder the Dwarf had to get rid of him.
The fact that you admitted your mistake immediately and forthrightly keeps it a self observed error and not an outpoint. Only people with high security in their own abilities can do this.
While we’re on the subject of outpoints, the President of the Church of Scientology not present at any grand opening of the Dwarf’s Ideal Morgues? well, “Hello, Federal”. (Though who knows, privately Heber could be thinking that the only good thing about his deplorable situation is his not having to himself help officiate at these these things, and perhaps Ideal Orgs (the Dwarf’s definition, not LRH’s) is one of the reasons he’s locked up in the first place.)
Going back a while, I heard much praise of this man from various org terminals, including an IAS Reg who praised him to the skies to me. This last was right around the time that Heber was jailed in Spain.
I’ve never heard anyone originate that about the Dwarf and I’ve been around a long time.
Here’s a link to a video from the Portland “Religious Freedom Crusade” in 1985. It shows a much younger and more alive Heber who was at this time not yet a broken person. Check out the video starting at 4:37:
That video actually made me tear up, seeing a younger Heber like that, and then thinking what was done to him. Shameful.
Ah, I remember that well, I remember Rev. Champion well, and I remember Heber well. I was also in LA in ’86. I met a lot of cool people at both, and I’m even still friends with a couple of them. It’s hard to believe it was 28 years ago!
Neither of those could ever happen again. You can sum up Corporate Scientology’s piss-poor stats with that alone. 28 years ago we could muster thousands of people from all over the world to Portland, OR, USA, and a year later to Los Angeles. After 28 years of straight up and vertical expansion, there’s not a chance in hell that could happen today.
Mike, you never look like an idiot. Mistakes happen, especially when you stand up and speak your voice against an aggressor.
We are all thankful you pay attention to what is going on in this cloak and dagger world… it is a David Miscavige shell game world… it is meant to fool you… to con you… He wants you to give up your money to carry out his fluffy, puffy lifestyle. Sooner or later the majority of the Scientology public will figure out he is not delivering LRH services, he is just extorting more money for himself. He lives the lifestyle of the rich and famous while his staff live in squalor… he can’t hide from that.
I was here in Portland for that crusade. Very sad what has become of Heber, and what has become of the CofS. I sure feel no Scientology presence here in Portland. I have driven by one of their locations many times and never any bodies. Now it is gone.
Does anyone know the address of the new “Ideal Org”, soon to be morgue?
That is okay Mike – You are doing a good thing by bringing up Heber’s name…people need to remember those that cannot even help themselves because they have been tortured into submission like a slave.
Heber is being held like a rat in a cage and he does not even have any will left – David Miscavige has tortured him. It is amazing that you escaped. I wonder why others don’t escape – maybe they don’t get the chance. If I remember – you were sent to London and just never came back. What a miracle that was and we are all glad you got out and are here. I hope others leave and find it amazing that others have not blown and come here to tell us their story….how many are left in the HOLE today?
As I look over this image, I see Rev. Ken Hoden being the second individual to the right of Heber/Leo as we face the stage. I understand Ken has also been in the hole for some time but that he’s lately been seen around PAC; not sure if I got my stories straight, but I think it was from Chuck Beatty that I heard he was either in the PAC RPF or that he has been seen around PAC accompanied by security guards.
Tony: He has been declared an SP by “COB” a number of times. I was declared “officially” by Miscavige at least 4 times when I was still BEING THE INTERNATIONAL SPOKESPERSON FOR SCIENTOLOGY!!!!
In fact, I was with a number of other people in what was the predecessor to The Hole “The A-E Room” in early 2004.
The place is an insane asylum.
Mike, do you think Miscavige has any sense of empathy? I ask this question in all seriousness. Were there instances where he yielded because of feeling .. . . ashamed or sorry for the person he was abusing? Or is it truly pathological with him, an incapability.
It must be like a whole new life not being in that insane asylum.
This is unbelievable even for $cientology’s low standards. I’m almost at a loss for words. Btw, does DM have body guards? He might need them after this! I’m truly sick now.
Everything you and others say here about Heber is true.
The picture, though, is of the black minister who stirred the crowd at one point. Blow up the pic. I remember the moment.
In case I wasn’t clear, the picture is NOT of Heber, but of the evangelical minister that rocked the square. Take a close look.
The picket signs are still a great idea, though.
Got it. Sorry — used something that had been sent to me without inspecting it closely enough.
Of course, I am foolish for doing so and I look like an idiot — not for the first time in my life.
Nevertheless, it is a good reminder. Heber was a VERY prominent part of the “Portland Crusade” and the RCS is trying to capitalize on the memory of that. While pretending Heber, the PRESIDENT of the church, no longer exists.
Selective memory at its finest.
Reverend Leo Champion.
That’s right. Thanks.
And thanks for the ack, Mike. (No button to reply inline.) No harm done. Heber really should be remembered and fussed about.
This is appalling and truly a new low for the cult. They truly have no shame.
Mike, this hurts my heart. I have long felt that the cult and those in it had no heart.
I knew Heber really well and worked with him. How everyone saw him on the stage at events was exactly how he was in person. And, this so impressed me as I was so used to people putting on different valences for different people and situations. Not Heber. He was forthright, honest, caring and strong. He strongly believed in what he was doing but would warn me to be careful with the GO and not do anything that was not totally legal. I didn’t really understand what he was talking about at the time. Now it’s all history. He also had a wonderful sense of humor and genuine care for people. He lifted you up with his wonderful stories and his space was so theta. He always had time for others. I loved him dearly and it greatly saddens me what has happened to him and others like him in the C of S. And, there were a lot of great, caring execs and staff.
Bob Adams used to be CSI Vice-President under Heber. Now he seems to do whatever fluff PR event that requires an actual person. I guess that beats being shoved in the Hole.
Mike…with due respect, are you sure that is Heber in the yellow circle? The skin looks too dark, hair very white, chubby cheeks and belly too big. It is also a pose of being bent over that doesn’t look like one Heber does when he speaks to crowds…ie, he’s very upright and outward in his gaze. Also, I don’t think a white suit jacket is a color I’ve ever seen on him, in pics or personally. I was at this crusade and I bet if we found some shots of Heber leading a march of people down the sidewalk or street, you’d find a younger, slimmer looking man. Could be wrong, just asking….
I notice there is no date or time on this promo. I guess C of S can’t really promote their grand openings anymore. I am going to assume that they are afraid of whom might show up. Well, at least there will be video footage for the next event, and of course straight up and vertical expansion photos.
I remember Heber. He’s a sweet guy.
I like your idea of the picket. Heber, Gillaume and the others need to be remembered.
This is America, not North Korea.
WHAT??? The telephone number given is the number for the Seattle Idle Org. Portland doesn’t have anyone to answer the phones?
And using Heber in the promo is definitely twisted. I think Heber’s big sin was being so loved. My heart weeps.
We are having new signs made this week coincidentally. Thanks for the input, these should impinge nicely.
What the Dickens??????
These people have three sheets in the wind!!
That is really sick. It is actually 1984 creepy!
What city are these idiots talking about?
I agree, this is so disturbed, like watching a morbid cat going sick on your carpet.
This is just cry-worthy!
For those of you who don’t know, he’s also an excellent singer and used to do it professionally. If you want to see him in a movie, he has a bit part as one of the singing Mormons in the beginning of ‘Paint Your Wagon.’
Here’s a little rememberance from me: I only ever met Heber once. I was a bit in awe, because this was during the heyday of seeing him everywhere in events and CofS videos. While visiting our org, he came and gave our choir some pointers. During a lull, I approached him and said something about admiring his singing career. He thanked me, but brushed it off and said that in working with the CofS, he was doing something with a much higher purpose these days, and said I was too by being on staff.
The fact that he’s not able to pursue much of any purpose these days is a sad sad thing.
Heber was also one of the senators in the movie “1776” and in one
scene when all the senators were singing you could hear Heber’s
voice over all the other actors. This is a very good movie BTW.
I think mental and spiritual slavery and imprisonment is worse than physical slavery and imprisonment.
If you are in prison you atleast have some hope of being free. You probably retain more of yourself and your dignity than someone in Hebers situation. It clearly shows what a coward Miscavige is that he has to destroy people around him this way just so they wont have the power to look him in the eye and see his soul.
It’s amazing the dept of depravity dm can get to.
there’s coming a time, not too far off, when there will be more people carrying signs than event attendees.