Apparently it’s no longer called “revising” – in scientology newspeak it is now called “un-revising”.
Undoing the arbitraries implemented by [squirrel who Shall Not Be Named], this magnificent “new” Solo NOT’s course is SO MUCH BETTER than the last one.
The one they have been pushing for 20 years as the pinnacle of achievement in scientology. The one so important that you had to fly to Flag and pay them to sec check you every 6 months to ensure you were doing it properly.
This is the course Dear Leader his personal self re-did in the 90’s to “remove all the arbitraries” added by others. And that version full of “arbitraries” he had to personally get “on source” was already the “New NOT’s” that had been “revised” to remove the “Mayo arbitraries” (frankly, the issues were poorly compiled with repeated stuff all over the place — but if anything the problem was they were TOO literally transcriptions of what L. Ron Hubbard had said).
So, all these people that have been paying for and doing the David Miscavige arbitrary riddled OT VI, VII and VIII should get their money back shouldn’t they? They paid for overt products…
I guess the sheeple have forgotten that as the head of RTC, his ONLY job is to protect the purity of the materials, most especially the sacred, once-secret OT levels.
But he cannot say the arbitraries in Solo NOTs were caused by SP transcriptionists. Nor can he say they were inserted by that SP David Mayo. He has already used those justifications for “re-releasing” the NOT’s stuff and having everyone pay again to do it over.
So, NOBODY is blamed this time around. It is all focus on the positive “look how great THIS version is.”
He assumes those super beings who have completed OT VII and VIII cannot recall him being at Flag, holding a briefing and putting out a 5 page “bulletin” that explained how he had discovered and removed the arbitraries that were blocking people from progressing through Solo NOTs. Someone might correct me on the date, as I recall it was around 1998.
And just last week they said this course no longer takes 5 weeks, it is now 8 days. It has already crept back up to 14 days….
These guys lie like the proverbial flatfish.
I have been reading the comments. And boy are some crazy. Bat shit crazy. Man we have some real nuts in the world.
I meant too say. And boy some are crazy. “Comments”
If we RTC did not remove the arbitraries from the arbitraries then who would? No one. That’s why RTC is so vitally important in saving the world from arbitrary arbitraries and arbitrary arbitrarinesses.
At some point, Scientology will no longer be arbitrary even for Scientologists. Scientology will be unnecessary and that is when COB will fold up shop and move off his point of power with all the money. The planned date is Feb 17, 2016.
And to continue uttering the results of my “enturbulation” , let me just add that there isn’t any real difference between LRH and DM , for all practical purposes. They just have different methods to deceive and harm others , that’s all.
One was a master deceiver/manipulator ; an expert at hypnotic-type of suggestions, and the other is a stupid , philosophy/mental-control untrained “want-to-be-a-spiritual-leader”. One knew quite well how to deceive others in an insidious clever way , and the other does it in VERY obvious ways for the already deprogrammed from the CofS. DM is the loyal pupil who learned his ways from the master himself. One (LRH) secretly wanted power over big masses to satisfy his incredible narcissist nature, but did it masterfully while making others believe that he really cared. The other (DM) also wants power for the same reasons, but lack the natural leadership and charisma of the other. And also lack LRH’s data altitude.
One cleverly deceived others into walking down the path (The Bridge) he created by claiming that the next level of “research” would handle the “barriers” to achieving “higher” states of beingness that the previous levels had. The other (DM) deceive others by always claiming that the materials are not 100% “On-Source” for reasons best known to God (or to “SPs”).
One (LRH) deceived others by claiming that the reason for poor results was that NOBODY could duplicate him, and so he created a whole array of training regimes to get you to finally “duplicate” him. The other (DM) claims that the reason for poor technical results is that Scientologists never really had “pure” LRH because of “SPs” that always messed up with the materials. One (LRH) used loyal robotized slaves to get rich. The other (DM) use robotized fearful (not loyal) slaves to accomplish the same.
The problem isn’t that the materials are altered and “squirreled”. The problem isn’t that Scientologists have to re-do Bridge steps. The problem isn’t the “Six-months refresher”. The problem isn’t changing the materials every time. The problem isn’t not doing “Standard Tech”.
Bravo, Theta Clear. Bravo.
Hi Thetaclear, Your post regarding Ron and dm is masterful. Thank you. Love, Ann.
You are most welcome , dear Ann ; and thanks for the validation sweetie.
Love ,
Thanks , Gary !
If Captain David Miscavige were to suddenly drop dead, his most ruthless subordinate or lieutenant will take over, probably whoever runs OSA black ops.
It may be someone we haven’t even heard of.
Then he will pretend that Miscavige died of relentless overwork preparing the new levels, and he will quickly have something cooked up to release for profit.
Hi unelectedfloofgoofer, Good to meet you. What you posted is horrible to contemplate, yet unfortunately the road has been paved many times over by dm. So if the powers that be: IRS etc are not going to do a thing, then the new ruthless leader will speed along the bleak road of money grubbing! Love, Ann.
If Captain David Miscavige were to suddenly drop dead, his most ruthless subordinate or lieutenant will take over, probably whoever runs OSA black ops.
It may be someone we haven’t even heard of.
Then he will pretend that Miscavige died of relentless overwork preparing the new levels, and he will quickly have something cooked up to release for profit.”
Probably so , Unelectedfloofgoofer!!!
This is very well, put.
Dawn : “This is very well, put.’
Peter, I hesitate to confer upon Mr. Hubbard the distinction of “master deceiver hypnotist” , a status that confers a brand of honor however dubious. I’ve heard people elevate the man in this way a lot of times giving him an air of sinister genius as the “mastermind” behind the magnificently effective brainwash machine called “scientology”. I see it rather differently.
Hubbard and his scientology were a sort of PERFECT STORM of causal factors not the least of which was the unquestioning gullibility of a general public who tend to be enamored of things shiny with promises appealing to their vanity (that would include the highly egotistical objective to ‘save’ mankind). Hubbard was a sociopath of the narcissistic variety and actually believed he was a conduit for divine knowledge. He, like many such people was restless and couldn’t stop talking and writing. He read a lot but not thoroughly enough to get to the core meaning of things. He read just enough to come up with hasty conclusions he could incorporate into his “conglomeration of ideas” known as “The Tech”.
He actually believed he had discovered the great hope for mankind and naturally felt all who diminished his findings were ‘the enemy’. The astounding efficacy of the resulting manipulation wasn’t due to his being a mastermind behind a great con but due to his obsession with his delusions and a public of moderately intelligent, highly idealistic and disillusioned people. Put all that in a bag, give it a couple shakes and PRESTO! There you have it: A fanatical religious movement that organically evolves its own survival strategies. In other words, Hubbard didn’t know what he was doing. He was, like every single one of us is, a mere puppet to the forces of his personality.
I think what Hubbard had that Miscavige lacks is that superficial charm and cleverness at manipulating other people’s emotions and perceptions which some narcissists naturally possess.
The way they manipulate perception is not hypnosis per se. What they do is rewrite history in their own minds to make themselves look like they come out on top, every time. And voilà, what people outside unambiguously perceive as a failure becomes in their minds, and that of those who trust them too much, a great victory. That is how my pet narcissist succeeded in making his ex girlfriend believe that he was brilliant beyond measure and always gets what he wants, while in reality, for people he is not able to reach with his flattery and manipulation (the vast majority of people), he looks like a pompous, vain, bumbling asshat. Since the narcissist often isolates his/her victims from people on whom their charm and manipulation obviously do not work by poisoning their minds against them, the victims will often feel everyone falls for the narcissist’s act.
Sometimes though that history rewrite has hilarious consequences for those looking from the outside. Like Hubbard stating in an interview that he never had a second wife. My pet narcissist often makes similar mistakes as well, and never has the slightest notion of how he said or did something wrong. It is extremely weird, but it is a consequence of the narcissist’s extreme lack of insight.
“Peter, I hesitate to confer upon Mr. Hubbard the distinction of “master deceiver hypnotist” , a status that confers a brand of honor however dubious. I’ve heard people elevate the man in th is way a lot of times giving him an air of sinister genius as the “ mastermind” behind the magnificently effective brainwash machine called “scientology”. I see it rather differently.”
Peter : I understand your point , dear Roger, and it might even be that way ; but Scn is one of the longest lived cults of the 20th century, and that isn’t just “luck” or “coincidence”. I’ve been researching hypnotism recently using academic sources instead of self-help or therapy-promoting websites. LRH, according to records (I am not referring to his own allegations) , was an expert hypnotist , who trained or at least was influenced by the best at the time. Other not so well known detail is that there are several and different forms of hypnosis or techniques to unduly influence others. Even what you explain below -the thing about accumualting a general knowledge of everything to seems very knowledgable- is a form of heavy suggestion if one add a great charisma to it, which he had to a very large degree.
Roger : “Hubbard and his scientology were a sort of PERFECT STORM of causal factors not the least of which was the unquestioning gul libility of a general public who tend to be enamored of things s hiny with promises appealing to their vanity (that would includ e the highly egotistical objective to ‘save’ mankind).”
Peter : I got your point , but that thesis doesn’t explain the hundreds if not thousands of science trained individuals that joined in, like me. I was an advance student of engineering back then, and actually quite the nerd type. My life passion was science and mathematics, and I learned everything I knew the non-conventional way, meaning I never praised any “authorities” , but actually challenged their works every time. Here was I engaging in these great debates with other students and professors, about the validity or lack thereof of Entein’s Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, about the subject of mathematical proofs, and about the real origin of many scientific laws. I was a non-comformist , “I don’t have any Science idols” kind of guy, who always questioned everything. But, insteresting enough, I never questioned Scn. Doesn’t that sounds fascinating ? Doesn’t that intrigue you even a little bit ?
This wasn’t an issue of “gullibility” ; this was an issue of an insidious, unsuspecting undue influence brought about by a very trained mind. That undue influence, which to me is a sort of hynotic-type of influence, creates in the subject a complete trust in the manipulator to the point of not actually inspecting his ideas using scientific methodology. I mean, I could use scientific methodology in everything else except regarding Scn and LRH. That is not even painful to me at this point ; it is just fascinating as a subject to research. There were just too many professionally trained individuals that got deceived by Scn, dear Roger, intelligent individuals like you and me. This was something beyond simple gullibility and “vanity”. There is no “vanity” involved in attempting to help your fellow beings.
Roger : “Hubbard w as a sociopath of the narcissistic variety and actually believed h e was a conduit for divine knowledge. He, like many such peop le was restless and couldn’t stop talking and writing. He read a lot but not thoroughly enough to get to the core meaning of th ings. He read just enough to come up with hasty conclusions h e could incorporate into his “conglomeration of ideas” known a s “The Tech”.
Peter : I beg to differ on that point ; the reason why Scn grew in the first place was because LRH DID had a conceptual understanding of those subjects. And thus, he was able to manipulate with such an understanding.
Roger : “He actually believed he had discovered the great hope for man kind and naturally felt all who diminished his findings were ‘th e enemy’. The astounding efficacy of the resulting manipulatio n wasn’t due to his being a mastermind behind a great con but due to his obsession with his delusions and a public of modera tely intelligent, highly idealistic and disillusioned people.”
Peter : I am afraid that such a thesis is incompatible with the known facts. Scn deceived the best minds that I have known, I being one of them, modesty apart.
Roger : “Put all that in a bag, give it a couple shakes and PRESTO! There you h ave it: A fanatical religious movement that organically evolves i ts own survival strategies. In other words, Hubbard didn’t kno w what he was doing. He was, like every single one of us is, a mere puppet to the forces of his personality.”
Peter : Again, dear Roger, that thesis doesn’t fit the facts :
1. As opposed to many other cults, many Scientologists were professional individuals possesing great virtues and intelligence. I had (and have still) many friends who were the MIT/Cal-Tech type , great individuals with a honorable attitude towards his fellow being. Your description of them, doesn’t match my own experiences.
2. LRH was able to manipulate many governments around the world, and if it had not been for the tactical error of the Snow White operation , he would probably had lasted 20 years more in “power”. Those feats can’t be done by your garden variety cult leaders.
3. Scn is one of the longest lasting cults of the 20th century , still giving trouble to thousands of souls even almost 68 years!!! after its creation (1948). That is quite a feat all by itself.
No, dear Roger, you seem to be missing the bigger picture here. And dismissing Scn’s power of influence as you are doing , isn’t going to get us to the real roots of the problem. My perspective on this at least.
“Energy is postulated particles in space”.
Although you were up to your neck in quantum high-falootin mechanics you seem to have foolishly given a pass to Hubbard’s definition of energy stated in his absurdist Axioms. Flunk. That is but one example of innumerable absurdities, scientific, moral and philosophical, to be found the Hubbard Gospels. If any of us, and that includes the “possibly thousands” of science educated people in the fold, had decided to examine scientology with a critical eye instead of like a bunch of lost children looking for a daddy who would make everything right, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. You paint a romantic picture of Hubbard. It’s dramatic and larger than life. Your version of him will be made into a movie. My version of him won’t.
As for the “roots of the problem”, let me quote Swami Prabupada, “This world is a marketplace where the cheaters and the cheated conduct their business”.
Roger : “Energy is postulated particles in space”.
“Although you were up to your neck in quantum high-falootin mechanics you seem to have foolishly given a pass to Hubbard’s definition of energy stated in his absurdist Axioms. Flunk.”
Peter : Now , where on hell did you get that idea that I gave him a pass ? You are assuming things here , dear Roger. I never believed ALL from Scn , not even when I first arrived at an Org. Yes , I admit , that beyond physical realities , the thought has always crossed my mind that it is all a “Thought” , which Quantum Mechanics even supports to varying degrees , if you really knew about it , which by your comment , it seems that you are not familiar with those concepts of Quantum Mechanics. So which comment is more “absurd” , LRH’s definition of energy or Quantum Mechanics’ interpretation of reality ? Many Scholars would have a hard time deciding that.
Roger : “That is but one example of innumerable absurdities, scientific, moral and philosophical, to be found the Hubbard Gospels.”
Peter : I agree with you that Scn possesses many absurdities ; I don’t know where you got the impression that I don’t. You seems to believe that I think that LRH is some kind of idol or hero ; I DON’T.
Roger : “If any of us, and that includes the “possibly thousands” of science educated people in the fold, had decided to examine scientology with a critical eye instead of like a bunch of lost children looking for a daddy who would make everything right, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.”
Peter : Probably yes , Roger ; but then psychiatrists would not have had the opportunity to study the fascinating subject of undue influence and cults , would they ? :-)))
Roger : “You paint a romantic picture of Hubbard. It’s dramatic and larger than life. Your version of him will be made into a movie. My version of him won’t.”
Peter : Yes , I can see that. Then again , 68 years is a VERY long time for a cult to still make the headlines!!! So is seems that Hollywood disagree with your viewpoint. :-)))
Roger : “As for the “roots of the problem”, let me quote Swami Prabupada, “This world is a marketplace where the cheaters and the cheated conduct their business”.”
Peter : Yes , excellent quote indeed , but then , “how the cheaters cheat” , can become an art indeed. :-)))
Thank you Peter. As a peace loving man I happily retract everything I’ve said as pure balderdash. Although I’m not qualified to lecture on the subject of quantum physics, I am able to appreciate the non-existence of a line of demarkation between an object and the perception of that object. That demarkation exists only in the mind as an idea. Therefore we may postulate that everything is made of thought. I will now defy the urge to discuss this fascinating matter any further. 🙂
Hi Theta Clear, I thought your post to Roger was well said. I too, have seen with Ron and more what you post. Some who never saw or had the book thrown at us as I did, still will not comprehend this. Cos is just not math formulas it is a cult that gripes one heart and squeezes it until there is no heart left. Believe me five years ago I would and could not have said that.Love,Ann.
Theta Clear, you precisely hit the nail on the head.
Thanks , BKmole !
It is indeed startling that (apparently) scientologists so easily and without any recognition of what is happening to them, “accept” that the tech that THEIR group (which is run by COB and RTC) have been operating on for the past ten or twenty or thirty years has been fucked … and again, apparently, with the reputation of COB and RTC as guardians and guaranturs of standard tech, not being lowered in any way by their, in actual fact, ADMITTED squirrel/arbitrary actions that have slowed up OT case progress .
I have expressed this in the past and will only repeat it once every six months or so … but I do not think that scientologists are even up to the level of “believe it” or any other type of mental calculation on what they hear from “command.” I think they have been driven down to the level of “operating MEST” – as the soil “accepts” water when it rains, so do these people “accept” whatever is told to them. Millions of scientologists? Could be a billion. Doesn’t matter. This is the current condition of scientologists. You are expected to have absolutely mind blowing spectacular unbelievable cognitions on running around a pole or reading about the three barriers to study again? Then you react to that command on an automatic basis the in the same way your sphincter reacts when you sit down on the toilet.
I believe you’ve hit the nail on the head, “driven down to the level of “operating MEST”. It can be the only reason.
Well , after having read all the different comments so far in this thread , I must ask , “Does it really matters a bit that DM is alter-ising the materials , “squirreling” LRH’s materials ?” I don’t think so. I mean , ANY version is just a crazy cultish way to deceive others with the “Total Freedom” trap anyway ; so how is any version “better” than the other ? The analogy is someone complaining about another’s choice of weapon to kill somebody , alleging that the crime was “worse” because he used a hatchet instead of a knife. Why the hell it matters what weapon he chose for the killing ? ; a murder is a murder anyway.
The fact is the ANY version of Solo-NOTs, or NOTs for that matter , is very detrimental to anyone’s sanity. True , alter-ising the original version, and adding other suppressive elements to it (forced Sec Checks, forced donations, harsh ethics , etc) , makes it even more deadly ; but anything that “kills” just kills , period.
Is is just me , or are many here playing an unknown , unwitting game regarding this subject ? DM is deceiving the parishioners ; LRH DECEIVED all the parishioners as well. Where is the god-damn difference ?
I don’t know , may be I am just too “enturbulated” today.
LR Hubbard and DM or both sociopaths. And both are evil men.
Hi Gary W., Thank you for your post. To the point and true for me. Always, Ann.
Oh, no bout a doubt that! Both were and are evil. A real nasty type of evil…..
“LR Hubbard and DM or both sociopaths. And both are evil men.”
Yes , they are!!!
No, you’re right, Peter. It doesn’t matter. $cn is dangerous however you deliver it. it’s a hoodwink. And a swindle. Fortunately, more people are out now than in.
Dawn : “No, you’re right, Peter. It doesn’t matter. $cn is dangerous however you deliver it. it’s a hoodwink. And a swindle. Fortunately, more people are out now than in.”
Yes , very fortunate indeed!!!
Enturbulated is such a $cn word. Why be “enturbulated”? It’s not worth it. We need to get over ourselves.
Dawn : “Enturbulated is such a $cn word. Why be “enturbulated”? It’s not worth it. We need to get over ourselves.”
Yes , you are right about that ; thanks.
Hello Theta Clear, I’m amazed, from other communicatios from you, you seem to know and appreciate tech. Actually you have a good grip on it. And those statements of yours seems to mark an evolution of your thought. Do you reject the entirety of the tech? Including comm cycle, cycle of action, being a spiritual being? Do you reject the basic concept of not’s about misownership?
I don’t speak of course of the solo not’s phase 2, which seems to my sense be quite similar to the one delivered in the independant field. They just cancelled the shit of GAT1, but didn’t declare the SP : Miscavige. I wonder if they reinstate the “blow by inspection”.
Now, knowing you are quite a clever person with a big ability to analyse things, I really like you to explain your viewpoint.
I have seen the tech well applied giving wins. When people are pissed they are really kind of ARCX to the root or Wrong indication and all.
I don’t know about Theta Clear, but I believe that mankind is a group of, as Next Gen put it, ugly bags of mostly water operating on easily-explained chemical processes, with no spirit woo-woo involved. Also, the comm cycle is bullshit, as is ARC and KRC. You were foolish enough to get caught in the “is that all there is” trap and stupidly foolish enough to believe a snaggle-toothed, foul-breathed failed science fiction author who promised you all the answers.
Hi Espiando, Good to see your post. I understand your viewpoint, but from my,perch- spirit is
above and beyond. I would not be here otherwise. I feel you will not believe me, but I tell what happened to me here and I do not lie. Always, Ann
FG : ” Hello Theta Clear, I’m amazed, from other communications from you, you seem to know and appreciate tech. Actually you have a good grip on it. And those statements of yours seems to mark an evolution of your thought. Do you reject the entirety of the tech? Including comm cycle, cycle of action, being a spiritual being?”
TC : Hello, my dear friend. I hope that life is going ok, and my best regards to your family. My apologies for my long comm lags in replying. Yes, I am afraid that I am going through an evolution of thought, as you accurately described it. And thanks for the validations ; I DO have a good grasp on the Tech ; better than most VIIIs I know, I dare say , and a full chronological knowledge of Scn that surpasses the requirements for old class VI.
So YES, I DO “believe” in the basics of Scn. I put it within quotation marks as , what is there to “believe” about Calculus or Newton’s Laws of Motion ? Something either is or isn’t ; that’s the simplicity of it all, REGARDLESS of the subject’s originator. Something either works when applied or not ; and that’s my WHOLE basis to evaluate ANY subject that I study or research including Scn. When it comes to research, I am totally unbiased with no emotional attachments to it whatsoever. I am ROYALLY pissed at LRH, but that in no way clouds my judgment, as I am first a scientists and then everything else. That’s how I live my life ; like a “Vulcan”. :-)))
Scientology, in a large percentage of it, is a summary of basic laws of life that LRH COPY-PASTED from ancient philosophies and even from several ones (including psychotherapies) from the last century. Take my word for it , almost EVERYTHING (“almost” , to not sound extremist) in Scn was knowledge already researched and practiced by others, and that LRH copied and claimed or suggested being the originator of it. The most “original” that LRH was in relation to those materials is, perhaps, interpreting them in layman’s terms so that it could be assimilated more easily by the uninitiated , and creating drills (processes) that could help in bringing about an actual understanding of those life’s basic laws. That was the extent of his “creative” imagination. I could probably write a 20 pages essay just explaining the origins and roots of almost every Scn datum , including almost all the sources where LRH took it from.
So, if most of Scn was BORROWED from past workable practices and principles, then it is logical to assume that it MUST have varying degrees of workability and truth. This in no way is in conflict with the concept that LRH was a deceiver and manipulator , using others for his own selfish purposes. The two assertions are not contradictory, dear FG. Scn can be workable to varying degrees , but this doesn’t necessarily means that he had the best of the possible interests at heart , for his fellow beings.
I STILL use Scn principles every day, and have been for the last 3 decades. And I have absolutely no problem whatsoever with that, and neither with using Scn’s nomenclature in my daily life and in my posts. But I AM NOT A SCIENTOLOGIST. I repeat for others here , I AM NOT A SCIENTOLOGIST, INDEPENDENT, LIBERAL OR OTHERWISE. Sorry for the capitalization ; I am not shouting, I am only being emphatic enough so others gets the point.
The point of entrapment in all this, dear friend, is that mixed with those workable principles and drills, there are a lot of false concepts as well, that are not only false, but even dangerous to the sanity and well being of others. So, it is very accurate to say that Scn is heavily booby-trapped. Only someone possessing a research mind, a high level of Free Will and Self-determinism, and a capacity for truth, could safely study Scn w/out ill effects or risks. Otherwise, it is just too risky, and right there , right on that exact point , lies my reasons against the practice of Scn as a whole body of knowledge. If those false and suppressive concepts are not removed from it first , then I can not ethically recommend the reading of any of LRH’s writings to anybody. That would , in fact , be an overt of big proportions.
The concept of “Standard Tech” as described by LRH, not as understood by you and me, is false and unworkable, and even dangerous to spiritual health. I have yet to find any philosophy that have as many contradictions as Scn has. The list is very, very long indeed. And when you are dealing with a philosophy of life, those contradictions are very deadly, and can really mess up your mind. The concept of “Standard Tech” is just an enslaving authoritarianism which rob us the ability/willingness to inspect data, and arrive at our own conclusions about it. It was cleverly designed to knock off the competition , in order to consolidate “power” , and make money in the way.
FG : “Do you reject the basic concept of misownership ?”
TC : Not necessarily, but its real role in therapy is incredible exaggerated, and only a delusional mind would assign an almost total authorship (analyze the EP of NOTs and Solo-NOTs) to other-determinisms. That’s why, dear friend, there are so many fuck-up “OTs” out-there, for the wrong item on the list of it all. The fact is that getting rids of BTs (which I don’t deny their existence) was Scn’s beginning downfall as a body of tech. LRH was already very much insane when he “researched” NOTs, but very few happens to believe that FACT. LRH was crazy by then, not that he EVER was sane enough , neither.
As I said , I do not deny the existence of “BTs” (“Entities” , “Disembodied Spirits” , “demons” ; whatever the hell one cares to call it). In fact , I have had my own close encounters myself , and not in your NOTs style , but the actual real thing. It seems that beings frequently attach to the livings for various reasons , and that unknowing “connection” (even if the being is only trying to help as it is frequently the case) can cause some trouble indeed. But this phenomena is not as widespread as LRH wanted us to believe ; and it is not a key factor to take into account in increasing spiritual abilities. As I said , LRH was very delusional when he got sick right before Mayo went to “help” him. After that , all hell broke loose.
FG : “I don’t speak of course of the solo not’s phase 2, which seems to my sense be quite similar to the one delivered in the independent field. They just cancelled the shit of GAT1, but didn’t declare the SP : Miscavige. I wonder if they reinstate the “blow by inspection”.”
TC : I wouldn’t know ; I stopped being interested in anything from NOTs a long time ago. There are probably as many ways to perform an exorcism as there are different practices in the world. I have not analyzed any of them to any competent degree. As I said , it is not a significant area to address.
FG : “Now, knowing you are quite a clever person with a big ability t o analyse things, I really like you to explain your viewpoint. I have seen the tech well applied giving wins. When people are pissed they are really kind of ARCX to the root or Wrong indication and all.”
TC : Thanks for the validation, dear friend ; some of my ideas I have already explained them in the sections above, but I have a few details to add.
Throughout the years, I have developed (I had this since early childhood, apparently) an ability to perceive things beyond the normal human senses. I never talk about that publicly as this is a very crazy world full of non-believers, that take every opportunity to criticize and attack what they can’t understand. So, even though that I live my life more with this “feel things” aspect than with the 5 “normal” senses , it is something so normal to me that I pay no attention to it. A lot of people have this, but it is so normal to them that they believe, just as I did, that that is the way that others perceive things as well. I am not referring here to “reading minds” or “seeing the future” necessarily , or any other esoteric stuff. I am talking about a sort of intuition (but accompanied with a certainty) about things in general with sporadic events of weird perceptions, and the very scary feeling to perceive the insanity in others.
Now, I never met LRH (not this life-time at least) , so I never had the opportunity to be able to be near him to perceive anything. I had just an inkling that something was not just right with his personality when I listened to some of his lectures, and watched his Freedom Congress DVD. But I never paid much attention to this as I was still under the undue influence of it all. I basically invalidated my perceptions, as I am sure that you have done as well at some points in your Scn track.
There is a LRH video, a rare one that is not so well known by Pro-LRH individuals , or if it is known by them at all, they have probably dismissed it as having been altered and exaggerated using special effects (just as I had dismissed it myself for years!). It is called, “The Granada Interview” ; you can find it on YouTube. Apparently it is also shown at the “Going Clear” doc, but I have to confess that I have not watched that doc yet. So now I had the chance to watch LRH live, caught off-guard, unedited, but presented just as it happened. And then the revelations came in torrents!!!
You got to understand, dear FG, that I am not talking here about physical evidence of anything, or about an analysis of the actual comments and replies of the video. This was a purely spiritual revelation brought about by my perceptions, that to me, has more validity and objectivity than a mathematical formula (I know that probably Espiando and Roger will object to this). What I perceived was :
1. That LRH was VERY , VERY scared of being found out.
2. That LRH was very nervous , but cleverly attempted to mask it. But it can’t be masked with me. No you can’t.
3. That LRH was manifesting the Glee of Insanity in ways that is even scary.
4. That people on the deck were very scared and confused. A boy had this incredible scared face, with a degree of stress that really got into my bones.
5. That there were a lot of people on deck with a “being hypnotized” look, and under heavy trauma. They were NOT happy at all ; they were scared, confused, and under heavy stress.
6. That LRH was lying all along. He was attempting to control the subject (the reporter) , but the reporter was quite strong in character. LRH was trembling as with a nervous tick at various portions of the video.
7. That LRH had a faked smile showing covert hostility, deceive, and arrogance. He was “feeling” on that video well above everybody else. He was being delusional right there.
8. That LRH was cleverly and purposely using people with weakened mental states, and kids, as most crazy cults have done before. He knew that , and it crossed his mind right there.
You got to understand, dear FG, that to me, from #1 to #8 above IS DATA, and not just mere perceptions , opinions , or guesses. But only by personally knowing me, in the flesh, would anybody would ever be able to understand this. Otherwise, I might just sound like a lunatic. Bu hey , I know who I am, and that’s more than enough for me. So call me (I am referring to anybody , not to you) lunatic all you want for all I care.
The man was delusional, dear FG, I now have absolutely no doubts about it. He wasn’t a good person as so many pro-Scn individuals believe. He was actually quite evil. I believe that sooner or later (I hope that sooner) every Scn supporter would come to realize that on his/her own. It took me almost a decade to see the light , with all my scientific knowledge and background and everything. Cause this is not an issue of education ; this is an issue about cults and undue influence. And it can happen even to a MIT genius.
Take care, my friend. Live long and prosper. Comm any time you want. Our friendship is beyond Scn or LRH ; don’t ever forget that.
Peter, I don’t think you’re too enturbulated today to make sense. I also think it’s funny when people object to David Miscavige’s altering the “tech” when everybody knows if you want to sell an old product you have to be able to market it as “NEW AND IMPROVED” every so often. ESPECIALLY when the general, though unexpressed, reaction to the original was disappointment!
Hi RogerHornaday, Happy everything and a great 2016 to you. ” New & Improved ” used constantly to explain why the first go round of a product or service failed. Every year I want to be new & improved and I end up old and ornery some days! Love always, Ann.
Hi Ann, thanks. Happy insert appropriate holiday to you! I’ve quit trying to be new and improved and have adopted the view that as long as I’m not in jail and my yard hasn’t been confettied I must be doing something right! ☺
Hi Roger Hornaday, This is why I love you. You make me laugh and remember when I had my first breast cancer surgery you and Brian and his wife were one of the first two ( Aquamarine, OSD, T.J. All of y’all ) who picked me up and carried me. Now I am an old veteran hoping to help any that want out of cos. Always love U, Ann.
Roger : “Peter, I don’t think you’re too enturbulated today to make sense. I also think it’s funny when people object to David Miscavige’s altering the “tech” when everybody knows if you want to sell an old product you have to be able to market it as “NEW AND IMPROVED” every so often. ESPECIALLY when the general, though unexpressed, reaction to the original was disappointment!”
Thanks , dear Roger ; and yes , I agree with your assertions there.
The question at the examiner these days should be, “Would you like others to have the same losses you have had?”
Hi The Oracle, A great post. Had me laughing and thinking I would love to answer that one! You are so good! Love, Ann.
You too! XXOO
If you removed all the arbitraries from Scientology, there would be nothing left. It’s all arbitrary!
A truly static subject.
Had a further chuckle to myself Jefferson over your comment. According to my understanding of Hubbard’s works the one thing that isn’t recorded in memory is the truth. The truth you just either know or is something broadly workable for you or it’s present time for you, ie not being placed in the lie of time or having been given a location yet.
So then, how could you write it down or speak it and expect it to be the truth?
Scientology does contradict itself numerous times. Hubbard called it the nature of the make up of games. He had a point there when you realise or ask yourself, “what isn’t an arbitrary in scientology?”
It truly is the last subject you’d ever want to take seriously and that is exampled by another contradiction of Hubbard – KSW1 vs Lightness of Organisation.
So how do you know if scientology works for you? Not being a member of it is the first step, the rest is up to you, a take it or leave type of approach works best for me. Leaving it well alone works according to many I know too. Or attack the crap out if it, novel but quite workable none the less.
mmmm, knowing to how to know…
Now that’s some funny shit.
My comment is to Jefferson Hawkins.
Hey Gary! Stop taking my lines! (Now that’s some funny shit!).
Jeffrey Hawkins: $cientology “an arbitary.” Lol!
meant “all an arbitary”. Think about the huge volume of recorded lectures, written material, hours of auditing, studying, ethics handlings and on and on ad nauseam.
“Much ado about nothing”.
Not to mention the years of pain and suffering and financial drain and broken families and criminality – all in the name of “much ado about nothing!”
note: I apologize up front that my comment goes beyond the scope of the above article.
Scientology is literally the Snake eating it’s own Tail. How sad and disgusting for an organization to turn it’s own members into it’s food supply .. sucking the life force (Theta) out of ’em .. feeding off their creations (money and beingness) .. holding them hostage to rigid laws, bogus ethics and enforcements .. ultimately counter-creating and invalidating past completions and wins, by reinforcing the situation that there is no Standard Tech to depend on .. always pulling the rug out. Consciously for some and unconsciously for most, the mind is being programmed to accept failure, a time based beingness and paradigm – verses infinity and unlimitedness. DM knows he can NEVER produce a real OT – a truly self directed and enlightened individual .. this would be the demise of the $cio.
This issue however, is not limited to DM. The core issues w/ $cio always go back to Ron. He was the one whom (secretly and desperately) wanted mankind to grovel at his feet .. he was the one who wanted to free man to some degree while impinging him with new implants and mental controls. All that Ethics BS he introduced, the Sec Checks, etc are ALL aspects of Implantation. He was the one who thought it cute (and worthwhile) to have his members enslave themselves and not even know it. He bragged about this in his early lectures, back when $co was touted as never to be a religion, because religion was all about mind control. Make no mistake, Ron wanted slaves not OTs. DM just isn’t as bright, intelligent, motivated and creative as Ron was .. hence no new OT levels or materials to manifest yet .. DM’s lack of creativeness forces him to rape and pillage the existing materials and create ruin there .. whereas if Ron was still around generating new materials, Ron would be using those ‘new’ channels to add to his arsenal of control.
When Ron was actively working on Levels, auditing students and still experimenting with processes, when he recognized that a member was Really developing Power of Being, he would seek to CRUSH them. I have researched this from many sources, former members, etc. If Ron thought you were Really gaining Power, he would seek to RUIN you. This is further backed up by all the times people brought something to the $cio table during it’s development, helping contribute to the Tech and breakthroughs – as many ex members have done, RON always usurped full credit and authorship (the Emeter for example). He coveted this as a type of personal ‘power’ – as a black magician.
When evaluating $cio from the highest view – a Non-Dualistic Metaphysical perspective, it is clear to see that the Tech is based on the ego, not the Spirit. One cannot truly go OT (enlightened state), while building up and exalting the ego. Remember, the ego is the false self, a type of shadow. The ego and the MEST universe are actually polarities of themself, one equals the other, escape one and escape the other, they literally are sides of the same spiritual coin. This is spirituality 101 at it’s finest .. and a reason I love researching $cio. It is the perfect example of how the two don’t mix and are counter productive. Going one direction, ensures you cannot go the other. Releasing mental impingements (engrams, ruts, implants, counter-intentions, BTs, etc) will open up the mind / spirit, but it does not actually give the Being more spaciousness, it just lets go of darkness. The awareness of more spaciousness isn’t actually space, it’s the awareness you’ve let go of agreements that you are space. If you understand non-dualistic metaphysics, then you know a Being is ALREADY INFINITE and fully spacious .. and must walk the unwinding road back to awareness. Being fully spacious means you cannot get ‘bigger’ than someone else. The way Ron set up the OT levels is all based on being ‘bigger’ than the next guy. The ‘biggerness’ than becomes the yardstick one uses to be spiritually ‘better’. Once you go down this road, your mind CANNOT ever be fully released .. it deneighs the god-mind or oneness of off all that is. If you deneigh that your brother (any other being) is not unlimited, then you’ve deneighed this for yourself .. the mirror will never be forgiving .. it always mirrors what one wants for another one must hold for oneself.
Fortunately much of the material Ron created, need only be adjusted and purified to make it powerful and healing. I know the potential to be there, the diamond just needs to be reworked and resurfaced to unleash it’s true beauty. Like many of you, I have experienced being fully out of body (40′ plus above my body) and viewing in all directions; remote viewing outside buildings, etc with full perception. I know the potential is there for freedom and I have a love for this potential. No, I am not a Ron hater and I acknowledge all he has contributed. Many others have recognized this, for example the OT materials were used heavily in the CIA’s Remote Viewing programs .. some of this development was also used in the very secretive Montauk Project (1970-1983). Ron DID know about alien implant technologies .. our world governments now have their own implant technologies that are now tech based (verses old-school physical trauma). They no longer have to use torture to fragment the mind into a 13 by 13 cube, giving 2197 programmable alters, it’s now delivered via physical technology such as satellites.
Hi slickDroid, It is good to meet you. Thank you for your post. You articulated what I have thought for years. What I went through as I realized I was a target for things I had not done, I finally saw Ron was pulling the strings all along. That is something that set me back on my heels and finally made me realize the truth of cos and the tech. How I loved The Sea Org in the beginning and how I was dashed against the rocks. Thank you for your insight. Love, Ann.
Slickdroid, I resemble that remark!
Your view needs more air time to the bubble dwellers. Those that are still in the bubble and those that think they are not but still are.
DM is later on the chain. (still feel a little creepy having the lingo so easy. But some of it does work)
All of these traits in Scientology are the reflection of Ron. There is not one distorted characteristic of a Scientologist that is not written somewhere by Ron.
Thank you Slick Droid. For seeing.
Thanks slickdroid for breaking the silence. I will comment in a covert way and use goofy words to get my point across cuz I don’t want to achieve ambient temperature just yet.One branch of service runs the planet from deep earth to deep space. They work with en,ess, aye. deeparrtmunt uv lectroonik wirefair. They wurk wth gnu whorled odor and just about ever alfabet aigensy as reperzented by duzenz of icons, badges, shieldz. There areabout fity seven bases
skattered round the planut like dago garsea that monitor therty sevun hunderd sataly=tes that i think can program indavidules with mynd kuntroll. Krazed gunmn. Tk nvy yard shootr. I saw the flo chartz from the top down perzented by a top levld miltry man.thay haight wistle bloerz ie sndn. I x mil. jus skracht the surfus onthis 4 now.
This gets to the heart of what I’ve been researching for years and speaks to all the Ron haters. If the Tech had no value, why did the CIA and others spend millions on the remote viewing programs that had a basis in the OT levels and why were a great many of the shakers and movers in these programs OT’s themselves?
Searcher, I’d love to know the source of your information concerning the alleged CIA operation investigating the OT levels. At any rate, we know they spent a lot of time, effort and dough researching psychic phenomena before abandoning it as a fruitless endeavor. We needn’t bother with CIA activities in order to determine if the OT levels have any efficacy. We need only rely on our powers of observation and analysis. There is nothing tricky about it. Obviously if there is efficacy above and beyond the scientifically established value of placebo, it sure isn’t very apparent is it? Considering the cost of the levels as well as the status conferred on the ones who did them, I don’t think the jury is still out on the matter. I deny being a “Ron hater”. I’m simply a man who likes to give discredit where it is due. 🙂
Discredit away…it’s overdue!
Searcher : “This gets to the heart of what I’ve been researching for years and speaks to all the Ron haters. If the Tech had no value, why did the CIA and others spend millions on the remote viewing programs that had a basis in the OT levels and why were a great many of the shakers and movers in these programs OT’s themselves?”
Get your facts straight , Searcher ; they abandoned that program as unworkable. What they call now , as well as other websites on that calls it , “Remote Viewing” has absolutely NOTHING to do with OT levels at all. It is but a bunch of mumbo-jumbo and nothing more. But then again , if you would have taken the time to do a little research to honor your pen name , you would have arrived at those same conclusions yourself. So , honor your name , would you ?
It’s such a relief to see like minded people assign Hubbard as the true author of the disaster that is $cn. For a long time I witnessed much kookaid drinking by those out. It’s taken a while, part of the decompressing process probably, for many to see through the bs and see Hubbard for what he was.
There IS no “$cn” – only bs. This is material for another book.
Hallelujah. it makes me happy. And not alone anymore.
Hi Dawn, Your post makes me happy. And as I have learned once one stays with Mike’s Blog thru thick and thin,you are never alone. So far everyone here has heart,brains,humor,and infinite Spirit. So unlike the bubble dwellers. If they all could break the chains that bind…I would be thrilled.Love, Ann.
So what have we learned?
Oh, that $cientologists have the memory capacity of goldfish!
How quaint.
This is off topic, but today the Daily Mail has a story about a “dapper” Tom Cruise showing up in Vegas to honor Jeff Gordon…the reader comments are scathing and really enjoyable to read, Tom’s popularity has definitely evaporated, thanks largely to his affiliation with the cherch!
hahaha, I just yelled at my husband for buying the new Mission Impossible movie. I have never liked Tom Cruise, even at the height of his popularity, I always felt that the roles he’s been lauded for would have been better with better actors in them. But especially since reading Going Clear and Troublemaker and this blog and Underground Bunker and others, looking at his face literally makes me sick to my stomach. And looking at his chubby, over-botoxed, crazy eyes face even moreso. what a despicable human being. I hope he gets what he deserves in karma for tacitly agreeing w all the horrible conduct of his BFF DM.
Hi sashiebgood, I feel as you about TC. Recently a picture of him came along and I said to myself, He looks terrible! Freakish and at least I do not have to watch dvd’s of his because hubby does not care for him either. Even my cat dislikes him.? Ann.
Cruise is easily one of the WORST actors ever! All of his movies that have done well were due to other factors such as the writing, photography, music, supporting cast, etc… To me, my dislike of Cruise has nothing to do with his CoS affiliation because my dislike of him predates his membership in the church by several years. The man CANNOT act. The only reason he is so popular is the same reason that Brad Pitt is…….women! Because they are considered “handsome”. women buy tickets to see their movies and they go crazy for them on talk shows. It makes them THINK they are relevant and important in the world.
Hi angryskorpion, I agree with your take on tc. However this lady must reside on another planet, because I do not care for Brad Pitt either. Like your posts. Always, Ann.
Hi Ann! Speaking of TC, I wonder why COB hasn’t found him his next wife yet? It’s been over 3 years since his divorce. The word on the street is that he is gushing over his personal assistant, Emily Thorne, who is not only the same age as one of his kids (22) but she is also a spitting image of Katie Holmes! She is a privately-educated daughter of a millionaire British investment banker but I don’t see Scientology anywhere in her résumé. I wonder what DM thinks of her? Time will tell. LOL
Hi angryskorpion, Thank you alot for your post. Time will tell, but I can say that when I was in Sea Org, for some reason we got off post to go see Sat Night Fever and when the bridge in the movie was mentioned all gave three cheers for Ron. I kind of knew then the wind was not blowing my way. Even though I would not have blown Sea Org at that time, some part of my mind as going wtf is this? This religion is not what it puts out. Yes Ron left some interesting viewpoints and storie,but for me what it comes down to now is: he took my spirit as his. That pisses me off the most. Love, Ann.
Hi angryskorpion, I meant stories and and some part of my mind was going…. Love these computers.Thank you. Ann.
Don’t feel too bad about that Ann. Ron seemed to be an engaging, charismatic guy when he wanted to be. And he was a world class master storyteller. When you put those things together it is easy to see why people are drawn to him and his words…..even to this day. There are things in the religion that seem to work for people. Then there are other things that come straight out of his science fiction stories which do nothing for a person spiritually. And now, DM is turning the religion into something that Ron wouldn’t even recognize.
Hi angryskorpion, Here with my coffee and saw your post to me. Thank you, sometimes I do feel badly for my part in regging folks who had nothing more to give when in SO, but I do try to let the bad go and keep the good. Ron was a master story teller and I so agree that dm has right royally screwed it all up. And he keeps doing that constantly it seems to me.How those still in can regard him as Source is so surreal to me.Perhaps you or another poster who knows dms’ obsessions could tell me. I am just glad I missed working under him! Love, Ann.
Personally, I think that the SOB (Squirrel of the Board) has himself a drug problem. In almost every image that we see of him the pupils of his eyes are extremely “pinned”. This can be caused by many different pharmaceuticals as well as street drugs. Opiates are the biggest culprits but they tend to make one calm and subdued. DM’s temper and antics would suggest he is using amphetamines.
You know, it’s a real shame that DM took the path that he did. Ruling through fear never ends well. It works for a time but in the end it destroys everything and everyone. He is not even attempting to be a likeable leader like Ron was at times. He has the power and he is choosing to use it like another dictator did with the Third Reich. And at the end of his reign he will also most likely end up in an underground bunker……by himself…..with a gun to his head.
Kathy H, this is good news.
Hi angryscorpion, Thank you. Good points all around regarding the cob. Always, Ann.
Oh good grief was that TC or Liberace? It’s getting harder to tell, his surgeon must be out-ethics!
Merry Christmas, Mike Rinder:
The whole “exact parts of the case that needs to be dealt with” thing…isn’t that what Captain Bill said he designed Excalibur to do? Concentrate only on the parts of the case that the Pre-OT needs to handle? How very interesting. They’re so shot that they can’t even be original on their squirreling.
Hi Espiando, Yes with misty eyes I have missed you.So yes I was caught in The Sea Org crap who ever instigated the whole situation about the whole Excalibur thing I do not know.All I can tell you now is I thought that ship was a safe place to unburden my heart, boy wanI f###### wrong !, Love, Ann.
Hi Expiando, Should be boy was I wrong! Thank you , Ann.
“100% LRH now with no additions! …The most precision thing in the Universe”
Does this mean that OT VIII again includes all the AntiChrist crap and the Jesus was a pedophile stuff?
I know I’ve said this before. But this is so Orwellian, it gives me the chills. I suspect George Orwell is not on the $cientology approved reading list.
“You don’t have to have a Ph.D to understand it” ? If he feels it’s so hard to understand, he’s got MU’s up the kazoo ! How did this “super being” get to Ot-8 w/o realizing this? And who missed getting his MU’s on the way up? Anyway, now they’ve got the new course, which should keep them all blowing their minds and raving about it UNTIL the new one comes out. THEN they’ll rave about that one and so on, and so on and . . .
This must be the infinity they’re always talking about !
The problem is if you don’t rave about the COB’s
newest goodie you are dead meat. Any BI’s or upset,
stalling,heel dragging it gets written up and into
the ethics vortex you go.
Carrie Alkins went to Flag and was audited on an OT 8 ultra
meter .Came home raving about “huge wins” to anyone who would listen
then died (dropped dead suddenly) a couple months later.
Oh well,when you have David Miscavige as your CS better
have a coffin picked out , ask Lisa Mc Pherson’s family.
I trained on the SN stuff that was New and Improved and came out in 1997ish. It was touted that DM saved us all because LRH’s own personal SN worksheets were studied and it was found that up to now, the SN auditors only had around 3 to 10 tools in their SN belt, but that now with folder study it was found that there were 25 to 36 SN tools that LRH used. So all SN auditors and completions were called in to re-do the level with the “New Tools.” Well now the pendulum is swinging the other way and DM has reversed himself and now the pitch is, “Come on in, we have removed all arbitraries and have it down to only a few tools needed.” Amazing that people actually swallow this. One tech degrade after another and altered so many times that who knows what was the original? It spells messed up cases and lots of money for Davie.
I’m beginning to think SCIENTOLOGY itself is a Tech Degrade 🙂
It IS! There’s no thinking about it,
Hey good post. You know what I hated the most? Memorizing the tone scale, laws of listing and nulling verbatim. So I achieved the ability to memorize symbols while looking at a wall, talk about floating T/A’s. Drills on the other hand are way more fun,especially the tone scale mood drill.Ciao.
“You don’t have to have a PHD to understand it”. That’s good. Because if COB was making you get a PHD it would take about 247 years to achieve it.
“It is exactly 100% LRH now, with no addition!”. Since we are talking about a religion and these are scriptures, why are they being added to since the creator is dead? We do not ever see a Pope revising the Bible and adding new words from Jesus!
I keep thinking about a person going to college to get a PHD. After about 8 years of expensive courses, they are told that all of the course work has been revised and they will have to repeat it all and also have to repay for all of it. That is exactly the kind of thing that would make a person climb a tower with a high powered rifle!
Remember to bring a good scope.
Did the squirrel major again squirrelled the squirrel and never existing hubbard’s “ot VIII”
As soon as I heard oàf it and read the few texts about it, I said this: this is such an ineptitude that even LRH could’nt have written that! Indeed, OT X minus two, I mpean OT “VIII” is similar to some few grade IV L and N processes, with the difference that the “pc” – still not a true OT XV — is trying to fabricate the “L&N” questions from some old memories he could have made when audited on inexisting or existing “incidents”, “engrams” or “past IDs” por whatever BT she’s supposed to have had.. No problems if he has lost memory, like the ex-spokeperson in France, an OT VIII who suffers from Allzheimer. Yes she is.
Remember this: scientology processes are the most powerful systems to fabricate false memories in anybody’s mind. I have a theory about it, since I got hundred of these, like most scientologists having hundreds or thousands of auditing hours. The more one is led to make “memories”, the more on fabricate false ones, and the more on gets a falisfied mind, able to get some sort of Alzheimer.
See “False Memomy syndrom” on internet to learn more.
Hubbard will never gain any respect from the world of thinking people.
But that is irrelevant to Scientology’s vulnerable hopeful people (or unwitting offspring too young who grow up near Scientology and are lured into the practice). Scientologists are default unable to spot Hubbard’s unqualified ineptitude. They fail at their Hubbard Scientologist roles and learn to blame themselves, as good Scientologists learn from Hubbard that all blame is on them, none on him.
Hubbard’s escapist delusional followers carry on hopefully trying to become the fake successful super-soul-people that only non members see them as.
Hi chuckbeatty77, Thank you for another sensitive true post. I agree with you. Love, Ann.
Arbitraries are aptly named. Nothing final or complete, it is completely arbitrary.
Arbitrary until the bank account needs some more mooah and the local mOrg needs to pay the electric bill.
How can the clams have their blinders screwed on so tight, they don’t see the dichotomy inherent in all of this?
Arbitraries sound like a good excuse to dump blame, which makes sense to someone like Hubbard who had to blame someone else besides himself for why his Scientology wasn’t making super-soul-people.
Everything Hubbard wrote placed blame elsewhere but on himself!
The delusional “OTs” – can they admit they never were? There’s been so much swaggering and prancing around, how do they stop it now? Can they admit they were bluffing?
Can the swaggering OT’s admit they were bluffing? That is the devilishly delightful question I have wondered about. Let us recollect the Deep South (United States) during the civil rights era. The privileged white man was suddenly deprived of the deferences he once enjoyed by the black man. He was no long automatically superior and his jokes now had to actually be funny in order to get a laugh. It was painful to be sure and there are some still who just won’t give it up!
That’s how insidious the cult is, Roger. Again, they’re imprisoned by their own minds. That’s what really shocking to me….
“Wow, my experience this morning was mind blowing!” BK
I have never seen a group of people who have their minds blown so often as scientologists. Every flipping thing blows their mind! Even making allowances for exaggeration, they seem like a highly impressionable and hysterical group of children all excited over an ordinary fleeting and momentary experience.
I’m just trying to imagine Buddhism, Christianity or Hinduism followers giving wins like this. It’d be a hilarious parody of how much hyper-inflated excrement comes out of the mouths of these guys.
Roger Hornaday, I’ve often thought this but couldn’t articulate it. Thanks for doing so.
Here we go again. These new Versions of RE DO’s and the many earlier ones, has gradually kept away more and more OT’s. How long do they think they are going to keep the public BLIND. These New Rundowns plus the constant MONEY regging, for whatever new idea they pop up with, Just open peoples eyes, and make them go to the Internet to verify what they were suspecting all along, and they either just BLOW completely or just HIDE, not to loose friends and family.
I love it! I’m seeing this more and more. Lots of people are saying this and maybe it’ll spread into the public arena:
“Tick tock, Davey”
I think Tory Magoo started it.
Yay, Tori!
Say, let’s not use “Much Love”, or “ML” when we close our letters. Let’s use “Tick tock, Davey”!
Tick tock, Davey!
I guess they’re going to quickie a thinning herd through this so they can fleece them for OT IX & X.
Maybe take the current VIII’s attention off the fact that they really didn’t get the promised results so far, (even though they’re bankrupt).
Doesn’t the dwarf look “such a pretty boy” in his sparkling uniform?
It is very interesting to see the feedback comments on these “new” materials from OT’s.
They ALL appear to be false attests on their already “completed” OT levels.
Either that or these comments are simply made up crap to re-sell the same levels again and again.
I doubt any of these material for VI or VII will have anything new.
The only thing they could add would be the confidential HCOB’s that were only seen by the Class XII C/S’s that were not seen by the Pre OT’s and they would not be releasing those.
Most of them contained EP data so would not be given to the Pre OT.
Still I expect that quite a few will be resold the same level again as hell, how can you maintain your “status” in the Ideal Org if you haven’t done the “latest LRH version?
Thanks shorty for screwing up even more cases and supressing even more people.
Hi Truthteller, A really good post. When I saw dm in that snappy get up, all I could think was,he is my old childhood Ken doll gone bad! Always, Ann.
“Six month “refreshers” will go smoother and faster”.
Tell me Barbara how an unneeded sec check forced onto a winning PC on a major level will go smoother and faster. Oh that’s right as a “Flag Service Consultant” you are not supposed to care about a PC’s case. Just tell ’em what they wanna hear and take their money. And of course from the talented tech leader, David Miscavige, using a six month sec check to hopefully fuck up a case can do wonders for your reg stats. I never once sat in front of a reg and felt they cared about me as a PC or student….never. You and your letter, Barbara, are completely full of uninformed bullshit.
Remember when the Church of Scientology protested against the Clearwater police department? Now they want the police to remove the protesters from in front of the Church. Laughter!
Must be a drag to arrive for the Golden Age of Tech and have to wade through protesters and security down there now. Not a pleasant environment to do your “Sunshine Rundown” in?
Hubbard says it is a high crime to have an ARCXen field. The only tech the Church has used for decades to handle ARCX’s, is sec checks, threats and declares. Seriously, the Church gets ARCXen on you, if you are ARCXen! Laughter!
Hubbard says it is a suppressive act to bring ill repute on the church. But Miscavige has defaced that institution with so much out P.R. it is a monumental act of sabotage. The glorious new “cathedral” is graffiti-ed with protesters. People who tried to remain “relevant”. (And of course they were and are not) ARCXen people are not relevant. Right Dave?
P.S. The legal / security department at Flag just discovered they don’t own the city’s sidewalks! I think they should be the first candidates for Golden Age of tech! Starting with “find out where you are”.
Oracle, you said,
“Hubbard says it’s a suppressive act to bring ill repute on the church”
1) children in chain lockers
2) breaking and entering federal buildings
3) lying about being a doctor
4) lying about being a nuclear physicist
5) claiming the church owed him money while suit cases of cash to off shore accounts
6) dissing every spiritual sage but himself
7) dissing every spiritual path but his own
8) the desire to “ruin utterly” Paulette Cooper
9) claiming to cure everything with Dianetics
If DM never arrived on the scene, L Ron Hubbard has enough junk in the trunk to bring ill repute to Lientology a thousand times over.
If L Ron Hubbard was a truly benevolent man with a truly benevolent teaching, David Miscavige could have never risen to power.
DM rose to power because power is deified in Scientology. A tyrant could have never risen to power in Mother Theresa’s order of nuns.
l Ron Hubbard cared not for the people he harmed. L Ron Hubbard was concerned for his own PR over the suicide of his son. L Ron Hubbard wrote Bolivar, KSW and Fair Game.
The cognitive structure of Scientology is an environment where power is worshiped.
Bolivar was the law and teaching of tyrants: Ron’s own Machiavelli’s “The Prince.”
David Miscavige fit into this structure like a glove. And once in, used Ron’s paramilitary forces, GO/OSA, to keep power.
The glorification of power attracted David MIscavige and ensconced him in Ron’s throne of lies, attacks on our citizens and depravity.
DM could have never risen in an organization whose doctrines were truly about love and service. Never, not on your life!
Ron IS source
We don’t have the same items. You have been trying to enforce an item on me that is not mine for a long time. Your item does not have to be everyone else’s item. Otherwise we would all be fkn the same person!@!!! Please get off me! Hubbard is not an item for me! I can’t get worked up over over historical figures that have been dead for decades. If it isn’t warm with a heart beat it does not come up on my radar.
Just responding to the line about ill repute. And then just letting thoughts flow.
They’re just thoughts.
Not meant to offend nor give you an item. Sorry if they upset you.
Way to go Oracle! Well said! Don’t force wrong items on people is good advice.
Hi Brian, As hubby is away in Florida tending to his 96 year old Mom about ready to go onto the next phase and they do not get along, I say thank you a most perfect post brimming with the truth ! All you post it so strong and if I may say so ,you have had expeiences as have I. I do not know why Liki beat herself to a pulp over all this, I just miss her and that amazing bright light voice, until the new OTs silenced her fears forever. I just I do not know why this all occurs but I do know it did happen to me and all others here. You are so strong, more powert to you both,Love, Ann.
This is the first time saying this. But I think the reason Likki vanished from the earth is because she was one of the first ones to get the OT3 materials out of AOLA in 82.
This in response to the thugs we all perceived were now in charge. She wanted me to have the OT materials. She believed criminals were now in charge and thought she was serving LRH.
She surprised me one day. I could not believe it. The mystery sandwich of the OT levels were now mine.
I never had the money to pay for all this crap and the mystery of OT3 kept me from moving on.
I wanted to leave but all those years of dreaming about becoming OT just stuck me like glue.
Likki freed me in a few ways:
1) the mystery was gone
2) I never did OT1,2 or finished my grades
3) I audited OT3 with and without meter without any set ups or anything
4) I did not die from neumonia and realized I’d been had.
5) bye bye Mr Hubbard
I spent .35 cents on Ron’s written words of OT3. Kinko’s copy.
She knew the GO tactics. She agreed with them. But now they were posed to get her.
So she vanished. Never to be heard from again.
Thank you Likki, where ever you are.
This church and its founder so deserve the infamy bestowed upon them.
Hi Brian, Thank you so much for your post. May dear Liki be in Peace. She affected me from the moment she stopped me in a hallway @ The Palladium where there was a Flag Event that night,I wish I could recall the exact date.Besides reading DMSMH before joining Sea Org I had worn out the grooves on a record( yes that long ago no CDs yet) called Earthspan. I started writing to the ISB and Likki was one of the first to tell me how she had enjoyed my letters and how much she wanted all good things for me. A sweet soul indeed.You have been so brave thru all you have seen. In admiration & love, Ann.
When the last person leaves DM’s Church it will be interesting to see what he does. Will he “take the money and run” or will he pull a “Jim Jones”?!
I believe once criminality has been established, as was the case with Ron, DM will go fabian. A word Ron used to describe the Sea Org when he was on the Apollo.
He will be on the run with all the karmic weight of all the lies, deception and harm he has done. Because DM seems to not get auditing, he probably won’t drive himself crazy by slamming his subconscious mind in on himself like Ron did, looking for BTs and imaginary devils.
And if the law doesn’t catch up with him. Mortality will. Nothing spells suffering like having one’s end of life issues haunted by the specters of dark deeds eating away at one’s sanity.
Ignorance of the law of karma, the law of decency, do not excuse one from experiencing their consequences.
Life does not ask us if we are ready to learn our lessons. They come unbidden, magnetized to us, with mathematical accuracy.
Hi Brian One of your formidable posts. I just took my head off and screwed it back on after I read what you wrote. Thank you. Love, Ann
Hi angryskorpion, You may yet be right. I think dm loves $ and himself and TC too much to off himself. Or in the old days R2.45 Always, Ann. PS which I hate because I lost more than three thetans who I had gotten to Asho for training and processing who killed themselves after going back home. Such a f###### shame. Still hurts my heart the letters sent to me by their families. I do remember. Always, Ann.
“Seriously, the Church gets ARCXen on you, if you are ARCXen!”
In addition to that, they will Ser Fac on ya follow it up with Ev Purps 🙂
Interesting how they phrased this….seems like they have gotten some resistance (complaints??). They go out of their way to say these new revisions do not invalidate prior ones.
But, as someone already pointed out in the comments, the regs will certainly attempt to convince any visitors that these ‘improvements’ are not to be missed!
It’s almost as if people have been invited to come to Flag to admire more of the Emperor’s new clothes….
Part of the message states: “SN auditor is dealing with the exact part of his case he needs to deal with….”
Hum, so? Very predictable and a hallmark of miscavige and scn – invalidation (before you were not handling what was needed to be dealt with) and evaluation (now you will handle the exact part of your case).
At this point Pompadour is not much at fault, it is the mind altered followers that ‘believe’ him. Up to them really.
Not as many people as they believe are actually buying this. If they were, it wouldn’t be leaked to your blog. The wool doesn’t stretch over as many eyes as they would like it to.
:). I hope so.
Twenty years ago. Gat I. A special CS Int bulletin that all Solo NOTS auditors and completions were “invited” to come in and read (in the confidential OT VI course room) This bulletin would reveal why you had to redo OT VI and OT VII (the Tech Degrade “old” versus the Gat I “new”). Then pay-up and start all over again. RTC reps prowling the Solo NOTS courtroom; one BI and your butt is in Ethics. Five to six weeks full time, absolutely grueling including the Track Dating EM drill.
Then the real fun begins. Gat I style Solo Nots auditing. Checking every right and left hand button on Rudiments, endless correction lists, “look-in” sessions while you audited “on board”, Cramming, Qual, Ethics. And the sec checks FPRD style 3,4,5 intensives, every six moths. Absolutely grueling.
People started to complain. The complaints begin to show up on the internet: the Barnes video, the Mike and Virginia McClaughry’s huge KR on Flag’s off-policy use of sec checks on OT VII. Flag relents eventually and the FPRD style sec checks are replaced with garden-variety sec checks to great fanfare (arbitraies canceled!). But then the “NOT CLEAR” gambit begins and 60% of Solo NOTS auditors have to redo their lower Bridge until they “go clear” for real.
As the years role on the arbitraries keep piling up. All Solo NOTS auditors have to do the “new” PTS?SP course (43 page check sheet). All the Solo NOTS auditors have to learn and practice the “new” three-swing FN. All the SOLO NOTS auditors have to be Patrons of the IAS ($50,000). All the Solo NOTS auditors have to have a post in the OT Committee. All the Solo NOTS auditors have to be FSM’s. And most recently: all the Solo NOTS auditors have to redo the Purif and the SRD.
And the today: All the Solo NOTS auditors have to do the “new” OT VI course.
How brain-dead to you have to be to continue on and on with this. Sure, the newbies with no cult-history don’t know any different. But I can not understand people that have been around for decades that still buy into this. Even I, a three decade, kook-aid drinking OT VIII zombie, woke up and got out.
Looking back, with the perspective of time and experience, it was all, from the beginning, ludicrous. And now? Crazy, on steroids.
Great summary. Should turn this into its own post so it can be there as a historical reference….
I agree, that was a powerful post Been There. Maybe you can do a larger write up for Mike to post. You’ve presented the criminal rip off scheme quite powerful.
Good time track of the SN changes, Been There. And don’t forget that SN auditors were then told they had to replace themselves on the level as well as be Patrons or above with the IAS, and OTC, and and and
Wow, what a gagging read. I was short of breath at the end. Boy, did I ever get out just in time and it was bad enough to make me run away from them anyway. Words just don’t describe the suppressiveness of miscavige and his cronies. Geezers! And they call it Solo…
Yes, this is how one sabotages an OT Level – simply make it too onerous to do and the environment at Flag full of a bunch of nasty bastards all swanning around in Miscavige’s valence, upsetting people right, left and center. Plus Harvey Jacques and his gang of hyena regges waiting in the wings, pissing them off even more. Very clever isn’t it? And it is all so cleverly camouflaged with “reasons why it must be done”. But the end result is people on OTVII pissed and who then leave Flag never to return. Sabotage – pure and simple.
And THIS is why I earned my “Stupid” pin.
Thanks for the walk down memory lane, Been There.
And Been There … all of the good Scientologists who have been checked out on ksw countless times? (To say nothing of rtc) … no one speaks up and says. “But … but … aren’t these arbitratries?” Absolutely pathetic group when it comes to courage or personal integrity.
It was after working out the cost of going up to OT VIII and then being told that I had to redo the Objectives and that no CS was going to accept my “overrun” statements, that got me going towards the door. The final push that edged me on to turning the handle of the door for my exit was the blanket order for everyone to redo their Purif, Student Hat, Solo 1 and whatever that pole thing is. I immediately said, and out loud, “No ways! I’m not redoing anything. I got it the first time.” And I walked.
It wasn’t that hard to do.
Congratulations on seeing the lies and subterfuge, Dawn! You walked and I bet you’re much happier now that you’re out. Welcome to the light.
Barbara Dews was fully aware of the fact that there was something terribly wrong with the arbitraries in GAG I yet she pimped the level like it was God’s gift to mankind.
Tells you a lot about her character.
Pretty much describes the character of every salesman in the Co$.
RIP Lisa McPherson. You are not forgotten.
As far as the new OT levels why doesn’t Miscavge just come out and say you have to keep redoing them for each of your past lives and when that’s over you just die.
You are an arbitrary. Haven’t you milked this scam dry? Let’s see what Oscar has to say about it in 2016.
Laughter! I’m still trying to find a “religious leader” full hat or checksheet. He obviously invented his post.
It’s still a pilot isn’t it?
Laughter! Hysterical!
Actually he left the SO when he left Author Services Inc I heard?
Per policy he is a DB
Laughter! He does alter is for a living.
He does, he does! hahahha
I’d hate to think that I was arbitrary, TFB. But, being po’ white trailer trash wit page numbers on my toilet paper, I probably am.
Above WOGs, the Basic Sea Org Member Hat requires one to have, know and apply the Tech of pinching a loaf without toilet paper.
And, then there is YOU?!!!
Not even a reasonable substitute like leaves or Federal Reserve Notes?
I plead guilty as charged: Being a Scotsman.
eh ole Chuktor fond of Hogmagandi!
excuse spelling only the wife is a haggis basher.
I’m sorry for your home life, TT. Arrrrgggggg, I’m sure she has no Celtic blood. A sad situation, indeed….
Hi OSD, That Celtic blood runs deep and strong. How hubby and I have lasted for 34 years is beyond me. He a never-in Scottish as hell and me English, Welsh, Spanish and Hawaiian well we really must be crazy. I would love to meet you, your wife and son one fine day. Love, Ann
She is really pissed of with you now
She is VERY proud of her totally pure Celtic blood and has a very rare tartan!!!!!
She finds the current antics of HAPI quite appaling when I read them out to her especially as she does not want to hear them in the first place
You have toilet paper!
While supposedly none of this invalidates previous Solo NOTS comps in any way, I would bet money that somehow, if they do accept that invitation to see the new materials, they will walk away with the new realization that they probably need to get back onto OT7. Of course they will come to this realization all on their own, without any evaluation, er…I mean help, from the reg or anyone else.
Exactly the OTVII will come and look at the new material just because he wants a frame of reference and then a tear will fall out his eye and agree to retake everything. They definitely didn’t drug him and charge his credit cards without knowledge
This is one area I know a little about. I left the level around 1998, perhaps a little later and yes Mike, the 5 page write up of “gooblygook” by miscavige was born and presented about that time. They tried hard to convince me all will be well if I just come in and read this write up. It handles everything, even life itself, all at my expense of course. I do remember getting an tech estimate of $20k to get the situation handled but only if I came in now… I was in Australia. I stayed put, a long way from that bs.
It’s all such a huge scam. I’m past believing anything about NOTs. It’s all been fucked up intentionally for so long it’s been turned into pure bs. Mayo’s input included.
Miscavige couldn’t audit at a CL4 level but now he is the guru at solo and above plus everything else of course. This is all intentionally done to keep those minions digging that hole, otherwise they’ll realise none of that stuff works and there is no product from NOTs, audited and in particular Solo NOTs except drooling for the fictional upper OT levels and an increased ability to absorb sec checks and hand over money. That is if one hasn’t worked out it doesn’t deliver what is says it does and walked away from it.
If it’s all so God damn true and real what are dm’s personal stats on auditing the level. His weekly WDAHs, and how many intensives a year does he receive in sec checks if the techs all so damn standard now.
Everything miscavige says is a lie, he’s a lie factory and the Cof$ is his personal play thing. Scientologists have no memory or recall of own their time track or anyone else’s with the church, otherwise, if they did, no one would be there or believe one word miscavige utters.
Hi IYawnalot, A fascinating post. You said it all perfectly. I am glad I got out in time to not have dm running the show. What a mess of monumental proportions. It is so screwed up that anyone who falls for the bridge now, well that is their decision. Thank you for being and posting here. Love, Ann.
Love you Ann, But it’s the same powerful con in a new unit of time. Don’t judge newbies to harshly. LOL. And I truly do love you.
Hi Good People, I agree, I will not judge too harshly. A little more than a year ago I was a newbie here too. It is just that this blog has allowed me to grow up fast and sometimes I forget that. Love you always. Thank you, Ann.
Well said. As someone who audited on that BS for years, I couldn’t agree more. How many oil wells does a person need to buy in Florida before they admit that they are not the brilliant investor they made themselves out to be. It makes it more differcult when you are surrounded by other idiots bragging about their incredible Florida oil well. I hate to break the news. There ain’t no friggin oil in Florida!!!!
I really wish you wouldn’t hold back, I Yawn. It’s not good for you!
“Everything miscavige says is a lie, he’s a lie factory and the Cof$ is his personal play thing. Scientologists have no memory or recall of own their time track or anyone else’s with the church, otherwise, if they did, no one would be there or believe one word miscavige utters.” Spot on, IYAL
“It validates my knowingness”
Translation: Nothing new here, same old shit.
“The material covered in this release is the most precision thing in this universe”
Translation: Umm…we just made that up. Couldn’t tell you want it means, other than it’s EPIC and MONUMENTAL
“The Tech is so simple…”
Translation: One command – BTs BEGONE!
Hi statpush, Your post gave me an idea. These success stories are so repetitive and poorly written. I would gladly take $ from cos and write the success stuff for them. Put in some flowery bs and a fancy gold thank you to dm head of rtc and cob and it’s done! Laughter! Dig out some old old successes from long ago dm,and see what happened when they were done from the heart. Which only had a short golden age of being done that way.Then I see dm got hold of it all. I can see him muttering It is all mine now, all mine!Really creepy.Love, Ann.
‘The material covered in this release is the most precision thing in the universe…… unlike our grammar!’
For real? I mean for really real? Just how many times can DM and RTC release and re-release the same damn thing over and over again? This just might be the tipping point for over regged, bankrupt and disillusioned sheeple. Then again, I’ve been wrong in the past…
“Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.” – George Carlin
I think they have about 35 more re-re-re-re-re-re (break, my hand’s tired) re-re-release!
Thankfully, the group is getting smaller. Does that mean that there will be less stupidity, or will all of the stupid be concentrated on the last one still in?
…the last one still in. And it will be horrific…
Wana bet that last one forgets to turn the lights out?
They won’t have to. The light bulb burned out in ’02, and they’ve never been able to pay for a replacement.
No pun intended here — this is like the story of the little boy who cried wolf.
Also, the success stories and regular information seem to contradict the hell out of themselves.
“You don’t have to have a PHD to understand it!” – Um, As an OT VII didn’t you get all that study tech and other stuff taken care of, along with your increased IQ and no need for college a couple 100ks back? Does this mean that the previous OTVII was complicated enough that this person could not use the organization’s own study tech and previously gained knowledge to figure it out? It was so complicated that you needed a PHD to figure it out is exactly what that testimonial implies to me. This is a horrible quote to use IMO.
Then there’s the part of people whose OTVII isn’t invalidated…still valid AND you can come see how much better the other people have it as opposed to what pitiful version you paid for, went through and were told how great it was…are you kidding me? They’re putting this out as a testimonial or a reason to attract those who went through it or to influence others to partake? Talk about publicity or marketing at its worst. Does anyone read what they write and examine it for content and context? Is it any wonder that the numbers of participants are likely shrinking by the day?
And it’s all done so unapologetically. With pride of purpose even. SMH.
Really it’s mess.
So many angles and Dangles to
extract money from fewer and fewer public.
The list of financially broken keeps growing as
D.M..’s money flow gets less .
Something will give under the strain, there will be
a straw that breaks the camels back.
( You don’t need an Albert Einstein to see this)
Her suggestion that any solo NOTs completion can come into see the new OT VII materials is a trap. DM is a failed auditor that is pulling this out of his butt and if you can’t see this then you are going to be tortured and fleeced.
Hi Robert Almblad, You tell it! Thank you for a great-sharp post! Always, Ann.
Yes…this will cost !!
I just about the final day of Lisa McPherson over at The Bunker. You know. a guard at a Nazi death camp would have said something, even if it was only to call her a bitch.
No wonder Dave was so grumpy when he returned to Int toward the end of 1995. Explains a lot.
“Even if only to call her a bitch”……this comment is not needed and uncalled for. Lisa was a person who needed some help and compassion….not what she received. And for you to make such a comment puts you in the same boat as the idiots who were involved in her “handling”.
Perhaps the comment was uncalled for. And a second thought on the subject is clearly called for as well.
If I properly understand totalitarian doctrines in general a person is looked upon as a thing to be.used or disposed of. In effect NO ONE is seen as anything more than a thing to be identified and dealt with according to a specified procedure derived from the primary doctrine. Thus an inmate of a labor camp is treated in a specific fashion according to the political doctrine of the NSDAP and a member of CoS is treated according to the doctrine laid out by LRH.
The inhuman actions of the SS were deliberately derived from National Socialist doctrine and followed to the letter. Lisa had the misfortune to be in the care of people who did not question the doctrine they were following. When simple empathy and compassion is forbidden it won’t happen. Thus the insanity and horrible results.
Hi Leslie Bates, Thank you for your post. I always read your comments and do not worry, I am the biggest screwup at times here. Just Ms. Ann and that darn electricity, lightening just before it rains… Love, Ann.
Hi Potpie, I haven’t seen your posts in awhile, so really good to see yours. I agree with you about Lisa. I have been bouncing this idea around for a few weeks and I am trying to put it into practice. I think everyone here comes to this blog with their own experience and perceptions regarding cos. Each one of us brings a unique flavor to the table and I respect that. However some of us faced unbelievable cruelty at the hands of others and this is not something one just” gets over “I know there are those who are absolutely convinced that talking about the trauma will release one from it, but I feel each person has to do that in their own time and way.
Lisa was treated terribly badly and her body did not survive. I did not know her but she is on my list and in my heart as she joins my other friends and mentors who also left us too soon because of the actions of this cult. What is done to families, Sea Org teens who join up for life just the whole tangled mess turns my tummy. So to help myself too I am trying to be more compassionate to make up for the non-compassion showed to me while in the Sea Org. I do not want to replicate that viewpoint as I continue on my path. Thank you Potpie, I so enjoy all your posts. Love, Ann.
What else can we say besides the proverbial, “A sucker is born every minute.”
However, there’s also that old adage, “Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.”
Less and less the sheeple will swallow the lies and more and more scientology will fade away.
Tick tock Davey boy. Your lies are being exposed more and more each day.
Soon there will be no place to hide and the entire guh-lax-y will see you for what you are.
Or as George W. Bush put it once: Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice (thinking about it and can’t remember it), Well you’re not going to fool me twice!
That was my favourite Bush 2.0 moment…lol
Yep! He wasn’t the sharpest knife in the chandelier…