By our regular guest contributor Terra Cognita.
See earlier Terra articles here: Exteriorization in Scientology, Scientology’s Only Hope… maybe, We Deliver What We Promise, Getting Emotional, Intention, Clear Schmear, Do Not Evaluate for the Preclear, The E-Meter, The Is-Ness of Is-Ness, Cause Over Life — Really?, BT’s in the Belfry, Two New Conditions!, The Condition of Liabilitiness, Condition of Doubtfulness The Mind, The Way To Happiness: Really? A Story, Auditing: a PC’s Quest for the Holy Grail, The Knowledge Report, Integrity, The Almighty Stat, The Reg, The Horrors of Wordclearing, Why Scientologists Don’t FSM, Respect, The Survival Rundown – The Latest Scam, Communication in Scientology… Or Not, Am I Still A Thetan?, To Be Or Not To Be, An Evaluation of Scientology, Fear: That Which Drives Scientology and Justification and Rationalization.
Responsibility, Scientology, and David Miscavige
One of the bigger buzzwords in Scientology is “Responsibility.” With a capital “R.” If nothing else, all Scientologists are “responsible.” In fact, no group is more responsible than that dedicated group working to clear the planet and save mankind. And no one man is more responsible than the rest than David Miscavige.
Or so he wants us to believe.
L. Ron Hubbard defined responsibility as, “the ability and willingness to assume the status of full source and cause for all efforts and counter-efforts on all dynamics;” and “full responsibility is not fault; it is recognition of being cause.”
Has DM assumed the status of full source and cause for all the counter-efforts that’s happening to him and his church presently? No way, Jose.
Join the Ranks
To their credit, many people join Scientology and later become staff members to help a world they think is on the verge of collapse. “We don’t have much more time,” and “if we don’t take responsibility for the condition of the planet, who will?” and “Ron is depending on us,” are a few of the common catchphrases Scientologists like to bat around.
The Big Dichotomy
On one hand, all Scientologists are considered to be responsible for their own condition—“on all dynamics.” If they get broadsided, it’s not that the other driver was drunk, but that they “pulled it in.” If a Scientologist gets sick, it’s not because they were exposed to harmful viruses, it’s because of not handling their connection to a suppressive person. If a Scientologist’s stats are down, it’s not due to external causes but it’s because they didn’t apply the correct condition.
On the other hand, it’s not their fault their local org has created only two “clears” in the last two decades, Div 4 hasn’t seen a new face all year, and internationally, parishioners are drifting away in droves.
And of course, it’s not David Miscavige’s fault that he and his church are getting slammed in the media. He didn’t pull it in. It’s because of all the incompetent people working under him.
It is ingrained in all Scientology staff that they’re responsible for their individual stats and condition. There is no excuse for down stats and lower conditions. None. Yet, on a national or continental scale, any slip is not the fault of Scientology—much less, management or LRH. Just outside the walls of every org, is a dangerous environment teeming with SPs; a suppressive government bent on destroying any semblance of religious freedom; more SPs; the AMA and its evil branch, psychiatry; even more SPs; the likes of Mike Rinder and Tony Ortega; more god-awful SPs; and last but not least, Leah Remini and her lapdog producers at A&E.
Scientologists and DM are quick to blame others for all manner of conceived offenses but take no responsibility for the “source and cause.” Staff blow due to their overts. The public stays away because of the advent of the Internet and black PR. People aren’t buying LRH’s books anymore due to a decline in literacy. Climate change is caused by psychiatry.
LRH wrote that the public loves Scientology and that any reason for down stats is due to suppression from within the church. And yet, this policy is habitually overlooked—especially by people looking at the top man of their church.
“Not my Fault!”
David Miscavige and the Church of Scientology disavow all responsibility for having committed any overts. Ever. RPF’ing Sea Org members for years at a time on trumped-up charges; declaring people suppressive; shunning; physically abusing juniors; and splitting families apart are just a few of the crimes for which they don’t dare take responsibility.
Staff are regularly ordered to carry out tasks they know are wrong and contrary to common decency. They’re systematically forced to commit daily overts.
In HCOB, 2 Nov 1970, entitled, Responsibility, LRH wrote, “The basic wonder is that people police themselves. Out of a concept of good they conceive themselves to be bad, and after that seek every way they can to protect others from self. A person does this by reducing his own ability. He does it by reducing his own activity. He does this by reducing his own knowingness.”
The last sentence is especially telling. Scientologists routinely turn a blind eye to the most blatant misconduct and violations of human decency. If something doesn’t exist, they don’t have to take responsibility for it. It’s only a matter of time before David Miscavige reduces himself into oblivion.
LRH penned another HCOB by the same title, dated 23 Dec 1959, in which he wrote, “When one falls away from responsibility on the various dynamics he can then become less and less able to influence those dynamics and therefore becomes a victim of them. One must have done to other dynamics those things which other dynamics now seem to have the power to do to him. Therefore, one can be injured. One can lose control. One can become, in fact a zero of influence and a vacuum for trouble.”
As Scientology and David Miscavige fall farther and farther away from responsibility, their control and influence become more and more “a vacuum for trouble.”
To Help. Or not to Help
Of all religions, Scientology is the least charitable. Per LRH, the church doesn’t have the time or resources to help the less fortunate. Let others assume the responsibility. Scientologists are too busy clearing the planet.
Scientologists turn away anyone with the slightest mental illness but scream bloody murder when that person is treated by a psychologist.
Scientology talks a big game but outside of passing out Way to Happiness booklets and giving touch assists to hurricane victims every five or six years, they contribute little to their community.
In my town, any one of the hundreds of charitable organizations take more responsibility in helping people every day than the Org has taken in the last three decades.
Scientologists are fond of saying, “If you reward downstats, you get more downstats.” This has been interpreted to mean that they must never help the poor, needy, or those down on their luck. Being responsible for one’s own condition is admirable but has led to a “fuck you” attitude toward most anyone outside of Scientology and in need of a helping hand. David Miscavige exemplifies this mindset more than anyone.
Scientologists are convinced that by being on course, doing the next level, and donating to an Ideal Org they are taking responsibility toward saving the world.
Being a staff member at a mission or a Class 5 org is thought by Scientologists as taking penultimate responsibility in solving the planets woes. Joining the SO is the ultimate.
Overts and Responsibility
A Scientologist can’t be truly responsible until he’s gotten off all his overts, in other words, confessed to all his crimes. Not revealing the slightest infraction to an MAA or auditor is enough to send a person down a dwindling spiral of less and less activity, and of course, less and less responsibility. Prime example: David Miscavige.
Scientologists are indoctrinated to think they’re committing overts and not taking responsibility by not moving quickly up the bridge, paying for their next service, and donating large sums toward their Ideal Org.
This is nothing a few intensives of confessional auditing can’t handle. Please see the registrar.
Last Words
Scientologists like to think they’re the most responsible people on the planet. David Miscavige likes to make them think that he’s the most responsible of the most responsible and that no one is working harder to save mankind than him. What a sham.
Still not Declared,
Terra Cognita
First time poster here with a question. Does DM still get audited? If so, who is his auditor? My assumption is he’s found an excuse not to, especially because he’d have to make admissions that could be used in a coup. Anyone have any information or thoughts on this?
He does not believe there is any auditor competent enough to audit him.
Figures, and of course this is just accepted by the rank and file. Thanks for the quick response Mike.
True, Mike, that no auditor is competent enough to audit DM. But also he is an SP and per the tech on that, an SP will simply never show up for session. They don’t want their crimes found out.
Most spiritual beliefs take you through the light to get to the light, Scientology takes you through the darkness “to get to the light”……. and never really gets you to the light anyway……
You shouldn’t have to go through the blackness to get to the light…… yet that’s what LRH’s theories do to you. Then add Disconnection, SP and Fair Game on top of that !! The end result is DARKNESS and BLACK EVIL, control and manipulation………. not cleared and OT beings! Far from it. It’s one big ego trip.
Thank you Mike and Leah for your courage! I get disgusted watching what has and is still being done in the name of the cult, Scientology, but it’s so important that the world knows the truth. Thank you A&E for supporting Leah and Mike! I hope and pray that God blesses you for all eternity.
He doesnt say not to put the item on the list. But it can be a PTS type 2 situation, when the item is just a restim of an earlier item.
This question is for any former Scientologist here, not just Mike. How did leaving affect your general sense of spirit? Are you an atheist or agnostic now? Thank you!
Since scamology didn’t form those views in me, leaving changed nothing.
Mike, copy error and hit return by mistake in reply to Ryanna. Pls disregard both these posts
(big fingers, little screen)
Ryanna, as scientology doesn’t really cover what God is, being an atheist or agnostic is not really relevant to the religion.
I came from a religious family, joined Scientology after my divorce, but left when the family presented problems for me. I felt wounded. I felt my love was rejected for not meeting conditions. This experience was decades ago. Curiously, I have a better relationship with a Supreme Being now. My relationship with God has nothing to do with any church, any religion. There is freedom in that for me. I don’t need to take sides. I can be called an agnostic or atheist without any sense of connection. I feel connected to Magnanimous Love.
Prior to my involvement in scn I wanted nothing to do with religion, it seemed like a lot of nonsense to believe in something which could never be proved or demonstrated. Scientology seemed to be different, hubbard suggested that we are god like beings ourselves who need to use scientology to rediscover our powers. You get into a belief system in scientology that when you reach the ot levels you will start to realize these hidden powers, you also come to believe you are a spiritual being because it is repeated to you over and over again every day you are in contact with scn and scientologists. Apparently hubbard had proved all these things with his research, however he was rather shy in actually showing anyone this ‘in depth research’
Now I’m out I don’t want anything to do with organized religion, I’m not sure I want to throw out the idea of being a spiritual being completely but never found any evidence to support it in scientology, perhaps some other group has?
I was always very spiritual. I always tried to improve myself. That’s how I found Dianetics in a book store. looking for self help books. I didn’t realize I was also ‘intuitive’ when I saw the scientology stamp on the inside of the book I felt scared and felt a sense of foreboding. I of course ignored my feelings and continued to learn about it. (big mistake). I’ve learned now to trust my intuitive feelings. After leaving scientology, I still wanted to find the Truth, and also, realizing that religious organizations are there as a means to control and manipulate people, I raised my sons to seek the Truth from inside themselves, don’t follow anyone, trust and have faith in yourself, that you can reach that highest state of beingness. I feel sad when I see these kids following scientology and other religions blindly hoping someone else will free them like LRH, instead of REALLY taking responsibility and freeing themselves.
Thank you to all of you that have contributed to this effort to expose all that we have been blind to. I, myself, haven’t ever been a scientologist. When I learned of all that is happening and did further research for myself I’m simply blown away that this is happening in america!!
It is completely weird to me that I had some realizations this morning and then come to find this essay that completely spoke to what I was thinking. I thought to myself while looking at the website,, and all of the “puff” pictures and statements, the last thing I want to see is all of these fabricated shots of people celebrating yet another multi-million dollar “church” opening. It is reprehensible to me that they do not help the community or starving children or anything like that. If they would only use all of this “tax exempt” money of theirs to do something for others I could maybe see eye to eye with them on some point.
I hope that Mike and Leah’s work can do something and bring these SOB’s (there’s an acronym for you) down!!
Thank you again and keep up the great work!
Your friend,
What they (and Hubbard before them) are doing is blaming, blaming, blaming anyone/anything which is NOT THEM. They’ve ALL become “no responsibilty” cases. Self Suicidal!
What an excellent synopsis of how Elron conceptualized responsibility and how far away from it the cherch has diverged, to the point where it’s at total effect now.
I’d just add that all of this hype about $cn and $cilons being the most responsible and causative group on earth has always been emphasized against a background how urgent and all-important this moment in history is – as if we were all engaged in this bright line battle of Good vs. Evil that puts $cilons on a perpetual war footing against the Evil Psychs, Marcabians and SPs of every stripe.
The rigid, pseudo-military top-down command structure of $cn just seems silly and cartoonish unless and until you buy into that classic KSW language of how the whole agonized future of mankind for the next umpteen millions of years depends on what True Believer $cilons do in this lifetime…blah, blah, blah. In reality, $cn is is own worst enemy and, throughout both Elron and lil davey’s tyrannical tenures, has taken no responsibility for horrible reputation that it’s earned itself and done nothing to rectify, just blamed everyone else for everything that’s ever gone wrong for cherch and for them personally.
Time to get this killer cult’s undeserved tax-exempt status cancelled and its sadistic despot of a ruler jailed or forced out of power…and while we’re at it, let’s see that the officially non-existent $ea Org becomes truly non-existent! Indentured servitude, under horrible working conditions and the duress with the fear of being consigned to the forced labor internal gulag should just never be allowed to exist within any organization!
What I want to see on your show is you interviewing Nicole Kidman and Katie Holmes to hear their take on this!
I think what you’re doing is so commendable and it speaks volumes to your character. It seems to me, watching the series with Leah and reading this blog, that you are trying to make amends for your past. You have certainly done your part and I hope that one day all of the hard work being done by everyone pays off. You all have my respect, it takes a lot of courage to stand up for yourself and others.
What really stands out to me is I can find no kind and loving words from any executive Scientologists for anyone who has left. I do not hear any words like, “We are heartbroken over the loss of _____, and are truly sorry for any hurt or misunderstanding that may have been caused on our part. Our door is always open to welcome you back.” Not one of you are/were valuable to them? You’re ALL crazy, abusive people?? That makes no sense.
They don’t even mention any warm regards for the happier years you may have been together, and how beautifully you advanced the messages of Scientology. Yet when I watched your programs, all of you expressed you were part of it because you were motivated by love and an eagerness to do good in the world. You spoke of love and affection for family and church members and a shared enthusiasm for a better life/lives.
Further still, I was touched and humbled at hearing how eager you are to forgive and hold in your arms family members who have wounded you deeply.
Peace to all of you,
Teresa, your observations are so accurate. All of us who have left still have a great amount of affection for so many of our past friends that were part of our past, delusional purpose. When I see a random Sea Org member, I usually just feel a bit sorry for them and hope they come to their senses. Of course, I will take my son back, that I don’t even know where he lives, his phone number or if he is married – I’d take him back in a heartbeat.
Excellent observations, many of those who have left have devoted large amounts of their life, or vast sums of money to scientology, these acts are all forgotten the minute any of us dare to criticize it. Imagine if they did what you say and welcomed back any who had left, or spoke well of us, we would have nothing to criticize. Who could have a problem with a relaxed approach to dealing with people? If you get something out of it then great, if not you are free to leave and we wish you all the best. I did get something out of scientology, I credit it with greatly enhancing my understanding of English, this was not why I got into scientology but it was beneficial. I left for many reasons, partly because I was brought very close to bankruptcy, partly because the gains they promised never materialized.
I remember reading years ago in the tech that “The door was always open in scientology…even if only a crack” They sure are NOT applying that tech anymore. Everyone that leaves is an enemy now. Man, sounds a lot paranoid to me doesn’t it? So does scientology breed paranoia?
Responsibility, just another name for justification in Scientology.
When I drank the cool aid, the mindset of being staff revolved around ‘making the able more able’. What a crazy generality that is. Who sets the bar on what an able person is… Miscavige, maybe Hubbard? When that system is controlled and manipulated into a money motivated pursuit, people and families are sacrificed and ripped apart. The mafia employs “goodfellas” to handle dissension, Scientology employs ethic officers and the weapon of disconnection and eternity lost for a similar effect.
The woeful fact that well intentioned people are lured into behaving like mental gangsters is the most disgusting result of organised Scientology. Miscavige is a criminal, hence Scientology is criminal. Hubbard had no idea what his selfishness written into policy would do to his organisation. That’s about as kind as I can be regarding what his ‘inspection before the fact’ written into organisational orders did to everyone that truly tried to help mankind by becoming a Scientologist. It’s a fine line Scientology walks, turning help and self-determinism into a money making weapon. Shame on them, I want my family back in one piece again – it’s Christmas for Christ’s sake!
In my experience on staff, there was a huge make wrong attitude from the staff towards each other; if you were not working full time there you were not doing the greatest good etc. Then there were the reports written on public who didn’t attend events and relentless make wrong towards them for not joining staff or paying for whatever we were regging them for. Above all there was the ” we are better than you” attitude towards anyone who wasn’t on board. Zero compassion. That was what ultimately got me to see the light. I didn’t want any part of it anymore. Such hypocrisy and insanity. I guess I just wasn’t ” responsible ” anymore.
It’s like Hiller raising robots. AS a non scion this is what it looks like to me. Sadly, the robots have no ears nor eyes, no nose to smell. This leaves them with speech and touch and the button is on repeat, repeat, repeat.
Can anyone help me? How do you get the COS to STOP sending you mail and relentlessly calling you? My sis needs help. Like myself, she was expelled and labeled SP 34 years ago. They will not leave her alone. I think you could help a lot of people if you can tell us how to get them OFF our lines for good. Any advise?
I left in the early 80s. I still get mail. Rather than trying to get them to stop, I simply drop the mail and magazines into the recycle bin. I don’t read any of it. Thus it has no control over me. They used to send those envelopes for returning comm to them. Then some folks began packaging bricks and pasting the return envelope onto them. Thus they had to pay all the First Class postage.
Phone calls? The instant you know who it is, hang up. Take the phone off the hook. If they’re calling your cell and don’t respond to your requests, you *can* report them to the government. If that doesn’t work, just hang up. Or get an unlisted number and give it out ONLY to those you wish to call you. Or get one of those “squealer” devices and press that against the mouthpiece when they call.
Hubbard talked about cigarettes “impinging”. (They helped kill him.) Give it some thought. 🙂
another trick is when Scn calls, put that phone into your contact list labeled “Scn” and then any time they call from that number again, “Scn” will show in the ID thing and you just don’t pick it up or erase it or block it.
In the mail you (respectively your sister) can send links and articles from e.g. Mike Rinder’s blog and Tony Ortega’s blog. There are excellent articles on these blogs*. With the phone you can try to cite these. You will most likely be “dead filed”:
It could be that you are registered in different of their organizations and they don’t automatically share their files.
You can also tell them about OTIII/Xenu/The Wall of fire. This is about their confidential levels and it is taboo in the CoS to talk about them – although they can be found all over the internet.
*some links of Mike Rinder’s articles:
“Return them to Sender” with a note on the envelope to watch Leah Remini and Mike, plus ‘love from Marty Rathbun’ might have an effect.
Great ideas everyone , Thank you.
So I take it there is no sure way to accomplish NO contact from them. I still think Mike R might just know a sure fire way. Maybe he’ll be able to inform us at some point.
I received calls on a business cell phone number that was never given to anyone but my clients.When I received church calls and asked them repeatedly how they got this number – and got no answer – I accused them of using reverse look-up directories and wasting my work time. I said I would report them to the govt. If you know anything about marketing, these directories do exist for a price. Since the phone number was a 2nd line on my one and only cell service, I surmised this was how they were linked and how they found it.
The calls did stop. But recently, I received a call (blocked, thanks to call blocking app) with a voice mail asking for me by a married name I used back in the 70s and with no identification of the caller besides a first name. I knew it had to be the church due to the patter. But how they connected those dots and after multiple phone number changes??? Did they run a credit app to connect the name changes?
Wow… just smacks of desperation.
Sharon—just an idea that used to work years ago. Engage them in a short conversation next time they call, and after you get their name, post and org, “remind” them that you’re declared and if they call again you’ll report them and any other callers to their MAA or Ethics Officer for trying to continually connect to a declared SP. As far as the mail, circle the return address and write “Return to Sender” with an arrow pointing to their address. Then after your name on the address part put in parentheses “SP.” It took a while but I can say that it worked and I get ZERO mailings or calls now for years. I got one kind of cute one from an obviously new staff member doing call-in for some Socal org event a couple years ago. I listened and played “interested” and wished her well, we got along great, and then told her she should probably take my name off the list because I ran away from the Int Base years ago. She didn’t know what I was talking about. I explained a little further and she gasped a little and said OK. No more calls. Good luck!
Thank you Terra, I always look forward to your posts. They allow me a time of introspection to rethink and ponder my experiences in Scientology.
Rethinking and pondering Scientology according to our own understanding is something that L Ron Hubbard made into a high crime on par with the evil of a Hitler or Pretty Boy Floyd.
A yes…… responsibility……..
That takes me to the subject of BTs.
It is my opinion that the doctrine and theory of BTs is the very essence of no responsibility.
The highest therapy in Scientology, the highest OT level states that many of your own thoughts and feelings come from trapped space aliens in the body.
The assignment of other determined cause for our thoughts and feelings can cause a major disassociation from understanding thought, the mind, it’s cause and it’s resolution.
There is a disempowerment when we say that our own thoughts and feelings come from an outside source.
The trap to BT auditing is that it’s a form of dream therapy. In real dream therapy, it’s a trained dream therapist ala followers of Joseph Campbell, that guides the patient through concepts and ideas that are symbolic. The analogous symbolism of dreams, sourced in the subconscious, that are used as tools or pointers to actualities in the patients life.
The problem with assigning cause to space aliens and space opera is that the believing Scientologist is running Hubbard’s form of dream therapy and calling it REAL.
The person who runs dream therapy knows that they are running their own thoughts and feelings as interpreted by the subconscious mind. They know they are their own thoughts and are thus directly perceiving their own responsibility for them.
The problem with Ron’s form of dream therapy is that the believing Scientologist is giving the BT story a reality more than REALITY.
And thus being left with a lie regarding who is causing thought and feeling to occur.
The OT BT session, as created by L Ron Hubbard makes no responsibility for our own thoughts and feelings a religious, science based delusion.
And the trap of traps is that in the BT session there are some cognitions to be had.
That is because the auditing session puts the pc in “witness” mode. Anytime we self introspect, self enquiry, we put the mental condition “over there” and us over here observing as a witness.
Observing as the witness creates space between the observer and the observed.
It is only when we cease to identify with a problem that the problem is capable of being evaluated and directly perceived in order to neutralize, as is, and comprehend some negative issue.
The down side to the OT BT session is that the Scientologist is left with a lie as the cause. Sure there is some mental negativity blown by witnessing mental thought energy, but the space opera involved is only a catalyst to get the pic to look at various overwhelming concepts.
The OT levels are running concepts, cloaked in L Ron Hubbard’s Sci Fi imaginings.
They are your own thoughts clothed in the subconscious imagery of L Ron Hubbard.
And because you assign your thoughts and feelings to an external cause, BTs, you are unwittingly not being responsible for them.
They are yours. But you blame the imaginary BT.
And by definition that is no responsibility. Cost a lot of dough to arrive at that.
And think of this. The man who sold you this dream therapy was still auditing BTs, even though he created OT 8 years and years before.
So if Ron did not get rid of his BTs, what makes you think you can do better.
Perhaps the cognition that could have helped Ron is:
That is responsibility.
” A hypnotist may suggest to a subject that he is seeing a ferocious tiger. The subject sees the beast and shrieks in terror. Now the hypnotist only suggested the vision of the tiger, but did not ask the subject to be afraid of it.
The fear that the subject felt was self-suggested and came from his own being, from the potential of emotions and experience within HIM.
The perceptions of individualized consciousness, being personalized by individual delusion, becomes elaborated by feeling….
Emotions are personalized thoughts reacting to the materialized ideas of God’s creation”
Paramahansa Yogananda page 878, vol 2 from God Talks with Arjuna.
Through the powers of Altitude Instruction, L Ron Hubbard made us dangerously receptive to the suggestions of his infallibility. To the infallibility of his theories and procedures.
So BTs are real, and will read as Ron postulated, because we were made ready to receive his instructions that superseded our own ability to observe and reason.
The solidity and believability in BTs comes from
1) giving Ron Altitude
2) giving his BT theory reality through the means of that Altitude ( pain free hypnosis)
3) granting infallibility to blips on the emeter.
The person above with fear of tigers, if out on the emeter, would get a blip because the tiger is “real”. It’s the hypnotic spell which grants the suggestion a reality.
I would suggest that Scientology, to a large degree, is the hypnotic suggestion of L Ron Hubbard.
Thus BTs (tigers) are real.
Yes, indeed, Brian. You know, there have been in-depth studies done where a person is made to believe something happened to them, say flying in a hot air balloon, which absolutely NEVER happened to them. They will sit there, with conviction, and tell you all the intimate details of their hot air balloon experience; the emotions they felt, what they saw, who was there, when it happened, etc.
Memory implantation is a technique used in cognitive psychology to investigate human memory. In memory implantation studies researchers make people believe that they remember an event that actually never happened. The false memories that have been successfully implanted in people’s memories include remembering being lost in a mall as a child, taking a hot air balloon ride, and putting slime in a teacher’s desk in primary school.[1][2][3] Memory implantation techniques were developed in the 1990s as a way of providing evidence of how easy it is to distort people’s memories of past events. Most of the studies on memory implantation were published in the context of the debate about repressed memories and the possible danger of digging for lost memories in therapy. The successful implantation of memories in people’s minds has implications for therapy and legal settings. From Wikipedia
Memory implantation! Thank you T-Marie! What a perfect term for what Ron did to us.
Do not evaluate for the pre clear.
Yet L Ron Hubbard implanted so many ideas, false ideas, to be run in session.
Some years back on Marty’s blog the idea of implants came up. This guy chimes in and says,” Better beware of the old grandmother offering pie. Don’t be fooled by her sweetness. It’s an electronic implant. Stay away if it comes up in session”. That is the byproduct of Altitude Instruction. And this guy came up with a story that Ron would come up with.
Complete memory implantation.
I’ll bet you if L Ron Hubbard was a surfer and not a Sci Fi writer we’d all be running poisonous surfboards or running the “Kick Yer Ass Pipeline Wipe Out Incident.”
And believing that surfers are dramatizing being eaten by sharp toothed sea creatures and surfing a curl is dramatizing trying to get away from being eaten. Get the basic basic on being eaten and you will surf like a big thetan.
New comers. You may think that is far fetched and looney.
L Ron Hubbard actuall said that smoking cigarettes is a dramatization of being volcanoes in past life.
Just know, that some folks on this blog still buy this stuff. Not many. But a few.
Brian, I love your deconstruction and critical analysis of the theory and practice of BT auditing!
From the ex-$cn or never-in perspective on the subject, it’s about as clear as clear can be that Elron’s very florid imagination, in combination with his own serious mental illness, created a very elaborate, but completely made up sci-fi Creation myth. But to those who are $cn True Believers, this bizarre and outlandish space opera cosmology is literally the Gospel and must be taken, not just as truth, but as the highest level of spiritual truth on the bridge to total freedom.
Your analogy of it to dream interpretation therapy, in which the client no longer perceives the images and thoughts that arise from his subconscious mind as being his own, captures the exact point at which the these two different approaches to the mind fundamentally diverge. However, I’d go on from there to emphasize that at the point at which subconscious imagery, thought and feeling is disowned and perceived to be other than self-generated, you’re no longer in the land of dreams, but on the threshold of an ancient, pre-scientific world view of demonic influence and possession. If these disembodied spiritual beings are stuck to you and can influence your thoughts, feelings and actions in negative ways until they’re telepathically communicated with, via $cn BT auditing, and influenced to “blow,” then you can substitute the much more widely understood historical terms of “demon,” “possession” and “exorcism” for Hubbard’s terminology and lose no essential meaning, insight or understanding at all.
Once you conceptualize yourself and all of humankind as being a composite of many, many other individual spiritual beings who’ve come to possess your body en masse and to influence you to do things that aren’t actually caused by yourself, then your belief system and ontological view of the entire species is almost exactly the same as any other ancient world superstitious belief system that features demonic possession and immaterial spirit influences. The only real differences are that in $cn everyone is believed to be possessed by hundreds, if not thousands of these disembodied spiritual beings, and the means of exorcism in $cn are priced well beyond what everyone but the wealthy can afford.
If this is merely a wrong-headed throwback to a pre-scientific world view then what’s the harm of folks believing in whatever kind of whacked woo like this that they may wish too? Beside the very real harm that spending all your savings, retirement fund and kids college fund is likely to have on your family’s quality of life and future financial security there is at least one very good reason to not engage in $cn’s ritual practices of demon exorcism: The brain – which underpins and enables every aspect of thought, feeling and imagery of the mind – is plastic and subject to structural and physiological changes, based on repeated experience and practice. So, while your mind may be in a coherently unified and fully integrated state of optimal function prior to creating imaginary personality fragments and reifying them (i.e., BT auditing) it may very well begin to become fragmented, compartmentalized and disowned through the induction of neuroplastic change when those ritual exorcism practices are repeated for hundreds of hours. In other words, while it’s complete waste of money – because no one has ever demonstrated the abilities that are claimed to be achievable upon completion of these OaTy levels – it may also very well be harmful to your mental health and precipitate or exacerbate serious mental disorders.
If it didn’t work for Elron, and lil davey the unaudited won’t go near it, that tells you a lot right there! But when you truly understand that disunifying your mind can have negative material effects on your brain as well, then paying huge sums to go back to a demon-filled, pre-scientific time is both unproductive and risky at a personal level, but also a retrograde trend at the group level that has less than no value as a system of spiritual advancement or higher knowledge.
Brian, agreeing that one has a reactive bank and then thinking ron was a genius thus agreeing with everything else he said was gaslighting.
It’s a very dangerous path to leave your thinking up to someone else. Merry Christmas to all. I have 2 kids & 1 BF and my BF and me here for 4 days. Christmas stats are up 🙂
On the concept of responsibility in Scientology I have a question for the author, Terra Cognita or anyone else who know the answer: In Scientology is it that one takes the stance of cause over something so that if two people are involved in an accident (and one was drunk and speeding) each person would from their viewpoint try to be cause rather than blaming the other so as to prevent or lessen the possibility of such an occurrence in the future. Each would from their own view “take responsibility” and see how they were cause. This doesn’t mean they do not see which of them was more “at fault” or responsible for what happened. This should not mean that the drunk wasn’t the main cause and held legally and morally responsible by the authorities for the accident and would be. This would seem to be the pure concept without perversion. Where this would go splooey and does in Scientology is if a third party or authorities blamed the nondrunk for “pulling it in” because they received the actions of the drunk. Now there is no one who really caused the accident in a legal and moral sense and should be most accountable. Now the concept of full cause is perverted to mean the victim is as much to “blame” as the person most responsible and legally wrong (the drunk in this case). Hence, perversion of blame now crushes what would be an attempt to be as much cause as possible even in a difficult situation such as in the above example for the nondrunk. Is this an accurate view of this?
Hi RW,
The way I applied it when “in” and had a car accident that
was legally and truly not my fault (a driver came out of a
side street right in front of me on a main street without
stopping) and I told her i would pay for half the damage
which of course she was very happy about, especially as
we did not involve the insurance companies.
It is actually interesting how Scientology involve legal
council (and to such a large degree) when they should
Instead take responsibility for their actions (see TC’s
article above).
Then how would you apply all this in a war zone if you
are a civilian? It gets as crazy as scientology and Hubbard
is and was.
Reggie, I would say your view is essentially accurate. The idea that whatever happens to a person is the result of the person himself “pulling it in” not what Hubbard said. But, like so many things on the subject of Scientology, it’s an idea that got passed around – even (or especially) by Ethics Officers in the church – until it became “common knowledge” and accepted as a principle of Scientology – when it isn’t.
In actual fact, “You pulled it in!” is on a list of common justifications that LRH included in a written issue. Basically, it’s one of many excuses is used by people rather than taking responsibility for their own misdeeds. The only LRH writing that I know of which talks about a person being responsible for what happens to him is the following:
“It is only generally true that an individual is responsible for everything that happens to him. When an individual, wishing to cause many interesting effects, chooses to go into many universes or traps, he can become confused about what he is doing, where he is or what it is all about. Scientology points out that this can be seen or changed from a person’s own viewpoint to bring about a change in his own condition.
“As an example, a thetan has come to ‘believe’ that the right way to get along in life is to do just as father did. This is an invitation to being in father’s universe. Later on, he changes his mind about this. But he finds himself still in father’s universe and doesn’t like it. He would be more effective, more capable, if he were not now in father’s universe. Customarily, in these unenlightened times, he waits for death to separate himself from the environment in which he finds himself and puts up with it until then. It is not necessary to do this now that we have Scientology. He can at any moment, given the proper steerage, vacate any trap in which he finds himself and begin again on a new series of considerations.” (from the book *Scientology: the Fundamentals of Thought*)
Oh come now. Even for you this is a stretch. “You pulled it in” is on the list of justifications for harming someone else. It’s not listed because it is “silly”. It is widely known and understood as a concept in scientology and anyone can read it. Should we publish the chapter from AP&A in full? It goes beyond what Terra has said in his essay above…
You really should get over the idea that you must try to defend everything. It must be giving you brain strain at this point!
Mike, I was referring to the bulletin titled “More Justifications” HCOB 8 July 1964, which states:
“The following list of Scientology Justifications was compiled by Phyll Stevens
and several other Course Students and is issued to show how one can get around
getting off an overt and stay sick from it. – L. RON HUBBARD
‘It wasn’t really an overt because ….. ‘
It wasn’t me it was just my bank
You can’t hurt a thetan
He was asking for a motivator
He’s got overts on me
I’ve got a service fac on that
His overts are bigger than mine
My intentions were good
He’s a victim anyway
I had by-passed charge
I was just being self-determined
I’ve come up to being overt
It’s better than suppressing
I’ll straighten it out next lifetime
He must have done something to deserve it
He was dragging it in”
[. . .]
The above is the first part of the list, and the last one there – “He was dragging it” – is the same idea as “pulling it in,” which I don’t think there is any reference for in those exact words.
I knew what you were referring to? I am not sure how you think this proves that the concept of pulling it in is not something from LRH?
It is per LRH that people pull things in. What I mean to say is that LRH didn’t state anywhere that this is ALWAYS the case, as Terra Cognita implied in the blog post where he wrote:
“If they get broadsided, it’s not that the other driver was drunk, but that they ‘pulled it in.’”
The other LRH quote I posted in the comment above, from FOT, says that “It is ONLY GENERALLY true that an individual is responsible for everything that happens to him…” Maybe Terra Cognita has a reference, but as I’ve said, I don’t know of any that indicates it is always true and would apply even to natural disasters, etc., as people misinterpret it to mean. I think the concept is actually the same as karma.
Here you go. This is directly from L. Ron Hubbard’s book Advanced Procedure and Axioms. Unaltered except for omitting sections that are such gobbledygook to anyone but a hardcore student of Hubbard’s writings (and I would challenge even them to ACTUALLY make sense out of the stuff he writes). There are other references, but I think this will suffice to demonstrate without question that Hubbard DID in fact say this is ALWAYS the case and that the driver being drunk WAS his responsibility – EVERY TIME. I know I have made this mistake before of trying to demonstrate that what is written in black and white is in fact black and white, but there is always a comeback “it’s not exactly what it says” or “this was modified by later “discoveries”” or something. But everyone can read this and see that Terra Cognita is NOT overstating the point, and that you are once again seeking for some reason to defend the indefensible:
DEFINITION: Responsibility is the ability and willingness to assume the status of full source and cause for all efforts and counter-efforts on all dynamics.
There is no compromise with full responsibility. It lies above 20.0 on the tone scale and is descended from in order to effect randomity but is descended from with the full knowledge of its assumptions. It means responsibility for all acts, all emotions on every dynamic and in every sphere as one’s own. It includes such “disrelated” data as the death of an individual one has never met on a highway on which one has never travelled at the hands of a stranger no matter how culpable. One does not send to find for whom the bell tolls without full willingness to have tolled it and to have caused the cause of its tolling.
There is a scale of responsibility between full responsibility and full other responsibility where the former is above 20.0 and the latter is at 0.0. Complete negation of responsibility is complete admission of being under the complete control of the environment. Assumption of full responsibility is a statement of control of the environment and persons within it without necessity of control.
One can control nothing without assuming full responsibility for it. Let us survey fundamentals. Self-determinism, self-confidence, I know, I am, lie along 20.0. All knowledge is known at source, as witness the theta manufacture of complex compounds not yet touchable by chemists. One, thus, by extrapolation, did not agree to survive. One had a free choice to survive, quite obviously. The agree viewpoint is occasioned by postulating obedience to the Supreme Being, which postulate is demonstrably not workable as it poses a low-scale point for the eighth dynamic which would drag down all the other dynamics at once to zero and would continue them there, and life would become impossible. Notwithstanding this point which may or may not be acceptable, there are points which are inexorable.
Anyone alive today had responsibility in creating our social order. A soldier shot on the field of battle may “blame” the sniper, the Selective Service, the stupidity of government, but he nevertheless had full responsibility not only for being there and getting shot but for the sniper, Selective Service and the stupidity of government.
Regarding that reference from AP&A, I’ll just say that, according to the quoted passage itself, it’s a description of “Full Responsibility…above 20.0 on the tone scale.” That was the ultimate goal for the whole “Advanced Procedure” – which we could call the “bridge” at the time. Per LRH, Full Responsibility was at the top of a gradient scale – not a way of holding everybody responsible for everything, at least not in any practical sense.
That’s how I see it. Don’t shoot me, Mike. 🙂
Marildi – I wrote a long post, and decided not to post it (even though it’s more coherent that this post, here). I get tired of getting the crap knocked out of me by “wits” and politicians. Basically, responsibility, like knowledge, is one’s own choice. Responsibility is an integral part of a being. We all know what is responsible and what isn’t. No one goes into paroxysms about matter and anti-matter, or mass increase at 186,000 miles per second even though the applicability of that to everyday life on an interstate highway is nil, as far as I’ve heard. It doesn’t mean all that physics is “false”. On a scale of eternity, does it matter if you make an appointment on time? Well, yes, depending on the meeting. Does that mean eternity is wrong? No. Does it mean you should break the speed limit and put your present life at risk to get there? No. Does it mean you could organize your time better in the future? Yes. Cause and effect; chains of causes and effects; games. You’re right, and so is LRH, but you have just run into an area with a lot of charge on it (subtle joke). If a civilization collapsed, who is “responsible”? In fact, I (myself) am responsible. Ray Bradbury popularized this in “The Butterfly Effect”. People make the mistake of thinking that theory means “fiction”. It’s also critical to distinguish between responsibility as a positive choice, and responsibility as blame when something goes wrong. It depends on the individual. Is it true that “life is a fraud” because those who assume more responsibility (positive) seem to lead better lives?
Nickname, I didn’t totally follow what you wrote, but thanks for the reply.
I find the different directions Hubbard went rather remarkable. From the assumption of responsibility in the 50s and DED, DED Exs to Joburg sec checks and Level 2 tech and then the Ls all rather remarkable. When applied in a group environment it soon settles down to it’s all your fault as that the easiest way out for authority to wield itself. Any moron can be right with a bit of rank on their shoulder. The whole field of justification is just as warped as a dictator with a big stick. Scientology as practiced in the Church has to rely on making everyone else wrong, otherwise the whole shebang would collapse around their ankles – as is happening now anyway. The levels of misunderstandings run every which way but loose with that tech. It contradicts itself often, which by the way, seems to parallel a lot of things in life. Scrap the whole organisation I say, send the criminals to jail and let whoever wants to play around with it do so.
Scrap the whole organisation I say, send the criminals to jail and let whoever wants to play around with it do so. My sentiments precisely!
… and hence Scientology takes the fun out of life and replaces it with unalterable rules. I have maintained for many years now, you can’t take Scientology seriously. The moment you do, you will no longer be you or even have the slightest opportunity of finding yourself with the church employed technology, especially with their upper level tech. NOTs for example bypasses you completely and you now learn it’s not your fault anyway, it’s your case which is responsible. Read the above article by Terra again and tell me there aren’t any major contradictions within Scientology. There are too few options and so much life to pit the game of Scientology against. It’s a losing proposition if you take any of it seriously. Even Hubbard said, Scientology doesn’t seek to make nothing of life, rather it seeks to make the playing a better game (or some such). And how did that work out for ya Ron? We are learning wholesale the effect created on being faithful to the organisation, it betrays you without remorse.
Mike is not shooting you Marildi. He is trying to share ideas that possibly undermine your Ron ideal.
He’s doing that by simply guiding you to see his point. He is just sharing with you ideas.
It’s not necessary to see that as “shooting me down.”
Being an iconoclast can upset a fixed idea of an ideal.
It’s possible that seeing Ron for who he was, undermines the image of Ron you hold dear.
And you feel “shot down”.
No need to feel like that. It’s not what a is happening.
Merry Christmas Marildi?????
Brian: “Mike is not shooting you Marildi. He is trying to share ideas that possibly undermine your Ron ideal. He’s doing that by simply guiding you to see his point. He is just sharing with you ideas.”
I never doubted that for a moment. On top of it, I respect Mike for allowing me to have my say in spite of our differences in opinion. And Mike doesn’t give me any condescending little lectures, either (ahem). When I wrote “Don’t shoot me” it was just a way of indirectly acknowledging these things. I guess it was too subtle for you. 😛
You surprise me. Re-read Ethics Justice and the Dynamics. I think it best we all get to a point where we find the good in all our years in scientology but I think it very important to truly understand rons viewpoint first. Spending my time understanding that has been well worth it. One thing you could also do is figure out why if his tech is ‘so good’ why are his products so bad?
I’ve seen him turn good people insane to many times to count. Products are important. Why don’t you see if you can make a list of his products that contributed to this civilization?
Exactly the point Cece. Makes the mind boggle doesn’t it? But that is what life does to itself as well. From young, full of vitality to old, arthritic & talking philosophically about the past, if you’re lucky enough to live that long or not be hungry or in some God awful dictatorship. Life on earth is mixed bag.
I am way out of my league to even consider I can give anyone advice on how anyone should live or think, past the obvious don’t play with sharp objects type info or run if there’s a fire. But there is good in Scientology if you look and apply it to your acceptance level of result. If it doesn’t work for you, so be it. Go try something else, but don’t take it seriously or personally. There is a limiting factor with any technology though, in that it must be taught in a specific manner as methods of application are very important. That is where the Cof$ broke down and destroyed itself and anything good in it. It was criminally altered to maintain control and get more money and blind devotion. When I advise don’t take it seriously I don’t mean laugh at it or shrug it all off but I mean have fun with it. The moment it isn’t fun anymore, that’s where you need to stop and really have a good look at why. It’s remarkable what you find when you do that. Group suppression stands out often or money or worse, sheer spike and/or jealously.
Hubbard isn’t easy to read and a lot of his stuff reminds me of BMW engineering. Way over the top complex for the task at hand and it takes years and years of training to know how to work on them. But with GMC, less complex and does the same thing anyway. Maybe without the some of the bells and whistles but you get what I mean (I hope).
I’ve always wondered is there any actual evidence of the plight of pre 65 Scientologists who run foul of OT3 stuff because of doing the Bridge prior to it . We only have Hubbard’s word for it. As far I can make out but that is where the Bridge fell into a heap and “whacko” became the norm and weird space cootie tech became prominent.
Another golden rule that is broken in Scientology is trying to please everyone all of the time (well… it’s sure written and marketed that way). Standard across the boards is folly. If it is so good and produces such super OTs who think in the greatest good etc, well… what’s the problem – let them fix things. NO! Hubbard trusted no one!
Cece, thanks for your intention to help, but I wish you wouldn’t make assumptions about me. As regards your points of advice, you apparently haven’t read too many of my posts, as I have already expressed my views on these things numerous times. Anyway, Yawn’s reply to you included pretty much what I would have asked you to take a look at, and he said it better.
I think you did a good job in articulating a valid viewpoint. I’ll just note that when the “blame” mentality comes in (including self-blame), you’ve just slipped off any real understanding and possibility of a full and terminal resolution.
Terra wrote “Scientologists are convinced that by being on course, doing the next level, and donating to an Ideal Org they are taking responsibility toward saving the world.” So in other words, the “church” tells its parishioners “Just give us more money” and they actually believe it? Does that simple TRUTH escape these individuals, supposedly the “most enlightened” amongst the rest of us lowly humans?
And David Miscavige, why blame others for the problems of the church? It seems that you are suppose to be responsible for your own problems, right? To use a phrase I’ve heard before from other Scientologists… sir, apparently need to GET ON POLICY and understand your problems are due to something (and many things) that You, oh “Glorious Leader”, have done yourself! Either follow LRH policy to the letter or stop being a hypocrite!
Terra, if you do ever get “Declared” as a Suppressive Person, know that you will be in good company with Mike and many others. Actually, let me give this a shot as well…..I hereby “Declare” the Church of Scientology under David Miscavige to be a “Suppressive Organization”, or SO for short.
Hmm, that was pretty easy. So you see? I can just as easily label and make declarations of other people/entities with the best of them….the only difference between me and the “leader” of this Suppressive Organization is that I can actually see how reality exists with a truly “Clear” state in my mind.
Long comment follows, tl;dr version: Scientology’s idea that everybody is responsible for everything is just another control mechanism. We aren’t gods for good or ill, we are just us.
At the Int Base, no one can hear you scream. (thank you, Dark Avenger)
‘Cause if you are screaming, you pulled it in. What are your CRIMES?
Dave Miscavige had us read Chapter 22 Responsibility from the “Advanced Procedures and Axioms” book by L Ron Hubbard three times a week. I still have the old folded up xerox copy of that chapter that I kept in my pocket so I could read it by flashlight on the bus when I got a chance to go home. Here is a choice excerpt:
Responsibility is the ability and willingness to assume the status of full source and cause for all efforts and counter-efforts on all dynamics.
There is no compromise with full responsibility. It lies above 20.0 on the tone scale and is descended from in order to effect randomity but is descended from with the full knowledge of its assumptions. It means responsibility for all acts, all emotions on every dynamic and in every sphere as one’s own. It includes such “disrelated” data as the death of an individual one has never met on a highway on which one has never travelled at the hands of a stranger no matter how culpable.
One does not send to find for whom the bell tolls without full willingness to have tolled it and to have
caused the cause of its tolling.”
Note, this means that YOU are responsible for the downed airliners and puppies tied up outside in the cold. YOU. So let me see that IAS donation!
Hubbard was big on responsibility, not feeding “useless eaters”, rewarding production (except when it was the slightest bit inconvenient) and coming down hard on any sign of weakness. Except when he might have to personally pay up on his taxes or debts or face up to his accusers. Then he ran like a scared rabbit. The bell never tolled for him! Until it did, and they lied about that too.
Over and over through his whole life that pattern repeats, before Scientology too. Look at what he did to Jack Parsons, his first and second wives, the early Dianetics Research Foundations, Saint Hill, the Sea Org. He gave the Sea Org the motto “Revenimus” or “We Come Back” but he sure never did. He was on the run when he died.
Dave Miscavige is cut from the same cloth.
One of the moments of soaring release that came from truly leaving that milieu was the realization that the whole pile of garbage about “personal responsibility” was just a lying cruel control mechanism.
If you really want unconsidered unthinking uncritical and instant compliance to any order, no matter how insane, all you have to do is get it well understood that those receiving the order are responsible for all their own ills and failures. Then it doesn’t matter how destructive the order is, all the recipients just think they are getting what they deserve and jump to comply.
Like that poor guy I knew at Bridge Publications who never said “Hi, how’s it going today?” but always said “Hi! How are you making it go today?” Funny but kind of disheartening.
True religions that are not just window dressing for a destructive cult don’t teach that people can become gods. If something good happens, or you are able to help someone, you thank God or the Great Spirit or whatever. You are not doing it on your own strength. You are submitting to a greater power. It took me a long time to figure that out. If someone outside Scientology has a miraculous healing they don’t say “I did that with my own power!” They say “Hallelujah! (means “praise the Lord”) God was able to heal that person through me!”
The up side of the Scientology super-power soul-flying parking-spot-finding aspect, the idea that you can become or are already a god, sounds pretty seductive. Just like the promises of the Serpent in the Garden of Eden. All the world’s problems could be solved at the wave of a hand. Sounds like the easy way out.
But the down side is that if you are God you are responsible for the heart attacks, tarantulas, coral snakes, disastrous fires, everything bad that happens.
Thank Heaven (or the Great Spirit or pure random chance or whatever you revere) that it is all bullshit. We aren’t gods and we aren’t demons, we are people. The best thing we can do is try to help each other as best we can. We are responsible for our own actions.
Sorry to ramble on so long but the subject touches a chord in my soul.
Bruce, this song really hits home for me and if you’re into metal music, you might like it too. Dedicated to my close ex-scn friend who truly believed she “pulled in” hurricane Katrina, which leveled her brick home on the Coast, with everything she owned in it. At least, until I came along and set her straight!
By Highly Suspect
“My Name Is Human”
I’m feeling the way that I’m feeling myself
Fuck everyone else
Gotta remember that nobody is better than anyone else, here
(Do you need some time to think it over?)
Look what they do to you
Look what they do to me
Must be joking if you think that either one is free, here
Get up off your knees, girl
Stand face to face with your God
And find out what you are
(Hello, my name is human)
Hello, my name is human
And I came down from the stars
(Hello, my name is human)
I’m ready for love and I’m ready for war
But I’m ready for more
I know that nobody’s ever been this fucking ready before, hey
(Do you need some time to think it over?)
So figure it out or don’t figure it out
I figured it out
The bigger the river (the bigger the river)
The bigger the drought (the bigger the drought)
Get up off your knees, boy
Stand face to face with your God
And find out what you are
(Hello, my name is human)
Hello, my name is human
And I came down from the stars
(Hello, my name is human)
Fire world, I love you
Fire world
I’m up off my knees, girl
I’m face to face with myself
And I know who I am
(Hello, my name is human)
I stole the power from the sun
I’m more than just a man
(No longer disillusioned)
(I’m not asking questions)
(‘Cause questions have answers)
(And I don’t want answers)
I came down from the stars (so I’ll take my chances)
(And what are the chances)
(That I could advance)
(On my own circumstances)
(Said “what are the chances?”)
Hello, my name is human (and what are the chances?)
(I don’t want your answers)
(I’m not asking questions)
(So you keep your answers)
And I know who I am (so you keep your answers)
(I’m not asking questions)
(I’m taking my chances) YouTube link to Hello, my name is human.
T-Marie, really good and apropos song. Also I saw your reply upthread about memory implantation.
That is really important when you want to help someone unpack their Scientology baggage. So much of it is really just reinforced by confirmation bias and locked in by cognitive dissonance.
Under all the Hubbard smokescreen there’s no there there (to bastardize Gertrude Stein).
All Scientologists are left holding L. Ron Hubbard’s megalomania bag, defending it, selling it.
Adult education helps get rid of any reasons for holding Hubbard’s bag anymore.
First off I want to wish Terra the Brightest and Happiest of Holidays.And a huge Hug and thank you for your well thought out and interesting essays here.I still learn from them.You are a star.⭐️❤️
Big hug back to you, Ann B!
In the Church of Scientology the effect of its members generally taking responsibility for something is almost always mayhem. L. Ron Hubbard said in DMSMH that the engram was discovered by exhaustive research tracing from effect back to cause, so why should the actions of members of the church be viewed any differently? 🙂
That sort of logic earns you one Golden Rod – Merry Christmas Lawrence!
For a long time I have thought that the whole mishegas was a horrid 3rd (Sea Org) or 4th dynamic engram. The way the SO members conduct themselves toward public is disgraceful. Bullying is not something I kow-tow to ever!
I’m new here but I have been a fence-sitting Scn for forever (30+ years). I felt I received lasting benefit from courses and auditing I received, but I chose to hold my position and not let anyone railroad me into anything my gut feeling did not feel good about. Hence I have not had my lower Bridge and mainly only entry level courses.
I have had my share of embroilment in controversial situations over the years that I chose to try to make right… to no avail. Upon finding so much data on the web about the church hierarchy that have left… good people I knew and worked with who gave their whole lives in excellent service… I could not wrap my brain around so many being simply “disaffected” by their own OWs… I had to dig deeper. I hope and pray that outing their behaviors will come to an end of the craziness.
Much Luv and Merry Xmas,
Scientology truly makes the responsible – irresponsible.
When I got out and looked at Scientology and Scientologists – I realized that auditing and training are actually exercises to “change the mind” to give up total control of your “thinking” rationally about Scientology.
One becomes totally irresponsible on the subject and then contributes to the criminal organization in one way or another.
Scientology baits people with life improvement but then delivers the opposite. Scientologist’s are covertly made to feel guilty about having any of their goals come true except the Celebrities – Scientology will let them have their goals but those Celebrities will pay…and pay…and pay…until they are destroyed).
It is a precise science.
A sickening feeling I felt from time to time, was that “we” in Scientology had no smart leaders.
No smart people at the top voicing smart wise thoughts.
It’s all crafted rah rah.
A sickeningly crafted narrative.
Unnatually out of step with the outside world’s whole human and philosophical tradition.
Even Scientology’s in house narrative, from Hubbard, was claustrophobically out of step with human history.
Hubbard’s view of the world is sadly science fictionesque megalomaniac.
There’s no respite, were official Scientology under this second generation new head of Scientology, David Miscavige, were somehow this more claustrophobic and cult like current official Scientology to have a return to the freer Hubbard 1950s, 1960s (pre-Sea Org) era of Hubbard’s narrative.
It might be slightly freer, were official Scientology’s current Miscavige era to somehow lighten up to the 1960s freezone-ish Scientology era, but again, when a Scientologist really educates themself more, adult education, you get out of even that.
The heyday Hubbard era of Scientology, the 1950s/1960s era, would start feeling claustrophobic also.
I remember reading in the 1976-77 “The Road to Total Freedom” by deceased UK sociologist Roy Wallis, where Roy noted that Hubbard’s retreat started going more and more self (Hubbard) absorbed by the late 1950s.
The “Hubbard Communication Officer” the Hubbard this, the Hubbard that, that by the late 1950s, Hubbard was even more organizedly pasting “Hubbard” all over his Scientology organizations.
I mean, what world?
Today’s Scientologists are coming along so late in this whole Hubbard “game” of Hubbard just putting his personal stamp all over Scientology, preemtively.
There is so much wrong with Hubbard’s “thing” from the start, let alone by the end of the 1950s, onwards.
I urge people to skim through “The Road to Total Freedom” by Roy Wallis, at least some time in their ex Scientology mental extraction process. (It’s cheap on Amazon, from time to time)
Chuck Beatty
ex OEC/FEBC Course Sup, my whole Sea Org career was 1975-2003
Right on Chuck! Your comments:
“A sickening feeling I felt from time to time, was that “we” in Scientology had no smart leaders.
No smart people at the top voicing smart wise thoughts.
It’s all crafted rah rah.
A sickeningly crafted narrative.
Unnatually out of step with the outside world’s whole human and philosophical tradition.
Even Scientology’s in house narrative, from Hubbard, was claustrophobically out of step with human history.”
Yes! And thus the catastrophic downfall plays out over and over. Let’s face it and have a group cringe: the guys in charge lacked the brains or vision or freedom to make the COS function viably. The trained and pounded-in and brainwashed mentality was so constricting that real expansion was squashed with unrealistic demands for “compliance” and getting one’s stats up. I marvel at the preposterous actions we would throw ourselves at that produced nothing. Beans and rice! Bulk mail parties! Letters out stat! Student points! The endless conniving over how to bump up stats at all costs. Massive idiocy. Let’s run around in circles to save the planet.
Looking back, where was a brilliant someone who would have stood up to the nuttiness? There were a ton of very bright people in the COS but they all got squashed, every single one, and were forced to toe the party line which DEMANDS you treat people like clueless marks, each to be bilked to the max for all their money and all their energy.
It’s tough being sellers of the Scientology snipe-hunt. (Leaders-want-a-bees beware.)
You can’t squeeze water out of a rock.
There’s no exorcising of non-existent “body-thetans” caused by the non-existent “Xenu.”
The leaders will never be able to make silk purses out of Hubbard’s fictionarl snipe.
….and I wish Hubbard’s admission of failure of Sarge had been recorded, so it could be played back for everyone to understand, let that sink in, and then move on in their lives.
At least Hubbard’s punctuation/period dot admission of failure to Sarge, is in Lawrence Wright’s book’s final pages, and it’s in the HBO Documentary, which I hope lots of the DVDs of the HBO “Going Clear…” get bought and sold as Xmas gifts, so the Sarge/Wright interview is heard and digested more.
Sarge was a very dedicated, long-time sycophant of Elron and clearly worshiped the ground he walked on. It was very clear from his videotaped interview that the very last thing that he wanted to hear from his hero was that he’d failed.
While it would be great to have corroborating testimony concerning this very singularly defining point in Elron’s life, there’s no reason to disbelieve Sarge or to suspect that he’s inadvertently misinterpreted what he’d said to him. Indeed, the way Elron died – in hiding, sick, irrascible, slipping into dementia, and finally succumbing at last to a series of strokes – demonstrates quite clearly that he was no OaTy super being who’d chosen to drop a perfectly healthy body in order to conduct further research in the stars.
And if any residual doubt that he was just another ordinary mere mortal exists, then the fact that some three decades after his demise, there’s no sign of him having returned to complete the task of planetary clearing which is quit obviously failing.
As a feat of consciously chosen death (i.e., mahasamadhi) his death was a huge fail that was quickly covered up, then lied about to this day. And his failure to return in his next incarnation to complete the ultimate goal of planetary clearing that he put forth himself is an even bigger fail. time for $cilons to face the truth, no matter how bitter, then get on with their lives like the rest of us mere mortals 😉
Wonderful article Terra, thank you….
This may sound a little off topic…….but what I personally perceive, is that with all the who,…. and ah,….that has been taking place for a while now, in order to force Scientology to be more humane and responsible.
Mike and Leah knowingly or unknowingly have succeeded in germinating a type of (like nuclear fission) reaction, which will definitely permeate and be picked up by others, in other fields of humanity , that are also in gross violations of human rights, and in need of correction.
For the first time, i see the light at the end of the tunnel of mankind salvation from itself,…… starting.
Thanks to all of us SP’s …… ” For we are jolly good fellows”
Mike….. Leah….. you will be remembered in history for having started the renaissance of mankind on planet earth.
Merry Xmas everyone.
Mike Moretti
TC, thanks for a very clear article. Hubbard is the classic example of hoisting his own petard. Look at where the biggest most responsible being on the planet ended up. Alone and betrayed by his own staff. He had little responsibility for Scientology much less himself.
And more and more the tiny tyrant is moving into the same position. He cannot leave his bubble world which keeps getting smaller and smaller and smaller.
And how much does it cost to rent a private jet so MisHappige can fly to a new ideal morgue opening without being exposed to the public. His rampant squandering of members donations on these excesses is not only irresponsible it is criminal.
Very sad to see some very decent members of this organization dragged down into the sinkhole of this cult.
Thank you, Terra Cognita and Mike? These posts resonate with so many people who have discovered that, with little more than a nudge, they CAN make their exit from Scientology.
Once out, the deconstruction of the subject becomes a profoundly fascinating adventure, immensely rewarding yet emotionally excruciating at times, much like the pain of childbirtth.
Then, as now, we heard, “Welcome to the world!”
“It’s only a matter of time before David Miscavige reduces himself into oblivion.” Great line. You used LRH’s own words to prove what david miscavige is doing to himself. Classic.
It is truly remarkable though how scientololgists have reduced their own common sense and sense of common decency into oblivion. Except for the pain they cause others, I’d feel sorry for them.
A sad lot they are Mary. Broken pieces in search of some glue. I loved the $cientology version of Silent Night posted in TOs blog today…………
Silent blight, unholy blight
All is clam, all is shite
Ground yon virgin,
Motherless child
The Hole’s for SO beaten and blind
Sheep in Hemet, in piss
Sheep in Hemet, in piss
Have a wonderful Christmas.
Yep! That’s Scientology for you!
Great post! Ironic that I woke up this morning thinking about this exact subject, and that I was brainwashed about it in the cult, but having been through it all for almost 4 decades am left with a keen sense of what it truly is. And the later is a good thing.
Correct Terra Cognita. And many choices of what is good or bad for the group are based on the whim of one individual, meaning: if a parishioner has high blood pressure and could get very sick or even could have a heart attack mid an auditing program then, it should be getting rid off just to prevent a “PR Flap”.
Helping him or her is not the motivation of scientology policies and its followers.
LRH took decisions that would protect himself from being caught by the “SP” governments of which he had evaded taxes or invaded illegally as in Snow White.
Miscavige could not care less if the orgs expand, or if people gets better by the honest care a few people have decided to offer to those in need; he handles things based on how much money he could amass, how much ‘admiration’ scientologists will give him, or how to avoid – also – being caught by the IRS, FBI or police for his scams in finances and abuse of other human beings.
Policies and handling are determined on how much it will protect the leader!!
A religion? Who’s is kidding who?
Merry Christmas to all and especially those working publicly to exposes the criminal scam that is scientology.
And a very Merry Christmas to Mike, his family and all you posters! Mike’s blog is a pretty cool place to hang out at. Wishing everyone peace & blessings!
Ditto Dude.
Eye-opener on the real condition of responsibility and the organization. Thank you for this great reminder.
When this hypocrisy first registered with me was when I trained as an MAA way back. Specifically when I studied part of the “tech” which stated that a staff member who lists a senior (or LRH) as someone they are PTS to is basically imagining things. In other words LRH made it a rule that senior execs and himself were BEYOND questioning or investigation and thus, anything bad was generated at the lower echelons of the Org Board.
In short, senior execs and LRH were NOT responsible.
I recall that sometime in the early version of the czerch, actually chitted (KR) LRH for some off policy thing I did. ROFL Very shortly thereafter, some green on white came down stating that LRH could NOT be chitted! So I guess I impinged a little.
yes Mike ! this was very bad, a complete technical arbitrary.
FG it was WAY more than a tech arbitrary. El Con designed it to stop people from correctly spotting HIM as a source of criminality and suppression towards his flock.
It was an intentional move by a criminal who wanted to stay in power.
I’m shocked that you cannot look at the real reason LRH did this.
In the class 8 course he is describing the phenomena of not putting an item on a list because it would be a distrubance. I dont think he ever thought what you say. Maybe he was trying to protect some of his staff. He was wrong on that. If the item is the item for the PC, it should be indicated.