Recent posts on Tony Ortega’s site include some excellent first-hand reporting from Jeffrey Augustine on the ground in criminal court in Los Angeles.
Hana Islam and her son Rizza are in deep hot water. They have allegedly been engaged in a massive fraudulent scheme, bilking the government out of millions at the World Literacy Crusade.
The always dapper Rev. Alfreddie Johnson is the founder and big cheese of the WLC. He was married to Hanan and claims credit for raising Rizza as his “son.” Somehow, like a Teflon Don, he has managed to escape indictment.
I have written about him before. Brash and flashy, the “Baptist Minister” was instrumental in bringing the Nation of Islam into the arranged marriage with scientology. Alfreddie on the Gravy Train
“Alfraudie” has been a prominent member and fundraiser and was presented scientology’s highest honor by the COB himself — an IAS Freedom Medal.
This is the current website of the World Literacy Crusade — still proudly touting founder Baptist Minister Johnson:
And their FB page, still promoting NOI
How long before scientology throws Alfraudie and his family under the bus? How long before David Miscavige pronounces he “hardly knew the guy”, that he was “thrown out for being unable to keep up to the high ethical standards of scientology,” and he is erased from all scientology literature and websites.
There is some indication this may already have begun — the “Baptist Minister” and mention of his name has vanished from the scientology website touting the World Literacy Crusade:
At the recent annual IAS event in the UK Alfraudie was nowhere to be seen.
In previous years he had been front and center, featured in photos with David Miscavige and prominently representing minorities (along with Michael Roberts) in the almost all white IAS Freedom Medal Winner annual photoshoot. Not this year. And recent IAS Freedom Medal Winner Tony Mohammed was also notably missing.
Is this the beginning of the end of the long and mutually beneficial relationship between Alfraudie and scientology? And does it mark the beginning of the divorce between Louis Farrakhan and David Miscavige?
Only time will tell. But it is going to be interesting to watch.
Just got done googling ‘Alfreddie Johnson’ and had a good laugh! Most ofvwhat I found was connected to Scientology. From giving a lecture on going OT to schmoozing with John Travolta, Alfraudie was there.
Also got a good laugh out of the spoof of the NOI paper ‘The Final Call’ which featured a picture of the Dwarfenfuhrer with the caption ‘Blue eyed devil cult leader set to take over the Nation Of Islam’.
Scientology hasn’t promoted this year’s Ebony Awakenings event. (july) Not even a peep on facebook promoting the event.,,Alfrauddes been awol from scocial media since July…Tony is still milking the Monthly peace rides in LA for Scientology with Rizza in tow.
Like the loveaffair between US and the rest of the world after the second world war. A planet without USA carry on maybe even better. After WW2 USA has figured as a brakepad.
Reality’s such isn’t a safe space. Reality’s a place of unlimited wonders but only if you’re willing to face them as an adult.
“How long before David Miscavige pronounces he “hardly knew the guy”, that he was “thrown out for being unable to keep up to the high ethical standards of the NSDAP”?
Sehr gut
Aber natuerlich, mein fuehrer!
Danke, mein here.
Those Jews must have invented this spell checker. I clearly typed ” Danke, mein here.”
They just did it again. I will not retype it again as they will just squirrel it, whoever they are.
Oh wow, this could be fun to watch, even better than shark week.
Hubbard had a special name for sharks. He called them “registrars”.
Ain’t that the truth.
I can’t remember where I heard it, but supposedly someone was offered unlimited funding if they would run for a seat, if they would be favorable to “the church” while in office. I have a feeling that I know who took them up on the offer, (including circumstantial evidence). I wish someone would also explore that.
Former AG of Florida would be my guess. Campaign Bribe Barbie. The cult loves her and so does L’Orange, and she’s part of his inner circle now.
I bet you’re right Mike. They will ditch them. They always do. History proves that Missing from the IAS dinner? No bueno! In court for fraud. No bueno. Lol
When I was staff on the Freewinds DM personally came over the PA to tell people it was time for the events. He must have figured that if they non-complied with hi order, they would know that they were toast.
If Miscavige goes so far as to start calling NOI leaders names publicly, he might be taking a greater risk than he thinks. All Malcolm X did was leave the organization. I’m not suggesting that they’d literally gun him down, but this is a group whose version of a “Fair Game policy” has openly gone that far (death threats, murder).
You’re right! And I don’t think what you’re ” not saying ” to be far-fetched.
Calypso Louie didn’t waste any time back in the day! If everything goes south with Alfraudie, Miscavige had better not put up one of those charming websites of his, or Louie might get restimulated and start dramatizing 1965 in the Audubon Ballroom!
R 2-45 ain’t murder?
Contrary to the popular adage, There is No ‘honor among thieves’.
Speaking of adages, and, as applied to the unholy alliance between $ and ‘ALL FRAUDie’ and his group, here’s an ironic twist on one:
‘Give them enough rope, and they’ll hang Each Other’!
Isn’t his name All-fraud Johnson? It fits him better.
BINGO, Silvia:
“Isn’t his name All-fraud Johnson? It fits him better.”
While I was stopped in traffic on Saturday afternoon in Tampa, a young man came to the driver window. He was selling a newspaper for $2. He was from the Nation of Islam. I said “You are Scientologists”. He said “No, we only accept the mind information”. I said “You mean Dianetics?” He said “Yes”. I said “You are Black Nationalists.” He said “You really think so” I said “Yes”. The traffic started moving.
“My very good friend and Freedom of Honor Medal Winner Alfreddie Johnson!”
“…Johnson?…Alfreddie?…yes, we are acquainted. We met a few times. I know a lot of people.”
“You’ll have to ask his attorney about that.”
“Yeah, prison, I heard, yeah. Too bad, really. As memory serves, back in the day he was given every chance to be a good Scientologist. Again and again, we tried to help him, back then, oh, probably about 10 years ago. Maybe longer. But you know, Scientology’s ethical standards are pretty high, and he, well… yeah, its too bad, really.”
O/T. but I saw Mike tweeted about Tony Ortega’s story today. I did a quick and dirty analysis as follows.
Is the Church of Scientology violating Internal Revenue Code § 501(c)(3) by telling voters not to vote for Mark Bunker for Clearwater City Council?
Yes, they are in violation of IRC 501(c)3 by telling voters not to vote for Mark. Hopefully this will get reported to the IRS and appropriate State and Local authorities.
PickAnotheriD, maybe WE can report it to the IRS. If enough of us submit the form and the information, the IRS might sit up and take notice.
Here’s a website where you can fill out the IRS form (13909) and there are easy directions for how to fill it out and send it in by email. You can submit the form anonymously.
If you want to go one step further, you can forward a copy to the state charity regulator and/or the state tax agency. I’ll have to figure out how to report to the state charity regulator, but to send a copy to the state tax agency, this email address would probably work: [email protected].
This seems like our best, concrete evidence, so far, for getting the tax exempt status revoked.
Preaching to the choir friend. I keep a stack of IRS Form 13909’s printed out an ready to go whenever any $cientology hanky-panky rears it’s head. One went out in this morning’s mail regarding Pat Harney’s little game.
Even if it was reported, the IRS won’t do anything. Yes, political activity by churches is forbidden, but the Mormon church backed prop 8 in california, both by bussing mormons there to canvas and also by making direct financial contributions, and they didn’t lose their tax exemption. Further, many churches participated in “pulpit freedom sunday” where ministers told their flocks’ afterlives hostage to their political positions, video recorded the sermons and mailed them to the IRS. Nothing was done.
The USA rebelled against England on the basis of “no taxation without representation.” Well, the reverse is true. No representation without taxation, churches. As things currently are, with the IRS not doing its job, the churches are having their cakes and eating it too.
You might want to call/write Freedom From Religion Foundation ( They are adept at getting that sort of information to the right/effective targets.
James Russo, but maybe in this case, it will be “the last straw.” We can hope, can’t we?
I’m not ready to just hand my city over to them.
James, I wouldn’t be to harsh on all “the churches.” Look around your local community. Who’s giving out free meals? Who’s volunteering in the winter homeless shelters? Who’s giving rides to medical appointments for those who can’t drive themselves?
The “mainline” Protestant churches have been steadily losing membership for years. Ditto the Catholic Church (which, BTW runs Catholic Relief Services, the St. Vincent DePaul Society, etc. etc., etc.). Not to mention parochial schools which help an awful lot of disadvantaged kids get a better education than they’d get otherwise.
Yes, the Mormons, the JWs and the evangelical hucksters are a different story. But too many non-believers spout out “tax the churches” without looking at what real churches (COS obviously not included) are doing for the poor and for society as a whole.
James, churches cannot support or oppose a CANDIDATE. They are permitted to support or oppose ISSUES. This is a case of a church actively working against a CANDIDATE and therefore going against the policy of the IRS. That being said, the IRS will do nothing as they are afraid. That’s kind of how Scientology got tax exemption in the first place.
I have relatives who are told outright – outright, straight from the from the pulpit, mind you – told by their pastor that it is their Christian duty to vote Republican. And they do. Always. God wants them to. Jesus wants them to. You can’t love God and Jesus and vote for a Democrat And Jesus is coming back and Earth is going to disintegrate anyway so better not take any chances…they do at the polls what their pastor tells them to do.
Is this legal? I don’t know. You tell me.
All I know is, legal or not, you can’t fix stupid.
How did the colonies finally get justice? They went to war!
This is kind off off topic, and if Mike chooses not to put it in that is fine:
I was supposed to be dead in 2002 according to the only Right Arm Captain in the Sea Org, Captain Mike Napier of the Freewinds. He held my then wife prisoner for 6 months while they waited for me to die. They let her go when I was all but dead . She was afraid to go to the store as she expected to find me dead when she got back.
15 years ago this week I was at AOLA doing my Golden Age of Tech courses when I ran into Joan Heller in the elevator. Joan was my last auditor on the Freewinds and in the last session she got a read on “PTP” and I told her that I was dying.
When she saw me in the elevator she jumped as if she had seen a ghost.
I said ” I guess that you did not expect to see me again” to which she replied : ” No, I really didn’t.”. The look on her face was priceless.
I would like to add that a number of friends of mine on the ship that were in perfect health when I left, namely former Chief Engineer Richard (Wak) Allcock, D/Capt Paul McElveen and Jorge Arroyo who was my cabin mate who hanged himself.
As I told at least 10 crew while I was there” The only way off this ship is in a box”.
I have no doubt that more are dying as I speak.
They all certainly deserved to live and the cult is responsible for their demise.
I made this comment earlier on Underground Bunker:
I have Little to No knowledge of the law, but is it possible for someone to protest/take some sort of action against this – on a Civil level?
I.E., . . . . Is there Anything ‘we’ can do? At this stage of the game, there Has to be Something.
Marne — Here is the link to the official IRS Tax-Exempt Organization Complaint Form:
The IRS has so many reason it can revoke the church of scientology’s 501c3. Here’s yet another one. I won’t hold my breath. But I’m very happy that Mike and Tony don’t give up on exposing this mean and cruel, horrible, vile, disgusting… “religion.”