Just how many ribbons is too many?
Is there such a thing as ribbon envy? Small ribbon syndrome?
Seems that the magnitude of his ribbon pulling events is now being measured by the size and quantity of his bows and sashes.
Surprised they haven’t put them on all 4 sides of each building.
What a ridiculous joke this has become. The re-re-opening of “LRH’s dream”(?) is going to be “the best event ever” — as measured by inches of satin ribbon dropped. “More satin ribbon used for this grand ribbon dropping ceremony than in all the curtains in Buckingham Palace combined. The ribbons weigh more than 6.3 Flag buses. This is going to be in the Guinness Book of World Records as the highest ever volume of same colored satin dropped from the side of a building at one time ever in the history of satin. (Applause)”
And meantime, the frantic staff are desperately trying to entice people to show up — offering FOOD and a “lost tech of dissemination” seminar. And GOLD WILL BE FILMING. Always good to know in advance.
At least they are aware that they have lost any tech of dissemination they might once have had.
Is this a tip that the next major breakthrough in planetary clearing is going to be “The Golden Age of Dissemination”?
Come one, come all. Let’s flow some “energy” (so do not forget your credit cards) in celebration of this historic event.
You wouldn’t want to dis the Pope….
Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2014
Subject: Hear Ye… Hear Ye… A message from Nick, Pac OTC Co-ChairHear Ye… Hear Ye…
Please be advised that we have some special events planned this weekend to go along with the openings, and Sue and I would like you to attend.
1. Future of Pac event in the AOLA Atrium on Saturday, 8 March 2014, at 4:00. This is in the brand new Atrium! You will have time to tour the buildings before this event, and we will have food at it for you. You will learn about what comes next for the Pac Bridge! This is a VITAL event, and you will LOVE the news that you hear at this event. I will give you a little hint of what you will hear…
I changed my mind, you will have to be there to find out!
2. Sunday Services in the new AOLA Atrium or ASHO Chapel Sunday morning at 11:00 am. You have your choice of which one you would like to attend.
3. Lost Tech of Dissemination event Sunday at 3:45 in the brand new AOLA Atrium, with the Senior C/S and top FSMs drilling with YOU! This is another vital event for you to attend!
Please reply that you are coming.
ML, Nick Lekas
Co-Chair, Pac OT CommitteeDate: Wed, 5 Mar 2014
Subject: The Lost Tech of DisseminationSUNDAY MARCH 9th 3:30pm AOLA ATRIUM
The Lost Tech of Dissemination Seminar
with speakers CO CLO, Mr. Vicki Shantz & Senior C/S WUS Mr. Andres RodriguezDrill with Top Professional FSMs!
This is your chance to become the FSM you have always dreamed of being.
Get the LRH tools and DRILL!
We want to pack the house!!
Gold will be there filming so put on your Sunday best!
Please hit reply to let us know you’re coming!
Sue, Nick & KarlaDate: Wed, 5 Mar 2014
Subject: Important – PAC Base ProjectFOR OTC ONLY – DO NOT FORWARD
Dear PAC OTC Member,
To flow some much deserved power and gratitude back to the Captains and staff of the PAC Base for making an incredible Base for all of us, we want to get as many flows of energy in as possible for the PAC Base Auditorium project before the Grand Opening on Saturday.
Please make a flow to the PAC Auditorium Project or move up to your next status!
To make your donation, call Nick Lekas at 213-500-8962 or me at 818-661-0786.
Andrea Kluge
PAC Base OT Committee
Finally, here is the latest promotional piece just sent out. You note there is now NO mention at all of the “Grand Opening” of the Test Center on Hollywood Blvd, the one that was going to be opened last Friday just in time for the Academy Awards crowd.
And don’t you DARE be late, event is 2pm SHARP. COB will NOT tolerate people who cannot organize themselves adequately to show up for events.
Probably fairly safe to say ‘more than in Buckingham Palace’ as I seriously doubt they’d have any fabrics that cheap and nasty there!!
Here is a video that perfectly sums up the accomplishment of Ideal Orgs, and particularly the incredible stupendous accomplishment of the grand re-re-re-re-re-opening of the PAC orgs…
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9U0tDU37q2M&w=420&h=315%5D
Thanks Steve,
Just delightful!
i love the syrupy way someone asked for “energy” or “make a flow” or “flow power” to the poor hard working pac base staff , for their auditorium. They can’t even say the word money anymore? Me thinks it’s become a bit of a button.
Is Andrea Kluge the gal that used to be the Chief Officer at ASHO, Sally Prother’s daughter?
Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2014
Subject: Hear Ye… Hear Ye… A message from Nick, Pac OTC Co-Chair
Hear Ye… Hear Ye…
Bring out yer dead! Bring out yer dead!
Love your sense of humor!
Hold on one minute…We just opened a drawer in one of LRH’s desks and lo and behold we found some more lost tech…the lost tech was in an envelope and the writing on the envelope said “for dm’s eyes only”. It had other stuff written on it too and that stuff is confidential material so we can’t show you the envelope. Another thing inside the envelope is an LRH hand written HCOB stating that LRH is channeling himself through the cob and all actions taken by the cob are now officially sanctioned as being direct LRH orders!! Wow!!
LOL! Good one Tony!
This just in. An old dusty trunk was just found in LRH’s attic containing pages and pages of lost tech. Nobody had ever thought of looking into this trunk before. Now we think we have all of the lost tech but this will take us years to sort out. Stand by for GAT 3.
THEN how about ‘a secret cache of profound research deposited by LRH for safekeeping at a Tibetan monastery during his explorations’.
Of course David Miscavige and his reges = every single staff member are fully aware of this Hubbard datum. In fact they use it every single day together with another LRH datum: “The ONLY way you can control anybody is to lie to them.” (Technique 88) to make people, whose main purpose in life is to be a good little scientologist, depart with their money.
How many have experienced being suddenly invited out for dinner or invited into an office to have a nice little ol´ chat, and once you sit down you realize there is not one, but two Sea Org members together with you at the restaurant or in the room? They always start out with something you have reality on, to make you feel good, like: “You are such a BIG thetan! A powerful thetan! You are one of a kind! You are special! You are one of the few who can really make things go right! We have selected YOU to make a BIG impact because you are one of the few who can do it. We want you to donate $180,000!!!” Pause, gulp, huh……..? The minute you start telling them that this is not possible, you don´t have the money and, and, and……they start pushing all your buttons to overwhelm you and make you feel guilty about not contributing enough. They make you believe that the whole agonizing future of every man, woman and child rests entirely on what you can donate to Scientology NOW! They tell you that you know you can contribute but you just won´t etc. etc. etc. These people are highly trained in getting you DOWN the tone scale so that you will finally succumb and give them what they want in order to escape the situation you´re in. They never expected to get $180,000. They just start out by demanding a huge amount, meaning you won´t get away from them by just handing over $100.
Finally you hear yourself say: “Ok, I´ll donate $5,000.” This is more than I have ever spent on myself or my child or anybody. To them it´s nothing! Well, it´s next to nothing. It was so little, they didn´t even thank me for it.
Their next instruction is: “Get the money immediately!” – So the donator doesn´t get time to think it over. For this reason they have an Iphone so the money can be transferred right there on the spot.
These people are highly trained money extortioners, but make no mistake about it: Behind their jovial, friendly, joking, laughing facade their heart is an iceberg. They couldn´t care less about you and your petty life or your problems and heart aches and how you are going to survive without this money.
The last time I bumped into such an iceberg who ripped me off I finally WOKE UP – BIG TIME! And I knew that the only way OUT was the way OUT!
My greatest cognition after I left was: How absolutely GULLIBLE and STUPID and NAIVE I had become! – A little Hubbard datum helped on this one: “Most people get so confused by all the lies around they come to believe ANYTHING they are told, and that´s the reason the suppressive lies.”
I’d love to see one of these people take a stab at me and really learn the meaning of the word NO!
I remember one of the Apollo Stars tracks, “We are moving in”, when Scientology was on the up, now it has changed to: COB is moving OUT. And the sooner the better-drums, trumpets.
David Miscavige, You are going DOWN while the world is going UP!!!! And it doesn’t take Charlie Rush, Russ Meadows and the rest of the Apollo Stars to sing that one. Mike, remember the song?
If sarcasm is anger’s ugly cousin then you, Mr. Rinder are an angry man. That being said, keep up the good work. My guess is that Mr. Miscavige is far angrier than you right now; and with no sense of humor, he must either internalize it or beat up one of his subordinates.
One of the biggest mysteries about Miscavige is how a man with facial similarities to Alfred E. Newman (Madd Magazine) can be so utterly devoid of humor.
As a non-Scientologist I am quietly addicted to the circus circling the drain that is the CoS. But just how forgetful and clumsy can an entire Church be to “lose” and “find” so many of LRH’s words? The words that do remain seem to be morphing closer and closer to the doublethink doublespeak of 1984. Meanwhile, keep the blogs coming, I am so delighted to see, hear and read of the rebirth into reality and sanity of all those who have left.
Well, a search for “lifecycle of a dictatorship” turned up this by J.O. Hertzler, “The Typical Life Cycle of a Dictatorship” from Social Forces:
1) period of chaos, depression and governmental breakdown
2) preparation for the power by the rising dictatorial pwoer
3) the thrust for power, the coup d’etat
4) the conquest or the revolution
5) the entrenchment
6) the decline
7) the uprising and the overthrow
Now, guess where we are? Next to watch out for is that following point 7, one doesn’t simply end up with another, more clever dictatorship.
I think you’ve got it wrong Mike, Miscavige will be announcing The Golden Age of Regging!
“I will give you a hint of what you will find out… No changed my mind you’ll have to be there”. Ooh Nick, you tease you. Well Nick I will give you a hint: more lies, false stats, lots of rah-rah and no substance. And that endless empty feeling in the pit of your stomach that says you’re being conned and you know it.
I think we should reflect for a moment on what LRH has to say about getting money out of people:
“It´s much easier to get a great deal of money out of somebody who´s on a down spiral into becoming MEST than it is to get money out of somebody who is going on an up spiral toward becoming theta.”
December 4, 1952 Philadelphia Doctorate Course lecture # 15
So there you have it! The more lowtoned and moving towards succumb, the more you donate. The more uptoned and moving towards survival, the less you donate.
Makes perfect sense!
No mention of any auditing or training of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“Please make a flow (give us all your money and we will give you NOTHING in return) to the PAC Auditorium Project or move up to your next status!
To make your donation, call Nick Lekas at…………”
I bet people can´t wait to attend – and hand over all their money and hear about all the “lost” tech. I myself would call immediately, eager to participate in the exitement, if only I didn´t live so far away.
Too bad I live in Denmark! – But then again, a lot of exiting DONATION parties and get togethers are going on here in Denmark as well. And from what we´ve heard, donating has become so refined that it is just as good as auditing. And a whole lot faster!
Guess that´ll have to do for now!
Special comment for KFrancis: Please contact me with your shipping information. I can be reached at [email protected]. If you are no longer interested in the emeter, please let me know. I have someone else who is interested. Thanks, Rachel
It would be fitting to open up the festivities with Tony Orlando and Dawn signing, “Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Old Pac Base”
Whoa, tie a yellow ribbon ’round the ole Pac Base
It’s been thirty long years
Do you still want me
If I don’t see a ribbon ’round the ole Pac Base
I’ll stay on the bus
Forget about us
Put the blame on me ……..
It’s my curiosity and having done a full hat as a staff at Saint Hill.
BUT… Do these ribbon cutting re openings actually raise stats or cause declining stats ?
Is a ribbon cutting a surveyed item that public LIKE or HATE ? Or don’t care ?
If public don’t care or hate ribbon cuttings the truth is DO NOTHING AND THINGS WILL GET BETTER.
In fact if D.M. just moved off the lines,wrote an amnesty for anyone, cancelled the RPF, RPFs RPF and the HOLE,
reinstated Int management and standard tech circa 1978
Holy Shit I just woke up,what a hangover, I am not taking free drinks at the blackjack tables anymore.
How about donating to the paychecks of org staff so they don’t stink for lack of deo and can wipe with something other than ethics commendations
Now you know very well that ain’t a gonna happen.
Goldenrod toilet paper? ROFL
Imagine if, just before the ribbon pull, the sound system played Joanne Wheaton’s Squirrel Buster video, cackling and yelling, “MAAAAARTYYYY!!!”.
It sucks to be Miscavige.
Sucks more to be his junior.
I have an idea that would be “vital, world-changing,” etc etc… how about getting so many people onto the BC that roll call takes 15 minutes… like it did 30 fucking years ago!
I always get a great laff when I see the words about “do not forward this email”, and then it appears on the blog! 🙂
I could not resist the plea and did send a “flow”. — May it enlighten one of those poor souls.
And thus I celebrate the “Golden Age of Ribbonation”.
How much tech can one church lose?
Just curious.
That’s funny!
Well, with the Keeper of the Keep Losing Tech on the planet at the helm, you can be sure that the abundance of Lost Tech is the one thing you can count on.
At some point they will have to convene their own Council of Nicaea to agree on what’s official and what isn’t.
Well, happily, this time we have pictures from the “last big hooplah” at LA Org when Sheriff Baca was there to compare to the pix of attendees this time. Now where did I file those pictures?
Every frickin’ thing is ‘vital’. So over used! I wonder if the sheeple read that word (over and over again) and throw up in their mouths a little each time?
And mandatory!
Over a decade ago when I was still “around” I just ignored all the demands to attend events. (would just say I was going out of town for work) The last one I had gone to was the IRS announcement at Pac.
“You will have time to tour the buildings before this event, and we will have food at it for you.”
Is Nick Lekas a born in that has no formal education or are we witnessing plain stupid?
At least he didn’t throw in a bunch of “Anyhoo” and Sheesh”.
Yeah…a what? Nick is having some trouble communicating. Better re-do the Pro TRs, again.
Probably should have.
Would have made him seem somewhat intelligent and indicative of a sense of humor.
Somewhat lacking in the CoS these days and even the occasional commenter or troll whichever you prefer on this board.
Sheeeesh BTW is usually spelled with three e’s and anyhoo is followed by ellipses as such….
Perhaps he meant food addicts for you.
Thank you KillMeNow!
I am so glad to be done with the RCS.
Thank you for your diligent reporting. I remain fascinated by the slow motion implosion of Miscavige and the church. Oooo, that makes me A Spectator….
This is getting truly hilarious!!
HOW MUCH “lost tech” is there anyways??? Lol!!!
And then with the ribbons!! It is all about MEST. Shiny buildings. Big ribbons. Signing pieces of paper. Buying things for Tom Cruise. What a disgusting joke this cult has become. And it just keeps getting worse. I mean, have an ounce of shame little cobby boy. You must be smart enough to know you are DONE!!! EPIC FAIL COB!!! Face it!!!
I know you won’t, so I will laugh at you all the way down…
J & D Alert:
Could some shooper please do DM as Sherlock Holmes with hat, pipe and spyglass, searching for Lost Tech? Maybe with TC as Watson by his side. Pretty Please?
ATTENTION ALL SCIENTOLOGISTS! More LOST TECH found! Thats right! An improbably simple yet powerful piece of tech that has been right under your collective noses for about 30 years now. It actually is a key piece of missing tech. It opens the door (quite literally) to a handling. It’s very simple. Ready? No keep your wallets and purses at home kids, this is a freebie. One simple command. It’s run by the individual on himself and repeated until you have a cognition. “Wake up and smell the coffee”.
Loads of lost tech. As much as you need, whenever you need it. Come get some while stocks last. Half price because due date expires tomorrow!
Step right up and get your lost tech here!! Get your brand new lost tech here!! Lost tech cures anything that ails you. It cures hangnails, headaches, confusions and drowsiness.
And most importantly, it slims overweight bank accounts and allows you to reach your maximum potential on all your credit cards.
A zero balance is closer to the true nature of a thetan.
Tony – it’s ALL lost.
DM is a lunatic!
Oh look.
RTC just got another “Service Mark” filed.
This seems to be their modus operandi. Instead of protect them which was what they were supposed to do according to their charter just make more.
Maybe they should call RTC the Doritos of Scientology.
What should we thank the Captains for?
Oh yeah putting the Org there or whatever.
I remember when putting an Org there meant getting the Tech/ Admin ratio in line and having the correct compliment of staff so you could…….wait for it…….actually deliver Scientology services.
Now its just re-re-re- renovating the buildings so they can get a photo op with what’s his name.
You know the guy who thinks he’s the Pope or something.
Talk about delusions of grandeur.
Wonder if the “new” AO atrium is anything like the old one. Like being a refrigerator during the winter and standing in an oven during the summer.
Think the last time I was there was when Lee Anne told the stunned audience (well at least I was stunned) that Ron really didn’t know what he was doing and thanked RTC for making the technology comprehensible that even morons like her could understand it.
Of course this was just before she used her “OT” abilities to launch a cruise missile into her brother’s career.
I mean before that people just thought Tom was annoying when he went on about Scientology and after her good work people figured the guy was a fruit cake.
So much for my fond memories of the old atrium.
Looks like they painted Big Blue with the same cheap Home Depot bargain basement paint they painted it with last time so that big blue will be dull gray and once again vanish in the LA haze until they “renovate” it again.
Maybe they should get a prize for the most renovated building in history.
Four “anyhoos” in one post, a new record. I keep wondering what it means since I can’t find it in any dictionary. “Anyhow”? That’s an adverb but must be in context. “Anyway”? Similar adverb, but still not in context standing alone. I’m puzzled.
“Anyhoo” was used in many Vaudeville routines, and you can hear it on old radio shows. I guess you could call it 1920s slang.
Hey T 77,
I decided to cut back on my anyhoos anyhow.
Was kinda of a cutzy alteration of anyhow that I picked up while posting on ARS way back mostly used by the ARSCC Librarian at the time along with sheeesh.
(Anyone who is interested in the ARSCC Librarian can find her posts here:
Veritas is mirrored here:
Have fun 😉 )
The “anyhoo….” could be considered an introductory adverb and the “sheeesh” an interjection.
As in now we’re getting into the niceties of the English Language…
Anyhoo…. 😉
I actually decided to drop them out of my repertoire.
A moment of silence please.
As it seems I’m getting into possible overrun.
Oops, missed a word. “out of the maze”.
Mike, your great sense of humor never disappoints. Every day in every way I am so glad to be out of there!
In May I will be celebrating 4 years of the maze and life is good. Keep up the good work!
What happened to the amazing luncheon spread they were promoting a week ago?
Hi Natasha! Nice to hear from you. Havent seen you here for a while.
The hot dogs are waiting. They’re a couple of weeks old now, but they’re not the expensive organic ones without artificial preservatives. They will last through the March 13th event and be adequate for the half empty lower level of the Shrine….
mike would you or other readers out there consider doing a piece on scientology food?
we’ve heard about the rice & beans of the SO and miscavige’s gourmet lifestyle.
but what about at this big events when they say a “sumptuous” dinner will be served or things to that effect. like at the super power weekend events, things that are suppose to be grand.
do they serve full course meals like prime rib or seafood with choices and options……like a typical banquet?…….do they ever give quality?…..is it buffet style or served?
are all the guests eating the same food or some treated better than others……..sort of like VIP food?………i would think that at least on some occasions, in order to keep up appearances, “sumptuous” would have to mean that.
anyone have any idea what type of food could be bought with those meal tickets at the super power opening?
if you have to wear a tux and a gown and then sit down to plate of baked ziti……..i mean come on.
Stouffer’s redo’s.
WhiteStar, I can tell you that at the local org where I am, they often serve El Pollo Loco.
The Damnation Navy slaves will still lap it up. Just hope they don’t eat too much and get sick…
Isn’t that berthing in the third picture? Did the SO staff get Ideal Berthing too? I actually wouldn’t mind at all but doubt that is the case.
So the Poser Pope has made a Trinity of Ribbons to glorify Himself. He must be proud.
Yes, that is berthing. And there is no effort to make “Ideal” berthing (except for Dear Leader). I am sure this ribbon represents “the Ideal PAC Bridge (minus the LA Org Test Center)”
Davey always outdoes himself. He’s apply Exchange Condition Four. What a guy. All he needs is Deniece Williams singing ‘Let’s hear it for the boy.’
I highly doubt staff got ideal berthing, unfortunately. Back in the mid-2000s the ILO launched projects to find ideal berthing for their crew, and Miscavige ordered the termination of the project and that was the end of any thought of improved berthing. I think the problem with Miscavige is the degree that he loves MEST is equalled by the degree of hate he has for people.
Hear ye…hear ye…..RRRRRRR…What is it? An Airplane? Superman? RRRRRRR
And the weather forecast will be mostly sunny but with a chance of Rinder! (Not my quip – someone else on this blog thought this up and I love it.)
Oh so happy to be missing this. The Vatican has The Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo and RCS has gaudy decorations. I guess Dave knows best as usual.
Gee, one of those ribbons (the one that looks incomplete) is on the Pac Base Sea Org Berthing Building (PBSOBB). I was in that building many times in the ’90s. It was very run down and degraded and filthy and smelly. And the elevator didn’t work. I was in some crew sleeping quarters with four 6-high bunks in the room. I wonder if Miscavige coughed up the cash to fix up the PBSOBB, or will they have to wait another twenty years?
Oh, yeah. I’ve been in the AOLA atrium (I officiated a wedding there) and in the ASHO chapel. They’d be lucky to get 500 people in both locales combined. Not 10,000.
Oh you had it good. When I lived there, was stuck with 30-40 guys in a room with athletes foot infected carpeting, no ventilation, and a broken window. Plus theft was rampant.
Other than that, how did you enjoy your stay?
This REALLY pisses me off! The total contempt for staff and disregard of even the most basic amenities. Even in the some of the worst conditions in the old USSR, people had a bit more space than that. I just don’t get how people think it is OK to treat others like this…
Therein lies the problem – They don’t think.
That’s why I slept on the roof!
Yea I lived in that shit hole too in a 10 x 6 closet converted into a room opposite a toilet where covert SO members would hid and maturbate for hours on end. That was on the ground floor and the showers were on 9th floor where the other single toilet was. Disgusting conditions and that was in the year 2001.
AOLA atrium was my office. What could they possibly do to renovate it. It was already renovated once as was the whole building. They probably removed all the auditing rooms and made them into reg offices for the Idle org programs.
This is very telling of the convoluted mess that the RCS has created of it’s members dynamics. God forbid we’d have some private and decent housing for staff because the 2D is cancelled, except for those pesky and nasty urges that keep presenting themselves. Natural sexual pleasure and procreation is something to be ashamed of, instead of lived, enjoyed and exchanged with, in a responsible way. But NOOOOOOOOOO! We have to have a few billion languishing in accounts and super shiney re, re, re renovated buildings. Don’t forget dm’s lavish lifestyle and flowers for tc to frolic in at the Int. base. Paying staff a living wage and providing decency is off the table.
Well Hallie, we all know Dave’s got his priorities. Don’t you realize Scientology would die if TC wasn’t out there promoting the cause.