More insanity from inside the bubble.
Mighty Miami Ideal Org
Miami Org has achieved the level of
Miami supports and back up the IAS, the greatest force we have to Keep Scientology Working and change the 4th Dynamic condition on this planet!✨♾
A BIG thank you to all Miami staff and public for your continued contribution and support of the IAS!!
Keep it up and let’s work together to get it to the next level!!
This is one of the more ridiculous things I have seen in the Alice In Wonderland world of scientology.
These people are congratulating themselves for having collected money for the IAS. Itself one of the greatest scams in scientology.
After they finished gouging/begging and cajoling people to hand over their money for the pointless “ideal org” they seem to have turned to the even more useless cause of the IAS to beg, borrow and steal for.
If they were actually interested in “Clearing the Planet” as they claim, they could have done other things with this money that would have achieved far more towards their supposed objective:
- An advertising campaign to try to counteract their horrendous image
- Handed out free copies of Dianetics in the hope that some might be suckered in
- Paid people to come in and take introductory services
- Paid people to get auditing
- Paid their staff
This is yet another demonstration of the scientology organization’s absolute fixation on making money.
As I have said before. Scientology worships at the altar of the almighty dollar….
Very well done! The staff deserves a slice of pizza each to energize them for next week’s stats effort. What comes above Patron Meritorious?
Heilfred the Turd – I know you get that sinking feelng every time your money goes out the door for this scam. Why not wise up and give real life a chance? Nobody here will fault you, at least not too much, for getting caught up in this non-religious money-making scam. You know it’s only a religion because the IRS allowed a tax exemption, right? You know there are dozens of countries that do not recognize Scientology as anything but a harmful scam? Time to wake up… You don’t want to end up 70 years old and penniless, kicked out of Scientology because you can’t donate enough anymore.
That’s the second troll I’ve seen here in the past month, Heilboy Wilneer, the Turd. You Osa shills are really 10x on all dynamics, right? One of these days, when you examine how much money you got scammed out of, and wonder if you can ever get a refund, your COB has the answer – “NO NEVER! No Refunds!”
Good questions to send up your lines:
What is the IAS Status of Miscvige? (The big little Zero).
Where is Miscvige on the Bridge? (The big little Zero)
How much study time on LRH daily for DM? (The big little Zero)
Are we seeing a pattern here? Now, everyone sing this verse every time a thought of COB passes your mind:
“He’s a real nowhere man,
Sitting in his nowhere land,
Making all his nowhere plans for nobody.”
I think it’s the same apprentice troll using different names.
The money dynamic, trumps everything in Scientology. And boy, what a joker in the deck it is, it’s the only card in a Scientology deck anyway. What a friggen loser’s game it is, playing with them.
Agreed that is this murky: orgs taking credit for reaching an IAS status. It may amount to double-dipping where the parishioner or staff member achieves an individual donation status, then these are totaled as a high-falutin status for the org as a whole.
Either way, I feel sadly vindicated, cleared of my guilt for past suspicious feelings about the IAS and their registrars—or as they later took to nobly calling themselves “IAS fundraisers.” I repeatedly found them to be the most penetratingly hostile individuals, whether a male or female fundraiser. Most were so steadily nefarious that our public head of the OT Committee banned all except one in our org. Imagine—within the overall group, one faction is so dark and awful, that a respected individual within the group is allowed to BAN YOU. That’s some dark stuff.
Did this inspire the IAS to self-inspect and clean up the racketeering behaviors in their ranks? Of course no. You could see that when you ventured away from the local org to an advanced org, where you were guaranteed to encounter other IAS fundraisers operating out of the dirty-tricks, trap-you-and-yell-at-you [until you bled money] playbook.
Now, having been out of the group for some time and to learn what all this massive fundraising goes toward for real, and what it is does not, it all makes so much sad sense. They are a bunch of crooks and that is unabashedly how they act all the time.
What might this be called….perhaps “hiding in plain sight”.
It definitely would make sense for them to try to repair their reputation. Although, considering their efforts at damage control so far, that may be throwing good money after bad. It would also make sense for them to pay their staff; as long as you have plenty to draw on you may choose to abuse them all you want but clearly the reservoir for new recruits must be drying up something fiercely.
But I am unsurprised that they are prioritizing the IAS over everything else. There they can receive straight “donations” with no real obligations or future liabilities. If they were to do what they are supposedly all about, sell “services”, they have to worry about undelivered hours, refund demands, fraud allegations and the possibility that the IRS may ever grow a pair and forbid quid pro quo “donations”–just as they have done for all other churches. Taking straight “donations” obliges hem to nothing whatsoever.
Demento is only interested in money, money, and yet even more money. Stuff everything else, it’s only there to rake more moolah in for him. When $camology goes under he’ll throw the whole rotten edifice under the bus and disappear taking everything with him.
So, wait … instead of just up-front regging people to give to the IAS, they somehow regged people to give money to the Miami Org to give to the IAS?
Or is this a cumulative sum of the money given by Miami Org parishioners? If so, that says something sad about how little their public is giving compared to the whales. (Patron meritorious would be five patrons.) I suppose they’ve got more direct competition with Clearwater/Flag, but still.
Not sure, but I suspect they get people to give to the org to give to the IAS.
Mr. Rinder, I hope you and your family had a wonderful vacation. Sometimes, you need to get away and have fun. You and Ms. Remini have earned it. I look forward to the next podcast.
Nothing, short of paying off everyone who ever worked for $cientology and paying off all those who were subjected to ‘fair game’ or died of willful neglect would ever help the PR of $cientology. They are and will always remain ‘Ebola coated Kiddie porn’. If they shut their doors and rebranded as ‘cosmic halitosis’ they might do better in the PR department.
‘Ebola coated Kiddie porn’
I’m stealing that Zee and no, I won’t give it back.
You’ve said it before and you’ll say it again.
Over and over. There just ain’t no end.
Repetitive and boring. Nobody cares.
You just keep repeating it till you there’s no more air.
Something can be done about it. You proclaim that is true.
But all you can do is make tiny squeaks. So try something new.
Same could be said for you.
Please find some other blog to entertain you. This one is clearly not your cup of tea.
That scientology continues to pour out inanities that are evidence of its true nature should not surprise you. It’s a culture that cannot change. You can be sure, I will continue to point out their lies, inconsistencies and real intentions, whether you approve or not.
Thanks Mike for taking the time to answer this person hiding behind some fake name.
And I thank you for that.
Well said Mike. The best “wealth extraction scheme” on Target 1 (Earth). Hope you had a great vacation with the family. 🙂
“Nobody cares.”
Wrong, Helfreid.
Many, many EX- Scientologists care – care outrageously about the lying and scamming and abuses being perpetrated by this Potemkin Village style “church”.
And then there are those who are Still In and UTR. You know what UTR is, don’t you? “Under The Radar”.
Scientologists in name only. Pretending to go along, keeping their heads down, playing the game as they know they should and must, so that they don’t get disconnected from their born into the cult children or from their parents, or other family. So that they don’t get disconnected from. These UTRs care a great deal.
And others who are in, and are “in good standing” yet who have family secrets, highly embarrassing stuff given over in auditing, which, if they left, the cult would make public knowledge so as to ruin them, to ruin their businesses their relationships and their reputations. These Still Ins care PLENTY.
And then there are those who have no skin in the game at all. They’ve never been in Scientology. They’ve never been ripped off or hurt by Scientology nor do they have any family or friends in the cult either. But interestingly, they care. They’ve read things. They’ve listened to Mike and Leah. And they care and they read and post here because – why? Well, they have compassion. They hate injustice. They don’t like to learn that good people have been abused, lied to, tricked, hurt. They want to see justice done. They want these wrongs righted. They care.
But, ah, you are bored. That’s a shame, Helfried.
But, wait! I know what you can do about this! I know THE CURE for boredom – boredom past, boredom present and any future boredom you may sustain, here or elsewhere!
What you do is, at your earliest convenience, go into your nearest Scientology org, and tell the staff that you REALLY need and want to see David Miscavige’s 1993 Event “The War Is Over” another time. Possibly several times! Would they please run this event for you again?
The reason being that when you saw it previously you never fully “got” the full import, the far-reaching, panoramic significance of the win that was achieved by Mr. Miscavige back then. That’s right, you never really…really…GOT it, you know? And as LRH says, “Number of times over the material, etc., etc.”
With this appeal there is no doubt that staff will VERY happily oblige and screen “The War IS Over” for you privately. Now, its 3 hours, this video. Go on your day off. Take an entire Saturday; watch it again, and again. And again and again. I guarantee you, Helfried, after this experience, there is nothing you will EVER encounter in life that will fail to hold your interest! You will never be bored. I’m quite certain of this! And I’ll be looking forward to reading your Success Story.
Much love,
HW III whoever you are you are, you are in the wrong place. Go picket in front of a Scientology organization if you are annoyed that Mike’s blog is not doing enough. If you are an OSA shill good job of sounding like one.
Nobody cares? How about the hundreds and hundreds of family members who miss their mothers, fathers, sons and daughter, brothers and sisters…… it does go on and on. And tireless exposure of this cult needs to go on publicly until it is shut down.
So if your idea of helping is to harass Mike who has done more in one second to eradicate the Scientology scourge than you will do in your lifetime then you have demonstrated once again that Scientology defenders are mentally unbalanced to the nth degree. Good job Helfreid Weber III.
If you think this could be done better, let’s see you do it instead of just complaining.
Shove off!
And go tell tiny boots that we ain’t goin’ away!
Are you capable of looking in the mirror?
Do so, and read your own post out loud to yourself. Outside of the slogan, intentionally mimicking Scientology’s “Scientology can help you with that”, what you’ve said applies to your post history here.
All you can do is make tiny squeaks. So try something new.
helfried why do you care about rinder’s boring, tiny squeaks, ?
Are you sure you aren’t talking about yourself? Let’s paraphrase parts of what you said:
“I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again and again and again, ad nauseam. Over and over. There just ain’t no end.”
“Repetitive and boring. Nobody cares. I just keep repeating it till I have no more air. But all I can do is make tiny squeaks.”
You have become a looped tape and just keep repeating the same bullshit over and over again. Go away you tiresome little person!
“An advertising campaign to try to counteract their horrendous image.”
I have quite a bit over the last few years and I really don’t think there is an advertising campaign that could repair their image.
But that’s just me.
That’s true, but at least there would be some sense in trying it rather than shoveling money down the IAS sinkhole…
Better if they used the money for REAL humanitarian purposes like helping the poor. Oops! I forgot! Poor people are downstats that natural selection is supposed to get rid of. Well, that’s what’s in one of those stupid Basics books anyway.