Tony sold 44 raw books last week – HIMSELF ! Our Boss at Scientology Missions International had this made and sent to him. Quite fitting since Tony is Chinese/Taiwanese and it IS the year of the TIGER. Tony has been my staff member at the Riverpark Mission for 25 years. He is so pan-determined and so tireless and so dedicated to helping LRH Clear Earth. He deserves the utmost in admiration. I am so proud of him. The more books we avalanche out into the community the more we will turn the tide and win the day .. the day of sanity and freedom envisioned by LRH for all mankind. We would not mind more volunteers and staff – there is so much more we can do with more shoulders to the wheel. Message me if you are interested. Love, (the Mission Holder)
Tells you all you need to know about the state of scientology in the world.
This is one of the BEST missions, located in Sacramento, California. They have 1 -3 people start a new service each week, and this is considered good. Back in the old days, big missions had 5 people starting a new service every DAY.
You gotta love the notation on the graph “COVID Dev-T.” This IS what scientologists think, based on Miscavige’s “Planetary Bullbait” issue.
The delusional world of scientology on display once again….
After Steve Surray stepped down then it was Ross Nakamura running the show in SLC. But he was declared and it was said he embezzled from the mission etc. However decades later when I started really reading facts and truth, I read about the Mission Massacre and so now I wonder if Ross was just a victim of the Mission HOlder’s Massacre.
A BIS graph that jumps up and down every week at low numbers means that most if not all are people being brought in for a $5 paid lecture or the like and NOT people training on the “real” scamology courses that take weeks or months or getting paid auditing, the thing that costs real money. In other words not anything that will even keep the LED lights burning.
Dismal stats, but I guess they have to celebrate anything.
The dawning of the internet is one of the worst things to ever happen to scientology. A quick search tells all potential victims to get as far away from this evil cult as possible. Glorious!
The new Rap Group to expound the virtues of NOT being a member of COS
Love this😉👍🏽❤
Thanks Mark…..I call it as I see or hear it. COS needs to go….disappear..permanently.
The average book sales over that short period is 1 per day. Numerically it is 1.3, but you can’t sell part of a book, so we use the integer, one.
The trendline goes from .8 to 1.8 books per day.
This is nothing to crow about. Because you can’t sell .8 of a book, the actual trend is from 0 to 1 book per day. That means sometime in the future the mission *might* continue to average 1 book per day – just like this current period’s actual average.
For the math challenged, going from an average of one book sold per day to a potential of one book sold per day is not an increase.
Again, and as usual, “nothing to crow about” is turned into “A Super Big Deal!!!” by the careful application of misleading statements and/or plain old lies. For this, the Mission is awarded a VWD postcard, signed with a genuine rubber stamp of LRH’s signature.
Also, I just want to say that……….
Hold on. Comm particle coming in.
The three individuals mentioned above are ordered to attend a Committee of Evidence to answer to the following crime:
You will be advised that our beloved COB never slaps anyone. He only mildly scolds to correct out-ethics behavior, occasionally delivering an upper cut to the lower abdomen should the situation warrant it. The CofE will be held at a date to be determined as it must be held after my release from the local jail where I was incarcerated on a false charge of holding people hostage at an IAS event
who wouldn’t buy a lifetime membership. Once I am released from jail(Minister Farrakhan has promised to post bail), I will notify you of the date of the CofE. It is imperative that you attend or your eternity will be in jeopardy.
Midshipman Shanaynay Muhammad
Nation of Islam/Sea Org.
To: Midshipman Shanaynay Muhammad Nation of Islam/Sea Org
From: Alcoboy
Re: Committee of Evidence.
I will have you know that the First Ammendment to the Constitution allows all Americans freedom of speech. This allows us to refer to ‘Captain’ Miscavige as Slappy, Tiny Boots, Dwarfenfuhrer or any other name we care to use.
Enjoy your time in jail.
No love at all,
It must be excruciating to be staff these days.
Especially in Ideal Orgs.
It was never easy, but now……
So hopeless
Safely on the outside, one can hope that Covid and its bad effects on the economy caused staff enough very real hardship so as to give them legitimate reasons for routing off staff. Not that I’m wishing hardship per se on them – no! But Covid and its travails could well provide at least an opening to what will hopefully be their permanent escape from staff!
Re: Back in the old days…
I got into scientology in 1977 at the Salt Lake City Mission in Utah. During the Communications Course, we had rows of twins doing the training routines. When I did the HQS course, there were many people on course. One evening during a break in the hallway all the way through reception and to the front door, it was STANDING ROOM ONLY. We were shoulder-to-shoulder and buzzing with laughter and excitement.
I’ve heard that a lot. Scientology was great during the ‘good old hubbard days’, then he died, Slappy took over and everything went to shit from there.
That’s why they need CHANGE
Tech in Harry Porter series is a good option , as it is more marketable 😉
Wingardium Leviosa!
Yep. That sheet of paper is floating all around the room.
Now the next person to encounter David Miscavige, would they please point a stick at him and say the words ‘Advara Kadvara!’
I will do my best to get you out of a life sentence in Azkaban.
Keeping it simple, back then almost nobody on the lower levels knew what was on the OT levels or anything about the corruption in the organization. It was easy to believe scn was a worthwhile self improvement, self awareness and even a global improvement subject.
Apparently current scns deliberately avoid negative information about scn and DM has had many years to condition them to his new normal.
Fred G.- I also entered scn at the Salt Lake City mission around 1974 and it was moderately busy, at least enough to be self sustaining. By 1977 I was living and working in LA and continuing my scn studies. From what you say by 1977 or shortly after the SLC mission was profitable enough that the mission holder started another mission in Bellevue, Washington. I split scn around 1979 because of the price increases and I guess a few years later came the Mission Massacre which looted the missions and slowed things down for awhile.
Back in the 1999-2002 period, when I was in the courseroom at ASHO, it was similarly jam-packed, and there was almost always a long line of people from inside the canteen to outside on the sidewalk on breaks and at lunch time on the weekends.
Fast forward to 2004-05 in DC, and having a dozen people in any given courseroom(at the old org at 20th and R Streets, N.W.) was considered a busy, “up-stat” day.
By the time I exited the cult staff grinder in May of 2011 at the so-called “ideal org” in D.C.(16th and P Streets, N.W.), “call-in” (phone ‘regging’ for prospective p.c.’s) was a regular part of the auditors morning routine because things were so dead in the HGC.
Any year now, the planet will be “cleared” of the sciebollocks cancer…
Hi Fred (and Richard), here’s my recollection of that time period at the SLC mission. The mission was indeed buzzing with activity in the late 70’s. The Comm Course and HQS Course were very busy and the Friday night graduations were packed. Those folks who were training to be auditors on the old dianetics course were toting around their Mark V e-meters with their wooden cases. The mission holder at the time, Steve Surry, IIRC started two more missions using some of the SLC staff. One was in Denver and the other was in Bellevue, Washington. The mission holders massacre came along in ’82 i believe. When the International Finance Police (very religious) showed up, they drained the treasury and that was the beginning of the end. The mission continued to go down hill quickly. Years later, the place evolved into the SLC Org. Even at its best, maybe when it went “Ideal”, it was (and still is) just a shadow of it’s former self. I’d bet a biscuit that they don’t sell more than a handful of books in any given week. Body routing is pretty much nonexistent. Lot’s of folks blame this on Miscavige, but Hubbard was still alive when all this was going down. Whether he was aware of it or not, I don’t know. Regardless, one thing for sure is that Miscavige certainly made it clear that the whole organization was nothing but a scam. Lots of folks were able to see this and bail out while Hubbard was still alive. Miscavige just made that a whole lot easier. Hip Hip Whore-aay for Cap’n Miscavige!!!
After Steve Surray stepped down then it was Ross Nakamura running the show in SLC. But he was declared and it was said he embezzled from the mission etc. However decades later when I started really reading facts and truth, I read about the Mission Massacre and so now I wonder if Ross was just a victim of the Mission HOlder’s Massacre.
Hi Cindy,
Here’s my recollection of that time, and it could certainly be flawed. I arrived at the SLC mission around ’77. At that time Steve Surry was the mission holder but I don’t think he was acting as ED (Executive Director). I believe Phil Parke might have been doing that at the time. Anyway, right before the mission holders massacre, John Balken was the ED. This was the Kingsley Wimbush de-dinging period when everyone was “flowing power to power”, aka kissing ass by compensating those in senior positions (real or imagined). I was doing this by working at Balken’s house for free. Right after the little RTC get together in San Francisco, Balken came back and towed the line for a while. Ross Nakamura probably stepped in about that time. Ross could be a real asshole, he definitely had some chronic anger issues, but I don’t believe he would have been embezzling anything. There was nothing to embezzle. I had blown the joint by this time and later found out Ross was gone. I don’t know what became of him but while he was in he was a KSW flavored Kool-Aid swilling cultie. Few people dared cross him. As far as I know, Surry lost the mission during that time period along with his Denver and Bellevue missions. I don’t know what became of him, he just sort of disappeared. Fun fact: he was married to Kallie (sp?) Gross, Kenny’s sister. She was drop dead gorgeous. I think they got divorced around that time and she moved to Hollywood. She and Kirsti Alley were roommates for awhile. I don’t know what became of her either. Kenny and his wife Kathy moved to the San Fernando Valley around then too. Not sure what became of them either, but I hope all these folks got out.
Hi Miss Be Haven, I wonder if you and I knew each other then? I was only there from about ’79 or ’80 to late in 82. I moved to CA to become an auditor in Oct 82. The story I got was Ross was ousted and declared an SP. Not sure who took his place, maybe Phil Parks.
John Balkin ,who was mission holder after Steve Surrey , married Hazel, one of the auditors.
I’m still in touch with a person in SLC from that era and she says the org is dead and not much going on even though it made Ideal Org.
Kenny and wife moved to Moorpark or thereabouts in the Valley. But he never did Scn after that. He said his dad did his taxes and his dad didn’t like Scn and so he didn’t want to show any donations to the church cuz his dad would see it. So I’d say Kenny is UTR.
Course Sup Jay Clitheroe and CS wife Nancy Clitheroe moved to LA to do Bridge in LA. Sadly, Nancy died of cancer and Jay remarried.
What surprises me is that there is an OT VIII there, Peggy, who I used to be friends with, and she is still drinking the Kool Aid and active in Scn there. I’m surprised that she, as trained as she is, doesn’t see the squirreling in the church.
One person I’m still in touch with from those days says the SLC org is dead even though it did make it to Ideal Org status.
Hi Cindy,
We probably crossed paths back in the late ’70s but I don’t recall that. I was doing services off and on at the SLC mission but I wasn’t living in the area. I traveled a lot for work.
I’m surprised Peggy Pearson is still in and presumably in good standing. I didn’t know her well but her daughter Kim was a good friend. Last I heard, Kim blew the sea org, went back to school and got a PhD, converted to Judaism, and is a respected math professor at a prestigious university. This would put Peggy in a position of being connected to an ‘SP’ and make her ‘PTS’. No doubt this has been overlooked in favor of Peggy’s bank accounts. Maybe another SLC mission alumni, Russ Andrews (of OSA infamy) could check into this situation personally and make sure that ‘ethics’ are slammed in.
Hey Ms Behavin, get my private email from Mike or give me yours as I have something I want to follow up on with you in private.
Yes Peggy was embarrassed that her daughter went so far away from the church. But it worked for Kim and she is living her best life now. Peggy must just compartment everything so that she can somehow still think the Kool Aid is tastey when she is a smart woman, is trained, and surely can see that there has been squirrelling? She must continue to stay for both the friends and terminals and because there would be no game for her if she left. That’s my conjecture.
And you are absolutely right that the church overlooks Peggy’s PTSness to be connected to someone who blew the SO because of her money and big donations. She and that Marion guy were the whales that made it all happen for SLC.
MS Behavin, I probably came in in 80 and just missed you. You’re right that Peggy’s money and big donations are what kept the church from labelling her PTS due to Kim’s blow from the SO etc. It worked well for Kim to leave as she is living her best life now. I wish Peggy would wise up and leave, but that will never happen. She won’t leave cuz she has friends and terminals in the church, and it is her game and she would have no game (in her opinion) if she left.
Yes, I recall when I first got into Scientology there was there was this generalized anxiety about making it into the Academy early enough to ensure that one would get a SEAT and not have to get set up in the HALLWAY. And our org was considered small!
Yet the HGC was nearly always full; Qual was packed, the Basic Course Room was full and the Academy packed and a separate KTL/LOC classroom was under construction.
When I left ( after 27 years in) our org’s rooms and hallways were largely silent.
The Basic Course Room had been collapsed into the Academy and there were at the most 5-8 people on course on the weekends, no one during the weekday morning and afternoons, and maybe 1 or 2 students at night. There was one auditor for both staff and public and there was no Ethics Officer on post at all – this post was being held by a volunteer ex-SO member.
The org was so empty our voices echoed in the rooms and halls, and the only events held were fundraisers because we apparently needed a much larger building 🙂
At these events there would be AT BEST 25 people INCLUSIVE OF about 10 STAFF who HAD to attend. And 25 people was considered a GOOD turnout. Frequently there weren’t more than 10 including some staff.
And we were all being reg’ged intensely because, you know, the REAL WHY for now expansion was because the BUILDING wasn’t big enough, or “standard” enough – THAT was what was keeping people away!
I ask you now – can you make this up? Answer: NO. NO, nono, nono, nono! Seriously, you cannot make this sh*t UP!!!! And yet it is true, every word I’ve said.
Insofar as I know, they’re still on the Ideal M’Orgue bandwagon. Sad. Very sad how they are wasting their lives, their time, efforts, emotions, thoughts – really sad. These were – are – good people. Very good people. Its just sad.
End of spontaneous off topic rant.
Typo alert: “…the REAL WHY for NO (not ‘now’) expansion…”
Always these dumb typos when I get emotional.
By the alcohol pickled remains of the Dorkenfuhrer! Those graphs look like they were done by a three year old with an Etch-a-Sketch during a bout of the hiccups.
I assume “highest evers” must be post COVID shutdown. And reading between the lines, I take it Tony is the one staff member (remaining).
And I have my doubts that they’re really selling that many Dianetics, The Fundamentals of Thought or other full sized basic books. I wonder if for example they’re counting as “books,” DVDs that are cheap enough that people will buy them out of curiosity or pity, or even some of the DVDs that the CofS gives away online for free if you provide them your contact information.
Perhaps they’re ‘selling” WTH booklets to be donated to the Ukraine, allowing them to pump up several stats at once and claim some PR.
If it is true that you only get what you postulate, then the people in Scientology must be winning.
Covid is Dev-t?
Boy, Scientologists are a bunch of Trump supporters!
And sad that they make such an issue over things like selling forty four books in a day! Especially on a graph that’s trending Normal condition. And the First Service Starts? Ha, ha, ha, ha! Three here, two over there! I’ve heard from old timers that before Miscavige took over stats were far better.