I have not previously witnessed such a concerted online “dead agent” campaign as the one the church is waging against Ron Miscavige.
Not since the days of the Squirrel Busters camped outside the home of Marty and Monique Rathbun for months on end has there been anything like this.
And it is indicative of just how concerned Miscavige is about the damage his father continues to inflict. The minions that put these campaigns together are only going over the top because this is “command intention” (ie what COB has ordered). They don’t act against COB’s dad without explicit orders, believe me.
This is a screen shot of one of one of my email accounts. It shows a collection of emails from the last month – every one of them an attempt to “Dead Agent” Ron. Each of them sent from stooge email accounts that are opened only for the purpose of sending out “entheta” on Ron. Open any one of these emails and there is the usual personal attacks, proclaiming all sorts of outrageous and false things about him. This is the standard operating pattern of Miscavige and scientology – smear.
The question I always ask is: “why isn’t this sourced to scientology?” Why the subterfuge with fake email accounts from “anonymous” people? If this really IS true information, why doesn’t it come from the church or even better, from David Miscavige himself? If you are going to bother with this sort of response, why hide the source? Well, it would appear they fear being sued for libel.
So religious.
So in keeping with the “Creed of the church of scientology”:
We of the Church believe:
That all men have inalienable rights to think freely, to talk freely, to write freely their own opinions and to counter or utter or write upon the opinions of others.
Except when those thoughts, speech or writing are not in agreement with us. Then they have NO rights and we deem them to no longer be human.
Loved this post and all the comments. Spot on and funny. Made the start to my weekend a good one!
Hi Ann B., I always love hearing your stories from your times in the group. I can just picture you in your blue outfit and blue eyeshadow on the beach. Please keep telling your little stories, they really make me smile. 🙂
Yes, I agree with your surmising that the police may not always be the best ones to ask for help, if they could be affiliated with the group. Most are not, but there are always those few that are. What I’d love to see is Shelly Miscavige come out in public, not surrounded by any S.O. members or being coerced in any way, then be reunited with Leah Remini and tell her personally if she’s where she is by choice. But who knows if she has free ‘choice’ anymore after a lifetime of being taught what to think and what is not ok to think, does she even have mastery of her mind at this point? In solidarity with Shelly, may she someday be free. and soon.
Keep posting here Ann B.! We count on you to brighten up our world. *love-heart* < I don't have emojis with this keyboard, so this will have to suffice, lol.
Hi T.J., And you send me Sunshine every time! Thank you! I wonder about Shelley too.She was after my time ,but I know as I get along in years stuff can happen to the body etc.I wonder if she is exercising her own free will 100%.Then too I have thought she might not even be here anymore.I just feel no-one deserves to be disappeared involuntarily.The problem with her the little I know would be nobody but dm knows what state she is in.Frightening the reach of the cult when threatened or possibly losing one cent from the coffers of dm.No worries I will always post here as long as Mike & y’all will have me!♥️♥️♥️♥️XXOO
Whoops, I accidentally posted this as a general comment when it was meant to be a reply to Ann B.’s comment farther below!
Hi T.J., I love you as long as you do not post from The Front Porch of Infinity because then I would have to come up there! XO
The Real Ron Miscavige – ronmiscavigebook.com
The photo he doesn’t want you to see!
Son Saved Him From Prison Same Day Featured Video Interviews Hear the Tape
This is typical of what runs at the top page of my Google searches.
Ron talks about the whole thing in his book. I cannot imagine having DM for a son at this point. Watching a sociopath grow is gutwrenching…Ron points out several times the signs of this appeared. Why this man is not in prison, I cannot understand. Why the FBI does nothing, I DO NOT UNDERSTAND.
They “fear being sued for libel”!!!!! Well, that shows where they are on the tone scale.
But their anonymous toxicity also points up Ron Miscavige’s courage in speaking out.
But if you take Scientology out of the story, Ron Miscaviage wrote a tell-all book about his own son for monetary gain. On the surface it’s a low thing for a parent to do. He’s making money pimping out the story of his own son. David Miscaviage is a bad guy, no doubt and he deserves to be outed for the terrible things he does. But it shouldn’t have been by his father. It’s not surprising at all DM “friends” are standing up for him.
You cannot take scientology out of the story. It is the entirety of the story.
macycarew1. Ron Miscavige Sr. left the church and was stalked for over 2 years by Private Investigators with a van full of weapons and high-tech gear, who reported his every move to David Miscavige. They spied on Ron Sr. everywhere he went, including in the public library and took photos there of his private emails. When it appeared Ron Sr. was having a heart attack the P.I.’s called his son David, who told them “don’t intervene, if it’s his time to die, let him die”. This is what the Investigators reported to the police. After such treatment, Ron Sr. has every right to tell his story in his book.
One should never blame the whistle-blower, rather blame he who is creating the havok and doing the dirty deeds.
This is not a normal family dynamic, your rules don’t apply here. For instance, did anyone force your daughters to disconnect from you and cut you out of their lives, and their children’s lives? For deciding you no longer believed in a certain religion? No? Well, that’s what happened to Ron Miscavige. * Full story before making judgement, word to the wise.
I agree, TJ. Well said. “One should never blame the whistle-blower, rather blame he who is creating the havok and doing the dirty deeds.”
Thanks Cindy! 🙂 I’m glad you found value in my comment. Happy Friday to you, best wishes for a great weekend.
Thanks, TJ and same to you!
Money was the LAST reason for writing the book. Read it and you will see.
+1! The very LAST reason for writing his book. Not sure what macycarew1 is thinking or what his/her motive is.
Sounds like a Marxist, living in terror of HER worst nightmare, the Almighty Dollar in a Meritocracy.
You’ve got to be joking – none of us would even consider posting here if Scientology hadn’t screwed us. What jungle did you come from where Scientology didn’t exist?
Hi I Yawnalot, Thank you for the post of the day! Damn Straight!!XXOO Ann B.
Well, I’m the odd one out because I’m not a former member. I am just an average person, a mom of 2, a wife, worker, friend, animal lover with 2 cats… I am also a human rights advocate with an interest in groups/persons that work to subvert personal freedoms. As such, I tend to stick my nose in many places where some might say that it doesn’t belong. But I assert that anything that exists, that I can see, or hear, anything that is on this planet, or in this Universe for that matter, I have a right as a human being to look at it and listen to it, and know about it, and anything that I have an opinion on, that I have the right to express my opinion. Didn’t L. Ron Hubbard say that? LRH Quote: ” All men have the inalienable right to think freely, to talk freely, to write freely their own opinions, and to counter or utter or write upon the opinions of others.”
So I am here, doing the above.
There’s no reason to be upset with me, I mean no harm (I come in peace, lol). (I say this because I’ve seen comments in other places from ‘ex’s’ who disapprove of ‘never-ins’ who comment on the CofS). I hope to help in any small way or provide more food for thought, another perspective. I’m really just another voice in the crowd and silly enough to think my voice can matter, right? 🙂
*Standard disclaimer: I’m just an average girl living in this world, not meaning upset to anyone. Wishing the best for all, sending peace and love…
There is no honor in a father protecting a tyrant son. Loyalty to evil is in itself a crime against oneself and others.
Ron Miscavige is an honorable good father.
I agree Brian! You said it well. After reading the book, Ron Sr. impressed me as a very caring person. His last line in the book was to express forgiveness to his son.
I’m wondering Mike, how you came to be he recipient of such emails. I certainly haven’t gotten any, but I’m a naughty SuperPerson. If these emails are being sent to the members then they are just shooting themselves in the foot. Those scilons that ddn’t know anything about it at all due to their self-censoring are now having it thrown in their face that Davy’s dad has gone enemy. If they did hear about it or watched 20/20 then these emails sure aren’t going to bring about a dead-agenting. They (the scilon recipient) are gifted with these oh so very theta communications in their inbox – another no no in scilonville – don’t spread entheta! I can’t see any possible upside these emails have. They are horrendous PR blunders.
But that seems to be the norm these days. Lying liars that lie.
I have nothing to add that hasn’t already been said but I did want to say that any headline that includes the words “Dave’s Worst Nightmare” makes my day so…thanks Mike. 😀
Mine, too! Dave’s Worst Nightmare! Music to mine ears!
Sure Sarah,
More and more never in’s are getting interested. Kinda shameful for the in’s and still in’s.
The FBI wanted to do something. But then the smart people they listened to said. Thank you, but save your troubles. Nobody will come out. So the FBI quit.
Scientology is similar to radical Islam. Who cares that you are a dishwasher now? Do the work of Allah kill 50 people and go to heaven and have 70 virgins waiting for you. And for 50 relatives.
Scientology Shakedown: Do you want to put your and the eternity of the planet at stake? Gimme money.
Funny approach for people who believe that we have always existed and will always exist again.
In 2016 scientology has hit the comical level. Fortunately it is imploding at about 15 % per year.
I hope in 2020 the world will be cleared of scientology.Except for in a couple of assisted living facilities where they will run 2010 maiden voyage replays
I don’t want to come off as a negative nor challenging, but what makes you think it’s about 15% a year? Trust me, Id love for it to be true, but I don’t want to get my hopes up without some concrete numbers. :'(
Zequik, the height people in and on major services (in the USA) was around 1976-78.
(AO & FSO had THEIR heyday in the late 80’s-90 as those boomers made their way up to the Ad Courses. However, class IV orgs/missions were collapsing post ’78.
Today, based on eyewitness reports of public in orgs in the USA, their CANNOT be more than about 2,000 ACTIVE, non-staff scn’ers left in the USA. At the highest point there were around 20-30,000 scn’ers (non-staff) which was back in the mid-late 70’s.
15% per year seems low. I’m disappointed.
15% collapse rate per year. I read that report and agree with it.
An unseen event yet to unfold can speed things up leading to
the Gulfstream scenario with the COB escaping with gym bags
of money and documents to South America ( where the locals speak German)
I get these same amateurish poison pen e-mails. It is obvious they are written by OSA and David Miscavige because no one else would bother sending them except the vainglorious pompadoured cult leader and his rotten old minions. If sending spam is best David Miscavige can do then he has conceded failure.
OSA and COB do not realize that anonymous “poison pen” letters are hopelessly outdated. These OSA 3P letters are the equivalent of Nigerian 419 letters. If OSA wanted to mix it up and make things exciting, they would combine their hate spam with Nigerian 419 letters and offer people 30% of $35,000,000 if they read the Ron Miscavige hate website. OSA needs to be more creative here and maybe do a Publisher’s Clearinghouse Sweepstakes type of contest.
I have had a great deal of fun dumpster diving into the Ron Miscavige hate website. I learned that Gold Base staff are fed three delicious organic meals daily. These meals are cooked in a kitchen personally designed by David Miscavige. I discovered that Gold Base staff sleep on Egyptian cotton sheets in apartments designed down to the last detail by David Miscavige. And yet in his 1994 Fishman-Geertz Declaration, David Miscavige said he had absolutely nothing to do with running the daily affairs of the Church.
I also discovered that David Miscavige is “abnormally normal” and enjoys a good taco truck and grilled cheese sandwiches, this according to Mollie Hoertling of Bridge Publications:
“What’s it like working with him? He’s…his sense of humor is incomparable. He has an amazing smile. He is…he enjoys a good laugh. He’s exceptionally and maybe abnormally normal. He likes a great taco truck. We’ll sit down and have a grilled cheese sandwich together. Like, it’s as normal as you can…as you can conceive of, with an exceptionally amazing individual. And what it’s like working with him, is like working with—you know, we’ll wrap something up for the day, and it’s, you know, get a taco, or it’s, you know, sit down for a cheeseburger, or whatever.”
Yeah Mollie, COB is just some abnormally normal guy who eats $2.00 tacos from a taco truck in Commerce, California. However, COB is also an exceptionally amazing individual who eats grilled cheese sandwiches with Sea Org members as he listens to their problems and concerns. COB does this because he cares so very deeply. And COB also cares so much that he sent two PI’s armed with numerous weapons, including a semiautomatic rifle and a silencer, to follow his father around for two years. And then this taco-eating magnifico created a hate website on his own father and viciously attacked his own brother. Of course, this exceptionally amazing individual also beats Sea Org members and locks them in a prison. And his wife? Getoutta here! You don’t have the fucking rank to ask!
This all makes perfect sense Mollie. Just keep drinking the Kool-Aid dear.
One wonders if David Miscavige is already shuffling around at night with Kleenex boxes on his feet while screaming at Norman Starkey to chase the Martians off the base with a special Zap gun built by Golden Era Productions.
Great post. You mentioned one of my “favorites” Norman in the last paragraph. I have knowledge from a reliable source that this sweetheart, down to earth, taco eating little runt DM, at one point made Norman wear a diaper around INT, for some time – just a diaper. As much as I dislike Norman, I couldn’t imagine doing that to someone and feel sorry for the abuse the people at Int had to endure.
Norman has to be in his early or mid 70s by now and he should be back in South Africa, going to game reserves, enjoying a good barbeque with his grandkids, loving life in retirement – not being humiliated by an egotistical little prick.
Maybe Dave will find some beat up old motorhome where Norman can fade away. Just like their dear founder did. What a way to live one’s life.
Makes me think of a funny prank.
Rent a Bluebird like the one Hubbard passed in, and pull it along in front of the LRH Life Exhibition.
Have it for a little tour for the gullible pro Hubbardites to look at.
Or, just drive it up and down L. Ron Hubbard Way when the Scientologists are walking there, so they see it and get a good look. (Put a “For Sale” sign in the window and see if there are any takers.)
And also, a person could buy up that model, deck it out like Hubbard had his decked out, and sell it as a “Source Vacation/Travel Home” in style like Ron did.
IN fact Scientology could put these into production, and sell them as religious artifacts the members can have themselves!
OMFG, I’m laughing my ass off! Maybe arrange some pillows under the covers to look like there’s a fat guy under there, and scatter a few bottles of vodka and Vistaril around…
Sigh. That’s terrible, I know, but I can’t help laughing. Oh, if I ever win the lottery…
Only we who are out know that a Bluebird was what Hubbard lived and died in. Sorry to spoil the story. And the fun and laughter!
Great post, J Swift. Well written. Well sourced. 🙂
Yesterday I ran across an old video of the British journalist John Sweeney’s interview that included Tommy Davis. I had seen it years before, but had forgotten that Mike was in some the scenes. I was horrified to see how skeletal Mike was when he was in.
My question is for you, Mike-how often did you eat? You looked much older in the tape than you do now in your pictures. Does “the hole” still exist? Are RPF victims still starved?
They say a picture is worth a thousand words and seeing that video reinforced for me how cruel Miscavage is. I am glad you are healthy!!!!! Ann
Ann — that’s what 3 meals a day of rice and beans and 4 hours of sleep per night will do for you. The Hole as it was no longer exists. But the majority of “international management” remain separated from the rest of the crew, cut off from the world and labeled “SP’s” by Miscavige.
I am glad I am out and healthy too.
We are ALL glad that you’re out and healthy….with a beautiful family. Please give a hug to your boys from my wife and I…
In exactly 30 days, our grandson will be arriving.
And congrats OSD!!!!!
Thanks, GP!
We’re glad too Mike. Thank you for all you do.
Me too.
Hi Mike, Me three! Y’all are the best!! XXOO ❤️❤️
So many are very glad you made it this side of the spiked fence and that you seem centred and positively going forward with your life and beautiful young family. Giving back here daily isn’t required but is extremely appreciated. I cringe whenever I see your gaunt pallor in that Sweeney video. You have opened many eyes.
Thanks for your kind words
no need to publish this, but just wanted to say i’ve had all these same thoughts many, many times x
Me too, from this never in. I enjoy reading this blog everyday. 🙂
Hubbard says that if a family many look psycho, the SP is the one who is looking very starn.
Well Jenna, Ron senior, the druggy sister, Shelly dissapearing, Ronny blows…. So? How a trained scientologist cannot see that Miscavige is THE SP? It’s beyond my understanding. Scientologist of the church are actually deeply “wogs”, don’t know their tech. They are infinitely stupid, no I don’t understand.
But most of the human race are stupid. I have proof of that every day. The medical world for exemple is dwelled by a maximum of obedients idiots who are applying protocoles without thinking.
Hubbard utterly failed to free people from stupidity and being humanoid. Those who praized COB CANNOT BE SCIENTOLOGISTS, FULL MISREPRESENTATION !!!!
I love it that David Miscavige is expending so much effort dead-agenting his father to wogs, who believe such adages as:
Like father, like son.
Chip off the old block
The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
If my father was a pure evil bastard, I wouldn’t go around bragging about it if I wanted people to respect me.
Something doesn’t add up here, never has. Miscavige basically banned the internet to be viewed by Scientologists unless he tells them what to view, there’s no way he can police that except by fear and internal intimidation, sec checks etc. Yet he uses the net for smear campaigns against his enemies, which is everyone he doesn’t like & then some, including his own father. Who is he really thinking he’s communicating to – his father? Mike or Marty? Us apostates?Journalists, the media? Maybe the ether? Or is this his version of electronic solo auditing himself so he feels better – tit for tat, mine is bigger than yours sort of stuff? How in the world does someone that hides understand what the public thinks?
Whatever way you view his actions in the real world, be it from a religious, secular or legalese viewpoint he comes across as a real whacko nut job. Maybe his next degenerate dream is using his media TV station to be some sort of Scientology version of a TV evangelist. His insanity knows no bounds, but as sure as the tide comes in twice a day, nobody away from the bubble has a clue what he’s raving on about, nor do they care. The only real media he does get that gathers any attention as far as I can ascertain is the criminal connection and allegations concerning Scientology.
Good point made. Who the hell is he blabbing on the Internet too? Who, indeed?
I never miss an opportunity to report the abusive spam by naming Church of Scientology>
Here are sample ways to report.
Click the FORWARD button.
Type in the word “ABUSE” then the platform i.e. [email protected] OR [email protected] etc.
Dear Yahoo,.
The Yahoo platform is being used to send out hate mail about Ron Miscaivigee, a target of the Church of Scientology.
This violates your TOS (Terms of Service) and is a vengeance program orchestrated and is spam.
You can contact the Church here ~~
Karen de la Carriere.
Dear Gmail,
The Cult of Scientology is continuously violating Terms of Service by spamming out hate messages
with links to their inflammatory hate websites.
This is organised by their “Office of Special Affairs’ and you can
contact them here ~
Here’s their contact information~
I am receiving the following abusive emails from a yahoo email address. The address is [email protected]. I did not ask to receive these emails, and consider them spam.
These are the emails they’re sending out:
Ron Miscavige knows firsthand that someone is actually being mistreated through a crime and that person was named as a victim of human trafficking . It’s happening right in front of him because his namesake son is at the center of it—and Ron covers it up.
These emails are being sent out en masse to a large number of people, and are being sent solely with the intention of slandering the individuals who are named.
Please I am writing you to ask that you look into whether this account is violating the Yahoo ToS, and if so, asking you to suspend it.
Thank you,
Karen de la Carriere
Sample response (Microsoft)
Subject: Fwd: Scientology misuse of Microsoft
Date: 4/28/2016 9:36:41 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time
From: [email protected]
Reply To:
To: Send IM to: [email protected]
Sent on:
Sent from the Internet (Details)
You recently reported a message as junk or abuse. We wanted to thank you and let you know that your report has been received.
If you need anything else, please visit the Microsoft Community at http://answers.microsoft.com/
Outlook.com Team
One Microsoft Way. Redmond, WA 98052, USA.
Very useful.Thanks Karen read over 300 of your posts.,Appreciate your precision dedication and decency.
Me too.
Maybe my comment does not really concern this post, but perhaps there is still somebody who can give me an insight.
Having carried out some research on Scientology there is one question that has not been answered sufficiently:
If persons are held captive in ‘the hole’ and other places CoS owns, why does the police not do anything? Can they not like raid the places?
After all the horrible stories I saw and read, I am really wondering why such an organisation can carry on its practices without legal consequences??? Are they really that powerful?! Or is the legal system just bollocks?!
The church is quick to point out that such practices, while they may seem harsh to a non-Scnist, constitute a religious practice. Not dissimilar to hermit monks or practices of self-abuse for religious purposes. They will tell you it is an opportunity for redemption, that they are willing participants and are thankful for it. As twisted and perverse at it sounds, they are probably right.
Hi Sarah, It is good to meet you.Your question is a good one and the answers may vary through the decades.When I was in Sea Org at Asho F in 74-78 the Rampart Poiice Station was not far across from Temple St at all.The police there thought cos was stark raving mad and ignored us.Later when things ramped up with The FBI raids and all the goings on in those times,at certain events where the police were needed the Guardian’s Office made sure they were compensated for silence.I dealt with the cops in Bev Hills in 74 when I had to watch a public person for Ethics and she called them.I gave them a shore story on why I was there and off they went into the night.When I was in the last months before I blew the Sea Org, the police would have been the last group I would have contacted.But all this was very long ago,today things may be different.Always Ann B.
Hi Ann B. 🙂 In the case of the ‘missing person’ report that Leah Remini filed on Shelly Miscavige, it has been reported that the L.A.P.D. Officer who investigated is involved in Scientology. There are photos from years ago and recently of him at C of S events. So I don’t trust the findings. If an Officer who is supposed to investigate is part of the organization controlling you, how unbiased is the investigation?
This happens with the FLDS in Arizona as well, the entire local police force is comprised of FLDS members, so anyone wanting to leave the cult has small chance of finding help from the police there.
Hi TJ, Thank you for bringing me up to speed.Your comment helped a memory to surface.Usually I did reg and Flag events at the Old Palladium theatre in Hollywood.But twice I think we went to Santa Monica to do a big reg thing with Asho D & F and AO.The setting was lovely right by the ocean and we did not leave till 2:am or so.I personally saw cash pass to any officer who was on security there or working overtime for it.This is funny.can you see me walking up to one of them dressed in what was the height of faishion then a shiney blue polyester shirt with a long navy blue skirt and for the final touch blue blue eye liner eyeshadow etc.And I say, Sir I am being abused by certain people here and can you help me out?All I would have gotten back is a cold stare.Happy thrilled to be out! Love U Alwats XO
TJ, Always xo
Mumble, mumble. “Maybe Dave needs to CS himself a sec check, all that distasteful on-line natter. You know, just to keep things goose & gander standard and all.”
Oh (yawn), just woke up… what’s happening?
Don’t ya know it’s not natter if it against the bitter defrocked apostates or the psychs.
Hear hear! Mary and I are now professional natterers! And, boy, it a whole lot of fun!
Gold Certed.
“David, I forgive you.” – Ron Miscavige, Ruthless 2016.
Ron Miscavige seems like a good soul. His son? Ummmm……ahhhhh……errrrr…..Huh! Well I guess I don’t have anything GOOD to say about him.
Robert Amblad, can you elaborate on your comment that Ron lied about not coming back and that he did come back and probably didn’t want anyone to follow up on him. What was your experience or what did you hear about this? I’d love to learn more about this.
Hi Cindy…
I have no special skills or connections or information. Just observation and re-evaluation of Scientology after I found out about LRH’s self admissions at the end of his life.
In the few years before his death LRH discovered he couldn’t “take over the world” with Scientology. That was a self admission at the end of his life. “Taking over the world” might not have been what you or I were doing in Scientology, but that is what he was doing. It was a cult and you and I were helping him carry out his failed intention.
Saying to Sarge (RIP) that he was not coming back but was going to circle a planet is so lame of a lie. A thetan is not composed of space or time, so spending time physically circling a star for rehabilitation? Really.
No, he is here now and making a hell of a show for himself.
Look for someone born after his death with very good but mediocre face and voice but with hypnotic communication abilities, exceeding way beyond ANYONE of their age in the history entertainment and you will find LRH trying to take over the world again. I say world, not President of US, but world.
Scientology is a failure of course and he/she wants NOTHING to do with it and would be horrified to be connected to it in anyway what-so-ever.. But, LRH is here with the same undying intention to take over the world.
Robert Almblad, So, he didn’t make it to Target 2? (said tongue in cheek)
Also I was told by someone who did one of the versions of OT VIII on the Ship, that in the OT VIII materials, Ron states that he will come back as a politician and change the world.
Hi Cindy, Well all I can add is there are an awful lot of versions of Ron Come Back running rampant,In Sea Org I loved and lived for We Come Back.Now I think it should read,We’d Rather Not!XO
Robert Amblad, your comment about, “Ron lied about coming back even though he did come back” piqued my interest. Can you elaborate on that? What is your experience with Ron coming back or not coming back etc? (ps, I like reading your comments.)
The acts of a coward.
He can not front up himself what he considers ‘facts’ against his own father and hides behind others to attack Ron M.
Maybe this is why Miscavige does not care about disconnection and/or breaking families, including his own (his wife, brother and father): his lack of care and consciousness for and about others.
Conclusion: a coward and a sociopath.
Perhaps to be included is “Narcissist” seems to fit David Miscavige pretty well.
Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest criticism.
A narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life, such as relationships, work, school or financial affairs. You may be generally unhappy and disappointed when you’re not given the special favors or admiration you believe you deserve. Others may not enjoy being around you, and you may find your relationships unfulfilling.
Narcissistic personality disorder treatment is centered around talk therapy (psychotherapy).
I think scientology as a philosophy these days is perfect for people who have this disorder. Besides david miscavige and tom cruise, I know several scientologists that fit this definition.
David Miscavige is indeed a coward. Hiding behind America’s freedom of religion, and with subterfuge use any means necessary to destroy his own aging father. Absolutely one big piece of shit.
Even the asshole Jihadists who murder women and children do it for the virgins in heaven. He, on the other hand, is well aware the tenets of his church are outright fabrications.
Silvia, I have a somewhat different opinion of DM: I think that other people are unreal to him and they therefore do not really exist. People to DM are like the characters the rest of us see in our dreams and because the characters in DM’s dream-life are threatening he is in a constant effort to eradicate them. It must be pretty uncomfortable to be living in an ongoing bad dream. Meanwhile, real living and breathing people are being harmed by his bashing about. He simply could not be aware, really aware, of the consequences of his actions.
Wow, Dan Koon, that’s an amazing insight. A unique perspective indeed, and could be part of his personality disorder. Now that you’ve said this, I can see many ways in which this applies. That could explain his lack of remorse for how he treats people. I read a poster at another site, call people ‘not real’, saying they were implants or robots or something, and it showed how a person could try to justify their harmful actions to others in their own mind, by trying to make them out to be ‘not human’, it’s easier to justify bad actions towards someone if you can see them as “less than” or “unhuman” or as in Scn’s “degraded beings”.
Smear Update:
Sometimes, stringing you up and using you as a punching bag while downing a cup of coffee is the best way to begin the day.
To you, the best way to describe it would be to pull the legs off of an ant on a bright sunny summer morning.
As many people know firsthand, having a conversation with your dad or having conversation with you is the difference between Heaven and Hell. It IS what it IS.
“Sometimes, stringing you up and using you as a punching bag while downing a cup of coffee is the best way to begin the day. Threefeetback, you’ve given me the laugh of the day!”
This has given me the laugh of the day.
We of the Church believe:
That all men have inalienable rights to think freely, to talk freely, to write freely their own opinions and to counter or utter or write upon the opinions of others.
This does not work in scientologese .. can not work .. and will not work .. the only man who knows everything is LRH .. you need the meaning of LRH before you can speak ..
In my opinion, the reason WHY The Church of Scientology has still the power to be, and do as it deems fit. It is because to-many of those who have left….., under the radar……… or declared, STILL believe and practice different formats of LRH’s tech, which scrambles one’s mind like an omelette with good and bad eggs and leave’s one in UH…..?????? state.
They may have left……………. BUT are still (IN) ……… (LRH) clutches.
Met Ron briefly at Flag many years ago…………. He was so proud of his son…………..!!!! Pity!!!
Mike Moretti
Hi Mike, Thank you for an astute post and great to see you.XO Ann B
Does anyone out there in the real world really give a shit what Miscavige and his bevy of robots says about anything?
I couldn’t care less, Michael. I do enjoy making fun of those clowns, though.
Out of everyone I’ve asked in the last 15 years, most have heard of Scientology. “Oh that’s the Tom Cruise space alien religion right?”
Some knew who LRH was. “Yeah didn’t he write the book that the horrible BE movie was based on?”
But none had any idea who David Miscavige was until they were told. “Who? Never heard of him.”
I think that bothers Dave. It makes me smile.
Great to see the hate started by facts , uh, not by facts, by scientology vision of facts! The nazi cult hates anything not exactly adoring its own Führer:
Attacking their adversaries is the only real game the COS has left these days. They don’t make auditors or OTs and they can’t hold on to staff or public. All that remains are failed purposes and a need to blame others for their lack of progress and expansion. No amount of fantasy land PR spin can sugar coat the bitterness that loyal Scios must feel in their private moments.
Great post, Mike, and Murray Luther. The church no longer has a game. No making of auditors, very little auditing and Clears being made. No closer to the “10,000 on OT VII” goal. I think the rate of people leaving the church is higher than any Clears being made. So with no more game what does a group do? Per LRH, when they can’t win fighting others, they turn in on themselves and fight themselves. With their dirty tactics of Fair Game on anyone who speaks out against the Fuhrer or Scn or who leaves the church, they are indeed fighting themselves — fighting ex Scns. Can the end be far behind?
The escalation of hateful attacks indicates we are getting dangerously close to the really BIG lies – not the lies about expansion or physical and mental abuses – but lies of such magnitude that if exposed would be the coup de grâce for the whole “religion”. Lies such as, there is no State of Clear, there are no OT powers, the Bridge is not the Road to Freedom, in other words Scientology cannot deliver its core promises. If you remove these from the equation there is little reason for anyone to be involved.
Statpush, all but a few cloistered S.O. members know everything you listed. Those still in close their eyes for several reasons but they basically know it all.
The “religion” is dead. Outside of staff, there are only a few thousand “members” in a nation of over 1/3 of BILLION people. And that country has the most (scamology members) of any country on the planet.
I liked Ron’s book, and recommend it. One of these days members of C of S are going to ask why did David Miscavige’s father leave the church? Why did his niece Jenna, his older brother, and so many top executives, including Debbie Cook, Marty Rathbun, Mike Rinder, also well-known members including Leah Remini, Lisa Marie Presley, and where is his wife Shelly?
“I liked Ron’s book, and recommend it.”
Well then lets plug it!
Reality is real. Every religion, and every philosophy in general, has something to say about reality and living in it. Scientology denies reality and has nothing to say about it.
One of the agreements anyone makes to even operate in the Scientology world is that everything that is told to you in any official capacity is simply TRUE. This was the way it was in the 1970s when materials came to the org directly from Ron and is that still holds true today. One simply cannot BE in the group in any state of comfort of real participation and have any doubts. Actually a person gets to the point where it doesn’t even OCCUR to them to even evaluate what is told to them as to its truth or lack thereof. So, when “the word” comes down about “Josephine” being expelled for being wildly out ethics and for being counter intention, then that is repeated to other Scientologists as “truth” and is just accepted as such.
I still remember distinctly the moment in 1974 when I first had a doubt about Scientology. I felt so deeply ashamed at even THINKING it that I had to compulsively get it off as a withhold in almost every session and even craved lower conditions in the hope of that handling my “heretical” thoughts. Of course now I understand the phenomenon.
So the steady stream of lies and black PR against Ron Miscavige will continue commensurate with the amount of “negative” influence the CoS feels he is having or might possibly have on the church’s public PR or probably more importantly, any parishioners, ESPECIALLY any whales (because you KNOW someone like Duggan or Nancy has at least HEARD about this book), Always remember Rule No. 1 in CoS management: never allow the potential income pool to be infected with any doubts or second thoughts that might hold up or scotch a reg cycle.
Did you say “scotch”? I noted Davey’s head snapped up sharply and he licked his lips!
Did you say, Lou? I noted Davy’s head snapped up sharply and he licked his lips.
Did you say, Tom? I noted Davy’s head snapped up sharply and he licked his lips.
ROTFLMFAO!!! Whew! Great post, endoftheQ.
Great post, Joe P. All too true.
A most pertinent post, Joe. It’s the true state of affairs. They don’t hear anything but the voice of Miscavige.
Ive been out of the loop as far as watching the Cherch goes for about a month and a half. Not enough time while I’ve been digging up information on something totally unrelated to the subject. But I’m not surprised at all that they’re trying to ratchet up the pressure on Ron. Always attack and all that. So predictable.
I’d be much more surprised if they weren’t going after him. But that would take restraint, and Slappy sure as hell doesn’t have any as he proves time and time again.
David Miscavige is running a SHELL GAME
called Scientology.
That’s what it boils down to , take all the moving parts
and who ends up with all the money to any long time inmate of a Fedral Prison and they
will tell you it’s a SHELL GAME
Great Book Ron everyone get “Ruthless”
COB is simply applying his own interpretation of the 5th precept of The Way to Happiness.
Which is eerily similar to the 5th Commandment ‘Honor your Mother and Father’
Oh that Hubs! Could not even be bothered to change the number
Hi Chee Chalker, Love you and your posts.XO
Chee, you are a lawyer, aren’t you?
RB, you just made my snort my coffee out of my nose! Now that’s some funny shit!
But, but … He gave him a good meal once a year on his birthday. Honour and DM are diametrically opposed.
David Miscavige is helping his parent in innumerable ways – every attack on Ron Miscavige helps Ron understand just how despicable his life was before escape. Keep it up David Miscavige. We’re all rooting for more people to wake up and understand just how you “honor your elders”.
13 july Amazon best sellers ranking: rank:Battlefield Earth:
#9,215 in Books
#130 in Books : Science Fiction
Ruthless: Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #14,371 in Books
53 in Books > Politics & Social Sciences > Social Sciences > Criminology.
The hypocrisy inside the bubble is just mind boggling. The sheep turn a blind eye to the evils … until it comes for them. But then it’s too late. Thus the continual rift that the CO$ is creating with it’s long-time parishioners and those foolish enough to walk through their doors today. And as for their public (or covert for that matter) utterances, is there anything they don’t lie about?
There’s one question that is the most telling question of all: “WHO IS CENSORING?” or “WHO IS BEING CENSORED?”
With either of these questions any sane person with the ability to deductively reason can glean where true “suppression” is coming from. It is coming from within the church itself.
Why does the most effective group on the planet in creating sanity, reason, and the greatest heights of awareness have to censor the very people that it trains and counsels and administers OT Courses to create these greater states? Is the tech so fragile that lies will shatter it and its adherents? Have these people actually read Ruthless? Troublemaker? Counterfeit Dreams? Blown For Good? Abuse At The Top? Have they watched Going Clear? Anderson Cooper’s 3 part series History of Violence? Read the Truth Rundown in the Tampa Bay Times or the spread on John Brousseau story? Even ONE of these?
Why not? Can they not glean truth for themselves. I know many still in that literally DO NOT WANT TO KNOW what any of the above say. Why? The answer says all one needs to know about where the tyranny and oppression is coming from.
The Church of Scientology is FILLED with people who believe that if you believe a lie it will be the truth. I have news for you. A lie is still a lie even if you believe it and truth is still the truth even if you ignore it.
Well said Mary,
Once a person accepts the idea and forms a personal belief that El Con is the only source of truth, that individual is done learning or observing any further truths. In short, you can stick a fork in them ………..they are DONE.
Something magic does happen when the shock of some present time event is so contrary to the persons reality that they snap themselves out of it. Short of that, the cult is and remains filled with robotic drones.
Yo Dave,
Thanks for a continual supply of acts that defy logic, reality or any moral compass. Eventually you will cause even the most true believers to snap out of it.
The tiny, shrinking COS will continue to shrink as it launches these assaults on ex-members who go public with their legitimate concerns about their actual experiences when they where involved with the organization.
It is obvious that church management has adopted a “ahh…f*ck it” attitude with regard to growing its membership because these dead agent / harassment activities are repulsive to virtually everyone on earth that is not currently involved with Scientology.
These activities are designed to keep the very few thousand active members on-board…the rest of humanity sees Scientology for the violent, loathsome and pathetic group that it is…and its leader is regarded as a chump who cannot interact with others except in a violent, domineering fashion. It is only the structure of policies the church that allows him to behave in such a manner – out in the larger world he would be imprisoned for his conduct.
In the meantime Sea Org Captain David Miscavige is the subject of global mockery and derision…only in his tiny fake Navy is he held in regard…and even that regard is enforce through fear…not respect.
Dear Mike,
Thank you for sharing this with the world.
Are you in contact with Ron?
Does he need help?
I’ve only recently come across your blog, just a few months ago, for me this is one of the most balanced anti scientology sites I’ve seen. Back in the early nineties I was on staff first at the Lakeland mission followed by the org in Manchester and Birmingham UK. I had a number of wins but left after being heavily invalidated for daring to following my path as an artist. I have often felt that the tech was pretty good but felt there were a number of things that are wrong and certainly saw from my experiences how ethics could be used for both good and bad.
All those years ago I sent a letter to Guillaume Lesevre and got a special reply and have often wondered what happened to him. Thank you for the answers.
Ron is great. He is free and enjoying his life. He found the real bridge to total freedom – he crossed it as he drove away from the Gold base. Same cannot be said for Guillaume.
Hi markhilsden,It is good to meet you.I echo your compliment about Mike’s Blog.Been here awhile now and everyone is amazing and funny and I have been able to sort out more of my long ago Sea Org journey with the encouragement of all the SPs here,whom I love fiercely.XO Ann B.
Hi Ann, Thanks for the reply. Mike’s Blog has helped enormously to get my thoughts straighter about scn. and the abuses about perpetuated by the high-jacked church.
Very good observation Mike. Guillaume is not a leader and needs to follow someone who will validate him once in a while. He will stay in till he dies or is throw on the trash pile.
Can some one tell me whats the situation with Guillaume , Assuming he is at gold base , whether in or out of restricted zone former known as hole ( I ask as he was my Boss for years ) andhe in my eyes was agood guy before under the influence of the dictator
Yes, at Gold Base. Restricted and prevented from doing anything. Miscavige used to trot him out once yearly to present the “Birthday Game Awards” and introduce him as “from International Management” rather than “ED Int”. Miscavige thinks handing out those awards is beneath him (he only hands out awards to those who give money to the IAS). Last year and maybe even the year before he didnt even bring Guillaume to hand out the awards, now he has Erin Banks do it – for no good reason other than it is not him and not GL.
Thks Mark I had to laugh at your comments and true. Personal comemnt I’d like to make I witnessed Gullaume’s success within Europe, both as Co of Vienna , and then promoted to CO Europe .He was one of the best leaders at the helm advising The class IV orgs around Eurpean and Tours europe.
That’s why LRH tabbed him as his successor to become ED Int. Guillaume was a very bright, caring and capable guy. Unfortunately, David Miscavige cannot stand anybody like that in his orbit. It must only be HIM and HIM ALONE who parades before the footlights and receives the applause. If anyone else receives a shred of adulation that threatens DM, or so he believes. That’s why he got rid of Heber, Norman Starkey and any other capable people, Mike, Marty, Debbie Cook, Rick Cruzen, Barry Stein, Gary Weise, the list goes on and on. Many are out, the last three are still rotting away at Gold as far as I know.
Well, it wasn’t really LRH that did that. I was on a project for a year answering to Annie Broeker only – my task was to locate, then replace and bring to Int a replacement for Kerry Gleeson who had become ED Int after Bill Franks’ demise. I had to check every executive in scientology and select one person who most closely filled the bill for the ED Int post. I do not know if Annie cleared my proposal with LRH – more than likely she did – but it was me that selected him and brought him to Int.
Why was Kerry Gleeson removed?
A basic search shows Barry and Carol Stein to be living near Philadelphia (where Barry grew up). They are wayyyy too talented to be contributing to the cult’s architectural designs. If so, they need to wake the fuck up. Was that Barry who was briefly interviewed by protesters at a street intersection corner (online videos) following the opening of the new Pasadena Org? Kinda looks and sounds like him.
Saw it myself.Guillaume made booms.Maybe the time then,1976 was also right.
Of course how much respect can you have for the integrity of someone who lets himself be abused by an active aggressive dwarf for so many years when there is this amazing implosion of scientology?
How much respect can I have for Guillaume … ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY NONE!!! Forget for a moment that as a being he has no balls or courage or confront … Miscavige could NEVER in a million years have EVER succeeded in his decades long history of suppression if it wasn’t for the ACTIVE support of people like Guillaume, Heber, Shelly, etc etc etc (yeah, I know, I am such a no sympathy asshole who should be shedding crocodile tears for poor Guillaume … sorry, I’m not into endless “blame”, but a refusal to recognize responsibility in the creation and support of suppressive constructs only encourages more of them to be constructed in the future.) People have to decide to stand up to the worst of the bullies and yes, that even includes recognizing who their most active enablers are.
Joe… compassion please. Good people can make bad choices. Many have said that Guillaume was a decent, caring fellow. It seems he is stuck in a bad situation, along with Heber, and others. So was Mike Rinder for awhile. The things that he put up with must be hard to talk about. And that is why we must talk about it, shed light on the abuses, as this group, this ‘religion’ or system of beliefs and practices appears powerful enough to make people subvert their own best interests. They need help in extracting themselves from the circumstances they find themselves in, despite how they got there. Sympathy, kindness, humanity, generosity of spirit. love, not condemnation.
TJ, I cannot agree with you. Joe, you’re absolutely right and thanks for having the balls to say it. Sympathy for those who won’t/can’t get out? Mike did it, Marty, Jon de Vogt (sorry about the spelling), the Headleys, and a host of others and they didn’t have help. They had backbones.
No Dawn, you made a mistake, I wasn’t urging *you* to have compassion, I was talking to Joe. He’s got a lot of heart and passion and my remark was meant to tap into his innate sense of humanity. My comments encouraging generosity of spirit and compassion, were directed to Joe, not aimed at you, I would never think of asking that of you, no worries!
Joe is an intelligent guy and can decide for himself if he cares to consider my words about showing love and kindness, or what you said about being tough and having a backbone and showing no mercy for those who are not as strong. So there is no need for you to rush in to condemn my words, or try to shield him from my views and to erupt in a display of outrage over my remarks urging Joe to have sympathy and compassion. Carry on as usual! Love, T.J.
These emails are free advertisements for Ron’s book “Ruthless”. Thanks Co$!
I’d have to agree The idiot DM / or who wrote the emails .It just gives more questions to ask whatever view there is on Ron Miscaviage’s Book No one can deny the amount of evidence to support mistreatment., whether those out / in / or half way hosue simlpy deny it for the sake of not being harrassed. They then don’t apply justice
I think the church is almost immobilzed, trapped by their own lies. They cannot overtly and officially say much of anything, other than the cookie-cutter bitter apostate response. All of their “public” communication is for the ever shrinking membership.
Real religions engage with the population and are visible in the media. When misfortune happens religious leaders often make public statements, or hold press conferences, taking a moral stand on issues or offering hope or wisdom. Scientology has NEVER done that – not David Miscavige – not even LRH (mankind’s greatest friend who refused to be seen in public or offer the world comfort or advice unless you paid for it).
Real religions provide tangible public benefit. Scientology does not.
“Real religions engage with the population and are visible in the media.” Absolutely true. The fact that David Miscavige IGNORES requests and invitations from the media are tantamount to confession and acknowledgment that the accusations being made are true and correct. Hubbard’s policies about ignoring the media notwithstanding, Miscaviges silence tells the Scientologist what to conclude, that he is above it all and answerable to no one. That arrogance is insulting to a Scientologist, deep down they know Miscavige would be out in front of all this if he was telling the truth. David Miscavige is lying and he’s making sure every Scientologist figures it out on their own. Scientologists are waking up and walking out everywhere.
I used to be a Southern Baptist. Still on the mailing list for the statewide church association newsletter. They’re facing a serious membership decline and a moderate reduction in donations. And they put all of this front and center. Here are the church membership numbers, how many were baptized, how much the members gave to various church programs, what’s the average attendance per Sunday. I can’t stand the Baptists and their fundamentalist ways, but I do admire them for being completely transparent, and willing to talk about their decline.
Can you even imagine Scientologists being even a tenth this honest with their membership and staff?
..”Can you even imagine Scientologists being even a tenth this honest with their membership and staff?..”
If one pauses to consider the string of lies that have been made in all sectors of Scientology from DAY ONE up through today, I cannot fathom how the Church of Scientology could even BEGIN to come clean with the general public or it’s membership. My analogy of the Church of Scientology expressed as a personality type would be a Narcissistic egocentric sociopath. This personality type is probably incapable of truth. David Miscavige had succeeded in carrying on the very worst of Hubbards anti-social characteristics and the organization is an animated living breathing embodiment of those “virtues”.
” … not even LRH (mankind’s greatest friend who refused to be seen in public or offer the world comfort or advice unless you paid for it).”
I love it!
Back in the day, before Ron Snr joined the Sea Org, we worked together on a project to prove the medical efficacy of the Purif. I have always felt privileged to call Ron a friend. We both drank koolaide deeply in the 70’s and 80’s and both left (Ron escaped) after 2009.
Honesty, integrity and an undying love of his family, friends and humanity are the hallmark of Ron Miscavige Snr. This is his legacy and nothing can take that away from the man. I believe that everyone who had close personal relationship with Ron Snr (and I know a few even before Scientology) would agree with me wholeheartedly.
Ron Snr was well aware of the personal attack that would come if he opened his mouth, but he did it anyway for the benefit of his friends, family and humanity. So, to add to the list of Ron’s attributes: he has ther courage to face a monster, not for his benefit, but for our benefit. I know this to be true from personal experience and I thank you Ron. You are a friend and a hero to all of us….
Hi Robert, Beautifully said, thank you.xo
No wonder that at the end, El Con was scared sh!tless at “coming back”. Probably afraid that he’d end up in his own cult at the bottom of the heap! LOL
I think he lied about not coming back, even though he did come back. He lied because he didn’t want anyone looking for him when he came back.
LOL Robert! I see visions of pitchfork & torch wielding ex-parishioners.
Torches and pitchforks! I may be old fashion, but, they always worked for me…
Let’s say LRH did come back. He goes to DM and gives the special code word that proves he’s LRH. Does DM call a special event celebrating the rerurn of LRH? Hand over leadership of the Co$ to Ron? Dream on, Suckers! Ron IMMEDIATELY goes into the deepest, darkest, quietest hole that DM can make, a bowl of rice-and-beans being shoved through a slot in the door by a guard who needs a hearing aid, with the hearing aid taken away, Just like Shelly. GAAROOUNK!
No doubt. Never thought about this scenario, but I bet you’re spot on.