“If I were on Saturn, I wouldn’t believe such a stupid planet existed, where you had to convince people of a science that gives everyone the priceless gift of freedom. But it exists and you are in it.”
One of our readers sent this promo item to me, and was curious about where this quote came from.
It’s a Hubbard doozie — everyone on this planet is stupid because they don’t recognize his “science” which gives the “priceless gift of freedom.”
Of course, the use of science is one of his favorites to convince people that his “technology” is not simply made up, but scientifically researched and tested. Of course, it never was and still cannot be tested. And as for the priceless “gift” of freedom, it’s kind of hard to classify something you must pay for as a gift.
I did find the reference it was lifted from — a Professional Auditor’s Bulletin from 1955 titled SELLING.
There are some rather amazing statements in this PAB.
Of course, Hubbard claims the reason people don’t just buy into his amazing technology is the fault of the psychiatrists and medical doctors.
And here are a few more of his big lies — all gathered here in this one issue:
Scientology, a brand-new science, has been handling things that couldn’t be handled in the past.
Punch this up everywhere: SCIENTOLOGY IS THE ONLY ANGLOSAXON developed science of the mind and spirit. Medicine is Latin in origin. Psychology is German (Prof. Wundt, 1862). Psychoanalysis is Austrian (Freud, 1894). Psychiatry is Russian (Pavlov and others in the 1890s). Scientology is an Anglo-Saxon exact science of the mind and spirit.
Scientology applied the exact methods of science to the problem of the human mind and spirit, and won. It means the study of knowingness. Its immediate result in application is the bettering of ability in individuals and groups. It is a practical religion for all denominations and doesn’t require faith in anybody
It has more validated cases in its files than any other practice.
It is not an authoritarian science and is of and for the people; it belongs to the little man and woman, not to huge interests.
Scientology caps about ten thousand years of study that began in Asia and wound up with a quarter of a century of work in the Western Hemisphere.
And he ends with a cheery — “Good selling.”
Despite his claims that people are unwilling to accept that anything can be done and so won’t accept dianetics and scientology, IF IT DELIVERED THE RESULTS PROMISED, there would be no need to sell it at all. You could not stop people from joining the ranks of auditors and pc’s.
Here is the full text of the PAB.
PAB 61
The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology
Via Hubbard Communications Office
163 Holland Park Avenue, London Wll
16 September 1955
It is completely fantastic that we have to sell Dianetics and Scientology. Yet we do.
If this is so, then why, and how?
The world does not know that there is any hope for the mind, the spirit, the intelligence level, weariness and disability. If you talk to a group all about the mechanics of the spirit and fail to talk to them about “There is some hope for it,” you’ve overshot, and right there you have “entered the public case” too high. Its data level does NOT include SOMETHING CAN BE DONE ABOUT IT.
The careless driver, the faithless wife, the negligent employee are all severe problems. You could confront an individual beset by such problems and talk for half an hour about engrams and have him walk away without asking for help. Why? Because his entrance level is SOMETHING CAN BE DONE ABOUT IT. You’ll have to sell him on that before you can sell him anything else. Does it take selling? It surely does!
The world has been promised and promised and promised for centuries, with a flop every time. Today the magazines of the cheaper variety are full of psychiatric articles about the miracles of new drugs. Even legislation states that psychiatry “cures seventy-five percent of its cases”; an outright lie. The public knows this is a lie. It knows that as soon as you promise cures that you’re lying. Even the Busy Business Bureaus state that the public should suspect anyone who promises a cure for anything-by which, we believe, it includes psychiatry. So your glowing statements that you can take care of it entirely are received by the beset person not at all. He’s heard it before. He’s spent his money on patent medicine, and medicos, and quack psychologists, or he knows somebody who has, and he knows it won’t work, that there IS NO HOPE.
How do we solve this impasse? We don’t overpromise our beset person. We tell him that we have known such things to be helped by Scientology; that if we were persuaded, we might take a crack at it; that the thing isn’t ENTIRELY hopeless, since Scientology, a brand-new science, has been handling things that couldn’t be handled in the past. And we go on in this vein, a sort of two-way comm, until we bring his tone up to where he thinks maybe there IS something that can be done about it if he is very lucky and if we, fortunately, will make an effort. Show him the Code of a Scientologist. But talk to him not about WHAT you can do or HOW you can do it, but that there IS some hope in the matter these days.
Another point is to declassify Scientology as medicine, psychology, psychoanalysis or psychiatry. Classification with these will doom your point. Your beset person, or the group you are addressing, possesses experience along THESE lines. Punch this up everywhere: SCIENTOLOGY IS THE ONLY ANGLOSAXON developed science of the mind and spirit. Medicine is Latin in origin. Psychology is German (Prof. Wundt, 1862). Psychoanalysis is Austrian (Freud, 1894). Psychiatry is Russian (Pavlov and others in the 1890s). Scientology is an Anglo-Saxon exact science of the mind and spirit.
Another point is the goal of Scientology: Ability.
Now, in talking to a group, steer off from para-Scientology. Layoff the whole track stuff, huh? Layoff the fantastic. And if you have some chap around who insists on telling people about these things, just note him down; he isn’t working for us, fellers. The quickest way to lose a beset person or a group is to load him down with phenomena. Talk instead about the fact that something can be done. Talk about the fact that there is a spiritual side to man. Talk about the fact that Scientology solves social problems. When they are very initiate and it’s all in good fun and they’ve also got their HPA or HCA, do what you like with the whole track. Or use it in private sessions. Don’t hand it out to the public raw. It’s too strong.
To establish two-way communication (as you MUST do if you are going to communicate at all) you have to talk within the UNDERSTANDING of your audience. Remember that UNDERSTANDING is the peak of ARC. And ARC includes COMMUNICATION. Communication brings about understanding, so communicate a lot. But some understanding must exist to bring about communication, so don’t tell the Ladies’ Aid Society about your whole track space opera and expect them to begin cheering your speech. If their mouths open at all it will be either to say “Huh?” or to snore. And they won’t come back again. This is so
much a fact that I want you to write and tell me who and where anytime you hear somebody spout off about whole track to new audiences or to strangers, for by this we find the boys who aren’t in our camp.
Our world today, before we’re well into it, believes that you live one life and get buried, and that’s that; that you don’t go to heaven; that mechanical gimmicks work better than men; that religion was “pie in the sky” and nobody got to eat it; that SCIENCE may or may not be beneficial; that you can’t really do anything about it anyway. That’s a pretty dim and inaccurate view, but that’s the view, just the same.
When raising the tone of the pc, do it gently by small gradients. The rises can get spectacular, but not if you try it with rocket ships. And when you do it, you’ll do it by raising his UNDERSTANDING, but if you fail it was because you jumped ABOVE his understanding and so you became unreal.
Now, the first step in auditing is not a process as such. It’s FIND A PRECLEAR. and the next step is ESTABLISH THE EXISTENCE OF AN AUDITOR. That’s why you don’t do quite so well with Mama. You haven’t established the existence of an auditor. To find a preclear, you have to engage what little understanding you are confronting, and then raise it.
Asking a preclear to decide to have processing is silly. You wouldn’t ask him to run Part C of SOP 8-C first, would you? No. You tell him, within his framework of understanding, that auditing is necessary to accomplish his goal and when to report. You don’t ask an audience to decide to like Scientology or Dianetics. You tell them to like it, to trust it, to learn to hope again with it. You aren’t a scientist, and you don’t have to be wishy-washy and indefinite about what you say. Be simple. Be decisive. Be theta.
To find a pc, you have only to establish the fact that there is hope in auditing and the existence of the auditor.
You don’t have to struggle to tell people what Scientology is, what it is all about. Scientology applied the exact methods of science to the problem of the human mind and spirit, and won. It means the study of knowingness. Its immediate result in application is the bettering of ability in individuals and groups. It is a practical religion for all denominations and doesn’t require faith in anybody until they have experienced something to have faith about. It helps people who want to be helped and if they don’t want to be helped it doesn’t insist on helping them. It can be used to train and control people. Its goal is freedom. It has more
validated cases in its files than any other practice. It is not an authoritarian science and is of and for the people; it belongs to the little man and woman, not to huge interests. By using Scientology you can talk better to people, and understand people better, and get things done or keep things from getting done. Scientology caps about ten thousand years of study that began in Asia and wound up with a quarter of a century of work in the Western Hemisphere. Its practitioners are ministers. These are trained for years, in school and out. These ministers abide by a Code that couldn’t be applied to the healing sciences at all by reason of its clauses. If people want to know a lot about Scientology, they’ll have to start from scratch like you did. You do things, you don’t just talk about them. When and if somebody starts running you and Scientology down, get amused, get superior, don’t close terminals. Scientology is like “good roads and good weather.” Everybody is for those. Somebody trying to run it down would be out for bad roads and bad weather, and you appeal to that few who like things done right and running right. And so you become amused at opposition. You don’t demonstrate Scientology on somebody before an audience just to PROVE IT WORKS. You handle this problem by insisting, if you process at all, upon processing the entire group, and you use “three points in the body, find three points in the room, find three points in the body,” until somebody pops out. Then you smile and hand them your card and wonder who is running at Epsom Downs next week. Talking or processing, you are in poised control of the subject and your person or audience.
I wouldn’t credit, if I were on Saturn and somebody told me you had to sell a science which gives the priceless gift of freedom to everyone, that such a stupid planet could exist. But it does, and you are on it.
Good selling.
Oh it CAN and been tested Mike. ALL tests against claimed new abilities have FAILED. THAT is how the scientific method works. Hubtard claimed that if one does his X process one will obtain Y ability. Tens of thousands have tested those claims and come away having falsified his writings.
I think Tubby had his head up his metaphorical Uranus. That, or his impersonation of an Oozlum Bird failed after his head got stuck up his arse and the lack of oxygen, and Kool smoke, made it even more difficult to write anything that even vaguely resembled sense.
He somehow knew that a little weird or different seemed just that, something a little weird.
So in almost everything that he invented he had to add the hubbish seal of ridiculousness to it.
Over the top, it somehow is not rejected and it sticks.
L. Ron Hubbard was a megalomaniac.
He had to double down and triple down express praise for his quackery in terms of how unappreciated his quackery was.
He needs be pegged only as one of the great megalomaniacs of earth’s history.
He’s left a huge amount of evidence of his self praise and megalomania.
Ron the Megalomaniac.
And his quote from Ron’s Journal 67 ought be understood as “you share it with me now” really hits the target of a megalomaniac wishing to share his megalomania with everyone else.
LRH was exponentially expansive in sharing his megalomania.
“.. where you had to convince people of a science.. ”
Delusions of eloquence
Hubbard was projecting yet again, criticizing others but really reflecting his and his organizations’ shortcomings and failures. And his hubris and sloppy thinking lead to one of the biggest “flops” of his era.
“Scientology caps about ten thousand years of study that began in Asia and wound up with a quarter of a century of work in the Western Hemisphere.”
Uhhhhh…that doesn’t really sound all that Anglo-Saxon. And why would that be a selling point anyway, except to a racist?
You got it ,in the end its just western Cult for pure…..people
How very appropriate that the hubster would choose Jupiter as his point of perspective. Jupiter is, after all, not much more that a giant ball of gas with very little solid substance.
I think it might be time to induct LRH into the planetary order of Gas Giants. And who knows? Target Two could be located on Europa, or perhaps Ganymede–right under our very noses all this time.
I meant to say Saturn. I must still be under the effect of Xenus’s solar system disorientation ray.
(And BTW, the gas giants are sometimes called “failed stars.”)
There’s more exact science in, “hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat,” than the dribble in that PAB.
Hubbard loved to spew out outlandish, unproveable statements of so called ‘tested science’ of his, ha, work he calls it. I’ve sure never seen any tabulated data with evidence to match such claims. But I sure have read and heard Hubbard say that dianetics cures arthritis, blindness and anything else that ails you. It’s all as authentic as his war record and how he cured his own crippling war injuries.
See, nothing up my sleeve…
Lroon really did jump into how to sell $cientology in this Pablum. Yeah, just lie and try to manipulate them into paying for your crap. Fifty five was when $cientology became the self help pyramid scheme that it always was. Just 4 years later Lroon bought up himself an English manor home and he had enough money to play country squire with it.
No wonder Les Dane is a minor deity in this pantheon.
When I read this crap now that’s exactly what it feels like…crap! He had no research. He had no studies. All he had was his crap to sell. If it was so valid he could withstand scrutiny but not! No scrutiny allowed! Any scrutiny or questions got you declared SP! I call BS!
“The Public knows this is a lie. It knows that as soon as soon as you promise cures that you’re lying.”
Isn’t this how DMSMH became a best seller? Doesn’t that book say that Dianetics is the cure all for everything? And how come people believed it and still do?
Man, I’m boggled!
Re: “…such a stupid planet… you are on it.”
The Human Race needs to understand just how stupid L. Ron Hubbard, the Founder of Dianetics and Scientology, thinks you are. This make-wrong of Mankind extends to the Dianeticist, and to the Scientologist.
Just because a person is a Dianetic or Scientology auditor does not free him from being stupid, or from thinking that his PC (pre-clear) is. As far as Hubbard is concerned, you’re only a little less stupid by going Clear and OT. By becoming a Scientologist, you’ve acknowledged your weakness — that you’re a human being. If you were a Christian and had gone astray but had denounced your evil ways and repented — it’s like that. A new Scientologist acknowledges completely their stupidity (that they’re aberrated and have a Reactive Mind). A Scientologist becomes less stupid simply by getting on “The Bridge to Total Freedom,” Scientology’s Grade Chart.
Hubbard views mankind as being blindingly stupid, and the world as semibarbaric. The Reactive Mind, declares Hubbard, is a slave maker and stupidifier.
A new Scientologist, so excited at freeing mankind from the Reactive Mind and “increasing intelligence” only becomes enslaved to The Master, because Hubbard demands that you do exactly what he tells you to do. Don’t stray, he warns. In Scientologese, there is no room for “alter-isness.” Hubbard wouldn’t trust you for anything if his life depended on it. He’d only cautiously place his trust in you only if you followed in his footsteps EXACTLY.
The best advice for homo sapiens everywhere is to keep coming back to this blog because SOMETHING CAN BE DONE ABOUT IT.
Good day Mike,
Your post inspired me.
The bread and butter of all cult leaders is our ignorance of the subject they seek to control us with. Ignorance of the subject and trust in the delusions of cult leaders is the recipe for mental slavery.
Important lessons I learned from Mr. Smarty Pants:
1- I now have a better bs detector
2- I don’t immediately believe “experts”, I research for myself and disagree or agree freely as my reason dictates.
3- my trust is earned, not given because of some cult of personality con job
4- I now recognize that some despicable human beings are expert at mind control to the point of severing and sacrificing bonds of family and friends to the cult leader
5- if disagreeing with an expert gets you punished you are disagreeing with a tyrant not a spiritual teacher or philosopher.
I’m grateful I experienced Scientology and L Ron Hubbard. I’m grateful because I learned it was a flaw in me that was attracted to this cult. Some insecurity and lack of self awareness in me granted Hubbard the keys to controlling my thoughts by unconscious invitation.
I’ve gone through anger, shame and blame in uncovering myself from the delusions of L Ron Hubbard. Now I feel grateful I went though it and now my attitude towards Hubbard is pity. He was a pitiful weak slime ball who we all created as the savior in our heads, though study tech and auditing.
Never again will I allow my mind to house such stupidity. Hubbard was a weak, pitiful and extremely ignorant person who had no real knowledge of life and death.
It was us who installed him in our mental shrine of make believe. It was our trust that kept us slaves. And it is us who can knock Hubbard off the pedestal.
If Hubbard taught me anything it was: be careful who you give trust to.
Brian…#1 and #2 most definitely. Advantages of being older=”experts” no longer have any validity. My Dad called many of them “educated idiots” It appears many of scientologists are not even educated. I have appreciated the documentary so much, no, I have not even been a near miss to scientology. I did allow a Jehovah’s Witness minister in my home one time. I don’t recall him pressuring me, but at that time I was a dedicated newbie to Christianity. Now I am a significantly modified one. I’m grateful that I wasn’t ever exposed to it first hand. Much of your comment and Mike Rinder’s blog is appreciated and informative.
I love your dad’s “educated idiots.” Obviously, at least in my view, anyone who got educated and now is an idiot probably got taught wrong knowledge; knowledge that is not true, incorrect etc.
Even the thought, “oh, he or she is educated”. What does that mean? It’s meaningless as far as intelligence and wisdom is concerned. Hitler’s top men where all “educated.”
In cults, we become educated to false convictions, distorted cosmology’s and world views, a form of elite narcissistic know-it-all attitude.
I scrutinize what I allow into my mind as fact now. Knowledge has to pass the smell test of decency for me.
Scientology taught me that wrong knowledge, knowledge that does not accurately depict, define and represent reality is dangerous knowledge because it can lead to incredible indecency.
Nazis knowledge was ok to kill Jews
Scientology knowledge is ok to harm people to protect the cult
I’m done with working overtime to delete wrong and dangerous knowledge from my thinking. I inspect it first, with reason, before I allow it into my mind as useful.
Scientology is a cesspool of wrong, delusional and inaccurate knowledge.
Again, helpful.
Smiley face
Steve Hassan summed it best “How would you know if you were under mind control?”
Not so sure you should blame yourself personally – he used all the tricks in the book to trick us and make us believe we were doing something great.
His character was definitely slimy and sad – yet, the lectures always made him look supremely confident and assured except for of course the WOG references and the constant mocking of almost everyone.
He can take his lilly-white e-meter and audit his BT’s for eternity
Shame and blame are probably states of being we pass through as we unpack our membership with fools and idiots.
I dealt with those years ago. Although truth be told, I do not advertise to others that I was a Scientologist. If it comes up in context a do.
I’ve gone from self judgment being a Scientologist to gratitude. I’m glad to have experienced it and come away with the clarity of right knowledge.
Very helpful, Brian.
Thank you.
Smiley face
Saturn. Good place for this. Too bad he didn’t get to Saturn before he started this “religion.’ Would have made so many people’s lives so much better.
I should be having a suppressive thought right now.
I think we all are.
Oh Ron, always trying to raise our tone levels. Rot in hell.
And I still always wonder how anybody could take any of that Hubbard stuff seriously?
I knew immediately: this is a trap. this is fake, this is not for me. The second time I took the discussion as a joke anyway.
Every single sentence says ” I am fake, I am space opera, I wonder if you really believe that”.
Scientology has tried 2 times to get me. One time I was only 18 and the Scientologist was a CLEAR and the guy who also failed to get Rock Hudson
There was once an attempt to recruit me into the Unification Church. I met a recruiter for the Unification Church on the Nicollet Mall in Downtown Minneapolis. She asked me if I believed in Jesus Christ, I responded negatively. Up to that time I received the impression from the Media that cult recruitment was a hostile process. I learned not to trust the Media.
“It is a practical religion for all denominations and doesn’t require faith in anybody.” Hmm. That sounds nice.
When I first got into scientology it was promoted as an “applied religious philosophy.” I kinda liked the ring of that. What could he bad. Frog meet water.
Unbeknownst to me the leader of this little group who wrote that line “doesn’t require faith in anybody” was running the Apollo, writing bulletins that would keep his flock in line or maybe throwing people overboard or putting children in chain lockers to make his point.
Fast forward to this easy going group that didn’t “require faith in anybody” putting out a Source Mag bragging about the over-the-top and nauseating accolades given to its next tyrannical leader david miscavige who gets a kick out of enforcing the faith that others MUST GIVE to him.
The silly thing about claiming it doesn’t require faith is that he expects his followers to take his impossible numbers, his statements directly in conflict with solid verifiable science, his millions, nay trillions, of lies, on … faith. (And if you don’t take it on faith as absolutely proven, you’re violating KSW, must have MUs, must be out-ethics, must be connected to someone SP or must be an SP.)