In response to yesterday’s post about following “In the Footsteps of Ron” at his Bay Head, NJ house where he wrote Dianetics, a reader sent me the following photographs, noting,
With Sarah and baby Alexis, taken by Robert Heinlein.
You can be 100% sure these photos are nowhere to be found in “Ron’s Bay Head house” or in any of the “Ron” series or any other publication about Hubbard’s life by scientology.
Sarah never existed, according to Hubbard’s statement to the media when asked about her, and Alexis was not his daughter — even though he dedicated Science of Survival to her. He actually wrote Alexis a letter much later in her life proclaiming “I am not your father.” A lie pretty easily disposed of if you take one look at Alexis (and read this article on Ortega’s blog):
Though Hubbard routinely claimed he was a champion of the truth, in truth, he was anything but.
The truth was a malleable medium that he would shape for his benefit. The treatment of his family and children is perhaps the most vivid example of this and may be the ultimate window into his character. What sort of man claims a wife he married bigamously and mothered his child never existed? And even worse, what sort of father completely disowns and abandons their child?
My 1967 copy of Science of Survival states it is dedicated to Diana Hubbard?
Explain this please
You dont have the original.
It was written in 1951.
That needed explaining to you?
Thicketts, get out of the Cult of Scamology THEN rent some IQ so you don’t forget to breathe and stuff like that.
60 – are anti families. 60 + are pro to families. Will Sahra ever forgive his blunder and make odd even?
I remember when I found those pictures of Alexis online, it really struck me how much she looks like her father. I was doing some research about Ron’s kids, just looking into where they are now and what they are doing, and when I saw the pictures I thought, I don’t know how anyone could actually believe she is not his daughter. And how cruel of Hubbard to do what he did, sending her a letter telling her that he was not her father, and that her mother was a prostitute who came to him for help. What a hateful SOB he was. It is nice to know that Alexis went on to have a nice life anyway — a family, and a beautiful horse farm. She was better off without Ron in her life, no doubt.
I’ve read accounts that on at least one occasion, scientologists sent by Hubbard to Alexis to disavow his even being her father, were completely taken aback by how much she looked like him.
Paulette Cooper also wrote that she was planning to ask her for some sort of identification when they agreed to meet in the 1970s – but as soon as Cooper opened the door, it was obvious that there was no need of proof of the young woman’s relationship to Hubbard. And she apparently had his striking red hair when younger, though it’s not quite so obvious in the newer photographs.
You’re right, it’s sad, but as awful as Hubbard was, she was better off. I think she may be the only one of his children to go to college – she went to Smith in Northampton, and so must be quite the intelligent and accomplished woman.
He may have denied, disowned and disinherited her, but there’s no doubt that out of all of his 7 children Alexis is the best of the lot, due in no small part to her having been – unlike his other 6 kids, raised completely apart from the cult AND HIM.
@peacemaker, FWIW, my ex-husband tells my son on a regular basis that he is pretty sure he is not his father and that I had all sorts of affairs while I was married to him. I wish I could remember those affairs, I’m sure I had lots of fun. Damn.
My son looks so much like his father that sometimes I have trouble looking at him. My ex-husband married his new wife before the ink was dry on our divorce papers. Fortunately my son is old enough to understand who we both are and, surprise surprise, he gets upset when someone, anyone, says something bad about his mother who raised him without child support or another adult in the home.
He generally avoids speaking to his father because he doesn’t want to hear bad things about me. I don’t ever talk about his father to him, nor did I when he was younger. Why should I? We divorced when my son was 3 and he will be 40 in 10 months. The man I was married to is a stranger.
You are correct. As with LRH, my children and I were better off because I escaped the brutality of that marriage.
Wow. That’s all I can say right now, Val! Just wow! That and, like, what unspeakable lying bastard. No wonder you have such a decent, loving son – he was raised by a classy lady, AWAY from this creep who was his birth father. Hugs and kudos to you, Val.
Good on you, Val! Classy all the way. You took the high road and set a great example for your son who obviously has a good head on his shoulders. 😉
And a 15 teenager from CMO at Flag, who kissed a girl of 14 as they loved each other, was sent to RPF for out-ethics behavior on the 2D based on LRH words.
Yet, Mr Hubbard sure did NOT set an example on the Second Dynamic, to say the least.
Hypocrisy, lies, deception from the very beginning; no wonder scn is dying.
There WAS no 2-D activity allowed at Flag in the mid ’70s. That was the primary genus of the dissatisfaction that led to my getting kicked out. The only “legal” way to a 2D was to buy into that failed wog institution, marriage, and ‘most everyone thought that too high a first step. It wasn’t until I returned to the real world that I discovered what we’d been missing. The ’60s “free love” didn’t really hit for guys like me until the ’80s.
I’m no fan of sexual promiscuity and never was, even when it was in vogue in the 70s to mid 80’s, but holy cow, the concept of having to be married in order to even kiss is not only antiquated and wholly unworkable but beyond the beyond ridiculous! Leaving aside the fact that Farmer Miscavige couples and uncouples them for his use like barnyard animals, its no wonder these Sea Ogres get divorced and remarried so much! You have physical feelings? Bam! Meet your new husband/wife. To me, all that multiple marrying and divorcing is its own kind of promiscuity. Even Marilyn Monroe, as off the reservation as she was sexually, when asked after her divorce from Joe DiMaggio if she was still attracted to him, answered, “Yes I am”, adding, ” but if that’s all it takes we’d still be married”.
“There WAS no 2-D activity allowed at Flag in the mid ’70s.”
The reason for that, I’ve come to believe, is that Hubbard was impotent by then, and selfish bastard that he was, his attitude was: “If I ain’t gettin’ any, you ain’t gettin’ any either.” He had his young “Commodore’s Staff” dress in in short skirts, etc. because he enjoyed teasing all the horny young males on board while forbidding them to do anything about it.
Today’s post is awesome. Somewhere, someone will see these photos and say, “Damn, maybe the entheta was true all along!”
I have never seen these images and I have been a never-in, $ci-watcher for a long time.
Here’s another picture from the first shoot, taken over by the trellis partially visible at the left of that first picture:
It’s also on this page with more about Sara – and about Hubbard’s public relations assistant and mistress of the same era, Barbara Klowden, as well:
Thanks for this piece, Mike, it reminds us of who Hubbard REALLY was. Perhaps a few scientologists, particularly people on the fence, will see it, and be shaken by the truth.
Thank you for posting these links. Great reads.
“And even worse, what sort of father completely disowns and abandons their child?”
Cue the STAAND website (or whatever it is) claiming Mike has done this to his two kids who disconnected from him for daring to leave their cult.
Now, now, now. Let’s not give them any ideas.
Alcoboy said:
“Now, now, now. Let’s not give them any ideas.
Too late. the haters of OSA have already smacked Mike Rinder for being a deadbeat dad — AND a WIFE-BEATER. Details are in this site’s archives ( The perma-linked articles).
LRH might be studied as a means of what not to do.
“what sort of father completely disowns and abandons their child?”
Easy. (a) the same kind who expressed no sorrow and without a tear cursed Quinton’s suicide as merely an attack on his PR image and (b) the same asshole who would abandon Mary Sue and let her take the fall for him in the “raids case”. It is also quite telling that only one of his family remains in the cult today. Pretty down stat if you ask me.
Only one left, yes, and we can’t assume its by her own choice either that Diana’s still in. And her daughter Roanne blew the SO, after all. Could be Diana is being heavily guarded, prevented from blowing too.
Ohhh, what a story she could tell!
(Look, I can dream, alright? 🙂 )
From all my encounters with Diana I know she is completely brainwashed and remains “in” mostly because of that. Well, also the fact that she has no “real world” education, training and experience to lean on for in a life outside the cult.
I suspect she is being hidden away much like Shelly.
Dream on Aquamarine. My fingers are crossed.
Thanks , Glenn. Well, you’ve met her, you’ve had encounters with her. Sounds like she’s going down with the ship. Makes sense given what you’ve observed, first hand. But no worries, I’ll keep dreaming! I’ve always believed that “Where there is life, there is hope”. Hey, who would have thought that Mike Rinder would have ever left? As Sherlock Holmes would have phrased it to Watson, “Improbable, but not impossible”.
Thanks Aquamarine.
Knew Mike too and was somewhat surprised when he left. But fully understand after learning why.
I agree, Diana is gonna sink with the shit. Oops meant ship,,,,,,but maybe not.
Keep dreaming girl. i do too.
What type of person does this?
A sociopath or psychopath.
A person who put sympathy below hate and hostility on the tone scale
A person who wrote that running out sympathy on all dynamics was a good thing
A person who experienced anger because his PR is damaged when his son kills himself
A person who hated Jesus and thought he was Lucifer
A person who created the GO to harm people who see through his lies
In essence:
A person whose allegiance is to the dark side of the metaphysical spectrum – an enemy of truth and decency.
A demon who hated the light.
This may sound woo woo to some, but to me it is the undeniable truth of Hubbard.
it doesn’t sound woo woo to me , just about right .
Hé was a sick man.
Maybe the sickest ever…
I think we have too much of this Manichaean “good versus evil” world view these days. Obviously Ron was severely traumatized through childhood abuse and neglect. Possibly similar to how Hitler’s dad would beat the living s*** out of him on a regular basis, but neglect can leave even longer lasting scars. This might explain how the philosophy Hubbard created to deal with his own vulnerabilities was so successful in attracting similarly vulnerable people. I think Robert Heinlein perfectly summed up LRH by saying “he went crazy, and made a lot of other people crazy”.
Childhood abuse and neglect? In what way?
My thoughts exactly. There is no evidence whatsoever that Hubbard was abused or neglected in any way. In fact, it was pretty much the other way around. He was spoiled rotten (particularly by his aunts) and made to feel he was the very center of the universe.
I zeroed in on that as well Mike, like “wait, what??”
Hope its explained
John McMaster , what ARE you insanely babbling on about? Hubtard said he had a WONDERFUL childhood and no data exists to the contrary. When you say he wasn’t evil you are probably just projecting your own evil impulses..
Somme people ARE evil. MOST are good.
John McMasters, the concept and reality of good and evil is not an Islamic theological theory.
Good and evil is also a secular understanding of the broad spectrum of behavior that human beings can ascend or descend into.
Being good or being evil is an observable fact; they exist.
There are many examples of evil in Scientology and Hubbard
Ripping apart families – disconnection
Seeking to destroy critics – Palette Cooper
Violence against women – pistol whipping Sara
Grinning when making old people have a nose pushing peanut race, making the nose bleed, on Apollo.
Creating the RPF
I agree there is a nature/nurture aspect to behavior. But ultimately Hubbard had free will and he chose personally the dark side. Seeking to create a Moon Child is only one of countless revelations of Hubbard’s depravity.
Any human being who denies morality, as Hubbard did, leaves open behavior that is harmful to others.
My definition of evil is “that which causes suffering.” Hubbard has consciously instructed Scientologist to harm people..
Mafia instructs people to harm people who influence their territory.
I think you have not directly understood the real Hubbard. It’s not just Hubbard’s past that influences him. It’s his consciously chosen value system and his consciously chosen instructions to act out those evil instructions.
Good and evil exist.
“By their fruits ye shall know them.”
Good and evil are not theoretical. They are realities. Just ask any mother who has lost their child to this evil. Their direct perception of evil trumps your argument against against it.
They experience it, you theorize about it.
I don’t disagree at all with what you’ve said above regarding good and evil. I’m curious though: do you believe in the existence of PURE good, and PURE evil? I personally don’t believe in these absolutes, but if you do, that’s OK, I’m just curious.
What I’ve learned is that they are relative terms. That being said, there is absolute truth. But they transcend relativity. The absolute truth is the unmoving fulcrum upon which these dualities swing.
I should say “it” transcends duality, not “they transcend“ duality.
I very much doubt that L Ron Hubbard was an abused and neglected child! If he HAD been, we would have HEARD about it in his lectures and other works! Heard PLENTY! LRH was NOT the type to hold back when it came to being WRONGED.
Brian wrote:
“A demon who hated the light” Hubbard evolved from Luciferian to Satanic. Lucifer could emanate a little light as the “light bearer”. Satan was darkness. In Milton’s “Paradise Lost” Lucifer becomes Satan when he starts his evil desire with actions to take over the world. Hubbard was Satan in this sense.
George, the word ‘Lucifer ‘
is derived from a Latin word meaning ‘Light Bearer’ while Satan is from a Hebrew word meaning ‘opponent’. Just because something is described as Luciferian does not necessarily mean that it is Satanic or evil.
Agree. Personally I consider Hubbard Satanic.
Hey George, I know there are some definitional differences between Lucifer and Satan.
But in my mind these two words mean the same thing: a supremely dangerous asshole.
Rolling on the floor laughing
good Summary, Brian.
This pretty much confirms how “psychotic” Hub Hub really was. I have a daughter and I cannot fathom how I would lie that she was part of my life. Effin sick.
My sentiments exactly
Anyone watch these TV Shows where these men DENY they are the father of a baby….the a DNA test is completed &it turns out they ARE the father as in “You ARE the father”….or that “other show” where the Judge states “You are the father of that beautiful baby boy/girl”….WOW. Some are NOT surprised, don’t you wonder why.
Wouldn’t it have been wonderful IF a DNA test could be taken NOW….simply to prove or disprove this female either IS or ISN’T Hubbard’s child? One can certainly deny parental responsibility but the DNA…as that “TV Judge always states…the DNA does NOT lie”.
There are men who will “Be there place the order (i.e. have sex with the female)”…..but when it comes down to “accepting delivering (admitting they are the father)”…they DENY IT.
The children are always the VICIMS of their parents’ decisions….the children do NOT ask to be here. They are brought into this world because someone “forgot to use birth control.” Married or unmarried, it always comes down to the same parental decisions……KIDS ARE THE VICTIMS
What’s worse than having one’s OWN parent DENY you ARE his child….sickening. I hope LRH is suffering the tortures of the damned in the HELL he created for himself.
BalletLady, Tubby LIVED (more-or-less) that hell he created in the last few years of his paranoid, tortured life.
Very likely that Alexis did get a DNA test later and that she has been and possibly still is being handsomely paid by Co$ to keep her mouth shut.
I’m not saying that pejoratively. I wouldn’t think the less of her if this were true.
She was cut out of her father’s will, after all.
In fact, besides Alexis, I’m sure the cherch actually sought out and has been paying EVERYBODY (and their descendents) connected by blood or marriage to LRH who would have stories to tell – Mary Sue’s people, Polly’s people, Sara’s people, etc. Whether by blood or marriage or friendship, everyone with stories to tell which would give the lie to the cherch’s fabricated Life of Ron, would have been chased down and offered money to keep quiet about him.
Just my opinion, and maybe I’m too cynical.
Regarding The Lurch of Scienbollocky, it is nearly impossible to be too cynical regarding its capacity for crime, abuse, intrigue, and skullduggery!
OK, now I feel better, Mark. You do have a point 🙂
NOT cynical at all my dear Aqua….honest is the word I’d use.
This is the kind of information that really needs to be put OUT THERE….plastered on road side boards with lights shining on it at night.
Posthumously of course
“LRH DO YOU KNOW WHO YOUR CHILDREN ARE…..If you’ve forgotten…here’s a list”….
Than you Jere, Aqua, Mark, for your information!
Thank you, Balletlady 🙂
Off topic, but I’m just curious; did you study ballet? Or, are you just fond of watching it – or both?
BOTH….DECADES AGO….long before the Earth’s Crust Cooled”….lol!
Nice 🙂