Unfortunately, this is an oft-heard phrase in the scientology bubble. “Ron says…” or “Do what Ron says”.
It does not matter if what “Ron says” is gibberish or pablum or ridiculous. The fact that HE said it makes it worth repeating and recognizing as an invaluable tool for life.
The quote above is a classic example. It is pompous pontification offering no solution — merely meanderings couched as if it is sage wisdom. They even include spelling mistakes. And they also what is today a very offensive term (but of course they cannot change it, because this is what Ron said).
This simple piece illustrates so much of what is wrong with scientology. Contrary to its best-ever marketing slogan, scientology does NOT teach you to think for yourself. It hammers in the exact opposite idea. Let Ron do your thinking for you. He has the answers to all of life (he says so…) and if that is not clear to you, it’s simply because you either have misunderstood words or have failed to learn all his technology — because if you studied everything he said and wrote you would know everything there is to know in the entire universe.
Just listened to a YouTube video by Richard Grannon “Talking Yourself out of Anguish”. One of the things he touches on is how overlong and obtuse sentences can cause a blip of suspension of critical thinking, allowing a hypnotic suggestion to slip in.
Not new information, but the way he explained it, “clicked” for me even more.
Very familiar with that programmed “I don’t get it, it must be me” spasm.
But that it also makes one even more suggestible to smaller “hidden suggestions” (cognitions? Haha) within the whole is even more creepy, right? And that’s aside from the endless hours of sleep-deprived listening with headphones cancelling out the real world (etc.).
Probably not new to most of you, but “the penny just dropped a little deeper” for me and I felt compelled to post when I normally just lurk.
Reconnected, wow, this is good information to know. Thank you.
And thank you for the validation, Cindy 🙂
Which reminds me, I need to go wash my windows (with plain water and old newspapers), dust my car (with a turkey feather duster), and feed my kid (with sugary barley formula).
‘Cuz that what Ron sez.
And remember Gus, if it isn’t written it isn’t true!
I focused on the training side of scn and wanted to make a living as an auditor. I don’t recall reading too much of Elron’s blather since the training material mostly focused on why and how the processes worked.
I think there were maxims, logics and axioms which I might have glanced over but most of it was theoretical and didn’t make much sense. It wasn’t necessary to understand that stuff in order to know how to make a sandwich. One maxim, I think it was, was “The human mind is engaged in the estimation of effort” which still works for me. Some people will drive around a Wal Mart parking lot five times in order to find a spot fifty steps closer to the doors. Someone on a blog once mentioned that a lot of life is about “moving things around” which is sort of a corollary and works for me.
KSW: Keeping Shysterology Working.
What ever happened to Tommy Davis?
I think he’s hawking hotdogs somewhere in Rodondo Beach.
Absolute, pure, lrh. When he spoke ANYTHING it was pure rubbish.
Yeah – maybe to Scientologists that Hubbard quote makes some sense, but to people living in the real world it sounds like the ravings of a lunatic.
Everyone just keeps pretending they can see the emperor’s clothes…
The purest.
Thank you babe.
L. Ron Hubbard was an unqualified crackpot and the Scientology subject material is unqualified quackery.
It was to be expected that Hubbard failed at his own quackery.
Quackery doesn’t work.
A bit off-topic, but another fascinating look at someone being manipulated and harshly judged by members of the Church of Scientology.
What the heck does “form a special address” mean??
It means your address is special! I had a special address once. But, nobody wrote to me.
Maybe it means Or whatever random IP my virtual machine on my private VPN is using to show my location as Chicago rather than wherever I am so I don’t get fair-gamed?
It took me many years to come to my senses and to accept the fact I really detest the way Hubbard writes. All those M9s and silly word clearing made me feel there’s something wrong with me. I clambered for and yearned to do the Primary Rdn as a solution (because Ron says so) to handle my “literacy problem”, which if you’re in Scientology for more than 5 minutes you’re convinced you have one. Scientology is such a mind fuck of a game, and it all hinges on the belief Hubbard is infallible and has all the answers.
Now, with my relaxed opinion that Hubbard is a god awful narrator I see more and more of his method of putting across his bullshit as fact. That above passage once upon a time would have had me engaging study tech with vigor to work it all out and “make it workably mine”, but now I simply call a spade a spade – it’s bullshit!
From a handful of truths acquired from elsewhere Hubbard invented a whole different way of interpreting life, it grew & grew into a juggernaut of a con with uniforms, statistics and scientific credentials gleaned from Alice in Wonderland. The Mad Hatter indeed.
As Tubby used to say, “what is good for the duck hunter is not necessarily good for the duck.” I consumed way beyond safe limits of kool-aid and nearly became duck soup! No more! I’d like to attest to the ability to smell bullshit from 500 miles away in my sleep. Thanks Ron!
Ques: What happens when a duck flies upside down??
Ans: He quacks “UP”
Hey! Alice in Wonderland is a scared book! It goes well with LSD.
IYawn…Bravo! Very well put!
If Tubbard had a gift it was for mind fuckery.
To this day I am still running across his crap in my skull, and I almost avoid reading anything by him because I don’t want any of his weaselly thoughts getting even the remotest chance of taking root.
You’re a better man than I am, Charlie Brown for being able to read enough of it to stick. Two words in to ANYTHING he writes and my eyes glaze over. If I hang in till the end of the first sentence, my tongue starts to loll out, my head falls to the side and I begin to drool. And I used to read papers written by students!
But his kind of stupid, cram as many nonsensical words together as possible and cement them with thought extenders “and things of that nature”, as you can see”,,,, honestly is more than I can take.
Another of the the 3 million reasons I could never be a scientologist. I would run screaming from the room if I had to digest his ramblings.
First of all, as the mother of a special needs young man who is now 26, I would like to clarify that retard is considered offensive. As a nurse, I assure you, mentally retarded, is still a medical description of individuals with specific intellectual disabilities. Some are offended by it because they cannot distinguish it from retard. Personally, I’m not since I work in healthcare. I’m absolutely appalled at Scientology’s approach to those with intellectual disabilities, and feel that John Travolta’s family showcased that by the way they kept their son’s autism hidden and treated it like it was shameful. My son is awesome! Thanks for all you are doing. It breaks my heart when I see all the damage done to families in the name of “religion.” People are good enough at doing that on their own.
Our family had a lovely child who unfortunately was never able to communicate in her two short years of life. She required the care of a newborn from birth until the day she passed away. Years later I worked with what was called at the time the county MH/MR, which stood for Mental Health / Mental Retardation. I was case manager with one client who was much like our child, except she lived into her teens and still required the care of a newborn, though by that time she was four feet tall and weighed about sixty or seventy pounds. Her family found ways to work through the difficulties involved. That’s what loving families do, though sometimes it is very difficult. One must always look for ways to give the primary caregivers some time for themselves.
The thought of any parent taking such a child in for Scientology Auditing makes my skin crawl.
I am certain Hubbard would have run fast and far, if any of his children had required special care.
Yes, it’s very disturbing to think about auditing any special needs child. My son is both autistic and has moderate intellectual disability. He is quite friendly and very eager to please. He would be so easy to manipulate.
One of the most illusive and misleading sentence from Hubbard, specially to catch new comers is : ” If it is not true for you, it’s not true,” It sounds great and very scientific…but after a while you realize the fact that ”everything” Ron said is the absolute truth … beleive it or not even if it not true for you at all.
Is this a recent email?? Has a teacher of Special Needs Students I am appalled and disgusted with this bs email. What an absolute ass! Gawd I’m pissed..ugh…?
The trademark TM symbol just after “LRH” is a nice touch that makes it even more personal… or something like that.
Those interpretive kiosks and museum quality displays in various scientology buildings, portraying Hubbard as one of history’s “great” men, are utterly ridiculous and absurd now that the cat is out of the bag. Now, it is not just a handful of “bitter apostates” that know the truth of Hubbard’s con. The whole world knows it. Just ask anyone on the street or in a coffee shop.
The only thing more absurd than the fantasy of LRH is that people still remain convinced he was something wonderful, contrary to all evidence, rationality, and common sense… and so forth.
Wow, lots of critical comments. I thought the LRH advice, of becoming familiar with a retarded child (autism wasn’t mention in those days) was good advice, and would prevent an auditor from making a mistake and expecting the child to react to auditing the way others might. It wasn’t intended to teach one how to audit–usually mentally retarded are not psychosomatic, and probably won’t respond to auditing Really everyone should read DMSMH, the whole subject is in that book. It is silly to be critical of LRH for stating an opinon. He was quite clear about us learning to differentiate the tech from his opinons.
Why dare there so many people responding with grrrr, to anything about LRH? He was not a perfect man. His tech was/is good. Can’t we leave it at that, or mush we wallow in the wrongness of the man and his organazation.;
mush we wallow in the wrongness of the man and his organazation.
No wallowing from me. I don’t like to wallow. But I do think it important to expose abuses…
Pat, give Foolproof my best. Pat? Damn, another one bites the dust!
” He was quite clear about us learning to differentiate the tech from his opinons.”
I think the whole body of his ‘tech’ is really just an opinion including the subject of DMSMH. Hubbard simply said it was factual and as we know for a FACT, Hubbard lies.
Pat: LRH’s tech was/is ONLY good for making the able LESS able. It mostly achieved hypnotic and delusional states.
I dare because I have autism in my family. You are right. Everything LRH wrote was an opinion, and you know what they say about opinions.
“Why dare there so many people responding with grrrr, to anything about LRH? He was not a perfect man. His tech was/is good. Can’t we leave it at that, or mush we wallow in the wrongness of the man and his organazation.” Patricia, as they say in improv training, “read the room.” Many of the people visiting this site were the victims of Hubbard’s “tech” for years or even decades. Sec Checks, Ethics “conditions” and penalties, stat push obsessions, and on and on. His “tech” was not, and is not “good.” Forgive us if we no longer worship Hubbard. He lied to us, about his history, his education, his military career, his “scientific research.” So no, I don’t care for Hubbard or his ideas, and I don’t see that they have created any lasting good. My opinion. Not “wallowing.”
Scientology is a criminal enterprise that must, and will, be “wallowed in”. The world’s attention will never go away. In fact, the public hostility toward the crimes of scientology, and its leaders, is only intensifying. You know this is true.
Maybe you should wander over to theundergroundbunker.org. today’s offering features a first hand story of someone who was called “the first real clear” from the monster, himself. He recounts the story of a deaf/mute six-year old boy who was locked in a chain box in the dark on the deck of the Apollo for three days. This was at hubbard’s behest as they waited for the child to demonstrate that he would do “better”.
As long as this man’s policies and organization continue to destroy people’s lives and rip apart families, the wrongness needs to be addressed. How is his Fair Game and Disconnection ‘tech’ good? How can anything allegedly good he created compensate for that level of evil?
His tech was/is smoke and mirrors, and is by no measure “good.” And LRH not only was not perfect, he was a charlatan. I will react the same way to all of his opinions, as every one that I’ve heard ranges from mildly insane to downright evil.
He was one of the biggest con men in history, and I cannot understand those who make excuses for him.
So we should all turn a blind eye to the fact that Hubbard was a straight up liar; a conman, a fraud, a bigamist; an abuser; and most likely a twisted sociopath?
This isn’t the case of some guy who had a few bad habits. This is a case of a man who sought to enslave, corrupt, control, and abuse. And because of all his disgusting policies and writings, people and families have literally been destroyed for decades now.
I don’t give a damn about his so-called tech. I wouldn’t have bought a pack of gum from the man, let alone take advice on how to improve my life.
Exposing the heinous abuses that have occurred within, and because of, $cientology is the most important thing. But let’s not act as if Hubbard isn’t deserving of the utmost contempt….because he is.
Patricia, don’t you have the reincarnated L. Ron Hubbard* there at your center in Elma? What’s his take on where to draw the line between what is “opinion” and the “vast network of facts” that the introduction to Dianetics refers to (with no mention of opinion). And isn’t it all “scripture” – or does he want to change that this time around?
* Born this life as Justin Craig, if I have it right
It’s okay, Patricia. I feel about LRH the same way you do. Yes, he made mistakes, many of them horrible, but he brought forth a tech that, for the most part, works. It has worked for me. If you go to an anti-Mormon website and say something nice about Joseph Smith, you will also get a litany of ‘grrrrrrr’ and ‘how dare you!’.Say something nice about someone that some people don’t like and out come the fangs and claws.
Alcoboy blathered, “but he brought forth a tech that, for the most part, works”.
Ok, show us ONE SINGLE clear that is how Hubtard said they would be. Show us ONE person who can demonstrate the EP of Grade 1. Show us a “super literate” after M1. Show us a person who can and DOES demonstrate the major ability gained by the Pro TRs course. Show one person who is now cause over life as per Hubtard.
Or, admit you are a brainwashed idiot.
Alright, Wynski, I can’t show you any of these things but I can say this with certainty: it has helped me in many ways. No, I’m not OT anything nor can I leap tall buildings in a single bound. But I can communicate better with people now than I could before I studied Scientology. I am more aware of my surroundings than I was prior to doing Dianetics.
And if you can’t accept that, well, tough shit.
Alco —
You could have learned to communicate better and be more aware of your surroundings via many other methods/practices.
A mind control and cruel cult like $cientology should hardly be rewarded for your accomplishments. I say this with respect.
Just food for thought.
Alcoboy blathered, “but he brought forth a tech that, for the most part, works”.
Then for the most part, of the ~100,000 people who took major services you should be able to at LEAST present thousands (or 10), or one)who can demonstrate the abilities gained claimed by Hubtard listed for; Clear, Grades, OT levels, Pro TRs, etc.
If you CAN’T, go rent a LOT of IQ points and see a good mental health practitioner .
Shut up with the mental diarrhea and back up your EXTRAORDINARY claims.
Patricia sez:
“Why dare there so many people responding with grrrr, to anything about LRH? He was not a perfect man. His tech was/is good.”
Good Tech? What good tech?
I’ll stand with The Anderson Report of 1965. After two years of in-depth investigation, including the testimony of many leading Australian Scientologists, Mr. Anderson had this to say:
“Scientology is a delusional belief system, based on fiction and fallacies and propagated by falsehood and deception…. What it really is, however, is the world’s largest organization of unqualified persons engaged in the practice of dangerous techniques which masquerade as mental therapy.”
Mr. Anderson was not a perfect man. His judgment of Scientology was/is good.
Of course, a lot has changed since 1965. Today, all one must do to be a good Scientologist is to donate generously, and don’t make waves. Then donate again, generously, without making waves – then donate again even more generously… and so on and so on and so on.
Patricia, there is ZERO evidence that Hubtard’s tech works. Either bring evidence or STFU! and g back to doing your liability formula with OSA
Hi Pat. I think it’s fine that people still pursue tech outside of the church, thats their decision. But for the rest much of what they are still dealing with are the lies, outright and intentional alteration of facts to cover his own ass. (Hubbard) If you consider the anecdotal evidence line that has been provided, case in point the matter concerning Hubbard giving explicit instructions to David Mayo and Bill Franks never to reveal the REAL reason why people depart (blows) because otherwise Hubbard would “lose control of the organization” then I can’t understand why people such as yourselves still give Hubbard a clean pass. And lets be honest, attributing the wrong intention/reason and leaving that “technical datum” written in stone for the next millennia is unconscionable. Actually it’s outright evil and suppressive. Your Hubbard was clearly gifted at some things but his unhandled condition as a liar (among other things) puts him in the condition of TREASON to me personally. He freaking lied his ass off and a lot of people were hurt (or died) in the process.
His creation of the disconnection policy was the beginning of a long string of lies and heartache. He clearly was aware of the devastation it caused yet chose to double down. The only kind of being that does that is a sociopath.
Pat I’ve read your Facebook posts and I know you support Trump. Another grifter and con man. You are a tech person right? Where’s your chart of Human Evaluation? Demonstration of all the tone levels and how they manifest in behavior, speech, etc ?? Whether you realize it or not your are defending the indefensible. When I left the cult I experienced great relief. Relief knowing that I would never have to defend Hubbard ever ever again. Seek to live with the truth, no matter where it takes you.
“Seek to live with the truth, no matter where it takes you.” +1000
A good rule of thumb is to do the opposite of what Ron says.
Agreed there. Hubbard is the George Costanza of religion.
Hey, Seinfeld and all it’s characters would be upset at that comparison. And George Costanza didn’t have any blood on his hands.
LOL – yes he did, he bought those awful envelopes and killed his fiancee – LOL
Well, he did hit that squirrel. And then there was the time he forgot to feed his girlfriend’s cat for like two weeks.
Are you getting the feeling too that the Scientology nightmare will soon be over?
Yep. The organization itself is dead. It just needs to be properly buried.
Isn’t that coming up in a month or so?
Nope. Not with billions in the banks, whales continue to fleece themselves and Tiawain and Eastern Europe/Russia buying into the cult.
And the indies of all sorts will never let Scientology die. Not even those who left 30 years ago. Ron is still, and always will be, the man.
gtsix, I agree with you but I’d like to point out something:
What the Indies are practicing is not, strictly speaking, “Scientology”.
They’ve cherry picked what they like and what works for them out of the body of work that IS Scientology, and jettisoned what they don’t like and what they consider (and are) the harmful, toxic practices.
Per LRH, what OSA does to “enemies” who disagree or criticize is every bit as much “scripture” as is the Comm Cycle and the ARC Triangle and all the other actions that are part of the the “good” scripture.
Let’s get this very straight: KSW makes NO allowance for cherry picking what one likes and considers workable from that which one does not like, considers toxic and harmful and “not LRH”.
Fact is, its ALL LRH. Its ALL Scientology. PER KSW.
Whatever the Indies are doing, if they’re not applying EVERYTHING, if they’re cherrypicking the tech, then, by definition, its NOT Scientology. And as such, IMO it should be called something else.
And by the way, I’m FINE with cherrypicking LRH’s tech, or ANYBODY or any religious organization’s “tech”. I could care less.
I cherrypick Christianity all the time. I think some of it is marvelous and workable and other points are absolute nonsense and unworkable and/or fiction. I think Jesus Christ said a number of very wise and workable things about how to operate happily in life with others.
But I don’t believe in the Virgin Birth, and THAT immediately makes me, NOT a Christian.
I agree though, that those practicing what they like and what works for them out of Hubbard’s entire body of work will not let go of it, and really, why should they? Its their right to do so. They may want to call it “Scientology” but if they’re rejecting ANYTHING that LRH said to do, then, per KSW, its not Scientology anymore and they’d be better off calling it something else. And who cares if what you do that works for you is called one thing or another thing? I don’t. I would only care if something works or not. But that’s just me.
“What the Indies are practicing is not, strictly speaking, “Scientology”.”
Yeah… according to the CO$, this is true. But so what? Strictly speaking, Christianity was only the Catholic Church. Then it became the Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches. Then it became the reformation and hundreds of new Protestant christian sects, and then the flow of all the evangelical churches… and now even Mormonism is included in “Christianity”.
I was raised in the RCC, and when I was a child I was repeatedly informed that the RCC is the “one truth faith” and all other “christians” were lying heretics bound for hell. There was no such thing as Christianity outside of the RCC – those non-catholics were blasphemous liars.
So to me, they are scientologists.
Disagreed. Scientology is the fastest shrinking “religion”.
Anything, anyone and everything, including apparently retarded children just need more auditing. Special auditing no less, $6,000 per 12.5 hours if you please… oh, your child is very special and the Technical estimate is 150 hours minimum to start.
Just you wait, L. Ron Hubbard, just you wait
You’ll be sorry when the world knows you’re a fake
Ripping off a ton of money
Will it help you? Don’t be funny
Just you wait, L. Ron Hubbard, just you wait
Just you wait, L. Ron Hubbard, you’ll be toast
As your tech has now become a running joke
All that dumb shit done by Davy gave you way too many haters
Oh ho ho, L. Ron Hubbard, just you wait!
The Fatman blathering on about shit he knew nothing about, as usual.
That’s because it’s all make believe. People pay money for nothing, but, you’re chicks are still free.
Hey, I never got any free chicks!
I did!
Bummer dude! I feel your pain.
Hubtard was just a criminally insane scam artist. He committed a death penalty offence with a baby and should have fried in the electric chair at that time. He continued committing felonies until his dying days.
Those who have seen this data and still admire him and his work are criminally insane.
Totally agree with you Wynsku
Hubrurd and Miscavige are criminally insane
My parents are too
They stayed in too long
Anyone that supports any part of $cientology today is a nut job
So you’re the guy that ratted me out!
Doesn’t ‘criminally insane” let him off the hook by implying he didn’t know what he was doing due to insanity? Although he probably had mental illness to some degree, I think he knew what he was doing enough to be evil.
No dwarmed. Stalin, Hitler, Manson, Mao, et al were all criminally insane. They knew exactly what they were doing
Criminally insane is the same as legally insane, which by definition means not responsible for one’s actions.
No dwared. “criminally insane” is not a legally defined item. Where did you get that data?
If you have a better source for the definition, please post a link. I would be interested.
I have a 34 year old daughter who was entirely raised in the SO the 1st 13 years of her life. In ’96 when I got kicked out, she was 13 and could not yet tie her shoes. I should have left when she was an infant and allergic to the Barley Formula literally shoved down her throat. One nanny that dared to help with this was dismissed. I have to fix all this now but only because I let Ron do my thinking for me for so many years.
Think for yourself how Ron thinks is more like it.
What?! This was put out by Mace Kingsley? Wow. This will bring in the kids in droves, especially if your child is mentally retarded.
I had a friend with a Down’s Syndrome child. When the church found out he was doing “other practices” (the Doman Institute), to handle it, they practically crucified the parents. They were told to get the child in for auditing at Mace Kingsley. They reluctantly coughed up money they didn’t have to get the kid audited. All the auditor did was “own time” and had the kid color and did some Reach and Withdraw. The parents could have done that with the kid for free.
As for what “Ron says,” physical violence on the orders of Hubbard is documented in today’s piece at Tony Ortega’s Bunker – along with his wife Mary Sue directing it in some cases, as well. John McMaster, the “first clear” and erstwhile Hubbard-ordained “pope” of Scientology reported witnessing such orders being given and such violence being meted out, including ultimately becoming the target of it himself once he was “declared.”
Some Hubbard apologist, I believe Foolproof, was arguing a while back that any violence in Scientology or by scientologists is incidental. Though it’s been largely overlooked, quite a few accounts of the early days provide corroboration like this, that Hubbard’s directive to “bust up” squirrels was meant and taken literally, and acted upon rather frequently. The Berners, known for introducing the idea for “study tech,” * reported that when they established their own program, they had trouble with harassment such as their property being shot up at night, until they contacted the FBI and agents went to Scientology about it, after which things quieted down.
* Interestingly, Ava Berner also reported that the original idea was simply for Hubbard to provide clear definitions of how he was using terms in ways different than commonly understood, as well as the neologisms he created, because he was confusing Scientology students. She also said that Hubbard didn’t really come up with anything original, that it all came from the ideas and work of others around him.
” Some Hubbard apologist, I believe Foolproof, was arguing a while back that any violence in Scientology or by scientologists is incidental.”
Well that’s the ole Eff Pee we know and love. C’mon out today if shorty will give you a hall pass.
Dave sent him to the RPF for not handling the hell out of all the bitter and defrocked apostates who no longer worship and adore him.
Ron Hubbard
Talking about what makes people craZy
To think I wasted about the prime years of my life drinking $cientology koolaid because I was fed by with parents who were DRUNK on $cientology
CULT koolaid
Well – no more
We are hiding under the radar staying far away from $cientology and $cientologists
Keeping our kids SAFE in the beautiful and quite sane WOG WORLD
Never again will we get bamboozled
Our kids have a chance to live productive happy lives by keeping them far away from the evil cult who destroyed most of the people in our family
They are Zombies and Robots who can’t think for themselves
Good for you, Travelers! You used your Super Powers by walking away! Congrats!
Good job, Travelers
In all my years in college, I never heard ANY instructor say “or something like that”, when explaining ANYTHING. It definitely implies that the speaker is reaching and hoping something sticks. Sadly, a lot of people stick to his every word.
“…or something like that.” You can’t get more scientific than that! No wonder the tech works…
Kind of like some of the very, very sad “success stories” from those who have been fleeced that really make no sense…
“Whoosh! Zowie, bing bang boom! There I was in session looking at this ‘thing’ and then… all of a sudden ‘it’ was gone….”
It’s as infuriating as it is tragically sad to know that too many people are still in the trap.
Not so long ago, I sounded just like that…
“E = MC2 or something like that.” 🙂
E equals MC squared. Not talking about the entertainer.
Mike, you say it best, “It is pompous pontification offering no solution — merely meanderings couched as if it is sage wisdom”. This has got to be at the top of the list of 10 worst things he wrote that is utter gibberish. We should have some fun and start on that “10 worst list”. RB maybe you can include such a list one Friday and then we can all chime in.
I was pompous once. But the pontificating took care of that.
I had a pompadour once but the pomade took care of that.
LOL! Now that’s some funny shit!
That’s exactly what I was thinking. I’ve been away from the post for awhile, is “Ron Says” a regular feature? If not it should be! In addition to the “10 worst list” I would think there might be enough additional material to fuel another episode or two 😉 For me, it would be a fascinating supplement to all the other research I have done. I LOVE the enlightening comments by Mike Rinder and the rest of you escapees.
Love that idea, Detroit!!!
“Ron Says” as a regular feature would be excellent!
Great post today. Mike. Thanks for this.
Ron Says: “The way through is the way out.” Yes, right out the door.
Ron says: “That stupid fucking kid! That stupid fucking kid! Look what he’s done to me!”
I can’t imagine another religious text, such as the Bible, having verses such as:
– Jesus said “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you…..or something like that”
– Do unto others as you would have them do unto you…..or something along those lines”
– Let not your hearts be troubled…..and so forth”
The rambling stuff (something like that, so forth, etc.) he adds on to many of his “commandments” in an almost dismissive way makes it difficult to understand how he can even be taken seriously as the “final arbiter” of every aspect of how someone should live their life.
🙂 Mick.
It reminds me of a character on The Middle. You could always tell when she was lying because at the end of the lie she would say, “and so forth, and so on, and what have you”. Of course Hubbard made it easy by simply lying every time he opened his mouth.
I love your altered Bible verses. “In my Father’s house are many mansions, or something similar along those lines”
This is fun.
Thou shalt not kill and so forth.
Thou shalt not steal and what have you.:
Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord, or something along those lines.
Thou shalt giveth ALL thy money to “the cause”……the bridge needs some work…..
Ron says “attack, never defend” and this has been amped-up to “attack” anyone who disagrees.
Children and parents who have been split-up and financially ruined because they left Scientology is a good example.
Anyone want to guess how much tax free money is used to attack and ruin people’s lives instead of doing 501c charitable work???? The IRS should be collecting taxes from this commercial enterprise masquerading as a charitable organization. It’s disgusting.
Great comment, Robert. And LRH is minces no words on this. It isn’t “Attack, never defend, or something like that”.
I’m cringing with all my typos today. Sorry!
Think for yourself.Do what Ron says.
Maybe anyone still in Scientology in 2018 is a retarded child?
Or they don’t know how to use Google.
No,, I’d say that with the exceptions of those aware and UTR, anyone still in Scientology is well below and beyond mere “retardation”. These people are in the schizophrenic band.
Think about it: they see, hear and and operate in life on what is not there (read: Scientology expanding throughout the world0. They haven’t seen this expansion, have never observed it, because it doesn’t exist. What they’ve SEEN and OBSERVED is SHRINKAGE of Scientology.
Nevertheless, they operate on this expansion datum, heavily. It is the linchpin for their entire lives. It is their STABLE datum .
Something runs their lives and they’ve never seen it or any evidence of it but have been TOLD its there. And so they believe its there and they operate their entire lives on it. Maybe they don’t hear “voicies” in their heads but they’re operating like schizophrenics do,
And, to top it all off, the poorest of them, the most struggling, the most failing in every way of them, financially, relationship wise, 10 years on OTVII – wise believe themselves to be FAR ABOVE everyone else who is not a Scientolotist in good standing!
“Retardation”? That would be a good goal for these Still Ins. That would be a good step UP for them.
And btw, no disrespect intended as re my usage of the pejorative “retardation”. I believe the correct term nowadays is “impairment”.
I was in a skizophrenic band once. All we did was, Bang Our Heads.
“All we did was, Bang Our Heads”. And so forth.
I’m not sure if I read this LRH quote while I was in, but it certainly makes me angry now. I don’t want to go off on all the reasons why, but Mace Kingsley sending out an email letting any parent of a “mentally retarded” child letting then know that this child doesn’t hope is pure unadulterated bullshit.
A big AMEN to that Valerie!!!
Truer words were never spoken…
You are absolutely right…and so forth.
And so we go forth. How come we don’t go first? Who’s idea was that?
Who’s on first. I Dunno’s on second. Who’s on third?
And now the end is near
And so I face the final curtain
My friend, I’ll say it clear
Still got my case of which I’m certain
I hoped it all was true
I travelled from Saint Hill to L.A.
I lost my wife and kids
I did it Ron’s way
Now I feel bad, Visitor. I hope all works out for you.
Clever, and sad, Visitor.
So very, very sorry. That’s the type of loss that so many got outs have suffered. I have an empathy for that, but for a different reason.
I was a highly trained word clearer on contract with the LA Org and I can attest that many people had trouble making sense of what “Ron says” even after clearing up all mu’s! That goes for red on white as well as green on white! If it smells like BS it probably most likely is BS!
That is because $cientogy is a very precise road to confusion
You don’t wake up “doing” $cientolog
You get into levels of confusion and fear
I don’t know how anyone ever understood anything he said in writing or in person. It’s all word salad. You can tell he used to be paid by the word.
I always found word clearing very helpful and still use it to this day (but not on Scientology.)
In Scientology training, I spent a lot of time word-clearing Hubbard’s utterings on Physics and Chemistry.
After a lot of this, my conclusion was that, despite claiming to be a Nuclear Physicist, Hubbard’s understanding of the Physical Sciences was less than that of a decent tenth grader.
If used correctly, word-clearing can be excellent at detecting BS.
Of course, in a Scientology Academy, it is not allowed to use it in this way.
Or, you could just use the dictionary, like most of us wogs.
The B.S. appears in black and white too.
He has valence trouble AND SO FORTH.
If I had a nickel for every time Hubbard inserted the space filler “and so forth” or “what have you” into his inane gibberings, I would have Tom Cruise kind of money.
Oh, and valence. Somewhere a Chemistry teacher, who once introduced Ron to the word valence, is spinning in his grave like a rotisserie spit hooked up to a Dyson motor. I am reminded of a “Kids in the Hall” skit where a worker is called into the boss’ office because the boss has ascertained that people are complaining that this guy uses the word “delineate” way too much, like he works it into every sentence. The guy promises to stop, and has he’s leaving the office, he says to himself… “ascertain!”
Yeah, not even very “sage” wisdom. “get familiar with it?” If a child has autism methinks that won’t work. Of course, you know, “autism” is just a “psyche” term to get your money. I used to believe that until I experienced it in real life with real people who ARE full of hope. Sigh.
When I was on staff, we sometimes weren’t sure how to proceed on a certain action. The answer was always ‘ See what Ron says’ and then look up some PL which, we hoped , would provide the answer. Sometimes especially it did but there were times, like in CF, where we didn’t know how to proceed. Our CF had folders for people who had never bought anything from the org. They were Div 6 public for which folders had mistakenly been made. My point was that CF was only for persons who had bought something from the org and that since these folders were a flap that they should be pulled, destroyed, and the names sent to Div 6. The CF Officer, whose stats depended on lots of names in CF, contended that LRH said that a folder is never removed from CF, which is true. We both quoted PLs to justify our positions.