The smoke and mirrors game that scientology plays concerning L. Ron Hubbard is pretty remarkable.
This “monumental hardback collection” is hardly a recounting of a “life like no other.” It is a carefully selected collection of anecdotal stories about things L. Ron Hubbard said or claimed about his life. Many of them are unverified, unable to be documented because they didn’t happen. Charitably, Hubbard told “tall tales” about his life and exploits. Realistically, he simply lied about himself.
The author of these “books” (they were originally “magazines”) is Dan Sherman. The “LRH Biographer” who, after nearly 30 years, has not been able to produce an actual biography. There is of course a good reason for this. They cannot deal with the things about the life of Hubbard that don’t match the image scientology wants to have portrayed about their leader.
There are so many aspects of the REAL life of Hubbard that cannot be covered in any scientology endorsed hagiography. What happened to his first wife (he claimed she “abandoned” him, which was opposite of what happened),the bigamous marriage to Sarah Northrup and her divorce case, the daughter (Alexis) he kidnapped and later in life claimed was not his daughter, his oldest son turning on him, the death of Quentin, his war exploits that have been proven to be untrue, his role in the crimes of the Guardian Office and his wife going to federal prison, or even how he died. Among MANY other things. You just can’t write a biography without including his family, and that is a sorry tale of failure, betrayal and bitterness. Nor can you ignore the actual events of his life leading up to the time of Dianetics. The “adventures” that he imagined having, but were actually nothing like he described (the “Caribbean Motion Picture Expedition,” “The first mineralogical survey of Puerto Rico” or “I studied 21 races”). The heroic exploits that were just tall stories (fighting off the Japanese to save Australia). Or his “conquests” that were abject failures explained as “leaning experiences” (being thrown out of Rhodesia despite being “extremely popular”). Or his racism.
You will find no mention of ANY of these things in the “monumental collection,”
If you want to know about the life of L. Ron Hubbard, read Russell Miller’s excellent unauthorized biography Barefaced Messiah or watch Going Clear.
You can see the hype they throw around in the promotion below.
And oh, all this incredible information for only $800!!
$800? Wow, toilet paper really HAS gotten low in supply during this COVID crisis!
Some other suggestions for this $800 bonfire of bullshit…
– balancing an uneven chair or table leg.
– oil spill mop-up towels.
– wrap fish in it.
– liner for parakeet cage bottoms.
– campfire kindling.
– faux bookshelf filler on sets for film and stage.
– window wipers, with vinegar, for RPF laborers
If you really want to torture someone make them read LRH’s poetry. In ‘Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’ it was Vogon Poetry that could cause spontaneous aneurisms after you screamed yourself hoarse and tried to chew your own tongue out. Douglas Adams must have read some of LRH’s poetry and got the idea of Vogon Poetry! Can you imagine a whole book of it? What about LRH the musician? There are many old timers here who can regale us with tales of the ‘Apollo Allstars’ or ‘The Road to Freedom’ being played over and over in the Orgs back in the day…then you would lose what little mind you had left. It was that bad.
The Universe HAS to exact some penalty on those who would force that series into the world.
Hey, DAVE! If you soak all that in high-test scotch and light it, the flames will be SPECTACULAR, FANTASTIC, STRAIGHT up and vertical!
Nawwwh, that’d be a definite abuse of alcohol, even worse than YOU guzzling it.
All public and particularly Whales will be pressured heavily to buy more than one of these. So glad I’m not there. So very glad.
Aqua fully correct. Good that you are out. Luckily me too, otherwise I had to sell them to reach the usual suppressive quotas. With people screaming, no sleep and ethical conditions. Nightmare stuff, what sick madhouse.
Do they cover L Ron’s amazing career as a master singer/songwriter?
Cricket, for sure! I advice you to read Ron the musicmaker and Poet/lyricist.
Chopin, Vivaldi or Beethoven look like confused beginners.
If you can find the series in the library it will be in the Fiction Section
“I studied 21 races”
And even then his sure-fire system for winning on horses fell over.
Oscar Wilde and Christopher Hitchens would decimate LRH.And for good measure,throw Ambrose Bierce into the mix.He would tear that pathological liar to shreds.
I feel sorry for the Still-Ins. Can you imagine the reg’ing cycles going on during fundraisers for this BS?!
GEP. Sure it will be a slaugther till the quota is reached. And heads rolling. As usual.
800 bucks?! What a deal.
For a more realistic assessment of actual market value, and to appreciate the rip-off the cult perpetrates on those who trust it with their purchases: The Con Series has been offered through Amazon Stores (Amazon itself doesn’t even bother with it; and they will sell anything) for a price fluctuating between $24 and $95. In other words, anywhere between 3% and 12% of the price the cult offers it at.
Ron, the Rip-Off Artist
Todd, thanks for the current pricing info, but any effort spent considering Sherman’s hagiography is wasted. I wonder if anyone can get through all that fluff with ANY brain cells intact.
OMG,something they’re demanding $$ for that they might be able to DELIVER!? How un-Miscavige-like.
I’d still have him attend my imaginary dinner party of historical figures. He’s far more interesting as a demented cult grifter than he ever was as “man’s greatest friend.” I’d probably seat him in between Oscar Wilde and Princess Di, with Christopher Hitchens, Alexander The Great and Adolf Hitler sat opposite…
Oscar Wilde and Christopher Hitchens would decimate LRH.And for good measure,throw Ambrose Bierce into the mix.He would tear that pathological liar to shreds.
Attila the Hun and I were an item in a former life and 4 1/2 centuries ago I was Nell Gwynn. Could we attend?
I’d include Moses, who’d made Hitler look like a nice guy.
$800! Gee I wish there was a way to “short” the sales of these as I’m sure they will be available for sale on ebay for $10 soon…which at $10 they might be something to buy to use as kindling for a bonfire. I wouldn’t be surprised all Scientologists must now buy these under threat from OSA of being declared! Sad,sad,sad!
They always do “Library Donations” of these things – a way for people to get the registrars off their backs without actually putting more junk in the storage cell. Generally on a trip to see the Ethics Officer, when they start making broad hints about your Toobin’ problems going away for an “indulgence” or two.
Guess you could check in the dumpster of a local library for these in a few weeks, or on the shelves at Half Price Books.
Problem is, if you put them on E-Bay for $10 each you still won’t get any buyers. That shiny paper is of absolutely no use in the toilet.
Thanks for the insight. But what is “Toobin’?
Brian, duckduckgo “Jeffrey Toobin” to find the origin of a plethora of new phrases whose meanings will not be repeated here, like “Toobin Lubin'”. Related to a sad incident during a recent Zoom call. Could happen to anyone.
Moral, always check to be sure your video is off, blocked or disabled before engaging in extra-curricular activities that may be misinterpreted by benighted individuals like the Ethics Officer.
What’s hilarious is that the ‘library donation’ shite from the regges is a scam too. They don’t donate shite. They keep the money and mark down a ‘donation’. I called and/or went to every library within a 200 mile radius of where I live after the Basics push. Guess what? No LRH Basics books. It wasn’t that they got them and culled them…they never got them. How many of you were told to donate umpteen copies to libraries? I’m sure that somewhere in the world several libraries may have gotten copies of Basics books. Just not anywhere I looked. Plus at the rate that those things were regged there should have been copies in every library in the US with many left over. Instead there are boxes and boxes of them rotting in peoples storage units. Ortega did a story on that guy (can’t remember his name) that had a big car insurance agency (failed) and his storage unit was sold at auction. His IAS trophies went up on eBay. Anyway there was a pic from a video on the site and in the background of his garage/storage unit there were box after box after box stacked to the ceiling of Basics books. They probably stoked a good fire.
All sales being done under threat is par for the course with the enterprise calling itself scientology. Certainly, no one’s rushing into the orgs to get that heap of manure.
Heck! NO one’s in the orgs these days, from the reports we hear. When I google scientology pemmsylvania, all I get is that idle more STILL bot being under renovation. What’s it been? 15 or 20 years they’ve had that white elephant?
Jere, in western PA, the last remnant of a mission in Pittsburgh, the “city office” well outside the city that was kept going for a few years as an offshoot of the Cincinnati/Kentucky org and apparently hosted by a local in their home office, seems to have finally vanished in the last year. After the last actual franchise holder in the city went bust, they apparently never were able to find anyone to take on the financial burden that a mission represents these days. That means that a vibrant, thriving metro area of over 2 million that has now gone Scientology-free.
According to my notes they’ve had the derelict historic building in Philadelphia for over a decade. It was bought at the peak of the real estate bubble in 2007, a year Scientology purchased a number of the buildings in the US and the UK that they’ve never been able to renovate, including the infamous one in St. Louis that they are now quietly trying to sell off.
2007 was also when they purchased the Hotel Alexandra in Boston that Miscavige apparently decided wasn’t big enough to meet his “ideal” standards, which they only recently did finally sell off after years of trying and at least one abortive deal. But the local org has been in “temporary” quarters inconveniently far from the city for all that time, and there is no sign of work on the outlying office park style building that they bought in the meantime, that’s now supposed to be their “ideal” org.
Brian, don’t waste your effort. IF you buy the books somewhere along the way, you’ll have to pollute your space to store them, and likely have to actually HANDLE them as you take them to the dump.
Thanks..I have no intention of ever buying these books…EVER
Shelby Foote’s definitive history of the entire Civil War is fewer pages.
That’s all.
There’s likely never been a greater waste of paper and ink. Thoroughly useless dreck, I’d say, except that it’d be an insult to dreck.
Thanks for mentioning Mr. Foote because it reminded me that I still need to get the third volume of the trilogy..
The advert sounds like an old fashioned movie trailer…or a side show’s patter.
O/T. On 8/17/20 Scientologist Patricia (Trish) Duggan contributed an additional $1 million to the pro-Trump America First Action political action committee.
To date, she has contributed a total of $5 million to that committee.
The above is according to Open Secrets and based on data released by the FEC on October 15, 2020. See:
Politico earlier reported that Trish Duggan also gave $589,600 to Trump Victory, a joint fundraising committee helping the president’s campaign raise money, and $45,000 to the Republican National Committee. See:
Thus, to date she has a given a total of $5,634,600 to the effort to reelect Trump.
Please give it a rest.
Thank you for the comment!
ISNOINews’ further comments over at the Bunker pointed out that this makes Trish along with Bob Duggan major Republican donors, which may well give them enough leverage to help provide political cover for Scientology. So I think this item is actually particularly topical, and maybe even an example of what is most worth covering.
I agree with Scribe on this.
So you’re saying she doesn’t just donate to the evil $ci..?
Or are you saying this is more wrong headedness on her part?
Since I’m sure you’re NOT trying to be political, this is akin to posting whether she spends her non-$ci.. money on Charmin or White Cloud.
To quote someone whose opinion I value. “Please give it a rest.”
And 5mil IS like Charmin to her…i.e. nothing. I believe from reading ISNOI news comments on Ortega’s site that they (ISNOI) believe that Duggan’s donations to campaigns are for pro Scientology reasons. Such as if say the Pres was going to actually DO something about Sci then the party may not want him to because they would lose her money. My opinion is that 5 mil is nothing to these people. It’s nothing to her and it’s nothing to the party (either of them). What’s 5 mil gonna buy? Not even a favor in today’s politics. Now if it was 5 Billion it may be a talking point but 5 mil…meh…
And I agree with the rather astute observation above.
No, I am not “going to give it a rest” for the following reasons.
First, the argument that a Scientologist billionaire giving almost $6 million to a presidential candidate is equivalent to whether she spends her money on Charman or White Cloud is risible. Such donations are clearly relevant to the the subject of Scientology, and particularly the issue of whether Scientology is attempting to safe-point President Trump and the Republican party.
Second, my point is neither anti-Trump nor pro-Trump. I would post precisely the same thing if the contributions had been made to the Biden campaign.
I believe it is significant when a Scientologist is politically active. I believe it is far more significant when a Scientologist billionaire is politically active.
The importance of these donations is not just how much is donated, but also what they portend for the future.
Republicans could reasonably think, “If between them the Duggans have already donated almost $6 million to Trump, and the Duggan family donated $360 million to Scientology, how much might they donate to our candidates in the future?”
Will any Republican in Washington take on or antagonize Scientology if it means pissing off the Duggans and causing them to stop making political contributions to Republicans?
And again, I would ask precisely the same question if the contributions had been made to the Biden campaign. My concern is non-partisan. My concern is solely about the political influence of Scientology generally, regardless of party. For example, I furiously tweeted and posted the story (including here) about Biden VP hopeful Karen Bass having spoken at the Inglewood Org opening and praising Scientology front-groups six months before the story “broke” on the Daily Caller.
Third, as for the significance of her donations, Politico reports that when Trish Duggan had donated “only” $2 million, she was already the 74th biggest donor to federal outside money organizations (e.g., political action committees). See:
That is not insignificant. Now at $5 million, she could be tied for #33 on the list.
ISNOINews, IF the politicians notice $360 million to scn and a paltry $6 mil to tRUMP, they’ll just peg her as a loon™.
A few more days (or months) and this year’s circus is over. Good riddance.
Any way it goes, I expect to again see “#NotMyPresident” popping up its ugly head even worse than last time.
Pretty much $5,634,600 down a rat hole. The upside is at least the cult didn’t get it.
Aquamarine observed:
“The upside is at least the cult didn’t get it.”
Good one. maybe the Twit will run out of his swill, get sober for a second, and RUN to bulgravia…. 😉
Trish is still Alive?? Bob must be PISSED!
You can read Jeff Wasel, Ph. D’s., a.k.a. ‘COSMONEY DOC’, excellent series “Debunking Military Lies” regarding Hubbards tall tales for free on the Reasoned Life web site. Part 1 starts here:
For all the bullshit connected to Hubbard, I’d love to see a special edition in brown entitled Ron, The Manureist.
With scratch and sniff symbols at the beginning of chapters full of the truly outrageous lies and fibs?
On second thought, why not just dip all the books in giant piles of steaming crap and sell them in sealed plastic wrap. Imagine the delight when you cut open your parcel and then try and stop your nose from trying to escape through the back of your head as the smell of El Con Lub O’ Tards words assail you before you even finish cutting the plastic open..
Appropriate, but who cares either way about the dead old pile of blubber? Oops, pile of ashes scattered somewhere. Even in death, he harmed the world.
Who’d buy that fantasy LRH tome landfill liability unless coerced? As a human being they don’t come much more deeply flawed than Landru Wrong Blubtard.
Only Trump’s ‘art of the deal’ is more cringe-worthy. All of Lron’s life is egregious, but his theft of valor stands out for me. FU Lron,
Army guys (like myself) constantly make jokes about navy guys (like LRH). Jokes about LRH write themselves.
And don’t forget the criminal charges, he was arrested several time IIRC, and certainly at least once in the several different cases against him, including passing bad checks. Then there were also the cases of bad debts that didn’t get prosecuted criminally, if at all.
As far as his tall tales, long ago I ran across an account that I haven’t seen since, that a roommate of Hubbard’s from his early years said he added up all of Ron’s claims of adventures – and it came to something like 75 years’ worth. Hubbard was from the beginning, as a judge later on wrote, “a man who has been virtually a pathological liar when it comes to his history, background, and achievements.”
Those picture books are a relatively safe effort, because they’re piecemeal and unlikely to attract a serious effort to deconstruct them. But if Scientology ever published an actual biography, critics and scholars would focus on it, and it would get torn to shreds, debunked point-by-point probably both in articles and a whole website section – with lots of embarrassing accompanying documentation, like Hubbard’s arrest records, and his reprimands by superior officers in the Navy.
They definitely don’t want to open that can of worms. Even the indie loyalists have in recent years conceded where the overwhelming burden of proof lies, and admitted that Hubbard lead a horrible and even deceitful life, while trying to maintain a tenuous apologism that he somehow nonetheless was a sort of conduit for a “tech” that is itself faultless and capable of making people better.
PeaceMaker, all those years were summed as Ron talked at ONE dinner, one evening of tall tales amongst a group of writers.
Whenever some new thing like this comes out, you will be leaned on to buy it even if you don’t want it. If you’re on OT VII you will be told you HAVE to buy it or it could jeopardize your eligibility to be on VII. My FSM told me when I complained, that it is the cost of being on the level… filling up your place with tapes, books, magazines, or whatever they are pushing at the moment.
Even our discussing it is a waste of electrons.
I entered in 1972 and spent seventeen years getting up to OT VIII. In 1972 in Greenwich Village there were hundreds of gurus in the coffee houses claiming to be the messiah or the anti-Christ. These people openly professed their beliefs. Once a person understood, it was easy to reject them all. Hubbard, on the other hand, kept his beliefs secret and made you pay for them. Hubbard simply believed in demons, entities and tiny spirits. He followed King Solomon who followed the ancient Sumerians. In the end, it was all very simple. Hubbard’s life like no other contained lies and secrets. He was not honest.
Wow! 16 volumes and 3,653 pages.
Each page has an average of 802 words and each word contains an average of 7 letters. That means the total number of letters is 3653 * 802 * 7 = 20,507,942.
Can you believe that? Over 20 million letters in total. That is enough letters that if they were stacked in a vertical pile, they would reach from Clearwater, FL to the moon and back 18 times.
What a bargain. For only $800, you can imagine taking a trip from Clearwater to the moon and back 18 times! Surely this scam must be the most amazing pile of garbage the world has ever seen.
Skyler you’re learning the true Scientology way of figuring stats! I can just see the promo now.
Get LRH’s newest latest and greatest super duper biography. Each page filled with word after word…some of them words you have never heard before. Each word averages 7 letters meaning there are over 20 MILLION Letters! Enough letters that if stacked one on top of the other would reach to the moon and back 18 times! Buy your copy NOW!
Oddly enough if you’ll notice in the promo they have the little ‘bullet points’ box and it says : Complete Glossaries, including Hard-to-find words and phrases. What the hell does this mean? What ‘Hard-to-find words and phrases’ are out there in the world that I can’t find on GOOGLE? Is this supposed to be a selling point? Don’t use Google buy our over-priced tomes.
“Don’t use Google and don’t use Goggles!
If you use Goggles, you may discover some tiny print that says no matter how you play this game, you always lose. That is the true nature of this scum-sucking cult!
Lousy bunch of fucking crooks!
Skyler. The original magazines were read by an intrepid crew and have since been thoroughly debunked, though the verb “Shermanized” and noun “Shermanator” remain. His prose *could* be successfully entered in the Bulwer Lytton Fiction Contest, which looks for worse than the original purple prose which began:”It was a dark and stormy night”. I wonder how many thesauruses mr. Sherman destroyed by endlessly thumbing through them.
I am left wondering how much money they could really make by offering people an “escape clause” from this scam for $800 instead of people wasting their money by spending $800 on this stuff that will almost certainly be used for kindling or firewood of some kind.
If they have enuff members, I wonder if they would rake in more money by offering all current members to get out of the cult for a one time payment of $800?
I also wonder if the Aftermath Foundation could negotiate an escape or an “OUT” for existing member for one low flat rate fee? I wonder if the Rat would prefer to take the cash payment and let people out with no retaliation. Would that be worth $800 to him? At some point, as the membership tumbles down and further down, surely he would be willing to let people out for a one-time payment? That might just be a way to put an end this cult for once and for all. It just might save a whole bunch of people a whole lot of aggravation. After all, he must know that he will not be getting another penny from a great many people and he just might be willing to take that deal?
I am sorry if this sounds like a kind of heresy. But I’m guessing that at some future time, it just may be a good way to end this cult once and for all?
Well well well. The usual super-inflated scn PR full of lies. Honestly it certainly takes courage to falsify and make people believe certain things. It’s time for them to get into present and smell the coffee.
However I thought there were also “Ron the Savior of the Earth”, “Ron the wrestling champion” and “Ron the bullshitter”.
Then of course I won’t spend $ 800 if these are missing.
Pass on the purchase. If someone paid me, I might give it a glance. However, it might have some use, like for kindling or as a doorstop.
I recall reading something by Hubbard on the subject of “THE INCREDIBLES”. He claimed that if he really divulged all the things he’d done, he wouldn’t be believed, so he had to tone down his exploits so as not to upset people’s reality. Sure Ron, whatever you say.
If anyone can find and post this reference, I think the readers here would be mildly amused.
I think you would have to go back to one of Danny Sherman’s March 13th event videos. He often quoted Hubbard as saying “I have learned to tell the lesser tale” wink-wink nod-nod. As though we are supposed to guess that if he told the real story it would be too incredible to be credible.
He would say that right before listing a pile of Hubbard “accomplishments” that any idiot could tell were made up. Like breaking broncos at three or studying at the feet of Tibetan monks who “sang like frogs”. Well, the double-throat singing might be real, but most who have heard it don’t denigrate it so egregiously.
I remember we were looking through videos for one of these events and found one of Hubbard doing a “Michael Jackson” maneuver with one of his kids – dangling them by their ankles of the side of the ship. I am sure Hubbard told the “lesser tale”. If he told the truth they’d have him in prison before he was done bloviating.
Also worth checking, I think it is in “History of Man” where he talks about how Scientology is all set up to grow like crazy because nobody will believe it is even possible until it gets to be too big to stop.
A funny way of admitting he is spouting nonsense.
To the dedicated follower, this idea gives an “out” for when it all starts to seem a bit much. Hubbard said it would seem bizarre, just got to keep on slogging until it all makes sense at some upper level. The joke is on you, at the very highest level it all turns out to be made up nonsense after all! Fooled you!
He also made up a word, para-Scientology. This supposedly means anything in Scientology that isn’t “real for you”. When you come across something in Hubbard’s oeuvre that seems like it was just made up on the fly by some fan-fiction sci-fi aficionado, like the Clam, you are not supposed to giggle, close the book and walk away from Scientology. NO!
You are supposed to remember that Hubbard said some things would not make sense right away. You are supposed to accept it, regurgitate it exactly if asked by a Course Supervisor, toe the line. Try it and see if it works. Someday, or so the story goes, you will see for yourself that Hubbard was right all along! It all makes sense if you think about it.
A perfect setup for a mind-numb robotic army of goose-stepping true believers. Some go through decades with niggling doubts that they dare not voice, going along to get along, only to finally find out some fine day that they were right all along. Should have gotten out on the first day, when you saw somebody spouting foul sexual abuse at a girl during a “drill”. Could have saved yourself some serious grief and a whole pile of money.
Regarding Scientology, LRH really did tell the lesser tale.
Bruce, “A History of Man” was quite a comedy. My stomach muscles were sore after I read it back in ’71 or so.
Jaw? not so much.
I’ve already spoken about the credibility of Scientology.
Wow. For $800, I would hope they could put some obscure photographs on the covers – or at least take them from more than 3 or 4 photo shoots.
WOW!!! For just $800!!! Damn! Sign me up!!!
OSD. Done. Congrats. I used your credit card. Hope you don’t mind. You are getting 3 packages. You are donating 2 to libraries.
LMR, please send me his credit card info. It’s for a good cause. Honest.
Scribe, sure no problem. But first let me check with him, last time I did something similar he wasn’t particularly pleased.
And I believe him!
Elisabeth you are right. They have put the same photo for master mariner and horticulture…. (horticulture?!? I miss this aspect of hubbard skills. I just remember he was pulling overts out of tomatoes with the meter and damaging them. )
220 photos of or by Hubbard never published before, but the same old same old photos on the covers.
Ron the Music Maker must be the funniest of the 16 volumes.
Grisianfarce. I agree with you, ‘musicmaker’ it really means something. If one has listened the album Road to Dreadom knows what we mean. While in the SO some taleban radicalist mate used to put this album playing loud for hours and hours. Imagine me coming from a rockabilly/blues/hard rock education, just going mad.
LmR, I was more classically trained as a hornist — French horn to use the vernacular. I simply couldn’t listen to that recording straight through. My heart goes out to the musicians who had to produce it. They’ve already suffered through a few circles of Hell.
Jere laughing loud!
Ron as music maker was excruciating for those who know music. Even for some who just listen to whatever’s on the radio.
I used to write that a person could tortured with Duct Tape, a set of headphones, and a old Yoko Ono album. (On the Apple records label.)
” he was pulling overts out of tomatoes with the meter and damaging them.”
That would be incorrect Loosing, It was not done to tomatoes …….. it was done to his ass!
By the time Christmas rolls around they will be offering these in leatherbound for $3600.00
I recall that when I was going through my divorce settlement my ex said ” and I would like the green and red on whites and the leatherbounds.” I thought, wonderful, you can have the whole shitaree …… and I’ll offer a discount on the Frazetta’s! So glad to get the tomato fisherman out of my house.
And I still maintain that the fastest way to Oh Tea is to get declared.
Yo Dave, How are things in shitland taday good buddy. Rampin up for a big push on Thursday at too? Howz the walkin traffic these days at LA mORGue? Rockin no doubt! Chew some ass and make it happen Dave. Yo da man!
Thank you Mr. Newcomer. Your communication has been received! I will pass on your information to COB! I never knew LRH was helping tomatoes. Way cool!
Emily Snider
SO Cadet apprentice for Mr. Miscavige
Wow. Newcomer I didn’t knew that. Laughing.
Right, Newcomer. an SP can defeat ALL the Oat Teas in Clearwater JUST by being in their vicinity; even when it’s just the big ol’ lovable “SP DOG”!
“Tomato fisherman”??…. Tomato torturer, more like.
Same old photographs. All of us saw them for years.