Yesterday, commenter Valerie made reference to LRH ED 301, Ron’s Journal 30 in a comment. She sent me a copy of the issue and I glanced through it for the first time in a while.
Looking at it newly, with the water that has passed beneath my bridge since the last time it had come to my attention, gave me pause about a few things.
First, there are those who would say that everything written in here is the gospel truth, and it has all been altered by David Miscavige. But that is a very shallow view.
It is undeniable that there are statements in this writing that are just not true. They never were true. And they were not “made untrue” because of some action or failing of David Miscavige. They are statements intended to “market (hype) the product” to generate income, not impart some wisdom about life and the pursuit of happiness.
Let me just comment on a few snippets that seemed most interesting:
Unlike most issuances from scientology today, you do not find it laden with typos, grammatical errors, childish language or patently absurd false statements. They are more cleverly couched. Right at the outset he proclaims “Processing has gotten so fast that actually clearing whole areas is in view.” Of course, this is not true. If you ask David Miscavige, processing was NOT fast until HE invented GAG and then GAG II. But what is REALLY not true is that clearing whole areas is in view. There has not been a single, small area cleared, let alone a “whole” area. Of course, the statement is not such a crass, disprovable lie as “47X expansion”, but a lie nevertheless. There was never any hope that clearing entire areas would be happening, it was merely something to make the sheeple believe that scientology was taking over the world.
I found this interesting because of the choice of words about people who had “the courage” to get through the “Sweat Program.”
Here are some whoppers — and interestingly this text is STILL used in promotional pieces (selected parts at least) as if it is gospel and every good scientologist should believe every word (except the ones that are proven NOT to be true — they are to be forgotten).
This puts “Scientologists into a new realm of ability enabling them to create the New World.” Come on, no matter how good it could be, Super Power does not do that. Never did. Never will. And it doesn’t put “world clearing within reach in the future.” It’s nearly 40 years later and world clearing is further away now than it was then. The population of the planet has exponentially increased in that time…. No additional clears.
And then a whopper: “Super Power will be delivered at Saint Hills within the next 6 weeks….” Of course, this section is not quoted today. It’s like those words never appeared on the page. Ron couldn’t have gotten it wrong, it must be a transcriptionist error or something. And just because this tangible statement is a bald-faced lie, doesn’t mean any of the hype should be given less credibility. But the fact is, the statement was not true then and even 35 years later when Super Power was finally released (the delay was not because “Ron was refining the tech” during those intervening years) it is not delivered in St Hill’s at all. You cannot blame this one on Miscavige for the first few years at least — Hubbard was still very much in control of scientology and he did not make his promise happen in the next 6 weeks or in the years until his death.
After he died, Super Power became a cynical bright idea to raise funds for a building that was never needed in order to deliver it. It is quite possible that if the Garcia’s had not filed their lawsuit, Super Power would still be being used as a carrot to convince the sheeple to hand over their cash to build a building in which it could be delivered. Hubbard clearly didnt think it needed such a building, he said it would be delivered at “St Hills”. And how cynical is it that this invaluable technology that will save the planet was kept from the public for 30 years (if you truly do believe it is earth-saving) so it could be used as a sales tool.
Just to reconfirm that Super Power was intended to be a Saint Hill service. Never happened. Never will. The “alternate route” became FPRD.
Just as Val said, OT VIII is in the “Advanced Org” section. Not even Flag (there was no Freewinds yet, that was another subsequent money-making and IRS avoidance scheme). And those “upper OT grades” were just a pipe dream. Didn’t exist and don’t exist, but this hype was a pattern that was used from the earliest days of scientology, always selling something ahead just out of reach that would solve all problems.
Finally, this is where this issue really goes into carnival barker mode. Have You Lived Before This Life “has gone 5X the normal best seller” Hahaha. And this is pretty strange as the book was not even written by Hubbard and did nothing to “disseminate the tech.” It was purely a collection of anecdotes that he put his name on and collected royalties. 5X the normal bestseller IS like 47X expansion — so I stand corrected. Just like it and no doubt this informs on the practices of Miscavige today.
The book was such a magnificent success that it is no longer in print, even though all the other books that also don’t sell, are kept in print by the vanity publishers of the church.
And the final clanger, “After all, we discovered past lives.”
Believe it or not, this was written with a straight face. It was not a wry joke poking fun at himself. And this sort of statement is taken literally by scientologists. And they accept them without a second thought. Amazing.
By no means a complete dissection or analysis of this issue. And not an issue in the same crazy league as “Pain and Sex” or some of Hubbard’s other more bombastic writings, but interesting to see with fresh eyes nonetheless.
Eamonn Gosney says
What is The Right Item….
I’ve been looking at listing errors; for example, the repair list questions:
About what is meant to be achieved with these.
Okay, find out if the person has by-passed charge and release it. This is fine.
But there seems to be a limitation to what actually can be achieved.
Let’s say someone’s ITEM is having Scientology all running smoothly on the planet with no upset, no websites with folks expressing anger, hatred, bitterness and so forth…. next to no disaffection…. thousands of orgs around the world with thousands of people working in each one…. with friendly chaplains handling upsets at the outset, before they develop into entrenched turmoil and chronic nastiness….
What exactly would be required to bring such a state of affairs to fruition….
Mike Rinder says
All that, and more can be accomplished once you are Clear. Well, no, OT V. Actually, it’s the L’s that releases your unlimited abilities. No, you need to complete OT & to become cause over life. But then again, without a Purif and Objectives re-do that is not much use to you. OT VIII reveals all on the Whole Track. But Super Power gives you the ability to Clear The Planet. But then again it’s the Cause Resurgence Rundown that really gets you at cause over these things. And if it hasnt happened by the time you have completed all those, there are always OT IX and X.
Ron Dolittle says
I was going to comment on what you were sayin about the next step and then another but I got to laughing and forgot what I was gonna say. Oh well maybe it was only a line charge after all.
Richard says
Hi Eamonn – You eloquently express the utopian dream many of us had when we entered Scientology. I think it helps explain to a never-in what the draw of Scn was to those of us now out and those who are still in. Thanks for posting. Richard
Eamonn Gosney says
Thank you, Mike and Richard for your comments.
Recently someone sent me an email ([email protected]) and asked:
“How could a society ensure such a setup. Would we ban critical websites? Ban hatred or dissent? How exactly could we make this a reality?”
I wrote back the following:
Well, let us posit what I have written as a rough Ideal Scene draft. Like a dream of how things might exist some day in the far-off future. Now, let us look at the existing scene, which is backlogged to the hilt with umpteen dozens upon dozens upon dozens of individuals in various states of anger, bitterness and disaffection. It would be a matter of starting someplace and attempting to make inroads into the current scene.
We used to have this shampoo commercial on TV here in Australia and this attractive model (Rod Stewart’s ex-wife) who would say the following: “It won’t happen overnight, but it will happen.” Like if you wash your hair with that particular shampoo, your hair will one day end up bouncy and lovely like hers (1).
People have a right to express how they feel and their websites are really just a natural expression of what they are experiencing within themselves, how they are feeling. As matters gradually improve for them, this will be shown in their personal wellbeing and subsequent communications.
ref: (1)
“It won’t happen overnight, but it will happen.”
Rachel Hunter in classic early Aussie shampoo ad
duration: 31 seconds
size: 1.66 MB
Alanzo says
Eamonn wrote:
“People have a right to express how they feel and their websites are really just a natural expression of what they are experiencing within themselves, how they are feeling. As matters gradually improve for them, this will be shown in their personal wellbeing and subsequent communications.”
People who have websites who were involved in Scientology, don’t just write about their feelings within themselves, they also write about factual events.
In this ideal scene of yours, how would the reporting of factual events be handled which allow people to make more informed decisions about their involvement in Scientology? That’s what’s always brought about the fair game before. So how would your new Scientology handle this?
Eamonn Gosney says
Hi Alanzo
“In this ideal scene of yours, how would the reporting of factual events be handled which allow people to make more informed decisions about their involvement in Scientology? That’s what’s always brought about the fair game before. So how would your new Scientology handle this?”
Factual events being reported sounds fine — as long as other parties have the right to report what they see as THEIR INTERPRETATION of what is factual, if it differs from the original reportage.
The problem that one can run into though, is that someone can have emotionally painful stuff in their past (like un-dealt-with childhood psychological abuse) which can exacerbate matters and prevent an individual from being properly able to comprehend a situation they are embroiled in. This is why consulting the Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation is beneficial (1).
(1) Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation
[Handling of Truth]
RogerHornaday says
Eamonn, you sound like a man who is willing to consider honesty as best policy so long as a few loopholes can be written in.
Eamonn Gosney says
If people were able to see things in a multiple viewpoint way (not just from one viewpoint) this would help.
An article I wrote a while back:
RogerHornaday says
Hi Eamonn, I read the link to your article about youths on psychiatric drugs shooting people right and left. It’s a good argument for gun control that is for sure. I don’t happen to like the idea of children being medicated to counter the effects of the sugary breakfast cereals and steroid-laden meat they eat every day. Violent video games and TV probably don’t help nor the excitement-seeking, materialistic cultural values that influence us to think life is about getting everything we desire. Parents feed those drugs to their kids. Let’s beat them up too. It’s a little more complicated I think than getting your rocks off blaming a single villain. You want to talk multiple viewpoints? How about that OT who was stabbed to death by her young son who later regretted his actions once he was allowed back on his psych meds. She denied him those drugs because she held the same banner you’re holding now. Multiple viewpoints, Eamonn.
Eamonn Gosney says
Thank you for your interpretation.
To receive another, email me: [email protected]
RogerHornaday says
Eamonn, I’m wondering if you’re actually suggesting the over-hauling of the world, ie, transforming the personalities of humans on large scale, is a viable objective outside a bar over pitchers of beer. It’s one thing to wax philosophical about creating a Utopia but quite another to sit down with pencil and slide rule to work out exactly what such a task would entail. You want to wipe out vanity, anger, denial, etc. from the human psyche? What kind of scalpel would that take? I hope you’re not suggesting scientology is the means. I have yet to see one individual whose character has been transformed into an ideal character from that particular means. Let us see an ideal human being before we talk about an ideal humanity.
Eamonn Gosney says
“Let us see an ideal human being before we talk about an ideal humanity.”
What would be required for you to be an ideal human being, Roger?
Eamonn Gosney says
With Roger writing “Let us see an ideal human being before we talk about an ideal humanity,” I began envisioning what it would be like with folk having an ideal first dynamic, ideal second dynamic, ideal third dynamics, there existing an ideal fourth dynamic, an ideal fifth dynamic, ideal sixth dynamic, ideal seventh dynamic and an ideal eighth dynamic.
Alanzo says
I always feel so grateful whenever a former Int Base exec publicly recognizes how much of a liar L Ron Hubbard was.
Here’s a partial list of people who worked with or around L Ron Hubbard throughout his career who have publicly recognized how much of a liar he was, despite his cult’s efforts to keep them quiet about it:
Dr Joseph Winter
Polly Grubb
Sarah Northrup
Helen O’Brian
Don Purcell
Lyle Sudrow
Forest Ackerman
Volney Mathison
Gordon Bell
William Burroughs
Robert Kaufman
Alan Walter
The Internet persona known as “DartsMohen”
L Ron Hubbard Jr
John McMasters
David Mayo
Bill Franks
Hannah Whitfield
Vaughn Young
Jesse Prince
Kate Bornstein
Mike Rinder
(I know there were a lot more – who did I forget?)
Obviously, because the Church of Scientology continues to sell his books and tapes where all his lies were told, warning the public about how much of a liar L Ron Hubbard was is a repetitive business.
It was not good enough that Dr Joseph Winter wrote his book back in 1951. The warning has to still be given today to anyone who has been ensnared. It’s the weirdest kind of toilet whirlpool to get yourself caught up in.
It still has to be done.
Thanks Mike.
Alanzo says
Here’s one I forgot:
Gerry Armstrong
Richard says
Hello Alonzo – Nice to see ya. You’re hit and run these days and that’s fine with me. Your contribution has been great and I’ll bet right now someone is reading your “stuff” at your blog or at Marty’s older posts. 🙂 Richard (Clear?)
Alanzo says
Yes. “Hit and run” explains it well.
And hello to you as well, Richard! 🙂
Penny says
I’m no expert on Scientology nor on Me. Hubbard. But, I Am an “expert” on my best friend and father Lyle Sudrow. We were very close and, until his dying day, he considered “Ron” his friend and had nothing but the highest affinity, admiration, and respect for him, whether deserved or not. So, I don’t know where you take your information from, but it is itself not true.
Alex De Valera says
Mike, thank you very much for all the good works. You have come a long way from the day you were running around with Tommy Davis trying to derail Sweeney’s efforts as a journalist. You have helped a lot of people to understand what happened and what they went through with a new light.
Invisible Man says
Can we have some fresh news from within the orgs? Any recent departures from the bubble? Anyone got some recent insights or some stories to tell from within?
James Anglin says
In the picture of Hubbard at his desk, what’s that in the top right corner, behind him?
It looks like a framed collection of medals. Is it? If so, are they the war medals that Hubbard claimed were his? Or is this a set of Sea Org medals?
If these are Hubbard’s claimed war medals, then it’s interesting to note that they weren’t just assembled after his death by church hagiographers. He kept them in his office, nicely framed, while he was alive; and of course he must have known very well that he wasn’t actually entitled to very many of them.
Ronn S. says
Excellent Micheal, excellent rebuttal on points.
edge says
Excellent, informative post Mike. The dangling carrot strategy was always there, stringing people along.
MFClear says
“It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled.”
– Mark Twain
Reginald P. Longfellow says
It takes courage to admit to spending decades working for a pathological liar who was never any good. I am happy you are exposing Hubbard’s lies because that will help to free his victims.
If people actually realize he was merely a cult leader with no workable technology who wanted to combine hypnosis and rhetoric to covertly enslave mankind they can be free.
Sorry no wisdom or miracles are in Scientology.
Richard says
I had a preclear who blew a lifelong trauma on Self Analysis – no e-meter.
Mike Rinder says
Very good. When people ask me for advice because they are interested in scientology, I refer them to Self Analysis and tell them to try it for themselves. If someone gains something of value from it that is a good thing.
Dawn says
I so agree. It’s a valuable exercise. It could be of great assistance to those you are having a hard time letting go.
Dawn says
I learnt a few months ago that LSD is water soluble! I can’t remember where I read it but it shouldn’t be difficult to verify. So, so much for that claim – that is stayed in the fatty tissue and never left the body!
What L.Con sold us, we just bought without any critical thinking whatsoever and without any investigation of our own. I suppose we got what we deserved.
Joe Pendleton says
One thing LRH knew very very well and never forgot about his customers was the hook they absolutely CRAVED and so he never neglected to dangle it in front of them … UNLEASHING THE SUPER POWER OF A THETAN!!!! Oh yeah, baby, I WANT IT! His protégé, Davey also learned that lesson well at the foot of the master … ETERNITY!!! I should add that Ron knew his history and this is an old advertising pitch in the religion game … as Paul was traipsing through the Mediterranean two thousand years ago … ETERNAL LIFE!!!!!! Some things really don’t change much. (exclamation points!!!!!)
Dawn says
Yes, it was the hook more than any mastery of marketing skills. We just soaked it up. It wasn’t difficult for him at all.
esotericman says
Hubbard stole more from Theosophy than an established religion; he was deeply involved with it and the occult in his younger days. Those teachings stuck with him. The thing with theosophy he didn’t get was that you were supposed to serve and uplift humanity, rather then charge for it. For example the Arcane School of Lucis Trust holds all the deeper teachings of Scientology and a hell of a lot more and the school is absolutely free.
Michael Fairman says
Like Trump, Hubbard, PT Barnum, and all the hucksters, living and dead, they discovered that “sizzle” promoted with enough conviction to the right vulnerable audiences, sells. Only in these cases, there is no steak at all, only bullshit.
Ronn S. says
Michael, you are entirely too politically correct. Hubbard’s utopia doesn’t exist any more so than Bernie’s.
JennyAtLAX says
Reading your blog daily only enhances what I post. JennyAtLAX and Fred G. Haseney thank you, Mike Rinder.
RogerHornaday says
Hubbard seems to have believed he was on to something big, he just needed to work out the kinks. He operated from the viewpoint of his fantastical vision not from reality. In his vision he was the savior of the world who discovered a way out of the human travails of the ages. He would go on to free the entire space/time universe. Surely such a man could be allowed the occasional exaggeration and outright lie. I suspect reality finally adjusted his thinking and part of the reason he remained in hiding was due to embarrassment and shame. I hope so anyway.
Ann B Watson says
Hi RogerHornaday, I liked your post and part of me would very strongly like to think at the end Ron might have had some remorse, but it seems a red flag keeps popping up and blowing in the wind.I honestly do not know.Love,Ann.
threefeetback says
His ruse with Sarge was a cover for the blame, but not sure if he could experience shame.
Gary says
Roger I believe this is the best explanation of what Hubbard was doing. He thought he was destined for greatness. To be the saviour of man kind. But he was just a pathological liar. Just a little ol man .
Jenni S says
I agree with you. “world clearing is in view” is a statement of hope and shouldn’t be viewed as a lie which is an intentional falsehood. I don’t know why he stayed out of the public eye the last years of his life but I do think a large part of what LRH spent his time on was a sincere attempt to help — and some people did actually get some benefits.
RogerHornaday says
Jenni, I’m not sure I can can see you all the way to “intentional falsehood” but perhaps we could meet half way with “delirious non-truth”. That way you are made happy by avoiding the word, “lie” and I am made happy by cracking a joke.
Ann B Watson says
Hi Mike, Your post today really hit me.The photo,Ron’s Words,& the validation to those who had ” the courage to get through the Sweat Program! That statement is a double edged sword! I agree with no hesitation that as I see Ron now,the whole picture,I feel even more strongly that he had facets to his personality and his work ie: creating a religion in order to enrich himself and a darkness having to do with control of all those you did not know we were his slaves.I guess dm took it all to his own comfort level,but Ron was the one who started the ball rolling.Love,Ann.
Ann B Watson says
Hi Mike, I meant those of us who did not know we were slaves to Ron from the start..Thank you for all you do.Ann.
threefeetback says
Dave grabbed the ball and ran with it.
chuckbeatty77 says
I finished the Sweat Program, about two to three months after the issue came out, and Emily Becker winged my Qual cycle when I attested it. I enjoyed the running, at that time, summer of 1978, August I think, or Sept, we used those gray plastic running suits, and ran the causeway out to Clearwater Beach. Only living on liquid protein (cherry flavored) and salads. No meat, I lost 20 pounds (165 to 145) i that month. My pre Scn drug history included herion and LSD so I was game for the Sweat Out, which was before Purif even was a word. I did mine in July-August, in Clearwater, totally nuts, luckily I was healthy 25 years old. Took me a month. But a Sweat Out is not something related to “religion” at all. But in the communal Sea Org group at Flag at that time, I enjoyed doing it, as gruesome as it was, but fun to run around daily, sweat sloshing in the plastic pants elastic cuffs and all. Never had liquid protein since though.
gottabesecretfornow says
…were you in Qual, working on the 10th floor, (ballroom) going over FEBC exams in 1981/82? (I know you from somewhere, and I think this is it. Long ago, fond traces)
statpush says
Everyone is well acquainted with the church’s use of hyperbole. But many, who haven’t researched Hubbard, will fail to see the source of practice. Hubbard used hyperbole ALL OF HIS LIFE. There are many accounts of Hubbard’s embellished claims of his abilities and experience, long before Dianetics and Scientology. I would go so far as to say this was his modus operandi.
There’s a pattern: offer something incredible, attract attention and interest, charge a lot of money for it, deliver an inferior version, make excuses why it wasn’t as promised (and call it research), announce a new discovery (even more incredible), rinse, repeat.
All of his life he was running, trying to stay ahead of the angry mob, always trying to make good on promises he couldn’t keep. Turning it into a “religion” simply made the mob more controllable. Scientology Ethics served to get the mob to police themselves. Why would one of the most important divisions in an org, HCO’s, motto be “Bring Order”?
Social beings (the vast majority of us) are not Inherently chaotic and destructive. Yet, Hubbard managed to convince us that we were driven by and slaves of “The Bank”, and at the same time say “you’re basically good”. Boy, if that ain’t 1.1 I don’t know what is.
If you disagreed or raised a fuss you were “the mob”, a sub-human barking dog reactive mind; if you didn’t and compiled with Command Intention you were okay (go back to sleep and “go free”).
What an operation.
Lawrence says
You have quite an opinion of L. Ron Hubbard and that is good because I am of the sort that has a great deal of respect for other people’s opinions. L. Ron Hubbard’s Ethics & Justice policies (not those regarding SP) those regarding a person’s own person ethics & integrity are some of the most powerful discoveries in the universe. Out ethics almost always leads to O/W’s. Once those O/W’s are confronted and handled there is a right way and a wrong way to do amends. If you accidentally break your sister’s nose with a bat playing baseball, cleaning her room for 3 weekends in a row IS NOT amends for doing that in my opinion. But, people in the church settle for this kind of “cool handling” from their nutcase Ethics Officers about 100 times a day all over the world. Is that really getting one’s ethics in? Is that really taking responsibility for the world around us? I think not, in case you asked. 🙂
Espiando says
The discovery of the Higgs boson is one of the most powerful discoveries in the history of the universe. The discovery of nuclear fission is one of the most powerful discoveries in the history of the universe. The results of the Miller-Urey experiment, done at my alma mater (as was the first sustained nuclear chain reaction), is one of the most powerful discoveries in the history of the universe.
L. Fraud’s regurgitation of a principle as old as the concept of religion is not and never will be.
Richard says
Espi – re: “. . . in the history of the universe.” I would imagine that other intelligent civilizations have already made such discoveries. An interesting concept I came across one time was the idea of a “nuclear threshold” that point where such discoveries are made and civilizations blow themselves up or not. Another point was made that advanced civilizations would not bother with space travel, preferring to expend the vast resources required for it on their own lot. I only bring this up because we are discussing sci-fi-tology. lol
thetaclear says
” You have quite an opinion of L. Ron Hubbard and that is good because I am of the sort that has a great deal of respect for ot her people’s opinions. L. Ron Hubbard’s Ethics & Justice policies (not those regarding SP) those regarding a person’s own person ethics & integrity are some of the most powerful discoveries in the universe.”
I am afraid that I will have to disabuse you of that lovely myth , Lawrence. LRH DIDN’T discover the subject of Ethics AT ALL. In fact, not only he didn’t discovered it, but DEGRADED an already well researched subject, and added just TOO many arbitraries to it with the misguided idea of “protecting” Scn and Scientologists. It is contradictory and very cognitively dissonant of you to say “Excepting his ‘SP’ policies”. “LRH was ‘right’ about Ethics excepting his ideas about ‘SPs’ and their treatment”. Buddy, examine your comment in a new unit of time, and see for yourself the contradictions and cognitive dissonance in them.
Check this link first :
Then read Will Duran’s “History of Philosophy”. You can dowload it online for free. Try on the Internet Archives website first. If after reading both sources you still hold on to your views on that , then I’ll respect your opinion as at least it would have been based on REAL data on the subject of WHO exactly developed and studied the subject of Ethics. Fair enough ?
Lawrence says
No thank you. 🙂
Doug Parent says
I checked that link and yes, it looks like the old man ripped that off too. Unbelievable. Too bad it turned into a money based cult. Such a waste.
Gary says
The kool-aid is thick in some.
Alex De Valera says
The only aim of the Ethics system of L Ron Hubbard is to gradually feed you with false data which impedes any critical thinking in order to keep the Truman show going. One example of a false datum: “people leave because of their overts”. Hubbard told Bill Franks and David Mayo on the Apollo that people left because of AEC breaks and that they should not disclose this information, because in such case he would lose control of the Sea Org.
Joe Pendleton says
Statpush, you are saying something very profound here that I want to at least underline. Your second paragraph. Yes, that is exactly the MO. And in emphasizing that, I want to particularly point out the literal meaning of the word “incredible” because that was the hook that Ron ALWAYS used, always always always. If we go back to DMSMH … what if LRH simply pointed out that one can get much relief by a procedure wherein one returns to and runs through a very physically painful incident or a terrible emotional trauma and does so and recounts it without evaluation over and over to the point of much relief? (and goes earlier if necessary to what holds it in place) Now, this is an extremely worthwhile and valuable activity in my experience (having audited out friends’ recent rapes and family deaths) BUT … Ron didn’t say that, did he? You see, that may have interested a number of people had he done so, but … THE CLEAR!!!!!!!!!! Read again the absolutely fantastic promises and abilities and state of being. Ahhhhhhhh …. This is what any millions of people crave (not everybody of course but some MILLIONS do and are willing to dedicate amounts of money and time to achieve, and L. Ron Hubbard knew that VERY well.)
statpush says
Totally agree Joe.
LRH could take a product like snake oil, which maybe soothed the stomach, and promote it as a cure for cancer. Almost as if he couldn’t help himself. He’d been doing that for soooo long, it just became a part of who he was.
The other important factor is: people WANT it to be true. They WANT that cure for cancer, or the state of Clear or OT Powers. I know I did. And that is the bit that sticks, that’s the thing that’s hard to let go.
Virtually EVERYTHING about Dianetics and Scientology is over-hyped.
thetaclear says
There is no denying that LRH was a marketing genius right from the Marketing Era !
gtsix says
Funny, I used to get in trouble as a kid for reading other peoples journals.
So glad I never had to read this guys trash.
Hennessey says
Thanks Mike and Valerie. I know a lot of people won’t like this because Ron is Teflon to them. Still, a spoonful of truth never hurts.
MostEthicalPimp says
Another great marketing used to sell the Hymn of Asia.
“Finally I began to be more and more skeptical of the whole thing. The claims were constantly mounting but the performance was always deficient. The answer to this deficiency was that we didn’t have that step exactly right but now we have the new step and it’s going to be right. This was the constant pyramiding of claims which was the device. Now there’s a very infinite series of steps, so there is no way to escape.” –quote from Interview with Richard DeMille, 25 July 1986 on helping LRH in the 50s. Richard left and became a psychologist. Clearly Farsecian Whole Track plot to inhibit Mankind’s greatest friend from saving humanity and bringing about a sane world with the dreaded semi-colon!
Speaking of LRH’s more obnosisily false claims. My favorite book of his is the one sold in CofS bookstores and but published under a Nom De Plume. Which explains that the USA and USSR are working together to nuke the whole planet while shipping their leaders to Mars. It claims that whole bus loads of people where being kidnapped in-order to be used as off world slaves. My dad actually bought several cases of this book because as it was the cheapest at the bookstore which meant an easy power condition on sold books. And he actually sold this book to raw public at fairs, markets, etc alongside DHSM. It was an easier sale being 1/5 the cost. I really wonder if it drove anyone into the Churches doors especially since it wasn’t even translated to Swedish where my dad was selling it. But hey it got his stats UP which didn’t mean my dad made any money. Even though the whole thing was really financed by his dad’s company which stood for fuel, maintenance and the car. But he was saving the planet so it’s all ethical. Unfortunately, his brother threw away the remaining unsold 80 or so copies. Would have been very fun to hand out at PAC. Add it to long list of books no longer sold at the bookstore!
Richard says
The “sincerity” and “certainty” he put into the bullshit was quite good at times. I already see many great comments below. If I may, an aside.
This morning I woke up with the feeling of being a member of a secret society. That came together with something I read yesterday which said remember to say thank you to your friends. So thank you Sisters and Brothers of the Secret Order of Scio Apostates (SOSA) and its fearless leader, Mr. Mike.
Willie AKA Good Old Boy says
Looking back to see what has occurred and then to observe what is occurring now is very revealing. Especially the promise of clearing whole areas. I can understand now how Scientology out grew its personalization of tech, to help you to become a better you, to helping whole areas!
I believe that was a big marketing mistake. If Scientology kept its VP of betterment and promoted only personal caring to free the being it would have faired much better. To slowly establish an Org and enforce it with honesty and openness would at length bring about 10 to 20 booming Orgs in PT. instead of over a hundred no staff very little public sad fails.
Greed and stupidity took over and that is still the state of Scientology today. Just the basic criminality of tax
evasion and not delivering what was promised has turned those in charge to dodging lying PR assholes.
Thank-you Mike.
Brian says
To Willie
“If Scientology kept its VP of betterment and promoted only personal caring to free the being it would have faired much better.”
That would have lasted until the “bettered mankind” found out that:
1) Ron was Buddha
2) Ron was the Anti Christ
3) Ron false claims of healing
4) Ron’s pistol whipping his wife Sarah
5) People were not attaining these states that were marketed
6) Reading Fair Game
7) Reading Bolivar
At best, Scientology before the space opera delusion, is a form of Metaphysical Freudian Therapy that can bring some light on basic thought forms and thus relieve suffering. But so can any form of therapy.
At worst, from R6 on up, Scientology is a dangerous mind fuck, assigning blame for our condition to space aliens. So I would re state that Scientology as only the grades could be helpful.
Beyond that it is a dangerous mind imprinting that can lead to insanity, narcissism, arrogance, violence, abuse, family abuse, degeneration of intellectual sovereignty (open minded being defined as a crime).
L Ron Hubbard was mentally ill. His hatred of psychiatry was probably based on the psychs seeing him as a Manic with Paranoid Tendencies person. He hated being seen. That is why he hid all his life.
Hiding………….. mmmm…………. Now where is that on the tone scale?
Lawrence says
LRH (like any visionary) had trial and error in his research and his publication of the book Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health eventually evolved into NED and NED for OT’s and SOLO NOT’s. But…I must agree with on the one point firmly. LRH Once wrote that a Class XII auditor and fully trained person could have no possible enemies and would be able to walk through a battlefield unscathed. If so, then why did he run into hiding? I have always wanted the answer to that question and I believe it is that he had O/W’s he never wanted to fully take responsibility for. It is much easier to call the authorities kooks for a change than it is to bring about ARC & KRC from the founder of ARC & KRC himself. So you see, LRH was not perfect. But say that in the church if you are a member and see how many veteran staff and OT’s will support you. NONE! 🙂
justmeteehee says
Lawrence your views are certainly your own and I do respect that. I must say however that after reading LRH’s “Affirmations” I was left with a very different impression, he wasn’t dealing with O/W’s, he was dealing with delusion and fallacy that would have made him unable to an overt or a withhold or indeed the forest never mind the trees. Visionaries have historically been proven to bring up out unquestioned good for mankind, vanity, avarice and compulsion for power are not in my opinion the traits of a visionary.
Lawrence says
You make me smile. 🙂 No one is saying that LRH was not a little nuts at times except the Church of Scientology of course. “The Affirmations” speak for themselves. The church invested a pretty penny trying to get them out of the hands of the public. But they failed. So, you know what I say to the Church of Scientology that 1,000’s upon 1,000’s of people all over the world from all walks of life have read and are reading The Affirmations on the web that “shouldn’t be there” every day?
I say: Well isn’t that too damn bad?! 🙂 Thanks for the chuckle. 🙂
justmeteehee says
Well I’m glad Lawrence be use I appreciate the chuckle I get from you sometimes too 🙂
thehandling says
yep… buddha, can’t stop there, might as well throw in the anti christ… surprised he didn’t claim to be the devil himself!
still waiting for that space invasion…. or that lrh 2 the politician…
like marty said on 60 minutes? he’s tardy?
John P. Capitalist says
Don’t get me started on one of the biggest lies in this document: the idea that “drug residue” stays in the body forever and can suddenly be released (always at the most inconvenient possible moment, it appears) and get you high again. This flies in the face of not only contemporary science but the science that was known at the time that Hubbard claimed this. According to Hubbard, you could have dropped acid once in college in the 1960s and could be at risk of another acid trip without warning as you sit in the day room of your assisted living facility today.
The thing is, drugs work because they are more reactive at binding to receptor sites in the body than other substances. That’s why propofol, commonly used in surgery, can knock you out in a matter of seconds. And when drugs bind to a receptor, they break down and are excreted from the body. Because they’re so reactive, drugs don’t stop reacting at some point and sit around, waiting for some (nonexistent) mechanism in the body to collect them and deposit them in “fatty tissues” (Hubbard denied the existence of fat cells which were well known at the time) to be released later by some (equally nonexistent) mechanism in such concentration that you would get high again.
The modern science of pharmacokinetics is quite good at predicting how fast different drugs will be metabolized and excreted from the body. And it is always the case that eventually, 100.00000% of a given drug will disappear. Always. I’ve written extensively on this in the past at Tony’s blog but don’t have time to track down and republish my comments on this subject here. But just know that this is as wrong as wrong can be, and because of the harmful nature of the Purif (niacin and hyperthermia) it is one of the most dangerous things that Hubbard ever came up with, among a very long list of dangerous things.
chrismann9 says
I’m not a biochemist or a doctor, but it did and still does to some extent make sense to me that whatever is in your body could end up in your tissues, particularly fat cells. They can find out what drugs you have taken by testing your hair. I think it takes a month for marijuana to not show up in a urine test.
I did two purification rundowns. The second one was not needed and I had a hard time with it. However, the first one was good. I’m not here to promote the purif, but I will say I believe I “ran out” LSD and other drugs and toxins and I felt a great improvement in my mental and physical state afterwards. In pictures from that time I look a lot healthier and I remember feeling that way.
I will say I believe something is wrong with the vitamins. I don’t know if it’s just the dosages or the quality of vitamins. Maybe they had different vitamins back then? The second time I did the program I felt like the vitamins, specifically the B’s were just too much for me to handle. They were too acidic and my body was saying no more. The C/S was telling me to keep going and get through it.
I didn’t have that problem the first time though.
The Dark Avenger says
What they test for with many drugs are he metabolites, that is, the products the body creates from the active from of a drug. With marijuana, the metabolites are excreted into the urine for a month or so after the original use. In the case of hair samples, it is true that the same metabolites are incorporated into the hair, but this is true for not only many drugs, but notably elements like lead or arsenic or antimony which are also poisonous as well, and hair, like nails, are dead products of active tissues. I suggest you google metabolites of LSD, THC, heroine, cocaine, etc. so you can learn for yourself how drugs are processed and excreted by the body.
chrismann9 says
Doesn’t the presence of metabolites in your urine a month after you smoke a joint mean that your body is still working to metabolize the marijuana?
Espiando says
No, it means that the metabolites are more stable than THC and take longer to break down. The THC is long gone by the time the last metabolite is excreted. Simple biochemistry.
Ann B Watson says
Hi John P. Capitalist, Thank you so much for posting in understandable and concise content exactly what had bothered me for quite awhile in Sea Org but especially when I started the sweat program.Something about the entire venture did not feel right,like a piece was missing.From your post I see that piece was truth.And as one who deals with several cancer drugs like the Tamoxifen pills I have to take for five years,I have a much broader understanding of how my body actually works, not the way Ron said it did.My mind and spirit however are landscapes unique to me and Ron in the end stopped being able to control those.Thank you for your insight .Love,Ann.
sashiebgood says
Absolutely, the “sweat program” is irresponsible and dangerous. Hubbard fancied himself someone who knew better than all those stuffy doctors with their “medical degrees,” but mostly he would just try shit out on a willing (or unwilling in the case if the Introspection RD) and if it worked on 1 person, he’d declare it a success. which is the opposite of responsible science. the reason why I think fewer people had adverse effects from doing the Purification Rundown in Hubbard’s time was that for the most part, it was run on young people whose systems could handle it better, and it wasn’t being done for weeks at a time, right?
if I had a nickel for all the stories of exes I’ve read that say “the first time I did the Purif, it was fine, even great, but the second/third time made me feel horrible.” I’d be a rich woman. I think part of that has to do with the ages of the people, and the length of time now spent on this “program” which from what I can gather is much longer than it used to be, weeks or months vs. days.
Doug Sprinkle says
Mike have you heard how many points the Denver Org super power completions and OT VIIIs are going to postulate the Broncos winning the Super Bowl by? I thought I might have some friends in Vegas put a few thousand on the game if you had heard.
Leslie Bates says
When they postulate the Minnesota Vikings winning the Super Bowl and it happens then I’ll give the COS some thought.
gtsix says
HEY NOW! Don’t be mean to the Purple People Eaters!
Seriously, when the Bills lost 4 in a row, all Vikings fans let out a huge sigh of relief. We may have lost four, but not four in a row!
Old Surfer Dude says
Doug, you do realize that if the Broncos DON’T win, it’s proof that scientology is a complete fraud, don’t you? However, if the do prevail, is ABSOLUTE PROOF THAT SCIENTOLOGY IS FOR REAL!
BTW, if you in with the OTs, let me know which way I should be betting…
Doug Sprinkle says
Actually Carolina is my home state so I’m hoping for proof that it is a fraud.
gottabesecretfornow says
got a bunch of calls for a NY event Friday before last, trying to get us to come in to NYC for a Saturday event – when all weather reports were for the biggest snow storm in years was to start in a couple hours.. I was told by the caller that “they had decided it wasn’t going to happen” even as it was hitting the states just below us. Roads were closed by 2:30 Saturday, illegal to drive and travel. I really wanted to call back and say, “so how’d that event go?”
RogerHornaday says
LOL! Years ago I was given to understand by one of the directors at the Atlanta Org that I must not even suggest the weather may not be favorable for a planned event because THOSE THINGS STICK!
LDW says
Separating the wheat from the chaff is a fascinating adventure. In the book, The Four Agreements, the author suggests one should never assume anything. In Scientology, one is encouraged to assume damn near everything.
Nowadays with the Orientation film one is expected to assume that one is stupid if he doesn’t jump in to Scientology and if he doesn’t jump in he might as well jump off a bridge.
One of the biggest releases I’ve had in my life came when I was doing a yoga class. After about a half hour of meditation, the instructor asked us to do him a big favor. He asked us to do nothing but LISTEN.
For about 15 or 20 minutes he simply continued to very pleasantly but firmly ask us to just LISTEN.
I blew right outta my skull. All the internal noise disappeared. The room became bright and my senses were more acute. I carried this win for several months. No introversion, no worry, just a quiet peaceful joy toward the world and the people and things in it.
Very few people in the class were impacted with the exercise to the degree that I was. Only a few people that I’ve done it with over the years have experienced what I did.
Does that mean everyone else has something wrong with them? Or that I didn’t teach the exercise correctly? Or that I only imagined that I had that win?
Or perhaps, it was just that drill was something I could use at that time on my path.
There are processes and drills within the subject of Scientology which can produce such releases in people. Sometimes they are so dramatic that one fully assumes that everything in scientology is exactly as stated and works 100% of the time on everyone who does it correctly. The organization insists that one make that assumption.
It’s that assumption which turned it into a cult.
Oiram says
LDW, your example, your observations and your conclusion are spot on.
RogerHornaday says
You were experiencing yourself. The term for it is “samadhi” or “satori”. It’s when your attention is absorbed into its source (you). It’s a good sign that you had such a vivid dose of it. Interestingly, we are all experiencing it 24/7 but most of us are too distracted to notice it. It’s the most obvious thing there is. You, the silent witnessing presence.
Old Surfer Dude says
My take is, we are all part of all that is and separate from nothing. We are pure, unconditioned conscientiousness and our true nature is unbridled, unconditional love. We’ve always been and always will be.
RogerHornaday says
You have poetry in you.
roger gonnet says
So, I agree: almost in some weeks after leaving the cult, my wife and me -ex-EDs Lyon org – started to doubt and erase most of what Hubbard had written as sacred absolute never-to-be-doubted truths. The one you comment here is one of those hypertruths for hyper brainwashed clients of the cult.
And as this LRH ED there are many other write ups that, when seen plainly without a blinded mind, prove to be not very truthful.
Lets take for example Science of Survival. Within the first few pages LRH states he is the first scientist to approach a philosophy and he adds that Aristotle was not a scientist.
However, if you read the History of Philosophy and others, Aristotle has been considered for many, many years a scientist able to categorize things.
As I friend told me years ago, she reads LRH with a huge magnifying glass and without a set, blinded mind.
It is so very good to see things as they are.
Jose Chung says
I was hit up for $300, Flag to sponsor three
ex S.O. start up that were forming a “Help”program
of LRH materials with all LRH coined words deleted.
That was the big sales idea that it was “Better”and improved.
They had a PO Box number and website and were preparing
printed promo handouts. I bailed out as this smacked of a money scam.
Now there are dozens of these spin offs all funneling money
to David Miscavige.
Zola says
That’s quite the photo of LRH, with his effeminate fingernails, jaunty sailor’s cap and cancer preventing package of Cools at a devil may care slant. No fewer than two microphones poised to capture his every word.
threefeetback says
He has declared war on that unconquered territory, 1/2 inch behind his forehead.
Old Surfer Dude says
Wait….what? I thought it was policy that fatso had 5 mics to catch is rantings. Rantings are important, you know.
Jenny Lee de Becker says
And I am sure that is the real facial expression he would wear if he ever met Xenu…..flytrap mouth
threefeetback says
Brown Noser update:
Ron passed the baton to you and you soldier on with an arcane belief system.
I Yawnalot says
Ahhhh… the wonderful world of the subjunctive – scientology style! That fuzzy with steam, and dramatically boiling cauldron where whacky dreams, posterity, reality and wishful thinking get all muddled up and blended. Add money to the mix and it quickly criminalises but nearly always looks glamourous or needful. The marketing of scientology – a remarkable example of directed attention to the vulnerability of the human mind.
Another major misconception and blatantly lied about scenario enforced upon everyone who ventures into the scientology universe is the concept of “it works for everyone.” This ‘standard’ concept is beaten to death over and over but results in a carrot that has been so cleverly implanted for so long within that corporate that no matter who they run into – scientology tech will eventually sort them out. WOW… that even transforms the absolutely ‘not quite bright’ to feel elite, nine foot tall and bulletproof. It solves everything for them, no matter how crappy it all seems. What it successfully does is plant everyone in “wait.” Also that ‘sadly noble’ stuff emerges for them when the chips are really down and is a great standby to feel good about feeling so horrible.
Thanks for bringing this one to the blog Mike. There is much in there that could be considered, especially the NED for OTs link written in 78, that alone put the gravy train well and truly on the tracks creating a never ending source of income. Miscavige is an asshole that’s for sure but the corruption was already fermenting.
Brian says
The corruption was beyond fomenting. It was created. The corruption was the mental state of a man who was Manic with Paranoid Tendencies whose greed and megalomania was the goal, not healing.
David Miscavige’ personality trait used Ron’s obsession to acquire power. David Miscavige is a dark being in his own right. But he learned from the master. Clay demoed, word cleared, checked out and demonstrated for proficiency.
Tell me, what is the outcome of a boy, David Miscavige, who believed in Ron as the sage, the saviour, the one only true Buddha come to save the earth, writing Bolivar?
Can you imagine what happens to a person who clay demoes and Method 9s Bolivar?
What the hell happens to a young boy’s sense of right and wrong when the “savior” is implying murder to keep power (those pink legs in the corner)?
That it takes a “frightening level of courage” to unleash the hounds of violent retribution on critics.
David Miscavige is simply an unintelligent sociopath who became a well trained student of a very sick man. David Miscavige and his behavior is in writing. He studied it and now he’s demonstrated it.
Ron is and always was the source of this madness. Without question!
thegman77 says
One other minor thing that always bugged me in those photos of Hubbard with his fancy “naval” cap on…indoors! No officer I ever met…and there were many…would think of wearing his cap in his office. Simply wasn’t done.
I Yawnalot says
Yeah, you’re right.
In my time within a system where you saluted people it was customary not to wear your hat in administrative offices. Especially in major officers and hospitals for example they has signs up designating “non-saluting areas.” You still had to be courteous and say sir a lot but caps of rank inside = bit wacky.
Old Surfer Dude says
Hats are taken off before entering any office and put back on once out of said office.
The Dark Avenger says
As anyone who watched I Dream of Jeannie would’ve noticed.
Old Surfer Dude says
I dreamed of Jeannie once, but, she slapped my face in the dream. Have no idea what pissed her off.
Zola says
Surfer Dude, you crack me up! Did you always have that sense of humour or did you get it from a special rundown?
Espiando says
When I was in the US Army, you wore your hat outdoors and you took it off indoors, period. The only time I was allowed to wear my hat indoors is when I was inspecting a kitchen, and if you were in a kitchen and not wearing headgear, you caught hell from me.
thegman77 says
About the only thing I found true was the comment about Power processing. I had noted major changes in several of the NY upper staff who had done it and I liked what I saw. So I put the shekels together and went over to St. Hill (the only one in those days) and did 5 and 5A. The latter was a total mind blower for me and I walked around for months on an F/N. My life changed significantly and that particular “win” remains with me to this day. Nothing else later touched anything as deeply.
I, too, just shook my head in disbelief whenever Hubbard carried on about “world clearing” is in sight. Hell, there I was living in NY – about 9 million people “in the Naked City” at that time – and it was abundantly clear that even the vaunted NY Org – the first ever declared in Power both Day and Foundation – was not making any significant dent in moving forward. For reasons I still don’t grok, I didn’t pay a lot of attention to Hubbard’s “declarations” about how “powerfully” we were winning. I think that attitude helped me enormously when I walked away in the early 80s and never looked back.
Espiando says
There are very few Bridge actions in which there is a unanimity of positive opinion among Exes. The only two that I can think of off the top of my head are Power and Life Repair. No Ex has a bad word to say about them. Perhaps they were the two times of the day when Hubbard’s broken, shattered, misbegotten clock was right.
thetaclear says
The Scn Grades are ok as well, Espi. They don’t bring about the absolute EPs claimed, but they do help in various and varying ways w/out harming you in any way. I still hasn’t seen anybody who did them (with a Life Repair throughy done first) with a good and honest auditor, who didn’t have good wins from them. NED seems to be ok as well.
Espiando says
Well, Peter, I wasn’t talking about results or Hippocratic potential (“first, do no harm”). I was talking about what I’ve read Exes say about various rundowns and actions. I’ve seen people slag off the Grades (of course, it may have been in a quickie context) and there are some that aren’t enamored with NED (I think it’s Wise Old Goat who has some nasty things to say about NED, but I’m never going back there and get my brain flooded with pro-Hubbard bullshit). Nobody, though, has a bad word for Power and Life Repair. That’s pretty good on a blind-pig-finding-an-acorn level.
Gimpy says
There are the subtle little paranoia enforcers under the “Sweat Program” section as well – LSD designed to paralyse whole cities. It’s certainly true that the CIA were misusing this and other drugs, but is it any wonder that scns are so paranoid when they are fed this and similar lines on a daily basis?
Leslie Bates says
LRH is stuffing the word count and if I were an editor I would reject it.
“Processing has gotten so fast that actually clearing whole areas is in view.”
Let’s redo this:
“Processing is so fast that clearing a whole area is possible.”
“Fast processing makes wide area clearance possible.”
I could go on.
threefeetback says
how about: ‘tl;dr’ ?
clearlypissedoff says
The “TL” is the mimeo typist and I don’t know who that could be but the “DR” would be Either Diana Reisdorf or David Rossouw and they would have written the dictation when LRH blurted out the LRH ED.
threefeetback says
tl;dr too long; didn’t read (see it on Google) As an aside, wasn’t Geray, Dede’s sister? Is she still stuck in purgatory at Int?
Mike Rinder says
NO, she is Lois Jory now Reisdorf’s sister. Lois is married to Dede’s brother, Gary.
threefeetback says
Does Barry Stein still drink Kool-Aid?
Jenny Lee de Becker says
You know that was one of the things DM completely missed the boat on. Surely learning to copy the style of LRH’s writing would have been a real coup’de gras. Maybe that’s why LHR wrote like that to make it harder for the forger, but thankfully I don’t think DM had that as a priority. Is this the closest we come to praising megalomania above psychopaths……. Hahahahah
Valerie says
The first thing that caught my eye when rereading it was the same thing you point out, the clever “clearing whole areas is in view”.
I read the entire issue before sending it to you and, like you, realized the basic hype has not changed after all these years, just become louder and more desperate, been elevated to glossier fliers, more exclamation points and is now grammatically incorrect.
One piece I read that you didn’t put in was the part where he said both on page 6 and 11 the carrot and stick that there were OT levels above VIII that would be released “when people were ready for them”. That NEDs for OTs was the key link that got them ready. Different carrot same stick.
For perspective: This was written in 1978. I had barely had my first child when this was written. I now have a great grandson. My family has a better chance of overpopulating the planet than scientology does of clearing it.
I hope if you are reading this and considering leaving this will be your eye opener.
esotericman says
It’s an eye opener in that Miscavige is actually using the language of Hubbard to accomplish the same things.
Old Surfer Dude says
Everything is ALWAYS within view, in the cult. Just like the donkey with a carrot hanging in front of it. He’ll keep walking to get the carrot. Scientologists do the same thing. It’s always just another level away to God like powers. You have to admit, though, it’s a damn good con!
Jenny Lee de Becker says
Yeah it’s a damn good con. It would have to be it was engineer by a psychopath
Old Surfer Dude says
Indeed! But, everything we think, talk about and do goes out to the universe and comes back as the same. You really can’t get away with anything. If you like, you can call this Karma. What you think about others, is what you think about yourself. It’s like the saying, “What goes around, comes around.
This is why I try to keep my thoughts, words and actions loving compassionate and kind. But, hey, I’m just an Old Surfer Dude, so what do I know!
Ann B Watson says
Hi OSD, Your knowledge is even more ancient than the waves you love & ride.I do thank you for posting here and honestly you make me laugh and that is a good thing! Yet you are a most astute spirit.Love,Ann.
threefeetback says
Hmmmm. . . Justin Timberlake claimed that ‘what comes around, goes around’. LOL
esotericman says
It’s amazing how many decades Miscavige has spread out technology when they were essentially ready in ’78. Am I to understand that a lot of information from the original OT levels were taken out when they became “New OT?” Is it possible that the stuff taken out will just form OT 9 or 10?
All of these services have been priced well beyond the average person’s ability to comfortably pay. I mean you pay $3000 for the “Sweat Program / Purification Rundown” One month membership to the YMCA is $70, which includes the use of a sauna and treadmills. Maybe throw in another $100 for them most expensive vitamin combination. $170 you can get the same thing, even if you couldn’t call it Scientology.
Disa says
Yes agreed,
Having researched for many years supplements and health.. I could not figure out why this Purif was the ONLY want to begin moving up the Bridge. But I agree there is value in detoxing, and way better methods available. As an example, I have adopted a Ketogenic way of eating, which shifts the body from a sugar burner to a fat burner. It begins with using up.. literally stored body fat as fuel… and it costs nothing. Can’t wait to get to the late ’60’s layer of fat. LOL
Sweating and exercise and good supplements and MCT oils are all good.
The idea has value, but the execution and BS has none. IMO 🙂
clearlypissedoff says
HI Esotericman. $70 for a YMCA membership get you a lot, plus if you go into the gym and smell socks, jocks and smelly shoes, you also can do the perception part of the Super Power.
esotericman says
Now that’s funny
Old Surfer Dude says
YYYYMCA it’s fun to stay at the YYYYYYYMCA. (Village People)
Tony DePhillips says
It’s really funny looking at this stuff with all the blinders off. I still think that some of the stuff is beneficial but the hype used by L Ron and now the “Orgs” is just funny. It’s sort of a combination of North Korea speak and mix it up with some Forest Gump and you’ve got it!! Lol.
Old Surfer Dude says
“Stupid is as stupid does.” Which makes scientology pretty damn stupid…