A brief study and dissection of Miscavamatics and Shermanspeak on a public website. The “PR tech” employed for internal public is also being rolled out for external publics.
by Special Correspondent Richard Lloyd Roberts
I recently stumbled on the website www.therouteout.com via Facebook. Sounding familiar and somewhat Scientology slanted my curiosity was peaked and so I decided to see what The Route Out was. I noticed that some of the likes were of Scientologist’s that have not unfriended me yet.
Here’s the basic premise of the site and some quotes from the site. (Quotes from website in italics)
“Welcome to The Route Out! If you already know about this website and its purpose, please go here and sign this declaration. When you do so, emails and/or letters will be delivered to your Representative, your Senators and the President. Thank you for helping us get some common sense into government and re-orient our country back to its true purpose!”
Familiar wording I thought. Sounds like a duck and quacks like a duck, maybe it is a duck. Reading further down the page their next paragraph reads:
“One of the primary goals of The Route Out is to build a solid foundation of conduct based on everyday common sense within the halls of our government. This may sound simplistic, but any effective and lasting change in government has to have this. This is our route out of the problems we face in the world today. Read below, and click here to find out how we “are” making this happen, and why this is so vital to your future.”
This is starting to sound like an IAS lecture. Note some of the bolded text in the above paragraph. This is going to be important later…
As we drop down the page all is revealed: this is a Way to Happiness program. From this point on the overlap of Corporate Scientology mentality starts.
The next section explains why and how the WTH is being used for this program:
“The Way to Happiness videos are at the heart of our activities here at The Route Out. Even though our primary focus is on the government, these videos aren’t political in any way…”
“The importance of these videos can be traced back to these famous words from the Declaration of Independence – “….life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” These videos give shape to the very essence of what this country was founded on.”
I stumbled a bit on tracing the WTH back to the Declaration of Independence but then this is Church PR. You can say anything there that raises a buck.
So then they explain who they are (well sort of, Scientology is not mentioned).
“Who We Are
We here at The Route Out are just a few of the many millions upon millions of people who have suffered in this economy. We are among the millions who can no longer just sit around and hope that someone else is going to fix things for us. Not when we can look toward Washington, D.C. and see a government that, at best, doesn’t have any sort of clear consensus on how to fix things, and at worst is horribly broken.
(Note: I think if you are going to start to get someone’s agreement I don’t think that ARC breaking them and invalidating them is a good PR exercise).
Our country has been the greatest source of freedom this planet has ever seen. It has earned that distinction because of one thing – because it’s a country of the people, for the people, and by the people. We’ve gotten away from that. Today, our country is being run by interests becoming more and more removed from us; the people. So, it’s time to change that. This is what The Route Out is – one way to regain the country being run by the people; a way to get back to that essence that opened the door to freedom on this planet.”
WOW. Wasn’t Scientology run for the good of mankind! Seems we have gotten away from that too!
By now my eyes have wandered to the stats showing on the right side of the page. Pretty impressive until you realize that these stats are formatted like the RCS stats. They say nothing!
PRESIDENTIAL PLEDGE Contacted 1,376 Times
As you can plainly see the statistics are typical of the Church. Sounds like square feet built or Plans drawn doesn’t it? Nothing really solid but it looks like activity.
I decided to look at the WTH website to see what their claims were and found “government results” here:
They claim government support and even a Former California Senator supporting them.
So let’s review their real time results:
“The status of those who have or haven’t signed the pledge can be seen by clicking on the links below.
The order in which each government official signs the pledge is noted on these pages. This is useful in being able to get an idea of those who lead in government (in a manner beneficial to the people), and those who either just follow, or just don’t really get the concept.”
And if you click through these pages to see the “order in which each government official signs the pledge” you see:
Apparently despite claiming earlier that “we are making this happen” (can you say “making planetary clearing for real” or “We are the only ones doing something about it”) not one single product. I guess the government officials “don’t really get the concept” or are just followers.
Ironic coming from one of the biggest groups of sheeple on planet earth.
I am all for people making a difference and using LRH tech to improve conditions but no results is no results and taking stabs at the people you are trying to convert doesn’t seem to get the job done. This is a reflection of life inside the bubble of corporate radical Scientology. When you state your mission is to “Re Orient this country back to its true purpose” maybe you should take a look in the mirror and start with your own doorstep. Scientology is off purpose and apparently creates no impact with real opinion leaders.
Apparently this is not a site that the IAS is funding because they are still begging for money, something that every good corporate Scientoolgist is very well trained in http://www.therouteout.com/?page_id=25.
do these idiots think for one minute the SP’s in Washington do not realise what’s going on?
Of course they do that’s why QE is going on forever, Banks get cheap money to speculate with and the ruling 1% make a fortune. ITs never been any different and it never will. Scientology is totally innefective as a force or a philosophy. Why? Becuas ethey do not spend money like Warren Buffet and Golman Sachs and the FR that’s why.
Clear the planet. HAW HAW they can’t clear their throats!
The teachings of Hubbard say one thing on the outside and another thing on the inside.
Scientology was and is rotten at the core, but not necessarily always rotten on the fringes.
Both the bad and the good combine to make Scientology.
Being a Scientologist is problematic because Scientology is a dishonest subject. What you see is not what you get.
My answer wasn’t my “A game.” I apologize for that.
TWTH irritates me because many people pay a good deal of money to have books distributed to places where there is poverty and conflict. I would rather see that money go to organizations that lift people out of poverty, protect the innocent in conflicts, and try to end the conflict.
TWTH irritates me because I disagree with Hallie Jane. Most parents do raise their children with morals and ethics. The conditions they live with, war and / or poverty may make one make difficult choices.
TWTH irritates me because Ron did not follow those precepts.
TWTH irritates me because Corporate Scientology does not follow those precepts.
OK, well, I agree with you about these things. 🙂
For lack of a way to reply to Mike:
And yet.. TWTH ‘IS” copyrighted… how strange considering I’m meant to believe this guide was written with the express intent to ‘help’ through its dissemination.
Yeah… I’m pretty sure I’m seeing through something… something rotten.
There are a lot of people who were not raised with empathy and compassion and I think this compilation could be very useful to them.
It irritates me because it was not original.
I grew up learning all of the the things stated in TWTH. I think of it as the way to raise to child with empathy and compassion toward our fellow humans. I was raised in a way where I did not not a need an outside guide to empathy.
TWTH is a collation of many good ideas. “The Golden Rule” of “Do undo others as you would do unto have them do unto you” {however Mr E replied with the Golden ratio of 1 : 3 : 5}
Many never Ins understand that THTH is repackaged adages from various sources. Many of us searched and found these these adages and it irritates us to no end that Ron Hubbard is somehow credited for collating them.
Why does that irritate you? If he did, he did.
It irritates us that he’s credited for that moral stance, and sometimes even for ‘inventing’ that moral stance, when it reality, he lived his life by practically the opposite moral stance, and by virtue of his actual work, encouraged his flock to live by the opposite moral stance despite what he wished the rest of society to believe they were doing by writing such a manual which represented to society that he recommended a righteous moral stance.
Besides, the real issue here is WHY did LRH (and why do those who revere him think) find it necessary to put his name to a moral code set such as TWTH? Why not publish it unnamed considering it was pulled from all parts of society? What was his real motive? He’s neither a God, nor a representative of God, nor in politics or Government responsible for setting down laws or rules. What possible reason would he have to do it in the first place, and slap his name on it for credit?
I think it’s clear what I believe his real motive was. To gain Credibility. I see through his sham, $cientologists, of all ilk, clearly do not.
Funny you mention this about slapping his name on it. Have you ever seen a copy of WTH? It doesn’t have an author identified, the only place you see L. Ron Hubbard is in the copyright notice. He specifically directed his name NOT be prominently displayed anywhere on it. You may have the impression that this is the case by what the church does in promoting WTH.
If the purpose of WTH was as you say for him “to gain credibility” why WOULDNT his name be on it?
I don’t think you are “seeing through” anything.
I’m particularly annoyed at anyone giving credit to LRon Hubbard for ‘giving’ the world “The Way to Happiness”. The publication is chock full of benign fluffy and honest good advice/direction, for a world of people getting on better together. It certainly doesn’t cover everything, and won’t be effective on everyone, but I can’t fault it’s content necessarily – BUT – HUBBARD DID NOT INVENT ONE IOTA OF IT! He stole it (meaning he gathered other people’s work, or already established social acceptable behavior, and slapped his name on it as if he alone invented the concepts), to make himself look good, when in everything else he put out, he looks very BAD.
This is my researched opinion – whatever WORKS in the Hubbard collection, wasn’t his to begin with, so if it works it isn’t $cientology. If it is Hubbard’s, it doesn’t work.
Give me examples of otherwise, if need be…
Of course a “moral code” is “taken from other places” — philosophers, priests, social scientists and others have been discussing and debating these issues for millennia.
You may not like L. Ron Hubbard, but this is not a work of plagiarism. It is original writing, though perhaps not original thoughts. Though I challenge you to come up with anywhere else that a simple, easy to understand code of conduct generally applicable to anyone or any society is available.
Your position just doesnt make sense.
The concepts written about by most authors have been covered previously, almost always in fiction and sometimes in non-fiction. It is the EXPRESSION of the ideas that is original (which is what copyright is about). It’s not the ideas themselves (you of course could not patent such a thing, which is what protects original ideas).
The works of Dr. Seuss don’t contain new ideas. Just different ways of expressing them. You may dislike Theodor Giesel. You may not like his writing style. But his work is original expression, even though he is rehashing old ideas of how to entertain children with simple life-lessons, or counting or funny rhymes or teaching colors.
Who in your estimation should be credited for WTH? Moses?
OK, I am trying my best to be civil.
I have written several responses and erased them because it wasn’t worth Mike having to monitor it
I believe that words /language is powerful. It can be uplifting or it can do great damage.
With that believe I really try to do no damage with words.
I usually only read MIke’s Blog and let the regular commenters have their piece. I am usually only interested in the information, which is often unique to Mike
I am angry when someone speaks ill of Tony Ortega or the commenter on his blog, of which I consider myself a member.
You should realize that Tony is an journalist, and if he finds things “wrong” with scientology or the tech, it is because there is no scientific basis for the tech.
“Science, It works, bitches” — a meme I adore.
I have had to deal with several issues with psychological therapy, and it helped a great deal. My secrets will not be held as blackmail, and I could end it whenever I choose. I could choose the therapist I had a rapport with. I would encourage people with issues that do bother them to go the therapy because it works.
I am angry when someone speaks ill of Anonymous, of which I do not consider myself a member. In 2008, mass protests were held world wide. The word got out that scientology was hurting people through disconnection, imprisonment, slavery etc. Anonymous found out about scientology because it researched the critics
I am also angry that people want to give any type of credit of TWTH to Hubbard.
I have read it.
It is full of platitudes from sources other than Ron.
Sure it is a quick and easy read. It makes sense. DO NOT give Ron credit for gathering material that was known and publishing it as something new.
MIle, I like the blog. I could care less what “religious affiliation” anyone aligns them self with. I care, and I am angry when people hurt / harm others
For those who think anger shouldn’t drive a person. Sorry.
I am not you.
Injustice drives me. Anger drives me. I am different that you, deal with it.
Thanks for the civil and well put together comment Meg.
I have a great deal of respect for Tony. I know he is a good reporter. We may not see eye to eye on everything, but I KNOW he is diligent in getting his facts straight (he checks and double checks things, I know this from personal experience). He also has withstood a lot of efforts to shut him up. He does not talk publicly about these. Believe me, he has not been immune from the sort of attention the church pays to anyone who is as vocal and influential in exposing their abuses as he is.
Not everyone agrees with me. But that’s OK too. As long as people stick to the topic and are generally civil and are not merely engaged in ad hominem church-style attacks, I am interested in what everyone has to say.
I believe the interchange of ideas is a healthy thing.
So, thanks for posting.
I do not consider myself a great writer
I just care.
TY for publishing my comment in full
Thank you for your very insightful and worldly comment Joe van Staden. I understood you perfectly. Like I always say to most who know me, “If there is a god, then she’s going to be very pissed if we fight over what to call her”.
Their list of politicians is out of date, and if they couldn’t get Brad Sherman to sign, they must really suck!
I would love to answer each comment posted here. There is much wisdom expressed from which we can all benefit – if we pay attention. However, since any meaningful response to the majority of posts will require a great deal of time, I opted for a response which I believe gets to the crux of the matter.
Since the discussion seems to have been triggered by the idea of labels, let me take it from there. Labels, in terms of people in what ever form, be it a description of an identity, a physical, intellectual, emotional or spiritual viewpoint, location in time and space, a sense of self, me, I or ego and so forth, is essentially what the auditor, the psychiatrist, the psychologist, the priest, the guru and the well meaning friend is attempting to replace or get out of the way. Instinctively we know the significance of doing so.
Here is the thing; whatever name we give to that “Higher Power” be it the 8th dynamic, God, Brahman, theta, nature, the quantum field, the unifying field or simply the universe, people of all persuasions from scientists to mystics, atheists to true believers, have a sense of being connected to “something” – the source of existence – by whatever name.
Now, after many years in Scientology and more then 30 years of further exploration into the nature of consciousness, my conclusion – for now – is this: To the extent that we are “in touch” with God – by whatever name – to that extent do we find fulfillment. That is what becoming OT is really about, what heaven and nirvana is about. (Count on it; language and labels will confuse the issue every time).
All that stands in the way of anyone being “in touch” with that Higher Power is his or her sense of self – me, I – their current identity and point of view that keeps them oriented in secure and familiar “territory”. Admittedly there are other factors involved, but essentially it’s a case of; “clear” the slate of labels and you “arrive”. It should be mentioned that clearing the slate is only limited by a lack of imagination and creativity.
I don’t expect the following statement to resonate with a whole lot of people, but it should make sense to some. God – by any other name – gives expression through various forms of life and also experiences existence through various life forms. If it weren’t for the obstacles due to language, the scientist might say, “of course, that is how evolution takes place – nature puts out and gets feedback which is then adapted to changing conditions. In other words the individual is the conduit through which God both expresses and experiences creation.
In the simplest of terms the more labels we buy into, such as Scientologist, OT 8 or whatever the less “in touch” we wind up – the more clogged up as a conduit we are. Again language must be taken into consideration. In other words, where we become the label (the experiencer) rather than the experience (“in touch”) we are cutting our connection to God so to speak. And that is what the C of S is currently doing. Simple indicator; the Church lacks empathy.
So, as I see it, where auditing is used to clear the slate of “label and identity baggage” – where auditing is used to unblock the connection between the individual and the 8th dynamic – it is wise to become the experience (in touch) rather than the experiencer (identity).
I actually got lots of gains from auditing and never had a complaint in that area. That may not be true for every one that tried it but personally I have no beef with what LRH wrote and created. I no longer live my life solely by Scientology principles and have widened my scope of learning to other similar authors.
LRH didn’t have all the answers but some of them were pretty on the money. I think that to expand as a person you need a well rounded viewpoint. Anyone that narrows to just Scientology will not grow as a being.
These comments regarding are you a scientologist, etc. should be a page on your blog, not a post but a page explaining how the church is creating independent scientology by kicking everyone pushing for reform outside, the difference between suppressive case and an administrative suppressive person declare, etc. And the hijacking of the title scientologist, which is not copywritten or trademarked,etc.
Pierre etier has a page explaining some of this, lrh vs lrh the trademark vs the church, etc.
Like most religions first formations Scientology is dividing into groups that are corporate, fundamental, reforming, old testament, new testament so to speak, etc.
it is only confusing because it is not defined yet, the independents are figuring out what exactly they are as we speak.
And this wth website to me looks like the beginnings of the propaganda we might see with the fulfillment of the ot8 rumors that lrh will return as a politician.
All religions will appear Looney till the day we figure out the truth, by nature they deal with the things science has no godamn clue about, they speculate just as wildly when their expected results fail. Live with it.
The Route Out website looks to have been created back around 2010. The Governor list has become dated. If I was still drinking Kool-aid it would seem like a good project. When you learn about the abuses that currently exist in the Church, it becomes a hypocritical joke.
But surely if you “turn the country around” Robert, then New York would face the Pacific and LA the Atlantic? This is surely not the route out.
Other than that corny remark, I concur, the WTH actually applied has some good effects.
The irony is that if one is hyped about WTH and wants to do some good, the current church PR guarantees your failure. Going down that road is self-destructive, within the various organizations connected to the church.
You have to do outside and independently, to have any chance of some success.
California Gov. Jerry Brown, Florida Gov. Rick Scott and U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, among others, are gonna be mighty pissed off to be left out of the action…
I clicked on the California Status page – http://www.therouteout.com/?page_id=1058
Listed as governor is Arnold Schwarznegger, who left office in 2011. And they spelled his name wrong. Also, whoever put that page together apparently got sick and tired of looking up the political party of every representative in California, so they quit after only 7 Reps. out of 51.
All in all, a fairly dismal effort on their part.
St. James question is a fair question to ask. mike is an activist if only through this blog.
to inquire what his personal beliefs or how he choose to label himself is relevant to the subject he is covering. he is a former member of an organization he is now a critic of. the question is an obvious one and one i am sure he’s been asked many times.
how mike chooses to answer is his prerogative of course, but the question was not impertinent.
i personally do understand mike needs to keep light afoot so to speak. for the best over all effect.
i’m sure the common ground we all have is to see abuses come to an end, not trying to influence anyone’s personal beliefs. and that seems to be what mike is working towards.
we have many years to talk about who’s what and who’s not. for now though first things first.
No ethical person can disagree with the precepts in TWTH. As far as turning criminals or drug dealers around, forget it. One’s energy could be put to better use elsewhere. It’s just not a very effective tool. Mostly it’s treated like the Jehovah Witnesses “Watchtower”. Good fire starter though.
“I am all for people making a difference and using LRH tech to improve conditions”
And, uh, how would “LRH tech” do that? Mind telling us? However, any indication you still believe in L Ron Hubbard will put an awful lot of people’s mind at rest. They’ll be glad to hear it.
I think being in a condition where you feel compelled to be against something it can become a trap. I see some doing this. Anonymous and long time “critics” and on the other side too. I see that a lot in life. Talk to people about politics for a few minutes and you will see they dont actually know anything about politics and that they have fallin into this trap of only being against. I think when you do that you limit your thinking. I’ve been talking to mormons and christians etc and that “fundamentalism” thing really sticks out to me when I see it. Limiting your thought and ability to see everything is too big a price to pay for the unwavering certainty that you are going to heaven or spiritual eternity or whatever. I got suckered into that viewpoint some in the Church and I cannot go back. I dont want to just change sides and continue the same behavior either.
This is not about Mike Rinder. I’m thinking of stuff like Anonymous, OSA, John Allender as extreme examples. Lesser extremes are friends who disconnect from you on facebook after hearing a verbal rumor that you are “disaffected” etc.
You have much rightness about to your words Mann. Should never do only opposing to something always, should always be opposing only a little and also with many agreement in between and breaks for meals etc. I talk political to people always and they have never know what politics even is. You are right to about morons and christians that really sticks out when I see it to.
About earlier you say Tony Ortego only find wrongness everyday what is up with that? I cant even read his webpages anymore he is only about finding the wrongness. Does he even look for the rightness? I wonder. And some of these commentators on his webpages are a bunch of knuckleheads to. I do like on Sunday he has very colorful photos of pretty people I hope they can find some rightness and beingness and get away from there nasty cult. I wish beingness towards you Chriss Mann.
” And some of these commentators on his webpages are a bunch of knuckleheads to. ”
I am one of the knuckleheads that have done years and years of research to uncover the truth.
OK I give… What is the Rightness? I am not being Glib.. ( Thanks TCruise..) Cause I can not find anything but lies, deceit, conman tactics and evil coming from the words and actions of Hubbard.
and carried on by DM. Yes, I am a Psych.. I’ve worked in mental health all my adult life. I wanted to learn the truth. I found the truth over at Tony O’s.
I appreciated Mike’s Helicopter tech. I did. I was there. and I have been lurking here since then, but why berate Tony? And the Bunker? That is sad.
We Anons did and are doing a helluva lot more than you ever have to take down this rancid cult. Putting us in the same sentence as OSA and that sleazebag Allender, and you expect us to be allies in this fight…what chutzpah. That disgusts me to no end.
I DELETED THE REST OF THIS COMMENT AS INAPPROPRIATE. But I thought it fair for you have a right to respond but I don’t want to turn this into a personal fight. As I have said before, I am the only one allowed to do that here 🙂 I did not the kind words you had to say about me and I appreciate that. I am not selectively editing to leave in the nice bits…
I regret the comment was edited. I really do. And for the record, I respect all anonymous for their relentless work to get the cult down. I respect Tony O deeply for the bunker and the regular posters there have many insight full comments with good facts to back it up! of course I appreciate this blog as well. I love you’re humor Mike and also your courage and efficacy in unveiling the true face of DMs church. I have seen Espi’s full comment over at the bunker. And true, he does come on strong, but at least he’s concrete and naming the names and giving a piece of his mind. I think covert, disguised venomous criticism doesn’t belong on this blog either if Espi cant respond the way he did. But hey, peace to you all.
There it is.
“Anonymous, OSA, John Allender”
You are a very tiny little Thetan
As one of the “knuckleheads” who regularly contributes comments and shoops to the ‘Sunday Funnies’ at the Underground Bunker, I’m truly sorry for you, chrismann and Poppa Corn: you both seem to be acting like children with fingers in your ears going “La-la-la I don’t want to listen” when confronted with uncomfortable truths about Scientology. If it wasn’t for people like Mike Rinder, Tony Ortega, and the activists of Anonymous, among others, you wouldn’t even have this forum to express your odd form of moral relativism. And remember:
“All that is needed for the forces of evil to succeed is for enough good men to remain silent.” – Edmund Burke.
About some knuckleheads I mean some of the knuckleheads not all the commentariot. I to like funny pictures and smoking Babbys these all make me laugh. I say Tony Ortego has pretty pictures he posts on Sunday that is a compliment and all think like I am attacking? I only say he finds the wrongness he cant find the rightness? You all knuckleheads take words to serious. I wish being ness towards you Mark and Cigerette Babby.
“You all knuckleheads take words to serious”.
Mike and Tony both use words for a serious purpose – it’s called investigative journalism. If almost everything they find is what you call “wrongness”, that is only reflecting the unpleasant truth about the CoS and Miscavige. And if we have no serious words, Poppa Corn, how do you propose we communicate otherwise? Flower-arranging?
Thank-you for wishing Baby and I “beingness”, but it really isn’t necessary – we both exist already.
Proud to be a knucklehead actually.
As for an assertion in here about touting the good Scientology does I don’t feel it is up to blogs to do that as the CoS seems to be very vigilant and over compensating when it comes to patting themselves on the back…even to the point of making things up and lying as Mike has so often demonstrated in here regarding stats.
In fairness though the CoS has created the best Ex-Scientologists on the planet, so I suppose that is a plus as well as some very well paid private investigators and lawyers. So it`s record on job creation is pretty solid.
I just had to put in my 2 cents. Was in for 29 years. Left before anonymous came on to the scene. Anonymous gave me the courage to face my fears and protest against the cult. That helped me more then any therapy I would have gotten. Protested with anonymous for 2 1/2 years in front of SF bay area missions and orgs. Had my fair share of allender’s psychotic rants.
I will support anonymous any time they are slandered.
TWTH does not hold water.
Public and Government search the NET on the COB, beatings,the HOLE,
slave staff, lavish lifestyle,refund lawsuits,death( Lisa Mc Pherson.)
Tell All Scientology Books.
“The Route Out” — Sounds like a suicide pact.
This website is reaching for the audience of people who are dissatisfied with the way things are run but don’t actually have any idea how things are run or how they would change it. The problem is that the title of the enterprise sounds like a call to Jonestown or to that spaceship hiding behind Comet Hale-Bopp. I predict exactly zero return on the investment in this website — even in Clam dollars.
Yeah…when I first read the name of the blog, I wondered “How many innies are gonna want to ‘route out’ now?”
Quite a thought provoking post Richard.
If someone wanted to change the way that the Government does business the last thing to do would be to get ’em to sign some silly “pledge”. All them swear to “defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic..”. Some of them do but the majority don’t. They allow things like giving the President ability to declare war Cart Blanc. Give him immunity against FISA and currently allow him to carry out an extrajudical assassin program which violates the 4th and 5th respectively etc. etc.
Personally I don’t think getting them to sign another “pledge” is going to do much good.
Nuttin’ but useless PR.
No unfortunately as Jefferson said and was repeated by Ron in his lecture the Genus of Dn and Scn (you know where he also suggests that some revolutionist blow up the Central Org if it got fixated on buildings a point that I’d say that has long since passed I’d say) one has to be vigilant.
Personally I prefer vigilance over what would be considered “extreme measures”.
Anyway how does one do this?
Not by getting someone in Congress to sign some silly pledge.
One does it the same way that Mike is exposing the corruption in the Church.
A person has to get their hands dirty by filing FOIA requests and then getting toner all over their hands by digging into those poorly reproduced files (I mean despite all the high tech used by NSA, CIA all those alphabet agencies like JSOC I think most of them use a Xerox machine for FOIA request that has been around since the end of the Korean war but anyway) and read between the redactions,
(A brief pause for some comic relief 😉 )
(moving on)
talking to whistle blowers who don’t agree with what the Government is doing then get a real live investigative journalist to publish what you’ve found.
Something Freedom Magazine under Robert Vaughn Young used to do many years ago before it became a total parody of itself.
In summary by doing basically the same actions Mike is doing in regard to the Church only on a broader scale.
‘Nuff said.
The Church’s application of “Way to Happiness” is to use slime from confessional folders along with LIES for malicious retaliation.
Right on Karen.
As I’ve written before using PC Folder data is about as low as it gets. Right at the bottom. A complete and total betrayal after trust.
Any OSA assets reading this should know where this is as far as the conditions go.
Try *Treason*.
Yeah that little “unit” (which consisted of 5 branches and its own org board of 7 bureaus) as its called in the latest edition of WIS used to do that sort of thing and look where they are now.
Yeah right.
Funny how things you not-is tend to persist.
‘Nuff said.
“Re Orient this country back to its true purpose” is misspelt, ungrammatical, and ‘purpose’ is unclarified, making ‘true’ redundant; also, ‘its true purpose’ is moot: the writer is referring to ‘this country’s’ government, perhaps.
Re-orient this country to the vision of Founding Fathers. Restore the hopes of the pilgrims to this country. Re-educate the citizens of this country on the Bill of Rights.
Who knows what the writer intends, maybe ‘turn this country around,’ but to what, a Miscavigean ‘ideal country’ based on the strictly personal precepts outlined in TWTH?
It’s a pointless sentence from a sinister organisation.
Acknowledging and then by-passing the bullshit and hype, the fact remains that The Way To Happiness is a truly useful little masterpiece. It actually covers life’s canvas succinctly and helpfully with perceptive and practical wisdom. I have had numerous beneficial results with giving it to people who have read it and really appreciated it. In my personal experience, the giving of this booklet has helped people that were despondent or confused, people with domestic difficulties, parents, and yes even someone in prison who liked the fact it was actually sensible and readable.
I wanted to point this out as it’s easy to slip in the convenient but harmful action or habit of throwing out the baby with the bath water.
Specious and insidious, or plain delusive, misrepresentation is irritating at best,and even odious at worst. But, The Way To Happiness itself is a beautiful and useful book, booklet or video.
Oiram — I agree with you about WTH. It is difficult to think of anything that any rational person could disagree with in the principles contained in the booklet. They might criticize the writing style or design, bu the contents themselves truly are common sense. I think it is one of the great contributions of LRH. The true criticism about WTH should revolve around how it is used as a moneymaking scheme and the actions of the people who push it, not the contents of the booklet itself.
Well put, Mike. A helpful clarification.
Oiram – I am with you on this too. I love the WTH. I didn’t like the manner in which this group were using it as a make wrong to politicians and then claiming results with it where in fact none exist. Its a false report.
Applied in the correct way this could have been done really well. Instead its an enforced reality thats presented in a manner that makes wrong. Another example of going against LRH intention. Read the PL on Manners for that.
This is the current mindset and arrogance of todays Church. If only they practiced what they preached and really cared about the planet instead of self preservation.
+1 Great post RLR!
I agree Oiram. The precepts have value, just not presented in a condescending and circuitous manner.
What bothers me about ALL of these side programs that the church hypes, is that the purpose of Scn is to create free beings, with auditing and training, not to do all these side programs insincerely, as a ruse to collect funds. Even if they were doing a “4thD” program sincerely, which they are not, they would still be off purpose because the actual bridge, to an actual, less aberated world, has been squirreled and dismantled. Personally, I don’t find going over a lot of these emails etc. repetitive, because they are making more and more clear, the shameful dichotomy of, “dismantled, squirreled bridge” and “weird, duplicitous others practices in the name of salvaging the planet”. Thank you, for your continuing work on this Mike.
I am bemused by the fact that they list the number of Senators, and Representatives they contacted, and it is not even all of them.
I mean how hard is it to contact them all? (Not that they would even then get any response.)
There are 100 Senators and 435 Reps, by the way.
Did they run out of stamps? Were doors slammed in faces?
Church speak with forked tongue. “There are considerable consequences to testifying to false statements…” or something like that, in the Seek to Live with the Truth precept. It was the first one I thought I’d take a look at. Almost threw up after hearing this.
All you have to remember is that the RC$ is the exact opposite of all the precepts. And the opposite of all the human rights they promote as well.
LOL! Love your wit gato rojo. Yes, seek to live with the truth. Such a simple concept. If the rcs did that one thing, it would be a 9.0 earthquake.
I am reminded of Shakespeare’s Macbeth: “It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
signifying nothing.”
Yes! “Out, Out” by Robert Frost highly recommended reading. Short poem… Very Lisa McPherson.
The numerous SIgned the Declaration avenues showing who has NOT signed the Pledge, is dismal.
My bet they take this site down once it hits them they are advertising how unpopular this campaign is, out of embarrassment, rather than leave this site up and unsigned for a few years which in a while will still be as empty as it is now!
Yes, this seems like a TWTH volunteer/staff method of raising TWTH Foundation’s stats. The week this site went online, I’ll bet they counted and still count weekly, the uptick, supposedly, in spreading the TWTH precepts per person, however TWTH counts their weekly stats!
“Re Orient this country back to its true purpose” Let’s take a look at the countries ‘true purpose’. IMO it was ‘let’s get away from those d***ed Religious bigots that are making our life hell on earth.’ of course the second purpose was: ‘Hey, Look, here’s a bunch of great property. I wonder how much we can hold onto ourselves’ ( the main thought of any group including the earlier natives, who of course came here from somewhere else too.)
I always thought the “Way to Happiness” video was pretty good. The trouble is the “Vulture Culture” got a hold of it. I remember donating a copy of that video to every school in the state where I live, or so the big poster in the org said. How many of the DVDs were thrown away or sent back, I don’t know but I have a good idea who got the commission.
This was during my phase of “making good” with AOLA. What a waste of time and money. They are insatiable, especially the “Wonder Girls” in MAA’s office.
Someone at some point in the past came up with the idea of distributing WTH booklets out on the streets. It was promoted at an international event that this ‘destimulated the environment’, ’caused an 80% reduction in crime’, ‘got junkies off heroine’. I’m being somewhat facetious here as I don’t recall the actual statistics quoted, but it was always some DRAMATIC percentage drop in crime. The picture comes to mind from an event of a group of LA motorcycle cops in a parade pulling up in lined formation in front of the LRH life exhibit (as I recall) and holding a salute for 30 seconds or so, reportedly because there was such a huge drop in crime in a hotbed LA community from someone handing out booklets. From this the idea was installed that distributing WTHs produces amazing calming effects on people where it is handed out.
We’ll leave aside the fact that herr klein-tool sniffed out CASH COW!!
I’m not saying it couldn’t happen, but as with anything reported by the church chances are it is an utter fricken’ LIE.
It may be quixotic to consider (understatement?), but possibly however at some point in the past before the Cof$ became the most high-profile cult in America, maybe this did occur.
My question is did this ever happen? Has there EVER been any positive effect of a broad societal nature from handing out WTHs? Does anyone here have any actual experience of one of these campaigns?
All I know is what was told to me as “true” about WTH. Rick Alexander at Flag regged me to donate a bunch of WTH to Columbia because “the first time we did it, the drug cartel gangs stopped and the drug trafficking went way down….” An utter lie. If drug trafficking went down at all, it might have had to do with getting some new police chief in there cleaning things up or something. But the KA sheeple have internalized the lies and they spout off the PR line of, “when we get WTH books out there it is like pouring oil on the water; it calms things.” Really? Where is the proof of this? I would love to see proof of it.
Right, Cindy? I’m not say in it couldn’t happen. I would love to hear evidence, even if anecdotal, of someone’s experience with having done this.
I remember in the late 90’s when Rick Pendery was touring for the IAS. In meeting Rick and listening to him talk I don’t believe he was lying, and I don’t believe he was stretching the truth. (If anything what I observed about church pr was that they were toning down what Rick was saying had happened.) What did strike me is that Rick had a king-sized set of balls for what he did. And that he did help turn around the lives of a small number of inmates in a mexican prison. How many? Who knows? Rick would. I’m sure the church definitely reined him in on what he could or could not say, and from what I’ve read here recently it didn’t end well.
(Thoughts in Davie’s mind at the time: “How can I make money from this?” & “How the %&$#*&^ can I stop this!?!”)
Point being I think WTH, when used with live communication, is a simple and effective tool that can do some good.
I’m going to digress slightly. When I was on staff in 1986, the ED got wind that the org in Portland handed out a bunch of ‘free movie’ tickets and had a lot of people come in. In hindsight this was probably due to curiosity from the fairly recent ‘Portland Crusade’. This became our new ‘promo line’. I had joined staff to be a Dianetics auditor. I was now responsible for Div 6 promo. I jumped in with both feet. If I wasn’t auditing I was out putting promo on car windows. I got out a LOT of promo. And we had a lot of new people coming in the door. I was auditing 30 to 40 hrs a week of Dianetics (unfortunately I wasn’t the best auditor.)
Mike Fine came into town one day on tour and we got out a small handful of promo for a ‘have you lived before?’ lecture he was going to deliver the next evening. We surprisingly had about 50 to 60 new people show up and pack into the org for the lecture. This was a mystery, where’d they all come from?? In hindsight it was probably because every single person with a car in the city of Phx at some point in the prior 10 months or so had gotten a free movie ticket on their car windshield.
Point being that if 100, 000 copies of WTH had actually been handed out somewhere it conceivably might have had a positive effect on a broad group of people.
But I agree with you, Cindy, I would love to see proof of it, because it was certainly not as reported by the church.
Proof of the opposite is easier to find: see my earlier post on TWTH ineffectiveness at http://possiblyhelpfuladvice.com/?p=13339
Good article, POT. As you point out they omit a) when and over what period of time the WTH booklets were distributed or b) if it was even done.
The other outpoint (if it was done), including the booklets in the water bills is a far cry from someone actually handing one a booklet and possibly talking to them about it.
Hey Cindy,
My spouse and I got roped into the Columbia one too. It was a “special, super- seekret” briefing for “the special OT’s.”. By Gavin Potter himself, the best snake oil salesman there is.
I feel for you Pepper. If you see the words “Gavin Potter” in any promo, run the other way. Snake oil is his specialty.
For the web site; date of entries and number of comments tells me it is all show, no go.
Thank you, Richard Lloyd Roberts, great article.
More instruction from those who know best and now see fit to teach morals to the governing public at large. This will bring back all those jobs that went overseas and change Corporate minds on profit margins. Sure thing.
The RCS, with all its overts on humanity, (I could write an essay spelling it out) is the last to school anybody on “morals”, and people don’t need the moral codes of the RCS either.
“The Route Out” is an ironic name. I immediately thought of leaving Scientology too. It’s a well done presentation, no doubt the project of a public desperately trying to “out-create” black PR. You know the PR generated by the usual suspect, bad guys; the psychs and pharmaceutical companies, who also fund our Internet activities too. Right.
I’m sure this same public, or group behind “The Route Out” is hoping that all the bad news about Scientology will go away through this project, in that people will “just change their minds.” Not gonna happen and they need to LOOK at WHY.
BTW- on The Route Out:
I’m glad no one took their invalidation or evaluation seriously and didn’t listen to them, as evidenced by the lack of a single signature.
Not only that, those signatures would then be used for PR for the CoS, which I’m sure any high ranking public servant wants-needs to avoid. They like their jobs and don’t want to commit career suicide, promoting the CoS.
Great comments Pepper. The hubris is astounding thinking they can preach to people about running the government and what morals to follow. I know some Feds and they are extremely professional and dedicated people. I noticed the statement by the author that said they had been badly effected by the economy. Probably because church donos of all types are drying up, they have decided on a new wrong why. Now it’s all the government’s fault, a gross and unhelpful generality. Add them to the evil transcriptionists, the fringey internet bloggers, they psyches etc, etc, etc. How about some full source and cause of all efforts and all counter efforts on all dynamics? Real, genuine responsibility is absent in the rcs today.
I seriously doubt the true meaning of TWTH could sway a political
administration, group or politician in the US or any other country.
Especially when you call them a bunch of pricks.
Great analysis of the web and all along you can see the arrogant, we know it all attitude together with the belittling of others who don’t know anything.
I agree is not IAS product as they still have several clubbed seals to rip off; however, it may be one “FSM” who independently decided to see if more money, control and nullification could be exerted on the general population.
If this is ‘nowhere’, how do you get out? Just down and into the world of oblivion, poor souls.
The ironic thing is that if these folks were to apply the WTH in their own lives and insist their own group apply it, they would end up being on their own road out of the cult they are dedicated to. In other words, they would be the proud owners of their own generic SP declare.
That seems right to me.
One thing is becoming increasingly an issue for the cult……. it cannot stand in the light of truth and must use a steady diet of trickery and deception in it’s PR. That will be an interesting route out of total freedom and into a black pit of oppression.
This sounds to me like a PR stunt to show the true believers that “we are bypassing the government as they are in a danger condition” (or lower) and “getting ethics in”. Yay. Cash or credit?
The WTH booklet was a PR tool…. but today in the English speaking world, anything that smacks of Scientology is like inviting people to infect themselves leprosy, just to see how it feels.
Mike, do you consider yourself still a Scientologist?
You ask because…?
And you think I should answer because?
Just curious.
Mike – you don’t have to answer that. Religion is personal and unique to the individual. You do not have to defend yourself; no one does on that.
That being said, I did notice that on the “About Me” page, it did used to say at the end that “I am a Scientologist, always have been and will be.” Forgive the paraphrasing, which I know is not correct but was the gist of it. I read it again today and noticed that it is gone. Perhaps that is what St James is referring to?
Again I will say that you have every right to decide what information you wish to impart about yourself. Religion included.
Pepper — the issue is one of labels. The label “Scientologist” these days has a very negative connotation, as it is equated with the fundamentalism of church members. Even some “independent Scientologists” are still fundamentalists. And it becomes easy for either side of the middle path to attack: “See, he is still a Scientologist so obviously believes xyz and behaves abc” or “See, he is no longer a Scientologist so he is a complete squirrel.” So, I elected to remove the label. Does that mean anything about what I believe or agree with or apply in my life? Not a thing and nothing can or should be read into it. Too much is made of the label and not enough of actions. Which is why I was curious St James asked.
I think you should answer because it is no longer possible to reconcile the purported aim of this site with the point you seem to have reached on your personal journey out of the Scientology mind trap.
I don’t believe that you are a Scientologist, so my guess is that currently you feel that it is best that you should continue to pretend to be one in order to serve as a half-way house for recent departees who aren’t ready to admit to themselves that Scientology is worthless. But if you won’t say you are a Scientologist, your usefulness as a half-way house is coming to an end, and you could do more good by giving your all to tearing the whole thing down.
Nothing can be done to fix Scientology because it is rotten through and through and has been from Day 1 because LRH was rotten all the way through. The correct goal is to destroy Scientology, not to reform it. You do know this in your heart now, I believe, so you should probably say it.
Hmmm, not quite how I see things. But this is the sort of extreme position (dare I say fundamentalism) that I find so wrong about the KoolAid drinkers. I find it equally as unfortunate on the other side of the coin — “the correct goal is to destroy Scientology” may be your correct goal, it is certainly not mine.
Mike- I totally understand and agree with what you said about labels. Which is why I have always held the belief that religion, the practice of it, or the beliefs one has is unique to the individual himself, and something no one should have to defend himself on to anybody. Just to keep it simple.
Mike – I read this quote and thought of you. For all that you do, thank you. I don’t care what label is attached. 🙂
“The problem, often not discovered until late in life, is that when you look for things like love, meaning, motivation, it implies they are sitting behind a tree or under a rock. The most successful people recognize that in life they create their own love, they manufacture their own meaning, they generate their own motivation.
For me, I am driven by two main philosophies: know more today about the world than I knew yesterday, and along the way, lessen the suffering of others. You’d be surprised how far that gets you.” ~Neil Degrasse Tyson
Thank you Nat. That is a quote with which I fully concur. And thank you for your thoughtfulness.
I like your answers (especially the subsequent more detailed one) because it is an important part of healing to move past labels.
There are aspects of the tech that are helpful and beneficial, regardless of my current opinion of Scientology, the Co$, or Hubbard. Black and white thinking is one of the more negative aspects of the subject Scientology and the current teachings of the Co$ and LRH. Being able to move past the black and white and admit that we have learned some positive and valuable things despite enduring other tremendous harm was a huge step for me.
I applaud you and Marty for getting to that point too, as the harm I suffered pales in comparison to what happened to you
In response to “I think you should answer because…”
If I could offer any criticism it might be that this blog sometimes seems to be looking for wrongness, which can become a trap. Thats Tony Ortega IMO. Every day he has to find something wrong with Scientology. Some of it is useful information, but much of it doesnt interest me. I read this blog because a good percentage of the time it does exist above this, but articles like this latest one are an example of my criticism. Nothing personal Richard, but this just seems like looking for wrongness. It’s just some dumb website someone set up. Probably some “gung ho” Scientologist, or maybe someone on staff somewhere in the Church set it up. It just doesnt seem like a big deal.
I like inside information. Real data like stats, briefings, news etc. Real journalism stuff. Recalling things that happened in the past, at Int and other places.
I don’t think Scientology should be destroyed. How would you do that anyway? Book burnings and laws banning it’s practice?
People should have all the real data because they really are lied to in the “bubble”. So when they start to doubt they should see stuff like the Truth Rundown, Friends of LRH etc. Really you should live your life in a way that you can look at any data and decide for yourself if it’s true and how important it is.
Me personally, I’m not a “fundamentalist”, but I still think there is merit to Scientology. I had too many good changes occur with it to just toss it out.
But, I am open to other thoughts and beliefs, practices. If I was doing Scientology I would keep it standard, but I think there’s truth and things to learn in all of life and Scientology is not the end all solution. I think it should become a benign subject like Buddhism or something. Or, for example I’ve been doing martial arts and it is a subject where you study and learn things and that’s that. in other words there isn’t all the fighting, at least not where I am. I think thats what Scientology should be. You do it or you dont and you can think it’s good or crazy if you want and there isnt all the fighting because it’s benign.
Mike, this question wasn’t meant to be offensive. I’m curious too. Marty doesn’t consider himself a Scientologist, so I wonder if you share this with him.
It isn’t about labelling. I try to figure out where you stand. I got that you are no longer with the Church of Scientology but neither do many Freezone Scientologists.
If you cannot figure out where I stand when I put up posts on a blog every day then I don’t think a label is going to help you.
Frankly I don’t care if you are or aren’t a Scientologist, Baptist, Buddhist, Satan Worshiper or whatever. The GREAT thing about America is we have the FREEDOM to be any of those things. It is our right. And you also have the RIGHT to privacy. So you can say or not what you are that is your choice. Not anyone else’s.
The other great thing is this site. It is neither for or against Scientology. It is just simply putting facts out there. Facts are facts. They aren’t good or bad. They just are. They show what is. That is all. Some people choose to look at facts as positive or negative. That just isn’t the case. It is what is. If you don’t like what is, well then maybe you aren’t ready to look. And if you don’t think there are enough pitch forks and mob mentality here then there are PLENTY of other Scientological websites out there that are right up your alley.
Mike is doing a service here. He is letting everyone peek behind the ultimate iron curtain of secrecy that is the Church of Scientology. And letting the truth bask in the light, and hopefully that will help people.
The road one follows after leaving Scientology (or any religion or cult or group, for that matter) can be a long and winding one which will take them places they never dreamed they would go when they first put their feet on the path. It didn’t even occur to me when I left the Sea Org a little over a year ago that in this short amount of time I would have left the Church entirely, be declared a Suppressive Person and would now be writing and speaking out against the Church’s abuses. None of this was in my game plan. It was inconceivable to me that I would ever have even been in this position.
Even though I may not have seen where my road was going, every turn I took made perfect sense at the time I was taking it. It’s called evolution of thought and reason and it’s also just called living life.
I have watched Mike’s articles and the tone and tenor of his communications have changed greatly over the past year since this blog has been online. I can totally relate to how this could happen. At no step along the line should someone be called out and made to put some arbitrary label on themselves in order to explain themselves to others.
As far as I’m concerned, a life worth living is a life that has broken free of labels. It’s what you DO that counts, not what you call yourself. If there was one thing I could wish on all Scientologists, it is that they could see this for themselves and break out of the label-oriented mentality. Mike is doing a real service in speaking out, in running this blog, in putting himself on the line against RCS every single day. His actions and his courage deserve our respect and our admiration and nothing else really need be said about it.
What about you Mr. St. James?
And not that you are asking but my answer is NO. I am me.
Lets see, where have I heard that before?
LOL Coop. And Natasha, even though I don’t know who Neil Degrasse Tyson is, I love that quote of his. Thank you for posting it.
Cindy – Neil Tyson is worth getting to know! He has more or less inherited Carl Sagan’s role as the great science communicator of his generation. In fact he’s currently the host and narrator of a new Cosmos series, airing on PBS in the United States, now up to episode 4 or so, I think.
In my opinion, Tyson has a kind of personal warmth that Sagan did not, and the quote Natasha posted is very characteristic. He’s striking also for being an African-American astrophysicist with a gift for speaking eloquently yet accessibly – very much a 21st century sort of guru. Kinda like Mike Rinder only with tenure and a TV contract!
That may very well be, but Mike is more handsome than Neil Tyson imho. Thanks for the tip Richard, I”ll look for him on PBS and watch.
Actually, the new Cosmos is on Fox, oddly enough. Not Fox News, but other Fox-affiliated local and cable stations. FX, National Geographic, etc. Each episode airs several times through the week, on various Fox affiliates.
St. James, we all have our beliefs, our personal integrity, they may well differ but (and it’s a big but) the one thing that unites us is the desire to bring the abuses of RCo$ out into the public view and to try to do something about it.
Personally I have nothing on wether a person was a. “Never in”, a dillentante, a regular Scientologist, am OT whatever, or Int Management, or someone who worked with the RCo$.
It’s all about bringing the abuses to light and trying to get “Something done about them”. So I will grant you the beingness to be you, go ahead and grant others the beingness to be whoever they are.
What we call ourselves is pretty irrelevant.
I had no idea that this simple question causes a stir. For many people it is an easy answer: Christian, Atheist, Buddhist, Muslim, Scientologist (but no more in the church), not longer Scientologist, ex-Scientologists… whatever…
If Mike doesn’t want to answer, fine. I thought it would help me to understand him better… where he is going and all…
No offense, people.
Wrong question… In my opinion.
Right question…?
“What do you do?”
Or more accurately… “What do you do that may affect my own life and those I care about for the better?”
This blog.
I hope your journey is fruitful St. James…
Hi St James,
I hope you stick around on the ride with us. I didn’t think your question was offensive and I hope you take Mike’s second answer to you into consideration. There is a definite meaning to it.
I understand that you were trying to figure something out. I know nothing about you but can only say that if you are searching, keep going, keep working on it and I hope you find what you are looking for.
It is no ones business what religion Mike wants to practice, or if he wants to practice any religion at all. And anyone who would not read his blog because he is or is not a Scientologist, well that is their loss.
As a never-in I have always made it clear that I don’t care what anyone believes. It has ALWAYS been about the abuses and crimes for me. What Mike wants to reveal about his personal life or beliefs is up to him. I wouldn’t care if he worshiped Mickey Mouse. He provides good inside information and much clarity on things that people might not understand and for that, I am grateful.
Is David Miscavige a Scientologist? Think about it. He hasn’t been audited in years, has alienated most of the organization’s top officials, and LRH stressed the importance of the 2d dynamic (marriage and family) yet he has no kids and hasn’t been seen with his wife in years. What is scientology-ish about him?
Lets not forget that the point is to stop human rights abuses and restore freedom of speech.
Seems to me Mike is doing this everyday.
Scientology and being a scientologist has obviously had an impact on all of us , good and bad , or we wouldn’t be still talking about it .
I certainly don’t want to say I am a scientologist anymore , the outPR implications are too devastating , and it is actually quite liberating to get rid of the label.
What I use and do not use of it, is regulated by how much I can help myself and others.
A lot of great comments to St. James. I’m not an eloquent writer as others on this blog but just want to say, I’ve been a “Scientologist” since circa 1972. I’m a trained auditor and OT. Worked hard to get there paying my own way (without marrying a rich whale) and putting in long hours. I’ve never been on staff or Sea org because I saw the conditions they were living in and refused to do so myself. I’ve been chastised and invalidated for not joining for many years. Nevertheless, I’ve always held my own view point and refused to succumb to 3rd dynamic bullying. No need to go into specific details.
I’ve lived in the “wog” world all these years and have applied the training and abilities that I’ve gained in Scientology. Which by the way have helped me a great deal (this I’m stating for the never ins that are reading this blog daily) whether you agree with LRH tech or not is unimportant to me or others here that have also had great gains from this technology. This includes the SciFi, Xenu, etc. etc. that some make fun of or invalidate. Here we need not defend our wins or lack of.
I haven’t been on lines since completing my Level IV, getting ready to do my internship and being told to start all over again with this “new Golden Age of Tech” which I guess is GATI (I had finished one week before the new release). I refused to start from zero and pay for the “new levels”. Nevertheless, I continued to say to friends and people that I was a Scientologist UNTIL I started reading what was really going on in the church, that was this past July 2013. From that month forward I said to my sibling, “please stop telling people we are “Scientologist” because what you and I think is Scientology is no more and I don’t want to be equated with that Church. Although we believe in the technology, auditing and wins – it is no longer what we believed in or trained in.”
And so my journey began (much to my chagrin) to Mike’s, Marty’s blog and the Underground Bunker. I say this because the truth sometimes is a hard pill to swallow. And although I no longer call myself a ‘Scientologist’, it doesn’t mean that I no longer believe in some of the great technology I’ve learned and I will NEVER invalidate the wins that I’ve had in auditing and will NEVER invalidate the wins that my PC’s have had in auditing.
So having said all that – Mike I understand you or anybody else NOT answering that question.
St. James – it’s very unexplainable and deep within us. Especially those that have been in for soooooo long!
‘Nuff said.
A lot of noise about achieving nothing with Miscavamatics to prove it.
Come live in the real world…. It’s actually rather fun