I wonder if it is a coincidence that a number of people recently sent me OT Committee pix from this site?
Kathy True is right on the ball, as usual. Tracking down the perps like a hounddawg on the trail of a wounded critter.
Maybe this will lead her to the leak of her photo of Moxon?
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2014
From: Harold Beach <[email protected]>
Subject: URGENT: Security Issue
Hi Everyone,
I need your help with handling a flap.
I got a call from OSA Flag, they have somehow discovered there has been an out-security with the Flag OTC photo web site (Smugmug).
I have been asked to provide names of everyone who has had access to it.
Please provide me with names of anyone you have personally given the log-in info to.
Can you get this to me by the end of the day? I need to report back.
In the meantime I am changing the password.
thanks, Harold Beach
Media I.C.
PS: I wonder if Harold is still the “Media IC”?
For all the Events fans reading this blog, here are some photos to enjoy.
1 page: 2014-Mar-31 OTC Pin Ceremony. (Courtesy of David Cooke and Smurf).
3 pages: 2013-Jan-20 Flag OT8 Briefing with Portraits.
6 pages: 2013-Mar-17 OTC Convention at Ft Harrison.
1 page: 2013-Dec-15 Fort Harrison Hotel Christmas Party.
1 page: 2013-Jun-22 Fort Harrison dinner: Beauty and the Beast Ball.
3 pages: 2013-Mar-24 Community Learning Center Seminar, Drew Johnston
1 page: 2013-May OTC meeting in garden
1 page: 2013-07-04 ASI Flag Ghost Town. (Courtesy of David Cooke and Smurf).
1 page: 2013-05-24 ASI I Wish I Were You
If anyone needs a new avatar photo, go get yourself one.
Harold did not sleep last night 🙂 He was most probably called by OSA to come in and donate to the IAS to handle his flap. Ethics, metered interviewe, lower condition + IAS Donation. 🙂
Dave’s favorite phrase from his BFF’s movie: “Show me the money!”
Look at the secrets they’re trying to secure — a whole bunch of nothing. Their real secret, the one that keeps them up at night, is their embarrassment at participating in this slow-motion fiasco. That’s why the leaked data is such a problem. It unmasks the utter pointlessness of the investment of their entire lives into Scientology. Their time would have been better spent watching Real Housewives of New Jersey on a 24-hour feed.
Right on hgc10!
The OT Committee is in trouble because a photo’s been leaked?? Has no one told them the OT levels themselves have been leaked? Or that photos of DM’s offices have also been leaked? (How did His Tinyness let THAT happen?). Ah well … at least they’re busy creating flaps. They probably have a stat for that.
How to get the pictures downloaded
LOL sooooo easy. I took most of them on my laptop. Guess what, they will be told to shut down their sites.
They are soooo stupid. they don’t know how internet/applications work and what they can do or not to secure their data.
Ummmm….speaking of cats..LOL…they are all just chasing their tails. This is a particularly difficult skill that only real cats can do with ease and grace, mainly to delight their humans.
These OSA imposters can’t even chase their tails correctly. They keep tripping over them! (Slobber-slobber….ugh!)
Really Harold, who gives a shit about your leaks. There are real problems in the world that Scn could mitigate, if you people weren’t so busy covering your asses. Transparency is not an outness, it’s something that people who aren’t criminals do. Take the hint.
We are involved in a battle over information. We want to share information and give it freely to some people who are badly in need of it. The “oppterm”, (Scientologese meaning “oppostion terminal” which in plain speak means a person or persons opposing you for some reason) wants to suppress that information and prevent people from finding out the truth about its own origins and activities. Which side would you want to be on?
All aboard …… Sec Check City next stop …… get out your credit cards ….
Chaos at Squirrel Command: OTs hide what you are doing! No one can ever know what we do, especially the last real OTs still on line who shoot holes in our Squirrel boat by revealing, to wogs and bitter apostates how we “operate”.
The weakness of our BS squirrel stats.
The sack full of yawns over stuper power.
The haunting echos in our Idle Morgues.
COB’s Liberace-style make up.
Hang tough, donate more and for the 8th dynamics sake, stop posting anything without OSA’s OK!
We will clear this planet yet!
Well, that should handle the problem. So as long as no one goes to Smugmug and searches for “OTC”, they won’t see any inside pics of Scientology goings-on. Certainly no pinning ceremonies, or anything like that.
By courtsesy of Smurf at ESMB, here’s more Flag OTC images on Smugmug:
And an Author Services International event:
Also note that Harold Beach includes Nation of Islam among his activities at Facebook:
Password (currently) is: Hampt0n6
Mike, how did you ever get a hold of this email? After all, it was sent via super-secure AOL! And Howard Beach is like 007, isn’t he? You must be really good to have snagged this one!
But DM could solve this mystery. The problem is that he is just not thinking big enough. He’s looking for just one leaker when the fact is that EVERYONE is leaking on him, including every single member of OSA.
And very soon he will be leaking on himself in so many ways.
Pissing on the pope’s parade, eh Espiritu?
Great post Espritu,
New D.M. loyalty sec check question: What have you NOT Leaked?
Where have you taken a leak?
Or: “Have you ever leaked at or to the wrong place”?
O Noes! She has to REPORT BACK!!! Wasn’t “Reporting In” or some such thing part of some repair list? Oh, she’s in deep shit! Hell, everybody’s in deep shit! Sec Checks for everybody, courtesy of Billy Ray Valentine!
The new password is 1,2,3,4,5,6.
I looked up Flag OTC security in my tech dictionary,
there’s a picture of a spaghetti strainer.
Off topic but people, when the cult finally croaks, whether via some major expose or metaphorically via death by a thousand cuts, I want to write The Dwarf a letter congratulating Him on the cult’s demise, mostly so that I can end with Scientology’s ubiquitous complimentary close, “Much love”. When I was in this used to annoy me but now it never fails to amuse. I now want to send out letters to various orgs, saying something like, “Hi!!! I hear that your stats really suck, and you haven’t made a new auditor in 10 years!!!! Much love, _____”.
As are we all, Alanzo 🙂
Also spot the generality: “I got a call from OSA Flag, they have somehow discovered”…THEY is a generality, no specific Who. Afraid of being discovered?
Harold was my twin on the GAT1 PTS/SP Course.
He never once suspected me as the gigantic SP that I am.
More proof that the PTS/SP Tech does not work.
Hey! Maybe he’s still PTS to me!
Yes, it’s very important that everything that Scientology’s OT Committees do, be done under the cover of shadows and darkness. We don’t want anyone seeing what ACTUALLY goes on in Scientology. You know, especially those few people completing services or engaging in any actual exchange. Far better to publicize all the people who are just throwing their money away for nothing, so that David Miscavige can fly in big airplanes and eat only the very best food. That makes sense, right?
Scientology: the Orwellian world where black is white and up is down. You stay classy, OSA. Every move you make is ensuring RCS dies a faster death.
How the Orwellian world works exactly?
It is not manipulating someone to think black is white. Or force him to do so. A first glance on that Scientologynesian think might tell one this. But in fact how one can cause someone to think black is white? It is to convince someone that others do think black is white. If I think the other thinks black is white (I assume it) then I will adjust my behaviour a bit and do not ask him if he really thinks that way I assume him to think. (if you have a nuts person around that tells you he has seen green Martians you do not discuss it with him) So, manipulation is in fact very easy to accomplish. You cause someone to think the others think that thought. The mechanics of the mind now take over and cause oneself to adjust one’s thoughts. First action is to withhold. Then to question the thoughts I have and then finally to take over that thoughts.
Currently we think that those inside the bubble think within certain boundaries and are manipulated. This might be the correct assumption. But it is an assumption on our side. So, we are also manipulated. We think to know what others think. You see, criss cross. [basics of GPMs]
Auditing works (worked) as it works with both minds. First action is to look at my thoughts (leave out time as time is not very much important. Place is much more important than time) and then the others are effect of the change in my mind. (sample: I had as Ethics Officer the job to destimulate the happenings around 83/84. Almost every time I worked with someone and he came up with a name that influenced him most that someone suddenly appeared on my door the next view hours or a day later. The procedure somehow sucked him into my space.)
It tells us, that it is not utterly impossible to handle a situation. We cannot cause someone else to change his mind. That might be true. We can observe this by talking to a very convinced person. We simply cannot change his thoughts one fraction of an inch. But we can change the way we think he thinks. Then he changes his thoughts a bit as he thinks different now of how we think. The basic pattern behind this is a very old pattern.
It also works very well in an emergency situation. Like some folks try to beat you up. First impulse is to change their minds. Better approach is to change you mind. After I found this out many years ago I never again stepped into situations like this.
Profound! Fabulous comment. Perfect for me for today. Thank you. Just brilliant. A way to take our power back and change the world. I see this mechanism. More to ponder about this.
Exactly, Chris! What is so damn secret that they need special codes to view a newsletter? They should be proudly promoting their hard work and stellar results to all the world!
I still find it really funny that all these folks who did not want to join staff now find themselves on the OTCs around the world, being pushed just as hard as any staff member for stats and production. On top of their day jobs! 😀
The only thing glorious leader didn’t think of is, unlike most staff, these OTs do have access to the internet and some will use it! Just a wee bit harder to control than a captive staff or SO member.
And that THIS particular email also lands up here in Rinderland is just priceless!
What kind of tool am I
Who never regged enough
It seems that I’m the only one
That I’ve been thinking of
What kind of mind is this
Like Davey’s Shell,
A lonely cell,
In which, an empty sheep must dwell
What kind of bot am I?
I need more wogs to fight
Why can’t I cast away this mask of clay
And ruin more lives
Why can’t I get in comm
With some big whale, God damn
And maybe then I’ll know
What kind of tool I am
MJ, you’ve made my nite with this! Crack-up City. One of my favorite Sammy Davis songs.
I can’t stop laughing at the idea of Miscavige belting this out! LOLOL!
You’re quite the lyricist MJ!
Many thanks Hallie Jane. 🙂
It’s like Murder on the Orient Express. They all did it.
their password was probably “L. Ron Hubbard”.
Memo to Harold: One sure way to keep photos and other intellectual property secure.
Don’t put them on the internet. Keep them in an old cardboard box under your bed, and don’t tell anyone. Remember, you have a proud tradition of paranoia to maintain.
Sheesh… All the various mailing-lists and web sites over the years that would get leaked to ARS as fast as they post, and they still haven’t figured it out.
How are their stats this week?
Sooo funny. Haven’t grinned this hard since dinnertime. It’s Three Stooges time. LOL!
Wow, Harold,
Your deductive reasoning skills are really off the charts, but still, this sounds like a case for Hercule Poirot. Unless Miss Marple is available.
Much love,
Or C. Auguste Dupin.
Or The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency
Once upon a time there were three little girls…
Scooby would do a better job at finding their unnecessary leak! Hey I know, that reminds me Danny Dunnitagain is your man Kathy!
And the new password is …
Swordfish. It’s always swordfish.
C’mon, we have to give these super-slick OSA types some help here:
And, most important of all:
If you have a cat, or any other type of pet, do not use its name as part of a password.
Too late, thanks to Moxons’ Bearded Dragon, Genghis Khan.
Hey Harold, email me when it’s a hill 10 flapping flap. Some of us are actually busy with real work and can’t be bothered for anything less than that. 🙂
Man they’ll organize a witch hunt over the silliest stuff won’t they? Exactly what sort of out-ethics naughtiness is going on in those pix?
Yes, 411, They LOVE witch hunts. It gives them an enemy to raise funds against. That’s what it’s all about. Us vs Them. If they didn’t have the “enemy”, they would have to actually exchange with the public and get new people in. Horrors !
Right. If Flag were busy busy busy making Clears and OTs and actually clearing the planet, this nonsense wouldn’t be happening. I mean, really, who gives a shit about a picture of Moxon! It reminds me of what Jackson Morehead was saying about little things turning into hysterics. Geez OSA, get a grip.
McCarran, once again you ask too much.
If Harold is having trouble disseminating the new password he should just post it on your blog Mike. I’m sure many of the people who are supposed to have access to the photos are reading here every day.
Just too funny 🙂
Kinda Keystone Kops.
Now that we OSA’s on the job we should be expecting a major foot bullet of some kind in the near future.
Lock and load, baby.
Oops, panic time for OSA. But it has been proven that the more they want to tight up the lines, the more mistakes occur and the more people depart the ‘control it all’ attitude the church has fallen into.
Cut the comm lines and the resultant low reality of the world outside the bubble will ensue.
I actually wonder if some of the OTC members feel the pressure of absolute control over them or just simply are not aware of it. Time will tell.
Well, now you have to get approval from OSA to TAKE pictures…. Hah.
And soon you will have to submit a full KSW if you want to call any of your OT buddies, stating exact time, intended duration of the call, and detailed description of the intended content of the call which will be cross checked when you have your next sec check. That’s how standard admin works. It’s safe to be an OT these days.
Oh yes indeedy, Mike. Speaking of pictures, perhaps up the line, someone will put up a ‘South Park’ type parody on these ongoing antics. A fitting title might run: ” Getting Up Close and Cosy With COB In The Cuckoo’s Nest!” or an alternate Japanese language version: “Ah Saw OSA Asa Nota Fonda Bean ana’ Lice On’a Fliday. Aso Nota Fonda Licka Bathloom Froor Witha Tongue.”
parody only (with apologies to ‘serious’ Japanese people) 🙂
I love the seriousness.
The OTC photo website is SO important. Flap flap flap ! LOL.
Nothing says “what a wonderful day” like knowing the bubble is penetrated with moles.
All the law suites, all the moles………………… karma can be a bitch.
I think is is flat out brilliant that their secret communications are on the web! Ha ha ha !
Internet; I love you
Yes – thank you God, for the internet. I love the moles!
I didn’t think Kathy would be too thrilled over the leak of her photo op of Kendrick. Random acts of desperation are in the works to out the mole in Cloudywater. The base must be abuzz with activity.
How would you like to be a card carrying member of the OT committee these days. For anyone on VII, add an intensive to your six months check!
Don’t forget to add your personal check to your 6 month mind fuck.
Aye ,Aye, Capt. Beach,
Alfred E. Newman, Horace Greely, Charles Manson, Petunia Stinkbomb,
Betty Grable, Humprey Bogart, John Wayne.
Does this Help ? We will get those CI to the COB !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They still don’t know how to Internet, do they? Protip: if you don’t want your photos to be seen by the entire world, don’t throw them up on a photo aggregation site like Smugmug, Flickr, or Tumblr. Just take your SD card to Wal-Mart, make a bunch of copies, and mail them to your friends.
OSA Flag should be very lucky that Anon didn’t get its hands on the login info. It would have taken no more than ten minutes to make copies of every photo on there, and replace each of them with the Pain Series.
Shhhhhhhh, Espiando, shhhhhhh, OSA is busy taking itself seriously.
Treason, rice and beans and RPF assignments for all concerned.