This just struck me as the ultimate in ridiculous, enforced “success stories.”
It is a perfect example of the “technology” proclaiming something and then the person who pays for it comes out the other side certain they have achieved what they were told they were going to achieve beforehand. Though there is no way this is real, it is shrouded in “subjective reality.” This is confirmation bias exemplified.
Confirmation bias occurs from the direct influence of desire on beliefs. When people would like a certain idea or concept to be true, they end up believing it to be true. They are motivated by wishful thinking. This error leads the individual to stop gathering information when the evidence gathered so far confirms the views or prejudices one would like to be true.
This is helped along by the fact the person WANTS it to be true because they have paid huge sums of money to achieve it. Nobody wants to believe they have devoted money and time to something that was a rip-off.
And the final piece of the puzzle that locks it into place is the fact that in scientology it is considered to be a terrible thing to “invalidate someone’s gains.” This results in everyone nodding their head and being fully supportive of the delusional…
Remember, “Cause Resurgence” is the simplest of all of Hubbard’s “breakthrough” technology. It consists of running around a pole. That is the ENTIRETY of the “process.” There is someone present to tell you “Keep Running” and you go until you realize what a powerful being you are and that you have “aligned your energy flows.”
This seems pretty absurd, but Hubbard dressed it up by telling a tale that he had “recalled” this process from the “Whole Track” when thetans would run this process on themselves by circling an object in space for a long time, until they had “aligned their energy flows”. Thus this is an “OT process” in scientology, because it was a process that had been done by thetans separate from their bodies.
I am not making any of this up.
She also talks about L11 — another “secret” process Hubbard developed based on his “research” — it too can be sold to anyone in scientology and thus is a big moneymaker. (You don’t have to have attained lower levels in order to be able to participate in L11). What is so amazing about this section of her “success” is that it dismisses so much of the other scientology she has done. Like all that other stuff did absolutely nothing, and now this one did absolutely everything. This too is very common in these “success stories” because they know what they are expected to write.
Here is the “success story” that prompted this post:
This is a success story about how i got my core aberrations handled in $13k.
First I did my cause Resurgence. It handles ridges that facsimiles and engrams are attached to.
If you do the OT process Cause Resurgence first, it brings you so uptone, right into tone 22.0 action, the chances of needing any other prep program for Ls setup become very slim, likely you will go straight onto L11, and the setup very short (such was mine).
Then I did the L 11 New Life RD, Which again handles ridges “that’s been built up over trillions of years around a being”(from the flyer). L11 handles the most major aberration on a person’s case, and the tech estimate is only one intensive, which was pretty much what it took for me.
A little background info: I had done super power, i am a Power plus completion, finished my OT prep, and I was a GAT1 trained auditor. L11 handled the major aberration and the ruin of my life. it felt like 100 of previous intensives on the bridge where I tackled my aberrations and they are still there. But one intensive of L11 took it all away. I’ll give you a couple examples of my L11 wins: one of my goals on my bridge was to get rid of my deep rooted and most dreaded self-inval. L11 brought me to a level where I can have tons of self-invals without being the effect of it. Self-inval has no effect on me anymore, I can have it or not have it, have loads of it or none at all, it wouldn’t matter now.
Another win: in the past, when my 2D terminals in my life experienced up-and-downs or got upset at me, I’d react to it (pretty hard too,LOL). In another word, regardless how contributive and theta I was on the 2nd dynamic, I wasn’t a stable terminal, and my stableness depended on the other person’s stability. L11 got me out of the effect band, instead, now I myself am such a big being and a stable terminal for them in their life.
One intensive of this OT process gave me a New Life, L11 is truly worthy of its name. (I haven’t done L10 &12 yet, will likely do them after OT4).
I had been a trained auditor, viewing myself as a methodical and meticulous tracker on the bridge. How much CRRD and L11 achieved for me was shocking. I believe it had to do with where on the training/grade chart and how I did them– I did them together in the right sequence (CRRD followed by L11) which both handled ridges, that gave the biggest wins, most A to B and resulted in the most efficient bridge hours. The most well spent $13k, with core aberrations gone.
Sharing this with you, May you achieve your Bridge goals in the swiftest manner!
“…now I myself am such a big being and a stable terminal for them in their life.”
big being my ASS
People like this I be like … stay the freakin’ HELL away from me.
Whackjobs on steroids.

this is almost like reading satire. Its hard to fathom this lady actually believes she got a good deal for $13 k us dollars. Imagine believing that you are a “now I myself am such a big being and a stable terminal”
For the uninitiated, this is mind-bending stuff.
greetings from Christchurch, NZ
A lot of Scn Cult rituals have been told on Masterpiece Cult EXPOSE.
The rituals in SP Hole, the beatings, the gang bang attacks to confess crimes and so on.
Due to a change of servers and re-organization of their digital on line data by the Tampa Bay Times
The Truth Rundown got lost in the shuffle.
Now, with blockbuster essay of Clearwater buying up the city, all 3 parts of the TRUTH RUNDOWN are now back up on line.
They have been posted below Tracey McManus’s essay on the Real Estate buy up in Clearwater.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Referring to the post you made re the TBT Article, there is a great online version of it, which allows you to scroll down and highlights the properties as they are acquired with Google Earth.
I am still baffled at how Scientology has grown and thrived in Clearwater and around the world since the late 1970s. If you were to look at it from a birds eye view it’s all about a man who had a failed naval career, was a science-fiction writer, dabbled into other religions and cults and then decided to create his own religion because it was a good way of making money and having control. He was a master manipulator who lured innocent victims into his imaginary world at a hefty price.
Gaelic Gal, you are baffled because you have been listening to the Scamology bullshit. The Cos has been SHRINKING horribly since the 70’s. They bought up cheap real estate in Clearwater that is all but empty. There are only a few thousand scamologists who are not employees of the church in the entire USA..
Gaelic Gal, Scientology has been retrenching in Clearwater as is shrinks almost everywhere else – that’s a calculated part of Miscavige’s illusion of “expansion.” Hundreds of old missions were gutted or closed and their business mostly folded into local org “churches,” and now the local orgs are being hollowed out and their business increasingly shifted to higher level orgs like Flag.
What is baffling are the the enormous amounts of money they manage to squeeze from a decreasing number of members….
Are they still worth billions or is that fabricated as well?
Yet all it takes is one lowly SP to render these mighty Thetans completely powerless. Proving the Hubbard whole track Space Opera to be complete Horse Shit.
Staffer in St Louis told me they are receiving calls that Kansas City and Columbus are opening the ideal Orgs
Anyone else here about that?
They will be held in November on two separate 2 dates. I’ll try to find out when and post here.
It’s on Tony Ortega’s blog this morning. Someone sent me a recording of their call in message last night. Kansa City on 2 Nov and Columbus on 9 Nov.
Oh boy. I wonder if Little Napoleon is going to appear at those openings?
Of course. It’s the only thing he has left…
What sort of calls are they getting in St. Louis? Public upset that they’re not getting an “ideal” facility even after having owned an empty building for over a decade, and raised so much money that it caused people to go bankrupt and lose their own homes?
Success Story Satire
A little background: I had done Super Pooper and Therapeutic Twerking Routines.
I am a POCW completion( pimped out cult whore ) and a Level 10 HBCS(Hollywood Boulevard C*ck S*cker). I am a fully trained GAT II(gullible asshat twerker) CM( cult monkey). I had pretty much handled my gag-response case, but still had some “back-off” on swallowing. After running around a 5-story, heavliy-veined, super turgid phallus, I shot up into the upper bands of the tone scale and heard “the song of the pelotas”. I now hum and sing while I, um…work, and my throat is totally relaxed and is a conduit for theta vibrations! Thanks to RTC(Righteous Throat Consort) and Captain
Flaccid McSavage for their Tone 40 gaslighting and skull-fucking; their totally professional sadism has terminatedly locked in my degradation, delusion, and total commitment to being a cult service unit!
Mark – hilarious
You may want to add that DM himself ‘audited’ you to be that HBCS.
Too funny!!
Still LOLing! Mark, honey, you’re a curious amalgamation of Mel Brooks and Al Goldstein (editor of Screw Magazine), on steroids. “Over the top” can’t begin to describe this particular Bitter Defrocked Apostate…keep at it, Mark. We need you here, out on the Fringes
It seems that I’m still compensating for those years of scientological self-suppression and delusion. There might be a bit of residual anger towards Hubbard,Miscavge, and some of the hard core staff bots I suffered silently in the mix as well that gets transmuted by rants like that…
Id Unchained.
“There might be a bit of residual anger towards Hubbard, Miscaving, and some of the hard core staff bots…”
Um…’ya think?

No worries, Mark. There couldn’t be a HEALTHIER way to work out anger or grief than making yourself and others laugh about it. And that’s right from the mouth of Mr. Brooks himself
The great Mel Brooks…My dad took me to see BLAZING SADDLES as a wee little dude; I had no clue what was going on because it was above my head, but it was a real treat to see my super-quiet, kind-of-reserved dad laugh his ass off throughout the whole movie. When I saw the movie again as an adult, he was already dead, but it was a double treat for me because it was hilarious AND I carried the memory of his laughter as I laughed watching it…
Got it on all, Mark. Great memory! I Love everything Mel A man that made us laugh at the Holocaust – this is pure genius at work! How I wish he could live long enough to do the same with our favorite cult. What a wealth of material, OMG…hey, maybe you should give it a go ?
Ha ha Right On…Right On…Right On…Mark Is the Man! Nailing it on the post apocalyptic phallic HEAD! Keep up the good work…
My brother (who was never in scientology and actually knew my parents would have hired a deprogrammer for me back in the 1970s if I had not left Sea Org) said the perfect reply to this post.
“The dangers of certitude:
Once you are certain that you are right, the other person in the conversation ceases to have value.
You are thinking of your argument, how to set him straight, rather than what his view is.
You have to be willing to say “There is something that is bothering that person that I need to understand.”
This is the human side of the equation. The other side is practical. If you are unwilling to delve into other viewpoints you’re stuck where you are in your understanding. ”
Scientologists must be certain they are right. If they were not certain they were right, their entire foundation would be pulled out from under them. That is why the binders are so fully in place. They work hard to find something, anything to make what they are doing be the right thing.
That is also why people remain “true believers” for so long after they leave. How could they have believed they were so right for so long.
Beautifully said ValR. Once curiosity and doubt go away in an individual, one is left only with their fixed beliefs and life stagnates. In theory, any scientologist who completes grade 4 should be free of fixed ideas and beliefs but this is observably not the case*. Interestingly enough, I just realized that grade 4 was as far as I progressed on scientology’s grade chart and it was the most enjoyable of all the auditing actions that I underwent. Maybe it worked after all?
*prime example, our departed friend FOOLproof.
I haven’t been around much, and have avoided ever commenting on anything FOOLproof said. Sooo what did I miss? Was there a blowout? Did he get banned? Did Mike get sick of the trolling or did he finally realize that he was not getting anywhere and just leave in a huff?
Mike banned him.
And it wasn’t even my birthday!
Damn, I’m sorry I missed that one! There must have been much celebrating that day. Phew. So glad he’s gone.
What a great comment, and what a great brother you have, Val!
Yeah he is an amazing guy.
“First I did my cause Resurgence. It handles ridges … Then I did the L 11 New Life RD, Which again handles ridges”
I, ahh, don’t think that she’s done “handling ridges.” Whatever that is. How come it needs handling, again and again – it’s almost like it’s made up?!?
At least she didn’t say “I now know exactly WHO I AM”…I’m so tired of hearing that in every ‘success story’ from the Purif all the way to OT VIII. It’s almost like they’ve ran out of things to make up and now they’re just copying each other.
Linear. Great comment and so true!
Wynski, that is truly excellent news!
In the 17 years that I was in Scientology, the pattern was always the same. One of my friends would complete L10,L11, or L12. In the first few weeks after completion, they would rave about the level or levels and how great they felt. They would walk around with stars in their eyes. After about two weeks, reality would settle in and they would sink into a depression. This is very difficult to relate because I lost many of these friends to early death.
I am very sorry for your loss of your friends.
Thank you for your kind understanding. I still miss them all. There was an Italian lady who just impressed me so much. She was kind and a great cook. She was married and about five years older. Her husband and I watched football together. I thought it would never end. She and her husband have been gone for over twenty years. They both did two L’s. That is why I can tell this story. They both went into depression. She sent me long letters from Flag describing her problems. Many other people who I knew did the L’s and did not last. It seems to me that the short term gains from the L’s can never continue.
That is awful. I am so glad that you are out and can speak out for your friends that no longer can. Even if it just on here. People learn so much from the comments. I was never in but have a friend who has a family member that has been in for years and years. I learned so much about how COS works and the dangers from all of you that speak out on here as well as all of the books, blogs and other websites. You all know the language and the culture. You are the best people for them to stumble upon if they start searching. It really makes a difference.
George, so sorry for the loss of your friends. But I also noticed what you are saying. I had at least two different friends who did the L’s who raved about it initially and then later sank into depression, and then into hard times. One guy had his car repossessed for non payment, and lost their house to foreclosure and the other guy had so much financial trouble they couldn’t pay rent and had to move in with relatives. All this after they were “blown out” for about a few weeks or a month after these auditing services.
Thanks Cindy, the pattern is clear. Both of us noticed the same result. I can draw up other instances of the same pattern. People get blown out and then fall into depression. My take is that Hubbard was creating the pattern with his auditing. He had me believing that I had all of these barriers from millions of years ago. Then he would allow me to blow them all away. I felt great for a short time. Hubbard got around it by saying in the early 1980’s that the bank was greater than he imagined it. So you had to go through this over and over. But in reality there is no other religion that makes lives follow one another the way Hubbard drew it out. He thus created these past life chains to control people by saying he had the only solution.
And yes, that is the problem, she does believe it and thus feels she is doing great after handling the ridges of millions of years ago, which in itself shows the level of delusion scientology implants on others.
What will be interesting to unravel is: what is the key point where one gets into this wishful thinking? What prompts one to agree to want to believe on this, or that?
Just a matter of interest, but important to make clear to oneself that beliefs can be a trap that one accepted or created.
My experience in Scientology is similar to hers. I thought that I handled imaginary ridges from millions of years ago. It made me feel GREAT! Just think about it. You imagine what is trapping you and then you blow it all away. The problem is that later you discover that the mind does not work anywhere near the way Hubbard described it. It will take her years to find that out, if ever.
Fun facts:
1. This success story was written within minutes of completing this counseling
2. The CRRD and L11 took what? A week?
So what this success story says is that at this moment, she feels like she will no longer be affected by the ups and downs of her boyfriends, and she feels like she will be no longer affected by self-invalidation. She hasn’t actually had time to have much experience with either. Let’s check back in a year after she’s had a year’s worth of both and see whether these things are affecting her, or not.
No need to wait a whole year to see the results of this poor gal’s state of mind. If I recall correctly, once a ‘pc’ has finished up any auditing or training course, they write a success story then are immediately routed to a registrar. It’s the reg’s job to sign the mark up (extract cash) for their next step on the ‘bridge to (nowhere) spiritual freedom ‘. If there isn’t immediate compliance, the reg proceeds to cave them in and explain how the next ‘bridge action’ will handle their reluctance to part with their money. If that doesn’t work, the mark is then routed to ‘ethics’ to find out why they are really being so hesitant about not wanting to make even more spiritual progress than they already have. This process is repeated over and over and over and over and over and over ad infinitum until you have someone who is an irreparable soul, damaged beyond hope (e.g. some poor sap like FOOLproof) or they wake up, get the hell out of the cult, and regain their life. Welcome to the real world!
Ms. B, George, Scnethics:
I saw this phenomenon as well. I worked as a director of technical services at the founding church in DC and the degree of control, pressure, love-bombing, “handling”, and cajoling of “preclears” that went on when they were either close to finishing or DID finish an intensive of auditing was extraordinary. If you keep them on the auditing treadmill,you keep the moments of euphoria and “blow-out” happening in relatively tight succession; the state of delusion and disassociation is, more or less, continuous…and it gets reinforced and prolonged by all of the praise and back-slapping and love-bombing and milieu control and social agreement that occurs, daily, in that bubble world.
Occasionally I run around the running track at the YMCA, I must not be applying the tech correctly, I have never experienced anything as amazing as described in that success story.
Doug, this may shock you, but, I am L. Ron Hubbard! I really liked staying on Target 2. But I realized I had a job to do back on TeeGeeAck. You won’t recognize me as I look completely different.
But, there’s one thing I need to tell you. I MADE EVERYTHING UP! Whew! I’m glad that I can get this off my chest! I feel so free now! I think I’ll go and get drunk now. I really liked getting plastered! Everyone should!
You made it up? Please tell me you are joking!
I’m not making this up!
And to tell you the truth Ron, I never did think you had spent much time running in any circle.
Doug, my FitBit had me constantly walking walking walking. I was very happy when it quit working.
Old Surfer Dude.
This one has a lot of Sci-speak in it. I can understand most of it but what on earth are “2-D terminals”? Obviously has something to do with people in her life but I’m wondering what/who exactly. Thanks to anyone who can clear this up for me!
“2D” is “Second Dynamic”, the part of one’s life related to sex and family.
By “2D terminals” she means her partners.
The purpose is to clear the planet. Clears clear the planet and clears clear the planet. It’s a Clearing business causing confusaion.
OT but a win. My wife showed this to me yesterday.
David Miscavige getting at least a tiny portion of his richly-deserved comeuppance is NEVER off-topic!
I expect it’s just the very beginning of a huge flood that will swamp The Rat and drown him.
You’ve probably already seen Tony’s story from yesterday about Miscavige being served in both lawsuits, but here’s the link for anyone else…
Just to be clear. A notification of effecting substituted service is just that. You can be pretty certain that this will be contested as not being proper service.
Thanks, Mike. I don’t know much about being served with a lawsuit and the laws surrounding it, but I assumed they did it this way because Miscavige is deliberately making himself scarce so as not to be served.
If anyone can contest “substitute service”, what’s the point of going that route in the first place?
You are correct. Someone who makes themselves unavailable or avoids service can be served with “substituted service” but there are criteria that have to be met. There will be an argument made that nobody really tried to effect service of process and they just took the “easy way”. This will delay his “appearance” and allow the other defendants time to work to get the cases dismissed on procedural grounds without Miscavige being involved. There will no doubt be argument scheduled on the service of process issue and then if the ruling goes against him attempt to appeal that etc etc.
Thanks for that.
Unbelievable. Not that I’m surprised, considering who we’re dealing with, but it’s incredibly frustrating. Can only imagine how Valerie, Chrissie, and the three other women must feel.
I assume any arguments and appeals would be made public like this recent document. That won’t make him look very good in the court of public opinion and may draw even more media attention to the case. It would also affirm to the actual court what has been asserted about his behavior or character in the plaintiffs’ cases. In addition, the recent hijinks at the Medi-Cal trial attracted the attention of the national media. The association of the two will only serve to highlight any dodgy behavior as unscrupulous.
Hey Mike, what is the rule of serving the lawyer (aka Blinky) of the substituted service recipient? Seems like serving the lawyer would be a fair and just method of serving.
Generally individuals have to be served in person unless they nominate someone to accept service on their behalf.
Hey! Are you calling me Clear! Them’s fightin’ words! Put ‘um up!
Ruffles have ridges and they come in many flavors too. Plus they are real, concrete things that can fuel your body while you do the running program.
If you can, I’d like to know where that picture of all those people came from. It almost looks like a bunch of people in a Nazi concentration camp.
It’s from the harrowing film Midnight Express — it’s always the image that comes mind when I think Running Pgm. The Running Pgm was originally intended as a means of “straightening out” Sea Org members who had gone astray. It’s first use was on David Mayo who had been designated an “SP” (it’s a long story). Miscavige used to send all the Int Execs to “run around a pole until you stop being suppressive” in full dress uniform…
That’s a lot of uninforms you’re going to be washing.
I agree, Skyler. I LOVED that graphic for this article and I was going to ask Mike where he got it. It’s perfect.