The insanity of this is hard to comprehend.
Here is an “OT VIII” proudly announcing the miracles of running in circles. For the SECOND time!
If the theory of the grade chart is true, one advances step by step from the bottom to the top, each successive step building on the one before. You are NOT allowed to even see the OT materials until you have attained the steps below, and the same goes for each successive OT level after that. OT VIII is confidential until after you have completed OT VII, been declared eligible and paid for OT VIII.
The so-called “Cause Resurgence Rundown” which was announced by Hubbard as being based on “whole track recall” was originally used to “straighten out” (punish) David Mayo and subsequently Sea Org members at the Int Base. Miscavige dispatched many who displeased him to the “Running Track” to “run around a pole” until they were contrite and “cured” of their “evil intentions and false purposes, “ Some did this every day for weeks or even months. Others would be sent there (like me) for a day or a few days until Miscavige needed us for something or thought we were enjoying being out of the hot seat too much.
The Running Track at Gold was outside, and the “pole” was a palm tree. This is what it looked like:
It was bulldozed over after stories about it ran in the St Petersburg Times.
It’s worth noting once again that the ENTIRE “Cause Resurgence Rundown” consists of running in circles. Ideally it would NOT be done in a body according to L. Ron Hubbard — the physical exercise forms no part of this “rundown.” Which is why I have made a firm decision that if I ever decide to do it again I will opt for either driving a golf cart around in circles or take a seat on a carousel.
This “rundown” needs no auditor. No Emeter. No “commands.” No “comm cycle.” No “auditor plus pc is greater than the pc’s bank” — all of the things promoted to be what makes scientology superior to all other practices, and the very things that guarantee it works 100% of the time. Somehow simply running in circles trumps all that stuff? Even OT VIII?
And the expected result from this is just temporary?
And still people for over $5000 for the experience? Proof of the old adage “there’s a sucker born every minute.”
More and more I see David Miscavige as a Sadist This is just another pain inflicting action.
Every one of his acts or directives has suffering, pain, deprivation, humiliation, etc. It’s a constant vein. Musical chairs at the int base, beans and rice, the Hole and scraps of food, making that guy lick the bathroom floors, SO members shoveling feces, sunlight deprivation for the staff on the OEC training is definitely going to cause harm to the students body, mind spirit. Al the while he watches…There’s no reason to do any of these things. It makes no sense.
It’s not just about the money. Money appears to be another tool used to inflict pain, deprivation and suffering. Not paying staff, or providing health care for SO members, lack of sanitary berthing, etc.
Anna Salter talks about this cold, not understood type of person.
It’s “nice” to hear that they reduced the hours to five. I don’t like the fact that you’re forced to buy $300 running shoes in addition to the $5000.
They could do something truly helpful if instead of a pole, they used an actual running track outdoors. Running/Jogging on a regular basis is so good for the mind and body.
The LED Supertheta Lighting Arrays (LSTLAs) are hard to see in the sunlight, so it would just be paying $5000 to jog like a wog.
Troy, what is an “LED Supertheta Lighting Array”? Maybe I’m having trouble visualizing the study hall.
I’m certainly a wog, what would you consider yourself?
NOTS. NUTS. Snots. Naughts. Naughties.
Arselycus. Arse lyck us. Ars Lik us. Azzez lyke us.
Teegeeack. Tee Hee Ack! The Geekz?
Xenu. Zenu. See new. Zee New. She New. Tea Gnu. Ecksey Knew.
Notice how so many of Hubb’s very specific and self-important blatherings seem to have been made up on the spot, a vocalization halfway between trying to invent a word and fumbling the enunciation of it, possibly because he was not quite sure what word he was trying to invent on such short notice.
Trains on Venus. Trains use tunnels. Venus’ love tunnel. Your ack is back, jack.
The Van Allen Belt. Did Hubbs even know where Van Allen belts existed, or that some were be temporary?
Of the first of his 2 (Two!) visits to Heaven, he was most particular about the date. But could he recite it correctly ten minutes after it first passed his flappering lips? Doubtful, very doubtful. But some faithful scribe made a record, and here it is in all its imaginary glory, as printed in Chapter 20 of “The Scandal of Scientology,” by Paulette Cooper. He went to Heaven on this date; too bad he didn’t stay permanently: “… 43,891,832,611,177 years 344 days, 10 hours, 20 minutes and 40 seconds from 10:02 to 2 P.M. Daylight Greenwich Time, May 9, 1963.”
That’s about 43.9 Trillion years, and change… That’s some memory ya got there, Elron, so how did you forget to divorce your old wife before you married your new wife?
As we can see from the horsey’s own mouth, Hubbs played fast and loose with Da Truth.
People ascribe positive outcomes to stressful situations all the time. i think one of Hubbard’s tricks was being rather clever about getting idealistic and ambitious people to give credit for what they actually created, sometimes stuck with making lemons out of lemonade, or just coincidentally happened to experience, to him, his “tech” and organization.
Even people who go off to war, often end up describing it as in some ways one of the best times of their lives.
I did the original “pilot” testing of the Cause Resurgence Rundown, which at that time was simple called “The Running Program” (RP).
This was nearly 40 years ago. I started it at the Gold/Int base, when I was a crew member of “Cine” the film-making group of Sea Org members. At the time the RO first began a thing, every staff member working on the base (not just Cine but CMO, everyone) were given a “case check” interview and those not doing well case-wise (read: depressed, upset, anxious, overwhelmed, etc) were assigned to do the RP.
I was doing well at the time and was not so assigned.
However, a week or so later, an edict came down from Hubbard himself, assigning every member of Cine to the RP. As I recall, his rationale was that Cine was such a generally incompetent group that this would straighten us out.
It’s not “blanket C/Sing” when done by the great Hubbard himself, I guess.
When we started, the first step was to go into town and buy some serious running shoes. I don’t recall if we were given money for this or had to use our own money. This outing actually put many of us into a rather festive frame of mind.
The next day, we laced up our shoes and started running. I remember my first night, Uwe Stuckenbrock and I ran non-stop side by side, pacing each other for probably an hour and a half or more.
Even though I wasn’t fully exhausted, I stepped off the track because I was kind of bored with it. Additionally, I had blasted myself into this tremendous euphoric state of Runner’s High. I was walking around, looking at the people resting and thought it was grotesque, like, “what’s the matter with them?” I remember Vaughn Young laying there on the ground like a pile of mismatched body parts, ha! (Sorry Vaughn, may you RIP)
Of course, the next day, my legs were completely shredded, and I could barely walk, and yet we still had to go out and run. You could do it, but it took quite a while to warm up and get to where you could sort of hobble-run.
Shortly after that, a bunch of us, including Mat Pesch were shipped off to the RPF in Los Angeles. I continued the running program there while on the RPF.
At that time we were doing it 12 hours a day. Now this did not mean that you were forced to run the entire 12 hours. You would run for a time, then claim you were “ totally exhausted”, then you’d come and rest. Meal breaks were also included in that 12 hour time.
The trick was to extend the resting time as long as you could before you were told to go back to the track and run some more.
It is true that those who had fallen from the graces of Hubbard or Miscavige were assigned to the running program as punishment, (David Mayo, his wife Merrill, Vic Euckerman, Julia Gillespie, et al and ex-go members.)
But there was another aspect to this RP, and that was that Harvard actually believed he had recalled some long-ago bit of “tech” that he in some prior incarnation had developed that straightened people out by getting them to expand energy at a level of intensity, equal to or better than the energy intensity contained in traumatic incidents and such. And by doing so, one was regaining control over the painful memories and multi areas of traumatic experience that previously one was trying to avoid or shy away from.
As an analogy, I once got a bad calf cramp. It would not let up, and was very painful, then I don’t know why I decided to do this, but I went the other way and deliberately clamped the calf muscle even harder, as tightly as I could. Miraculously, I regained volitional control over the cramp and could gently release it.
When we started the RP, we were given a few sheets to read purportedly from conversations Hubbard had that looked like dictated notes from messengers. Karen D description above of the story of the evil being being chased is what I recall as well.
There were some staff members from the New World Corp, who were in my opinion, Sea Org members of good will who were supervising this running program pilot for us RPF members, and it is my belief that most of them were genuinely interested in exploring, and documenting any therapeutic benefits of doing this run down.
For me, personally, doing the RP was one of the most rewarding and difficult things I have done, and not just because of the strenuous physical part, but because of the miserable frame of mind it seemed to provoke in me, and then by continuing, allowing this bad frame of mind to gently release.
People sometimes ask, “why does it have to be a special program? Can’t you just go out and do some long-distance running and get the same benefit?”
For me, the answer is no. Because I know that during those periods of having a dismal frame of mind, I would’ve quit and not gone back to running.
All in all, I was on this program for at least four or five months. In that time, my experience was that I gradually bloomed and became more alive. And this state has continued to this day.
This life improvement I experienced was more than just runners high, which is a temporary state, and actually more akin to a “regular” auditing session.
Are there other factors that could contribute to the positive experience I had other than Hubbards “miraculous tech”? Absolutely! I was away from the chaos of the Int Base, enjoying fresh air, outstanding physical fitness, the special camaraderie of my fellow RPF runners, and just an extended time where I was being treated more gently, rather than being in a chronic state of upset and wariness that life had become in that cauldron of madness that was the Int Base at the time.
On the original RP pilot, there was some confidential result that was being looked for, an EP that Hubbard probably decided was the conclusion of the rundown.
We would write these daily reports to the C/S, and part of the game was to try to voice what we thought might be EP of the rundown, when talking about cognitions or wins we had that day.
Now I know, we all have our own experiences in life, and some people do not want to grant this to others, if it differs too much from their own.
To all of those people, Karen D, Mike Rinder, and many others for whom the running program was abject, miserable torture, I am so sorry you had to experience such malice and cruelty, and yes, the RP eas utter bullshit.
To any others who may have had a more positive experience, such as Peridot above or myself, hooray for us!
To conclude, for me, there was something to doing this running program. And when doing it, I knew I had many many periods where I felt I had completed, yet I was made to keep running and ultimately, I think I had a much better end result, then the people doing this Cause Resurgence Rundown now at Flag.
In my estimation, people are being charged about $5000 to run until they have a big win. Then they go away, happy until they crash into life again. Then they come back and run some more and have another big win. “That will be
another $5000. Thank you.”
This is another example of how the cynical commerce of Scientology detracts from, or even destroys what therapeutic benefit may be had.
Thank you for listening to my long story.
Thank you for sharing your experience John Doe. I want to ack your wins. It is real to me that people could have wins on this. Back in the 70’s an 80’s I was a long distance runner and ran in and completed a Marathon as well as shorter races. I would often get the “runner’s high” from it. An I went ext on one of my runs and enjoyed that experience immensely. So because of all this, it is my opinion that you could have had wins by just running in general an not necessarily around a pole.
Thank you , Cindy!
Indeed, running in itself is a very beneficial activity.
Sometimes, I use a “filter” to view things, the “Hunter-Gatherer” construct.
Our not-so-distant ancestors were wired to be certain ways because those with those traits lived to pass their genes on.
Running well would be such a skill.
@John Doe, I appreciate this story. It adds richly to the recountings here.
I went into the Running Program (Cause Resurgence) with a chronic physical condition. The last three days I was on, as you describe, I found that I was able to vanquish any pain or discomfort. Right or wrong, I attributed this phenomenon to me gaining a degree of “I am cause over” my condition. This sounds similar to a win you had.
I am glad to hear that—at least for the portion where you were doing the RP as part of RPF—you had handlers who were demonstrating care and interest, more so than punishment. Whether it was sincere or social veneer, we’ll take it.
I am astonished that this Hubbard technology was 40 or more years old when it was pieced together and made into a service to sell to Public.
I imagine the strategy discussion was around, with the commitment to build a new building to house all the apparatus of Super Power, the team made a decision to also use this new construction to house something ELSE of magnitude, space-wise at least, and that is The Running Program, re-branding as Cause Resurgence. This rundown does take up a huge amount of space, like a gymnasium in which you might play a basketball game.
The other bit of cleverness—as I suspect many of you know—is that Cause Resurgence is a “gateway drug” to Flag services. Some have mentioned the rundown is $5000. When I did it, it cost $2500.
Imagine the cleverness of offering a Flag-only service at the [in Scientology terms] very affordable rate of $2500 and ANYone can do it, with the only prerequisites being you have done the Purif and completed your Objectives.
That is conceivably a lot of eligible Scientologists from across the world.
Also, as has been stated, people are encouraged to do Cause Resurgence again and again, once a year even as a tune-up. This means, in theory, Flag has always a steady stream of New Arrivals who come to Flag—many for the first time—to get onto what they THINK is an affordable service. However, once on base, they are fleeced again and again and again for a mountain of other not affordable services and a multitude of donations for which Flag fundraisers are known.
I think the above may be the true strategic reason for dusting off and re-packaging the Running Program as a rundown: #gatewaydrug.
My running program was sheer torture. I tried many an hour in the cult trying to “run it out” Didn’t work. I paid the cult a heft sum of money to “audit” and “counsel” the torture THEY CREATED. Soon after I was done, the mandatory 12 hours a day of running was changed to 5 hours a day.
I was on the program where you had to run 12 hours a day.
Who can run 12 hours a day?
Ankles swollen, knees in high ache, supervisors hounding you back on track, the cult was complete control of one’s body if one is docile and obedient enough to do it.
It was part of my ‘REHABILITATION project force” program. 6 months later the RPF assignment was cancelled and I was hauled out being too useful for statistics to let me dwell in RPF.
A man believes what he WANTS to believe and disregards the rest (Simon and Garfunkle)
I wanted to believe in Hubbard and even swallowed his notes on *Pharsec,* the SCI FI planet that the running program stemmed from.
The story behind this was that Hubbard was chasing a very evil guy. The pursuit went on for YEARS and when Hubbard finally caught up with the evil guy, he was SANE. All his evil had vanished.
From this Hubbard deducted that intense running makes the person sane,
So because Hubbard believed that billions of years ago some SCI FI chase
made a criminal sane, I was mandatorily enforced
to run 12 hours a day for MONTHS against my will which the cult calls “Spiritual enhancement”
Nowadays it will cost $5000 a month for you to arrive and run around a pole. Price lowered of late.
Snake oil cult.
Hi Karen,
Thank you for exposing the original MOTIVATIONS of Hubbard and Miscavidge in ORDERING people onto this Running Program….. Punishment!!
Back in 1976 there was a book written entitled The Joy of Running by Dr.Thaddeus Kostrubala, MD. It described the many mental and physiologically benefits of long distance running. It was a VERY popular book and I’ll bet LRH read it himself.
Then a couple years later he comes out with his “running program” which he twisted into a punishment. Wouldn’t be the first time he had usurpted someone else’s work and then altered it
Thank you Karl.
Have you ever considered writing a book?
I would like to read your book.
Ran Talbott.
I have told many of my stories on my tube channel which I decided to do instead of a book.
12 hours a day running was reduced to 5 hours.
I was a guinea pig. A lab experiment to punish with 12 hours a day of excruciating misery.
I was Class XII CS at the time and RPFd to this punishment for refusing illegal and suicidal pcs.
It was all about the cash and smashing to pulp anyone who was counter intention.
I think I’ll make a YOUTUBE video telling the full story. There is a bigger story.
Excellent historical predicament. The “illegal pcs” is the crux of why Scientology’s “tech” is quackery inadequate “handling” for people with mental conditions they need outside professional care.
Truly the crux of why Scientology is quackery, and irresponsible.
And the only right thing to do is was in the direction you chose to do, Karen.
Further, today, the right thing to do is warn people of the lack of effectiveness of the Scientology quackery and exorcism (OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are the five long expensive exorcism steps of Scientology, all because Xenu supposedly dumped messed up souls onto earth which supposedly all Xenu’s dumped souls today are infesting all humans thus causing all earth’s ills).
Only people’s decency as practitioners of Hubbard’s menu of quackery pseudo-therapy and exorcism, helped anyone. It wasn’t the quackery. The quackery is placebo and worse.
Chuck Beatty
A chapter or small book on the evil of Hubbard must include all this.
There is no way this is religious in any way.
Hubbard pushed his sick mind on people caught up holding his bag of quackery.
Please tell the story.
I am sure there will be some here in our blog community to pile on, with how ridiculous this rundown is. Allow me to offer a personal perspective from one who has done the rundown, once, at Flag: I enjoyed it very much. Probably due to my age, I was never case supervised (C/Sed) to run, only to walk while on the rundown each day. In that way, similar to the Purification Rundown, the C/S pays attention to your Daily Report and advises incremental or steady increased “gradient” to your participation.
I think what can be workable—in terms of broadening your space, calming you down, giving you opportunity to personally sort some things out and see your life a bit clearer—is this experience is a meditative one. After I got rocking and rolling, I got into a very good state and sorted through things in my mind and in my life in a way that was beneficial to me. A bit like drilling TR-0, which I know, there are people in this blog community who consider drilling TR’s to be bad and hypnotic. I do not and I did not.
As a Now-Out, I think a quite similar positive impact can be achieved taking a calm walk—alone—in Nature, giving yourself space and grace to calm down, sift through and more deeply consider bumpy matters in your life and what you might want to do in order to make an improvement or a change in those things.
That’s about it.
Too, I should say, I had my positive experience tied up with a ribbon inside of 17 or 18 days. Done! I felt bad for my fellow Cause Resurgence participants who were on Day 57 or Day 58. Not sure how they handled their lives, as very few of us are equipped to remain parked at Flag for months on end, especially if unplanned for, as this would be (vs. planning for going to Flag to do OT Levels, for instance).
The other downside I experienced while doing Cause is, like any public experience in an org and an advanced org especially—one is daily a sitting duck, able to be shot at by registrars and fundraisers. Nothing like being swept up by an IAS fundraiser as you are walking out of your session to thoroughly “kill” any winning state you may achieved.
You be like: “I can really see now how I can handle that estrangement with my family member. I look forward to getting back home to tackle this.” And your IAS fundraiser be like: “I have a survey for you—Which to you is WORSE: Sex trafficking of children to bondage and human slavery? Or grabbing children from the jungle, placing a machine gun in their hands, and forcing them to engage in mutilation and war?!?!?!?”
All right, team, for gosh sakes: Pick a lane. Are staff at Flag to straighten people out, render them better able to face their life and its dilemmas with improved skill and courage, or are your teams there to disrupt and destroy people’s psyche and obliterate any optimism or confidence they may have?
Just dreadful (sadly) (ultimately).
I’m curious – what do they have you run (or walk) around at Flag? Can you walk us through the room and experience?
I should think running would be excellent practice for when people want to run away from the Reges.
If I was in better physical condition, I would run and run and run away whenever one of those Reges wanted me to throw away my money by making a so-called “donation”.
I wouldn’t be surprised if “donations” were just split up and put into the pockets of the people who made it possible to dupe the gullible. In other words, the Reg and the person who pointed the Reg towards the dupe and anyone else who participated in catching the dupe and getting them to give up their money.
However, I would be happy to give some money to anyone who could tell me where Shelley is hiding and how we could get her out of that hiding place.
Dear Entropy’s_Ghost: It is indeed a pole. Different than what Mike and Karen D. describe in this blog and comment thread, this rundown delivered at Flag is all indoors. As has been pointed out, similar to how the Purification Rundown operates, Cause daily limit is 5 hours. There may be many people in the room, moving around (all) in a circle; but unlike the Purif, it is all in silence and you don’t talk to anyone. When your assigned time is done for the day, a Cause staff person comes in, standing at the entrance, to gently get your attention and walk you out. Too, like Purif, you assign yourself breaks as you need: you can pop out a couple of times during your “session” to have a snack from the bag you brought with you or have vitamins or Cal-Mag provided.
Obviously, what I am describing is VERY different than the rundown’s origins and the impossible dreadful experiences on such a “program” endured by Int Base sea org members. I feel like I did the Disneyland version.
Peridot, I had a positive experience as well. Left a rather long comment about it if you’re interested.
I was Sea Org staff, 75 ti;03, and the “Running Program” came out I think as early as 1978ish, at Flag Clearwater, we got the “advices” with the raw Hubbard orders. I method 9ed with another person.
I wanted to do it, from them to the end of my Sea Org career. I never got to do it, but I always wanted to.
IN my pre Scientology years, in high school, in basketball practice, we players would do “laps” around our basketball gymnasium routinely, and if you do enough laps, sometimes you get the “second wind” effects, which is exhilarating. You get a huge glowing buzz when you get into that “second wind” effect.
I mistakenly thought that was what I’d get from the Running Program/Cause Resurgence Rundown.
I thought it was going to be like getting “second wind” exhilaration.
I never did do the program. Very few people in Sea Org ever wished to do it, I was one, but only due to the exercise and potential for “second wind” effects, wishful thinking is why I wanted to do it. And for the magical “whole track” OT process theory of it.
In otherwords even though I’d never “exteriorized” (never did I ever get the “out of the body” hallucination) I sure hoped the “thetan in body” same effects of doing the circling while in a body, would “help” in the same way that circling a star by an OT pure soul the “OT therapy” aspect of the Running Program, was something.
It’s more like a physical trance “second wind” though, and wishful thinking I see in retrospect.
Running In Circles Rundown, it’s so deserving.
Scientology is quackery with mislabeling to make it sound glorious and helpful and a soul therapy that fools followers in fact they are improving as immortal souls traveling though the universe at this time and place on earth.
Scientology sets one up in this galactic cosmic glorious soul improvement activity like nothing in all the universe’s history, LOL.
– xTeamXenu75to03quackery
Excellent info and insight: – Running Around A Pole For $2,500 w/ Ian Rafalko (Scientology’s Cause Resurgence Rundown)
I was the Security Chief at INT when LRH ordered David Mayo and his assistant to run around a tree from morning to night. The order I saw said to have them continue until they wore the ground in the circle so deep only their heads could be seen. So much for that loving, religious leader, mans best friend, BS. I remember when the pilot was sent out to PAC for a few RPFers to do the pilot out at Griffith Park. After running all day, they couldn’t even walk up the stairs (RPFers can’t use elevators) at Big Blue to get to their berthing. I saw other RPFers carrying them up the stairs each day when they returned from Griffith Park. Eventually the pilot was cut back to about 5 hours a day just because people couldn’t physically take it without going lame. Crazy shit. A real bargain for only $5,000 – NOT.
Also, I read somewherethat Mayo’s teeth were adversely affected by running so many hours. Took too much calcium from his body. Something like that. Hubbard has been proven to me to be such a horrible sadistic cretin.
I can see why staying in this cult and “wanting to believe” (as Karen said) becomes the state of mind off some who stay in this cult. The horror of the truth can be hard to take.
Please, Mat.
For this story alone, you need to write a book.
Hubbard’s quackery “tech” tied with real people like Mayo, and was it Julie Gillespie Mayo his then assistant?
When I was on the RPF’s and RPF, I bucked all the PAC RPF’s RPF rules, and insisted on going to the library, and stumbled upon Mayo’s and Julie’s descriptions of their end at Int Base.
That running program incident is so important, for what Hubbard said which you just wrote.
That needs to be in a book. All the malevolent Hubbard orders need be in a book.
“…..if you see WDC SMI spit on him for me….” was and still is revealing all time important devastating Hubbard at his core malevolent self.
Were you there and did you read the Dan Auerbach/Horwich “sabotage” Hubbard “advices?”
Those need spelling out in this category of Hubbard’s private final years evil orders.
I am in this camp of someone who would be interested to read a book about David Mayo’s trajectory into and then fully out of Scientology. When I naively entered Scientology in the late 1980’s, there was a steady buzz about David Mayo: “David Mayo destroyed the OT Levels…” and “David Mayo went undetected for what he was [looking to destroy the tech] for so long…” and “…it was a young Sea Org member that took him down, which shows how each in this group has importance in keeping the group in-Tech.”
It now seems over the top as an “all in” explanation of anything / everything that has ever gone wrong within Scientology; but that is how the dark legend of David Mayo was presented.
A different picture is offered in Nancy Many’s “My Billion Year Contract: Memoir of a Former Scientologist.” If you are familiar with Nancy’s compelling story, after she left the Sea Org, she remained in good standing and took on special projects for Office of Special Affairs. One such project was to infiltrate ex-Scientologist David Mayo spa-retreat-self improvement center in Southern California to obtain material evidence of what a stealing suppressive scammer and shammer he was. But when she ultimately reported back she could not find dark activities or motives, Nancy’s mental-emotional health became the target and she was nearly undone by daily sessions designed to spin her in. Dark stuff.
From this brief glimpse into the figure of David Mayo, I began to speculate maybe the bravado of “Keeping Scientology Working” that claims Ron did all the technical developments and discoveries on his own, is fiction. Maybe in fact David Mayo and other very bright individuals worked on technical items, such as the set of correction lists that a skilled auditor can use [on the meter] if the session is going off the rails. To me, those lists are thorough and very useful.
The mystery of David Mayo is perhaps but one seemingly murky area of the scientology history in terms of uncovering who, along the way, was falsely accused and wrong targeted for shining too brightly around the feet of the master. Peter F. Gillham, who passed away in 2020, might be another in this list of luminaries. Shelly Miscavige is in this category too in modern times because it seems she really tried to influence the Int Base culture for the better. Like talented, bright leaders before her, she had to be taken out owing to shining a bit too brightly around the heels of the master.
It is sad that institutions throughout history are filled with these tales and unjust outcomes.
Poor David Mayo. Did he really believe in Hubbard’s ‘tech’ or was he just looking for a financial opportunity?
There should be special commemoration day for all those thrown under the bus by Hubbard, and Miscavige, too. Like the day of the year when Hubbs first depth-charged that magnetic anomaly, or the date when Miscavige announced the Ideal Morgue program.
Either date would be appropriate, or both. They each predicted sinking – sinking a Navy career, and sinking a cult’s membership.
I wish Davidd Mayo would write a book. What he could tell. But I hear he took a pay out to stay quiet an leave Scn an never talk to anyone.
He died in 2017.
So sorry to hear it . I’ve seen videos of some of his talks an he looks like a extraordinary man with very high affinity etc. He deserve what the church dished out to him. I read he saved LRH’s life.
The AAC didn’t have the high pressure regging of the church, so I would definitely consider it less money motivated. If Mayo was a true believer at the time, he stopped believing in his later years.
Mayo died a few years ago at the age of 77, so at least he outlasted Tubby.
The only comparable mislabelling faux paux of Hubbard’s is calling “NOTs” Nots or Naughts. or even better, calling the OT levels in total from OT 3 thru 7 calling them:
“L. Ron Hubbard’s Standard Snipe Hunting Rundowns”
All of the Hubbard “rundowns” just below the surface, or smack dab boldly mislabel themselves.
An article of all of the whole quackery lineup, with correct labels, and connect the correct labels to the Hubbard hype labels, is game to be done properly.
And then the whole “Bridge” really is the quackery syllabus of the full Hubbard quackery pseudo-therapy and exorcism practices. And Xenu has to be thrown in.
And then in the computerization of the administration of the cult bureaucracy, then Chug plays his imaginary part also.
The “Chug” computerization of the Scientology cult bureaucracy which someday will [never] administer the delivering of L. Ron Hubbard’s quackery syllabus to the people of earth in the hopes of fixing earth.
That’s how Cult survived , obsession and obsession.
But multi and social media is reuining this industry and after end of Cold War Era it got orphan.
50′ and 60’s were the thriving era of Cults …..every type and size of Cults were there per ( defeated mentality) public demand. Stockholm Syndrome were practiced as sacred ritual.
Unlike other ndustries were given protection like Chapter 11 bankruptcy etc etc……this industry left at the vagary of Geopolitical changes.
Here goes USSR and there goes down the prosperous and influential cult industry.
But the burden lies on the industry itself as they didn’t act like ” one” when negotiating with Big Brothers during their peak performance era.
Now every one hitting Cult industry , no respect , no courtesy for innovation in the field of mental and physical slavery….thought police ….tech for bankrupt the followers etc etc
Insult to injury forum like that wiping of remains of the half dead Cult Industry by exposing their ( criminal) achievements , bringing victims of Stockholm syndrome and aaabooovee all exposing trade secrets a.k.a Tech.
What an injustice to the Evil Cult Industry.
$5000 income for almost no cost! How long until Captain COB opens running circles in other Orgs?
I had to retake the Army Physical Readiness Test in the spring of 1982. (I had a running issue.) I didn’t have to pay for it.
I did Basic in 1970. Played soccer (football) in college before I went. I had no problem with running. Could do that all day long. Specially at the pace they ran.
I didn’t have to pay for that wonderful exercise either. And it is so good for you. You just don’t realize it at that time. (Joke)
Glad I don’t have to do it now though.
I took Basic Training in 1984. Went active duty in 1988. For me, running started off exhaustive but then I had this feeling in me like a transmission shifting gears and suddenly I would want to sprint.
Transmission=gearbox for all you British types.
I don’t know how long it takes to complete the ’cause resurgence rundown’. Maybe it’s like the ‘purification rundown’ and there is no set time in which to complete it. My guess is that the participants are somewhat torn when it comes to completing this “vital action”. On one hand, there’s taking too much time to complete and having to pay for over priced accommodations and meals at the cult facilities. On the other hand, the sooner you finish, the sooner you have to write a success story and pay a visit to the reg for your next “vital action” before being allowed to go home. No one gets out for free. No one.