The Running Program track at Gold before it was bulldozed because of bad PR. Nobody at Int Base can now do this rundown as there is no facility to do it on which is a bit strange when it has been released to the public with such fanfare and it costs NOTHING to deliver.
Remember, this rundown consists of running around a pole.
Nothing more.
I wonder what miraculous results would come if D/Source For Lost Tech “discovered” a new rundown that “came from the whole track” — and it consists of sitting quietly on the floor until you have a realization (sort of like meditation). I can hear the clubbed seals babbling on about the genius of COB and how this was better than any OT level and their entire universe has suddenly aligned and they now have limitless power and theta.
Here is a recent over-the-top testimonial from a KoolAid drinker par excellence. I like people to have wins and generally don’t comment on them here. But when they go so far into the stratosphere that they become parody, and then the people put them on Facebook (“Look at me, look at me”) then they become fodder for commentary.
Earth to Angela…. Earth to Angela.
Apart from the out of this world hype, I must point out to you that the COB’s tenacious application of KSW is why this rundown has not been available for the last 20 years. He was so tenacious, he just knew it required a whole new building (even if this were true, why didnt he use his circus tent and get going with this back in the 80’s when it was first used on David Mayo and others?). What eternal gratitude everyone must show to Dear Leader.
I am looking forward to reading Angela’s next success story when she redoes ARC SW and realizes this is the OT Level she has always been looking for and it blows her right off the earth again.
Really Angela, putting this on Facebook and announcing that you are “realizing your greatness” isn’t in the best taste.
Willow Is Wallowing In Plastic
More from the theater of the absurd that is the 6th floor of the SP Building.
Not a bad analogy… Entering the SP Building is a bit like boarding a spaceship.
Can you believe they have “uniforms” for running in? They have to have SOME gimmick and charging people to run around in circles by themselves is a bit tough to swallow.
But happily after 5 days of running she had a big realization that the MEST universe is plastic.
Dave, you should listen to Willow — this rundown alone will easily clear the planet. So, why not put a track back at the Int base to start the planetary clearing right there?
And even better idea, why not start fundraising to buy cones and poles and you can have every org set up running tracks in their local parks. NY Org could put one in central park and there are probably a bunch of joggers who would join in and as soon as they experienced the miracles, they would automatically want to pay for it. The PAC Running Program used to be in Griffith Park for the RPF. So this has been piloted. You wanted it to be indoors in the dark so it looks kinda cool… But couldnt you get on with some real planetary clearing if you just set up poles and got going?
And does any of this nonsense stand up to any kind of scientific testing?
Of course it doesn’t.
In 50 years has any “OT” been tested on any alleged ability? Of course not
It is amazing what you can convince people of when they are in a state of partial hypnosis as this person must be. LOL
They run in the dark? Hmmm. I don’t know what the uniforms look like but IMO they should look like the uniforms in that Sci-Fi film TRON. Glow in the dark with cool fluorescent purple lines going up and down their arms and legs.
Just wait until Angela discovers jogging!
Yeah right.
The only thing I ever got of jogging was sore feet, shortness of breath and total boredom.
I can get the latter 2 by smoking a pack of American Spirit and I’ll skip the former.
I did one of the early Running Program pilots. I was on the RPF at the time and the running program was, in my estimation, being piloted with care and the attempts to develop it were sincere.
I witnessed profound changes in people, and experienced them myself. Most notably, I remember two individuals who, prior to doing the running program, were introverted, low ARC, snobby, etc. I really seemed it was core to their personalities.
While on the running program, they both cracked out of this narrow band of miserable living and blossomed. And they remained that way for at least 5 years or so after the program that I still had contact with them. They both enthusiastically endorsed the running program as life-changing and by actual observation, for them it was.
While I agree endorphins and other physical responses to intense exercise definitely contribute to the wins of the moment, and feelings of exhilaration, endorphins and such just don’t fully explain to me how these really solid, unhappy people became extroverted and happy and remained so.
I don’t remember all the wins I had doing the program. I think many of them were the result of being outdoors, away from all the insanity of the Int base, getting fresh air and getting into outstanding physical shape. Since we were on a pilot, we were doing this 12 hours a day or so, and I felt I was getting back some of the enhancement I’d been denied while working my ass off on staff. All these things contributed to my sense of well-being and improved beingness.
Probably the biggest change in me personally was transforming from feeling permanently pinched, both in attitude and how I addressed life, and in how I treated other people, to feeling that pinch lessen and then release and relax for good. I changed and began to flow in my life and except for a few acute, but temporary times in life subsequently, the pinch has never returned. Thus it was one of the most stable results I’ve gotten that could be connected to something I did in scientology.
Another interesting thing about that pilot: It was noted that a high percentage of the RPF members that successfully completed the Running Program left the Sea Org in a few months time, or expressed the desire to leave. This was being looked at with some alarm by those running the pilot within the Sea Org, and was probably being looked at as a “bad result” or “out tech” of some kind, but from the perspective I have now, it was really a positive result. These people had become more true to themselves.
It is tragic that the program was used as torturous punishment on many, and a the behest of LRH too.
Many people who write success stories now talk about “regaining control of their energy flows” or some such description. I know what they are talking about. It is not necessarily a physical thing that they are talking about. I’ve experienced this in later years from doing yoga, although the feeling from yoga would usually pass in a few hours. What I am talking for me about has lasted for years.
Anyway, I hope that a few more people who did this program will write their comments.
I understand that for those who have not done this program, or who were subjected to it as brutal and humiliating punishment, how easy it would be to just see it as another ridiculous money grabbing con. For me, it definitely was not that. I am very happy to have done that program and have that as part of the fabric of my life.
Here is the problem I have with all of this. Not that anyone has whatever wins or that this is not a useful or beneficial thing for people to do.
If this is so valuable and such a worthwhile activity for people to do — WHY NOT MAKE IT AVAILABLE TO EVERYONE FOR FREE? Just tell them to find an object and run around it about 50 feet away and keep your attention on it. Don’t overdo it, walk if you need to to begin with (the point is not how fast you run) and keep doing it until you have a realization.
Instead it is turned into some creepy thing that they charge $2500 for and requires special shoes.
That is all bullshit. As John Doe says, it was “piloted” (not really — in the church if LRH says something is a “wholetrack process” it IS a wholetrack process and if he says it is effective, it IS effective — it needs no “piloting”) in Griffith Park. So, why can’t it be done anywhere by anyone?
It’s not because it requires “skilled C/Sing” or any sort of supervision at all other than to ensure the person doesn’t do themselves physical damage.
If it in fact works so well and will be what makes “planetary clearing a reality” and it costs NOTHING to deliver it, why not give it away and make it available for the good of mankind? The usual answer to this is because it costs money to run organizations and provide auditors and C/Ses but that is NOT the case here.
Find a tree. Start running.
Maybe there is something valuable that would come of it. Or maybe with the “mystique” that surrounds the fact that it is a “Flag only rundown” people would simply shrug and go “I cannot be bothered.” And if that IS the case, then ALL this is a cynical marketing effort.
I think anything good in any practice of any kind, in Miscavige’s hands, will turn to shit.
The reason it is being run the way it is at flag has more to do with Miscavige running out of “unreleased LRH tech” than clearing a planet.
The whole mysterious come-on about the “cause resurgence rundown” extracted millions of dollars for years. For decades. It is cynical beyond belief.
After all the puffery and pagentry leading up to its release, peoples’ expectations of the CRR are jacked up sky high. And most will get a benefit if they do the program mindfully, keeping in mind the physical requirements to build up slowly to running.
Mike you’re right. It should be released broadly and for free, or for a fee comparable to a gym membership.
But I believe the running supervisor is necessary because without the encouragement to keep going right at the point you are feeling the lowest, most people would quit right there.
BTW, Colwell Garth, my first running I/C, I no longer hate you!
I tend to agree with you Mike.
Look at “Clear Body Clear Mind”. Anyone reading it could do the Purif.
Why not?
If the person doing it gets into trouble. There is always someone out in the Field who can do a Purif RL.
Just like the ol’ days of Book I.
In fact the more I consider it the more I’m for it.
You don’t need a highly trained auditor to deliver it.
All you need is a track and a pole. Some minerals and lots of water.
You don’t even have to go that far back on the track to see this kind of action has benefit.
Recommended reading is “House Made of Dawn:
My action on the pilot was to do a Running Program RL on anyone who got into trouble.
The RL is much like the Purif RL only slightly different.
So basically all someone would have to do is wrest the HCOB on the RP and the RPRL from the greedy monopolistic hands of the Church of Scientology and we could deliver in the field.
It’s been done before 😉
Wow, look at that Robin! We agree on something! Mark your calendar 🙂
Yeah a real red letter day Mike 😉
Should declare it a National Holiday 🙂
Truth is I agree with most of what you say Mike.
Our only point of disagreement seems to be is whether there is a conspiracy beyond the criminal conspiracy of “the Man Behind Scientology”.
Otherwise I tip my tin foil hat to what you are trying to accomplish and what you have accomplished.
This is a very well written and important post, John Doe. I have heard others besides yourself talk about the gains they made on the “Cause Resurgence Rundown” pilot at Int.
I read a story that Buddhists tell each other about a Tibetan mother who was a devout buddhist, and who had a son who traveled to India regularly. She asked him, before a trip he was about to take, to please bring her back something from India that she could use as a symbol of devotion, to help her develop spiritually.
The son went to India and forgot to get her anything. And told her so when he returned.
So before the next trip she asked him again. And again he went, and forgot to bring her anything.
When he was about to go to India again, his mother came to him and said that if he does not bring her something back from India, that it will kill her. She told him that he will watch his own mother die right before his eyes if he fails to bring her something from India that she could use to develop spiritual devotion as a Buddhist.
While ending his trip to India, the son was about to leave when he remembered what his mother asked of him, and so he quickly looked around for something he could give her. He saw a dead dog, rotting by the side of the road. He went up to it, swatted the flies away, and pulled out a tooth from the dead dog’s mouth. He washed it off in a nearby mud puddle.
When he returned from India, his mother approached him. He pulled out the tooth and showed it to her, saying that he was very fortunate to have been able to get her a tooth from the body of the Buddha himself. She took the tooth and placed it in a place of worship, absolutely delighted with what her son had given her.
She was able to generate so much love, devotion, and compassion because of her belief in the Buddha’s tooth that she achieved enlightenment in one lifetime.
Devotees are often very sincere, and very earnest in their own spiritual paths.
Their teachers are not always so.
Does it matter?
Yes and No.
So Alanzo, I guess you’re saying that houndstooth was an important part of the fabric of her life?
Well, joking aside…
I think what you’re saying is that someone might imbue any type of activity or object with the belief that whatever it is, it will make them better or happier and so it does. The placebo effect.
This certainly may be a factor in the gains somebody might experience doing the running pgm. Maybe it is everything. But I can’t quite make that fit as an explanation for my experience.
Back then, I read all the LRH “advices” on the running program pilot, for both the runners and for the running I/Cs. They were mostly excerpts of what seemed to be conversations LRH was having with a messenger or someone. They were scant on the details. Perhaps there was a great deal more material I never saw.
I was on the program for MONTHS. I had quite a bit of (hidden) resistance to doing it. At the end of the day, we’d write Daily Reports and I would embellish them and try to articulate what the EP might be. Then I quit that and sort of affected a bored tone, “pretty much the same thing- nothing much happened,” thinking that would convince the C/S I’d been overrun (haha, everybody was over-run on the running pgm!). That didn’t seem to work.
Then I just sort of quit caring. Enjoyed being outside and just did what the running I/C said. And that was the period I discovered I was flowing in life. Just happily participating. It was a quiet, personal, reflective realization. And like it had been there all the time, but I just noticed it. I was not trying for this, in fact, I didn’t believe that state could exist, except for perhaps doing TRs or some vague idea I’d get there when I went all the way up the bridge. I don’t think I was all that effusive about it, unlike the over-the-top successes such as in the original post.
So I was deemed complete sometime after that.
Maybe it is like Alan Watts said, you do what you need to do to get a guy to “come off it.” Maybe for me, I had to engage in a strenuous physical activity that was extremely challenging for me to force myself to do mentally as well as physically, until I could “come off it.”
Whatever the mechanics were, my experience was that I came alive during the time I was on the running pgm. And I stayed more alive, to this day. More watts. More HP. I don’t care how it happened but I recognize that it did happen. Can this happen to people that just start training for marathons? I am sure that it can and does happen. Would I ever have done it that way? Not a chance.
So this is why I feel I want to defend it somewhat against those that only had bad experiences or no experiences with it. To everyone, their own.
I would not say that the Buddha’s Tooth story was about the placebo effect. For me, it is about the other side of deception and abuse in Scientology, or any other spiritual activity.
There are devotees who are so earnest and sincere, that no deception or abuse can keep them from getting genuine “wins” from their own spiritual path.
If I delete the lies that were told to me, and the abuse I experienced on staff and as a public in Scientology, then all that is left are the wins I had.
They’re all still there, too.
I just would have rather not have had to deal with the lies and the abuse for years afterwards. The lies and the abuse are so unnecessary – for myself and for others.
Major Dev-T.
Your defense of the running program is excellent.
Your clear writing, and the reasoning you display, commands a reader to consider what you have to say about it.
At least it commands me to consider what you have to say about it.
Thank you.
Thank you for the compliment, Alanzo. I’ve appreciated your logic and writing as well, over the years. It really seems to me that you are attempting to be as intellectually honest as you can be, while dissecting this subject.
Thanks, John.
I’ve always tried to remember that the truth about Scientology is BOTH the good and the bad.
Great to hear your wins, John!
Hi Mike…the Running Pgm is not only running around a pole. That’s what you see people doing–that is the physical thing that you see, so it’s understandable that is what someone thinks it is.
What you can’t see is what they are doing with their attention while they are running. No one will ever see that, and it’s just as important that this is done per the instructions as the running is. I know, just saying that makes someone else think What the heck?? Well, I said that to myself when I saw an Algebra text for the first time but after I studied it I could see its application. Same thing.
Maybe over the years the attention part of it has been removed from the technical issues about the program. I wouldn’t be surprised, so it is even more succeptable to complete misunderstanding and joking about it. I mean, Misc would prefer everyone had their attention on nothing else but his own wonderfulness. And heaven forbid someone got some abilities from the tech and started to see thru the BS. Which it did for me about a year before I finally took off.
The whole thing about sending execs out to the running track (2004-ish?) and making them run on a sandy track in their uniforms and uniform shoes with no water or food or sunscreen “until they had a cognition,” and the one person having to push another around because they were in a wheel chair–is the squirrelliest of squirrelly things little MIscy could ever do other than the hole. If I remember correctly even Ray Mithoff (Snr C/S Int) was out there doing it, which goes to show you the level of suppressive control this “man” had/has.
Just running around a pole is also squirrel. But I could even see someone wanting to do that to get out of the suppressive staff environment 2 1/2 – 5 hrs a day (especially at the base) and get a better-toned body at the same time.
I would seriously question issues that are out now about the Running Pgm. I remember what I read in the original information from LRH before it was ever issued and I bet they’re not even close. But…it’s by far not just running around a pole, and its effects, if done correctly are pretty amazing.
Gato Rojo, please tell us more.
I was High Crimed on the original issue and it’s very true that there is more to it than running around a pole.
Actually the way they did it at the Magic Kingdom was totally Squirrel.
First like the purif you need a Doctors consent.
We usually used Gene over at Shaw.
An MLO to supervise the runners which when I was when I was working on the pilot was Michael Spearman.
A regular Track & Field track (never saw where it was ’cause poor me was stuck in an office at NWC either reviewing folders or reviewing cases) and a pole (not a goddamn palm tree like the one they were using in Squirrelville over in Hemet) which means a real pole that is clearly visible to the runners (by the way it was plural as in runners. No one did the program alone.) and lots of water and minerals to replace the water and minerals the *runners* ran out.
Anyway all you need to do the rundown is a regular track and a real pole. Also perching it on top of an Implant Station is not required.
Thanks Mike,
Brought back some fond memories of working on the pilot at PAC.
It’s not say that people on the program didn’t have wins but these so called “wins” you’ve posted here are absurd and in my opinion somewhat strained beyond credibility.
All the people on the program wore was a T-shirt, shorts and sneakers.
I mean what more do you need?
It’s basically running around a track for several hours profusely sweating( though unlike the Magic Kingdom we had them do the program in the evening during the coolest time of day but still) which means you’d have to either wash this fancy dancy “uniform” or smell like mobile sewage facility.
Anyway like Parody on the SRD auditing his “objective case” these so called “wins” seem so contrived.
At least that’s my view.
Well, they charge $250 for the uniforms and it includes “tailor-made” shoes.
They also have a Purif “uniform”???
ANYTHING to make a buck.
Never was a big fan of uniforms Mike but this takes the concept beyond the Gluttonous Maximus.
250 bucks for what you can get at Big 5 or Sports Chalet for maybe 50 bucks and change.
Of course it may not have some stupid trademarked device that Dave and the Gang at RTC wasted so much useless time registering.
Remote, it does look like the attention part has been removed or messed with. That is equally if not more important than just running.
I could leave the whole track stuff and all the other hype, most definitely. That doesn’t matter now. The here and the now, if you actually did the program correctly per that “old” research data, does get made better and you do get gains in that respect.
Jeez–the uniforms and all that crap just lessens what the rundown actually is. You’re right, anything for a buck, and anything Misc can do to enforce control on his subjects will be marketed to them profusely. Takes the emphasis away from what you can actually achieve. Mrrow-rrr. Hiss hiss!
Anything for a buck was Mike’s astute observation Gato Babe.
Me I just passed it off as uniform mania from the Church’s insane mullahs
That’s a good assessment of the RP. This is what I noticed too. I’ll avoid using the word “subtle” because the added baggage that Parody gave the word but instead use gradient. More Scientological and more precise.
The wins come on gradient. Sort of like the purif. Not anything like these so called “wins”.
I mean can we say “overwhelmed by auditing”.
Usually these are the sorta “wins” you’d expect from someone who has been totally “electrified”.
Trying to remember what I was reading when I came across that word.
Oh yeah….
Speaking of Mr. KSW you know the loser of found tech and all of that.
It now seems obligatory in the Church these days to acknowledge his infinite “wisdom”.
Fact is if anyone really bothered to actually read that PL or the one on “Ideal Orgs” the public would be rushing the stage to rip the lil’ Sgt Furry apart and no amount of security would stop ’em.
But he and his implant crew have managed to convince those who are left to accept everything uttered from the “magic kingdom” on faith.
“Anything which raises tone level is valid processing” per LRH. So that means leave the corporate Cof$ and get out there on your own and move your fanny! Run with friends or alone in a beautiful environment. For free. And I guarantee that after the initial shock of physical exercise, you will key out and the endorphins will hum and you’ll have wins and your tone level will be high. You can be Cause over your own life and have real wins without spending a dime. (Sorry to break that to you, Davie.)
It’s very simple.
Running and exercise release endorphins, a hormone that gives similar effects on the body as morphine which is an opiate. This will make a person feel less generalized body pain, make him feel happier and less depression too.
It has nothing to so with the Whole Track or OT powers. It will not clear the planet. It only makes the person himself feel better overall.
So really, you could save yourself a boatload of money and get yourself on an exercise program that you enjoy. I do hiking and yoga. It works great for me. Take your dog (if you have one that likes exercise too) with you and get outside. You will blow some locks too! Have fun. Something that doesn’t happen much in the FCoS, despite the PR.
Wonderful. Spot-on comments today. I especially enjoyed Jackson reminiscing with Mike. I could read pages and pages of it. We rarely get the chance to hear of these special moments that convey a whole different world that happened once and never to happen again. Please, Jackson, let us hear your songs from days past. You guys and gals had magnificent lives in spite of …. Tales from the gulag, indeed.
These GAT II wins all sound the same. Very unspiritual, just dissociating from feelings and life.
Do I have an MU here?
Rundown or Runaround?
About the same time LRH was ordering that David Mayo be spit on for him, he ordered David Mayo and company to do the first Cause Reassurance pilot. I was the Security Chief at the time and I remember seeing LRHs written order. Basically they were to run around a tree, on the California desert, from morning to night. LRH said something like, have them run until they wear the ground so deep, only their heads show. Of course it didn’t take long before their bodies broke down to the point they couldn’t walk.
Soon after, someone ordered members of the PAC RPF to do the same. Those RPFers also reached the point where they couldn’t walk. RPF berthing was was on the 3rd floor of Big Blue at the time. As RPFers can not use the elevators, the RPFers on the “program” had to be physically carried up the stairs. I personally observed this.
..” I was the Security Chief at the time and I remember seeing LRHs written order.”…..” LRH said something like, have them run until they wear the ground so deep, only their heads show. “……Of course it didn’t take long before their bodies broke down to the point they couldn’t walk…”….Thanks Matt………… It is comments like this in addition to stories that include someone’s bloody nose pushing a peanut down a splintered wooden deck, chain lockers and throwing his wife under the bus that tempers my undying adulation. Not that there aren’t some real gems in the tech but man oh man….I’m sure glad as hell I’m no longer doing Scientology on Hubbard’s terms anymore. Thanks for posting.
“Soon after, someone ordered members of the PAC RPF to do the same. Those RPFers also reached the point where they couldn’t walk. RPF berthing was was on the 3rd floor of Big Blue at the time. As RPFers can not use the elevators, the RPFers on the “program” had to be physically carried up the stairs. I personally observed this.”
Oh my god. I made it out of there just in time then. I was already half dead when thrown on that pilot. It was the fresh air and real food that helped me wake up enough to get out. I suffered long term, permanent physical damage as it was. It took years for the nightmares to dissipate.
Matt–this is horrifying, Fortunately this is not what the rundown turned out to be, it was the beginning of a pilot that had a lot more stages to it than this. This completely sucks.
I was in charge of the program for a while later on and by no means was any of this used. The early pilots were discussed in what I read about it, but LRH figured out that someone’s body can’t handle that kind of running without being built up first with some walking, then jogging without harming yourself, then finally running when it is possible. (Granted, this is no big discovery and I wonder why he even had everyone just run from the start, maybe even some evil mixed in there, but it didn’t last and was clearly nixed as a way to do the rundown.)
When I did it I definitely had to start with walking. This is also where I started to learn about nutrition and supplements to aid with muscle aches from exercise and how to exercise one’s body.
Also no one “half dead” would have been put on the rundown or accepted by me as the person in charge until they could get rested and nourished, just like being sessionable. I am so sorry that people were earlier treated this way.
It’s hard to believe this kind of treatment but of course I do believe you. I wish the people harmed could have some sort of recourse….maybe that can happen in the not too distant future.
The concept of the rundown could be delivered without all the wholetrack hype and OT powers broo-haha, and with proper gradients to being able to do the running, and a MUCH cheaper price and it would be a very beneficial program.
It’s frightening though that people got treated this way at the beginning of the research. Sucks bigtime.
I’m gonna offer a different viewpoint here. First of all, Angela’s and Willow’s wins are really apples and oranges. Angela offers some quite spectacular subjective cognitions/abilities gained, while Willow is commenting on the environment in a quite delusional manner (if every Scientologist would do this rundown, the theta/entheta ratio would reach critical mass towards the positive and the planet would be EASILY cleared! Say what? Also can ANY of these people even define what a “cleared planet” means.)
Back to Angela. She wasn’t just running. Nor was she being punished by being sent out fairly unwillingly (or in a resigned state) into the heat for endless hours. She was running a PROCESS in an artificial environment for the purpose of spiritual awareness. She had a goal in mind and obviously broke THROUGH something. So I don’t begrudge her her wins. Her wins are HER wins. As an auditor or CS I was as happy as the pc was having wins, especially great ones. I had a life changing win myself a little over 20 years ago on a clay table process; changed my whole outlook on life. I felt totally different. Did it last at that intense level? Of course not. But today I was rehabbing it a wee bit as I walked around the fine city of Taipei, Taiwan (brief visit). In my 60s now, and frankly it’s a bit harder to be so la-di-da about my body and the physical universe, parts hurt and don’t work as well as they used to. But …. I can still get some of that great win back, and I’ve had some other good ones too.
I had wins every single day on the BC for a number of years. Also immodestly, I thought I was probably the best coach in the building. But …… and I do have a point here folks ….. in Scientology, a person is winning ….. UNTIL THEY’RE NOT WINNING. You know, wins every day …… you land in ethics … the screaming, insults and threats and extortion start …. and NOTHING is the same, baby.
But the WINS! To me the most profound thing LRH said on the BC – levels A&B anyway – (that I had never heard before) was that what sticks a being to an engram is the aesthetic band of the engram. Oh, yeah, isn’t that what sticks us to ANYTHING? That part we find beautiful, wonderful, glorious, fantastic ……
So this is a key post of yours Mike. Because we get a very important clue as to why Miscavige and the CoS gets the support they do from a number of its members. Angela is about forty, give or take, and quite “heavyset” as they say, and I have no doubt that there were cognitions to be had (not that we don’t all have to do battle with the energy of the phys une and our postulates regarding it) and I’m happy for her. Always good to hear folks’ realizations. I barely know her, well enough I guess so that she felt she had to de-friend/disconnect from me. Are the wins that Sara Goldberg’s daughter has had or hopes to have enough to make her abandon the mother who has loved her for 30 years and who she now has to acknowledge as a somewhat evil being? I don’t know. You’d have to ask her. I don’t think I’d ever do such a thing. But I didn’t get in Scientology until I was 19. I confess that that kind of thing is a bit unreal to me, especially as she is not in the Sea Org (that’s a whole OTHER kettle of fishes as Jillian’s recent videos make clear). But the wins people have …….
“By Earth standards…”
Is she subtly implying (with out the roof ARC) that she has always been a cut above the rest and is now even better?
Well, I agree with Chrismann, the peer pressure is immense. Success stories become a creative venture, much like amateur marketing or creative accounting. The bar is raised ever higher until the only choice is to leave and face reality or enter a manic state and live a lie.
What these effervescent enthusiasts are describing is real, is well understood and has been long written about and studied in the “wog” scientific literature. It’s called a “runner’s high”, and (as Natasha Boris points out) is due to the release of the peptides known as endorphins, which act in the body much like a natural form of morphine. Interestingly enough, the popular literature exploded with stories about endorphins and the “runner’s high” just about the same time you all describe LRH coming up with this “orginal breakthrough.” Hmmm. Coincidence? Recent research also credits another neurochemical system in the brain, the endocannaboid system, which when activated by exercise (like it sounds), creates an opioid-like response similar to the high of marijuana, after running, or indeed, strenuous exercise of any kind. Simply stated, science has known for many decades that prolonged strenuous exercise works in the brain like a drug. This is biological – it’s a quite ‘earthbound’ phenomenon and not “OT” in the slightest.
I suppose you could pay tens of thousands of dollars and get a special uniform to do this in a stuffy room in the Super Power building. Or, you spend under $100 at your local discount sports mart, buy a t-shirt, a pair of sweat pants and some marked down running shoes and go to your local high school track and do it, which is free. In the second option, you might even meet some nice people.
This is the emperor’s new clothes effect at its finest. What’s next, the “Sleep” rundown? Getting people to pay for a special uniform, pillow and mattress, shutting the lights out at 11 at night and setting an alarm for 6 am? You can really go “OT” while you’re sleeping.
Endorphins? That sounds like a wog word to me. Unless of course you pronounce it in some Ron way — EN dor FINES — then maybe it’s okay.
But on a serious note: If this rundown proves to be a great spiritual success (as measured by its impact on weekly GI), then perhaps COB will be inspired to apply KSW tenaciously to an even more venerable whole-track technology — overboarding!
Excuse me, Sir, I meant to say, the Flow Immersion Rundown.
Imagine the high-quality regging we can do for the L Ron Hubbard Aquatorium. 3.1417 times the size of an Olympic swimming pool. Exactly 108 cubits deep. Containing 93,143,210 Imperial gallons of specially purified water. Housed in a temple that, from the outside, resembles a working volcano.
And to think, people said that after Super Power, Dave has got nothing left. Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
“If this rundown proves to be a great spiritual success (as measured by its impact on weekly GI), then …”
Not gonna happen Richard. Some people will do it, they will be mistreated, they will mess up their bodies, they will hate it and run away and not finish it. Just like every other piece of fabulous tech (not) Misc has released over and over again. Ir blows my mind the degree this person abuses, alters and squirrels anything he can get his hands on.
For people who have apparently studied how to study, had their noses in dictionaries for years trying to understand Hubbard’s bullshit, can apparently communicate with anyone, all of these success story writers seem to start off by saying they don’t know how to put their wins into words. Perhaps it’s because the wins are rather nebulous and they have difficulty describing not very much at all.
Much like the Management Bullshit Generators online, perhaps COS use an online app to generate these tedious attestations.
I have never been on the Running Rundown, but there have been several periods in my life when I have done a lot of running. I was even on a cross country team in college. I found it very healthful and mentally therapeutic. Many people have experienced these phenomena. But as is your habit, you have spotted the outpoint exactly. I was running because I had decided to. Miscavige on the other hand was enforcing it as a punishment (and I am sure there was little or no medical or first aid support). What a destructive creep.
You can offer a little kid a hug and if they want one they will be all smiles and just love it. OR, if you are someone like DM, you can grab the kid, trap him in your arms against his will, not letting him go, and he will be upset and start crying. One thing I learned from LRH is that there is no case gain possible that is not also accompanied by an increase in self-determinism. Miscavige knows this. He doesn’t want people to be well and happy. He wants them to be hurt and upset. He alters things for the worse with that purpose in mind. What a creep.
+1 Espiritu. Self-determinism is underneath it all.
And I used to hug my cat that way…boy did I pay for it. 🙂
1984 I had been on the “deck project force”. This is a very mild form of “rehabilitation project force” for non Sea Org members at that time. 5 hours of “study” (Overt Withhold write up) and 5 hours or more of hard work. Always running in case one needed to go anywhere. Even if one had to run on public streets in Copenhagen. One time I did not fully agree with what had been told and then I had been ordered to “take a lap”. Means: run from basement to the attic (4th floor maybe) as fast as possible and back to the basement. Purpose: repeat it over and over until you agree. Its a bit like in the movie “The Hill” from 1965. I guess the Sea Org style running had been closer to the movie. Break a persons will.
When she stops exercising, slowly the fitness of her body will vanish and she’ll be losing her wins.
But a rehab session will give her back all the fitness and endorphins without having to exercise again on a daily basis !
🙂 .) 🙂 🙂
I’m not going to judge the wins that Angela and Willow had. I always felt that one of the coolest things about Scientology was simple sounding processes could create amazing wins. I remember having some really weird shit turn on during Op Pro By Dup and really got keyed out. Of course I didn’t spend a bazillion dollars to do Op Pro by Dup but I’m sure if Op Pro by Dup wasn’t in the objective line up DM could release it after a big build up and charge a fortune for it. There would be plenty of far out wins from people willing to spend mega bucks to get a hyped up process. The real crime here is that something that should be affordable and available for the average Scientologist is being bogarted away for the wealthy class.
So running makes you feel better. STOP THE PRESSES!
People have known this for years. Centuries even.
I’m embarrassed for all those people who are lying to themselves about this “Cause Resergence Rundown.” It’s shocking that educated people (after all, they can’t all be brainwashed and thick-as-pigshit) attribute the post-exercise feelings of accomplishment and optimism (all completely normal feelings) to Scientology and not the activity itself.
It’s a cult people. This sort of nonsense proves it.
Angela says how much ARC she has and how much in communication she feels after this experience. It was so high that she asked me to un-friend someone on Facebook. Today. Because he’s PTS Type whatever. To protect me from him. I’ve never asked her to protect me. This is ARC? This is being in communication? This is fascism.
According to Angela, if the Survival RD produces a “State” of being in present time, then someone sure has been adding some arbitraries and false data to the Rundown. If some folks think the original was bad, I can’t see the GAT II version being any improvement.
I had no clue there were standards for this planet. What other standards for present time are there? Hidden Standards?
Whatever CO$ is doing with objectives is something else, nothing to do with the original intent of this processing. Maybe GAT III will be Capt. Dave channeling lost tech from his spaceship.
I’m sorry, but has no one ever heard of ENDORPHINS??? *bang head here*
I do have to give David Miscavige credit! He sure knows how to Keep Scientology Scamming! Here’s the trick – have the person put a butt load of money on account.
Then they pay to travel far and are told they will be in and out in a week.
They take off work, hire babysitters etc.
They get to Flag and typically do a lot of waiting – so the regges can pick the meat off the bones while they wait. They also are shown lots of doom and gloom videos of the World going to hell in a hand basket.
They sit in opulent, plastic mest! They are trapped and cannot leave.
Waiting is upsetting and it is done to upset.
Then start the routing form. First they debit for the service.
Then they sign scary legal contracts disguised as applications.
Then wait some more.
Go to MAA and get more upset over things they may have done since their last service. Make a big deal about what THEY did. More than likely have to pay $$$$ to get out of conditions assigned by MAA. If no overts are located – find some – dig through the folders and go back in time if none are present.
Then wait some more.
Then start the service – but by now the 2 weeks are up and they are upset – having to reschedule work, babysitters and deal with family.
They also have to reschedule airline tickets and more money spent on time in the Hotel plus food.
Finally – there is so much stress built up over this process that whatever they do and knowing they will be finishing it and going home brings relief.
Couple that with running around a pole – walla! Magic!
Give them a week and then ask them how it is! LOL
Willow has only been in Scientology MEST and she is right – it is SO FAKE AND PLASTIC!
Exactly right, everything you said. I hated going there and always couldn’t wait to leave.
I wonder if the six month checks at Flag will start asking Kool Aid drinkers whether they’ve been out running on their own. If so, off to ethics? How dare you run without church approval!
And Willow, they’re called endorphins. The runner’s high. Look it up.
I used to be a long-distance runner and I called running the cheap exteriorization. You get it for free and McSavage doesn’t get to charge you for it when you jog on your own.
Great post Michael.
If you zero in the picture above of the running track at INT base, focus
just past 12 o’clock. You will see one lonely only person on the track.
The running program was weaponized to use as a punishment.
Johnny Schleisenger, (father of Jillian) David Mayo and Julie were ordered to
it 18 hours a day !!
I was ordered on to it 12 hours a day as punishment and it was torture.
It was against my will. it was enforced. It was brutal.
If such magnificent wins were attainable, it would hardly be used for
Theres too much pressure to have huge wins like this. What with Miscavige telling you how super fantastic it is and your peers having huge life changing wins there would have to be something wrong with you if you didnt levitate and gain an ability to shoot lasers out of your eyes when you did Rundown X right? There is something to Scientology, I still believe that. Some of these things do seem silly, like running around a pole. But then again I had some really mindblowing things occur on pretty simple stuff. Things that probably sound stupid. Picking up a bottle and guessing it’s temperature and weight, then walking across the room to do the same with a book?? Uh, ok. You paid how much for that? But damn that was a good one. I think that was my first big “win” in Scientology. I said it felt like I was half asleep for all my life and I suddenly woke up. But nobody was standing there expecting me to have a huge, mind blowing success story. The fate of the universe didnt depend on my win. It hadnt been built up so much. In fact I hadnt even heard much about the process before we did it. My twin and the sup acked me and we went on to the next process. I think any time a big win was expected of me it ruined the auditing or process. So I think there is something wrong there. Theres a difference in my mind between expecting a process to work and this peer/group pressure to have these wins. I think these guys are just trying to be positive and support the group and command intention by writing this up. I think maybe there are some benefits and good wins to be had on the running program, but like you were saying if Miscavige says OT8s need to suck on a rock for six weeks to re-charge their thetan these guys would have huge super-fantastic wins doing it. In my experience if someone it being really loud and communicating very overtly- overly overtly you could say, that there is something wrong. It’s like buying a car from a guy and he keeps telling you how great the engine runs. The engine is fine, it’s really good, runs fine, super. Did I say the engine is good? It’s good. Nothing wrong with the engine at all..
Strange… from my experience, a lot of the Kool-Aid Drinkers are plastic – and the MEST Universe is real!
Go figure…
Running around the pole. Hmm. Festivus for the rest of us? (Seinfeld.)
+ 1 Serenity Now! Serenity Now!
Is there more to it than just running in circles? I’ve never seen any HCOB on this, and have no idea what it entails. Does someone have any more specifics on this RD? I’ve been around since 76, never heard of this except as a Miscavige punishment.
overrunincalif You wouldn’t have seen an HCOB unless you were trained to deliver it. Just as you would have never seen an HCOB on NOTS procedure unless you were on it or delivering it. Same with other Super Power rundowns, KTL, et al.
Yes, there very much IS something else besides just running. All this tortuous BS people experienced while it was being researched I feel was unwarranted. (Who needs to be made to run for hours if they have a desk job all day? That sets them up for injuries immediately.)
But there is more to it. Someone doing the rundown should be shown certain HCOBs so they can do it correctly. Good grief. I have no idea what they do now. I don’t think it’s what should be done though, by a long shot.
Re “LRH helping me realize my greatness”:
I’ve known you for years, Angela.
Trust me, you’re not that great.
Please help me . What is the purpose for running around A POLE?
To have a unmovable anchor point? To hang around when all of a sudden you are weightless and with full exterior perceptics?
Oh Ed, the purpose is obvious. Separating a fool from their money.
Smokey, Post O’ the Day!
I would like some postings of the mags where these wins are written, and other wins of the Cause Resurgence Rundown I hope get plastered online for researchers to pick through.
I hope the Source Mag has a whole new bunch of these ads.
These are proof that people will say weird positive things about their placebo benefits they’ve been taught like you say, like clubbed seals, to say!
One comment above was about having free time to let your mind wander, away from the non stop control, that’s about what I got from from all the “laps”. It’s welcome timeout time from the other crazy stuff going on.
On your theme of Miscavige being the finder of lost tech, just wait till Miscavige discovers “Take a Walk” tech has been lost!
Scientologists will really be on the road to blowing in droves!
Too bad LRH didn’t have some tech about going to the library and just randomly reading whatever one wanted!
Mike, You know as well as I that doing this pgm in the hot desert sun with triple digit temps and single digit humidity gets more case gain one could ever imagine. The Flag folk are missing out for sure!
Too Bad Colwell and Clive aren’t around to tell everyone “Continue Running”. They were the Princes of all Running Pgm’s of any given Century!
Lets not forget the release you get while running at night with the cool desert air hitting you in the face while Colwell or Clive are off somewhere rustling in the weeds looking for more firewood to keep their “pc’s” warm.
I was there supervising (on security watch) Mayo and Co. when it moved from Janice doing it along Hwy 79 to the first “pole” (Cottonwood Tree) just behind the Garage. I’ll never forget the * Advice sent down stating Mayo was to run until you couldn’t see his head any more. That’s how much Dave convinced the old man to be mad at Mayo. The single foot wide circular path around that ol’ cottonwood really became an ankle breaker. It eventually was 3 inches deep which forced the track to be rebuilt further out near the old dike which ran behind MCI and proved the track required maintenance as the pgm drew on. Eventually it moved to the Ground Shed and developed further there.
That pgm, although very very fun to do and you couldn’t avoid “going exterior” because it was a vacation from ones post, pending comm-ev, deck work etc.. I actually liked. I really think it was due to the care Colwell and Clive and the CS provided.
Martin Reid actually wrote one day that he could no longer continue doing the pgm as long as Fluer was doing the pgm at the same time as he. She was too much of a distraction for him when they ran. Dumbass.. calling her out as being too much of a distraction took away one of the many benefits that pgm offered!
Geeze, That pgm was always used as an attempt to correct the Incorrigibles of the Int Base starting with Janis all the way through Ray, Norman, Joe Caneen, Mo Samules, Barry Stien, Lyman Spurlock, Marlow, Jackson, Rinder, Fischer etc… etc… etc…..
Holy Begeeezzzus!
Hey Dave, it makes you that much more of an asshole on how you’ve turned your personal torture pgm into a false case gain profit making program under the cloak of religion. You never did it but were the one who needed it most! F You!
— Jackson
Well said in your inimitable style Jackson. I can remember most of CMO Int out running in the middle of the day in their black uniform shoes, navy blue pants and light blue shirts, sweating insanely and ruining the uniforms. But it’s OK, they got washed when everyone was thrown in the lake afterwards for abandoning their posts! 🙂 To look back on that and think of the insanity that was accepted as the “norm” is to be almost terminally embarrassed….
Mike, I think about that “terminally embarrassed’ concept sometimes. This is why I still want to remain at least somewhat off the radar. Like….whyyyyy did I do that??
BUT…we left! We saw it for what it was enough so that we got the heck out. We didn’t “blow,” we friggin’ ESCAPED. Org staff, SO staff, public, mission staff, people in the middle of unbearable “auditing” that wasn’t actually auditing who never went back…..you name it. We succumbed but then we saw it and left. Whew!!
As with anyone else who suffers from some other form of abuse, it takes some courage to see it for what it’s doing to you, and then secretly figure out how to escape and going through with it. I mean…some people even get help and get pleaded with to leave the person abusing them, and they don’t leave!
No matter what happened in the past the leaving is the best and nothing to be embarrassed about there. I find for myself that looking forward and not back minimizes those effects and some day it will be gone. In the meantime, this blog is good fun, extremely revealing and informative and a big part of the healing that a lot of us need to go through. Thank you for that.
Thanks gr. 🙂
Mike & Jackson –
I have to say that from the point of view of a 5-year contracted mission staff ED/Course Supervisor who worked for free, and having completed another 2.5 year contract in missions as a course supervisor working for free, your stories of what you were doing to each other at Int hold no nostalgia for me.
Whatever that means…. I don’t follow what point you are trying to make? That you worked for 7.5 years with no pay? That because you were not there its not “nostalgic” for you?
This comment just went right by me.
Yes, sorry. I can see why.
It is very difficult to express the frustration from the viewpoint of a staff member in a “service” org who gives up their lives because they believe in what their organization is doing in the world. That’s why you work for free – because you believe in what your group is doing. And that includes the leaders of your group.
To then find out that the guys at corporate headquarters were doing the kinds of things that were being done at Corporate headquarters…
So much lying went on to hide this, not only to hide it from the public but from the staff members throughout the organization.
Didn’t anyone fight back?
Didn’t anyone NOT allow that little fucker to beat up on them?
Again, sorry. I know that there is nothing that can really be said about it. This is just pure frustration from a guy who once cared, really really hard, about Scientology.
Thanks for clarifying. You gave a lot as a staff member, I agree. I have always felt staff in Class V orgs are astonishingly underappreciated for the sacrifices they make. But if you think people in the Sea Org don’t make sacrifices then you are on planet cornball. Days without sleep. Often assigned to posts that split up 2Ds for YEARS. No time off for months or years, and I mean a single day, even Christmas. No ability to visit or spend time with family. No money.
I will assume you mean something good by your statement. As for me, witnessing the most senior official person one follows in command…… physically beat his subordinates, mentally rape current and future hope of their spiritual growth – I see nothing nostalgic about it.
I do however see something nostalgic about the 70’s and 80’s – Levi Jeans, Van’s Tennis shoes and the smell of freshly cut grass from the field I and my childhood friends stepped onto to play tackle football, and then heading home with wet jeans and the fresh white front edge of my Van’s tennis shoes now green from the freshly cut grass my team just kicked some ass on. That is nostalgia to me.
— Jackson
Sorry Jackson –
I appreciate your response to me.
You deserve all the nostalgia you can get out of it.
A person who was there in the CMO described that time period to me as “just a bunch kids having fun”. She said that there was a big grassy hill that everyone used to roll down. And laugh, like kids do.
Just kids having fun.
That person was either lying, was never there or was on drugs.
I find their comments far more interesting and educational than your self agrandazing ones, Alonzo.
Mike wrote:
That person was either lying, was never there or was on drugs.
Yeah. I think she was lying.
Mike wrote:
“Thanks for clarifying. You gave a lot as a staff member, I agree. I have always felt staff in Class V orgs are astonishingly underappreciated for the sacrifices they make. But if you think people in the Sea Org don’t make sacrifices then you are on planet cornball. Days without sleep. Often assigned to posts that split up 2Ds for YEARS. No time off for months or years, and I mean a single day, even Christmas. No ability to visit or spend time with family. No money.”
Yes, I agree.
And the motivation for all those sacrifices was the same: You believed in what your group was doing for the world.
The level of exploitation of good people, using their best intentions against them, is breathtaking.
The scope of it is hard to conceive.
Angela is a shill.
She will get reg’d more intensively until she cracks.
When she wises up her wins will be more tempered
mostly lighter from the money she gives for the next step on GAT 2.
Yes, Jose, that’s the only real “release” anyone gets in the “church” these days. The lighter feeling one has after one “releases” one’s savings into “church” coffers.
I just read that win more closely and it seems that this doesn’t say much for the L’s if she thinks they’ve been outdone by going for a jog. :-O
I wonder if he did the rundown or did he only make the poor sods at Int do it?
I get the impression that RC$ are just running round in circles anyway, rapidly disappearing up their own,,,
The idea that this is a “process” is beyond absurd. Any idiot knows that exercise keys you out.
If you want a real key out, try cross country through mountain trails. If you are out of town far enough, then you’ll have the added bonus of NO regges at the end of the run to key you back in again.
The idea that you need an entire floor of a 200 million dollar building to run around a frickin pole is the ultimate of delusion. I can’t even imagine how far south one would have to be in order to justify the outpoints.
“Any idiot knows that exercise keys you out. ”
Yeah, but DM is no ordinary idiot….
Willow: “The MEST Universe is quite plastic.”
Yes Willow, and you will find out just how plastic the scientology universe really is when you route onto your next reg cycle. Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express…
Very funny. Still laughing…
I think the FDA needs to test the water they’re providing for the runners. There has to be something off with it…
We in RTC just finished the Cause Resurgence Rundown and all we can say wow! It is like being in a holograph of a spaceship crammed full of theta and glitter that is traveling at Warp 12 through the gigantic Magellanic Clouds out there in space while one is hanging upside down and spinning from a set of monkey bars in zero gravity inside of a set of series of concentric blue circles full of resplendent cosmic truths that one had always suspected were out there but couldn’t attain because there was no path, because, and let’s not kid ourselves here, we could not attain cosmic truths because we lacked a special “members only” non-wog running circle inside housed inside of a cosmically-glorified office building; but it was more than that for we lacked special Cause Resurgence Rundown uniforms with golden boots and gloves and special caps to which are attached cameras, and these head-mounted cameras are necessary in case an MAA calls “HCO bring order” and we need to run out of the Super Power Building to do some *POW!* squirrel-busting on the streets of Clearwater or get on a plane and fly wherever we are directed by the Church of Scientology International which is in no way operated by Captain David Miscavige and, in reality, could not possibly be run by COB because he is too busy designing miraculous programs such the Cause Resurgence Rundown which we are on and it is everything they say and more and it is so incredibly fabulous that repackaged “jogging” can blow people 6.2 feet out of their heads and open up incredible new vistas hitherto thought unachievable on this or any other planet; whereupon it becomes evident that billions of people are now clamoring for GAT II and that we are in an unprecedented period of total postulate-aligning wins that, while not having yet manifested in the physical universe, are just around the corner and will appear when 10,000 are on Solo NOTs and the total theta-entheta ratio of the planet is reversed and the poles shift.
🙂 🙂 🙂
For thine (DM) is the kingdom and the glory forever. Amen.
Grrr8!, Thanks for summing it up in a sentence or two. Have you considered filling in for Sherman when his gums hurt?
I laughed so hard I had a coughing attack. Thank you for the humor so early in the morning!
This should be called the Sambo RD. Sambo ran around a tree until the felines chasing him turned into butter. Yum! Angela is so happy with her greatness and Willow seems ready to audition for the Plastic Ono Band…if and when she’s ever done running around that frickin’ pole.
LOL The universe is made of plastic. I think while she was on cloud 9 someone asked her for her plastic credit card for another donation and the win turned into a reg cycle. Whooo hoooo
I’m glad for anyone to have wins on anything, and the bigger their wins the better. But they should realise that they are giving themselves the win – it isn’t a commodity that someone else can sell or give to them.
And if a person decides to run around in circles at home, without getting C/S clearance or doing a debit in Treasury, are they considered to be squirrelling?
Reading Angela’s win story sounded like someone on LSD from the ’60s.
Then Willow said “The MEST universe is quite plastic”. Plastic defined as “fake” was a term frequently used in the counterculture days of the 1960s, but I haven’t heard that use of the word plastic in probably in 40 years.
“I can increase the energy I need to run my body at will. I am no longer stopped by any concept that my body ‘runs out of energy’, because it doesn’t – I create the body’s energy.”
OK, maybe I am just being silly…but, it appears this woman has never done an aerobics or gym class in her life! How many times do we all feel that we can not do it one more time, and yet…we can, and do. This is something I learned as a kid.
As Nike says, “Just do it.”
And…interesting how her wins seem to invalidate her earlier achievements on the Survival rundown. It seems that in order for people to have wins these days, they must compare to and invalidate what they have achieved earlier.
Actually, I know Willow. She’s about 80 lbs overweight, and you’re not far off the mark – she used to take the elevator one flight.
Oh…I did not know that about her. My remark was not intended to mean it had anything to do with a person’s weight, as much as one’s state of mind…meaning, I have been to many gym classes and right when we thought we could not do one more step, the instructor gives the next call, and somehow we always manage to do it.
Hahahaha. We ran SOOOOOOOOO Much on the RPF at PAC. The Griffith park part was before my time. But we did do LAPS ad infinitum around the basement. Mostly that was for missed targets but I did experience a great release. It’s called I don’t have to fucking do construction for 10 minutes and I can run and daydream about whatever the hell I want mother fuckers. If that is what people are paying for I guess they could get some benefit. Hell maybe Willow will. Too bad. I didn’t think she was still in the deep end of the Kool Aid pool but I guess I was wrong on that count.
I hear there are uniforms for the Purif now too. i guess that is the secret ingredient. I mean if we all aren’t in a specific color swimsuit then how can the toxins get out? Right?
WAKE UP people. Go buy yourself a really nice running outfit from Lululemon and go run around your nearest high school track for free and feel the wins, er, I mean ENDORPHINS kick in and have fun!
I understand there is a brand new rundown that only cost’s $25,000. It doesn’t require an auditor and can be done anywhere on the bridge. It’s called the Masterbation rundown and the EP is really feeling good. Oh yeah there is another called eating a nice steak rundown. Only costs $10,000 plus the tab at the Hibiscus. The EP is feeling really full and comfortable. Relaxed. It’s a case booster.
PS I forgot to thank COB for these two delightful new rundowns that were recently discovered as lost (by him). These rundowns have been extensively piloted by all SO members and a major shift has been noted on the faces of these elite troops from the usual frown to smiles.
Angela’s Success Story is a little over-the-top, but not too uncommon either even if it were 30 years ago. I’d just ack her for it. If she were a Solo NOTs completion, then I’d most definitely wonder …
I had done lots of long distance running previously (incidentally around a small lake with a log sticking up near the middle) so I know of the extreme heights, phenomenal space, sense of causation and top physical shape one can get into. Perhaps I had EP’d such a rundown unintentionally decades ago without knowing anything about it.
What I find completely ridiculous is thanking COB and RTC for making a circular running track available almost 30 years after it’s initial technical release.
correction of above” “…thousands of dollars.”
The problem with Angela’s win is that her OT state will be sooner or later invalidated/evaluated when asked to do more actions as she hasn’t achieved “all that is expected” on the Bridge.
Hope her theta energy can stand the suppression that awaits her through inval and eval, a standard that has been set up by ‘dear leader’.
A little trip over to Teddy Braggins office ought to tame down that win!
You got it! Teddy can suck a win out of a pin hole!
I liked the rd quite a bit when I did it on the RPF some 30 years ago. I probably could have written a success story like that.
I remember I thought of it at the time, something to the effect that it was really kind of neat that, for once, Ron did not take all the credit for a process. In the little “advice” issues we got to read about it, “R” said that it was the oldest therapy on the track as I recall, and it went back zillions. I also liked the fact that it did not require an auditor. I think I remember words to the effect in those advices that this therapy was not “owned” by Scientology and could be done with benefit by anyone at any time.
You know the Creation of Human Ability datum about getting the person to do purposefully what he’s been doing compulsively? That’s the way to “blow” the compulsive behavior? I think that’s a little of what happens on the rundown: in the SO we were all, figuratively, running around in little circles and not accomplishing anything, really, and thinking “WTF?!?!?!” all day long. That’s exactly what you do on the running program: run around in little circles while not accomplishing anything and thinking “WTF?!?!?!” all day long!
Willow’s unflat on the process, that’s for sure. The e.p. has got in it the same stuff that the best Scientology auditing has: a more vivid perception of the world around you.
What you were thinking about really opening this up and letting the world in on it was, I think, what all the people on the running program thought about it at the time. No one dreamed then that it would be locked up for 30 years and then delivered only at one place and then only for a thousand dollars.
The uniform idea seems a little creepy and out tech to me. It’s got me thinking about the “Rollerball” movie. Being put in a uniform as one is intent upon self discovery. I guess they are OK for a group member doing group stuff, but that’s really strange to require that for auditing.
Since a donation is requested and a service is rendered, CO$’s insurance company may have stipulations. There may be physicians, nutritionists and coaches on site to monitor the runners. Humidity levels regulated, air conditioned? Just a week ago, yet another competitive and very young marathon runner had a heart attack, and I’m sure they do do without another Lisa McPherson story around there.
“could do” … not “do do”.
C of S is “self-insured.”
Cool. Nonetheless, should someone do a perma-bunk, they wanna show they took all reasonable safety precautions to prevent any bad press.
Mike Rinder wrote:
C of S is “self-insured.”
You know, Mike, you are going to have to elaborate on that one.
Do you mean that because the CofS is protected by the First Amendment in the US, that any thing interpreted as medical malpractice, or endangerment, any where else on Earth would not be considered for them?
Or what?
P.S. Sorry to keep asking you these questions – I’ve been told that a little of Alanzo can go a long way. But I still think you held a position that would have known. So I ask.
I’m thinking of accepting CSWs for vacations from Alanzo for up to 2 weeks.
Maybe more if you feel you really need it.
Here is the theory: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-insurance
The idea is that because Sea Org members are so less likely than the average person to be ill, the cost of outside insurance is prohibitive (this is unlikely to be true, but what is true is that the amount of money spent on medical is so much less than the average corporation that it is “cheaper” to just pay).
Nobody would underwrite a policy for Errors and Omissions for the C of S without ridiculous premiums. They just pay lawyers as their “insurance.”
What happens to those whose body is old and out of shape? Do they get wheeled round or do they walk or what?
They do a special rundown called the Geezer Replacement Rundown where they continue until they are completely free of a body.
My personal comment of the month – brilliant.
I’d better not go to Flag then. 🙂
On the Geezer Replacement R/D, I bet the first thing to “as-is” is the wallet with money and credit cards in it… the church helps you with that first step of the R/D to lighten your load as you go round and round the mulberry bush or tree.
Mike…please excuse my straightforwardness here…and I know that a win is a win etc; but this is bloody ridiculous and comical …coming from a professional background in sports, nutrition and training Olympic track athletes and for every type of out of shape physique imaginable to man to fix, I often ponder how people can say that I can now “create the body’s energy”…she/he must be on some past track delusion or drugs or just plain dizzy from running in circles. So if that were the case she could enter the Olympics and run a 9.72 100M final and break the world record and say that the “Cause Resurgence Rundown” did it; and not 3L’s at a minimum cost of $55K; at which point you would then have 20M plus people within an hour show up the the Ideal Morgues for Davey just for that service….its like the good old days of the Purif Rdn that supposedly cleans and removes all body toxins from the body and skin pores yet there people were smoking during the pgm and so when I asked them why were they doing that they responded “its not a body pgm but a spiritual pgm”…welcome to the insanity of illogic. Furthermore I can prove to her in less than 1 mins of exercise that the MEST Universe is not plastic but very solid.
Joey – now we know why Hubbard has the question in the PTS / SP pack – “Has anyone invalidated your gains?” LOL. Quite clever!
tks Idle Morgue…Hubbard posted his question in the PTS Pack knowing all too well that his ‘stuff don’t stick for too long” so this was an OUT for him to blame another …tks again..
Just as an aside – I actually quit smoking on the Purif. My C/S considered it a drug and was most supportive. I’ve never had the desire to be a smoker since.
I quit coffee, too, but I confess i did resume drinking a little coffee after a while – nowhere near as much as before, though.
“Furthermore I can prove to her in less than 1 mins of exercise that the MEST Universe is not plastic but very solid.” Big Lol!
So far, it sounds more like “Runner’s High” than anything else. I was a long distance runner in school and can attest that was the reason I was able to persist in doing it.
That track at Int was a sanctuary form the surrounding madness. And it produced sufficient gain for many a staff member to exit that madness.
The first question that came to my mind after reading the first line of Angela Knights success story was: “Can she now communicate to SPs with high ARC now?”
My first thought, as well, Vinaire.
Oooh, ooh, Willow! Is THIS the rundown that is (finally) more powerful than an SP? Can you now communicate with me WITH HIGH ARC?
Kind of hard to fathom such blow-out gains if looking at the Internet will still turn you to stone, know what I mean?
Vinaire wrote:
The first question that came to my mind after reading the first line of Angela Knights success story was: “Can she now communicate to SPs with high ARC now?”
Only Marildi can do that.
There seem to be some stirring there.
I thought: let’s send Magoo for bit of confronting and see what happens with that ARC